There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

DmMacniel , to memes in Priorities!

This whining is so pathetic.

Pantherina , to memes in Restricted Topics

Dudes remove that spyware from your Networks omg

seperis , to fediverse in Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook avatar

Hard agree.

I don’t really think federating with them is doomsday, tbh (though I go back and forth on this one), but that doesn’t affect my primary reason for my nope. Threads consolidates everything I hate about corporate social media–and for that matter, all social media–without a single part I actually liked and made dealing with the other parts worth it. This is not a twitter clone; it’s like someone asked chatGPT to create a social media network based on twitter for other chatGPT bots to talk to each other. For fuck’s sake, it doesn’t think its users should control what they see on their own feed.

I am perfectly willing–even eager–to perform melodramatically about things that annoy me in public for fun and when I’m bored and applaud others doing the same; it’s fun times for all and possibly my favorite thing ever. This is not that.

Threads makes my skin crawl on concept. This is not ‘they do not align with our values’ because come on, Fediverse contains a multitude of values and invents more and i bet if asked, everyone here would list off a different set of values they believe encompass Fediverse and now I’m tempted to see because it would be hilarious. But we can’t even get that far; Threads has no values. This would be a marriage of convenience to a real doll fueled by Facebook’s algorithms and sponsored by Wal-Mart; whether or not it’s a danger to Fediverse shouldn’t even have come up because the first question that should be on anyone’s minds is ‘wait, this is actually a serious question?’ and have been answered ‘lol of course it’s a joke, I just forgot to add the /s’.

I’m still waiting for that /s.

Mikina ,

I’ve actually just asked that in another post, because I am kind of interested in what people see as Fediverse main idea.

But, thanks for this summary of how Threads looks like, since I’m avoiding it like a plague. You seriously can’t even select what content you see? Fuck, that’s way worse than I though - that’s so obviously a ML model manipulating with people without holding anything back. I hope they’ve at least done something with the misalingment where it seems to just radicalize people to keep them on the platform, because if not, the world is fucked.

I hate Meta so much…

seperis , avatar

Fortunately I have never had instagram and have a policy of never, ever using my wallet name online except as needed (exception: usenet my first year online; I was young and reckless). LinkedIn and Facebook were quite literally because a.) grandparents and other family, b.) my job, and c.) I realized early on that I needed an official web presence under my real name because there would be questions if there wasn’t something out there.

So I made an instagram account then made a threads account, got a friend who had it to follow me, and did a quick dive.

I mean, it’s literally a minimalist twitter real doll; I deactivated to keep my name intact, logged out, and deleted instagram and Threads on the phone in under five minutes and took a shower because I never realized the uncanny valley applied to an app’s aesthetic. It’s just–I mean, no. No no no.

FinalBoy1975 ,

Yeah, exactly. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, etc. because I hate them as an online experience. I’m here because it’s not that kind of experience. If the fediverse turns into the type of experience meta imposes on its users, I would just have to hope that something else alternative that I like pops up.

lagomorphlecture ,

Trust me, they’ve taken any knowledge their new ex Twitter employees had about radicalizing people to keep them on the platform and integrated it fully.

EricHill78 , avatar

Out of curiosity I tried it for a few minutes yesterday. All I saw was a bunch of influencers and low level memes. I had duck duck go tracker blocker on just to see how bad they are and it’s worse than I could ever imagine. It showed 686 tracker attempts from 35 different companies and I was only on for about 10 minutes.

Mikina ,

And that’s another issue - if we federate, you won’t even be able to block those trackers, because the Meta instance will just be able to ask the server for those data, if I understood it correctly.

FinalBoy1975 ,

I think defederating from them is a no-brainer for the fediverse, but who am I? Just a user of the fediverse. I do not own an instance. I choose the fediverse over meta and its facebook crap, so for me it’s a no-brainer. For owners of instances, maybe it isn’t such an easy decision. It costs money to run an instance, for example. Federating with the Facebook corporate goons at first will seem useful to some instances, especially the big ones that want to stay big and general. When the big and general ones that fall for Meta’s scheme to take control of things, the smaller instances on the fediverse that chose to defederate will be there to join.

seperis , avatar

I’ve been thinking on that and assuming fosstodon and both agree to defederate with Threads, I’m going to go ahead and set up regular donations. I only use DW a few times a year, but I renew my premium membership every six months and it’s not cheap. I want to keep supporting it because its model does not include ads at all (premium gives you lots of icons, too, and I used to be a huge icon person, so I can’t say that’s not a consideration). Unless I lose my job or something, I’ll keep paying until death or dw closes whether I ever use it again; it’s worth supporting.

I was already considering it–when i joined mastodon I bought their stickers to show my appreciation–but this is been a wake-up call. If decides to federate, I mean, I’m not going to leave, but I am going to email about why my application is still pending and use that for my primary.

FinalBoy1975 ,

It’s just the way federations work. I think a lot of people are worried because it’s a new type of social media with a different structure. You don’t have to rely on one place anymore to socialize online, you can pick and choose what you want to connect to. If you don’t like one style, you can pick another style. The thing that worries me is whether or not there different styles will continue to exist or if one entity will monopolize everything. The nice thing is that most modern democratic countries have laws about monopolies and they do in fact work. Several monopolies have been avoided or eliminated in the past.

Zozano , (edited ) to piracy in I'll never understand this kind of mindset.

Back when I was maybe seven years old I went to this kids birthday party. I got him an ant farm with tubes.

Later on when all the kids were playing together in his room without adults, he pulled the roll of clear plastic tubing out of ant farm box, he shoved one end up his ass and then started sucking on the other end.

It’s nice to know that he is still alive and tweeting.

Vent ,

I’m having a hard time envisioning the flexibility required to make that work. It couldn’t have been both at the ends at the same time? Also, did this kid just get naked in front of everyone at their party? To each their own, I guess.

Excrubulent , avatar

It’s his party and he’ll strip if he wants to.

CCF_100 ,

Long flexible tube

Zozano ,

The clear plastic tubing was packaged in a roll, to be cut at whatever length the ant farmer wanted, so it was long enough to do standing up.

He didn’t get naked, just put his hand down his pants. It was evident that he placed it either on his butthole, or up it, based on the effort he was taking.

Vent ,

Ah, that makes sense. I was thinking more like a mini-m&m tube.

jmcs , to asklemmy in What is the largest amount of partners you saw in a cookies consent question ?

We care about your privacy which is why we are sharing your date with almost 1000 services 998 of which are fully redundant and only 1 is actually needed for the service we provide

strawberry ,

lmao I love when they say "we care about your privacy" then they go on to say exactly how much data they're gonna collect and process

taladar ,

Well, technically they do care about your privacy if your privacy is annoying to them and they wish it was gone.

CanadaPlus ,

I would actually respect it if they were honest in one of these.

jkrtn ,

We care about your privacy! We can get a buck or two for it.

Sweetpeaches69 ,

wE CaRE aBouT YoUR PrIVaCy

Lemmy_2019 ,


jmcs ,

Legitimate interests don’t require a banner. The simple fact you see a banner means their lawyers know they couldn’t convince the dumbest judge that they actually need that stuff.

Sylvartas , to memes in Yes, but

Adblock lol

(If you are still using Adblock, I beg you, switch to ublock origin. Adblock takes money from advertisers to not block their shit.)

moshtradamus666 ,

Adblock user = noob

Matthew ,

I read the comic as referring to adblocking software as opposed to any specific extension. I can’t pinpoint what gives me that idea though so who knows

red ,

That’s weird because it’s both the icon of the app, and the exact name.

melpomenesclevage ,

Yeah but nobody uses that one anymore and its become kind of an archetypal thing.

lath ,

Maybe that’s the point of the comic. He only uses the popular brands.

melpomenesclevage ,

…oh shit, was this an ad for adblock?

flashgnash ,

I’m using adblock plus (not sure if it’s the same one), I’ve never seen an ad not be blocked by it. Where does this happen?

Dirk , to asklemmy in What Major Social Media Platforms Would You Like To See Federated Alternatives To That Don't Exist Yet? avatar


The problem with video content (even short videos) is, that it generates an absurd amount of traffic and needs lots and lots of local data storage. This is also why there are so few PeerTube instances.

PeerTube would be a way to publish your short clips, too. Not as specialized as TikTok, but still …

Plopp ,

Yeah the data is an issue for sure. I wonder if torrents of some kind would help making it more doable, where viewers (on computers, not phones) build up a cache from which they also seed. Like Spotify did when they started out.

taladar ,

I think you are looking for something like ipfs.

ShellMonkey , avatar

Something similar to this might help disburse the load required for peertube. What sites you read you host in return, very much like with bit torrent with a presentation layer tacked on top.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

I think the cache would also have to partially be on phones. If users are to ‘pay’ for using the network by caching/redistributing part of it, since most people access the web from phones

nilloc ,

Yeah viewing devices would all have to share hosting duties. I’m sure it could work, and popular/viral videos would serve well as the demand would be spread across the most devices as well.

There would still have to be dedicated seed servers for long tail content though I imagine.

jeremias , avatar

Also tiktok really only makes sense with a big algorithm knowing what users want to see. Even if you were to follow many people, with the average video being only about 30 seconds long you won’t have much content to enjoy. The whole short form video thing is kinda built on knowing what your user likes and doesn’t. I don’t know how you could design such a platform without some privacy concerns.

sxan , (edited ) avatar

I don’t know how you could design such a platform without some privacy concerns.

Yes, yes you could.

Companies like Google have successfully brainwashed us into believing that algorithms like this can only work on their server farms. The only reason those werver farms are necessary is becauwe they’re processing data for millions of people.

We forget that in each of our hands we hold a device that is 5,000 x more powerful than a 1985 CRAY-2, at the time the world’s fastest supercomputer. And let’s not forget our home desktops and laptops, which are several times more powerful that that.

We each have devices with persistent internet connections that could be at work scanning, categorizing, and filtering personalized content for each of us, without giving any privacy away. It’s only because we’ve been conditioned to be dependent on having our data centrally processed that we believe that’s the only way.

Note, it is more efficient to process content centrally, where the data is stored. However, generalized categorization and content tagging with robust metadata and standardized APIs would address the efficiency. Given companies are unlikely to do this and scupper their own surveillance revenue, the next best thing is local, privacy-respecting, smart content filtering assistants.

1984 , avatar

Are you Richard from Silicon Valley TV show? :)

Zak , avatar

Those sound like good ideas in theory, but your phone’s battery would last about 2 hours if you did this.

The heavy lifting, like tagging the content of millions of videos probably needs to be done somewhere other than the end-user’s mobile device. Some sorting and filtering of text-based metadata on the user’s device to pick what videos to see next is viable though.

sxan , avatar

True, although it would probably not be so bad for the textual content. CPU load for indexing would be relatively low, and the average phone is dumping tons of data over the network to Google, Apple, and whomever else for these same end-result “benefits” already.

But, regardless, ideally, -ou don’t do it on your phone. You pay $10/m for a VPS that does it, and delivers it to your phone via push notification + fetch – same way it’s done now, but without the middle man.

It’s not a solution available to the average Joanne, although it’d be easy enough to achieve. The problem is that there’s no incentive for anyone to make these appliances: most people don’t understand what they’re sacrificing, or don’t care. And while it’s a relatively small amount of work, it’s a large effort for a few OSS devs to take on, and it’d require at least some support infrastructure, apps, and so on to be truly turn-key for The Public. And so, instead, we have TikTok.


I’m fine with requiring users to tag their own content if they want it to be discoverable. Like if you want to tell people “hey I’m talking about pixel art over here!” just add to your thing.

If you don’t want to shout it loud for all to hear that’s fine too. Not everything needs to be indexed, cached, and highly available to all who might potentially, possibly want to see it.


Algorithm doesn’t have to be a secret engagement sauce. It can just be based on an editable list of the user’s preferred tags and keywords with associated weights.

No need to get more complicated than that because you’re not trying to juice their “engagement” since their are no ads to show them.

Although I’m not even sure if infinite shorts make sense without a company pulling the strings for their own motive. But maybe it’s just not my thing

eek2121 ,

There are hosting providers that offer unmetered bandwidth.

Sure, setup complexity is higher, but it is definitely doable.

I have thought about such a project as I also have access to relatively inexpensive 20gbps fiber, but lack the funding currently to do it.

Maybe one day…

DrQuint ,

This is why I expect the video side of things to be more on the level of stream channels that self-host content with subscriptions for access to VoDs, rather than singular big platforms. Streaming in of itself is a lot of traffic too, but you have much bigger RoI per bandwidth spent with live viewers, and you cut down the storage requirements with limited VoD access too.

The only problem then becomes discovering these channels from the rest of the federated space, but honestly, either that will be a problem that will be solved by the space in a more general manner (oooh, imagine the return of web rings! Lol) or… It will end up being an issue that doesn’t matter. Like right now, still coming from video games, MinnMax and Second Wind are two creator-owned platforms that appear to be relatively unpopular, with short amount of thousands of views, except they run off of donations on Patreons and the viewers they do have keep them afloat with a good decent margin.

Witchfire , avatar

Same with Instagram. I’m a performer and rely on it for outreach and promotion but absolutely HATE the platform to no end. And this is a common sentiment among all performers. It is a garbage platform that comforts Nazis and pedophiles but bans the hashtag and puts your account in jail for using it.

Unfortunately, PixelFed has almost no one on it and reaching a local audience is impossible, so there’s no point in switching. We have to go where the people are :(

joneskind , to linux_gaming in Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney was asked by Verge why there is no support for the Steam Deck for Fortnite avatar

Imagine being the editor of a cross-platform game engine and pretending you don’t have enough developers to port the games you developed for other platforms…

What’s your message here Timmy huh?

“Our game engine is so shitty that even us can’t afford to develop our games on Linux with it”

What a fraud…

neveraskedforthis ,

They literally just need to enable it in the dev page of EAC and Proton handles the reat.

DeathsEmbrace ,

Every engine in this generation has the ability to do multibuilds. The networking and security will be the only thing other than that. This is Unreal Engines official Linux documentation so it’s all bullshit.…/GettingStarted/

woelkchen , avatar

A good amount of Hollywood film production uses Unreal Engine these days and the same companies let Linux servers render the results.

Franzia , to linux in Based KDE 🗿

Linux is the modern OS and windows is just a bunch of old shitty technology in a trench suit.

allywilson ,

This is kinda how I feel about Windows these days. It’s interface, directory structure, shudder the registry, user specific apps (from MS Store or Winget), buttons being inserted into the menu bars on some apps, but not others, button sizes being different sizes, some parts still using the Metro interface. The whole thing either needs a re-write, or should be dropped and something new to replace it. Don’t even get me started on things like the eventvwr hanging for 20 seconds after it opens, event tracer API, their in-house abandonment of powershell modules once powershell was open sourced, Windows containers being a disaster, etc.

teatowel ,

The problem is that so much critical infrastructure around the world relies on ancient Windows software. I’m pretty sure their backwards compatibility is one of the reasons there’s so much inconsistency in Windows, and every iteration seems to just add more bloat on top.

allywilson ,

They hired the man behind systemd (controversial, I know, but he does have a vision). I hope they listen to him and/or he starts directing how they should do things from the ground-up.

AntEater , avatar

I hope they listen to him and/or he starts directing how they should do things from the ground-up.

I hate Windows and would love to see ruined too.

psud ,

There was a TCP/IP bug that shared it’s exploit on versions of windows from windows for workgroups 3.11 (which you ran from the DOS prompt by typing ‘win’) through to windows 7 (which was the new hotness at the time)

That’s a bug conserved from the very first Microsoft implementation of TCP/IP through to the state of the art at the time

People were surprised at the time that it wasn’t a windows NT bug

allywilson ,

That’s surprising, as I think the first Windows TCP/IP stack was ported over from BSD by Spider Systems (pretty sure that’s why it still has things like “/etc/hosts” - albeit under System32). Wonder if the bug was in BSD and never backported (cross ported?).

mrcleanup ,

Yeah, but that old technology is what still lets me run a 13 year old version of Adobe creative suite. If that ever changes I will have to learn something new!

Franzia ,

We will perhaps never beat adobe but nowadays there are some amazing tools!

… Which are developed for windows as well. Haha.

FeelThePower , to memes in F#€k $pez avatar

honestly it’s replaced reddit for me in a good way, because it has just enough new content that I can check it before bed every day and scroll for a bit, but not enough to where I spend entire lunch breaks on it. sometimes I go days without even checking it. if anything it’s made my relationship with my browser / phone healthier than reddit.

lichtmetzger ,

Exactly. Lemmy is an anti-doomscrolling platform and that’s very healthy and amazing.

KrankyKong ,

I somehow replaced reddit with instagram reels and youtube shorts.

Twelve20two ,

Ah, they got ya by the dopamine balls

KrankyKong ,

Yeah they do. Would you believe me if i said giving up social media is harder than giving up nicotine?

dumpsterlid ,

Give yourself some grace, yes corporate social media is addictive and yes it is easy to get lost mindlessly scrolling but the important question to ask is why is your brain so exhausted and stressed that mindlessly scrolling is the only thing you really have the mental energy to do so much of the time?

Western society repeatedly slams through the narrative that social media addiction is the reason people are miserable and it is all a pathetic attempt to distract us from the fact that our lives suck because of actual horrible things like not being able to afford rent, being in endless debt, not being able to afford healthcare and any number of other awful stresses.

If you need to blob out and scroll after getting out of your shitty job that pays shit where you are treated like shit and sitting in shitty traffic on the way home for who knows how long that’s on society for only providing predatory options that abuse you.

For a lot of people the only thing they actually have the energy to do after work every night is mindlessly scroll, it is a grace that people at least have that to turn to even if it is predatory. It is a symptom not the core issue.

Twelve20two ,

Also true. And there are plenty of worthwhile/educational things to be found on the apps that can help a bit more than they harm. But yeah, it being a symptom is spot on.

MySkinIsFallingOff ,

I just discovered Lemmy, and I’m so happy about it. Instagram replaced Reddit for me these last five months, and I can really feel how detrimental it is for me. It’s like an ADHD-machine. No community, no discussion, just this as quick and loud phase as possible vibe. You look through one recipe video and you get recipes for several days. People dancing and dancing with huge smiles and these creepy eyes. Honestly it’s all so dystopian.

So keeping on with Instagram is not an option, going back to reddit is not an option - and I was really considering becoming like this person who is never in his phone, really mentally healthy, but wildly uninformed about the world and the general discussion 😅

The feel of this place with the Sync app is just so * chefs kiss *. Feels like what reddit was.

ArmokGoB ,

Horseshit. Lemmy is plastered in content about climate change, the Middle East, and other depressing shit.

JackbyDev ,

I think they mean doom scrolling as in algorithmic dopamine loops

lichtmetzger ,

Exactly, and that the content eventually just ends. I didn’t mean that every post is positive news.

lemann ,

Doomscrolling does not literally mean your feed is full of negative content lol, it’s just mindless scrolling

ElBarto , avatar

Filter that shit out then, that’s what I did.

BluesF ,

100%, all I really want is something I can look at and perhaps sensibly chuckle at when I have a few minutes… Not a pasasitic brain worm that really wants me to pay attention to it.

HawlSera ,

The only problem I have, is that I can’t seem to find the porn.

Jaarsh119 ,

There’s an entire instance dedicated to it:

HawlSera ,

I tried, but they never approved my account. I know they do it in waves, but I applied a month ago

shani66 ,

a lot of servers are really weird about porn, ngl. its not that they just don’t allow it on their server (which, cool, thats fine), its that they go out of their way to block it. its a new wave of puritanism and i don’t really like it. although porn isn’t that hard to find if you are on a good server.

HawlSera ,

Do you know of a good server for that? Because I tried to sign up with Lemmy n sfw they never activated my account, and it was like a month ago.

And yeah, I’m not sure why the sex positivity movement seems to have completely reversed itself. There is this idea that the idea of sexuality of any kind is somehow inherently wrong. Which is stupid. I need all the fetishes

WoefKat ,

Just make sure you put a good human text in the prompt when you sign up. Otherwise they think you’re a bot.

Also check if your username already exists there because the form doesn’t seem to do that.

PS: Fetishes FTW <3 Though of course fetlife rules for that.

WoefKat , (edited )

Yeah it’s one of the thing I liked about Reddit. This everything goes mentality.

I think the problem is that many lemmy servers are based in Germany and despite their open reputation they do have some sub-communities that are very regimental and strict due to their calvinist heritage. We have the same stuff in Holland unfortunately. Some people are super open, but other communities are extremely strict and religious.

The way they deal with it is different though. Germans try to pave over these differences by blocking anything anyone could find offensive. I think this is what promts these blocks. In Holland we just don’t care and are more belligerent against the more conservative groups. Which I like.

toothpaste_sandwich , to memes in F#€k $pez

There’s hundreds of us! Hundreds!

But hey, apparently that’s enough, I haven’t been bored on Lemmy yet. And as the enshittification of Reddit continues there might well be some other exodus.

saltnotsugar ,

Honestly there are enough quality posts and comments here that keep me engaged. It feels like a lot of creative people made the move.

CowsLookLikeMaps ,

Every time I go to check out reddit, I am shocked by how many right-wing psychos there are. I don’t bother commenting anymore because there’s so much vitriol there.

lugal , to memes in le federation

The meme template works when left and right is the same thing. There are templates for this kind of message, too. Sorry for being that guy.

squish OP ,

whoever made this was definitely on drugs

Pickle_Jr ,

Was it you? Did you make this?? 🧐🧐

lugal ,

They hated Jesus because he was telling the truth. (singular they if not obvious)

Saneless , to memes in Priorities!

Use Lemmy, y’all!

Nooo not like that!

gowan , avatar

I think the issue is sync users cost instances money but does not pay those instances.

ShustOne ,

I mean isn’t that true for literally every user that doesn’t pay? I’m not sure why we are mad at Sync users when we don’t even have a strong call to action to donate to instances.

electriccars ,

You think Sync users don’t also donate? I paid for sync and donated to Lemmy’s development. Considering donating to my 2 main instances as well.

gowan , avatar

I didnt write the comic

AlpacaChariot ,

That’s literally Reddit’s argument against third party apps, the reason a good chunk of Lemmy users left reddit is they disagree with that approach…

gowan , avatar

Reddit wasn’t wrong about that fact. One of their biggest problems was the official app had not been able to do most of the things the third party apps could do.

frokie ,

Well the Lemmy web UI is not able to do most of the things third party apps could do.

Saneless ,

How much has liftoff, jeroba, connect, etc paid?

gowan , avatar

Do they have a paid feature?

Saneless ,

Ok so they’ve paid just as much is what you’re saying

Hyperi0n ,

Jeroba is the official app…

Meloku , avatar

Maybe Lemmy instances should bill third party apps for API calls, hmmm?

Trapping5341 ,

But it’s fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don’t understand all the sync hate.

natebluehooves ,

My lemmy server is selfhosted (, and the running costs are pretty negligible after initial costs.

We get plenty of donations honestly, but that is obviously not universal.

gowan , avatar

I didnt write the cartoon im just explaining what is going on in the image.

MJKee9 ,

Even a group of saints will find someone in their midst deserving of rebuke.

Strykker ,

“use my instance please”

“No not like that!”

Holy fuck this is what we left Reddit to avoid…

Lemmy had a garbage web UI. And the other apps I have used are not nearly as smooth as sync.

APassenger ,

We pay.

You assume.

It’s junior level reasoning.

gowan , avatar

Im explaining what the comic is saying. You assume and without any evidence. That’s a bad look

APassenger ,

I just said we pay. You seem to think I’m talking about Sync.

I’m not. Technically, I guess I could be talking about both server and sync.

What I’ve seen on Lemmy is I can say I paid for Sync and donate to the server and someone will need to come along to tell me all of that money should go to Lemmy.

That’s too either/or. And it’s making Lemmy look… incapable of nuanced thought. Or entitled.

It’s not everyone, but it’s common enough it looks really odd.

Lakso , to programmerhumor in Early disappointment

…then don’t study computer science. I study CS and it’s annoying when someone in a more math/logic oriented course is like “If I get a job at a tech company I won’t need this”. All that IS computer science, if you just wanna code, learn to code.

Zetaphor , avatar

The problem is a lot of people who want to learn to code, and are conditioned to desire the college route of education, don’t actually know that there is a difference and that you can be completely self-taught in the field without ever stepping foot in a university.

oce , avatar

We’re not closing schools despite having libraries and the internet, having (good) teachers is useful to learn faster and get pushed further. There are some good programming schools that can make it more efficient for you. I think the main problem is rather the insane cost of higher education in the USA which create anxiety about being certain that you can repay it in the future it may open for you. It is sad.

QuazarOmega ,

I always wanted to believe this, but, at least in my country, not even a specialized high school degree is enough to get me anywhere for months, it’s crazy.
Maybe you could even make it without formal education, but everyone’s always looking for those sweet 3+ years of experience in the field (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Zetaphor , avatar

I certainly experienced this at the start of my career. Everyone wanted me to have at least bachelors degree despite the fact that I was able to run circles around fresh college graduates. It wasn’t until someone gave me a chance and I had real world experience that people stopped asking me about my college education. In fact later into my career when they learn about the level of experience I have and that I’m entirely self-taught, it’s often seen as something positive. It’s a shitty catch-22

QuazarOmega ,

So it really is like that eh?
Do you have any tips for what could help me, even a little bit, to have better chances?

Zetaphor , avatar

Build an open source portfolio. Being able to show employers what I was capable of was a massive benefit both then and now. You can say you know all of these things, but when you’re looking at hundreds of applications one of the first things they do to reduce the pile is filter out people who don’t have some kind of online presence like Github. This allows them to see that you’re actively engaged with the field and if they want to interview you, to look at your code quality and experience.

A personal website that highlights your best work is also a good idea, as it helps to even further distill down the things you’re ultimately going to end up talking about in an interview. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just something that shows your competent. I wouldn’t expect the person interviewing you to actually hit view source and criticize your choice in frontend framework.

QuazarOmega ,

Yeah, I do that actually, though I keep a “serious” profile where there’s little activity and another one where I can just do whatever so I engage a lot more with other projects and make some experiments for myself, so it also ends up being the most active, but I don’t show it, maybe I should?

In my experience interviewers look very pleased when I show them what I made, but they don’t seem to dig into it much most of the time, so I don’t know how important they really find it.
I’ll definitely try to put more emphasis on those anyway, so they can see a good showcase.

A personal website that highlights your best work

That sounds interesting, I’ll definitely try that, thanks!

QuazarOmega ,

Yeah, I do that actually, though I keep a “serious” profile where there’s little activity and another one where I can just do whatever so I engage a lot more with other projects and make some experiments for myself, so it also ends up being the most active, but I don’t show it, maybe I should?

In my experience interviewers look very pleased when I show them what I made, but they don’t seem to dig into it much most of the time, so I don’t know how important they really find it.
I’ll definitely try to put more emphasis on those anyway, so they can see a good showcase.

A personal website that highlights your best work

That sounds interesting, I’ll definitely try that, thanks!

QuazarOmega ,

Yeah, I do that actually, though I keep a “serious” profile where there’s little activity and another one where I can just do whatever so I engage a lot more with other projects and make some experiments for myself, so it also ends up being the most active, but I don’t show it, maybe I should?

In my experience interviewers look very pleased when I show them what I made, but they don’t seem to dig into it much most of the time, so I don’t know how important they really find it.
I’ll definitely try to put more emphasis on those anyway, so they can see a good showcase.

A personal website that highlights your best work

That sounds interesting, I’ll definitely try that, thanks!

QuazarOmega ,

Yeah, I do that actually, though I keep a “serious” profile where there’s little activity and another one where I can just do whatever so I engage a lot more with other projects and make some experiments for myself, so it also ends up being the most active, but I don’t show it, maybe I should?

In my experience interviewers look very pleased when I show them what I made, but they don’t seem to dig into it much most of the time, so I don’t know how important they really find it.
I’ll definitely try to put more emphasis on those anyway, so they can see a good showcase.

A personal website that highlights your best work

That sounds interesting, I’ll definitely try that, thanks!

Zetaphor , avatar

Just a heads up, you replied multiple times to this. If the client you’re using doesn’t submit immediately, that just means it’s not doing error handling properly and not disabling submit buttons while the request is in flight. You’ve actually submitted once for each time you pressed the button

QuazarOmega ,

Omg haha, sorry about that! I believe the server was having problems just at that moment, since I couldn’t access anymore, I guess they ended up being sent through after the outage (was I the only one experiencing it?)

Zetaphor , avatar

Looks like it wasn’t just you, a bunch of large instances just had an outage

Faresh ,

Without any prior professional experience, is an extensive open-source/[other non-professional software development related experience] portfolio perceived as more valuable than a degree to employers?

Zetaphor , avatar

That entirely depends on the employer, but in my anecdotal experience that has been the case. Especially in more recent years versus the start of my career (nearly 20 years ago).

The reality is that Computer Science is useful for building strong engineers over the long-term, but it doesn’t at all prepare you for the reality of working in a team environment and contributing code to a living project. They don’t even teach you git as far as I’m aware.

Contributing to open source demonstrates a lot of the real-world skills that are required in a workplace, beyond just having the comprehension and skill in the language/tool of choice you’re interviewing for.

dhruv ,

It is really difficult to get a good job being self taught.

Neato , avatar

Can you get well paying coding jobs with upward mobility without at least a BA in CS?

AnarchoYeasty ,

It’s harder to break into but I make 150k and barely graduated high school. Software engineering is largely a field that doesn’t care about degrees but about ability. It’s harder these days to break into the field than it was 10 years ago when I did but it’s absolutely still possible

Tavarin , avatar

When I was looking for coding jobs with a decent portfolio, but no computer science degree I got 1 interview out of 300 applications. They absolutely will not look at you if you don’t have the CS degree, or already know someone at the company who can force you in.

Zetaphor , avatar

This is also just the reality of the job market, especially in this industry. Dev positions get hundreds if not thousands of applications which all vary widely in quality.

I have 20 years of experience and a six figure salary, the last time I went looking for work and was putting out applications I sent out easily over 100 applications and only had 4 interviews. I’ve found it’s best to form a relationship with a competent recruiter, and work with them anytime you’re back on the market. They’re incentivized to find you a decent position so that they can make their commission. Of course finding one that is decent is almost as hard as the process of sending out applications, but once you do it’s a relationship worth maintaining.

SpookySnek ,

I’m guessing this is US-centric?

Tavarin , avatar


itsJoelle ,

I can agree with this. Landed my first dev job after working as a tradesman for a decade, but I liked computers enough to learn on my own. My ‘trade’ offered a ‘unique persepective,’ I guess.

fred ,

I have a fine arts degree and I’m a lead dev 🤷‍♂️

Kecessa ,

You must write beautiful code

CallumWells ,

It’s all ASCII art, but it runs like shit ;P More seriously; what constitutes beautiful code is very open to interpretation. Someone would say that a single line of list comprehension expression is beautiful while another would say the same thing expressed over several lines making the logic abundantly clear is beautiful.

oce , avatar

Maybe not what you’re asking but people with a non-CS M.Sc or PhD commonly switch to coding, especially in the data fields.

regular_human , avatar

Anecdotally, I have an associates degree in horticulture and am currently the engineering lead for a team of six

breakfastburrito ,

I used to work at a small tech company (5-10 employees) and when we hired for entry level coders we’d receive hundreds of applications. Most of them would be grads from bootcamps, some with undergraduate degrees and some without. My boss would just throw out any that didn’t have a bs in something, but preferred a stem degree. He knew they didn’t need a degree, he knew you didn’t need actual coding experience, it was just a quick (maybe illegal) way to make that list of applications more manageable. Edit: as other people have said - after your first job you are basically “in” and are a very desirable candidate. Your education matters much less after your first job.

Zetaphor , avatar

I’ve never been to college and my job title today is Software Architect, I’ve been doing this for nearly 20 years.

It was extremely hard at first to get a job because everyone wanted a BA, but that was also 20 years ago. Once I had some experience and could clearly demonstrate my capabilities they were more open to hiring me. The thing a degree shows is that you have some level of experience and commitment, but the reality is a BA in CompSci doesn’t actually prepare you for the reality of 99% of software development.

I think most companies these days have come to realize this. Unless you’re trying to apply to one of the FANG corps (or whatever the acronym is now) you’ll be just fine if you have a decent portfolio and can demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals.

sheepyowl ,

If you entered the field 10 years ago, sure. If you’re trying to enter the field now, I have bad news…

jungekatz ,

Well what i felt working at a tech company that there are instances where we run into specific problems those may need to devise an algo ,and most of my non computer science peers fail to understand why!!

cosmicboi ,

I would have done CS if every math class at my school didn’t have 500 people in it. Even college algebra. They basically made everything a weed-out class

I do think many of the CS concepts are pretty cool :)

TheEntity , to lemmyshitpost in high energy

As if! I’m sure lots of neurodivergent people would disagree with half of these points.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

I’m looking at that list like, damn, that’s exhausting.

ryathal ,

Ot said talent, not effort.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

The sign literally says “Making an effort.”

residentmarchant ,

No, it says that making an effort requires no talent.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

True, you are exhausting me, and I don’t think it is a talent you’ve acquired. Likely you were born with it.

carotte , avatar

Im neurodivergent (at least i think) and all of these points are hard to meet lol

Frankly it would be ridiculous to expect even the most neurotypical person to be able to do all of this at all times.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Yeah, read through this thinking that from my perspective, NTs have some talents I don't, but since they're common people think of them as baseline rather than talents. Shit sucks.

Pohl ,

I have no diagnosed neurodivergence and I’m looking at that list with surprise. Like, you know how fucking hard I’m working to pretend I can do that stuff?

A person who can do all that shit looks like a superhero to me. No talent… fuck… if that list had telekinesis on it’d feel about the same to me.

Corkyskog ,

“Using good body language” is literally a skill, and a hard one for some to learn. The others you can bicker about I guess

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

And for some of us it’s impossible. Fucking spine

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