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ShranTheWaterPoloFan , to memes in Why must we be done this way?

What would you prefer the school do?

How could they motivate you to actually pay attention in class instead of playing with your phone? Honestly ask yourself if this “addressing motivation” would make geometry more interesting than tiktok.

radioactiveradio ,

Maybe if they used blender(the software) to explain it.


If they try to use a blender (the kitchen appliance), I’m sure it will also become interesting.

Rootiest ,

The blending will continue until morale improves

joeldebruijn ,

Blended Learning tho … 😁

troglodytis ,

Trigonometry smoke. Don’t breathe this.

TehPers ,

“Today in class we will be finding out whether or not triangles will blend. Please put on these safety goggles before sitting at your desks.”

cabbagee ,

Well said. Social media is designed specifically to hold attention and encourage addictive behavior. There’s no way to compete.

electrogamerman ,

In one episode of hannah montanna they use a song and dance to learn about the skeleton bones. I still remember the song after like 10 years, lol

_number8_ , (edited )

not treat students like indentured servants? productively encourage them to pay attention instead of imposing austere zero tolerance policies? do you really think that people in ancient greece paid attention to every second of lecture because there weren’t any phones?

could you, yes you, in your day to day life, handle being forced to go through school again? to learn something new every hour of every weekday and being given obligatory deadlines, not even being paid for the work, having to be there at like 7:30am, having even less control over your personhood and freedom just a few years after being born?

school didn’t have to suck as much as it did.

Aagje_D_Vogel , (edited )

could you, yes you, in your day to day life, handle being forced to learn something new every hour of every weekday and being given deadlines, not even being paid for the work, having to be there at like 7:30am, having even less control over your personhood or freedom just a few years from being born?

The fuck you think everyone has to go through in their lives prior to being an adult.

Edit: though

BCsven ,

Sounds like everyday work life

Jaccident ,

This opinion is wild bud. Firstly, I disagree with the every hour of every weekday; once you take into account breaks, lunches, the much shorter working day, sports, and the way classes should usually be front-loaded with information then flipped for engagement, you’re maybe spending 10-15 hours a week “learning” and the rest practicing/applying. In my career I’ve generally had to spend much more than that each week learning.

Secondly you aren’t slaves, you have the option to down tools and just remain poorly educated without ramifications that endanger you immediate life/safety. That you don’t is as much to do with knowing it’s a shit idea, as it is societal pressure.

Thirdly, the people of Ancient Greece didn’t pay attention every second, but when their mind wandered they were at least able to move back to the topic at hand, tbh, if you miss enough context scrolling reels, you won’t be able to catch back up, and so many will just give up and stay on their phones.

Lastly, society around you pays for your education, it’s part of the social contract we live in. The resourcing of schools is already woefully low, please define how stretching those resources to accommodate completely preventable delinquency, is at all worthwhile. By draining time you aren’t only robbing the school, you’re taking from the students next to you who don’t want to spend their time acting like entitled children.

kmkz_ninja ,

Instead of squeezing school children, we could tax the wealthy at all? That is, if money is your concern.

SwampYankee ,

In my career I’ve generally had to spend much more than that each week learning.

Important point. If you’re in a career that’s at all demanding, you are going to be learning for the rest of your life. School prepares you for that. The specifics aren’t important, what you should be learning in school is approaches to research, study, and problem solving. Schools could probably do more to make that clear.

papertowels ,

Your statement would sound a lot less dramatic if not for the fact that literally everyone goes to school.

“Not being paid for your work” 🤣🤣🤣

My man, your book report is contributing nothing to society. Future scholars will not look upon it with awe. It is purely an exercise to help students as a whole develop as individuals.

Here’s my question - how do you expect teachers, who are actually providing society with a much-needed service, who are already well understood to be overworked and underpaid, to productively encourage students to pay attention?

TheRealKuni ,

could you, yes you, in your day to day life, handle being forced to learn something new every hour of every weekday and being given obligatory deadlines, not even being paid for the work, having to be there at like 7:30am, having even less control over your personhood and freedom just a few years after being born?

Bruh, you’re arguing with people who have already gone through school.

Yeah it sucks sometimes, we all know. We did it. The exact thing you’re bitching about and acting like no one else knows how bad you have it? We did it.

When adults tell teenagers that they understand, they aren’t just saying that because they want the teenagers to listen. They’re saying it because they remember when everything seemed so profoundly unfair. We really do understand…but you’re still wrong.

School sometimes sucks, but what you gain from it is remarkable. Take advantage of it, because work load only increases from here. You are at a time of your life where your major duty is to learn stuff and then prove you learned it. You may very well someday look back on this and go, “Damn, wish I’d appreciated it more.”

kmkz_ninja ,

Are you over 35?

Telling a kid, “Yeah, it sucks and it isn’t going to get any better,” is the last thing you should tell a kid in these modern times. That’s half the reason so many people are suffering mentally. The lack of an ability to affect change because stubborn goons with more power than them assume they know how things should be done.

TheRealKuni ,

Are you over 35?

Nope, but not far off.

I will admit that I could’ve added a more of, “but life does get a lot better when you’re the one making choices.” But honestly I think, in the near-dystopian society we labor through, that the boredom of school can be a helpful preparation for the monotony of entry-level work.

I’m trying to commiserate on some level. Life can be hard, I’m not going to lie about that. I dealt with my share of crushing depression in my 20s. But for many it is worth it, and education can help it be less difficult in the long run.

I guess the point I should be trying to make is that finding ways to actively engage with things that aren’t your preferred activity is a vital skill for enjoying life. School becomes less monotonous when you make an effort to enjoy it, not when you rely on your teachers for that and spend your time pining for your dopamine source. The same is true for shitty work. Embracing it and finding ways to keep your mind engaged can make terrible work far better. It’s how I survived years of working fast food, retail, and call centers until I finally got a job I truly enjoy in software.

And of course this carries throughout personal lives as well. Being able to put down the keyboard/controller/phone and clean the house is a necessity, one I still struggle with.

The lack of an ability to affect change because stubborn goons with more power than them assume they know how things should be done.

Yeah but this is, maddeningly, pretty much the way life is.

By the way, the point here isn’t that it would be bad if teachers could make school more engaging than YouTube and TikTok, but rather that it’s impossible for the average teacher to make school more engaging than a student’s phone. So get used to it. Required activities will never consistently outperform entertainment, at any point in your life.

This isn’t meant to be doom and gloom. It’s meant to be honest. Learn to love life, because life won’t always make loving it easy. But it will be worth it, at least in my experience.

5redie8 ,

This is how work operates, except I’m there for two more hours.

kmkz_ninja ,

You can quit work, and you have rights. Children have neither.

Jaccident ,

You can quit work and starve. You can quit school and get in a little bit of trouble. I don’t really see the equivalence here.

Children have lots of rights in this analogy, in fact in a great many places, they also have a right to be cared for by the state that adults don’t. Statutory service provision routinely is written in protection of children.

Weirdly, most people don’t have a right to take out and use their phone when working, and given that’s the thread topic it’s a decent sized hole in your argument. I worked a high-wage and technical role, white collar as it gets, and you know where my phone was when I was meant to be concentrating on my work, in my pocket. Know what would happen if I was fucking about on it when I had something important to do? Disciplinary, HR, threatened loss of livelihood. If you’re arguing you’re not being treated like adults, I have bad news for you.

Look, you’re not some oppressed underclass of unperson and your myopic determination to cast yourself as such is a genuine insult to people living under actual hardship.

kmkz_ninja ,

First, school kids need rules, and school is good.

I also don’t think 1 short comment deserves:

Look, you’re not some oppressed underclass of unperson and your myopic determination to cast yourself as such is a genuine insult to people living under actual hardship.

Most jobs don’t really care if you’re on your phone if you are on break. Some jobs don’t care so long as work gets done. It seems your job or career is less forgiving than most.

I don’t know why you’re acting like a blanket ban is a good thing, and I don’t know why you assume thinking that we should treat children and teenagers with a level of respect means I think that children are being treated like cattle.

Maybe you get off on enforcing broad policies, but I’m not a chud.

SpaceNoodle ,

My school solved it by existing before smartphones did

Noughmad , to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse

Yeah, you can call yourself a leftist all you want, but when 90% of your posts is calling Biden and Zelensky Nazis but you never criticize Putin or Trump, I get certain doubts.

Gelamzer , avatar

Who are these "leftists"that criticize Biden but not Trump

Noughmad ,
Gelamzer , avatar

Pretty sure lemmygrad is not pro trump

Noughmad ,

That’s what I thought too, but somehow there is a “600 page report on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop” on their front page.

Like I said, they call themselves leftists, but everything there is only anti-Biden, anti-NATO and anti-Ukraine. Nothing about republicans pushing for child labor, for example, which should be the most important priority for a pro-workers group.

GarbageShoot ,

Nothing about republicans pushing for child labor,

There are articles about this regularly on Hexbear and, I must assume, on Lemmygrad as well.

People like the Hunter story because it’s funny and there is genuine corruption going on, but I don’t think any of them think it’s actually important.

420LetPobedy ,

Posts about the ongoing child labour in the US appear on hexbear and lemmygrad frequently…

Trump isn’t president, It’s not weird for leftists to criticise those in power more often, nor an offensive organisation responsible from bombing innocent working people or a banderite state for that matter

Noughmad ,

nor an offensive organisation responsible from bombing innocent working people

Weird that you mention this. I assume you mean NATO, because there is another organization responsible for bombing innocent working people right now, as well as taking the working people of their own country and sending them to die. Why is criticism reserved only for the one that did not start the current war?

banderite state

Can you show in what way is Ukraine more right-wing than Russia?

Thordros , avatar

Why is criticism reserved only for the one that did not start the current war?

Probably because none of us live in Russia, so criticizing them is a waste of time. Of course they suck, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Nobody in Russia is ever going to read our criticism.

We do, however, mostly live in NATO-aligned countries. We CAN affect change in our own countries. That is a productive conversation to have.

Can you show in what way is Ukraine more right-wing than Russia?

Nobody is claiming that. You’re having an argument with a guy you made up.

GarbageShoot ,

Can you show in what way is Ukraine more right-wing than Russia?

I hate the Russian government for being cynical liberal mafiosos who use reactionary rhetoric similar to if Republicans were transposed there (“our enemies are exporting homosexuality to us to weaken us” etc). That is still substantially different from making your #1 national hero a Holocaust perpetrator, which Ukraine has done.

Frank , avatar

Liberals arguing in bad faith and ignorance? Couldn’t happen.

autismdragon , avatar

“600 page report on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop”

Idk about Lemmygrad, I can’t speak for them (I also couldnt find this post when I went to check, and I doubt its slipped off the first two pages in the five hours since you posted this?)

But on Hexbear we think the Hunter Biden story is funny and dont take it seriously. We post about it to mock it.

Frank , avatar

Supporting Trump is when you show interest in (admittedly boring and inconsequential) ongoing news issues.

Biden is a right wing monster who literally wrote the 1994 Crime Bill that has caused over a generation of misery, horror, and suffering. Not going to get in to the other ones because we literally have several pinned posts on the matter and I’m sick of re-iterating them to ideological brick walls.

g_g , avatar

are the pro-Trump leftists in the room with us right now?

CloutAtlas ,

Posting about Trump or Putin being bad would be akin to making posts about ISIS being bad: it goes without saying.

Like 99% of people on this platform already agrees with you, it’s really not a contentious issue. There’s no significant MAGA or Russian nationalist instance federated. None of their supporters would see it, it would be a completely moot point.

Noughmad , (edited )

Oh how I wish that was true. Unfortunately I’ve seen far too many people support Russia in this war, both offline and online, including here.

Maybe I’m wrong about hexbear, I certainly hope that I am, but on lemmygrad I saw long posts with many upvotes explaining how this war is a good thing and Putin is a hero that is fighting against the capitalists etc.

Edit: and now lemmygrad had Hunter’s laptop on the front page. Could they be any more obvious?

Edit2: lol, you almost had me believing that I was wrong and just too paranoid. Then in this very thread I got two people from hexbear telling me how NATO and Ukraine are evil, heavily upvoted. Still nothing bad about either Trump or Putin. Thanks.

anachronist ,

Hunter Biden’s laptop is big news though. Why would it not be on the front page?

Frank , avatar

It’s not though? We got tired of riffing on that literally years ago.

autismdragon , avatar

Still nothing bad about either Trump or Putin.

Its because we don’t have to convince y’all that Trump and Putin are bad because you already think that. We’d just be spitting into an echo chamber, preaching to the choir. There’s no point. To be clear we dunk on Trump all the time. We do not like him.

Why do you think that leftists have to say “but also btw Trump is also bad” every time we criticize Biden? That would make no sense.

CloutAtlas ,

Right, but if you made a post about how Putin is a great leader or Republicans have better policies and child labour, homophobia and lower taxes on the rich are good on Hexbear you’re going to get shat on in the comments if not outright banned.

Criticizing NATO is more pressing because online discourse is extremely pro-NATO. Reddit, for example, loves NATO expansion and loved when Finland joined. None of the disdain for NATO is praise for Putin being a corrupt nationalist.

Also anything involving Hunter Biden is funny. He’s just an obscenely offbeat person. While the Trump children (except Tiffany and for now Barron) are just slimy sycophants trying to gain daddy’s approval while swindling money out of MAGA morons, Hunter is doing cocaine and sleeping with prostitutes. Its never really in our discourse for anti-Biden posts to criticize Hunter, he’s become a micro celebrity in his own right. If anything we literally like Hunter better than Joe

infuziSporg , avatar

We had a user who would uncritically support Russia and Operation Z. A “Z poster”, if you will. They were banned on several accounts and no one really missed them.

Some of us tepidly support the CPRF, which is largely controlled opposition. We recognize that counting since 2014, there’s a lot of propaganda, civilian strikes, and land mines coming from both sides. Most of us favor an immediate armistice along the present LOC that follows pretty closely a “dividing line” for the plurality ethnicity as evidenced by the past 30 years of linguistic, electoral, and poling data. And we favor quick peace as opposed to continued hostility that likely will go nowhere.

It sucks that Ukraine’s self-determination is being jeopardized by Russia. It sucks that Luhansk’s self-determination is being jeopardized by Ukraine. It sucks that there’s a geopolitical standoff between the two strongest military powers that overlays this. It sucks that the only imaginable ruling party in Russia is a reactionary capitalist one that was ushered in by Clinton’s intervention. And it sucks that they’re all probably just going to die in a field to resolve it, and make the situation in Bosnia look like a vacation resort in comparison.

There is a silver lining in that we are seeing a great power struggle to subjugate its neighbor, and also in that the wearing down of NATO and Russia allows the less belligerent, more progressive, emerging superpower to have more sway in the world. Some might say that makes it “worth it” but I certainly don’t.

Noughmad ,

Most of us favor an immediate armistice along the present LOC

This is uncritically supporting the Z operation. It rewards the attacker and gives them absolutely no reason to not try again in 10 years (either in the same country or in another one). It’s also what happened in 2014 and you see the results of that now.

Would you favor an immediate armistice with the Nazis in 1943? I surely hope not, but that would be a quick peace, very much like what the advocate for now.

nohaybanda ,

I’m not sure you know the meaning of the word uncritical but go off.

Also, just so we’re on the same page, what do you believe happened in 2014 and what has happened since then until Feb 2022? What political and demographic conditions do you believe set the stage for the conflict that has been going on since then?

Your comparison to WW2 in 1943 is also wildly off. For one, you’ve got it mixed up which side is wearing the Nazi insignia and celebrating Nazi collaborators and enthusiastic participants in the Holocaust. For another, the USSR turned the war around in 1943. It would make no sense to call for armistice when you’re winning. Ukraine is currently stalled and bleeding manpower and materiel. The counteroffensive is all but done, were it not for Western insistence that fighting continues to the last Ukrainian.

Noughmad ,

For one, you’ve got it mixed up which side is wearing the Nazi insignia and celebrating Nazi collaborators and enthusiastic participants in the Holocaust.

I don’t know, which side are Wagner and Rogozin on?

For another, the USSR turned the war around in 1943. It would make no sense to call for armistice when you’re winning. Ukraine is currently stalled and bleeding manpower and materiel. The counteroffensive is all but done, were it not for Western insistence that fighting continues to the last Ukrainian.

USSR was just as stalled in early 1943, bleeding manpower and materiel, getting massive war supplies from the USA, and the West was insisting that fighting continues to the last Russian. Sounds familiar?

SmokinStalin , avatar

Nazis fighting Nazis

ThereRisesARedStar ,

I don’t know, which side are Wagner and Rogozin on?

Okay but can you actually name institutional promotion of nazism? For example publishing celebrations of Bandera, putting the OUN trident on old soviet monuments, funding neonazi run youth camps, etc?

I’m guessing you can’t because while there are certainly Nazi Russians they’ve also tried to suppress any sort of Nazi organizing within Russia. The state is hostile to organized Nazism unlike Ukraine.

To be clear, theyre still a right wing neoliberal hellscape, but it is a low bar to clear and one clears it.

GoodEye8 ,

While it should go as without saying I think it’s pretty hard to take it that way when the following statements get made a) The legitimate Ukraine government was overthrown in a NATO croup, b) Ukraine government is a neo-nazi government, c) DPR and LPR are legitimate countries and d) NATO started the war in Ukraine. Every single one of those is a Russian state propagated talking point, all of them made around nuggets of facts (like the leaked chat where some US officials were discussing who should or shouldn’t be in the new government) but ultimately warped into something that can’t definitely be proven true or false. Thus whoever spreads those talking points wants to believe those statements as true, which begs the question of why to believe they’re true.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

a) The legitimate Ukraine government was overthrown in a NATO croup, b) Ukraine government is a neo-nazi government, c) DPR and LPR are legitimate countries and d) NATO started the war in Ukraine. Every single one of those is a Russian state propagated talking point, all of them made around nuggets of facts

So, theyre all Russian talking points but theyre also all supported by evidence?

This is a thing that annoys me about liberal conceptions of bias. Everything is biased, the question is how factual things are.

(like the leaked chat where some US officials were discussing who should or shouldn’t be in the new government)

Yes, this is what we call discussing who should be in the puppet government. You’ll note that they kept the moderate “we should be nuetral between the US and Russia” organizers out and brought the nazis in.

GoodEye8 ,

So, theyre all Russian talking points but theyre also all supported by evidence?

As if to prove my point… I said they’re statements made around certain known fact, facts that don’t really prove the statement. Like the “coup”. Fact is that there was a discussion between Nuland and Pyatt, which proves US was in talks with the opposition. But the fact doesn’t shine a light on the extent of their talks, including if they were plotting a coup or how much Ukrainians listened to them. To claim it was a coup you have to believe it was one topic of the discussions and the Ukrainians listened.

This is a thing that annoys me about liberal conceptions of bias. Everything is biased, the question is how factual things are.

I don’t have problem understanding that things are biased. It’s just odd how western narrative get criticism but Russian narrative is seemingly taken without question.

Yes, this is what we call discussing who should be in the puppet government. You’ll note that they kept the moderate “we should be nuetral between the US and Russia” organizers out and brought the nazis in.

You just said the question is how factual things are, so factual proof that nazis were brought in? Because from the leak they were actually talking to keep ultranationalists like Tyahnybok out.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

Fact is that there was a discussion between Nuland and Pyatt, which proves US was in talks with the opposition.

Talking about who should be in government and those people “coincidentally” being installed is plotting to install a puppet government.

But the fact doesn’t shine a light on the extent of their talks, including if they were plotting a coup or how much Ukrainians listened to them. To claim it was a coup you have to believe it was one topic of the discussions and the Ukrainians listened.

Or were forced to. The point is we know they were successful at installing their people and keeping others out, and “it was just a coincidence” seems improbable given how popular Klitsch was.

It’s just odd how western narrative get criticism but Russian narrative is seemingly taken without question.

The western narrative deserves criticism. And hexbear is very critical of the Russian narrative, just not the things that they say that are supported by evidence.

You just said the question is how factual things are, so factual proof that nazis were brought in? Because from the leak they were actually talking to keep ultranationalists like Tyahnybok out.

The thing is Tyahnybok was a nobody politically, they went with the more well known Yats as prime Minister. You’ll note that Yats is the leader of the “Fatherland” party

They also say about the defacto leader of the movement Klitsch and the other moderate democrats:

I guess… in terms of him not going into the government, just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff. I’m just thinking in terms of sort of the process moving ahead we want to keep the moderate democrats together.

I want to ask the reader something, what is being said here? Does this come off as innocent?

No, exactly. And I think we’ve got to do something to make it stick together because you can be pretty sure that if it does start to gain altitude, that the Russians will be working behind the scenes to try to torpedo it. And again the fact that this is out there right now, I’m still trying to figure out in my mind why Yanukovych (garbled) that. In the meantime there’s a Party of Regions faction meeting going on right now and I’m sure there’s a lively argument going on in that group at this point. But anyway we could land jelly side up on this one if we move fast. So let me work on Klitschko and if you can just keep… we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing. The other issue is some kind of outreach to Yanukovych but we probably regroup on that tomorrow as we see how things start to fall into place.

Because to me this reads as plotting to install certain leaders within Ukraines new government.

GoodEye8 ,

You’re literally proving my point. You’ve added nothing to factually prove the coup, you’re adding assumptions to make the fact fit the narrative. Also Yats is not the leader of the Fatherland party, he used to be there but moved to People’s front in 2014.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

You’re literally proving my point. You’ve added nothing to factually prove the coup

I dont need to add more stuff. What they said makes it obvious they’re talking about a soft or hard coup. You’re being shown a red balloon and asking for more proof it’s a red balloon.

What would you accept as proof, if not the senior US officials there talking about who should be in government and about moving to make it happen?

Also Yats is not the leader of the Fatherland party, he used to be there but moved to People’s front in 2014.

Oh, cool, the people’s front! Let’s learn more about them:

The Ukrainian People’s Party (Ukrainian: Українська Народна Партія; Ukrains’ka Narodna Partiya) is a political party in Ukraine, registered on Old Year’s Day 1999 as the Ukrainian National Movement

Oh. Cool. A nationalist pseudo populist organization. Where have I seen those before?

GoodEye8 ,

Russian politicians were also talking how Russia should nuke Nevada test site, so I guess Russia has nuked America because the only thing required to make it true is someone talking about it.

The Ukrainian People’s Party (Ukrainian: Українська Народна Партія; Ukrains’ka Narodna Partiya) is a political party in Ukraine, registered on Old Year’s Day 1999 as the Ukrainian National Movement

For fuck sake, at the very least search for the right thing. not this, but this.

ThereRisesARedStar , (edited )

Russian politicians were also talking how Russia should nuke Nevada test site, so I guess Russia has nuked America because the only thing required to make it true is someone talking about it.

Did a nuke go off at the Nevada test site in a way that wasn’t connected to US nuclear testing? If so, it would be reasonable to assume the Russians who talked about doing it did it if it furthered their geopolitical objectives.

For fuck sake, at the very least search for the right thing. not this, but this.

Oh, sorry. But still, theyre described as a conservative nationalist party and split from the “Fatherland” party. Also the leader of Azov Battalion was on their military council. Hrmm.

GoodEye8 ,

it would be reasonable to assume the Russians who talked about doing it did it if it furthered their geopolitical objectives.

Now you’re word for word proving what I originally claimed. If something happened and another factual event happened, that may or may not be related, and you believe they’re related then it’s okay to make the assumption that asserts your belief.

But still, theyre described as a conservative nationalist party and split from the “Fatherland” party.

Conservative doesn’t mean neonazi and maybe they split to be less radical?

Also the leader of Azov Battalion was on their military council. Hrmm.

I’m tired of constantly correcting you so I’m just going say wrong

ThereRisesARedStar ,

Now you’re word for word proving what I originally claimed. If something happened and another factual event happened, that may or may not be related, and you believe they’re related then it’s okay to make the assumption that asserts your belief.

Yes, it is extremely reasonable.

If John Smith talked about killing Jake Jones and was recorded, and then Jake Jones showed up killed as John Smith described he would be, then it would be reasonable to assume that John Smith killed Jake Jones. Jake Jones’ head could have just done that spontaneously, but it is unlikely.

Do you have an alternate explanation for them saying “we’re going to install the people we want and keep out the people we dont” and then that happening?

Conservative doesn’t mean neonazi and maybe they split to be less radical?

Okay but there are neonazis in the Wikipedia article you linked about them

Begin article quote

The military council is a special body of People’s Front. It develops proposals for strengthening of the defence system of Ukraine.

The council was created on 10 September 2014 together with the political and coordinating councils of the party. It was formed by the party congress which also approved the council’s composition. It included the Chief of Staff of the party and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, coordinator of the “Information Resistance” blog, Lt. Col. Dmytro Tymchuk, former acting Head of the Presidential Administration and co-founder of the revived National Guard Serhiy Pashynskiy and former secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Euromaidan commandant and organizer of the Maidan self-defense units Andriy Parubiy.

The council is made up of leading commanders of the territorial defense battalions: Andriy Biletsky, commander of the Azov Battalion, Yuriy Bereza, commander of the Dnipro Battalion, Kostyantyn Mateichenko, commander of the Artemivsk battalion, Roman Pytski, commander of the Chernihiv battalion, Andriy Teteruk, commander of the Myrotvorets battalion, Yevhen Deydey, commander of the Kyiv-1 battalion, Mykola Shvalya, commander of the Zoloti Vorota battalion, Ihor Lapin, company commander of the Aidar Battalion Serhiy Sydoryn, vice-battalion commander of the National Guard and Mykhailo Havryluk, a soldier of the Kyivska Rus battalion.

End article quote

I’m tired of constantly correcting you so I’m just going say wrong

Begin article quote

The council is made up of leading commanders of the territorial defense battalions: Andriy Biletsky, commander of the Azov Battalion, Yuriy Bereza, commander of the Dnipro Battalion, Kostyantyn Mateichenko, commander of the Artemivsk battalion, Roman Pytski, commander of the Chernihiv battalion, Andriy Teteruk, commander of the Myrotvorets battalion, Yevhen Deydey, commander of the Kyiv-1 battalion, Mykola Shvalya, commander of the Zoloti Vorota battalion, Ihor Lapin, company commander of the Aidar Battalion Serhiy Sydoryn, vice-battalion commander of the National Guard and Mykhailo Havryluk, a soldier of the Kyivska Rus battalion.

GoodEye8 ,

Yes, it is extremely reasonable.

If John Smith talked about killing Jake Jones and was recorded, and then Jake Jones showed up killed as John Smith described he would be, then it would be reasonable to assume that John Smith killed Jake Jones. Jake Jones’ head could have just done that spontaneously, but it is unlikely.

It’s how 4chan and Reddit decided Sunil Tripathi was the Boston marathon bomber. A bombing happened, someone knew Sunil had gone missing, images kinda looked similar, people wanted to find a connection so they made whatever connection they could find. He wasn’t the bomber but people still started a witchhunt based on assumptions they thought were reasonable. So no, I don’t think blindly taking assumptions as factuals is extremely reasonable.

Do you have an alternate explanation for them saying “we’re going to install the people we want and keep out the people we dont” and then that happening?

Without any further information I’d say they’re just discussing ideas (in this case who should be in the government) to present to Yatseniuk with the goal of making sure Russia doesn’t sabotage the movement. Nothing about it implies planning a coup.

Okay but there are neonazis in the Wikipedia article you linked about them

I’m going to need more specifics than an information dump. Outside of the Azov being in the military council (which I admit was my mistake for not noticing, and I’ll get to why that’s not proof) and Andriy Parubiy (who I wouldn’t consider a Nazi because he been a target of that kind of disinformation campaign by pro-russian media) nobody else catches my eye.

As for the addition of Azov in that list. The council is not made up of territorial defense battalions, it’s made up of leaders of volunteer battalions. Azov was at that moment a volunteer battalion which is why they were included, along with the other leaders of the volunteer battalions. He wasn’t picked because he was neo-nazi, he was picked because he was leading one of the biggest volunteer battalions. The idea that the government is a neo-nazi government because the biggest political party in that government created a special body and that special body has one known neo-nazi is just bewildering. Look at how many hoops you have to jump through just to have some connection between neo-nazis and the 2014 Ukrainian parliament, and then tell me that is reasonable.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

It’s how 4chan and Reddit decided Sunil Tripathi was the Boston marathon bomber. A bombing happened, someone knew Sunil had gone missing, images kinda looked similar, people wanted to find a connection so they made whatever connection they could find. He wasn’t the bomber but people still started a witchhunt based on assumptions they thought were reasonable. So no, I don’t think blindly taking assumptions as factuals is extremely reasonable.

Okay, are you saying that this is a case of mistaken identity? I dont get what you’re trying to claim.

I treat the assumption as fact within my internal worldview because it is the only explanation I can think of for what happened and it has strong supporting evidence. We have records of them plotting, so they probably carried out their plot as it seems that what happened mirrored what their plot wanted.

Again, I would love an alternative explanation for what they said they wanted and were doing lining up with what happened.

As for the addition of Azov in that list. The council is not made up of territorial defense battalions, it’s made up of leaders of volunteer battalions. Azov was at that moment a volunteer battalion which is why they were included, along with the other leaders of the volunteer battalions. He wasn’t picked because he was neo-nazi, he was picked because he was leading one of the biggest volunteer battalions. The idea that the government is a neo-nazi government because the biggest political party in that government created a special body and that special body has one known neo-nazi is just bewildering. Look at how many hoops you have to jump through just to have some connection between neo-nazis and the 2014 Ukrainian parliament, and then tell me that is reasonable.

Wait, did you not go over the list and look at the political history of everyone involved? It’s much more than one nazi.

Do your research and then take a second attempt at replying.

GoodEye8 ,

Okay, are you saying that this is a case of mistaken identity? I dont get what you’re trying to claim.

I’m saying they took two factual things and then reasoned themselves to believe those things are connected. Which is exactly what you’re doing here.

I treat the assumption as fact within my internal worldview because it is the only explanation I can think of for what happened and it has strong supporting evidence. We have records of them plotting, so they probably carried out their plot as it seems that what happened mirrored what their plot wanted.

You’ve taken two factual things and then assumed based on your beliefs that they must be connected. There’s no evidence of them actually plotting a coup. I even gave you an alternative that very much suits what the leaked discussion was about.

Wait, did you not go over the list and look at the political history of everyone involved? It’s much more than one nazi.

Do your research and then take a second attempt at replying.

I’m not here to do your work lazyass. You said there are more, find your own proof and be more specific. Wikipedia dumps are not proof.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

I’m saying they took two factual things and then reasoned themselves to believe those things are connected. Which is exactly what you’re doing here.

Okay, yes. And it is reasonable. Do you have any other explanation for what happened?

Edit: lol lmao, this is your explanation

Without any further information I’d say they’re just discussing ideas (in this case who should be in the government) to present to Yatseniuk with the goal of making sure Russia doesn’t sabotage the movement. Nothing about it implies planning a coup.

That’s just straight up counterfactual to what they actually say lmao

End edit

You’ve taken two factual things and then assumed based on your beliefs that they must be connected. There’s no evidence of them actually plotting a coup. I even gave you an alternative that very much suits what the leaked discussion was about.

They’re literally talking about who should be in and out of government and moving to make it happen.

I’m not here to do your work lazyass. You said there are more, find your own proof and be more specific. Wikipedia dumps are not proof.

You’re literally the one being lazy.

I’m done, you’re more than entitled to your willfully ignorant, arrogant bullshit.

Frank , avatar

I don’t think I could ever make you believe that we came to these conclusions based on an analysis of world history, economics, and the current geopolitical reality and didn’t need any help from Yuri at the FSB.

You literally don’t understand how we analyze geopolitics.

“The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening.”


GoodEye8 ,

Of course you can’t, because there’s nothing you can provide except your belief that it is the way you want to believe.

Frank , avatar

That’s nice.

GoodEye8 ,

Feel free to provide proof.

SigloPseudoMundo ,

You forgot the genocide denial as well. I don’t understand why they worship Russia like the ussr is still around.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Anarchists didn’t like the fucking USSR either.

SmokinStalin , avatar

Oop im feeling it, gotta worship Russia now. stalin-smokin. Wanna hit?

DivineChaos100 , avatar

Literally posted 3 articles yesterday criticising trump but go off.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Trump isn’t in power, no one is defending Putin, the US set the stage for the invasion and knew exactly how it would play out. Trying to claim they are defending their right to sovereignty, which is bullshit.

Lightor ,

No one is defending Russia or Putin? They sure as shit are trying to smoke screen it hard.…/these-are-the-american-right-w…

K1nsey6 , avatar

The person I replied to was talking about leftists. The only one talking about right wingers is you

Lightor ,

The comment was about defending Russia and Putin. You said no one was, you were wrong. Right wingers are the ones doing that, so I showed receipts, to prove you are wrong. Sorry reality upsets you.

Also you literally linked a source to, you can’t make this stuff up.

K1nsey6 , avatar

I linked to Your echo chamber reactionary thinking has you seeing things that are not there.

So yes, you CAN just make things up

Lightor ,

Lol ok bud, ignore everything said and focus on one small thing and yell about it. You’ve convinced me lol.

K1nsey6 , avatar

It’s not one small thing, it’s lots of big things

Lightor ,

Sure bud.

Noughmad ,

no one is defending Putin, the US set the stage for the invasion

That has to be the shortest contradiction.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Its not a contradiction, several politicians, Biden included, spoke of what would happen if the US threatened NATO expansion into Ukraine. Obama, McCain, Kerry, Nuland, and now Biden set the stage for Ukraine to get invaded. Claiming it was to protect democracy which is bullshit. If the US cared about democracy and sovereignty they wouldn’t have orchestrated a coup with the Pakistanian PM.

This war is 100% about decimating Ukraine so capitalists can go in and divide the spoils.

Ya_Boy_Skinny_Penis ,

Sure buddy. NATO was responsible for countries wanting to join NATO to forestall Russian invasions.

NATO was also responsible for all of Russia’s other post-USSR invasions, I bet.

Life must be interesting when you don’t understand history or politics.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Straight from the horses mouth…

Must be interesting when you are completely fucking clueless outside the official narrative.

Lightor ,

I mean, you’d know lol, with an unbiased source like lol. The people who are defending Russia. And you’re just eating it up.

K1nsey6 , avatar

I’m betting you made a judgment based on what you thought the website was. The website was But go ahead and stick to your echo chamber and stay ignorant

Lightor ,

That’s a really round about way to show you’re defending the very things you said no one was lol.

mrbubblesort , to memes in Breakfasts from around the world! avatar

I'm sorry, wtf!!! A gallon of paint???? Please OP, that's ridiculous. We use metric here in Japan, it's 4 liters of paint. Do some research and get it right next time!

jbrains , (edited ) to asklemmy in Is complaining to open source project maintainers getting normalized ?

If you are dissatisfied with the free thing I gave you, then I am happy to send you a refund of your purchase price. 🤷‍♂️

That’s my preferred strategy.

UPDATE: Before any angry cards and letters, let me clarify. When I reply this way, I learn a lot about the person I’m talking to, including whether they are prepared to have a reasonable conversation about this complex matter. The response I’m hoping for is “Well played.”, because that tells me that they recognize how ridiculous we are both being. I can work with them.

If they are merely having a tough time and needed to vent, then they’ll notice that and we can move forward.

If they are truly that entitled, then I don’t mind what happens next, because they would probably never have accepted any help I could offer them, anyway.

BigMikeInAustin ,

You should charge a restocking fee.

teawrecks ,

Convenience fee.

jbrains ,

Careful! I’m not trying to be Ticketmaster!

passepartout , to linux in Flathub new home page

Babe wake up, new flathub frontend just dropped

walden ,

Your comment got me thinking… Is this a big deal, or even a small deal?

I think it’s a deal of some proportion. If someone is trying out Linux for the first time and stumbles across how Flatpaks work and starts exploring Flathub, maybe their initial impression will be good enough to consider switching. If something appears to be polished, then maybe it is.

satanmat ,

Actually- yeah.

Perception is reality; while hardcore nerds are willing to roll their own distributions, there’s a reason Ubuntu is damn popular. Most normal people want their computers to work, and to have an easy discoverable ecosystem.

So yeah. A Big deal

passepartout ,

I hope it will change software discoverability on linux for the better.

umbrella , avatar

huge deal, software discoverability is one of the worst issues in linux rn.

lemmyvore ,

The flathub website is pure UX garbage so I wouldn’t count on any improvements in discoverability. 😄

lord_ryvan ,

What of its UX is garbage?
Genuinely curious, genuinely asking.

lemmyvore ,

I’ve explained in another comment. They have these pages that seem arbitrarily made up to fulfill certain needs but not others.

You can get a list of packages sorted by popularity and with paging, but no filtering.

You can get a list of packages with filtering but it’s limited to 1,000 packages for some reason, no pagination, and no sorting.

The way to find these lists is really unintuitive (go on, try to find the second one I mentioned).

There’s no package count, unless you find the filter page and add up certain categories (I’m guessing they have about 2,600 packages but it’s just a guess).

I have no idea why they can’t just put everything I mentioned in one place. There’s no reason they can’t have a page with search, categories, sorting, pagination, and counts. I struggle to think why this one page can’t be the homepage (with whatever defaults they think it makes most sense, like most popular packages first by default).

Having a homepage that only shows a handful of categories and a handful of apps in those categories really hurts discoverability. You’ll never be able to find an app like Stellarium for example if you don’t already know its name – and this applies to the vast majority of those 2,600 apps, and it will only get worse as they add more.

I’m guessing they made this design back when they had very few apps, took a lot of time to release it, and by the time they did it was already outdated.

ricdeh , avatar

KDE Discover? Surely looks better than whatever this is

cyclohexane , to memes in Hmmmm

What matters isn’t who came first. What matters is that no one has the right to expel a human from a land they’re living in. That is the core of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

I am pro Palestine, but have no issue with the increase of Jewish migrations in the 19th century. The problem is not Jewish migration. It is the fact that Israel expelled Palestinians from their homes, murdered them, suffocated them, and made their lives miserable.

And this is the same thing that was done to the native people of the modern day Americas.

ParsnipWitch ,

This is an honest question, is Wikipedia just wrong on that? Because there they write that Palestine also expelled all Jews and that they moved to Israel for that reason (because they weren’t allowed in Palestine). And also they write that Hamas specifically want all Jews to be gone.

If Wikipedia is wrong, where do you get your information from?

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

Wikipedia is kind of wrong in the sense that there’s always been Palestinian Jews.

The issue is that due to Zionism, a ton of European Jews moved into the region starting at the turn of the last century and accelerating following the Holocaust.

Said Jews then set about building a thriving western-style industrialized democracy that was opposed at every turn by an Arab and Islamic population that opposed its very existence on what can only be thought of as religious grounds.

All of which can only be taken as an indication of how deeply corrupting and counter-progressive are virtually all forms of institutionalized organized religion.

Fuck all of them. Organized religion sucks ass and should rightly be seen as a vestige of the past.

Mr_Blott ,


  • Loading...
  • cyclohexane ,

    What country are you in?

    The US has a large Jewish population by number.

    cyclohexane ,

    Said Jews then set about building a thriving western-style industrialized democracy that was opposed at every turn by an Arab and Islamic population that opposed its very existence

    I am pretty sure that they were concerned about being expelled from their homes and massacred, and not because they hated “thriving industrialized democracy”.

    cyclohexane ,

    Please feel free to ask any questions! I am happy to answer them all

    Can you please cite which part of Wikipedia is saying this?

    “Palestine” and “Israel” are two names for the same region, so it doesn’t make sense to be expelled from one into the other. I think there must be a misunderstanding here.

    I bet this is referring to certain Arab States expelling Jews during the creation of Israel and the British occupation of Palestine, as a retaliation (which was horrible and stupid and I fully condemn it). But keep in mind this is well into the conflict, when Zionists and British occupation were already well into committing heinous acts and massacres, and that this is Arab States who sympathized with Palestine, not Palestine itself.

    What I was referring to was treatment of Jews in Palestine before the Zionist project.

    As for Hamas’ anti-semitism, I think some background information is important here.

    When it was founded, Hamas was not a popular group by any means. Popular Palestinian resistance groups at the time were socialist and progressive, such as the PFLP and other members of the PLO. Hamas was founded as a Muslim brotherhood affiliate, and its charter had many anti Semitic references.

    Israel saw this as a huge opportunity, and it propped up Hamas while fighting off other groups. Fast forward to the 2000’s, every Palestinian resistance group was left defeated, and Hamas was left as the only group left fighting. Palestinians had no choice but to support Hamas.

    This was a major change for Hamas. It saw hoardes of Palestinians join its ranks, and most were not ideologically aligned with them. There are even Christians fighting among its ranks. This caused an ideological shift within Hamas. It was even reflected in its new charter in 2017, which dropped anti-semitic rhetoric and said it is fighting against Israel, not because of its religion, but because of the Zionist occupation. You can find this charter translated online easily.

    Since then, many Hamas officials reiterated their position that they are not fighting to expel Jews, but against Zionist occupation.

    Palestinians today see Hamas as a vehicle for their liberation, and not as an ideological alignment. But even then, most of the people in Hamas do not hold anti Semitic opinions anymore, and we should keep in mind this major shift throughout its history.

    cantstopthesignal ,

    When I fuck my wife I always come first! And that’s exactly what I tell her.

    ThatFembyWho ,

    Didn’t Arabs and Palestinians just flat out refuse to coexist with a Jewish state from the start? The international community proposed a solution and they refused to accept it.

    Certainly if they chose to fight, and lost, then they have to face the consequences which might include losing their land.

    That’s hardy unprecedented, the very city I live in was largely founded by seizing lands from the British during the American war of independence, because they lost…

    I would say while yes it’s “wrong” to kick someone off their land, both parties have to at least be reasonable and willing to compromise when you have a complex ethnic and religious issue. Otherwise conflict is inevitable.

    None of which is to excuse any war crimes committed by either side. I just think it’s more nuanced than “israel bad apartheid state”.

    cyclohexane ,

    Didn’t Arabs and Palestinians just flat out refuse to coexist with a Jewish state from the start?

    “coexist with a Jewish state” is a bit of a contradictory statement. Arabs coexisted with Jews fine prior to the Zionist project. A Jewish state is by definition a state exclusive to Jews. That’s the opposite of coexistnece by definition, and yes that is exactly why Arabs (Muslims and Christians alike) refused it.

    Certainly if they chose to fight,

    Resist*. they chose to resist occupation, expulsion from their homes, massacre and genocide.

    fight, and lost, then they have to face the consequences which might include losing their land.

    Ahh, so if someone fights you for your land, destroys your home and genocides your people, then they’ve earned it?? Well I should not be surprised that someone who lives in a nation founded on genocide thinks this is okay.

    yes it’s “wrong” to kick someone off their land, both parties have to at least be reasonable and willing to compromise

    “hey man, I know I just took over your home and burned your family alive in front of your eyes. But you gotta be reasonable here and be willing to compromise!”

    What more of a compromise do you need beyond coexistence? That’s all Palestinians have asked for, and Israel continues to deny them basic rights, no matter how peaceful they are.

    And I end with: Israel bad apartheid state. It is truly that simple.

    Basuliic ,

    But there are Arabs even in military right now so you are wrong, learn first then judge.

    cyclohexane ,

    Wrong about what exactly? What does having Arabs in the military prove (or disprove)?

    Basuliic ,

    Jewish state is by definition a state exclusive to Jews. That’s the opposite of coexistnece by definition, and yes that is exactly why Arabs (Muslims and Christians alike) refused it.

    cyclohexane ,

    How does the presence of Arabs in Israel’s war machine disprove that? You didn’t answer this question.

    There were Jews who fought in the Nazis ranks. Based on your ridiculous logic, the Nazis are inclusive of the Jews (obviously incorrect because your logic is flawed).

    There were black people fighting in the US armies as well, even during Jim Crow era.

    Basuliic ,

    Lol. You delirious and don’t know a thing, defending Palestinians who genocided jews for centuries and claim the land they drenched in blood as their. Even now normal Muslims live in Israel, but those monkeys don’t want to coexist and only want to kill. Ask 1.7 million Muslims (18.1% of population) what they think about those terrorists.

    Look at last statements from their leaders, look at state of people in Gaza that had millions of dollars gifted by UN. Fuck them and their rockets.

    Oh, and you for flying on wings of russian terroristsic propaganda.

    cyclohexane ,

    Palestinians who genocided jews for centuries

    Source? Highly doubt

    Even now normal Muslims live in Israel

    Treated as second class citizens, stripped of their rights, and brutalized daily

    but those monkeys [Muslims who live in Israel] don’t want to coexist and only want to kill

    Source? Highly doubt

    Also, calling Muslims or another group “Monkeys” is not allowed in this community. I am warning you. Next time will be a ban.

    Look at last statements from their leaders

    I have. Nothing strikes me as a fraction of the concern that Israeli statements are.

    look at state of people in Gaza

    After Israel has been bombarding them, burning them alive, and cutting off essential resources for decades? Man, I wonder why they’re suffering.

    ThatFembyWho ,

    Ahh, so if someone fights you for your land, destroys your home and genocides your people, then they’ve earned it?? Well I should not be surprised that someone who lives in a nation founded on genocide thinks this is okay.

    Nice try putting words in my mouth, but I never said any of this was “OK”. It doesn’t have my “blessing”, I merely gave my observation grounded in reality, of how the world works. Hell no, if it was up to me, everything everywhere would be resolved peacefully, fairly and with diplomacy, not violence.

    Honestly given your tone and snide remarks, I suspect you are too emotionally invested on this topic, for whatever reason, to have a rational discussion.

    But either way, the ability to occupy and defend land will remain the determining factor in maintaining sovereignty, now and in the future. You can’t count on the international community, and you can’t count on what’s right or just. ( call me a pessimist, I’ll agree :)

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices , to cat in I think my human might be an idiot

    OP doesn’t know what the word “jargon” means.

    FuglyDuck , avatar

    Or they’ve only heard jargon from outside their expertise.

    Hackerman_uwu ,

    I mean. Is the word “jargon” jargon for people who are into linguistics?

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,


    esadatari ,

    and also yes

    Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

    Yeah, nonsense would’ve been a better word. Or word salad, it doesn’t get said enough.

    TheDoozer ,

    I think you were looking for “gibberish.”

    Bebo ,

    Exactly what I was thinking. “jargon” to be replaced by gibberish.

    glibg10b ,

    I had this exact same thought. I think “jargon” in the original post should be “gibberish”.

    ledtasso ,

    I had precisely the same idea. I suppose “jargon” should have been “gibberish.”

    jscummy ,

    Not sure if that’s right. To me, it seems like OP meant to say “gibberish” instead of “jargon”

    Karyoplasma ,

    Wernicke’s aphasia.

    original_ish_name , (edited ) to memes in Kids can be so crüêl

    In Iceland I think there’s a law against giving your child an embarrasing name. It’s one law that I understand

    dudewitbow ,

    a completely understandable law to prevent mental stress/depression down the line.

    zackleys ,

    We actually have a committe called "Mannanafnanefnd" which rougly translates to "Human name committee"and if you want to use a non-typical name for your child you have to apply for permission from them.

    Captain_Jimmy_T_Kirk OP , avatar


    Who watches the watchers?

    eggymachus ,

    Presumably the Nefnanafnanefnd

    IndiBrony , avatar

    Who keeps falling asleep on the keyboard for these naming conventions?

    madcaesar ,

    But who will watch the Nefnanafnanefnd?

    Omgarm ,

    I heard that names have to be -son or -dottir able. Is that still true?

    bstix ,

    What kind of name isn’t?

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Dottiedottir is just silly and so is Seanson

    MonkderZweite ,


    Cthulhu approved.

    BastingChemina ,

    In France it’s the person who record the name that can report it if it seems inappropriate.

    Then there is a procedure to decide if the name can stay at it is or if it needs to be changed

    ShimmeringKoi , to memes in Remember me comrades! avatar

    Every time one of you uses the phrase “Banned for being slightly critical”, it always turns out you were saying some of the most digusting shit imaginable. It’s such a tell, it’s like when you say "I was ostracized just for having a different political opinion!"

    spoilerAnd the opinion was about who should qualify as human

    bennieandthez , avatar

    Like clockwork!

    hemmes , to memes in Hey buddy Venn diagram
    sup ,

    Thank you for this

    raubarno , to memes in Restricted Topics
    dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

    Illegal crab learning, alerting the authorities

    erogenouswarzone , avatar

    Did we learn nothing from The Call of C’thulu?

    friendlysort ,

    Did we learn nothing from the lesson of Ed Gruberman?

    Eufalconimorph ,

    Boot to the head!

    friendlysort ,


    fluxion ,

    It’s too late, they’ve already began developing novel new programming languages to infiltrate our computers.

    raubarno ,

    This means, unsafe keyword is the NSFW tag in Rust?

    OurToothbrush , to memes in See?? I'm supporting togetherness

    Oh look an anti-vegan circlejerk.

    Do the “how do you know someone’s vegan? They’ll tell you” joke next. I promise it doesn’t come off as insecure.

    Teppichbrand ,

    Those lame jokes make me wanna mention the Vegan Bullshit Bingo.

    teuniac_ ,

    Thank you for this!

    collinrs ,

    Free Space really should be “Where do you get your protein?”

    kcfb ,


    Can someone please answer this?!

    chetradley ,

    In the wild.

    kcfb ,

    Yeah but where with all the animals?

    dodgy_bagel ,

    An interesting tangent is that this could entail the extinction of several human-designed strains of animal which are not well equipped to live in the wild.

    So mote it be I guess.

    Base genetics are still around for the chicken, pig, and sheep, but the Aurochs’s extinction means we irrevocably altered the cow. I’m sure a few varieties of cow would adapt to the wild though.

    Buffalo may need to keep their vestigial wings too.

    pingveno ,

    More broadly, the answer is that it doesn’t really matter that much. Species go extinct all the time, and with humans around the rate has been astronomically higher. Replacing animal products with plant based or cell based products might even have a net benefit in extinctions, since land that would otherwise go towards feeding and raising livestock could instead be let back to nature.

    Milk_SDF_Possum , avatar

    Simple: If the animals were freed they would destroy the ecosystems they were freed in (all ecosystems). They could all be killed so they don’t cause any impact. The animals would be suffering from pain, illnesses and slow deaths just as nature intended. Animals would not turn vegans. The world would probably suffer a supply issue. Everyone would be weak, unhealthy and have a lower lifetime cause of their horrible diet. Everyone would be hypocrite as they kill plants and don’t feel remorse just because they’re killing something that can’t walk and doesn’t have eyes and mouth.

    This is the list, add more if you wish.

    0x2d ,

    cheese is too tasty

    yeah, I’m not sure about that

    Aux ,

    Oh look, you just told everyone what you eat. Joke’s on you.

    Warfarin ,

    Begone vegan

    pingveno ,

    How do you know someone hates vegans? They’ll tell you.

    ImperialATAT , to fediverse in Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook avatar

    Looking forward to pushing the block button when it comes to it…

    Emanresu , (edited )

    They wont. You need to swap instances now that bent the knee to meta.

    Ech ,

    You’re linking your own post about assuming what the admins in .world have done as if it’s definitive proof. After a definitive statement is made one way or the other, then you can start freaking out. Until then, just stop it with the conspiratorial garbage.

    Melco ,


  • Loading...
  • Ech ,

    I find your hyperbolic outrage over nothing “distasteful” and “disrespectful”. Go to another instance if you feel so strongly instead of trying to rile up some sort of revolt against the admins as if that would accomplish anything.

    Emanresu ,


  • Loading...
  • ttmrichter ,

    You are a citizen of a western nation. You are complicit in a wide assortment of genocides. I’m literally accusing you of genocide. This isn’t hyperbolic in the slightest.

    Emanresu ,

    I’m just replacing the ok part of my deleted comment, but nothing more than the part about facebook supporting genocide. Facebook/meta encourages genocide by allowing posts to stay active and other things. That’s a big part of why anti meta guys are so serious.

    ABCDE ,

    This is hilariously transparent and bad faith on your part.

    dustojnikhummer ,

    “Okay then, that was always allowed”

    aleph , avatar

    LW admins: "Watching Like A hawk, with our fingers on the block button.”

    You: OmG fUKKiN kNeeLeRs!

    dimspace , avatar

    There is no indication that they never will de-federate from Meta.

    All they have said is rather than shutting the stable before the horse bolts, they are actually waiting for the horse to get in the stable first and then address if the door needs closing.

    There really is no need to either defederate from meta, or make that decision right now anyway

    Emanresu ,

    Have a read in that link and you can see some conversation about it. Meta is a known evil, waiting for more proof is unneeded when you can just look into their history. There are links in that link. It’s just a cover to slide +1 step towards allowing meta to control what we talk about.

    reddwarf ,

    The best argument I heard to defederate and have noting to do with Meta is this; this is the company that had/has a platform where hate, disinformation and lies have created a divide in society, several older generations were ‘socially engineered’ to start to think differently, more absolute and right wing. In short, Meta has a platform known for causing division amongst countrymen and families.

    Pre-emptive nuking is what is needed, followed by some DDT thrown over it for good measure. This needs to stop. This is not a technical decision, this is a social one in order to try and save us from that shitshow FB/Zuck/Meta gave us.

    anytimesoon , to memes in When you are privileged equality looks like a downgrade.

    The point should be to bring everyone up, not pull others down, though

    criitz ,

    Are you in this meme right now?

    runswithjedi ,


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  • criitz ,

    But isn’t that the point of the meme? Am I going crazy?

    kimjongunderdog ,

    It's sort of like a Rorschach test. What you see reveals things about you and your thoughts.

    Feathercrown ,

    This is a flawed method of thinking though, there are plenty of factors that go into what you think. If you’re aware of and trying to avoid a negative stereotype, you’re just as likely to fall into the “he doth protest too much” as someone who demonstrates that stereotype.

    TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

    It is not a 100% accurate factor. It relies on presumed stereotype “boxes” that people are put in, and who presumed and on what basis.

    tacosanonymous ,

    That’s impossible since the point was a superficial elevation of their own interests.

    Unless you think the point of feminism (for example) is to make men second class citizens. That’s just not a thing. It’s a rhetoric created by assholes to get ignorant people on board with their continued grossness.

    H4rdStyl3z ,

    Unless you think the point of feminism (for example) is to make men second class citizens. That’s just not a thing. It’s a rhetoric created by assholes to get ignorant people on board with their continued grossness.

    I think there may be some radicals who genuinely wish for that, but those don’t represent the entire movement and usually only pay lip service to the cause where it aligns with their personal beliefs. They should be ignored.

    tacosanonymous ,

    I’m not even sure the radicals want that. Anger is an appropriate response to oppression. Vengeance is an extreme form of that but I doubt anyone that isn’t truly damaged would be okay with it.

    grue ,

    I think there may be some radicals who genuinely wish for that

    Those aren’t radicals; those are reactionary trolls who falsely claim allegiance to the movement in order to discredit it.

    psud ,

    For a while it seemed like that minority owned the term “feminism”

    tubaruco ,

    a lot of women who call themselves feminist believe theyre superior to men instead of equal. most of those are very loud about it, so feminism turns into a term that describes that, even if the “real” meaning isn’t that.

    Cowbee , avatar

    “A lot?” No.

    shuzuko ,

    L O fucking L

    Rooskie91 ,

    There’s also a psychological phenomenon that occurs in ‘elite classes’ where they think that someone getting more means they get less. They literally cannot fathom someone getting welfare without it affecting them negatively. It’s one of the reasons why poor people still support Republicans.

    TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

    Unless you think the point of feminism (for example) is to make men second class citizens.

    More people want this, than you think. These “radicals” are not a minority, and they are the ones who have ruined what feminism once stood for – equality. And the most intriguing part is this has only happened within the last decade, thanks to social media amplifying toxic voices (negativity spreads fastest). Feminism wants to recruit men, but openly says men and their rights (equality) are not their responsibility.

    There is a big question mark on equality claims, which frustrates me, because neither needs to suffer.

    galoisghost , avatar

    There aren’t a limited amount of rights that can only be handed out to be shared amongst people.

    There are just rights and everyone should be entitled to them.

    Signtist ,

    The issue is that people generally view their situation not by how much they have, but how much more they have than others. It’s like a race to these people - who’s winning isn’t based on how close to the goal they are, it’s based on how far ahead of the competitors they are. People who have everything they need often see others getting to that same point as competitors catching up, and, seeing that they are not advancing themselves, they feel that they need to prevent that in order to maintain their lead. It’s meant to be everyone working together, but few see it that way, especially among the current “winners.”

    grue ,

    The issue is that people generally view their situation not by how much they have, but how much more they have than others.

    Some people are that way, but not “people generally.”

    Signtist ,

    I considered putting a “some” in there, but honestly, I feel like it’s sadly the default state, at least in the US. Even fellow politically-left people I meet rarely demand resources for underprivileged people that actually elevate them to their own station. It usually feels like “They deserve more! But still less than me.”

    RaoulDook ,

    “White people be like” memes, so progressive

    swag_money ,

    go back to Reddit

    Grayox OP , avatar

    No shit, the only thing leftists want to pull down are systems of exploitation.

    pingveno ,

    At the same time, privileged people will still sometimes feel a loss of something when you’re portioning out a finite resource. So if a particular group is 25% of the population and they were getting 75% of the pie before and now they’re getting 25% of the pie, that’s a loss. It’s a justified loss, but it’s still a loss.

    That said, there are other things like rights that are not finite in any meaningful sense of the word. When someone is feeling a loss because an oppressed group gained rights, it’s usually because they’re an oppressive asshole.

    Armand1 ,

    Meanwhile, the Right want to pull down your trousers to check your “gender”.

    octopus_ink ,

    That’s well and good, but bringing everyone up needs to be done in consideration of lasting multigenerational harm from what has come previously, and areas where we as a people and nation continue to marginalize, underserve, and sometimes actively harm some segments of our population.

    Folks who think those things should be ignored are not actually interested in bringing everyone up.

    Midnitte ,

    Making sure the rain forest isn’t destroyed doesn’t mean letting the pinebarrens be converted into a strip mall.

    Kachilde ,

    That IS the point, and rarely do equality or equity initiatives “pull down” anyone.

    But the Haves feel like they’ve earned their position, and that means that if you help a Have Not in any way, you are taking away from their achievement (which in this case is “not being born poor/black/female”)

    jarredpickles87 , to steam in Palworld is now the second ever game to hit 2 million concurrent players on Steam avatar

    Is this game really that good or is it just massively overhyped? I watched a videogamedunkey video about it, and I know he overly satirizes things for humor, but it just didn’t look all that great.

    UnverifiedAPK ,

    It’s a very specific type of game. If you don’t like Rust, Ark, Raft, or any of those games like it Palworld probably isn’t for you. At least not until mods come out.

    SkyezOpen ,

    I’d put rust aside from other survival crafters because the challenge is pvp. Actually surviving alone in rust is easy and even boring. Though I also haven’t played palworld multiplayer yet, but you definitely shouldn’t jump into MP to start a game like this.

    KoboldCoterie , avatar

    Palworld’s multiplayer is more cooperatively focused, not PvP focused like Ark and Rust. It’s fine to jump into MP on day 1.

    Sabata11792 , avatar

    I brought great shame to my family with the mods I installed in the future. Shame so embarrassing that it breaks causality.

    CaptainEffort ,

    Idk I don’t like Rust or Ark but I’m totally hooked to Palworld

    iAmTheTot , avatar

    Good is subjective. I don't think I would like the game very much now, but me ten years ago probably would have put thousands of hours into it.

    rf_ ,

    It’s a very fun, silly, well-made game with a very addictive loop where you’re given a lot of small, easily achievable tasks that have you going: “one more and I’m done”.

    On Sunday I played for 13 hours. I don’t know if they have a team of psychologists that found out how to make the game addictive, but the results speak for themselves.

    It’s a fun and beautiful place to explore, full of vibrant colors and cute pals. Your base building is not boring because the boring resource gathering is automated by your pal slaves. It scratches optimization itches, and you also get raided which can result in hilarious outcomes that give you an opportunity to rebuild and organize your base more efficiently.

    tacosanonymous ,

    The main dev doesn’t seem capable of such well thought out tactics.

    He has more of a “monkey see, monkey do” sort of approach to making games.

    He just nailed it by jamming creature collection + survival. I love both and I’ve been addicted to the game. If this game doesn’t get more work done on it (from the devs or modders) these numbers will fall hard. It’s fun but it’s a quick high that will last a couple of weeks.

    zcd ,

    It hits the sweet spot in different areas. You can tell it’s a bunch of ideas from other games stitched together. Its Ark but more accessible, with pokemon flavor, elden ring’s tough enemy in the newbie area, deep rock galactic pick your friend up off the ground, automation lightly inspired by factio. If you look closely it’s got dark humour in all of the Pal descriptions. It’s just broadly appealing and enjoyable If you don’t take things too seriously, or if you can find the humour in the fact that everything is extremely familiar and just slightly altered to avoid being sued into extinction. If you read the developer interview it’s pretty funny too, new daily flash drives as version control, he couldn’t get hired at a big studio and was super surprised that steam would let Just anyone publish anything. It feels like it shouldn’t exist

    AnonTwo ,

    I think it's overhyped, but it's not as if there's nothing good there.

    It's goofy, it's got those building and travel mechanics people like from other games, you can capture a cute/funny team of animals that people love from pokemon, it's a good stream game with multiplayer which means lots of free publicity

    I think it could be way better than it is, but it's easy to see how it got to where it is.

    ZILtoid1991 , avatar

    It will depend on how (if at all) will they maintain the game, and how that will turn out. Some might be just buying extra copies and leaving it running on a backup toaster PC, just to stick it to Nintendo/wokes/artists/whatever. Most people seem to having fun with it.

    Dagrothus ,

    Lmao this is a wild theory.

    ZILtoid1991 , avatar

    Culture war rots people's mind, and many just wants to win either internet points, still have the "early age of console wars" mentality, don't want to criticize the underlying systems, etc.

    Xer0 ,

    Yeah I highly fucking doubt that, bro.

    fsxylo ,

    It’s a game that should be terrible but is actually fun as hell.

    Dagrothus ,

    Survival crafting games have always been extemely bare minimum effort by most studios. Look how well Ark did despite it being buggy garbage with dlcs. Palworld has almost everything you’d want from a survival crafting game and is 10x more polished than its competition. Dunkey highlights the bugs, which are definitely there, but for day 1 it is actually very well done and includes a lot of polish and QoL features that I would normally expect an early access game to add months after launch. I don’t know if he made a video from day 1 of ark or rust but it would be orders of magnitude worse than this. Also keep in mind this is the opposite of the type of game he usually plays.

    Besides all that, it’s multiplayer and the core gameplay is simply fun.

    bigboig ,

    It’s a survival crafting game. It’s functional, but yeah, I think overhyped. Most people play for the novelty, and that covers for the boring gameplay.

    fsxylo ,

    That’s overly reductive. I don’t play it like a crafting game, I play it like a pokemon game and I’m having fun catching new pals while barely touching the base building.

    wolfshadowheart ,

    You can do the same thing in Ark, that doesn’t change what it is lol

    Sweetpeaches69 ,

    Ark is worse than Palworld, even just in terms of polish.

    DeathsEmbrace ,

    After how many years I still complain about Arks shitty AI for Dino’s. They could have made something special but it can’t even follow you right sometimes.

    KoboldCoterie , avatar

    In all fairness, the AI in Palworld is abysmal, too, but they at least acknowledge it (it’s one of the top items to fix in their roadmap), and it’s a just-released early access game, rather than a been-out-for-years title.

    bigboig ,

    I’m having fun catching new pals while barely touching the base building.


    people play for the novelty, and that covers for the boring gameplay.

    Same difference

    Renacles ,

    It’s really good in a “this has no business being good” kind of way, I really like it.

    averyfalken ,

    Its enjoyable and I think it struck a right mixture of things got get popular

    Wilzax ,

    It’s incredible for early access and will be the game of the decade if the devs continue to polish and refine it. And if it doesn’t get sued for its similarities to Nintendo IPs, which I doubt will happen but is still possible.

    Yearly1845 ,


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  • Wilzax ,

    Don’t get me wrong, as-is it’s already very playable and fun. Worth the price by a long shot. I’m hopeful it will continue to improve but even if the company vanished tomorrow and left the game in its current state, I would be satisfied with my purchase.

    Mathazzar ,

    Its pretty clear that the automation aspect was a little over sold in some of the trailers. In one trailer, two lines of cattiva are carrying iron bars from what appears to be a forge.

    Pals won’t pull out of forges AFAIK. So it feels like they threw 2 stacks of iron behind the forge and recorded it as an automation demonstration.

    I think I’ve spent the last 4 days not doing anything except trying to get the pal automation to be a little more controlled…

    Wilzax ,

    Yeah it would be cool to see something similar to the factorio logistics network for pals, crafting stations, and storage. Requesters, providers, and storage settings on inventory slots is all it would take

    learningduck ,

    This sounds like SlaveWolrd than Pal lol. Lines of pals carrying resources like conveyor belts.

    Wilzax ,

    No the pals already do this by default, I just wish I could control which chests they use more finely

    GTG3000 ,

    Probably something more like RimWorld would be it. Filters on boxes, task bar to tell your anubis to stop wasting time on mining and prioritize crafting, stuff like that.

    Xanis ,

    I normally agree. In 99% of situations skip that early access and wait for, at minimum, fully supported Beta release after the major issues have been ironed out. This is that incredibly uncommon 1% that’s worth it. First Early Access title I have grabbed in years.

    Xiaz ,

    I took Pokemon Legends Arceus to 100%. I can firmly say Palworld has a better loop than PLA.

    We were almost capped on Palworld and reset our server yesterday. I have spent over a dozen hours since our reset playing the game. I would have put PLA down permanently if I was almost done with the 100% dex and lost my save data. I am missing 2 achievements on Horizon Zero Dawn on steam for that exact reason.

    Early access is fine if you look at the game as it is now instead of thinking about “what it will be”.

    Wilzax ,

    Agreed. The Early Access just tells me that they plan to make more content for the game, which is really exciting.

    MammyWhammy ,

    For $25 it’s a pretty fun game.

    moon ,

    My rule of thumb with early access is that if you’re happy in its current state, then it’s worth it. If you’re buying on the idea of future promises, you’re a sucker. If they were to suddenly declare the game finished, the content right now would be worth the price tag imo. It needs some polish, but then again it’s more polished then anything game freak has put out in recent years lol.

    Hawk ,

    I’m also curious.

    Everything about it looks like it copied a bunch of elements from other games and just seems very mediocre.

    Not sure why people are so hyped about it.

    funkless_eck ,

    yeah it seems like Genshin Impact copied Breath of the Wild, and Palworld copied Genshin Impact, and added Ark Survival Evolved (which copied Pokemon and Don’t Starve), and Valheim (which copied Minecraft and Fortnight)

    (just speaking generally here, please don’t do a deep dive into how accurately these examples align)

    Reddit_Is_Trash ,

    I’ve been enjoying it. I’m midway through the game right now and I will admit the mechanics are getting rather repetitive and I feel like I’ve seen most of what it has to offer, other than new technologies to unlock at higher levels.

    If the devs add some more content for the leveling and endgame stages of the game, I would say it absolutely lives up to the hype. It’s still early access so anything is possible, but I know better than to get my hopes up

    Cethin ,

    It’s overhyped, but it is a fairly good Breath of the Wild mixed with Pokémon with light survival game elements and base building. It’s nothing particularly new or special, but it is pretty good at being what it is, which is a weird combination of a bunch of existing things.

    It’s not game of the year or anything, but it’s fine. I got bored after a while because there’s no real challenge to the game. It needs to have something pushing you to progress, and that really isn’t there at the moment.

    GTG3000 ,

    It’s good for a $30 survival game.

    Huge world map to explore, a variety of different monsters to capture, bosses to work up to, automation that allows the more annoying parts of survival games to happen in the background as you explore, space to fiddle with the monster capture stuff through breeding and condensing.

    A lot of people I know enjoy it for the shock value of pokemon-with-guns that you put into a sweatshop and then butcher, but you don’t have to do it that way and it can just be a not-pokemon game where your gardevoir helps you craft stuff.

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