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cyclohexane ,

Actually being able to self host and federate, and without any dependence on the main instance.

And ability to federate with other open and federated services, like how mastodon can federate with so many others like lemmy and pixelfed.

cyclohexane ,

And you’d still have federation issues, so doesn’t solve OP’s problem.

cyclohexane ,

Oh no, now nostr is ruined

cyclohexane ,

It’s not the best platform for the profit driven, and I much prefer it that way.

cyclohexane ,

I preferred the Internet that isn’t driven by non-genuine posts by profit driven influencers. I am glad that those people don’t like mastodon so they don’t ruin another platform.

cyclohexane ,

Is anyone here opposed to bringing more people? I’m upset that people are going to an unfederated platform like BlueSky. I wish more people to join, no matter who they are.

I haven’t been on mastodon much, but lemmy is quite diverse.

cyclohexane OP ,

I use gentoo btw

cyclohexane OP ,

There are many ways to do this, but the next up from users is using groups!

For each file or data directory, create a group that owns it. This group should have the service’s user as member. Then create a user for running the backups, and add it to all these groups.

The benefit of this is you don’t have to use root, and you have an association of directory to group that you can always change. You can for example grant a user access to a data directory by just adding it to its group.

cyclohexane OP ,

OpenRC btw 😁

cyclohexane OP ,

Just come ask here when you have trouble, and we’ll try to help.

When troubleshooting, the biggest thing is searching the web honestly. But some more things to help you out: look for logs. Linux has loads of logs and sometimes can tell you how to fix the problem.

Logs may not be immediately apparent. Some programs have their own log files that you can look into. Sometimes, if you run the program from the terminal, it’ll print out logs there. Otherwise, you read look through journalctl, although this has logs for everything so might be harder to search.

Another useful tip, particularly for system tools and terminal tools, is manual pages. Just run man ls and replace ls with any command, you’ll get the documentation on how to use that tool.

cyclohexane OP ,

So what happens, does it just not boot? Any error messages?

cyclohexane OP ,

Depends on the distribution, many package managers can filter by license. So you can find anything that doesn’t have an open source license.

cyclohexane OP ,
  • spontaneously combusting * NOOOO
cyclohexane OP ,

First time Linux user you mean?

I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you can navigate the terminal well. When you install arch, it installs no desktop environment, only the ability to talk to a terminal.

It’s technically possible and very doable with some googling, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

cyclohexane OP ,

For #1, I’ve made the realization that most distros are lightweight skins or addons on top of another distro. Most of the time, if you start with the base distro, all you have to do is install some apps, change some configurations, and suddenly you have that other distro. It is much easier than doing a reinstallation.

If you filter out all of these distros that only do a little on top of an existing, you’re left with a quite small number actually. I’d bet it’s less than 10 that are not super niche. Fedora, Arch, debian, gentoo, nixos are the big ones. There’s some niche ones, like void Linux and Alpine.

So I’d say if you try all of those, you don’t need to try any more 😁

cyclohexane OP ,

For #2,

For gaming, if you use steam, you may not face more than the following:

  • game does not work with no well known way to resolve. You can find this out by checking protonDB
  • game does not work because it needs to enable some options. Very easy to fix, and you can find the options on proton db for each game.
  • does not work because you didn’t setup steam right. You often need to enable proton, which in short is steam’s emulator or windows
  • does not work because your gpu drivers did not install. This depends on distro and they should all have a guide on how to do it, but usually it is just a matter of installing something.

For programming, you will love your life because everything programming is way easier on Linux.

cyclohexane OP ,

I have read that it is faster, though I have not tested it myself. Personally, my initial reason to use it was just to try something new and explore the unix world. My reason for staying is that it is a very simple init system that is pleasant to work with. It made me understand what an init system is and use it a lot more.

Systemd is good if you just want something invisible and you do not want to mess too much with an init system unless you have to. Everything integrates with it

OpenRC is nicer if you want to write your own init scripts. It is very well documented also.

cyclohexane ,

The fediverse has many micro blogging implementations outside of mastodon if you don’t like their featureset (and they federate with each other, unlike bluesky). The only features I couldn’t find are those that contributed to making Twitter the dystopian toxic space that it is.

cyclohexane ,

Well I am speaking about users who may be picky about mastodon’s features. If someone is picky, I don’t imagine they’d care much about just finding a platform with their preferred features, similar to how they didn’t like mastodon and found bluesky instead.

cyclohexane ,

Please do not care about people shitting on popular distros. As a gentoo user myself, it’s as niche as it gets, but I will wholeheartedly recommend Ubuntu and mint.

cyclohexane ,

There are features that constantly get added. It’s not only HTML (maybe the html part is stable, I don’t know), but there’s CSS and most importantly JavaScript.

Also, browsers don’t always follow the standard exactly. Some features get added that aren’t in the standard.

cyclohexane ,

Normal people boycotting AI models will not stop executives from being hostile to artists.

Especially people who would have otherwise not paid for art.

Lawyers for Saudi Arabia seek dismissal of claims it supported the Sept. 11 hijackers (

Lawyers for relatives of 9/11 victims say that a group of extremist religious leaders in Saudi Arabia gained influence in the Saudi government and aided the 9/11 hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Fifteen of the 19 Sept. 11 attackers were Saudis....

cyclohexane ,

It’s funny that I can’t tell if you mean KSA or USA

cyclohexane , (edited )

I know someone who’s literally making that right now. Remind me in a week, I’ll send you the link. He’ll probably be done by then.


cyclohexane ,

cyclohexane ,

For XMPP, have you looked into using snikket? It does most things you’d want out of the box without having to setup extensions yourself.

cyclohexane ,

Why not evaluate the information for what it is rather than checking if it belongs to your preferred camp of propaganda or not?

cyclohexane , (edited )

The Syrian conflict is 13 years old. It’s ridiculous to expect every article to give you the whole context every time, especially since anything anyone will write about said context will be extremely biased. This conflict had massive misinformation campaigns from all sides.

Evaluate the information for what it is, not for whether it gives you a lecture on the history of the conflict.

SANA is primarily a TV channel, and the articles are usually a summary / transcript of the TV reports. They show videos routinely of the trucks that are very clearly carrying oil through Al-ya’rabiya, which is a border crossing from Syria to Iraq that the US controls.

cyclohexane ,

There have been many videos posted before that clearly show oil-carrying trucks

cyclohexane ,

painting the US presence as an occupation

what definition of occupation does not include the deployment of the US military, which proceeded to build a dozen military bases in a territory of another country, which has continuously made filings to the UN about this occupation?

cyclohexane ,

Ahh, it’s only crude oil? That makes it all legitimate then /s

It’s not a grand conspiracy. It’s an occupation and illegitimate military intervention. The US has a long track record of doing it, and your people have a long history of supporting it :)

cyclohexane ,

who are keeping detained ISIL under lock and key

Yeah I am not going to excuse a US occupation with ISIS as pretext when it was the US that sponsored ISIS’ creation.

I’m completely lost about your last paragraph. It sounds like you’re assuming I have some stances that I do not. I support Kurdish autonomy and independence. Tying that into letting more people in non-US-occupied regions fight for a drop of heating or cooking oil is ridiculous. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

cyclohexane ,

For starters: “US troops loot Syrian oil and wheat continuously”

cyclohexane ,

maybe for a good reason

There’s literally no good reason

The US coalition’s bombings has been far more cruel than even the Syrian regime and ISIS. Just compare the size of the destruction, the number of destroyed buildings between the liberation of Raqqa vs the battle of Aleppo. Despite Aleppo being a much bigger city, and the fight being far more fierce, Raqqa had far more destruction and was raised to the ground.

I agree with you that the SDF does not have many friends, and I support them in milking as much US aid as they can. But selling off the oil when most Syrians are struggling for a drop of oil is cruel, and we should not accept this.

cyclohexane ,

There’s no way you don’t believe the US is in Syria? They do not make it a secret. I’m happy to provide you with a wealth of instances where the US admits this.

cyclohexane ,

When did the people of Aleppo hand over land to Russia? You do realize the SDF collaborated with Russia and even hosts a Russian military base?

Also, the Assad government, despite all its horrors and corruption, actually cooperates with the SDF on a moderate level. There is already some trade between the two, and they fought side by side on a few occasions.

cyclohexane , (edited )

You’re still too busy analyzing the motives or agenda of the author instead of evaluating the information. Of-fucking-course the Syrian state TV is going to have an agenda that… Surprise: agrees with state policy. This is not the revelation you think it is.

Guess what? Every source has a bias or agenda. For many it is money related. If you take any source for granted, you’d be a fool. Analyze the information for what it is.

Now, the US is indeed stealing. There have been several videos posted before, and local witnesses arresting to it. This has nothing to do with whatever you think it is framing. This is actually happening.

The US isn’t robbing Syrians at gunpoint

What the hell do you call installing your literal military and building 14 bases (more US bases per square mile of any similarly-sized region in the world), and has initiated multiple attacks on Syria since?

It’s only considered theft because the people eating and using the fuel are ethnically undesirable.

Maybe to you. To me, it is considered theft because the oil fields which were once keeping all Syrians warm, cooking, and supplying them with electric power is now being given to an occupying military while most Syrians are struggling for a drop of heating or cooking oil, many dying of the winter cold.

cyclohexane ,

I’ve been wanting to do this exact thing. I already have wireguard setup. Please update us if you do this.

Why is Matrix mentioned more often than XMPP in self hosted forums?

I’m looking into hosting one of these for the first time. From my limited research, XMPP seems to win in every way, which makes me think I must be missing something. Matrix is almost always mentioned as the de-facto standard, but I rarely saw arguments why it is better than XMPP?...

cyclohexane OP ,

cumbersome to parse

Parsers have already existed for so long in every major language. Why need to worry about parsing?

And why need to worry about transports working differently if they achieve the same thing? They seem similarly convenient if I understood what you said correctly

cyclohexane OP ,

This makes matrix even less attractive to me lol. But you’re right, that’s a very good point.

cyclohexane OP ,

Here is a docker compose:

You only two configuration options in the config file: domain and email.

cyclohexane ,

Arch works well for gaming. However, depending on what you’re doing, you should keep this in mind:

  • on any distro, updates may break things or change the behavior of apps. The difference in arch is that youll update no less than weekly on average, maybe biweekly at worst. This would matter more if you have a complex setup. If you’re just using steam, I wouldn’t worry
  • arch only uses the latest versions of software. If you ever install something from outside the arch repos, you have to make sure it is compatible with recent versions. Sometimes it may not be.
cyclohexane ,

they are also clearly not a Biden supporter. They do not support either candidate, so the two options should be treated equally.

cyclohexane ,

maintaining democracy

What definition of democracy are we using here? Just so we’re on the same page.

I do not think trump was making a meaningful change on that level, in any case. The US never had a true people’s rule it that’s what you mean, for trump to take it away.

Gaza is not the only issue.

cyclohexane ,

maintaining democracy

What definition of democracy are we using here? Just so we’re on the same page.

I do not think trump was making a meaningful change on that level, in any case. The US never had a true people’s rule it that’s what you mean, for trump to take it away.

Gaza is not the only issue.

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