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Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to help pay Sandy Hook debt as judge decides Infowars’ fate (

A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones ′ personal assets and was still deciding on his company’s separate bankruptcy case. The decision could determine the future of his Infowars media platform, as Jones owes $1.5 billion for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School...

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Good. I hope they take everything he ever has for the rest of his miserable life. I want to see the motherfucker living in a refrigerator box in an alleyway and dumpster diving for food. What a total piece of shit excuse for a human being.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

This is what you get if you vote for fascist pigs and career criminals.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Long cow is loooooooooong.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

The danger isn’t that it’s smart, the danger is that humans are stupid.


Cognitive_Dissident ,

Here’s the thing: what they keep calling ‘AI’ isn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ at all. It’s just language processing on a large scale. This type of software has no actual cognitive capability; it can’t ‘think’, it has no capacity to ‘think’ at all, but they’ve written it so it gives the appearance of ‘thinking’; it’s a trick, it’s fake.

Cognitive_Dissident ,


Cognitive_Dissident ,

It’s all garbage and I consider all of it to be a fad and I just can’t wait until the world wakes up and realizes what utter crap it is and it just goes away.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

No, moron, I’m NOT. Go talk to neuroscientists; that’s what I did. They’ll tell you: an amoeba has more cognitive capability than the best of this crapware.

YOU get your “”“AI”“” information from media hype, who gets it from AI company marketing departments, who are told: “Sell this crap we created so we can get paid”.

You’re dumb. You’re so dumb that you can’t understand when someone who is actually smart tells you something, so you think they’re dumb. Get yourself a dog, name it ‘Clue’, so you’ll always have one.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

It’s crap, too many people believe the hype, they see TV shows and movies with total fantasy AI in it, they think this crapware is like that, they think there’s someone alive in that box, they’ll come to trust it too much, and they’ll get wrecked because of that. THAT is the real danger of this garbage.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

If we can’t even begin to understand how a biological brain like ours produces the phenomenon of ‘thought’ and ‘consciousness’, then how the fuck can you build machines and write software that does those things? Rhetorical question, we can’t, full stop. All we’ve got is fakery, the illusion of ‘thinking’, ersatz, not the real thing.

For fuck’s sake, I go round and round with people on this shit every fucking time because everyone believes the hype and are never told the facts. They watch TV shows and movies and think someone made that real. They take for granted what their brains can do naturally and effortlessly (…well, not so effortlessly in too many peoples case) and knowing nothing about software or hardware think it’s trivial to make machines that can do what their own brain can do. It. Is. Not.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

You got a lot of fucking nerve calling me ‘ignorant’. Bugger off.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

You can bugger off too.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Remember: IQ is on a bell curve, not a straight horizontal line. If everyone had at least an IQ of 100, we’d be living in a totally different world than what we’re living in right now, guaranteed. All more access to information has done is give the dangerously stupid people mroe things to misinterpret and misuse. It’s also given malicious people a way to access the stupid and the gullible to use them as tools for whatever bullshit they want to perpetrate on the world.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

You’re not wrong. Never before in human history has there been a megaphone available to anyone and everyone that is loud enough to be heard around the world – and it’s available to evil people.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

More than you’d think it is, I think. There are far more sub-100 IQ people being stupid about important things than there are people with an IQ above 100. I’m not even saying that someone with a high IQ can’t be gullible or can’t be fooled, but it’s less likely.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I think Biden has done a pretty good job overall, but yeah, it’s not like we have another choice. Trump will destroy this country.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Anyone who supports ‘Project 2025’ is traitor and should be handled like a traitor.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

So you’re one of those ‘my vote doesn’t count’ jackasses? If so please shoot yourself in the head.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

IDGAF if you’re white black or purple with pink polka-dots, there’s not a single fucking reason for you to play the race card there, jackass.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

By all accounts I’ve heard she’s a really nice lady who’s done really nice things for many people and continues to do so, so I don’t at all understand the hate.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Putin is a piece of shit human being who needs to “”“accidentally”“” fall out a high window or “”“accidentally”“” get some polonium in his food. He’s already depopulating Russia of young men for this illegal and immoral invasion of a peaceful democratic sovereign country, and now that they’re fresh out of young men, they’re press-ganging old men and anyone else who can hold a rusty rifle and get their ass shot off in Ukraine. Wouldn’t put it past this motherfucker to start sending old ladies and disabled people over there too.

Here’s the thing, though: Putin knows damned well that if he fails to take Ukraine, the Oligarchs will have him killed, guaranteed. But here’s the other thing about that: he’s going to fail, so he’s dead one way or the other.

Putin should just flee Russia, get plastic surgery to change his appearance, and go live in some remote wilderness for the rest of his unnatural life, and Russia should GTFO of Ukraine now.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Second plot twist: I hear many of them just surrender the first chance they get

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Putin’s getting his ass kicked.


If we could somehow manage to cut off material support of Russia coming from China and North Korea, I think it’d all fall apart.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I’ll forward your request to my CIA sources, look for their analysis in your inbox.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

Cognitive_Dissident ,


I got maybe another 20 or so years of life left to me, I really don’t want to see my world turn into some fascist authoritarian hell-scape where everything is ruled from Moscow or Beijing. So please, fellow homosapiens: don’t let that happen, mmkay?

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Nice try, FBI.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

With so many fewer moving parts compared to an internal combustion engine, yes, EVs could be durable enough to be handed down from generation to generation. Just keep replacing the few moving parts that wear out. Worn interiors can be refreshed. Electronics are modules that can be replaced with updated versions.

What we have to look out for here though is this overall trend of ‘rent everything own nothing’, though. Car companies might try to make vehicles lease-only, so you have all the responsibilities of ownership but none of the benefits of ownership, and it’s never paid off, you just pay forever.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

It’s more than just a rectifier. LEDs of any type, white or otherwise, require regulated current, not just any voltage, otherwise even an LED will burn out. Vis-a-vis: cheap white LED flashlights that take 3 AA or AAA batteries; there’s no current regulation, they just call it ‘close enough’. Over time some of those LEDs will fail and start flashing when they heat up. So what usuall fails in white LED bulbs in your house is the electronics responsible for regulation. Sometimes the LEDs themselves (of which there is usually more than one LED, they’re usually an array of several) will burn out, killing the whole bulb. I have a 1080p TV that the backlight went out on it after a few years use, which I replaced myself. Inside it are three circuit board strips with white LEDs on them, all wired in series like christmas tree lights used to be wired. All it takes is one of them opening up and the whole backlight stops working. Anything like this that is manufactured at massive scale is bound to have some failures, and white LEDs and white LED bulbs are no exception.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

100% true, the first CREE bulbs I had would die in these damned enclosed pimple-like ceiling fixtures. I got them replaced but I now run them without the frosted glass domes on them so they don’t overheat and get killed again.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

The OS running the phone gets more bloated with new updates because it’s for newer phones with more powerful microprocessors and more RAM.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I know all that. I’m talking about the moving parts in the ENGINE, which then would not exist. A brushless DC drive motor only has bearings to worry about. A gearbox is necessary but a well-made gearbox should last for decades and is way easier to rebuild than an entire ICE engine. Of course suspension and brake parts wear out over time, but as you can see I wasn’t referring to those any more than I was referring to tires. All those things are cheaper and easier to replace, really, than having to worry about an entire ICE engine, with the fuel system, cooling system, and exhaust system to worry about. At worst an EV might have a motor or it’s inverter go bad, and of course the battery pack has a limited lifespan, but those are essentially drop-in replacements compared to what you have to go through with a modern ICE and all the crap attached to them.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I’ve heard that they all use standard 18650 cells, just many of them.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Personally I believe that many of our civilizations’ problems would be solved if ‘profit above all else’ ceased to be the corporate mantra.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Not counting my last job, which issued everyone iPhones (because of a proprietary app necessary to do the job), I’ve never owned a smartphone – and likely never will. For me goes way beyond any ‘addiction’ issues, into technical issues about the nature of the OS the manufacturers install on them, and how the telecom companies manage them. Also the ongoing cost to operate, which again is an issue with the telecom companies. If these devices had been more ‘open’ to start with I might have one, but they’re not, and without getting into the list of reasons why, it’s all just a deal-breaker and a headache I can do without.

Also as others are saying: I have two $40 clamshell phones, and while they run Android, they have no internet connectivity at all, just basic phone service and texting – and service costs me all of $40 a month for both.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

What’s Facebook?

Brain poison.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Can you not root the device and install Graphene or a clean Android OS without the Samsung crap

The real issue is that you shouldn’t have to go through all that in the first place.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Are people really so addicted to social media that they can’t use their own willpower to simply not have those apps installed?

So-called “”“social media”“” is something that was a good idea in the beginning, but when you live in a capitalist society that has businesses that chant “profit above all else” every day, sucking money out of peoples’ wallets becomes more important than being responsible to society as a whole. So social media sites like Facebook go out of their way to make using it as addictive as possible. Then they scrape your posts and what you’re looking at to profile you and use that data to sell ad space to other companies, and you get “”'targeted"“” ads shoved in your face. Something like Facebook literally can’t stop making themselves as addictive as possible to the end users because that’s how Zuckerberg makes his billions. Meanwhile none of them really care what this does to our society and civilization.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Can we please just kill all so-called ‘AI’ before we fuck ourselves with it?

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Fuck off

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Uncle Thomas needs to be REMOVED. So does Alito, that liar Kavanaugh, and the religious extremist Barrett. Kick their asses out.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

All your data are belong to Microsoft

You don’t own your computer anymore, Microsoft just allows you to use it.

Cognitive_Dissident ,


Cognitive_Dissident ,

Fuck you, asshole, I’m no gods-be-damned motherfucking Nazi, but you sound to me like YOU are the Nazi here, defending a government and military that is systematically wiping out an entire population.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Both of them.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Did you just threaten me?

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I think there was a plain old mortal human being who was named ‘Jesus Christ’, and maybe he had some good socio-political ideas, and maybe he was a charismatic person with a gift for public speaking, and in typical dumbass homosapien fashion took the things he was saying and turned them into a religion, then when he was killed for being inconvenient to those in power at the time, they created a whole mythology around him, martyred him, stole his body from where it was interred to create a mystery, and added all this ‘risen from the grave’ shit to it just to make it all go viral. Maybe he had some likewise charismatic people around him who were also decent writers who wrote up a bunch of fiction about him, and all that went viral also. It’s not like we haven’t seen cult leaders in modern times get whole groups of people do insane things: Jonestown, for instance, that motherfucker convinced an entire colony of people to drink poison. On the less religious side, but still a cult: the MAGA movement surrounding Trump. You can’t reason with those people either, they “”“believe”“” what they “”“believe”“” and nothing you can say will reach any rational part of what brains they have. Our species hasn’t really changed much to speak of in 2000 years. We live longer because most of us don’t live in filth anymore, don’t poison ourselves, don’t engage in ridiculously dangerous jobs without safety arrangements, and medical science, while far from what I’d call comprehensive, has risen past the point of witch-doctors and shamans and mysticism, there’s science involved with it, so people live past 40 on a regular basis. But our brains haven’t changed that much to speak of, and they’re still full of all sorts of obsolete hardwiring that makes many people just plain stupid about some things.

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Listen, buddy, let’s get one thing straight here right now: I am atheist. I don’t believe any religious bullshit.

Now, then: mythology sometimes has it’s roots in real people and events. That’s where I’m coming from with this. Could all be based on someone who actually existed, even though he was just some dude with some ideas about how people should treat each other. Too bad it all got out of control and is now twisted into the bullshit we have to deal with now.

I think I’ve stated where I’m coming from and what I wanted to say thoroughly enough. I don’t want to spend any time in big discussions about it, it’s not worth my time.

Oh and by the way if you’re some theist and think you’re going to talk me around, don’t waste your time, you’ll just piss me off for wasting my time, mmkay?

Cognitive_Dissident ,

I won’t be terribly surprised to hear that someone who allegedly lived and died 2000+ years ago might have a less than transparent story.

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