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JoMiran , to lemmyshitpost in It's real avatar

I am 51, so Gen-X, but I have been a skater, surfer, gamer and chronically online most of my life (BBS old schooler!). In other words, my speak has always included current terms which I use unironically. Except rizz. Rizz is just cringe AF.

There is no such thing as generational slang. There is just slang.

Rustmilian , avatar

Sticking out my GYAT for the Rizzler, something something fanum tax.

Shoot me now.

Emerald OP ,

Omg that’s so skibidi

Khanzarate ,

My wife named my bird Rizz.

She says I finally have rizz.

atomicorange ,

Prove it, show us the Rizz!

Khanzarate ,
deadlock ,

You got rizz, alright!

Rustmilian , avatar

What type of bird is that? It’s so cute.

Khanzarate ,

He’s a cockatiel. The coloring is usually more indicative of a female, but they don’t have hard rules like that.

adam_y , avatar

I’m gen-x and I am at the point where I don’t know if I say anything unironically any more.

(But you are spot on, slang is there, always, and it mutates as it is needed, but it isnt generational so much as sociopolitical and regional.)

Toneswirly ,

I believe this as well, no cap

Shieldtoad , to memes in Got Played
xthexder , avatar

Dang, I can’t even be mad with a face like that.

Kecessa , to aboringdystopia in Saw a nazi today

Proud American driving a Korean car!

Evil_Shrubbery ,

Driving a German car would be ridiculous!!

Ultraviolet , to lemmyshitpost in Long Cow is coming

The danger isn’t that it’s smart, the danger is that it’s stupid.

AdolfSchmitler ,

There’s an idea about “autistic ai” or something where you give ai an objective like “get a person from point a to b as fast as you can” and the ai goes so fast the g force kills the person but the ai thinks it was a success because you never told it to keep the person alive.

Though I suppose that’s more human error. Something we take as a given but a machine will not.

nevemsenki ,

Computers do what people tell them to do, not what people want.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Here’s the thing: what they keep calling ‘AI’ isn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ at all. It’s just language processing on a large scale. This type of software has no actual cognitive capability; it can’t ‘think’, it has no capacity to ‘think’ at all, but they’ve written it so it gives the appearance of ‘thinking’; it’s a trick, it’s fake.

Revan343 ,

Exactly. LLMs are just a Chinese room

wischi ,

Your brain is also “just a Chinese room”. It’s just physic, chemistry and biology. There is no magic inside your brain. If a “Chinese room” is fast enough and can fool everyone into “believing” that it’s fluent in chinese, than the room speaks chinese.

MindTraveller ,

The problem here is that intelligence is a beetle

kogasa , avatar

This fails to engage with the thought experiment. The question isn’t if “the room is fluent in Chinese.” It is whether the machine learning model is actually comparable to the person in the room, executing program instructions to turn input into output without ever understanding anything about the input or output.

wischi ,

The same is true for your brain. Show me the neurons that are fluent in Chinese. Of course the LLM is just executing code. And if we have AGI it will also just be “executing code” but so does your brain. It’s not exactly code (but maye AGI will be analog computers, so not exactly code either) but the laws of physics dictate what your brain does. The laws of physics don’t understand Chinese, the atoms and molecules don’t understand Chinese. “Understanding Chinese” is an emergent property.

Think about it that way: Assume every person you know (execpt you) is just some form of Chinese Room … You first of all couldn’t prove that and second it wouldn’t matter at all.

kogasa , avatar

We aren’t trying to establish that neurons are conscious. The thought experiment presupposes that there is a consciousness, something capable of understanding, in the room. But there is no understanding because of the circumstances of the room. This demonstrates that the appearance of understanding cannot confirm the presence of understanding. The thought experiment can’t be formulated without a prior concept of what it means for a human consciousness to understand something, so I’m not sure it makes sense to say a human mind “is a Chinese room.” Anyway, the fact that a human mind can understand anything is established by completely different lines of thought.

Amir , avatar

That’s specifically LLMs. Image recognition like OP has nothing to do with language processing. Then there’s generative AI which needs some kind of mapping between prompts and weights, but is also a completely different type of “AI”

That doesn’t mean any of these “AI” products can think, but don’t conflate LLMs and AI as being the same

Cognitive_Dissident ,

It’s all garbage and I consider all of it to be a fad and I just can’t wait until the world wakes up and realizes what utter crap it is and it just goes away.

Amir , avatar

Neural networks aren’t going anywhere because they can be genuinely useful, just not to solve every problem

Cognitive_Dissident ,

It’s crap, too many people believe the hype, they see TV shows and movies with total fantasy AI in it, they think this crapware is like that, they think there’s someone alive in that box, they’ll come to trust it too much, and they’ll get wrecked because of that. THAT is the real danger of this garbage.

MeanEYE , avatar

You should watch actually AI safety researcher’s thoughts on this. Here’s the link. It’s partially overhyped, but huge strides have been made in this area and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s best to be extra careful than ignorant.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

You got a lot of fucking nerve calling me ‘ignorant’. Bugger off.

Pelicanen ,

Are you always this angry? Doesn’t it get exhausting?

Cognitive_Dissident ,

You can bugger off too.

FooBarrington ,

And that somehow means we shouldn’t do OCR anymore, or image classification, or text to speech, or speech to text, or anomaly detection, or…?

Neural networks are really good at pattern recognition, e.g. finding manufacturing defects in expensive products. Why throw all of this away?

BlueMagma ,

How can you know the system has no cognitive capability ? We haven’t solved the problem for our own minds, we have no definition of what consciousness is. For all we know we might be a multimodal LLM ourselves.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

If we can’t even begin to understand how a biological brain like ours produces the phenomenon of ‘thought’ and ‘consciousness’, then how the fuck can you build machines and write software that does those things? Rhetorical question, we can’t, full stop. All we’ve got is fakery, the illusion of ‘thinking’, ersatz, not the real thing.

For fuck’s sake, I go round and round with people on this shit every fucking time because everyone believes the hype and are never told the facts. They watch TV shows and movies and think someone made that real. They take for granted what their brains can do naturally and effortlessly (…well, not so effortlessly in too many peoples case) and knowing nothing about software or hardware think it’s trivial to make machines that can do what their own brain can do. It. Is. Not.

MindTraveller ,

Language processing is a cognitive capability. You’re just saying it’s not AI because it isn’t as smart as HAL 9000 and Cortana. You’re getting your understanding of computer science from movies and video games.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

No, moron, I’m NOT. Go talk to neuroscientists; that’s what I did. They’ll tell you: an amoeba has more cognitive capability than the best of this crapware.

YOU get your “”“AI”“” information from media hype, who gets it from AI company marketing departments, who are told: “Sell this crap we created so we can get paid”.

You’re dumb. You’re so dumb that you can’t understand when someone who is actually smart tells you something, so you think they’re dumb. Get yourself a dog, name it ‘Clue’, so you’ll always have one.

BlueMagma ,

It’s called the AI alignment problem, it’s fascinating, if you want to dig deeper in the subject I highly recommend ‘Robert miles AI safety’ channel on YouTube

Chakravanti ,

ai thinks

AI’s are Mathematic’s calculations. If you ordered that execution, are you responsible for the death? It happened because you didn’t write instructions well enough; test check against that which doesn’t throw life on the scale; or maybe that’s just the cheeky excuse to be used when people start dying before enough haven’t done so that no one is left A.S. may do it, if your lucky. Doesn’t matter. It’ll just bump over from any of its thousand T-ultiverses.

Buddahriffic ,

I read about a military AI that would put its objectives before anything else (like casualties) and do things like select nuclear strikes for all missions that involved destruction of targets. So they adjusted it to allow a human operator to veto strategies, in the simulation this was done via a communications tower. The AI apparently figured out that it could pick the strategy it wanted without veto if it just destroyed the communications tower before it made that selection.

Though take it with a grain of salt because the military denied the story was accurate. Which could mean it wasn’t true or it could mean they didn’t want the public to believe it was true. Though it does sound a bit too human-like for it to pass my sniff test (an AI wouldn’t really care that its strategies get vetoed), but it’s an amusing anecdote.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

The military: it didn’t destroy the tower, it jammed the comms!

lugal ,

Or more precise: The danger is that people think it’s smart

Cognitive_Dissident ,

The danger isn’t that it’s smart, the danger is that humans are stupid.


KISSmyOSFeddit , to lemmyshitpost in Ya feel me?

So I don’t hear the increasingly worrying noises my car makes.

Zidane , (edited )

Almost didn’t hear my tire pop 30 min ago because of music. Should have turned it louder instead of stopping because now I have to deal with it

Edit: in case anyone was wondering… Strut snapped and popped three tires trying to get to a shop. Called a tow to tow ten min down the road for 100$ :^) love that for me

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

I see we think alike. If you don’t notice a problem, there isn’t one.

JoShmoe ,

You should install a fog machine. It could come in handy.

mihnt ,

Two eye patches, ear plugs, might as well throw some ear plugs in your nose too.

papalonian ,

This guy lemmy’in while driving what a champ

Seleni ,

And that is why I love having AAA.

garibaldi_biscuit ,

How do you have two extra spare tyres to use?

Zidane ,

It actually popped the one tire twice… I think lol. I heard a loud bang/pop and pulled over, kicked the tire and pressed on it a few times and it didn’t move at all so drove a little bit more down the road (less than 20 mph) and it popped again. Though maybe the first bang was the spring snapping… Definitely deflated the second time though. Then the mechanic showed up and put a spare on (I didn’t have a donut, I just assumed it was in my wheel space in the trunk, also apparently don’t have a jack soooo whoops). Drove it down the road a little anddddd pop goes the new old wheel rofl.

cfi ,

Found the Saab owner

Agent641 , to insanepeoplefacebook in Topographical Quarries

Obviously a quarry. How else could you explain the huge depth markers visible in the top photograph?

Canadian_anarchist , avatar

Qarries are the same as trenches apparently. Sea floor spreading and layers of basalt rock and centuries of expansion… clearly that’s the conspiracy.

Apparently the deepest quarry is 1.2 km (1200m) while the deepest trench, the Mariana trench, is 200 km deep (200,000 m). Totally the same in scale /s

Damage ,

This is idiotic. It was clearly done by aliens.

qx128 , to technology in Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen

Are AI products released by a company liable for slander? 🤷🏻

I predict we will find out in the next few years.

LifeInMultipleChoice ,

Tough question. I doubt it though. I would guess they would have to prove mal intent in some form. When a person slanders someone they use a preformed bias to promote oneself while hurting another intentionally. While you can argue the learned data contained a bias, it promotes itself by being a constant source of information that users can draw from and therefore make money and it would in theory be hurting the company. Did the llm intentionally try to hurt the company would be the last bump. They all have holes. If I were a judge/jury and you gave me the decisions I would say it isn’t beyond a reasonable doubt.

paysrenttobirds ,

At the least it should have a prominent “for entertainment purposes only”, except it fails that purpose, too

deranger ,

I think the image generators are good for generating shitposts quickly. Best use case I’ve found thus far. Not worth the environmental impact, though.

micka190 ,

We had a case in Canada where Air Canada was forced to give a customer a refund after its AI told him he was eligible for one, because the judge stated that Air Canada was responsible for what their AI said.

So, maybe?

I’ve seen some legal experts talk about how Google basically got away from misinformation lawsuits because they weren’t creating misinformation, they were giving you search results that contained misinformation, but that wasn’t their fault and they were making an effort to combat those kinds of search results. They were talking about how the outcome of those lawsuits might be different if Google’s AI is the one creating the misinformation, since that’s on them.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Yeah the Air Canada case probably isn’t a big indicator on where the legal system will end up on this. The guy was entitled to some money if he submitted the request on time, but the reason he didn’t was because the chatbot gave the wrong information. It’s the kind of case that shouldn’t have gotten to a courtroom, because come on, you’re supposed to give him the money any it’s just some paperwork screwup caused by your chatbot that created this whole problem.

In terms of someone someone getting sick because they put glue on their pizza because google’s AI told them to… we’ll have to see. They may do the thing where “a reasonable person should know that the things an AI says isn’t always fact” which will probably hold water if google keeps a disclaimer on their AI generated results.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

They’re going to fight tooth and nail to do the usual: remove any responsibility for what their AI says and does but do everything they can to keep the money any AI error generates.

trolololol ,

If you’re a start up I guarantee it is

Big tech… I’ll put my chips in hell no

hellofriend ,

Yet another nail in the coffin of rule of law.

trolololol ,


TheBat , avatar

Slander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.

  • J. Jonah Jameson
FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s ok, ChatGPT can talk now.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Slander/libel nothing. It’s going to end up killing someone.

RickAstleyfounddead , to linuxmemes in Switched to linux before it became mainstream

Linux gotta mainstream wen?
Time to switch to bsd

tentacles9999 ,

It’s almost time to roll out your own OS, posix is becoming too mainstream

pacmondo ,

There’s always TempleOS

bitwaba ,


cerement , avatar
herrcaptain ,

People like this, by simply existing, make me feel like a real dumb piece of shit.

My breaks from real work are video games, TV, and this sort of shit posting we’ve got going on in this thread right here.

Zink ,

While he’s no doubt very high intelligence, I think there’s a combination of personality, personal interests, and drive that these outstanding people have. For some people, the work is what they want to be doing AND what makes them happy/fulfilled.

Like you, I am not like that. A productive day at work can feel great, but I’m never sitting at home thinking I’d rather be working on some idea for an app or game.

Society has taught me that what I SHOULD want to do is that “productive” stuff. Work long hours, strike it rich on my own or climb the ladder at work, etc. But the wiring in my brain does not get fulfillment and happiness from that stuff. But spending that time on family, pets, and hobbies has greatly increased my quality of life over the past few years.

herrcaptain ,

Yeah, it’s the same for me. Work is so I have the money I need to live, but free time is so much more valuable to me.

Zink ,

I like to consider what I would or wouldn’t regret when I’m older. I’ve heard plenty of successful people lament not being a better parent while focused on their career. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard somebody regret spending time with their family instead of their work.

marcos ,

That’s why I plan to move my servers into an L4 clone.

tentacles9999 ,

I applaud this future thinking. you need bare metal or whatever you consider L4 to truly rice a system. Gone are the days where superior performance was a couple of finely tuned cpu flags away.

marcos ,

Well, ok. I don’t really plan to do that. It was a joke.

I do wish it was something viable, though.

possiblylinux127 ,

Heard me out


pelya ,

I’ve used FreeBSD for about a month in 2005, and still can’t stop talking about it.

bitwaba ,

I dual booted it as a desktop for about 6 months around the same time, but honestly all I did is use it as a desktop and browser. I could hardly figure out how to do anything else. I’ve forgotten everything about the experience, and anything I happen to accidentally remember I try to also forget.

marcos ,

It’s close to 1 in 20 PCs nowadays. It’s growing very quickly, and has been adopted in non-irrelevant amounts for a few years already.

Emerald ,

Solaris tho

possiblylinux127 ,


Emerald ,


possiblylinux127 ,

No shutters:


Emerald ,
possiblylinux127 ,
Emerald ,
Matriks404 ,

I am already learning to use FreeBSD. I definitely recommend reading the official handbook, it is even a pretty great introduction to Unix overall.

possiblylinux127 ,


ordellrb ,

Plan9 from bell labs?

eestileib , to programmerhumor in Switching to OCaml bois

Objects are fine.

OOP sucks.

palordrolap ,

This has bell curve meme vibes. I'm just not sure what the middle guy would be saying.

dabu , avatar

It would say Prototype­Filter­Stub­Facade­Bridge­Decorator­Task­Request­Map­Event­Exporter­Info­Model­Request­Iterator

marcos ,

I’m just not sure what the middle guy would be saying

“I hate inheritance! I hate inheritance! I hate inheritance! I hate inheritance!”

But well, inheritance goes brrrrrr.

erp ,

We all get disappointed when we don’t inherit anything useful…just a garage full of confusion

MajorHavoc ,

He died of XML factory injection pattern exposure.

xmunk ,

If only he had a briefcase of XSLTs to make sure the XML was safe first.

drolex ,

<span style="color:#323232;">{
</span><span style="color:#323232;">/*Todo: comment*/
</span><span style="color:#323232;">private:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  bool b_itSucks;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">public:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  bool doesItSuck(return True); //FIXME
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}```
erp ,

Inheritance starts to suck > 1 level deep. Multiple inheritance starts to suck at the point people discuss adding it to a language, or a few femtoseconds after the big bang, whichever comes first.

PeriodicallyPedantic , to programmerhumor in local warzone

But considering the current state of Google search, not as gross as it was.

pineapplelover , (edited ) to technology in DuckDuckGo is down. Is there any info about it?? [EDIT: IS BACK]

Legit thought it was just me. I was like wtf is happening

Edit: searx it is then,

lemann ,

Some searx instances are going to get hit hard today 😅

Hagdos , to lemmyshitpost in You have been infected

The first time I heard this joke I was laughing so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur!

Mrkawfee ,

I had to AskJeeves about Albanian viruses but my dial up modem got cut off when someone picked up the phone.

bquintb , to lemmyshitpost in Later, losers avatar

I know this is an unpopular take…but I’m cheering the guy on. He obviously needs to get laid. Like, really bad.

CrowAirbrush ,

I think he needs to fall on his face first, to lose the entitlement and degrading behaviour towards his (up until this point) friends.

Then when he learns he can have another attempt.

sukhmel ,

He might be like 12 y.o. then this show off is understandable ¯_(ツ)_/¯

stebo02 , avatar

for the girl’s sake I hope he doesn’t

(assuming it is not satire, but it probably is)

Land_Strider ,

For all of our sakes, I, too, hope he doesn’t.

ChaoticNeutralCzech , to lemmyshitpost in I'm confused
  1. Make meme that has no point
  2. Suggest that if people don’t get it, they’re gay
  3. ???
  4. Profit
ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar


Blyfh ,

Well, if you follow the principles of propositional logic, the only implies that Be Gay => Don’t Understand This. It doesn’t imply Don’t Understand This => Be Gay. So people who don’t understand this don’t necessary have to be gay. But all gay people have to struggle understanding this.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

That why I said “suggest” rather than “imply”. Checkmate.

Blyfh ,

Oof. I got Czechmated.

PenisWenisGenius ,

Did you know that it’s possible for a woman to insert a finger deep into her vagina and push on the thin flap of skin separating the inside of her vagina from the inside of her butt to help push out stuck poop and never be constipated? Because I sure didn’t know this until i read about it in a reddit comment.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Blyfh ,

W-wow. Thanks for sharing. Um… I’ll just go over there, yeah?

Gullible , to greentext in Anon doesn't like any web browsers

Only time I’ve had an issue with Firefox requiring >5 minutes of diagnosis was when a shared library was deleted during a freeware uninstall. What an odd piece of criticism.

Also, brave’s president is right wing, and I dislike that. Like “pls no step on snek” right wing.

AtariDump ,
AtariDump ,
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