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FlyingSquid , in Just saw this HILARIOUS image my grandson showed me avatar

I remember getting Garfield books from the library when I was a kid back when there were only like 10 of them.

Not that great, but Garfield Minus Garfield, on the other hand, is genius.

dm_me_your_boobs ,

Oh wow, I forgot about that. They have so many good ones!

Snowcano ,

I always liked the other one where Garfield was left in but all his thought bubbles were removed, so it just became a deadpan documentary about a slightly unhinged loser’s life with a cat.

…which many of us can relate to. :P

riodoro1 , in Pick your Lemmy instance wisely...

Holy shit guys. If they wanted to have that requirement let them have it, if people wanted to fulfill it and join its good for them. If they wanted to defederate, thats ok too.

Not everyone needs to do what you do.

r00ty Admin , in Xitter Tanks
r00ty avatar

Ah yes, they're standing in x-crement.

wheresmypillow ,

Xitter… pronounced like shitter.

goddard_guryon , in Ready for Hot Gronk Summer

More like “-20459 will be my year”

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

Right. Didn’t know cavemen lived around Jesus’ time.

Nutteman , avatar

You don’t understand, he means his 7th year of life will be his year.

regular_human , avatar

Midlife crisis

HonoraryMancunian ,

It’s incredible they knew how long it’d be until Jesus was born that far in advance

Steeve ,

They just looked at a calendar

Noodle07 ,

But not the maya one, it’s all wonky

jopepa ,

And “Hot Gronk Summer” this late into Ug-gust?

eek2121 , in gotdamn

People think I am full of it when I say that my household income (largish household with kids) is a quarter million a year and we are basically living like we are middle class. Money just doesn’t go as far as it used to.

As a millennial, I never would have imagined working my way up to this point only to find I can’t even buy a house. Oh sure, I could make the bare minimum down payment and get stuck with a super high mortgage payment, but if I lose my job or become disabled or unable to work, we would have no way to pay for it.

Groceries, housing, and insurance costs have more than doubled for us since 2019.

Anticorp ,

Same. My wife and I are in the process of trying to buy a house over an hour from town, because it’s the only way we’ll ever be able to afford one, and it’s still more than what our landlord paid for the house we’re renting. Housing prices have tripled in the last 8 years here. They doubled in the last two years alone. The house we’re renting would cost a million dollars to buy today and our landlord has a $1000 per month mortgage on it since she bought it right before the housing explosion. It’s pretty wacky that you can become a millionaire just by having been alive and financially stable a few years earlier, while everyone else is destined to be poor for the rest of their lives, even if they’re making a quarter million dollars per year.

CosmicCleric , avatar

The house we’re renting would cost a million dollars to buy today

Where in the world is this?

Also, is that a high-end neighborhood or a middle-class/lower class neighborhood?

Anticorp ,

It’s a normal-ass 1960’s neighborhood that your parents would have paid normal-ass prices for. The job market here exploded over the last 20 years, so there’s just too many people and not enough land. I’m one of those people, so it’s not like I don’t contribute to the problem.


There are neither too many people nor not enough land, but too many houses from the 60s passed down with initial property tax values and too many NIMBYs preventing new construction of large apartment buildings.

Anticorp ,

There are tons of big skyrise apartment complexes and dozens more in the works. But they all get labeled “luxury apartments”, despite basically being tiny little rectangles with no windows except for a sliding glass door at the end, and they cost just as much as a house to rent. The more traditional apartments have mostly been converted to condos and they’re also very expensive. It’s just crazy expensive here, despite your choices! Lots of people commute for over an hour each way and then it’s still a half million dollars for a decent house. You have to live at least an hour and a half in the right direction to get something for less.


People live in worse apartments they can afford, so they buy a luxury apartment. Their apartment is now open to a person who could afford that apartment, but not the luxury apartment, so theirs gets filled. This repeats down the chain of quality/desirability/cost.

Every new apartment adds supply, thus adding negative price pressure.

BartsBigBugBag ,

My family house that we sold recently, sold for $1.2 million. It was bought in 94 for $90k. Expensive town, but the cheapest neighborhood in the town.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Expensive town, but the cheapest neighborhood in the town.

I would expect that in the expensive towns, but not in all towns. Your basic supply and demand situation.

BartsBigBugBag , (edited )

While it’s not quite as much, I’m in what was once the cheapest town within 30 miles in any direction, and our housing prices have gone up 800% in the last 20 years, compared to the 1000% in the other city I mentioned.

Rental prices are up about 1000% since then too. My first apartment was $400/mo in the early 2000s. That same apartment is now $3500/mo, and it hasn’t even been renovated.

CosmicCleric , avatar

in the last 20 years

Well that’s a long range of time to not expect housing prices to go up as there’s a population increase and more demand for the housing.

BartsBigBugBag ,

Is 1000% a reasonable increase to you over 20 years? If wages had gone up similarly, I might agree. It’s pretty clear to me that communities prioritize high earning tax bases over their existing citizenry in nearly every situation, and in doing so, purposefully or not, they impoverish those citizens and disempower them from the possibility of advocating for change, as now they have to work so much there’s never any time to go to city council meetings or engage in active governance.

The average Gen Z, nationwide, pays over 50% of their income to rent. Its unsustainable, as evidenced by the insane increase in people experiencing homelessness over the last 5 years. My state had a nearly 40% increase last year alone, and a majority of our unhoused people work full time jobs, and a larger majority have lived here their whole life, contrary to the perceived narrative of people “moving here to be homeless”, which is absurd.

CosmicCleric , avatar

You’re getting argumentative with me like I’m the one who invented Capitalism.

Is 1000% a reasonable increase to you over 20 years?

Depends in relation to the prices of everything else over that same 20 years time frame.

All I’m saying is that prices go up over time, if for no other reason than just inflation. But supply and demand has a big part of raising prices even higher, more quickly. To act surprised that properties in high demand areas are more expensive now than before just seems unrealistic/uninformed to me.

Now what the solution to this is I don’t know, I’m not an economist. A conversation can be had as to if the government should enact laws of price control for the sale of homes and attach that to some floating marker like the rate of inflation, etc. Or to pass laws to make sure minimum wages offered by any company to their employees can allow someone to afford the purchase of a home with unregulated sales pricing. But you got to vote people in office who would want to pass those kind of laws to get that.


Average SFH price in many west coast cities is approaching 1M. 990k on average for my city

CosmicCleric , avatar

But that’s only in the most expensive towns in those coastal cities.

The OP replied to was making it sound like all houses in the US was like that.


Most houses in desirable parts of the US are that bad. The cheap housing is in places that people don’t want to live, be it for location, job opportunities or culture/local laws.

And it’s not just the expensive towns. It’s any town. My childhood home an hour away from a major city has exponentially gone up in price, just as the ones in the city have done.

CosmicCleric , avatar

And it’s not just the expensive towns. It’s any town.

I don’t want to defend corporations that use real estate to gain profits, but at the same time, it’s not just any town, and I know this for a fact, as I started out by buying a very low price but very nice house that required a very long commute to my workplace, for low pricing.

They’re definitely needs to be an adjustment in salaries to match everything that is purchasable today, but to say that every housing in the country, no matter where it’s located, is not affordable is just not true.

ArbitraryValue ,

$250,000 a year is middle class and has been for a long time - it’s about how much a doctor (who isn’t in a particularly high-paying specialty) makes. But DINKs with that household income could afford a million-dollar house.

CarnivorousCouch ,

By what definition of middle class are you considering $250,000 to be middle class? That’s greater than the 90th percentile income.

bric ,

They’re saying that someone that makes $250,000 today lives the lifestyle that would have been considered middle class 20 years ago, not that that salary is at all a median


They absolutely do not live remotely like middle class people from 2003. I graduated high school in 02 and my parents were mailmen. The difference in living standard is not even close.

It is crazy that you think this.

bric ,

I wasn’t saying that I thought that, I didn’t give my take at all, I was trying to be helpful in explaining what the other commenter meant. But since you’re calling me crazy…

To give my take on it, you’re right, there’s all sorts of ways that the lifestyles aren’t at all comparable, many things haven’t had the insane inflation that real estate has, so a person making 250k can obviously take a lot more vacations, go out to dinner more, buy more tech, etc than a middle class person from a few decades ago. But when it comes to buying homes, it gets a lot more comparable. Homes where I grew up have increased 4-5x in price over the last 25 years, so a family with a household income of 60k-ish (which is solidly middle class) buying a house that’s 3x their annual income would have been pretty typical in the early 2000’s. Now, if those same houses are being bought by households making 250k, it would be basically the same ratio of 3-4x their income.

So in home purchasing power (and that area only) low 6 figures is absolutely middle class, and anyone making under 6 figures has the home purchasing power of what used to be lower class

ArbitraryValue ,

My personal definition of “upper class” excludes anyone who actually has to work. Wikipedia seems to agree, putting “CEOs and successful business owners” in the upper middle class. And the New York Times considers the 90th to 99th percentile of earners upper-middle-class.

I do see some places defining “upper class” as those earning at least twice the median household income (so about $150,000) but I don’t think that matches common usage. Is a software developer right out of college upper class? Or a nurse practitioner? I would say “clearly no, unless they happen to be from a very wealthy family”.


Yes, a software developer in the 90th percentile of household income, making a single income, is most assuredly “upper class”

CaptainBananaFish ,

$250,000 a year is middle class and has been for a long time

like 5% of the population makes $250,000

ArbitraryValue ,

Yes, and IMO less than 1% of the population is upper class.

DosCommas ,

Sounds like you live in HCOL area where $250K is pretty much middle class.


250k household is not middle class anywhere in the United States.

DosCommas ,

$250K is borderlining middle class in San Francisco and Seattle.


It most assuredly is not.

Median income there is $54k or less in both of those cities. 5x median income is not middle class.

dragonflyteaparty ,

I really don’t think that’s a good metric given that the average house cost in San Francisco is 1.12 million dollars. Someone making $250,000 a year isn’t affording that house any more than someone making $54,000. They’re both priced out. That’s the point everyone else is making. That and the new idea what anyone working for a living is not upper class.


People in upper class society worked even during the height of the Robber Barons, so I’m not sure why you’re pretending that’s new.

Have you just like, not read The Great Gatsby or something? Shit, wealthy landowners in colonial days worked - even those with slaves.

Your points need to be grounded in reality somewhere.

San Francisco specifically being expensive to buy a home in has no bearing on what “middle class” represents whatsoever.

The “tax the rich but oh wait not me” liberals and progressives are the absolute worst

MrJameGumb , in Whose idea were these things? avatar

Ah yes, the classic McDonald’s cocaine spoon! I’m sure the inventor lives under a bridge somewhere now lol

Unforeseen ,

Mumbling about microplastics and being a destroyer of worlds

567PrimeMover , avatar

IDK why your comment reminded me, but back when I was in middle school (late 90s) we had an anti drug guest speaker. One of those ones where they were former addicts trying to scare you out of trying drugs. During the Q&A, someone asked him a question and that got him onto how plastic water bottles were super bad for you and you should never drink out of plastic because you’re ingesting tiny plastic particles. I remember we were laughing at him while administration was trying to shoo him off the stage.

Now we just kinda shrug when told we’re ingesting a credit card worth of plastic every week, lol.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Rickety Cricket invented this.

Halosheep , in What is wrong with some of you?

This would be a lot funnier if there were enough pixels to differentiate the colors in the legend…

bob_wiley , avatar

Yeah. I’m red/green color blind, so the colors coupled with the tiny boxes makes this pretty useless for me. Can anyone share what area of the country calls it the devil one?


Like 5-8 towns each from Louisiana through alabama

Even when not colorblind it’s not very easy to see

bob_wiley , avatar


eldoom ,

I call it the devil beating his wife if that helps.

TimewornTraveler ,

I’m not colorblind and it’s just not visible. Most of the country is red, and then NY/Philly area is blue. Also southern florida where the NYers live, northern Minnesota for some reason, and sparely throughout new england, all also blue. Majority of country is red but with an unexplained shading that goes from low saturation to high.

if you squint really hard there’s a white-ish area overlapping Alabama and Mississippi that looks like it might be greenish white.

bdonvr ,

The devil one is green, I think the Bible Belt is just barely tinged green.

The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

Sorry, it’s moldy

malaph , in What more need be said about it?

There’s at least a grain of truth in that book. Try starting a business or producing something.

Look at domestic attempts to mine lithium or building semiconductor plants. Try building anything here.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.”

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Sure. Try it. Try making a railroad without eminent domain.

Rodeo ,

Eniment domain doesn’t appear to be the problem here lmao

It’s more like

Try making a railroad when the industry has been captured by regulations written by the big players whose purpose is to erect barriers to entry for any new railroad companies that might want to start up, and reduce costs by reducing safety. Also, you need angel investors to give you billions and anyone with the means to do that is already in bed with the big boys so they’re not going to give you shit.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Except it wasn’t a new railroad company in the book.

Rodeo ,

It is abundantly clear that we’re not talking about the details of the book anymore. We are talking about that one passage and how it relates to our current society.

malaph ,

The protagonist being in a privileged position due to government seisuze of private property is certainly an excellent point. I just feel the state exercising power in the other direction, against productive ventures instead of property owners, may be a little too in vogue these days.

Avg ,

That’s how you trick the gullible, start with a bit of truth they can understand and then jump off the deep end into lunacy.

malaph ,

You can agree with some principles of a work and reject others. What parts of her philosophy do you find to be lunacy?

TSG_Asmodeus , (edited ) avatar

What parts of her philosophy do you find to be lunacy?

“A man’s sexual choice is the result and the sum of his fundamental convictions… He will always be attracted to the woman who reflects his deepest vision of himself, the woman whose surrender permits him to experience a sense of self-esteem. The man who is proudly certain of his own value, will want the highest type of woman he can find, the woman he admires, the strongest, the hardest to conquer–because only the possession of a heroine will give him the sense of an achievement.”

Almost forgot:

“In this world, either you’re virtuous or you enjoy yourself. Not both, lady, not both.”

malaph ,

Yeah… I’m not a fan of that either personally.

Wakmrow ,

The premise that some people are just better than everyone else is not intelligent. Valuing a person’s worth as a human by measuring their productivity is genocidal.

malaph ,

Some people are just better in terms of being productive. I don’t see how that’s debatable. The question is just if you let those people keep they’re outsized earnings or you forcibly redistribute them.

malaph ,


Wakmrow ,

I’m going to respond so hopefully you grow.

Productivity is difficult to measure or define. Intelligence is similar. Regardless, neither of these things define value in a human life. Some people love to cook, some are great at reading comic books. One might be really good at watching TV. In the end, your preference for what is seen as valuable comes to your preference. There’s nothing objective about it. More concretely, in many engineering jobs great engineers are promoted into management positions for which they are ill suited. They make more money, are they not definitionally more productive? Yet the company and team is worse off.

As for your question, Rand is not subtle about her thoughts.

malaph ,

Odd to me that you equate productivity with the value of a person.

Wakmrow ,

I do not. Rand explicitly does.

Eufalconimorph ,

Valuing a person’s worth as a human by measuring their productivity is genocidal.

Of course you don’t value people based on their productivity! That’s downright anti-American “from each according to his ability” commie talk! You value people based on their net worth! One Dollar, One Vote, that’s what I always say.


chakan2 , avatar

Her stances on Race, Rape, Economics, Gender, and her Writing style…all lunacy.

malaph ,

I like her stance on economics and free markets … Also the prime mover concept is somewhat accurate

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

The same can be said about basically anything, that’s why you have a brain to evaluate what parts are grounded in the truth and what is a conclusion drawn from truth that serves the specific needs of whoever is spinning the narrative.

funkless_eck ,

I’ve read all of Rand and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But not for the right reasons.

Coming from a background myself of community art > touring performance artist > clown/circus school > comedy and improv… I found things like “I’ma write a book where a character delivers a speech on capitalism longer than the communist manifesto” to be quite funny.

The way people spoke to each other, the ridiculous melodrama from the perspective of a soy bean stuck on a train, a community made from pure gold inside a hologram inside a volcano, how people can only have sex if they bite each other, the amazing lazzi (sketch) of the rich man accidentally giving a homeless man $100 bill instead of $1 and the homeless man not caring because it was an accident, the guy putting out a steel furnace in meltdown while naked with his bare hands…

I thought it was very funny. I chortled all the way through. a perfect 7/10.

wizzor ,

It seems to me this passage speaks against the bankers, intellectual property owners, monopolists, land owners and the like. All gate keepers of resources.

Perhaps Atlas is actually someone else than Rand thought.

malaph ,

It speaks against a system where political favour dictates your success as a producer over your ability to compete. If you feel land owners and intellectual property owners are gate keepers in a society where your can have your own ideas and buy your own property I don’t know what to say.

wizzor , (edited )

I know.

The permits, policies, regulation and political apparatuses which Rand so despises are legal fictions which allow a small group of people control, who gets to use what resources and how.

Currencies, fractional reserve banking, patents and land ownership are similar legal fiction, which allow a small group to control who gets to use what resources and how.

If I want to sell razor blades to a Gillette razor, I will get sued for patent infringement. Is their gatekeepping somehow more morally valid than the politician’s who gives a tax break to Gillette’s competitor since their production line is in his city?

I was trying to humorously point out, that the quoted part of Rand’s text could be read almost as a socialist opinion, where the value created arises from the worker and not the owners.

malaph ,

I guess the difference being the people in control of permits and policies produce nothing of value. If a capitalist fails to produce he no longer holds the property or patents. Someone else gets them to try to compete.

The reason capitalism is moral is that the people who get the scarce resources need to be effective in providing for everyone else by creating or they lose them. Under a central planning system this is not the case. Scarce resources are held by connected people … The state bails them out if they really fuck up.

Nothing is stopping you from creating an improved Gillette razor and competing without blatenly copying their patent… Property is expensive but available (problem created by government with interest rate manipulation and making land one of the only viable hard assets) you can hire people for your factory. They’ll cost 10x what they do overseas though… So you’d probably just go there.

Man you won’t find me defending fractional reserve banking or fiat currency. Those are also things created by politicians and bankers. They’re just means of stealing value. You also can’t have socialism without fiat currency. The myth that you can rob the 1% to pay for the needs of everyone… Well do the math … Liquidate the 10 richest people and it funds the state for maybe a month or something.

Ah I didn’t get the joke I guess lol. I’m not really much of a fan of socialism. If companies can’t build without permits and tax breaks then you dont really have a level playing field anymore and you no longer have functional creative destruction. Old inefficient well connected incombants strangle the new razor corp in the crib and you’re stuck paying 35 dollars for blades :)

Licherally ,

Yes the world would be a better place if people looking to profit in the world didn’t have to ensure that their products were safe, regulated, and taxed appropriately. Business owners should just be able to make their own rules.

Nah man I’d say that shit it stupid too. It’s difficult to build a lithium mine in the United States for pretty good reasons, especially surrounding regulation and safety.

malaph ,

Like most things it’s balance … No one wants the ecological damage of the 60s again. I’d say the vast majority of the things people are buying are imported from less regulated markets… Lead in the kids toys am I right? If things are produced here at least you can take those companies to court when they do harm.

Good reasons being ? I’ve seen projects cancelled due to a few arrow heads and tool parts being found … Massive overruns due to turtle eggs. Private companies just don’t build here if they can avoid it. Building and producing things is never perfectly safe and will always cause some ecological damage. The things we consume are actually built overseas in the most destructive and unregulated way possible mostly … Are they not?

cantstopthesignal ,

It’s cheaper to mine lithium in other countries because the labor is cheaper, the labor is cheaper because we live in a country with a more advanced economy, that same economy became more advanced under more stringent regulations. Who gives a shit if they don’t mine lithium here when we designed the machines that mine lithium all over the world. There’s a reason people are beating down the doors to come here.

Kayel ,

Australia has some of the tightest safety regulations and strongest unions on the planet. We are opening lithium mines left right and centre.

dodgy_bagel ,

I mean, why SHOULDN’T I be able to expose people and the environment to harmful conditions in order to maximize profit?

I’m allowed to do that in other countries, and I can also pay those slaves in beans so that I can make even more money.

malaph ,

Some environmental impact is unavoidable. I think people are maybe a bit more aware and if I knew a company was being unnecessarily wreckless I’d personally not give them a dime. Also this is what lawsuits are for. These companies should be sued into nonexistence.

Why are domestic companies forced to compete on an uneven playing field like that? Why are companies able to just go abroad and import at very favourable rates. That’s profoundly unfair … But have you thought about what would happen to the cost of goods if there was an equal playing field? All the worst things are still done they just happen elsewhere.

dodgy_bagel ,

lemmy doesn’t semd updates reliably. or at least my client.

Anyway, what you’re saying is that capitalism and open markets is the enemy. I agree.

chiliedogg ,

I work in municipal development. You want to open a new business, build a house, or develop land in my city, you need my signature to do it.

I’m one of those officious pricks. I’m “the man” holding people down.

Because if I don’t then all these rich fucks pave over everything, flood their neighbor’s land, block traffic, poison their customers, and sell houses that’ll collapse 10 minutes after The warranty expires.

So yeah, people have to get our permission to do things that affect the community.

marmo7ade ,

Because if I don’t then all these rich fucks pave over everything, flood their neighbor’s land, block traffic, poison their customers, and sell houses that’ll collapse 10 minutes after The warranty expires.

That already happened and continues to happen. Because corporations bribe the government to allow it. They call it lobbying. And you know this. The feigned ignorance is comical. Why do ISPs own the rights to public telephone poles and prevent municipal internet? Because people like you gave the ISPs those rights.

natanael ,
chiliedogg ,

There’s a huge difference between a politician and a municipal employee. Our planners and engineers don’t take lobbying money, and our engineering criteria and building codes are based on physical reality, not policy.

In our city and many others, Council cannot force us to allow a particular development. They can sign all the agreements they want to waive use restrictions and fees, but the engineer and building official are still the final authority on whether or not something can be built, and their reviews do not consider politics.

malaph ,

Where I live approval on average takes a year or more. Permits alone can cost like 50k for a house. All of those things you’ve mentioned would result in court cases and awards …

Honestly even residential houses that are to code are sort of trash aren’t they? Like laminated wood chips and saw dust more and more every year.

How many other approvals are required above you to build? How long and at what cost ? Mostly curious. Here its pretty bad IMO. Here being Canada.

jj4211 ,

All of those things you’ve mentioned would result in court cases and awards …

For one, not necessarily, and two, small comfort if it happens after the fact when it could be avoided with some reasonable oversight. For example, screwing up erosion is something likely to be overlooked by parties involved and is at high risk of not being noticed naturally until after damage is difficult or impossible to undo. Besides, I think folks like it when matters like that are settled before they might incur liability.

Another example, I had some HVAC work done. The county inspectors highlighted a fire hazard after they were done, that I never would have realized unless the house caught fire.

Now where I live, permits aren’t overly expensive and are fairly expedient as are inspections. I can understand frustrations if there’s no effort at reasonable efficiencies, but then again some projects require community fair chance to become aware and provide feedback, and those sorts of projects can really drag out the time since it’s mostly waiting to give a chance for it to be noticed.

malaph ,

Like you say avoiding liability is in everyone’s interest. In a utopian libertarian society maybe an inspector someone you’d want to pay electively like an engineer.

Someone who could coordinate consultations with surrounding properties and engage others who are experts with say surface water etc.

The other option might be your insurance company would require inspection for you to receive coverage… In the event of say an HVAC electrical fire. Then the cost is certifying the build is covered by a private company instead of being a state operated service which is free from the pressures of competition. Also then delays in permitting could also incur liability :)

In reality if permitting is quick, affordable and isn’t weilded like a political weapon Im mostly fine with it. The federal government is using it to pretty much shut down oil and gas development in Canada. Municipal permitting is partly why we have a massive housing crisis.

chiliedogg ,

Houses are largely built by shell companies that exist to build the neighborhood then dissolve. When the house fails in 5 years there’s nobody to sue for damages.

So instead we require developers to permit and build shit right before we allow the houses to be occupied. The streets have to be built right, the increased impervious cover has to be accounted for to prevent flooding of the next property over, and inspections have to be performed.

Then, we make them pay a maintenance bond and the City takes over maintenance of the road, using the bond to pay for repairs in the first 10 years. If they build them right, the bonds don’t get used, and we give the money back.

But to get the money back they have to keep the company alive, so there’s someone to sue.

And the permit to build a house is about $3,500 here. I ran the numbers for our budget cycle, and we actually lose money on single family houses. We make it up some with commercial buildings, but overall our department loses money, and people building houses are being subsidized by the existing tax payers while bitching about the fees.

HessiaNerd ,

I am an engineer. I love making things. I work in a heavily regulated industry (Med device), and it is a huge pain in the ass. I have to fill out obscene amounts of paperwork for everything I do. I live in the woods with a well and a septic system. I am hoping to disconnect from the electric grid in a few years.

I bought into rugged individualism when I was younger, but I have come to realize it is a farce. I am really glad there is the structure and oversight for these things that can harm people. Complex systems require diverse areas of expertise and multiple layers of oversight and protection.

The sentiment that it is some great burden to “obtain permission from men who do nothing” is a blatant strawman for what the processes actually are.

chakan2 , avatar

That’s not a grain of truth…it’s an environmental protection.

That’s almost the most ironic Ayn Rand post you could make.

marmo7ade ,

It’s a dump truck full of truthful sand. Cities can’t build municipal fiber internet because Spectrum owns the fucking pole. The assertion that this is an “environmental protection” is so insulting that my comment would be deleted if I told you what I really think about you.

Tangent5280 ,

Why don’t you just save us the trouble and delete your comment yourself?

sarsaparilyptus ,

Most intelligent ancap

wesker , in gender selection avatar

Male, but cries at movies.

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

That’s the manliest thing I’ve heard of

digdug , (edited )

I have no control of my emotions when watching movies. Aladdin setting the genie free? 😭😭😭😭

Diprount_Tomato , avatar

There’s movies and movies

VikingHippie ,

Male, but cries at YouTube reaction videos when the singing is very good and the reactor agrees.

dual_sport_dork , in Treat yo self avatar

Or: “Products you may be interested in!” [List of the exact products you already bought.]

I am not buying a second laptop just like the one I just bought. It is not, in an ideal scenario, a consumable item.

MarkTheBob ,

Mmmmm yummy

Johanno ,

Well you might have enjoyed your Laptop so much that you are going to gift a new one to all of your friends

_stranger_ ,


WhyIDie ,

maybe that’s what’s causing the chip shortage


I am exactly as unproductive at home as I am at the office. I’m just more comfortable.

OhNoMoreLemmy ,

Something I’ve just realised going into the office is how much more unproductive I make everyone else.

If I’m not working at home, everyone else is free to keep working. But if I’m not working in the office I’m going to drag everyone in my team down to my level.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I am at the opposite end. When I’m at the office, I put on noise cancelling headphones and don’t talk to anyone unless it’s necessary. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s that I just want to get my shit done and not have to deal with their shit.

bob_wiley , avatar

I’d always wear a hoodie to work. If my hood was up, I was in the zone and it was best to not talk to me.

chakan2 , in stop asking for a karma system avatar

I’ll dissent. I like the karma system. It gives me a quick read out of who’s a troll and who isn’t.

I don’t care about post karma so much, but the comment karma was an interesting stat.

Edit: An important caveat. We MUST keep downvotes visible. MUST. Having just a positive score breeds absolute insanity.

jkure2 ,

All comment karma tells you is who was first to a thread basically in my experience, and I had over 500k of it lol it’s nothing though I could go troll for days before making a dent in the 10k you get from an obvious joke on the new tab and then the thread takes off

Best way to tell if someone is a troll is just to look at what they say imo 🤷🏻‍♂️

Trainguyrom ,

I had my third party app and browser extensions set to automatically hide comments by people with very low karma and very low comment scores. I’d only ever see hateful comments if I clicked to unhide them and I liked that

Callie , avatar

I agree. People will farm upvotes so I’m fine not having that, but having downvotes visible is an absolute must. It keeps racists, trolls, conspiracy nuts, misinformation, transphobes, and generally most hateful content out of view of those it would affect

If we look at how YouTube comments are where the likes and dislikes mean nothing, it’s filled with the most hateful shit that’s still within guidelines

Smk ,

You forgot about the baby eaters in your list of people you dislike.

Callie , (edited ) avatar

do you disagree that the people in my list are inherently bad or something? the people I listed are harmful to everyone. not just “people I dislike”

Smk ,

I find it funny you had a list instead of just saying harmful people. It was a joke.

AnimusAstralis ,

Negative karma doesn’t necessarily indicate a troll, any unpopular opinion can get down-voted to hell while similar but differently expressed ideas get up-voted in the same thread. I’m not against karma system though, just think it’s quite useless in most cases.

saigot ,

You can only lose about 100karma in one comment thread so if a troll can get one high upvote comment it can counteract literally 100’s of negative comments.

potosi , (edited )

We probably wouldn’t even have to create our own lemmy instance. We could make the lemmy client (for mobile) calculate the user’s karma by adding upvotes and downvotes and display it on the user’s profile. Web extensions for browsers would work too.

mayo , avatar

Idk I felt like above a certain point karma was just an indication that that person knew how to game the system and play nice with reddit.

I like how it is on lemmy. I feel like downvotes/upvotes prompt conversations. You’re at 47/6 and it doesn’t really matter to me, it just shows that people might not totally agree and then I’m hopeful that they have left a comment.

I think it’s also possible that the voting system on reddit was effective at marginalizing people.

Ilovethebomb , in stop

I do agree the joke has run it’s course, as funny as it was.

Aurenkin ,

Indeed, everyone certainly made a meal of it.

Im_old ,

Yeah but some of them had to take supplements as well after

thanks_shakey_snake ,

Well it certainly gave us alot to chew on.

Ensign_Crab ,


Do notional creatures count?

MelodiousFunk ,

“Chew on”, in this case, is a figure of speech meaning “think about,” typically in a different light than previously afforded on the topic.

No one would actually eat an alot. Alots are intelligent and friendly.

nightwatch_admin ,

No one would actually eat an alot. Alots are intelligent and friendly.

So are pigs, unlike humans. Still, eating pigs is generally accepted, while eating humans is not.

Aurenkin ,

I would say it depends on the human. Same reason why I only eat jerk chicken.

Cryophilia ,

Pigs are delicious tho

MelodiousFunk ,
SpaceNoodle ,

Maybe for you

thanks_shakey_snake ,
socsa ,

At this point we really need some fresh meat

stoly ,

Attacking the marginalized is never funny.

Lizardking27 ,

Lmao vegans aren’t “marginalized”

That word does not mean what you think it means.

muix ,

Farm animals are though

stoly ,

Your reaction says otherwise.

Kusimulkku ,

It’s fine, I’m 1/4th vegan myself

gravitas_deficiency ,

Well, which course though?

Etterra , in Oof ouch owie

What the hell makes you think that lady is in heaven? Assuming an even exists, I’m pretty sure her reservation got switched to a different establishment.

unemployedclaquer ,

Could be one and not the other. Could be after you die you become a happy sentient green baby poo only to get wiped away. Could be good things after tho

PMmeYourPenis , in Sometimes what a person needs is just...
BoxerDevil ,

Would you cut off 6 fingers for that one piece

edgemaster72 , avatar

Do I get to choose which ones I keep? If so, yes.

disguy_ovahea ,

Both middle, obviously.

ivanafterall , avatar

What an inspiration and a triumph to suffer such a tragedy and still be able to pull off the shocker with the best of 'em.

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

Lol I was thinking if you’re losing six out of eight fingers, you’d probably want one on each hand.

ivanafterall , avatar

Which four would you keep and why have you thought this through in advance?

edgemaster72 , avatar

Bold of you to assume I thought it through any more than the time it took for that comment.

Anyway, I’d keep my two thumbs plus the index finger on my right hand and middle finger on my left.

It’s against the spirit of the question but I’d also “keep” the ones that were cut off after they were removed with the hopes of getting them reattached with some of that billion dollars.

BoxerDevil ,

Honestly I would sac all 10 and and just get good bionic replacements

myster0n ,

Do they have to be mine?

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