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problematicPanther , in Could an American please prove me wrong? avatar

For everyone on here making jokes about this beautiful land, shame on you. My ancestors spilt their blood protecting the Principality of Pyren against the French and Spanish invaders in 1525. Shame on all of you.

m3t00 , in Maybe this is better for everyone avatar
Objection ,
Blubber28 , in Breakfast time!!!

I know I’m not in a great position to give culinary criticism as a Dutchman but what the actual fuck

Akasazh , avatar

One word:


Rolive ,

Hagelslag met pindakaas

Chocolate sprinkles with peanut butter

atro_city ,

Don't you Dutchies have pancakes with meat, fruit, and eggs all in one?

Blubber28 , (edited )

We do have pancakes with bacon or cheese yes, but they are typically combined with “stroop” (sugarbeet syrup), not fruits. At least, not to my knowledge.

A worse food crime we do is the pickled herring with raw onions, imo.

paddirn , in Could an American please prove me wrong?

That’s obviously Morocco, pfft, everyone knows that.

alcoholicorn , in Maybe this is better for everyone

I see a lot more vegan hate than vegans.

Warl0k3 , (edited )

They’re easy to hate - They’re weird, eat funny foods, care about things nobody else does (who cares about chickens) and my god is there a subset of them that are the most truly obnoxious human beings (a statement that is, conveniently, true of every single group of humans). They’re basically furries for the non-internet crowd. Nobody ever interacts with them to know it, so they get defined by the strawmen people create of them.

Edit: It’s possible my explanation of why vegans are disliked has touched a nerve. To clarify; I don’t think this, hell I eat vegan meals most of the time, but these are the qualities given to the Strawman Vegan that everyone onlines seems to love to hate. (I also quite like furries.)

Ilovethebomb ,

The cause has been tainted by the extremists, to the point where even some vegans are being pushed away from the movement.

Of course, the ones that are on a niche media platform, in a community dedicated to veganism, are likely to be the nutter ones.

Monstrosity , avatar

Yikes. You know, vegans are targeted by the extremely wealthy & powerful meat & dairy industries who spend untold fortunes making the vegan lifestyle look as unappealing and “crazy” as possible?

I mean, I’m sure you’re galaxy brain is impervious to propaganda and everything, I’m just saying, you’re painting with an awfully broad brush.

Ilovethebomb ,

That’s getting a bit tinfoil hat, don’t you think?

WarlockLawyer ,

Or its tracing the money and influence of different lobbies in America. Just look at the original gerrymandered food pyramid made to accommodate the dairy industry. Or lawsuits against plant based alternatives.

Warl0k3 ,

I think the cause has been tainted by the rampant propagandizing and demonization across all forms of media that the movement has been subjected to. You’re doing it now, even - what the hell even is an “extremist vegan”?

MapleEngineer , avatar

Extreme vegans are the people who stand outside restaurants, grocery stores, butcher shops, etc. and yell at people just trying to go about their lives calling them carnists, corpose munchers, blood mouths, animal torturers, and talk about murdering animals (murder is the killing of one human by another) or eating cadavers (a cadaver is a dead human body.) They don’t simply go about their lives living their best vegan life but harass and harangue people. They do the same thing online.

Ilovethebomb , (edited )

You should read the post the [email protected] mods made in response to the admin actions. Phrases like “carnist Lemmy admin”, as if that’s the reason they didn’t like the idea of starving a cat.

There was also a comment saying Vegan should be a protected belief, like other religions.

It’s not a conspiracy by the meat and dairy industry.

A carnist lemmy world instance admin has stepped in and meatsplained to the mods

It’s difficult to take people like this seriously.

queermunist , avatar

I had a pet chicken in elementary school. She was a sweetheart.

AFC1886VCC ,

who cares about chickens

Most people. Anyone who isn’t a psychopath cares to some extent about animals, vegan or non-vegan

ShinkanTrain ,

I think it’s funny how quickly the outspoken anti-vegan types deliver the “I actually think it’s ok to torture animals” completely unprompted

MapleEngineer , avatar

Can you find me a sample of someone saying, “I actually thing it’s ok to torture animals”? I’d be intersted to see that if it’s actually happening. Or, are you creating a straw man?

ShinkanTrain ,

Literally that post’s grandparent, which is the subject of that post?

MapleEngineer , avatar

Can you link me to the place where it says these words?

“I actually think it’s ok to torture animals”

ShinkanTrain ,

Your honor, my client never explicitly said the words “I’m requesting a bribe”.

MapleEngineer , avatar

This is the reason that people hate vegan extremists.

MapleEngineer , avatar

I hate chickens. They’re loud, obnoxious, and they kill and eat each other. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to abuse them. I take good care of my chickens despite the fact that they’re assholes.

queermunist , avatar

They’re loud, obnoxious, and they kill and eat each other.

They’re just like us! 😌

MapleEngineer , avatar

Pretty much.

MapleEngineer , avatar

No one hates vegans. Almost everyone hates vegan extremists.

WarlockLawyer ,

No one hates vegans, but everyone loves to post vegan hate or idiotic “bacon” posts.

ShinkanTrain ,

Of all the delicious meats to be obsessed about, redditbros went and picked one of the least appealing ones and decided to make it their entire personality 💀

polarbearulove ,

For real. I’ve been vegetarian for a few years now and of all the things I kind of miss, not once has bacon been even a slight craving. A good kebab on the other hand…

MapleEngineer , avatar

The vast majority of people love bacon and bacon memes and jokes are part of the mainstream culture. Do you accommodate non-vegans? Why do you expect them to accommodate you?

Enkers ,

Do you accommodate non-vegans?

That’s because they don’t consider non-veganism a morally acceptable option.

As a thought experiment, pick any action that you would personally find morally repugnant and ask yourself if you should accommodate people who do that action.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Precisely. They make the same mistake that all extremists make. They believe that they are morally superior which justifies anything they say or do to anyone they see as inferior. The problem is that the rest of the world does not agree with them so they are reviled for their antisocial behaviour then constantly whine about how the people they harangue treat them badly.

Enkers ,

Just because the rest of the world doesn’t agree with them doesn’t mean they’re wrong, though. Societal norms progress with splinter groups that are willing to put their convictions above group conformity. The process is always unpleasant.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Yup, that’s exactly the mistake that extremists make. There is a great quote from a judgement out of a court in the UK. Let me find it…

“But the plain fact is that each of you has some time ago crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic. You have appointed yourselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change, bound neither by the principles of democracy nor the rule of law.

“And your fanaticism makes you entirely heedless of the rights of your fellow citizens. You have taken it upon yourselves to decide that your fellow citizens must suffer disruption and harm, and how much disruption and harm they must suffer, simply so that you may parade your views.”

This really sums it up. Sometimes fanatics are right. Often, they are wrong. Their ability to self-absolve their abhorent antisocial behavior is why so many people so violently hate them and it’s the reason that many vegans feel like they are being painted with the same brush. They’ve appointed themselves holy crusaders who will bully, harass, and intimidate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Enkers ,

Yet without the radicals that are willing to rock the boat, our society would be morally stagnant and unable to progress. We’re literally having the conservative/progressive debate.

I assume the case you’re referring to is the recent Just Stop Oil case? I personally see the judge’s decision as incredibly short sighted. He’s put short term convenience above averting global catastrophe for all life on earth. In my view, it is he who has caused his fellow citizens harm, and on a much wider scale.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Self-absolution. I understand it but it is a logical failure.

Should anti-LGBTQ fanatics who are absolutely convinced that they are morally superior be able to discriminate against LQBTQ people?

Should anti-abotionists who are absolutely convinced that they are morally superior be able to harass and threaten women making the most difficult decision of their life? Should they be allowed to fire bomb clinics? Shoot abortion doctors and nurses?

Should white spremacists who are absolutely convinced of their racial superiority be allowed to refuse service to people of color? Burn crosses on lawns? Hang people of color from trees by the neck?

Where does the vegan fanatics self-absolution end? Fire bombing restaurant? Pipe bombs wrapped in nails in crowded restaurants that serve meat?

The ability to self-absolve is very VERY dangerous. It permits fanatics to justify any ammoral horror in the name of their mistaken moral purity.

SkyeStarfall ,

Except you can say this literal exact thing about the opposites too

Should black people have just stayed slaves and not have rights even though “they are absolutely convinced they should have”? Should us queer people never fight back and fight for acceptance? Etc etc.

The actual difference is the arguments for the specific position. What sound arguments are there for racism and slavery? What sound arguments are there for queer-phobia? What sound arguments are there for not following a vegan diet beyond “it tastes good”?

Enkers ,

Where does the vegan fanatics self-absolution end? Fire bombing restaurant? Pipe bombs wrapped in nails in crowded restaurants that serve meat?

Usually it ends at the terrifying act of talking with people, because harming them would be explicitly against their own philosophy.

But yeah, it’s totally like a jihad or something.

MapleEngineer , avatar

That’s self-serving nonsense. Vegan extremists have been harassing and intimidating restaurateurs and their patrons attempting to drive them out of business or to comply with their demands to stop serving meat. That is not, “the terrifying act of talking”.

What if you’re mistaken about being morally superior? What if your actions toward other humans demonstrate a complete lack of any morality?

Enkers ,

Profiting off the suffering of others isn’t acceptable behavior. Establishments that do so should be boycotted where possible and practicable. I think protest is a justified response.

Given two scenarios where I’m potentially wrong, the one where I’m mistaken and vegan is the one with a substantially more ethical outcome than the one where I’m mistaken and not vegan.

MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

Profiting off the suffering of others isn’t acceptable behavior. Establishments that do so should be boycotted where possible and practicable. I think protest is a justified response.

Abuse. Torture. Murder.

Vegan extremists throw those words around like they are universal facts of animal farming. They are in large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) which is what the things that you might refer to as, “factory farms” are actually called. Small family farms, homesteads, and crofts treat their animals far better than CAFOs do. Animals aren’t abused or tortured on most family farms. When you use ridiculous inflammatory language like that most people stop listening to anything else you have to say.

Given two scenarios where I’m potentially wrong, the one where I’m mistaken and vegan is the one with a substantially more ethical outcome than the one where I’m mistaken and not vegan.

The issue isn’t you being vegan. Take the back of your hand off your forehead and calm down. I don’t care what you eat. If you want to eat vegan eat vegan. The problem is that the extremists start throwing around words like carnist, corpse muncher, blood mouth, cadaver, murder, etc. and no one takes them seriously anymore. I do the same thing when the extreme right uses the word, “woke” or the trans extremists use the word, “terf”. It immediately causes me to stop caring about anything else they have to say.

Enkers ,

I didn’t realize I wasn’t being calm. Maybe I’ll have to get my b12 levels checked. Nice talking with ya.

Beaver , avatar

Vegans have no obligation to serve you flesh or secretions.

MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

Have your considered simply minding your own business? No one wants you to serve them anything. The simply want you to keep your false sense of moral superiority and sanctimonious comments to yourself. It’s really quite simple.

Beaver , avatar

I’m not going to mind my own business when people are misrepresenting my community and spreading slander about it.

MapleEngineer , avatar

What exactly do you think I’m misrepresenting? Have you heard of the Antler Kitchen and Bar in Toronto and the months of threats, harassment, and abuse that was hurled at the owner and patrons in attempt to bully them into not eating meat?

HonoraryMancunian ,

I wish that was true (and I’m not even vegan) but there are many outspoken anti-vegans. But then again they’re the types who will always find an out group to denigrate (in before someone oh-so-cleverly points out I’m doing the same to them).

MapleEngineer , avatar

I think that you will find that these anti-vegans are reacting to the behaviour of the extremist.

HonoraryMancunian ,

I don’t disagree, but then they’ll apply their hatred to the whole (or at least majority) of the group

MapleEngineer , avatar

That, unfortunately, is how it goes. If the only vegans that most people deal with are the obnoxious assholes then they assume that every vegan is an obnoxious asshole.

Beaver , avatar

Nah, as a vegan most people act pretty hateful towards us even when we don’t bring up the topic.

MapleEngineer , avatar

Most people only ever hear anything from the extremists so you get painted with the same brush. I have friends who are vegans who are amazing people. I go out of my way to accommodate them. You are getting hate because of a very small group of fanatics who believe that they are absolutely morally superior and that that absolute moral superiority justified doing and saying anything to anyone who doesn’t agree with them in an attempt to shame, harass, and intimidate them into doing what they are told.

Kusimulkku ,

The community of non-vegans is a lot bigger than that of the vegans. So vegans do something that gets a reaction, you are much more likely to hear that reaction than the original thing.

Ilovethebomb , in Maybe this is better for everyone

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

I had a look at the community yesterday, every post bar one was about vegan cat food for the last week. They’re not taking this well at all.

RecluseRamble ,

I just had a look myself after your comment and cannot confirm your claim at all. There are, understandably, quite a few posts about this debacle and the future of their sub but more than half is stuff related to veganism not related to cats.

Emmie , (edited ) avatar

Cats can thrive on vegan diets perfectly well. Mine is still with me since like 4 years and didn’t eat a single animal protein in that time…

It’s called being a responsible human and minimizing suffering.

Ilovethebomb ,

Four years isn’t that long, cats can live up to twenty years.

Fizz , in Maybe this is better for everyone avatar

I am enjoying watching vegans battle everyone. Most people are not prepared for a conversation on veganism. Vegans have been refining these arguments for a decade now and can present clear sharp moral stances with a counter to everything you have to say. They also have the easier side to argue.

Im not a vegan but I’m not talking shit to a vegan for fear of getting dragged into a veganism debate.

RecluseRamble ,


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  • breakingcups ,

    You replied to the wrong person

    RecluseRamble ,

    Damn, thanks, moved it.

    commie ,

    Vegans have been refining these arguments for a decade now and can present clear sharp moral stances with a counter to everything you have to say.

    this doesn’t make them right, and in fact often leads them to use easily debunked but rhetorically impressive arguments. that’s called sophistry.

    Fizz , avatar

    I disagree. The arguments vegans use are far more morally consistent and thought out than non vegans. Non vegans don’t reason themselves into the position and often don’t have a good justification for why they’re not vegan. When they are pushed they fall apart instantly.

    commie ,

    The arguments vegans use are far more morally consistent and thought out than non vegans.

    it’s true that vegans often think far more about the moral arguments around veganism. i, however, find the arguments to be unconvincing, and often sophistic.

    commie ,

    Non vegans don’t reason themselves into the position

    most of the time, maybe. but ex-vegans certainly do, among others.

    mathemachristian ,

    The rhetorically impressive and easily debunked argument:

    A) Slavery of sentient beings is wrong
    B) Animals are sentient
    ∴ Enslaving animals is wrong

    commie ,

    animal agriculture isn’t slavery. i don’t believe even vegans believe this syllogism rings true. if they did, we’d have a lot more harriet tubmans and a lot fewer tash petersons.

    commie ,

    i used a plural. it’s not just one argument. you’re not being very honest about the breadth of the arguments made.

    commie ,

    They also have the easier side to argue.

    no, they don’t

    Fizz , avatar

    Ok what’s the moral justification for eating meat?

    commie ,

    i don’t need one. there is no reason for me to believe it’s immoral. it’s probably amoral.

    naught ,

    Do you think that animals have consciousness? Do they feel pain, fear? Is it moral for you to inflict pain and fear on a conscious being? What about 1,000,000 of those beings? Would you butcher a toddler for meat? What about an animal with similar (or more) depth of emotion and cognition than that? Is it okay because they are other species? What about the deforestation caused by animal agriculture? What about the impact on climate change? I think there are many valid moral arguments that you are outright dismissing with a mere hand wave. I hope you give it some more thought

    commie ,

    Is it moral for you to inflict pain and fear on a conscious being?

    i suppose that depends on circumstances.

    commie ,

    What about the deforestation caused by animal agriculture?

    that’s bad. buying beans doesn’t fix it though.

    naught ,

    This is a strawman. No one is arguing buying beans fixes deforestation. However, if less meat is produced (ie less animals are raised for slaughter), then less deforestation will come as a result of the meat industry. If legume farming was destroying the rainforest, I’d have a problem with that too

    commie ,

    If legume farming was destroying the rainforest,

    turns out, a lot of the the deforested amazon is being used to grow soy.

    naught ,

    This was the case, and is certainly problematic. Take it a step further – who or what is consuming that soy? Animal agriculture, by and large. Therefore this is an argument for veganism, or at least reducing consumption.…/amazon-rainforest-deforestation-…

    commie ,

    the vast majority of the world’s soy (about 85%) is pressed for oil in an oil press for human use. the byproduct of the press is called soy meal or soy cake, and would be a waste product if we didn’t find a use for it. currently, almost all of it goes to feed livestock, (about 70% of the entire crop-weight).

    soybeans are used by people, and we feed the trash to livestock.

    naught ,

    Can you supply a source for this please?

    commie ,
    naught ,

    This seems to reinforce my point. Surely 75% of production is not simply wastage otherwise. This is even ignoring the fact that I provided a source showing that deforestation by soy is far less problematic than it used to be.

    commie ,

    the soybean is only 20% oil. we extract 17% of the global crop as oil. we must find something to do with that waste product.

    commie ,

    This is even ignoring the fact that I provided a source showing that deforestation by soy is far less problematic than it used to be.

    ok. i did “ignore” that. am i supposed to accolade every true statement?

    commie ,

    if less meat is produced (ie less animals are raised for slaughter), then less deforestation will come as a result of the meat industry.

    but just being vegan doesn’t cause this to happen.

    naught ,

    It’s simple economics. Less demand, less supply.

    commie ,

    that’s not causal.

    commie ,

    you are outright dismissing with a mere hand wave.

    i am not. i have been fighting with vegans, primarily on issues of the environment, for i think 8 or 9 years now. i have heard about every argument (though i’m always excited to find a new one!), and i have not been convinced by any of them that i have a duty to be vegan.

    commie ,

    if you have an argument that it is immoral, make it. i don’t care for your interrogative style.

    naught ,

    I like to give people questions to ponder and explore. I think my arguments are very clear from the questions I have raised. Suffering of conscious beings is a negative thing. Particularly the egregious conditions in which we raise our “meat”. This isn’t even considering the horrible conditions that humans suffer working in and around the meat industry.

    commie ,

    Suffering of conscious beings is a negative thing.

    can you support this claim?

    naught ,

    Can you supply a convincing argument for suffering? We are fully capable of living with much, much less meat production. Why should we continue to inflict pain on things which can experience it? It seems manifest to me

    commie ,

    Can you supply a convincing argument for suffering?

    i’m not saying it’s a moral good. i’m saying it’s amoral. as in it is neither good or bad in itself.

    naught ,

    We have agency over our actions and the ability to reduce the negative impacts we have on the world. We are unique in this ability, and we should exercise it

    commie ,

    it’s not clear that animal suffering is a negative.

    naught ,

    Would you kick a dog in the street? Shoot a cat with a bb gun? These are things that happen with frequency, but I wouldn’t do because I think that causing pain to another animal, senselessly, is a bad thing.

    Would you raise a chicken in complete darkness for its whole life? Would you raise a cow in a suffocatingly small pen among its excrement? Impregnate a cow constantly and steal its babies away for meat so you can continue to milk it until it dies? Animals feel pain. They communicate, they suffer, they mourn.

    If you can supply an argument that causing suffering of innocent animals is good/doesn’t matter, I’m all ears.

    commie ,

    Would you kick a dog in the street? Shoot a cat with a bb gun?

    no. these are cruel. practicing cruelty toward animals may create a habit, and end with practicing cruelty toward people, which would be immoral. it is best not to practice cruelty at all.

    naught ,

    Animal agriculture is necessarily cruel. It is efficient. By your logic, this cruelty is negative. It sounds like we are very close to agreeing, frankly

    commie ,

    Animal agriculture is necessarily cruel.

    i disagree.

    naught ,

    Please show me that factory farming is overwhelmingly not cruel

    commie ,

    cruelty would be inflicting pain for its own sake. in so-called factory farming, the pain is still only incidental. that is, if it were possible to create the same outputs with no additional inputs, and that process had no pain, there is no reason why a factory farming operation would prefer the painful process. so it is not cruel, it is only indifferent.

    naught ,

    So you are arguing that because a ruthless and uncaring system is responsible for creating massive suffering, it doesn’t matter? It’s awfully convenient that we don’t have to care about cruelty when it’s inherent in the system. People created these systems. We have the capacity to reduce the suffering. Why wouldn’t you want that?

    If dogs were raised in these conditions, people would be outraged (see korea, china, puppy mills, etc.) It’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

    commie ,

    cruelty is intentional. think of battlefield amputation: it hurts, but the pain isn’t the point. the pain is only incidental.

    naught ,

    The systems by which we produce meat are intentional. Just because the people who set them up and benefit from them don’t care doesn’t mean these farms can exist outside morality.

    Inflicting pain on an animal to save its life is directly related to your point. Raising animals in objectively painful and squalid conditions so they can be slaughtered is not at all the same.

    You are equating saving the life of a human to the torture and slaughtering of an animals. They are not analogous

    commie ,

    I’m comparing incidental pain to incidental pain. it’s an apt analogy.

    commie ,

    If dogs were raised in these conditions, people would be outraged (see korea, china, puppy mills, etc.) It’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?

    you can see this is just an appeal to emotion, right?

    naught ,

    I am pointing out a dichotomy. I am appealing to your sense of logic. Why do you feel emotionally attached to dogs? Are they smarter than cows? Do they feel more or less? Is being cruel to a dog worse than being cruel to another animal?

    By your logic, dog meat farms are fine – amoral. The cruelty does not matter because it’s inherent.

    commie ,

    By your logic, dog meat farms are fine – amoral. The cruelty does not matter because it is inherent.

    not quite but very close. the suffering is not cruelty because it is inherent, and suffering alone does not change the morality.

    naught ,

    To willingly inflict unnecessary suffering on sentient beings is cruelty. This is a semantic argument that ignores reality

    commie ,

    what is the bar for necessity? you are introducing an ambiguity here.

    naught ,

    You do not need meat to survive

    commie ,

    why should survival be the bar?

    commie ,

    you don’t know what I need

    commie ,

    This is a semantic argument that ignores reality

    no, it’s not. but this is a thought terminating cliche

    naught ,

    You are literally arguing the definition of the word “cruelty” rather than dealing with the substance. I appreciate the engagement, but this is where I’ll stop. I hope you consider the conflicts in your worldview and work toward improving the world for yourself and the beings that inhabit it.

    commie ,

    if cruelty is what is wrong, we must agree on a definition.

    commie ,

    I hope you consider the conflicts in your worldview and work toward improving the world for yourself and the beings that inhabit it.

    YOU, TOO

    commie ,

    We have the capacity to reduce the suffering.


    naught ,

    Farm less meat. Farm meat in a way that minimizes suffering.

    commie ,

    I don’t farm any meat. if you do, I suppose that’s something that you can change

    naught ,

    Do you buy blood diamonds? Do you buy grass fed beef? Free range eggs? Do you buy fast fashion? You have agency over your choices. Just because you don’t slaughter the animals with your own hands doesn’t mean they are free from blood.

    commie ,

    You have agency over your choices.

    sure, but my choices don’t determine industry practices

    commie ,

    If you can supply an argument that causing suffering of innocent animals is good/doesn’t matter, I’m all ears.

    “innocent” here is an appeal to emotion, since we don’t regard non-human animals as moral agents.

    commie ,

    If you can supply an argument that causing suffering … is good/doesn’t matter

    sure. battlefield amputations cause suffering. sometimes it saves a life. it’s good.

    Enkers ,

    There’s obviously no way to prove this sort of statement, however every conscious being I’ve asked has told me they don’t like suffering. Additionally, almost all conscious beings specifically go out of their way to avoid suffering. I personally find this evidence sufficiently convincing.

    commie ,

    but pain in and of itself isn’t bad. it can be justified or unjustified.

    Enkers ,

    We’re not simply talking about pain, though. I like the painful sensation from hot peppers, for example, but I wouldn’t ever wish to subject myself to the systematic violence and awful conditions that farmed animals face.

    commie ,

    and I wouldn’t wish for you to be treated like an animal, either.

    commie ,

    I like to give people questions to ponder and explore.

    if you don’t wan to construct an argument that’s fine, but the socratic method isn’t terribly convincing for me and many others.

    naught ,

    You can’t appreciate a philosophical argument on a philosophical issue? I suppose that can be valid. It seems to me you don’t want to consider the ideas I have raised in good faith

    commie ,

    i’m willing to consider a fully formed argument. i’m not willing to be pestered by an endless interrogation.

    joonazan ,

    I think it is funny to make this an ethics discussion when there is plenty of evidence that bacon and sausage cause digestive tract cancers. Meat is also pretty expensive unless heavily subsidized.

    I think the main focus should be on educating people that a healthy diet contains a very small amount of meat even though the meat industry has managed to make people think it should be in every meal.

    Viking_Hippie , (edited )

    Most people are not prepared for interested in a conversation on veganism.

    Vegans have been refining these arguments preaching at people who didn’t ask for a decade now

    and can present clear sharp moral stances with a counter to everything you as a gleefully evil animal abuser no matter what you have to say.

    They also have the easier side to argue.

    That part is arguably true. Which is all the more reason for evangelical vegans NOT to have to behave like they’re missionaries educating savages every time they manage to trick a non-vegan into engaging with them.

    Dietary choices, religions, and dietary choices treated as if they were a religion are like penises: it’s fine that you have them and it’s super that you enjoy them, but you are not allowed to try to force them on me without my consent.

    JoMiran , avatar

    I follow a plant based diet and agree with just about everything you wrote. I find that hardcore vegans can act like religious zealots yelling at little nine year old girls on the street for wearing a rainbow colored t-shirt.

    muix ,

    Your freedom ends, where the freedom of others begins. Why would that not include animals?

    commie ,

    Why would that not include animals?

    three separate reasons.

    they aren’t people. the don’t participate in our society. tehy don’t respect the freedoms of others.

    Beaver , avatar

    It’s meateaters who want to debate me all the time

    Soulg ,

    Absolutely a lie lol

    Foni ,

    Even flat-earthers have refined their arguments over the years, which doesn’t make them any less stupid. I have zero moral problems with my meat consumption and I’ll debate it with anyone.

    Fizz , avatar

    Flat earth is not at all comparable to Veganism. Vegans don’t need to make up anything to justify their side. They simply care for animals and therefore they don’t eat them.

    I’m not vegan so I’m not taking you up on that debate.

    Beaver , avatar

    Yup, vegans have science and studies to back up their claims while some meateaters have tradition and false equivalences to back up theirs.

    hemko ,

    Yeah. I do agree with vegans in that humans should transition to a diet that’s more sustainable and removes the animal suffering from the equation - and I do put in some effort to reduce my use of animal based products but: god damnit some people of that community are some seriously insufferable people to converse with

    slaacaa ,

    Exactly. There are ethical, environmental and health reasons to decrease humanity’s meat consumption. But screaming slurs with religous zealousy burning in your eyes will not win over the majority of the population. If you push people, they push back. Especially on morals, which is the least efficient argument to have a plant based diet - yet it’s the one some vegans like to push the most, as it makes them feel better about themselves.

    I know exactly what vegans know, about eg. dairy industry and the rape of cows. Seen many sickening documentaries, and I believe that in a 100 years we will look back on exploiting/killing animals for dairy/meat as we do now on slavery.

    Still, I eat meat.

    Much less meat than I did years ago, but I have no intention to fully stop, as the alternatives are not yet practical, affordable, or tasty enough for me. If a lot of people decreased their meat consumption, our planet would be much better - how about we take that first step together, instead of insulting each other?

    commie ,

    I am enjoying watching vegans battle everyone. Most people are not prepared for a conversation on veganism.

    I think it is good that they prefer to not have to argue about the validity of their choices, so stay in their own communities. going to c/vegan and being a shit head should be instance-wide bannable (even if it’s temporary). but when they are in other communities they should be respectful of others choices, not sandbag them with sophistry.

    Passerby6497 ,

    going to c/vegan and being a shit head should be instance-wide bannable (even if it’s temporary).

    Are we singling out c/vegan as snowflakes, or are we planning on making being a shithead in communities a banable offence?

    commie ,

    going into a community and being a shithead should be a temporary instance-wide ban, yea. don’t go into c/DBZ and say “funimation sucks. dbz sucks. dragonball sucks. you are a bunch of dumb babies”.

    MapleEngineer , (edited ) avatar

    No one hates vegans. Almost everyone hates vegan extremists. No one cares what you eat. You want to eat brown slop and claim its the best thing ever fill your boots. You want a vegan pet, get a rabbit. Just don’t try to shame everyone else into doing what you want and don’t feed a carnivore a vegan diet and no one will say anything.

    Beaver , avatar

    There are so many dishes you can make with plants and yet you choose the term “slop”

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    I’ve seen some of the pictures that have been posted in c/vegan. Some of them were literally brown slop. My family eats a number of vegetarian and vegan dishes along with those that contain meat. I don’t care what anyone wants to eat, even if it is brown slop.

    Beaver , (edited ) avatar

    You’re choosing the worst looking examples of plant-based foods to suit your claim, any soup could be considered slop.

    You can make salads, tacos, burgers, bread, desserts all with plants.

    MapleEngineer , avatar

    Yes, I’m definitely picking the worst examples to illustrate my point just as someone else used the word, “murder” (the killing of one human being by another) four times when referring to non-humans.

    I haven’t seen any posts come up in All where I said, “That looks really good. I would eat that.” I remember several photos of puddles of lumpy goo where I thought, “Ew”.

    I’ve eaten plenty of vegetarian and vegan meals that I thought were delicious. I have no problem with vegetarians or vegans. I have a real problem with extremists no matter how they mistakenly believe that they are absolutely superior.

    Kroxx ,

    Vegans have been refining these arguments for a decade now and can present clear sharp moral stances with a counter to everything you have to say

    Lol they fuck they can, they couldn’t even properly present and defend their own sources.

    hakunawazo , in The more you know

    Be good to your honkers, then they will honk for you tomorrow too.

    pjwestin , in Maybe this is better for everyone avatar

    I mean, leaving .world is a pretty fair response. That community is full of insufferable idiots, but an admin overrode their moderating decisions, and then the admin team made up rules to retroactively justify their decision. That’s pretty egregious.

    can ,

    I’m no fan of but I’m even less of a fan of dead cats.

    pjwestin , avatar

    Yeah, to be clear, you should not feed your cat a Vegan diet. Cats are obligate carnivores. Synthetic Taurine has made vegan catfood somewhat more viable, but cats don’t just need Taurine from prey. They need several vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids from animal protein to survive. Beyond that, their digestive tract isn’t very efficient at digesting plant matter, so even if these foods have the nutritional value they need, they might not be absorbing it. Also, a lot of these products seem to be made from grains and other carb heavy products, and cats need a very low carb, high protein diet. If you want to completely divest from the meat industry, you simply shouldn’t own a cat.

    That being said, Vegan catfood products are on the market, so whether or not they are good for cats, they have been approved by several regulating bodies. You can claim that they’re unsafe (I certainly do), but having an admin nuke a comment section for claiming otherwise is a huge overreaction. It would be like going into a vape community and banning accounts that claimed vaping is safer than smoking; it probably isn’t, but I don’t need admins deciding who gets to have discourse about that.

    Finally, I’m also not a fan of dead cats, but if you’re dumb enough to take veterinary advice from an internet vegan group, you’re probably too dumb to keep a cat alive anyway.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Vegan catfood products are on the market, so whether or not they are good for cats, they have been approved by several regulating bodies

    Yeah, that’s not how it works. Especially in countries with extreme regulatory capture like the US.

    Unless a product has text that says in a very specifically worded way that it’s been tested and approved by a relevant regulatory body, it hasn’t.

    The fact that something hasn’t been taken off the market YET does not necessarily mean that it’s been approved. Especially not when you’re dealing with politically volatile stuff that could lead to lengthy public lawsuits sapping the resources of the already chronically underfunded and understaffed agencies.

    If it’s vegan food for obligate carnivores, it MIGHT technically be “safe” (as in won’t be outright lethal), but for the reasons you yourself mentioned, it’s likely to significantly decrease the animal’s enjoyment of life at best and more likely to be downright torturous.

    It would be like going into a vape community and banning accounts that claimed vaping is safer than smoking

    Except for the fact that those accounts would be absolutely right and have reams of scientific evidence from the world’s foremost experts in related fields to back up their claims. Unlike the people abusing cats in the name of not abusing animals.

    it probably isn’t

    It is. It’s not even anywhere near the next city over from the neighborhood of close.

    but I don’t need admins deciding who gets to have discourse about that

    Except limiting the spread of dangerous misinformation, such as common myths that are keeping smokers away from one of if not THE most effective smoking cessation tool, is a big part of what admins are FOR.

    if you’re dumb enough to take veterinary advice from an internet vegan group, you’re probably too dumb to keep a cat alive anyway

    Yeah…that’s not a valid argument either. A lot of vegans avoid getting a cat because they’re too overzealous in their veganism to even want carnivorous animals to eat meat.

    The Venn diagram of people vegan enough to love carnivores but refuse to give them meat and people who would trust a vegan online echo chamber more than competent veterinarians is a circle within a bigger circle.

    pjwestin , avatar

    Well, various vegan catfoods have been approved for use in not only the U.S. but also the E.U., but your point about regulatory capture is fair. Unfortunately, it’s undercut by your support for vaping, a nicotine product brought to market with an insane lack of oversight. Ironically, most of what you’re complaining about with the cat food is exactly what makes vaping so dangerous. We don’t have as much research or long-term studies on the effects of vaping to say it’s as dangerous as smoking, but we know that they contain propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, which are toxic to cells, aldehydes, which are associated with lung disease and heart disease, acrolein, which can cause COPD, asthma and lung cancer, as well as various heavy metals. I’m pretty sure that a lot more people will die of vaping than cats will die of veganism. That being said, I don’t think people who support vaping should be removed from lemmy for using a product that’s probably unsafe, and and it’s not the job of admins or moderators to stop people from taking bad health advice from strangers on the internet.

    a_wild_mimic_appears ,

    In the UK the NHS is advocating for vaping as a way to stop smoking, and it works. Also, i don’t know where you get your information about VG and PG (especially regarding their toxicity), but i am more than sure that your information is outdated/obsolete by now.

    A large part of your cells walls are made out of vegetable glycerin. The LD50 for rats is about 12g/kg body weight (mice 8g/kg) when ingested (so about 1kg for a 100kg human), and the seen adverse effects when inhaling were minimal and only visible in hourlong exposures at the highest tested concentration.

    Propylene Glycol has an even higher LD50 in rodents (20 GRAMS/kg b.w.) and is in use in every theatre in the world for fog and smoke effects (in HUGE volumes in contrast to vaping - i vape a lot and am somwhere between 5-10ml VG/PG 1:1 per day) for ages now, and there would have been found a correlation between stage workers and lung cancer by now. It’s widely used in the agricultural sector as a feed additive in pretty large quantities too.

    you get acrolein when the e-cigarette overheats. modern devices should not even really do this anymore. The heavy metals are a hypothesis i heard in the beginning and for which i haven’t seen any source in the last 5 years. At least if you aren’t overheating your NI80 coils on purpose to a dull red glow. all my homies use SS316 for smooth automatic temperature control :-)

    I’m with you regarding the aroma additives (which i assume you meant as source for aldehydes); not many of those have been tested regarding inhalation (except for aromatherapy probably), and they might prove to be detrimental. i also believe that if i had kept my pack or two a day hobby for much longer, it would have had a real chance of killing me. i am also advocating that this stuff should be 18+ - by that age the whole “peer pressure” thing that led to me starting smoking with 14 should be mostly over.

    in the end, the most important part is: i choose to use e-cigarettes since it’s harm reduction in comparison to smoking (and nothing else worked for me), and i know that it would be healthier not to do it. cats don’t have much choice regarding their food, especially when combined with an religiously motivated owner.

    socsa ,

    I feel like nobody is approaching this from a consent aspect either. If someone offers their cat an array of cat food options and makes an actual honest attempt to determine a long term preference and the cat legitimately prefers the vegan cat food, then that's way less problematic than saying "you will eat this weird food or you will starve."

    The forced veganism thing just feels a lot like saying "studies show that a human can technically survive on roaches and rat feces as long as they get a vitamin C supplement."

    a_wild_mimic_appears ,

    I just wanted to add: the reason why most carnivores go for the digestive tract first when eating their prey is that they eat the predigested plant matter with the entrails, making those nutrients much more readily available to them.

    It’s a shame; i’m sure there are vegans feeding their cats this way, and when those animals lose muscle mass quickly, the first thing that gets really damaged by that are their kidneys - and this does normally only get noticed shortly before the cat is going to die. And it’s an ugly death. I’ve had a young cat which had nearly dead kidneys when we got her, and it’s pure torture for them - we tried everything we could, but there’s not much to be done after they show symptoms. That one “study” that other poster is throwing around with the owner-reported feedback regarding the health of their cats has actual negative worth.

    WarlockLawyer ,

    What if we raise them in a factory farm and eat them instead? Don’t worry though. We will force feed them a carnivore diet in their tiny cages

    Trainguyrom ,

    Bruh. This is why I don’t like folks from vegan communities. So full of misinformation and vitriol regarding farming practices. Dead, malnourished and diseased cattle are worthless to a farmer, so they intentionally don’t keep them in conditions like these crazies describe.

    That said I am trying to cut down on my meat consumption because meat production is more climate intensive than vegetables, and my diet is not as vegetable-heavy as it should be. But you folks make it so hard to feel good about making positive changes like that

    DankDingleberry , avatar

    because they challenge your biases you dont like them. classic

    SkyeStarfall ,

    They literally do though? Have you ever seen a chicken farm? Or a mink farm? Or dozens of different examples of factory farming?

    A few dead animals don’t matter if you can fit in 20x the amount of chickens in the same space

    Trainguyrom ,

    Not a mink farm but I’ve been to cow, goat, sheep, pig and chicken farms. You know what you get with 20x the herd in the same space? 200x the disease risk and 20x the loss when you have to cull the entire herd because the USDA started investigating why your cattle tested positive for [insert nastiness here]. Sick cattle are a great way to lose the farm that’s been in the family for generations. Healthy cattle are how you give your kids the option to choose to continue farming

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    I agree entirely. Let’s end the factory farming of cats.

    can ,

    What is your intent when replying like this? Did you intend to have a conversation and a sharing of views? Is it just about mocking the hypocrisy what you assume my views to be?

    blindbunny ,

    You replied only with questions without answering theirs, how rude.

    unexposedhazard ,

    If thats true then everyone should probably start leaving .world. If they cant even behave themselves with something as simple as veganism, then you cant trust them to not powertrip with actually controversial political issues.

    alcoholicorn ,

    you cant trust them to not powertrip with actually controversial political issues.

    I mean they “preemptively defederated hexbear as a last resort” for fear they might discuss politics, so that ship has sailed.

    SkyezOpen ,

    Shush tankie.

    pjwestin , avatar

    Maybe, but this seems like a problem that’s bigger than a single instance. A few months back someone came with some pretty good receipts showing .ml admins going after people for having some very fair and moderate criticisms of China. Seems like most instances either have power tripping mods or are too small to have much activity.

    can ,

    The issues with dot ml and dot world are hardly comparable. I’ve had my concerns with some of the world admin actions (flip-flopping, lack of communication) but I do believe they are trying in good faith. I’m still happy to be registered and to make my communities elsewhere but for now I don’t see them as being nearly as egregious as ml.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar
    1. Adding animal abuse to their TOS was a good move. I’m surprised it wasn’t already there.
    2. Encouraging people to feed a cat a vegan diet is a call to abuse a cat through deliberate malnourishment.
    3. Mods on c/vegan were directly calling for animal abuse, and censoring anyone countering them.

    I stand with the admins on this. Zero sympathy for animal abusers.

    leaving .world is a pretty fair response

    Okay, .world account…

    pjwestin , avatar
    1. Agreed, except when it’s being done to retroactively justify your actions.
    2. I think it’s a very bad idea to feed a cat a Vegan diet, but there are vegan products being sold on the market, and if you want to feed your cat one of these products, you should discuss them with a vet or other qualified professional. Regular dry food contains way more carbohydrates than cats are meant to have in their diet, which can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats. Are people who feed their cats dry food animal abusers? Should the Lemmy admins start policing the use of dry food?
    3. The mods of c/vegan were trying to assert their ability to moderate their own sub as they saw fit in the face of a massive overreach from the admin. I think they’re the most insufferable community I’ve seen on this instance, but they should have the right to moderate their own community.

    And yes, I’m on .world, but very little of my identity is tired up in my lemmy instance, and I’m certainly not going to bat for the .world admins when they do something crazy.

    can ,

    And yes, I’m on .world, but very little of my identity is tired up in my lemmy instance, and I’m certainly not going to bat for the .world admins when they do something crazy.

    Just please make an alt account if you intend on cresting any communities.

    Beaver , avatar
    socsa ,

    So you are cool if we just feed prisoners vitamin fortified gruel since they can technically survive on it?

    Beaver , avatar

    I mean we do already with nutraloaf. But lets stay on the topic at hand.

    So vegan diets are just “salads, bugs, grass and gruel” whenever it suits your argument for the moment.

    socsa ,

    I absolutely abhor the idea of nutraloaf. It's the same modernist bullshit which got us eugenics.

    If you actually give your cat a real option and they choose the vegan food, that is fine with me.

    Beaver , avatar

    There are many plant-based recipes that are tasty out there, cats would enjoy the vegan food if its made right.

    Its their nature in the wild to choose meat because its what sustained them for so long in the past.

    Not_mikey ,

    I mean a lot of people are feeding there cats cheap dry kibble that has almost no resemblance to the meat it was rendered from. If your argument is that it’s abuse if you aren’t feeding your cat what it wants then there’s a lot of cat abusers out there.

    socsa ,

    I will happily argue that this is a form of animal abuse. People buying cheap Wal Mart kibble are shitty.

    rockerface , in Decorating

    Furniture for a player house in an MMO be like

    Stovetop , in Maybe this is better for everyone

    I like and admire vegans.

    I probably should be vegan because I am lucky enough to have the economic privilege to support that kind of lifestyle.

    But, as with many other communities centered around lifestyle topics, I would never want to participate in a vegan community. Lifestyle communities always become insular and echo-chambery, so you become a pariah if you don’t properly adhere to 100% of the community consensus behaviors.

    Not just vegans, but you see it happen with fitness communities, diy/home decor, a lot of hobbies, etc.

    mathemachristian ,

    Abstaining from animal murder and torture is admirable and something I should do OTOH some internet commenters are mean about it

    I wonder why they would be mean…

    mogoh ,

    @Stovetop did not say nor implied that he/she is not vegan, because of the community.

    mathemachristian ,

    I probably should be vegan … But … I would never want to participate in a vegan community.

    Seems pretty clear to me.

    Skua ,

    You can take part in something without taking part in the community about that thing, though. I play guitar a lot, but I don't frequent any guitar-based communities

    mathemachristian ,

    I’m fully aware, but “I’m not going vegan because they’re so annoying” is a pretty common excuse.

    DampSquid ,

    It is a common excuse. And yet you’re still being really annoying.

    mathemachristian ,

    Sorry for not being nicer to bloodmouths. Wouldst thou please ent’rtain the notion of not enslaving sentient beings?

    Tar_alcaran ,

    But blood is tasty…

    zalgotext ,

    Yeah that isn’t what they said though

    PeriodicallyPedantic ,

    Take the L dude.

    Not only is that clearly not the reason in this case, of what you say is true (and I believe it considering your behavior) that’s a pretty damning indictment about your collective personalities.

    Youre blaming OTHERS for leaving your cause because YOU’RE impossible to put up with. Pathetic. The literal definition of that meme where the dude puts the stick into his bike spokes and then cries about it.

    If you hate non-vegans so much then stop talking to them. Simple as.

    mathemachristian ,

    Im saying if someone stops being vegan because of what people say they dont actually hold the moral conviction that torture, rape and murder of any animal is wrong. I’m not crying about others leavinge “the cause” Im angry at the smugness and how readily people will accept any excuse in order to keep the literal orphan crushing machine going.

    PeriodicallyPedantic ,

    You’re a poison and you’re surprised people didn’t wanna get near you.

    You’re even getting mad at people who say that veganism is good and they want to work towards it.

    You’re pathetic.

    Stovetop ,

    I gave being vegan a go but stopped because I couldn’t keep up with it.

    Working 60-hour weeks makes it hard to meal prep, so I order out a lot, and there aren’t many vegan friendly dining options in my area.

    I ended up skipping a lot of family gatherings because Cantonese food isn’t all that vegan friendly. The one thing I never wanted to be was “that guy” who needed a special menu when invited to social events, so I thought it was easier to just withdraw. Being very lactose intolerant as a kid did not help in that regard when friends would want to go out for ice cream or eat birthday cake and I’d always feel like “that guy”.

    At a particularly low point for me, when I was eating the same garden salad for dinner for 2 weeks straight, I ended up having a bit of a breakdown. My therapist said that it is admirable to be vegan, but my behavior at the time was verging on having a martyr complex, and that I should stop punishing myself to make a point.

    I’m currently a pescatarian, which is the only concession I could make at present to let myself eat my family’s home-cooked meals that are usually made with a fish sauce of some sort. I’d like to try going vegan again at some point when I’m in a better mental space, but it’s something that some of us have to find our way into gradually.

    mathemachristian ,

    I don’t know you and if you’re being sincere about your harm reduction then that’s great. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, the clothes I wear I made from human slavery, the produce from the exploitation of migrant workers. But people want to be blind to this so they can enjoy their treats in peace while there is a world of suffering around us, that’s what gets me so riled up. The wilful ignorance.

    Passerby6497 ,

    Then you need to go back to school for reading comprehension, because being a vegan and participating in a community about veganism are not the same thing, not even remotely close.

    mathemachristian ,

    and yet that seems to be the stated reason…

    Passerby6497 ,

    Only because you’re inferring a lot from a couple comments. You don’t know why they aren’t vegan (which could be for any number of reasons), the only thing you know, and are basing your entire assumptions on, is that they don’t want to hang out in spaces full of insufferable vegans.

    Aurenkin ,

    Only if you have poor reading comprehension.

    gedaliyah , avatar

    Good job! This is the comment that made them turn vegan! Mission accomplished!

    mathemachristian , (edited )

    If your belief lives or dies because of some internet comment it won’t last anyway.

    Edit: as in, what sustains it is the actual moral implications of a non-vegan lifestyle. I was convinced to go vegan by internet comments like this.

    prettybunnys ,

    See here’s what’s really really funny, people over and over again say “man if the vegan people who were trying to convince me could just not be gigantic assholes about it then maybe it would be easier to join their community”

    And then you come along and are a gigantic asshole about it and prove the entire point.

    Super solid representation, 5/7, perfection.

    mathemachristian ,

    If you need people to be nice to you to convince you, you care more about appearances than the argument. If people being rude stops you from acting on something you actually believe in you won’t last a month as a vegan.

    Going vegan means changing your habits, giving up a lot of your treats with nothing in return. You will be the weird one at christmas that needs “special” catering, people have to choose restaurants based on your habits and you will be the butt of a lot of jokes simply because you care about animals not being enslaved. If you need people to be nice to you, and applaud you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy to keep that going you won’t last.

    The first lesson every vegan needs to learn is: there are no rewards and no one will compliment you. You are doing this out of your own conviction and not for anyone else.

    prettybunnys ,

    Well this has been great, thanks for being the point.

    mathemachristian ,

    good talk nice representation, really convinced me to be nicer to corpsemunchers going forward.

    gamermanh , avatar

    Hey, asshole, you’ve been an idiot the whole time on top of being a huge asshole

    The person didn’t say “Id go vegan but they’re assholes”, they said they’d not participate in a community with you dumbasses because of the behaviour people like you participate in

    Also your insults suck and make people sound cool as fuck

    mathemachristian ,

    Hey maybe if you people would be NICER to me I would entertain the thought that I was in the wrong

    gamermanh , avatar

    Not being an asshole to people is the default behaviour, to be dropped when someone breaks the social contract and does not uphold their end

    I get that your parents didn’t teach you basic manners but that’s not our job either. Learn how not to be a bitter piece of shit or be forever considered a perfect and pathetic example of OPs point

    mathemachristian ,

    well you just arent going to convince me by being rude you have to ask me nicely and maybe Ill think about it

    Snowpix , avatar

    mathemachristian is a Hexbearite, them being an asshole isn’t at all surprising.

    mathemachristian ,

    My comment poking fun at the ridiculousness of double standard in tone policing got removed for trolling so let me be more explicit:

    There were already very rude jokes and comments about vegans in this thread. Rudeness against vegans is the norm and played for laughs, but god forbid a vegan returns the favor then suddenly everyone is crying for more civility.

    Also sincerely held beliefs should be communicated sincerely. No ones going to believe the dude that says “I think what you’re taking part in is a horrific injustice carried out on an industrial scale but to each their own I guess. Lets agree to disagree.”

    commie ,

    while i think you are actually starting to violate community rules here, i just wanna say i think your conduct up to this point has been fine.

    Mjpasta710 ,

    You’re a breatharian? No corpse munching from you.

    Are you pure enough that you feed the bacteria in your body without suffering?

    benignintervention ,

    This is precisely the circlejerking mentioned in the meme. Whether true or not, the community presents itself as unwelcoming and self-aggrandizing. These are not traits that easily convince people to listen to the cause.

    mathemachristian ,

    There’s nothing to listen to, either you believe animal ag is horrendous and unethical and act on it or you don’t. That’s it. No pretty pleases are going to convince someone they have to give up their beloved steak and cheese for nothing in return.

    benignintervention ,

    Then why are you trying so hard to explain yourself?

    naught ,

    Why are you so smug while plugging your ears and kicking your feet? Would you kill the animals you eat with your own two hands? I doubt that most would. We’re so far removed from the horrific violence of the industry and so inundated with farmed meat that people don’t even register what it actually is anymore. This isn’t even to mention that animal meat is carcinogenic, particularly in the amounts we eat. We don’t have a problem with people being anti-smoking or anti-violence, but as soon as “loud annoying” vegan asks you to reflect on the environment, people’s health, or the nightmarish violence we inflict on farmed animals, it’s absolute pandemonium from the meat eaters.

    IMO most don’t/won’t want to deal with the cognitive dissonance.

    benignintervention ,

    Sorry, I’m not going to participate if you’re going to be abusive.

    naught ,

    Abusive? 😂 I accept your apology.

    RedAggroBest ,


    That word is doing some heavy lifting. What does asking look like to you?

    naught ,

    What’s more apt? Demand? I literally never see a “militant” vegan emerge anywhere unless in a thread like this which demonizes a (diverse) group of people for giving a shit about animals and this planet. I think that most people who give thought to this problem will eventually realize that they aren’t primal hunters capable of taking the life of animals, let alone a new animal or more every day.

    IzzyJ , avatar

    Two things. First, the fact most people arent hunting the animals thenselves really isnt shocking. Human society thrives on specialization. We dont farm or forage our own veggies either, we dont engineer our own cars, we dont construct our own houses. Thats kinda just how civilization works. Its not uniquely symptomatic of “carnists”.

    Secondly, you severely underestimate people. Primitive tribes, even if they were less effective at securing large amounts of meat, still hunted without any moral compunctions about the matter. Evolution is a slow thing, people who did that were just like us in any way that matters. Its not unreasonable to assume most people would adjust if you strip away the automation of society. Desperate people resort to cannibalism for goodness sake, I wouldnt put hunting past them.

    naught ,

    I am not remotely arguing against subsistence farming or hunting. Hell even hunting meat yourself that you consume. I wouldn’t do it willingly, but that doesn’t make it inherently immoral.

    People are detached from the method of making their meat. It is far more unpleasant than most want to think about. The animals are mistreated. It’s hard to argue they aren’t. That’s really the point

    I am underestimating no one. I do not remotely doubt humanity’s capacity for violence and depravity. I am saying that we as people can choose to minimize harm and violence (to each other, animals we farm, etc)

    edit: I should also point out that we are FAR past the point of “subsistence” with out meat consumption. We consume more meat now than ever before. There are many costs associated with this to our health, the animals we eat, the planet …

    Aphelion ,

    Right, we get it, but if you tried attracting people to veganism with amazing recipes, and annecdotes of how much healthier you feel, people might come have a conversation and try making some vegan food. Instead these communities drive anyone non-vegan right out the door.

    What’s the expression? Honey will catch more flies?

    mathemachristian ,

    Reformism doesn’t work. People that are vegan because it’s “actually really good food” or looking for applause for “saving the planet” stop being vegan once it becomes too inconvenient. Because their mindset is that they are doing something good and you can stop doing good things or balance them out with other good deeds and there is an inherent expectation of a reward for being good.

    Not supporting slavery and murder however should be the norm, not something that feels like a burden. Being vegan is not doing something good, but not being vegan is doing something evil. This is our position. If someone can’t accept that what their doing is evil but needs to be asked nicely not to kill the screaming orphan who never got to meet his mom because we wanted to steal her milk then they won’t accept that it is an actual real evil that is taking place. It will remain a theoretical. But there really is a room where these orphans are brought to be murdered. A person murdering them. And a mother who screamed bitterly over losing their child. It is a real evil and being polite about it masks the horror taking place not to mention is completely insincere since we aren’t interested in debating or in weighing pros and cons. This isn’t a debate like how should we reduce plastic accumulation or the carcinogenic properties of red meat. There is an evil inherent to not being vegan. Fuck the non-vegans.

    EndlessApollo ,

    Animal agriculture isn’t slavery. I can tell your exact skin tone by the fact you had the gall to make that comparison cx

    mathemachristian ,

    Stealing labor while keeping the laborers alive at the barest minimum possible and trading them as property is slavery.

    commie ,

    comparing slaves to animals is what slavers do.

    mathemachristian ,

    The bourgeoisie make no difference between me and the cow, except for the commodity we produce. They will push to extract our laborforce at the exact cost it requires to sustain it. The cow is a comrade and fighting for their rights is fighting the system that looks to enslave us as well. If you can’t see how the methods in husbandry are used against us then have a look at the holocaust.

    commie ,

    If you can’t see how the methods in husbandry are used against us then have a look at the holocaust.

    the holocaust was abhorrent, in part, precisely because it treated people like animals. treating animals like animals is fine.

    commie ,

    Not supporting slavery and murder however should be the norm

    it is. most people oppose slavery and murder.

    commie ,

    Going vegan means changing your habits, giving up a lot of your treats with nothing in return. You will be the weird one at christmas that needs “special” catering, people have to choose restaurants based on your habits and you will be the butt of a lot of jokes simply because you care about animals not being enslaved. If you need people to be nice to you, and applaud you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy to keep that going you won’t last.

    this should be on a billboard.

    mods_mum ,

    You must be exhausting to be around. sheesh

    davepleasebehave ,

    thing is, it’s a philosophy of empathy and compassion. you don’t really join a.commmunity. there are no V cards I’m afraid.

    prettybunnys ,

    This discussion is literally about the vegan community here on Lemmy

    davepleasebehave ,

    I thought it was more about abuse.

    mods_mum ,

    Having a reasonable discussion with these people is like trying to play a game of chess with a pigeon. They’ll topple all the pieces, shit on the board and claim victory.

    mathemachristian ,

    Gonna copy large chunks of my last comment because no ones there to stop me.

    This isn’t a debate like how should we reduce plastic accumulation or the carcinogenic properties of red meat. Not supporting slavery and murder should be the norm, not something that needs to be argued for at length. Being vegan is not doing something good, but not being vegan is doing something evil. This is our position. If someone can’t accept that what their doing is evil but needs to be asked nicely not to kill the screaming orphan who never got to meet his mom because we wanted to steal her milk then they won’t accept that it is an actual real evil that is taking place. It will remain a theoretical. But there really is a room where these orphans are brought to be murdered. A person murdering them. And a mother who screamed bitterly over losing their newborn. It is a real evil and being polite about it masks the horror taking place not to mention is completely insincere since we aren’t interested in debating or in weighing pros and cons. It’s a horrific injustice and we will talk about it as such. There is an evil inherent to not being vegan. Fuck the non-vegans.

    commie ,

    this is pretty much just appeal to emotion.

    mathemachristian ,

    Here is another one: That meat on your plate comes from an animal that could feel. It had a whole life full of feelings and dreams. It might’ve liked some food but disliked other, it probably had friends, it had a mom and a dad, it was loved. Then they killed it, shipped it, you cooked it and ate it.

    commie ,

    very good. have you considered creative writing as a career?

    IzzyJ , avatar

    If belligerent internet comments actually convinced you to change your diet in such an inconvenient manner for no reward but moral superiority, you are not like the people you’re trying to convince. Abusers and cults love bomb because its more effective on a random sample of people

    mathemachristian , (edited )

    If one believes that the mother losing her newborn cries about it for days and that this is happening on an industrial scale that person will be very indignant about such a horrific injustice. That’s what convinced me, this is a real injustice and not being angry about it would be insincere

    IzzyJ , avatar

    Convincing people to be ethical past the point of inconvenience requires insincerity, yes. The average person is a horrible human being

    cheddar , avatar

    That’s not the goal. They attack people because that makes them feel better. Animals? Who cares. Definitely not them.

    jdr ,

    I’m a cow and this made me feel better about my fate

    davepleasebehave ,

    yes. it is the vegans who really hate animals!

    mods_mum ,

    it definitely seems so sometimes

    davepleasebehave ,

    and never the people who fund an industrial killing machine for food we don’t actually need and will kill us both individually and collectively.

    cheddar , avatar

    What I said is that you don’t help animals with your hysteria. So I can conclude vegans struggle with logic. At least in your case.

    davepleasebehave ,

    brutal take down. nice

    Beaver , avatar

    Nope, thats projection when carnists refuse to read all the studies that supports the plant-based diet and act rude when they realize their actions cause harm.

    Beaver , avatar

    Nah, facts dont care about feelings. Being vegan a day prevents the death of an animal.

    davepleasebehave , (edited )

    I was going to stop torturing animals, but some mean vegan said some words that hurt my feelings.

    So now I’m going to eat two burgers!


    IzzyJ , avatar

    I think I will actually do this now just to prove you wrong

    davepleasebehave ,


    Beaver , avatar

    Meat eaters will be convicted for eating meat in the future.

    IzzyJ , avatar

    Lmfao. You gonna be vegan Stalin or something?

    Beaver , avatar

    Stalin only cares for himself.

    By holding meat eaters accountable for the crimes of eating the flesh of others we prevent the deaths of other animals.

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    I’m just keeping an eye out for good recipes.

    Beaver , avatar

    I like that approach.

    Stovetop ,

    Let me know if you find any favorites, I am down for anything easy and quick if they’re out there (as long as it’s not more rice and beans).

    ShinkanTrain ,

    Just don’t interact with communities you dislike. It’s a pretty bad excuse to blame other people for your decisions.

    ngwoo ,

    so you become a pariah if you don’t properly adhere to 100% of the community consensus behaviors.

    You don’t pocket mulch?!

    prettybunnys ,

    I’m a level 5

    archonet , in Maybe this is better for everyone

    “oh no, the vegans are leaving!” said no-one ever

    Beaver , avatar

    If that was true there wouldn’t be so many posts and comments about the situation.

    FmbyMF , in rizztastic

    "Always be bussin’, never be sussin’ I’m gonna remember that line

    ivanafterall , avatar

    Have a Big Chungus weekend, bro.

    Speculater , avatar

    And may it be riztastic for you bro!

    Rozz ,

    And a skibidi Ohio to you too

    Plopp ,

    Is bussin’ related to bussy?

    ArmoredThirteen ,
    thesporkeffect ,


    2001aCentenaryofFederation , in rizztastic

    this teacher thrives on making their students cringe you love to see it

    solsangraal ,

    no quicker way to get kids to stop a behavior than when the “uncool” people start doing it. remember when dabbing was a thing for like 10 minutes, until the school principal started doing it?

    spicytuna62 , avatar

    The day my parents signed up for Facebook was the day my account died. I’m sure many other millennials have similar experiences lol

    solsangraal ,

    ironic how facebook will die with the boomers

    JustAnotherKay ,

    Shame meta won’t go with it

    solsangraal ,

    i think the shift to “meta” was their response to the realization that only boomers use facebook anymore.

    but what does meta provide that gen z wants? oculus stuff? threads? LOL

    once something bubbles up to replace instagram (which it will), they’re done

    JustAnotherKay ,

    I would agree if they weren’t such a prolific backbone for the tech industry. They’re not just gonna vanish when people stop using their apps because businesses will still pump cash into them

    solsangraal ,

    such a prolific backbone for the tech industry

    i’m not familiar with this. what businesses require meta for their existence?

    JustAnotherKay ,

    I don’t think anyone necessarily depends on them - but the infrastructure for analyzing human behavior online is largely pioneered by meta and the likes. When the front ends like Facebook go away we’ll just start seeing “Powered by Meta” on targeted ads; I wouldn’t be surprised if people who see ads already do see that

    dan , avatar

    For what it’s worth, a bunch of open source stuff is maintained by Meta, that businesses rely on:

    Parts of the Linux kernel, including btrfs, cgroup2 (which is heavily used by Docker and similar technologies), psi, bpf, and a few others.

    PyTorch, used for AI/ML stuff


    zstd compression library and xxhash hashing library - used by pretty much every database system and a large number of backup systems now

    React, React Native, Relay, etc.

    Plus all the AI research and models (like Llama) that’s published publicly with generous licensing policies. Way more Open than “OpenAI”.

    ramble81 ,

    Not really. Xellenial here and it’s still very much active with my friends and I. Honestly the simplest way to stay in touch with people you only occasionally talk to but want to know what’s going on.

    solsangraal , (edited )

    you’re saying that you’re a “xellenial” so facebook is immortal because “you and your friends” use it to keep in touch?

    that sounds like something a boomer would say-- “IIIIIII use it, therefore everyone uses it!!!”


    dan , avatar

    Zuckerberg said during the most recent earnings call that usage amongst 18-29 year olds is actually growing though.

    solsangraal ,

    i’ll bet he did

    RecluseRamble ,

    It won’t though. Those billions of active users are not all bots but people outside the US.

    MystikIncarnate ,

    I left Facebook when they banned me for not using my real name.

    I was left in limbo indefinitely, because I challenged their assessment, and every time I try to log in now, it says that my account is “under review” or whatever.

    Been like that for… Going on 6 years or so now. Maybe more.

    Ziglin ,

    As a user oft neither, I really don’t really see the difference between Instagram and Facebook, so maybe just try Instagram?

    Seriously though, they seem to have similar features and UIs. Apart from Instagram having short form videos to doom scroll on (instead of talking to or silently sitting next to the other person in the room) what features does it have that Facebook doesn’t?

    altima_neo , avatar

    Bill Gates too

    SARGE , (edited ) avatar


    I’m already loving to misuse slang around all the nieces and nephews. They’re all 3-14, so it changes depending on which kid is around, but the eye rolls are fantastic.

    We need to tap into the power of the cringe and we might have an unlimited energy source.

    Edit to add my updated version

    rustydrd , avatar

    Historians will at some point look at this comic strip as a representation of “cringe” that predates the word that later came to describe it.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Cringey is not slang.

    FozzyOsbourne ,

    Technically it is, cringeworthy would be the “proper” way of saying it

    ayyy , (edited )

    Umm ackhtually it would technically be cringe-worthy.

    FozzyOsbourne ,
    feedum_sneedson ,

    Fine, I can live with that.

    blanketswithsmallpox ,


    Bakersfield , in Maybe this is better for everyone avatar

    Did they move to .ml or hexbear?

    mathemachristian ,

    Both already had a vegan community and hexbear is vegan by default (carnists need to tag their post if it contains meat, dairy etc.)

    prettybunnys ,

    Lots of othering happening by commentators promoting to be vegan, is othering a core principle of veganism?

    naught ,

    I may be wrong, but I think that veganism is about not exploiting/eating sentient creatures

    prettybunnys ,

    So the aggressive othering is just something done for fun?

    naught ,

    You might feel othered because you are different, but I for one wish all animals feel nothing but acceptance and peace (including you)

    prettybunnys ,

    Oh bless your heart my sweet summer child.

    naught ,

    Are you othering me?

    Roflmasterbigpimp OP , avatar
    Bakersfield , avatar

    “[…] well moderated and run.”


    cheddar , avatar

    Vegans and transsexuals turning to fascists is one of the things that I’ll never understand.

    ShinkanTrain ,


    This is exactly why trans people flocked to a community that actually respects them.

    Binette ,

    What’s wrong with the word “transexual”? \gen

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