There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Shieldtoad , to mildlyinfuriating in This ad that says “Wake up! A beach house is not a dream.”

They’re right, a beach house isn’t a dream. It’s a nightmare.

Your house will constantly get sand inside. If there is a bit of wind your house gets sandblasted. You can’t eat outside or seagulls will steal your food. Walking on sand is more difficult than walking on pavement or grass. You would have to be a madman to go live on a beach.

Anticorp ,

I guess it depends on where the beach house is located. I stayed at a beach house in San Diego for a week once in my 20’s, and it was fucking amazing! That was one of the most fun weeks of my entire life. The short 2’ wall in-between the beach and the house kept all of the sand out, and there weren’t any seagulls. We sat on the porch drinking beer, BBQing, and inviting people who walked past to join us. It was paradise.

skydivekingair ,

Sounds more like a vacation than living there. I think I’d like a beach house but probably wouldn’t after a month or two.

pete_the_cat , (edited )

Sand is also hot as fuck especially during the summer. I’m from New Jersey and I’m used to the sand being really hot on the beach during the late summer, to the point that you can barely stand on it.

I went down to South Florida during August and standing on the sand in bare feet was like standing on hot coals.

Edit: rereading this reminded me that even standing on the concrete outside of the pool in early August was unbearable. I initially didn’t wear my sandals out because the entrance to the pool area from our hotel was like 100 feet and it was like 15-20 feet from the door to the water. BIG MISTAKE. It was probably the same temperature as the sand. I wouldn’t doubt that the sand was 130F.

This article about South Beach said the said was 137F this August, around the time I was down there

HollandJim ,

Same. Fam had a home on LBI in the Terrace oceanside and the damn sand was fire in July & August. God forbid you tried to walk down onto the asphalt streets for the 6 houses up to yours… it was hot and sticky as it would melt and you’d get tar on your feet (walking the curb was sanctuary).

Building my retirement house now on an island and I’ll be happy with .6km to the beach. I can still see the water and smell the salt air, and that’s great.

pete_the_cat ,

Nice! I currently live about a 20 minute drive from Miami Beach and that’s fine enough for me. I have an inground pool and sun deck area at my apartment building, so that’s good enough for me! I don’t need to drag shit long distances and it takes me a few minutes to get to, plus no cleanup (unless you count washing off sweat lol)!

I just googled real quick to see how hot South Florida Beach sand can get and there was an article from this past August (around the time I was down there) that said the beach sand hit 137F!

HollandJim ,

Wow. 137F? That’s crazy… my wife is Indonesian so we’re moving to Bali, but north on the island where the beaches aren’t great but there’s the sea air to keep you cool. Building a small villa with a pool as well (3m x 8m) for swimming but I still love the beachy vibe of the restaurants and shops along the coast area. Island life - got to love it!

pete_the_cat ,

Yeah, insane right? Shocked me too! I guessed it was probably around 125F+ because it was unbearable. We always have a steady 10-30 mph breeze which is nice and it rains a lot, almost every day, but only for a short period of time though so it tends to cool it off a bit.

What you’re describing definitely sounds great to me! Enjoy it!

HollandJim ,

Will do! Party on yourself and happy holidays!

Mr_Blott ,

Simple answer is to buy a beach house in Scotland then

slazer2au ,

Also the sea salt will wreck electronics causing them to fail faster.

Kolanaki , to nostupidquestions in Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for help? How do others ignore them without feeling bad? avatar

Having empathy is normal, yes.

dangblingus , to showerthoughts in Trump saying he'll be a dictator only on day 1 is the strategy of normalizing it.

Pretty much.

Anyone with half a brain cell knows that he is a pathological liar. And even worse than being a pathological liar, he’s a pathological “truth bender”. At no point is he lying, and at no point is he ever telling the truth. This gives him a method to worm his way out of any verbal snafu he found himself in. He learned it by emulating his sociopathic father, and he taught his children the same trick.

NocturnalMorning ,

Are you sure trump isn’t also a sociopath? He doesn’t care if his actions kill people, or hurt others, really unless it hurts him personally, he doesn’t give a shit about anything else.

That sounds like textbook sociopath to me.

dangblingus ,

We could spend all day talking about Trump being a sociopath. I’ve only got so much time on this Earth.

NocturnalMorning ,

Same, maybe we should do something else useful with our time. He spent 4 years living in my head, I don’t want him taking up any more real-estate

IndiBrony , avatar
EatYouWell ,

He’s definitely a narcissist, but I’m betting he also has an unattachment disorder (which is pretty common in serial killers)

jasondj ,

The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light.

In the era before the Avatar, we bent not the elements, but the truth within ourselves. To bend another’s truth, your own spirit must be unbendable, or you will be corrupted and destroyed.

br3d , to nostupidquestions in Can videogames trigger a heart attack?

Don’t ask online strangers for medical advice. Go to a doctor if you’re worried

RightHandOfIkaros ,

Honestly, taking medical advice from online strangers will probably trigger a heart attack. Either in the person taking the advice, or an actual medical doctor. Or both.

DogMuffins ,

Some of the best / most nuanced medical advice I’ve ever received is from online forums.

I think what you really mean is “don’t risk your life on the basis of advice from strangers”.

Note that all the other answers ITT say “yes anything that elevates your HR is dangerous”, so OP knows not to play that type of game before his next appointment with his cardiologist, which could be weeks or months away.

Had they not asked, they wouldn’t know to avoid that activity.

Rigal OP , avatar

Thank you for putting words for what I didn’t have the strength to answer.

Also I think the question is interesting, independently of why it’s asked. Maybe there was some recorded case.

Also de first doctor I’ve seen said that the affection is minor and nothing to worry but that I should avoid excitement. He told me that in person 3 weeks ago and I bet that I’ll have to wait 2 more before he send me the report in writing to bring it to another doctor which I’m doing. He was the doctor from works anual medical review so his interest is on not making a fuzz of it. Meanwhile the answer could help.

asdfasdfasdf ,

why should i trust you

Pons_Aelius , to nostupidquestions in What happens if flat Earthers go to space?

My guess is they would not go in the first place.

or will they say that it’s fake and the windows on the space stations are monitors?

But if they did, this would be my guess. They have not used logic or accepted any proof that they are wrong so I doubt they would in space.

Some flat earth guys designed a great experiment to prove whether the earth is flat or round. The only problem was they when their own results showed it was round...

They rejected the results they had come up with as it did not fit their belief.

SuddenDownpour ,

The problem, fundamentally, is that flat earthers don’t become flat earth advocates because they have a sane skepticism that what the vast majority of humanity agrees is obvious might be wrong, but because in the thin margin between coming across a “smart” flat earth argument and understanding why it’s flawed, they feel special that they “know” they’re above the vast majority of humanity.

Being able to design and run an experiment on whether the Earth is flat or not is legitimately cool, and might as well be seen as a source of self-worth, but because accepting the results means suffering the humiliation of accepting how stupidly over confident they’ve been in the first place, they can’t take the small L in order to score the big W.

martino , to nostupidquestions in Why do people want games that are just stories without any gameplay, these days? Why not just watch a movie for that?

Why do people watch movies when books exist? They’re different mediums for delivering a story.

I saw this thread and assumed you were talking about actual walking simulators like Firewatch or Gone Home, ones that don’t really have any gameplay mechanics besides walking and interacting with objects. But from your comments you seem to be taking issue with games like God of War, The Last of Us and The Witcher which makes me think you’re a little misguided as to what those games really are. Those games have a story but that’s not the sole reason they’re popular. They’re all groundbreaking titles in their own right from a technical perspective, they just happen to have good stories because that makes them resonate with players even more.

It’s like how a movie with a bunch great fight scenes and no story isn’t going to resonate with audiences in the same way as a movie with great fight scenes and a story to tie it all together. It’s an important part of the immersive experience for a lot of people.

thundermoose ,

This is an honest question, not a troll: what makes The Last of Us groundbreaking from a technical perspective? I played it and loved the story, but the gameplay was utterly boring to me. I got through the game entirely because I wanted to see the conclusion of the story and when the HBO show came out I was thrilled because it meant I wouldn’t have to play a game I hated to see the story of TLoU 2.

It’s been years, but my recollection is the game was entirely on rails, mostly walking and talking with infrequent bursts of quicktime events and clunky shooting. What was groundbreaking about it?

9715698 ,

What was groundbreaking was the character and world building. Joel and Ellie feel like real people, with interesting backstories and relatable emotions. In the PS3 era, it felt ahead of its time.

IronKrill ,

… which are not technical elements, but writing, thus the question stands.

scarabic ,

Well, a movie and a book are quite different. I think OP’s point, right or wrong, is that a story-based game with minimal or no gameplay is very close to exactly what a movie is.

NemoWuMing , to nostupidquestions in Military Time vs 24hr?

In the US, the 12-hour clock format is in widespread use, except in the military. That is why it’s called like that.

governorkeagan OP ,

It’s interesting that it’s not as widespread amongst the public.As far as I know, the rest of the world either uses it or is able to understand it whereas I’ve had the opposite with Americans. I’m a very limited sample size though.

QubaXR , avatar

Look up the “theory of American exceptionalism”. In short there is a very strong belief here that America is one of a kind and things that may work for others simply don’t apply here.

Explains why the US stocks a 12hr clock, messed up month/day/year mission, imperial measurement and a ton of other things that any foreigner will find anywhere from quirky to infuriating.

IMHO the exceptionalism theory is a b.s. lazy way of keeping things conservative and unchanged and shutting down any discussion of uncomfortable progress.

governorkeagan OP ,

Thank you for sharing that! I’ll have a look into it.

SpaceNoodle ,

It’s not even imperial measurements - the US has its own customary units.

ricecake ,

There was a theory I read at one point, that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of, that basically described a generalized form of exceptionalism, but for different categories.

Basically, the “most something” countries in any particular category are going to have exceptional circumstances that make what other countries do not always apply.

India, having the largest population, faces demographic problems that solutions that work in the Netherlands just can’t address.
Same with Russian transportation infrastructure, and ultimately American economic issues.

lps2 ,

US and international date standards all suck : ISO8601 on the other hand is beautiful

Blamemeta ,

“American Exceptionalism” also known as “Europeans are obsessed with America and can’t understand why American’s don’t follow their orders, meanwhile the Danes count like Barbarians and the UK hasn’t picked a system”

Turun ,

You can make a “I hate you so much” “I don’t think about you at all” meme out of it if you want, but the fact is that American media, most notably Hollywood has an immense cultural impact in the western world. People are often confronted with the weird system that Americans use, but not the other way round, let alone come across something like the danish numbering system. It’s less obsession and more unpleasant regular occurances that lead to such strong opinions about the American system.

Blamemeta ,

Well then make your own movies and shows then. Im not really seeing the problem.

Honytawk ,

We are, and plenty of em.

They just aren’t in English.

So if we look for English content, we encounter fantasy metrics where you guys measure in the feet of a long dead king, and the idiotic AM/PM system that goes from 11 AM to 12 PM and then to 1 PM.

Blamemeta ,

Ok, then why blame us? “Oh no. Someone put up a sign for burgers and when I went inside, they had burgers! Im going to blame them!”

Blamemeta ,

Also, plenty of countries use both 12 hour and 24 hour time. Its not hard.

HamSwagwich ,

Why are you so obsessed with what Americans use for measurements? They aren’t forcing or even asking you to use it

DrQuint ,

Ah yes, the two halves of the world, America and Europe.

Blamemeta ,

On the english-speaking internet? Pretty much, plus the Aussies and Canadians.

lepthesr ,

I could give a shit about following orders, it’s a lot easier dealing with international business/trade/politics.

If everyone is on the same page, things are easier. I like the metric system. I’m a mechanic and my life is often hell because of the differences.

ShadowCatEXE , avatar

It’s standard in Canada as well. I prefer 24hr personally. There were a couple times where I’ve napped in the evening, and woke up thinking I was late for work in the morning. Not fun. 24hr clock solves that. Plus it just makes more sense to me than 12hr clocks.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

I have no strong opinion but I’ll give some reasons that people don’t often consider.

Analog clocks are often easier to understand visually for people. A typical person will be awake for 16ish hours of the day. Which means that when looking at an analog 12 hour clock, you can easily see where you’re at in your day. That is both harder to do on an analog 24 hour clock and it also doesn’t make sense because you won’t really ever see 1/3rd of the clock get used. Military is forced to use it because the time is all digits which makes confusion less possible and displaying it easier.

When talking about the digital version, again, it reflects how humans experience time easier. Again consider using a clock in which you will not typically see or use a third of the numbers for anything. Why do that?

I think a lot of what bugs us about these two systems is the zero points. If I could redo it, I’d put 12am to line up and make 6am noon. Then 6pm is now evening/night.

I suggest that because the current 12hr systems are set up to benefit capitalism. It’s meant to make you forget how long you’re working in the US. And telling people that waking up at 5am to do stuff is morning is also stupid. It’s still night time at that time and our clocks don’t reflect that at all.

Scrof ,

I’ve never even seen a digital clock that’s not 24h. I actually can’t see at all why it would be easier to see where you’re at in the day with the 12h AM/PM lol. Definitely an American thing.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

I mean it’s a minor difference and you get used to both systems, but like I said, by cutting the scale in half from 24 to 12 you’re magnifying the difference in time. For instance, 3 to 6pm on 12 hour clocks is 25% of the scale whereas it’s actually 12.5% of the overall day on 24hr scale. But you don’t experience the overall day, you sleep for a big chunk of it. In other words, the 12hr clock is more appropriately representing that time to you as a portion of your waking day.

Consider this: if I told you the time in an accurate but larger quantity, how would it look to you? Like if I told you that my clock is 48 hours and resets every two days to go from 0 to 48, wouldn’t it change your perception of time? It creates dissonance that a 3 hour meeting would feel very long and yet it is such a small portion of your two day clock. That’s kind of how Americans feel about 24hr clocks.

Honytawk ,

You think you are magnifying things, but you aren’t.

The minute hand on an analogue clock goes equally as fast whether you use 24 hour or 12 hours.

In fact you are even losing accuracy, because if someone tells you to be there at 6 o clock, you have 2 possible times. Whereas with 24, there is only one possibility.

That is why you need to specify with AM and PM.

And in a digital clock it matters even less.

Now explain to me like I am 5, why does a 12 hour clock go from 11 PM to 12 AM to 1 AM?

Why is that 12th hour considered the start of the 12 hour cycle, instead of the end?

CleoTheWizard , avatar

I guess I’ve become the 12hr clock simp here (I’m not tho, use whatever) so here I go.

Forget the minute hand. If I have a 24hr clock, the hours will be more crowded. Meaning that the per-hour angle of each number is halved. I’d imagine this somewhat limits clock design or runs the danger of being harder to tell which hour you’re actually on with a short hour hand. The numbers must be smaller and the hour hand must be longer for the same accuracy.

And yes you are losing technical accuracy with a 12hr clock. But a few things about this. Again it’s more about that humans actually experience time in smaller segments than 24 hours. You don’t experience a full 24hr day. You usually experience a smaller segment like 12-16 hours. This is especially true if you divide your time into day/night or work/leisure.

Now the obvious downside like you mentioned is the am/pm thing. However, that usually isn’t a problem and I don’t get how people would reference 24hr clocks in conversation. Do they say “yeah sure, we can grab drinks at eighteen hundred” or “eighteenth hour” or do they just say eighteen? (American problems).

It’s usually not a problem because context goes a very long way. If I ask you to grab lunch at 2, obviously it’s 2pm. If I ask to grab drinks at 8:30, it’s pm. Most social events come with a time context and most social events are in the afternoon. There’s surprisingly little overlap between events that would be early morning/late evening.

And yes I know digital clocks the formats matter less. It’s a preference thing, no one should care much.

As for the reason for 12 being the changeover time, it’s all for analog clocks. Looking at an analog clock, when determining the hour you draw a line out from the hour hand. Whatever is the nearest number counter-clockwise, that’s what hour it is. So the 12th hour exists. Otherwise you’d have it go from 11:59 to 0. And zero o’clock makes no sense, especially at noon. Again, no clue how anyone would reference this in 24hr. Half passed midnight maybe? But again if you can say pick me up from the party at 12:30am, you don’t have to reference midnight but people still do sometimes.

As for 12am vs pm, it’s simply because the clock transitions at its apex. If it didn’t, it’d be confusing. Also 11:59 is midnight in either system, so it’s the middle of the night. And it creates an obvious transition for midday to exist.

I hope that clears up why the system exists and why I personally prefer it. Again, use whatever works, but I promise the system works pretty well for everyone that uses it. The more disruptive thing is daylight savings time, not the system itself.

Maven , avatar

It’s definitely not standard in Canada. I wish it was. Every time I buy something, I have to figure out how to swap it to 24h mode.

ShadowCatEXE , avatar

Sorry, I meant 12hr is standard (agreeing with Nemo’s original comment).

cecilkorik , avatar

It’s veeeeery not standard in Canada. I use it on my phone and most people who see it on the lockscreen treat me like I’m an alien, and it’s about a 50/50 mix of people who simply think 24 hour time is weird (but at least recognize it) vs. people who seem genuinely baffled by the digits they see appearing on my phone and don’t even seem to recognize it as a time at all.

PlexSheep , avatar

As far as I know the Japanese use it aswell. I learned 午後 and 午前 as vocab at least. (Am and pm)

raptir ,

I live in the US and I’ve never met someone who isn’t able to understand it. They might need to convert it in their heads to compare it with other times.

Rhynoplaz ,

Americans understand it just fine.

Just like I understand what a meter is, but in real life, I would NEVER use the meter as a unit of measurement.

Yeah, I know metric is the better system, I agree. This isn’t about that. It’s about saying something and not making the listener take a moment to convert it into how they relate to the world.

UrPartnerInCrime , (edited )

Americans do not understand it just fine. I’ve had my phone on 24h time for years and the amount of fellow Americans who are completely baffled by it baffles me.

Rhynoplaz ,

I’d say that’s probably more because they are morons and not because they are American.

Volidon ,

I mean, can be both

SatanicNotMessianic ,

There is a cultural phenomenon called schismogenesis - the tendency for one culture to define itself by how it differs from other cultures around it. Even in cases where the culture Y approach is “better” by whatever metric, culture X people will reject it because it’s a Y thing and not an X thing. I see the US rejection of the metric system under Reagan being the most glaringly obvious example of this, but the time thing is probably part of it, too.

I just really wish we hadn’t gone with the whole base 60 system in the first place.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

I kind of wish we had gone all the way with base 60

can ,

Base 60 is so handy though. Very divisible.

Derrio ,

Why the hate for base 60? It has its roots in Babylon and also forms the basis for angles in geometry.

SatanicNotMessianic ,

I am not a baseist. Some of my favorite algorithms are base-2.

japps13 ,

I think I once read that when the metric system was first defined during the French Revolution, they also tried to use a decimal system for time, but that was quickly abandoned.

agent_flounder , avatar

You’d think 24 hour watches would be more common than they are especially among European watches.

My kid had the hardest time reading a 12 hour clock. I think am/pm is too abstract for young kids. 24 hour makes more intuitive sense. The number resets only at the end of the day.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Adding on to that most civilians are only exposed to 24 hr time in a field that was either organizationally based off of the military such as police or emergency medicine or in fields where it’s important to have precise time keeping like hospitals

someguy3 ,

We don’t use it in Canada, expect military or hospital records.

Cracks_InTheWalls , avatar

Quebec would like to have a word with you.

Then again they also have some opinions on that whole ‘Canada’ thing too.

someguy3 , (edited )

We don’t use it in Canada, except military or hospital records.

BombOmOm , to technology in What the heck, YouTube? avatar

Just go back to uBlock Origin. No reason to give Google more money, they don’t respect their customers.

Companion1666 OP , (edited )

No reason

I have reason: Costs. Recently in my region, Spotify racked their price from ₱129 to ₱149, ₱10 difference with YouTube Premium.

Plus, Spotify keeps shoving their podcast platform on my feed, which is annoying, and I’m only streaming music. I rather see or listen to something from my followed channels.

P.S. I only created a Google account just for YouTube and for my Android device, nothing else. I don’t use other mainstream Google products.

Pechente ,

Wait until you hear that podcasts are gonna come to YouTube Music

Companion1666 OP ,

So there is no escape? Fck me then.

toasteecup ,

So far they said that they plan to offer podcasts for free if that helps any.

JackGreenEarth ,

Use uBlock Origin on PC to watch YouTube without ads, NewPipe on mobile, and InnerTune for free ad free music using the YouTube music library, and no need to give Google money.

Zellith ,

Yeah I have greyjay, newpipe and revanced on my phone in case youtube does some funky shit. I think works on pc too.

Companion1666 OP ,


I will try this later. Thank you!

can ,

Apple Music has held off on including podcasts so far.

AccidentalLemming , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • hiddengoat ,

    For the price of YouTube premium you could support 14 different Patreons and that dollar would give each one of those creators several times more than YouTube ever will based on your viewing habits.

    And let's not forget YouTube's built-in ways to avoid paying the creators on their site any more money than they absolutely have to.

    SkaveRat ,

    you could support 14 different Patreon

    by watching YT with Premium, I support far more than 14 creators. The difference per 1k views of normal vs premium views is a couple orders of magnitude

    (Plus, I also pay about 100 bucks a month for various patreon creators)

    lud ,

    Fucking hell, that’s a lot of money to give away each month. Good for you!

    Render ,

    I would much rather pay creators directly via Patreon. That’s quite the amount of money. I commend you.

    Companion1666 OP ,

    As an Asian, online subscriptions tend to be cheaper than US. Is my PHP159 ($3) can support 14 different Patreons? E.g. RedLetterMedia’s Patreon will cost me $2 per month.

    Companion1666 OP ,

    For me, personally, I don’t really mind how YouTube and other streaming services split their earnings to creatives. If one service stints mine, consumer’s general experience, better to move somewhere similar. I’m glad that I subscribed YouTube Premium for two months, but right now, if they’re not refunding me… then I should do the ethical one

    Z4rK , (edited )

    I primarily use iOS to watch YouTube. I haven’t found good solutions.

    It’s the media platform I use the most. With Premium, I’m evenly supporting at least 50 creators that I watch regularly. I couldn’t meaningfully do that for the same price through Patreon.

    BombOmOm , avatar

    I have had success from both Safari with AdGuard and from Brave browser blocking Youtube ads on iOS. Currently using Brave with no issues.

    Z4rK ,

    OK so it’s that easy? I won’t use Brave, but will try from Safari and Orion. Thanks

    BombOmOm , avatar

    Yep. :)

    Just pay attention to the instructions in the app. Safari doesn’t accept addons in the way other browsers do.

    Z4rK ,

    I guess the main downside for me having to be logged in to something Google while browsing other websites, and I don’t think I can be bothered logging in / out all the time

    BombOmOm , avatar

    I can confirm that of both iOS solutions I have mentioned (Safari with AdGuard and Brave browser), neither require you to be logged into any Google product. Both solutions successfully block ads.

    Z4rK ,

    Right. But I don’t just watch random videos from links. YouTube is my main media platform where I have tons of subscriptions and good recommendations.

    I just hoped I could keep that without paying for premium, but it might actually be the best option for me.

    BombOmOm , avatar

    I can also confirm that both iOS solutions I have mentioned (Safari with AdGuard and Brave browser), both also work with you logged into Youtube. They work whether you are logged in or logged out. I tested both ways just before making this pair of comments and daily use the Brave solution.

    Z4rK ,

    Yes but as I said I don’t want to be logged in to Google in my browser.

    BombOmOm , avatar

    This will be my last post. But as I said, both solutions work no matter if you are logged in or logged out.

    Z4rK ,

    Much appreciated, thanks again for the suggestion.

    Chobbes ,

    The best solution I’ve found for the YouTube shenanigans on iOS is the baking soda and vinegar apps.

    blackkn1ght ,

    Sideload uYou plus with Altstore if you want to keep all the account functionality.

    Download Yattee from the App store if you prefer to watch with Piped.

    Z4rK ,

    No I don’t want piped, like the recommendations in YouTube. No way I’ll side load.

    Sounds like Premium is a good choice for me personally.

    eya , avatar

    Sideload an alternative YouTube app with Altstore

    Z4rK ,

    It’s cool that the option exist, but it isn’t worth it to me.

    noodlejetski ,

    you’re not their customer, the ad companies are.

    sir_reginald , avatar

    true, we’re the product offered to ad companies

    2xsaiko , avatar

    And this is exactly why I will never pay for Premium (again; I unfortunately did for a while) or any other Google service

    guyrocket , to technology in Internet Archive can emulate games and old software. avatar

    Headline is wrong. Internet archive has been emulating software for a long time now.

    Maybe they just got to 250k titles, but them emulating is not new.

    ink ,

    yea. it already had more than 2000 MS DOS games back in 2015

    Apollo2323 OP ,

    I apologize I will change the title.

    Asudox ,

    It has been a day since you said that.

    Apollo2323 OP ,

    Lol sorry I been busy

    Asudox ,

    It doesn’t take even a minute to edit a piece of string.

    Apollo2323 OP ,

    Fuck off , what is your problem? You don’t have anything to do today?

    Asudox ,

    no, not really.

    dangblingus ,

    This many replies indicates you have very little to do today yourself.

    dangblingus ,

    And you still haven’t. Classic.

    relative_iterator , to asklemmy in Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills? avatar

    At work if I ask 2 questions in an email I’m guaranteed 1 or 0 answers.

    darelik ,

    Maybe because there’s 10 kinds of email replies at your workplace

    PunnyName ,


    Bitrot , avatar

    My boss is horrible about this. He also doesn’t organize his inbox in conversation view so he’ll randomly pop up in different parts of an ongoing thread and can’t keep track of what people are talking about.

    Fuckfuckmyfuckingass , avatar

    You should fire your boss. Sounds like they’re not a great fit.

    Hhffggshn ,

    OMG fr. I’ll ask my boss, shall we do option 1,or option 2? and he’ll write back, Yes.

    miss_brainfart , avatar

    Actchually, that is a perfectly correct response according to propositional calculus.

    One or the other? Yes, one or the other.

    Millie ,

    That’s not just reading comprehension. People are always answering my questions with unapplicable answers.

    “Is it on the left or the right?”

    “It’s 67, the one with grass in the yard.”

    Just answer the damn question rather than providing me other information you decide would be more helpful!

    davidalso ,

    Ok so in defense of dumbasses, we don’t always understand the question. Eg, whose left? In those cases we don’t want to make your clarify the question and drag things out, so we give you what we hope is an unequivocally clear response. It comes from a deep-seeded fear of miscommunication resulting in too many mailboxes with their flags on the wrong side or whatever. We apologize for the pedantry, though. I get that it’s annoying.

    Millie ,

    When we’re driving typically left means left.

    Slowy , avatar

    Depends which direction you’re coming from though

    jscummy ,

    Now we’re starting to see another problem that might be at play when people say “I’m not getting answers to my questions”

    davidalso ,

    One key to happiness for me is to start from the assumption that I’ve been unclear.

    Millie ,

    Not if we’re in the same car.

    jellyka , to asklemmy in What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?

    I like learning about random ass hobbies without ever indulging in them.

    I watch an ungodly amount of aquarium / terrarium videos, lurk a ton of aquascaping communities. I owned a betta fish in an empty bowl when I was 12 and that’s it. (poor fish)

    I read all you could know about book binding fanfiction, never done it.

    I read a hundred pages long horse breeding guide for the game black desert online and I have no idea why. I only played the game for a month, spent most of it reading a google doc about horse. I’m not even sure I owned a horse in the game.

    Sometimes I try the hobby, for example mini painting, and don’t have the patience for it. But I still watch some random dudes on youtube paint for hours and sometimes they don’t even talk!

    No idea why I am like this

    swan_pr , avatar

    I do the same! And you know, I think this is a hobby by itself. It’s also very useful when talking with strangers if they tell you they practice one of the hobbies you’ve binged on. You can ask them more pointed, interesting questions and it makes for great conversations!

    Rozz OP ,

    I know it doesn’t have to be, but that sounds like what world builders or authors do, dive very deep into a topic for research.

    AngryDemonoid , (edited )

    Ever been screened for ADHD by any chance? I do this same thing. I call myself a serial hobbyist because I just bounce from one thing to the next. I’m always glad when I lose interest before I spend any money.

    jellyka ,

    Nah, I did well in school and it’s almost impossible to get that diagnosis as a adult around here. I do find the adhd memes relatable tho lol.

    AngryDemonoid ,

    Same situation here. Never got diagnosed as a kid because I did well in school. Then going through the process for my own kid, it all clicked.

    Rodeo ,

    Everybody finds those memes relatable. Most of those memes are just regular human things.

    BlueKittyMeow ,

    I also did well in school (have my Masters too!) and I got diagnosed with ADHD at around age 30 (I’m female so that made a difference in people’s expectations of how it presents). Totally no need to pathologize a trait or to pursue a diagnosis even if the traits do fir you, but I did just want to chime in that there are plenty of us who managed to defy the trope of “doesn’t apply themselves”.

    For me, I totally do what you do with hobbies! It’s actually why I went into library science - ADHD is my superpower that allows me to be a generalist :P

    I spent last night learning about wood pit clay firing techniques and learning about table saw safety. Why? Idk. I have Ehlers Danlos and I’ve had to give up sewing, spinning, etc, so it’s not like I’m going to be out there making slab tables or digging my own clay but… It’s REALLY fun to imagine and learn all about!

    I love learning about new hobbies and I so rarely find the hobbiest of… Hobbies! Thanks for sharing :)

    agent_flounder , avatar

    I also keep acquiring hobbies and also have ADHD but spend way too much on it all.

    wrecking7416 ,

    My hobby is collecting hobbies. Under my desk at home is a pile of various “projects” most of which I cannot seem to finish.

    agent_flounder , avatar

    My whole office is a giant pile of that lol

    Barbara Sher (rip) has a great book, Refuse to Choose, that does a great job of reframing ones thinking about bouncing around between projects / hobbies and not “finishing” them.

    jcit878 ,

    mini painting and ADHD is a funny one. I can have months of ultra focus and paint a whole small army up, then I have tiny bursts and it takes months just to finish a few models. I currently have 8 guys I’ve been working on since June about 50% done and I’m no high level painter

    cubedsteaks ,

    I like learning about random ass hobbies without ever indulging in them.

    I do this too! I love watching like videos where people make jewelry or phone cases using resin. It requires a ventilated area though and I live in an apartment with no patio so I couldn’t do it even if I wanted to.

    I also watch nail polish videos cause nail painting is an amazing artform that is really difficult to do because its painting with material that hardens when exposed to oxygen or UV lighting. It also takes a ton of skill to get really good at it and people use all kinds interesting methods to get different results or looks. But yeah, I don’t have the patience to learn that beyond just painting my own nails and maybe some decals but that’s all I could handle.

    megane_kun ,

    I read all you could know about book binding fanfiction, never done it.

    Found it hard to parse, and my mind immediately went with “Yeah, of course people have written fanfics about book binding,” foolishly extending rule 34 to cover it. Of course, there might have been that one fanfic about bookbinding.

    But yeah, of course people have printed and bookbinded (bookbound[ed]?) fanfics. But for that to have a community? That’s unexpected.

    gandalf_der_12te ,

    And you know what? It shouldn’t be called rule 34, but rule 69. Would be much easier to remember that way.

    IonAddis , avatar

    I would be immensely amused if “bookbinding fanfiction” was called Rule 69.

    I know that’s not what you meant, but it’s where my mind went, haha. Fanfiction is all about the weird insider eccentricities, and this sounds like it could be one of them.

    megane_kun ,

    Makes me wonder why they (the anons who’ve compiled such lists back in the day) didn’t make that way. Perhaps it’s too obvious of a joke, I guess?

    gandalf_der_12te ,

    Well I guess you are acquiring knowledge, and that too is a hobby :-)

    IonAddis , avatar

    I like learning about random ass hobbies without ever indulging in them.

    I write sci-fi/fantasy stuff, and I do this too, but mostly so I can gift this or that character with some plausible insider info on a hobby THEY have.

    The trick with creating a fantasy/sci-fi universe is to sprinkle true/plausible things all around the little details, so the obviously fantastical that doesn’t have grounding in reality will be accepted by the reader.

    Kyoyeou ,

    Recently I’ve been looking at a guy that makes Damascus Steel weapon. Not that I’m gonna buy a sword or an axe anytime soon, nor am I going to make it

    kryptonianCodeMonkey , to nostupidquestions in Is it possible for someone to "become gay" or were they always predisposed to it?

    Is it possible? Yes. Shifts in personality, desires, etc. can happen for a number of reasons. People have had head injuries and had shifts in sexuality, including a heavily increased/decreased sex drive or shift in orientation, as a result. Sexual traumas, particularly on children, can have lasting effects on their sexuality and sexual development both before and after adolescents, possibly (likely even) including homosexual behaviors where it may not have happened before… though that’s obviously not possible to know for sure. And to a lesser extent, situations like long term isolation, desperation, abuse, or social pressure can make people more likely to act in ways that wouldn’t have before as well.

    Is any of that the norm or common for homosexuals? No. First, none of those situations is likely to result in a mentally stable, well adjusted adult that simply has attractions to the same sex. Those shifts in sexuality are likely to be just one of many symptoms of those traumas, most of the rest of which will be notably aberrant behaviors or traits. Second, the majority of people who have same sex attraction, whether exclusively or in addition to opposite sex attraction, have similar stories about being interested in the same sex from the time they first began to have any such attractions. Whether there is some genetic, developmental and/or environmental component that differentiates or influences ones sexual interest is not really clear. What is clear is that those interests seem to be largely set by the time they begin to manifest and be expressed in adolescence.

    Thavron , avatar

    Excellent answer. Well written, informative, objective and with good intent.

    giant_smeeg , to asklemmy in Anyone else feel that Lemmy just *isn't* addictive?

    Agree’d, people aren’t contributing enough so it seems dead after a 30min check per day (might not be a bad thing).

    If lemmy is to thrive and survive, post, comment and start discussions. That’s what is addictive and provides value.

    MentalEdge , avatar

    Thunder’s latest update added a dismiss read posts feature, it lets you remove read posts on demand as you scroll, “refreshing” the feed with content you haven’t seen, but without actually refreshing the page.

    Lets you scroll a lot deeper into the feed without it feeling “dead” or “stale”.

    Blaze , avatar

    Good to know!

    AttackBunny ,

    There are algorithms working in the background on Reddit to keep you there. Same with pretty much all “social media”. They aren’t on Lemmy. The point of Reddit is to keep you there, and shove as many ads down your throat as possible. Ads don’t exist here, and no one (as far as i can tell) is making money from you being here.

    Yeah, there is less content, but that’s not really the biggest reason.

    giant_smeeg ,

    There are algorithms working in the background on Reddit to keep you there. Same with pretty much all “social media”. They aren’t on Lemmy. The point of Reddit is to keep you there, and shove as many ads down your throat as possible. Ads don’t exist here, and no one (as far as i can tell) is making money from you being here.

    I agree with what you’re saying about the algorithms sucking you in, but disagree that’s the biggest reason. Lemmy just doesn’t have a lot of content, browse HOT or go through your subscriptions and you’re done pretty quick.

    Aimhere ,

    If you run out of items to view on Lemmy, you can always go out and, like, engage with family, or hobbies, or grass-touching…

    giant_smeeg ,

    Na, you’re being silly now.

    maegul , avatar

    post, comment and start discussions. That’s what is addictive and provides value.

    Just want to +1 this. You’d be surprised how “addictive” it can be to get active. And probably more valuable to you too.

    giant_smeeg ,

    Massively. If you can contribute, ask and learn on a discussion then you get WAY more out of it.

    Lemmy is perfect for that atm, reddit you’d get immediately drowned out or some dickhead just dismissing your point and that’s it, done.

    TrustingZebra ,

    Despite being a smaller community, I find I’ve been getting significantly more replies on Lemmy. Maybe it’s easier to get noticed.

    Klear ,

    No, I will not discuss this with you, nor will I write a comment.

    empireOfLove ,

    Reddit’s continuous contributions were more shitposts and inside jokes though, so the little I do read here feels a lot more personal and more in depth. It’s pretty nice.

    I needed excuses to get the hell off my phone more anyway.

    Carnelian ,

    I browse about 5 hours a day according to my phone lol

    original_reader ,

    Not sure. Sort by “All” and “New” and there’s a lot.

    Not sure how this statement will age, but I feel Lemmy is here to stay. At least for now. Means it will likely grow over time.

    Lemmylaugh ,

    We just need to get those mods from ask historians here and the millions will come I’m sure

    leanleft , avatar

    i think also u [sometimes] need to wait 6-12 hours because people arent viewing,commenting,upvoting when they are asleep,working, or busy with life.

    ada , to asklemmy in What made you choose your instance? avatar

    I’m the admin :P

    Tigwyk , avatar

    Yeah this one right here. I run my own little instance, made it easy to choose.

    GammaGames ,

    One of my favorite parts of lemmy has been seeing what niche servers users come in from. The interconnectivity makes it feel like a universe of forums.

    The smaller community sizes adds to that forum-vibe, I think.

    MiddledAgedGuy ,

    I like “universe of forums” as a descriptor.

    scarabic ,

    Why’d you start an instance?

    ada , avatar

    We started a regular fediverse instance because we wanted a space for queer and gender diverse folk to be safe, on something that wasn’t Mastodon or Mastodon derived.

    Once we had that running, we spun up a lemmy instance just to check it out, and it sat there basically only used by me, until Reddit Day came along, and our userbase went from 3 to 3000 in the space of a week. So now, our lemmy instance serves the same purpose as our main instance, which is to provide a safe space for our community, but focused on lemmy/the threadiverse

    scarabic ,

    It’s good to hear that even small instances benefitted from Reddit Day and not just

    ada , (edited ) avatar

    Every instance that pre-dated Reddit Day saw crazy growth during the migration.

    We were around long before, and despite the small userbase, we had a couple of popular (at the time) communities used by the rest of the lemmyverse.

    legopika ,

    And a thank you for the safe space! It’s what drew me to your instance when I found it!

    Especially since most of what I was browsing on Reddit was trans or queer subs.

    kira_ananta ,

    Yes! Big same

    AnonymousLlama , avatar

    It's a good option for when you want to follow every instance and not be beholden to the server admin randomly de-federating an instance they don't agree with personally (which was one one of the issues Reddit faced, mods with their own agenda)

    If you run your own instance you can choose exactly what you get to interact with

    lvxferre , to nostupidquestions in Why is “Now I Am Become Death” phrased so awkwardly in English? avatar

    It’s from English, not Sanskrit. More specifically, an archaic English feature, where you’d use “be” instead of “have” for the present tense, if the main verb denotes a change of state (such as “become”). Note how “I have become Death” sounds perfectly fine for modern readers.

    Odds are that Oppenheimer was quoting either an archaic translation Bhagavad Gita, or one using archaic language (this is typical for religious texts).

    Also give this a check. English used to follow similar rules for be/have as German does for sein/haben.

    [Shameless community promotion: check !linguistics ! This sort of question would fit like a glove there.]

    Masterkraft0r ,

    I think he translated it himself. It's an archaic text though, so translating it in modern english would also be weird probably.

    oohgodyeah ,

    Thank you for sharing the Linguistics community. Subscribed!

    masterspace ,

    where you’d use “be” instead of “have” for the present tense, if the main verb denotes a change of state (such as “become”).

    But in that example isn’t the “am” replacing the “have”?

    I have become death

    I am become death

    mick ,

    Yes. The conjugates for “to be” are: I am, You are, He/she is, etc.

    pianoplant ,

    If you think about it the fact that modern English uses “Have” in this context (primarily describing something you own) is actually weirder than “Am” (something you are)

    Buddahriffic ,

    It’s almost like a different word, a hononym. To have and to have done something in the past. Neither being nor possessing really works for the “have done”. Being works for become because become has being as a part of its meaning as well as a transition from some previous thing that was before.

    Though both are used similarly. I have ran. I am running. I will run. I guess have is still the odd one out since will is future tense for am. Though was also works. I was running. But was is more specific than have, it feels like “I was running” is a part of a narrative that includes a specific time, while “I have ran” doesn’t require anything else. It’s like you possess the previous action of running, so maybe it is apt. Language is funny.

    Butters , avatar

    Doesn’t this get into something like past vs past perfect, future vs future perfect?

    I can’t remember this shit from grade school.

    Buddahriffic ,

    I’m awful with what they are called. Had to look up homonym, was about to use synonym instead.

    lightsecond OP ,

    to be is an irregular verb that takes the forms am, are, and is in the present tense. to become is a different verb which has the forms become, and becomes.

    Kowowow ,

    Ah maybe I can learn german understand half the memes on lenny

    elxeno ,

    Can you make “All Your Base Are Belong to Us” correct with some linguistics magic?

    lvxferre , avatar

    Linguistics is mostly descriptive, mind you; it doesn’t “make” things correct, it explains what happens.

    That said, “are belong” wouldn’t work. “Belong” indicates possession, not a change of state, so even under older grammatical rules you’d still need to use “have” with it. And you’d need to use it in the past participle (belonged), not the base form (belong). Note that Oppenheimer’s quote doesn’t have this problem because the past participle of “become” is still “become”.

    And the present perfect wouldn’t even make sense here. CATS is not saying “those bases used to belong to us, and they still do”; it’s more like “those bases used to be yours, but now they’re ours”. You’d need to use the simple present here, “belong” - “now all your bases belong to us”, without an auxiliary, with the “now” highlighting that this wasn’t true in the past but it is in the current time.

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