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Lightor ,

He’s on a journey to find his echo chamber

Lightor ,

Ok Bud, gold medal mental gymnastics lol

Lightor ,

This is a forum about games and you’re calling people nerds? Lol, go play more Madden.

And it’s not a “pretty cool game”, it’s a step back. But hey, some people are just impressed with scale and graphics.

Lightor ,

I love Bethesda, what are you on about? See, that’s why making assumptions is bad lol.

No they don’t owe anyone anything. Unless you consider the fact that a company owes fans a good product or else they lose those fans. Like I said, I love Bethesda, but I’m not a blind fan boy. I can see them slipping with each new release. Do you think Fallout 76, with its issues and lies they told about it never having P2W is good? So you think a huge number of barren planets adds and entertainment value? They need to start doing better because they can’t rely on their past success forever.

Lightor ,

Ehhh I dunno. Saying it’s the stores fault they got robbed feels wrong. It’s the robbers fault for, you know, robbing. I mean, how far does that go? They had locks but not good enough locks. Yeah they had locks but no security system. Well they had a security system but no guard. At some point the blame is on the person that actually committed the crime.

Lightor ,

Guys, X is unbiased free speech now. Guys, no, I promise. - Elon

Lightor ,

I took a conceal carry course and one of the main reasons they say to do it is safety. If you are open carrying in a store and someone wants to rob it they will either get scared off or take you out first. It’s not worth the risk. That and I would always worry about someone just rushing me and trying to take/use it.

Lightor ,

If you think these are the only two options you shouldn’t be having children.

Lightor ,

Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts, images, or ideas that can be distressing or upsetting. They can also be called interfering thoughts. These thoughts can occur spontaneously or be triggered by internal or external stimuli. They can be strange, aggressive, or sexual.

The act shown in the picture is certainly an intrusive thought.

Lightor ,

I doubt anyone wants to waste a whole roll of solder. It’s an unwanted action that they had a thought about. That’s the intrusive thought, they then just acted on it.

An intrusive thought is the thought, acting on it or not is separate.

Lightor ,

Doing it or not doing it doesn’t change the type of thought it is, based on the definition. I reality we will never know, this could have been and most likely was planned. But assuming they didn’t want to waste money and destroy a roll of solder, the thought could have been intrusive then acted on. The possibility is there.

Lightor ,

I think if you’re hearing actual voices urging you to do things that’s a condition that should be addressed, that’s not normal.

Lightor ,

In my mind the two don’t have to be entirely separate even, there can be some overlap.

Lightor ,

Yes but in your description of an intrusive thought you could still act on it, you just don’t. But I’m sure there are people who at some point have.

I think your last sentence is close to where I sit. In my mind there is plenty of room for overlap between the two. You can have an intrusive thought with out without the impulse to do it. Yes it is distressing, but part of the intrusive thought is that sense of morbid wonder that I have to believe some people have acted on.

Also I’m no psychological expert or anything, I could be way off, it’s just my take.

Lightor ,

Yeah but that’s all the reason for her not to do this. She left her other kids without a mother because she wanted more kids. It was extremely selfish and I feel sorry for her kids.

Lightor ,

She was diagnosed, and it had to do with her heart. She knew the risk of pregnancy. It’s not an assumption, it’s right there in the article.

Lightor ,

Did you read the post? She was diagnosed with a heart issue. She had seizures, that’s not common. What am I assuming?

You seem to be purposefully ignoring whole sentences in the post.

Lightor ,

I didn’t read it? Another amazing assumption. She had seizures. That happened. Jesus Christ.

If you actually read it you would have read the first paragraph.

"Patient One was 24 years old and pregnant with her third child when she was taken off life support. It was 2014. A couple of years earlier, she had been diagnosed with a disorder that caused an irregular heartbeat, and during her two previous pregnancies she had suffered seizures and faintings. "

Diagnosed with irregular heartbeat and had seizures during her last two pregnancies. There risk there is SUPER obvious. The why doesn’t matter, what she did was selfish. Her two kids now have no mother because she wanted a third one.

Lightor ,

“Very little about having children is logical and calculated.” There are entire medical fields around it. Doctors have multiple check ups, prenatal care, classes. You’re logic is “she might have really wanted a boy/girl so she just didn’t think at all”. Well that sounds like a person who shouldn’t have kids.

Lightor ,

This. I’m currently a CTO. Planning my next move to be a developer, not management of any kind.

Lightor ,

Not even remotely? That’s a bit hyperbolic. I don’t think it’s a sim either, but it has some qualities of one.

Lightor ,

Hang up the phone, I’m downloading a song and I have 15 minutes left!

Lightor ,

Ya’ll ain’t seen the economy lately?

Lightor ,

“Hey guys, constantly bashing each other is getting old”

“That’s because we’re better than you!”

You’re acting way more 'merican than you realize.

Lightor ,

Yeah, I get this is kinda cringe, but let’s not do the thing where we insult the people that we want to change and help us. That’s very boomer.

Lightor ,

In these comments it’s just more generation vs generation BS. We’re attacking the wrong group. Like 10 people have 90% of the money in the world. Someone dancing on Tiktok or being on their phone more isn’t the problem.

Lightor ,

Ok now spend years of your life and your money making a thing that everyone just gets for free instead of paying you for. See if you feel the same way then.

Lightor ,

I dunno, some people are claiming to have “total immunity.” Big people, important people. Some tell me the most important.

Lightor ,

You realize that means he’s found innocent by a bunch of people who think like him. That doesn’t make his logic and people’s acceptance of it ok. Hell back in the day a jury of peers would find a slave guilty for running away.

Lightor ,

Yes, if kid runs up and knocks your drink out of your hand, kill that fool! Fight back!

Lightor ,

Yes and a person throwing a paper ball at you is technically attacking you too, you wanna just shoot everyone? Jesus. Lethal force should not your only option when you’re going out looking for trouble. That’s why they don’t just give cops guns and say “shoot em if they don’t listen.”

Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices (

Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices::Finding new subscribers in a saturated streaming video market isn’t easy. And with legacy media companies desperate to recoup revenue declines in their linear TV businesses, the cost of...

Lightor ,

I’ll give you a reason, pirating. Pirating with obfuscated networks (VPN, onion, etc) will never die. People just put it down because the convenience was worth the price. When it no longer is, ships will sail the seas again, and having everything already digital in these services will make it that much easier.

Lightor ,

I think people forget that it happens often. Remember napster/sharebear/lime wire. People learn when motivated.

Lightor ,

I mean, most of this is wrong?

What are you reading for 3 hours about a VPN?

Why do you need to know about ports? You can literally put shows on a flash drive and plug it in.

A stand alone PC, why? What? Hell I torrent from my phone sometimes.

A lot of this can be done, but this is not the bar for entry by any means.

Lightor ,

Lol no. That’s not how an economy works. When you sell less of a thing you then have to adjust price to make it favorable again. Companies aren’t just going to say “If we can’t charge $350 a month we might as well just turn off this massive money machine.” No, they will charge $200 and accept making less money over making no money.

Lightor ,

You’re correct. Theft has nothing to do with the economy.

Ummm theft, aka shrink, is very much a part of any business.

Hiring theft prevention is an entire field of work around this very concept. How can you say theft has nothing to do with the economy when there is an entire industry around theft prevention…

It doesn’t matter what they charge when everyone steals it for $0.

You missed the part where people stop stealing if the price is reasonable. It’s the reason why pirating went way down when Netflix first came out. People are willing to pay, not be taken advantage of. Are you not reading these comments, people saying they will pirate if there is another hike? There is clearly a line, if they cross it then they lose customers.

Lightor ,

According to the market. That’s how reasonable prices are arrived at. It’s this little thing called an economy.

I’m not saying stealing is OK, I’m just being realistic. If you charge $200 a month for Netflix people will steal it. You can get upset and rant all you want, that’s reality. People refuse to be charged more and more for the same thing, there is a breaking point.

Also, it’s not stealing. This argument has been had and proved false. The large number of people who pirate content are very unlikely to have ever paid for it. It’s not stealing vs buying, it’s pirating vs never watching. The outcome of pirating or never watching is the same to the creators.

Right now I pay for Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max and Sunday pass. I’m paying for plenty. You’re just too ruled by your emotions to have an actual conversation, so you make wild assumptions and throw insults instead.

Lightor ,

New vulnerabilities can still be discovered. And if an especially nasty one pops up they very well could run a campeign, using that new exploit, to target that OS version.

Lightor ,

First off, saying that a system will never have a new vulnerability discovered is beyond naive. It’s the whole reason LTS versions of products exist. To be on a version that constantly is kept up with as new vulnerabilities are discovered. Just because you don’t see them and don’t run in those circles doesn’t mean they don’t exist. So saying something like “there won’t be any new vulnerabilities” is just wrong.

And sure. Here’s a list I found after 10 seconds of research.…/Microsoft-Windows-8.html?pag…

And here’s another broken down by year, citing 62 found this year.

Lightor ,

You said there would be no new vulnerabilities.

“On one hand yes, no more updates. On the other hand, no more new vulnerability and day 0 exploits.”

You said exactly that.

Also these are not all found by white hats. And those vulnerabilities are what is used in an attack. Those are the tools and gaps being exploited. And that list always grows. I’m beginning to think you don’t understand security well enough to be making these claims.

Lightor ,

urgh, there are no NEW vulnerabilities in an old OS that does not get updates. What you are for some reason conflating (or using semantics) is newly DESCOVERED vulnerabilities.

Jesus, so you’re saying there will be no new ones made, now that is semantics. A vulnerability never discovered might as well not exist. But guess what you’re also not getting, fixes for all those vulnerabilities. So your stance of “you get no updates, but you also don’t get new vulnerabilities” really means “new vulnerabilities will continue to be discovered but you’ll never get updates for them. They will just be published and known by all, like a guide book on how to pwn you.”

The same argument can be used for current OSs (here from that same site as you provided:

Not it can’t, what are you talking about? New OSs get updates to address these issues. An old OS never has them addressed, but known by the world, which is a huge security risk.

Just please show me one report of some home user in the last 5 years who was a victim due to an out of support OS.

If you need an anecdotal instance of a home user (totally ignoring businesses for some reason) then you don’t have any concept of how these attacks work. Do you remember bleeding heart? Remember how it was used for years and never know? Hell “CVE-2022-22047” was only 2 years ago, and that was an elevated privileges attack, that could take down a whole company.

But ok, you need one that effects home users. How about this one:…

It allows printer jobs sent to the home PC to run any code they would like. This means pulling info from your PC or monitoring it.

or this:…/guidance-for-cve-2022-30190-…

Lightor ,

They nearly all used, your inability to understand how they’re used does not make it less dangerous. I’ve sat here and spoon fed you information over and over and you are at the point of asking for anecdotal evidence. You’ve shown yourself to not be knowledgeable about the subject at all, but fully willing to act like you are lol.

Lightor ,

Ummm… The goals he sets are… Not good. Doesn’t matter how hard you work if your hard work is destroying a company.

Most of the world's biggest advertisers have stopped buying ads on Elon Musk's X, exclusive new data shows (

Most of the world’s biggest advertisers have stopped buying ads on Elon Musk’s X, exclusive new data shows::Musk and X CEO Linda Yaccarino have recently stated that most of the company’s top-spending advertisers from last year have returned.

Lightor ,

Eventually could be a while, and during that time they don’t have to worry. Also, without it fully tanking and limping along, many will stay and have stayed. This removes the need for an immediate replacement and hurts the possible success of one as celebrities, companies, artists, etc can and do just stay on Twitter.

Lightor ,

Build a big saw and saw it off! And make the Atlantic ocean pay for it!

Lightor ,

Why would they crash? Build 2 Rent is a massive industry that’s just getting started.

Lightor ,

Sure. Assume, insult, assume some more, then make more broad statements.

You’ve convinced me!

Lightor ,

That’s a lot of words to say nothing of substance.

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