There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

TheQuietCroc , to showerthoughts in The fact that there's a lady out there named Stephanie who insisted the whole world call her Lady Gaga and we're all just like, "okay."

Prince literally wanted us to call him a symbol with no explanation.

LemmyKnowsBest OP ,

It took me years until I finally learned why he did that. It had something to do with the music industry owning his name. He reclaimed ownership of all his music and art and made a departure from the extortionate music industry.

TeaHands , avatar

Could’ve picked something easier to pronounce, though.

deegeese ,

It was actually brilliant. Got everyone talking about him without really giving up ‘Prince’ in the public consciousness.

chepox ,

Never thought of it that way but yeah. Gave up his name without actually giving it up. Brilliant. That guy was savy as fuck. Also a genius.

Test_Tickles ,

He chose an unpronouncable symbol because it allowed him to break his recording contract.

TeaHands , avatar

I seeee! Never heard the finer details of that whole thing (I was young and not super into his stuff anyway). Smart guy though by the sounds of it!

Rin ,

I asked GPT why:

In the early 1990s, Prince was embroiled in a contractual dispute with Warner Bros., his record company. He felt they were restraining his creativity by not allowing him to release albums as frequently as he desired. In 1993, in an act of rebellion, he changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol, which was a combination of the male and female gender symbols, in order to free himself from his contract obligations to Warner Bros. Since the symbol had no pronunciation, he was often referred to as “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince” during that period. He returned to using the name Prince in 2000, after his publishing contract with Warner Bros. expired.

1stTime4MeInMCU ,


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  • c0mbatbag3l , avatar

    The comment is talking about prince.

    1stTime4MeInMCU ,

    I am le stupid

    Drunemeton , avatar
    A_A , avatar

    The unpronounceable symbol :
    Hollow circle above downward arrow crossed with a curlicued horn-shaped symbol and then a short bar

    (known to fans as the “Love Symbol”)

    kamenlady , avatar

    I’m in awe of the outstanding quality of the symbols pic

    A_A , avatar

    24 x 28 pixels, 320 bytes, from Wikipedia…
    … if it really was SVG format it would be much greater quality.

    kamenlady , avatar

    They may have made the classic “let’s batch-optimize all images for the web” or maybe using a CDN provider, either with wrong settings.

    Yeah SVG would make it almost endlessly scalable.

    A_A , avatar

    Yes … and I did not find the original SVG but I found this 800 pixels :…/800px-Prince_logo.svg.png
    From this :

    kamenlady , avatar

    Nice - i also found lots of prince wikis, but not the svg

    I know now what to hear tonight, perfect

    someguy3 ,

    Maybe you know, did he want to be called “the artist”? And then everyone added “formerly known as Prince”?

    Moobythegoldensock , to asklemmy in Will the generation growing up on modern games have any nostalgic aesthetic?

    Nostalgia happens because you remember the good and forget the bad. People remember Mario 3 but forget Mario is Missing.

    In 20 years, people will say, “Remember when they made good games like Baldur’s Gate 3 rather than the trash that is Baldur’s Cash Grab?” Kids today will wax poetic about how the 2020s was the last good decade for gaming.

    The truth is, there will always be good and bad games.

    flashgnash OP ,

    Larian have always been pretty good really hope they don’t go that way

    That said they’ve got that wizards of the coast money behind them too

    otter ,

    I’m nostalgic for playing Among Us with extended family members during the pandemic, and that was just a few years ago

    TORFdot0 ,

    Yeah but you won’t have nostalgia playing among us in 2038 when the servers are shut down

    otter ,

    I’ll have to go find some community run patch

    Halo CE style

    UlyssesT ,

    Mario 3 is still a good game today, and I know some kids that weren’t anywhere near born when it came out that still loved it.

    Nostalgia isn’t the only reason to enjoy old games and “the bad” shouldn’t be assumed to be there for purposes of false equivalency platitudes. Even just counting predatory monetization, the modern game industry is worse on average than it used to be and its desired profit margins and methods of profit are different and worse than before with a more focused exploitation model.

    Immersive_Matthew ,

    What do you mean Mario is missing in Mario 3?

    Moobythegoldensock ,

    Mario is Missing was its own game. It was… not good.

    Immersive_Matthew ,

    Wow. I totally missed that one despite being a gamer with a SNES in that era. I guess I never saw it on store shelves or mentioned in the game magazines for good reasons.

    Moobythegoldensock ,

    It was released on both NES and SNES, as well as PC and Mac!

    I played the SNES version on an emulator. I don’t know how far I got, just that I was walking around doing nothing.

    Moobythegoldensock ,

    It was released on both NES and SNES, as well as PC and Mac!

    I played the SNES version on an emulator. I don’t know how far I got, just that I was walking around doing nothing.

    Anyway, here’s a preview!

    originalucifer , to showerthoughts in Lemmy disproves the stereotype that Germans lack a sense of humor avatar

    one of my fav light bulb jokes..

    how many germans does it take to change a lightbulb?

    one because they are efficient and without humor.

    nomecks ,


    don ,

    I am sad that I must uplike this comment

    rynzcycle ,

    You sonovabitch... It's beautiful!

    AGuyAcrossTheInternet ,

    Thanks to you, I have overdrawn my Tageslachkontingent and will either have to compensate by laughing less tomorrow or filling out a Tageslachkontingenterhöhungsantrag.

    Killing_Spark ,

    Bevor sie ihren Tageslachkontingenterhöhungsantrag abgeben können müssen sie mit dem Formular 36A erstmal zu Frau Maier gehen und sich die Sondertageslachkontingentbewerbungsunterlagen ausstellen lassen. Damit kommen sie dann bitte wieder zu mir und wir schauen dann mal.

    CosmoNova ,

    Just one? You underestimate german bureaucracy, Freundchen.

    wgbirne ,

    Yeah, funny story:

    I work for the government and once during an inspection they noticed that a light on the roof our building needed to be replaced.

    What should be a 5 minute task took many months. Why? Safety rules state that only roofers are allowed to enter the roof, but only electricians are allowed to work on anything that has to do with electricity which includes changing a light bulb. So we had to wait a couple of months for one of the electricians to get certified as a person that can enter the roof.

    Jesus_666 ,

    Last winter, in order to protect the dwindling completely full strategic gas reserves, the government issued an order for all govenment-owned office buildings to limit the central heating to no more than 19° C because that seemed to be the most pointlessly bureaucratic solution at the time.

    This included buildings that don’t even use gas for heating. Remote heat? Geothermal heat? Free waste heat that you have to actively vent to the atmosphere in order to lower the room temperature? Yep, all required to not exceed 19° C. The building I worked in at the time (for a company that rented some excess floor space) actually wasted energy adhering to this well thought-out rule.

    So yeah, I’d say that in order to change a lightbulb you need at least 1000 Germans. You need both chambers of parliament to create and pass a new ordinance that applies specifically to this lightbulb (and several other contexts it has no business applying to but does because it’s too vaguely worded). Then you need at least three different expert panels to advise the government, regulatory agencies to make sure the ordinance is adhered to, licensed trainers to make sure the people executing the job are formally certified to do so… Actually, we might have to get the European Parliament involved; the new ordinance might benefit from being propoted to a European standard.

    I’ll get back to you about this in about three to five years; we need to get this figured out.

    eindbaas , to nostupidquestions in I Can't Drink Now Like I Used to a Few Years Ago (26M), is that Normal?

    You’re gonna love hitting 30. Good luck staying up till 1am, forget about pulling an all-nighter.

    Afghaniscran ,

    I’m 30 and do this easily enough when I drink.

    It’s definitely killing me though and the next 3 days are hell.

    TheMinions ,


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  • Chouxfleur , avatar

    33 here - if the staying up is enjoyable then 1-3am is fine. Hangovers are worse than when I was 23, but I’m usually back up to speed by lunchtime.

    Of course this is heavily influenced by how much water I drink while I’m out. Hydration is important folks!

    morphballganon ,

    Pulling an all-nighter is still doable, it just requires greater amounts of caffeine.

    OccamsTeapot ,

    That’s a funny way to spell cocaine

    JackGreenEarth , to asklemmy in What is the device you want, but that does not exist?

    A high end phone with a headphone jack and Linux that works with banking apps.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    Why does it need to be high-end or Linux if all you’re gonna do is render some banks’ webviews?

    JackGreenEarth ,

    That’s not all I’m going to do, I want to be able to run stable diffusion and nationwide on the same device in my pocket.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    So, two webviews.

    JackGreenEarth ,

    No, locally.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    So you just want proprietary Qualcomm software?

    JackGreenEarth ,

    No, where did I say that?

    Nath , avatar

    If you root/jailbreak your phone, banks will no longer allow you to use it for payments. The NFC chip won’t be trusted any longer.

    r_thndr ,

    There is a Magisk module that bypasses that on Android. Look up SafetyNetFix.

    kernelle ,

    Good tip but definitely does not work 100% of the time, I used different bypass methods and some worked for one app but blocked another again. It’s possible if you know some code but to maintain it it’s not worth it IMO. Where I live being hacked is covered by insurance but if you bypassed root restrictions they definitely won’t be on your side.

    kratoz29 , avatar

    Easily fixable, also I think KSU exists for this reason? And seems like another alternative is on the way.

    SpaceNoodle ,

    OK, but that’s not a “banking app.”

    Heratiki ,

    Why do you need a headphone jack? Any DAC in a phone is going to be useless if you’re saying because of HiFi Audio. And when it comes to using a HiFi DAC I’d much rather just use a USB-C powered port for my headphones.

    iOS is based off of Darwin which was based off of BSD Linux. So was MacOS for that matter.

    UnculturedSwine ,
    trakie ,

    I’d like a headphone jack because it interfaces with the handful of devices I have that also have one, some of which are not easily replaced - like my 10 year old car.

    Comparing iOS to Linux is like saying cats and dogs are the same. Like sure maybe at a really high level in that they are both operating systems but similarities end there. The biggest and most glaring difference being open source vs. proprietary. Even android which is actually based on Linux is a far cry from typical Linux experience and leaves me wanting more freedom to tinker outside of the walled garden.

    lightnsfw ,

    My phone has a Hi-fi DAC. One of several reasons I haven’t “upgraded”.

    utopiah ,

    Agreed, sadly not a technical problem but a business one. Unless governments step it I don’t see this changing.

    DogMuffins ,

    It will eventually but of course it depends what is really meant by “high end”.

    As the decades roll by I find I care less and less about “high end” and more and more about avoiding bullshit. While presently the portion of people who would buy such a phone is too few to make manufacturing viable, I suspect that portion will grow in the coming decades as millennials get older.

    sock ,

    wait til he learns what android is

    JackGreenEarth ,

    I am using Android right now, it’s very locked down - not that it’s not the lesser of two evils.

    lemonadebunny , avatar

    headphone jack

    theKalash , (edited ) to asklemmy in What was one thing your teacher did that you still can't forgive them for?

    My primaryschool maths teacher taught us roman numerals and one of the tasks we got was to write out the current year in roman numerals.

    I came up with MCMXCVIII … to which he smugly replied that it’s wrong and the romans were a lot more clever and it’s just IIMM (take 2 off 2000).

    Years later I learned that he was quite wrong about that and my answer is in fact the only correct one.

    dylanmorgan ,

    TFW your school insists you learn something utterly pointless and then the teacher teaches it completely wrong.

    radix , avatar

    IIMM just looks so silly. If that were allowed, then why would the Super Bowl roman numerals be so long in the 1900s?

    (I don’t even watch football.)

    blackbrook ,

    There is a modern normative convention but there was never an official standard, and the Roman’s usage actually had a lot of variation. Your teacher may have been right that some Romans actually wrote IIMM, but he certainly wasn’t right to claim you were wrong.

    girl , to showerthoughts in Where the hell does wind begin??

    “Wind forms when the sun heats one part of the atmosphere differently than another part. This causes expansion of warmer air, making less pressure where it is warm than where it is cooler. Air always moves from high pressure to lower pressure, and this movement of air is wind.” source

    ivanafterall , avatar

    Now do farts...?

    Edit: Sorry, just seeing your username. Excuse the ridiculous question.

    girl ,

    lol it’s cool, girls are not automatically offended by the concept of or actual farts. Farts would be too small to produce a significant breeze but there would be a very small air disruption from both the fart itself and the temperature change it would impart

    JungleJim ,

    I think he meant that scientifically girls don’t have the ability to fart. /s

    bran_buckler ,

    Or breaking wind. This one has so many layers

    Bonehead ,
    hungryphrog ,

    Did you forget that girls don’t fart??

    k110111 ,

    What does your username mean?

    Guy In Real Life?

    Sorry im from reddit

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    Down bad

    wreckedcarzz , avatar

    aka the sun’s discrimination makes air go woosh

    18107 , to asklemmy in What’s the funniest internet argument you’ve ever read?

    The forum post you were referring to.

    Vode_An OP ,

    Thank you, I should have linked the original as well.

    MajinBlayze ,

    Thank you, I needed that today

    MxM111 ,

    Even after seeing the enactments, I do feel myself stupider browsing that forum post.

    runjun ,

    I go out of my way to not reread it because I genuinely feel like I lose an IQ point that I’ll never get back.

    MxM111 ,

    You are too optimistic about losing just one IQ point.

    OwenEverbinde ,

    Wow. That’s Linus Torvalds levels of screaming, “ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!”

    People got really worked up back in 2008.

    Tuss ,

    For some reaon my IP is banned om that forum.

    locuester ,

    Are you Josh?

    LanyrdSkynrd ,

    The best part is how the OP never admits being wrong and still gets it wrong in the last post before closing the thread

    CanadaPlus ,

    Lol, this Josh dude really thinks a week is Sunday-Sunday. So does that mean every Sunday is part of two different weeks?

    Oh shit, more people join in. Does the dumb bodybuilder meme have a grain of truth?

    interolivary , avatar

    No I’m sure they all have PhDs in like Swology or something

    SecretPancake ,

    Maybe every other week has no Sundays at all.

    CanadaPlus ,

    Yeah, but then we’d be back to the 3.5 workouts a week.

    SecretPancake ,

    It’s like math.

    Aussiemandeus , to asklemmy in How is Lemmy so good and you guys all so awesome? FUCK! avatar

    Cause we’re small but mighty

    cheese_greater OP ,

    Reddit, eat ur heart out!

    spider ,

    Reddit doesn’t care; they sold out.

    cheese_greater OP , (edited )

    Oh, they care. Their IPO is gonna get halved, if not drawn and quartered

    Blake , to gaming in Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

    I’m gonna come out swinging: not even a game, but two entire fucking genres:

    1. Battle royales. I am like 90% convinced that gamers have been tricked by some dark psychology that has somehow convinced them that these games are worth playing. I don’t know whether it’s because the quality of FPS games has been so low for so long that today’s gamers have never really played a properly fun shooter or what. Battle royales are 75% downtime. You spend so long fucking around parachuting in to the map, walking around, collecting stuff, bla bla bla, interspersed by just a few moments of action, and when you get killed it usually doesn’t feel fair, it’s because a whole other team showed up right as you were already fighting someone else and put you in a nearly impossible situation.
    2. MOBA games are just RTS games with the best bits taken out.
    Untitled_Pribor ,

    the quality of FPS games has been so low for so long that today’s gamers have never really played a properly fun shooter

    Black Mesa?

    Blake ,

    I was thinking more like Unreal Tournament 1999 kind of thing. Black Mesa was a decent game though, but I didn’t play any multiplayer.

    bermuda ,

    I’d recommend Quake Champions if it wasn’t dead as hell

    Blake ,

    I played the shit out of quake live a few years ago! It was really good fun.

    bermuda ,

    Quake live is great. I sometimes use it to 1v1 some friends and it works great for that.

    fritata_fritato ,

    Battle royal’s taught me what it would feel like to be gaslighted. Surely nobody thinks they are fun. The only sane answer is all my friends have conspired to induce paranoia in me.

    Nimfi , avatar


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  • Blake , (edited )

    I didn’t say that you’re wrong or lying at all! Like, MOBAs aren’t for me but otherwise I have no problems with them. But for Battle Royales, yeah, I said that I thought that they trick people, like they’re intentionally really manipulative. For example, loot boxes - they’re fun, but manipulative. Know what I mean?

    Nimfi , avatar


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  • Blake , (edited )

    Battle royales seem to be specifically designed to exploit human psychology to maximise the amount of time that a person plays the game by having specifically timed dopamine releases and manipulating game matchmaking to keep players playing for longer than they would have otherwise. Have you ever felt yourself thinking “damn, I should stop playing, but I want a win first?” That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

    Nimfi , avatar


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  • Blake ,

    I’m glad you enjoy the game and I’m not trying to take that away from you, but I just have an “ick” for that genre, it feels abusive in a way I can’t really put my finger on. And yeah for sure I am overthinking it, this entire thread is an invitation to overthink video games ;p

    Nimfi , avatar


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  • Blake ,

    I think if it was personal, my comment wouldn’t be the #1 most upvoted comment in the thread, honestly.

    bermuda ,

    I think people just like the competitive-ness of a battle royale. People like to win and nothing says “winner” more like being the last survivor out of 100, you know?

    Blake ,

    Nah, that’s not really it, imo. If that was the case then they could just stick 100 people in a lobby and get them to square off 1v1 in a tournament until there’s one winner.

    I swear that battle royales are specifically designed for precisely timed dopamine release to make players have longer play sessions and to encourage addiction

    bermuda ,

    I swear that battle royales are specifically designed for precisely timed dopamine release to make players have longer play sessions and to encourage addiction

    You’re really just describing live service games though, of which most battle royale games that come out in the modern era are a part of. Pretty much any AAA online multiplayer game is going to be about encouraging addiction and dopamine release. I think why battle royale games seem to be at the forefront of this is because they are inherently online multiplayer games. You couldn’t really make a true “battle royale” game before the prevalence of online multiplayer without some major concessions.

    Battle royale games happened to be the industry darling back in 2017 which is why so many AAA studios rushed to carve live service models out of them. If you pay close attention in the coming years you may notice that this will likely again happen to whatever new burgeoning genre takes the industry by storm. They already did it back in the early 2000s with MMO’s.

    Blake ,

    Yeah, you’re not wrong - I guess the difference is that when it comes to battle royales, the medium is the message. I don’t give a shit about levels, ranks, customisation options, skins, perks, etc. in Call of Duty, so all of those manipulative tricks they pull in that area don’t really achieve much. But for Apex Legends, the manipulative shit is the game itself.

    conciselyverbose ,

    If that was the case then they could just stick 100 people in a lobby and get them to square off 1v1 in a tournament until there’s one winner.

    And you think battle royales have too much down time?

    I don't play them because they're all prey to the modern aggressive cash grab bullshit most online games are, but most of the downtime you're discussing is actually active and engaged. You need to be consciously making a decision during the parachute part to decide where you want to land. All the "collecting" is constantly under stress, because if you aren't aware of your surroundings at all times, you could be dead. The whole game mode has a tension to it that most others don't, because dying in death match doesn't cost you anything but 10 seconds to respawn.

    Blake ,

    Lots of games had duel modes without downtime, when your duel ends, you get paired up with another player whose duel ended recently. It’s a few seconds at most usually.

    I never felt particularly stressed during the collection segment, just bored, and from the other guy who wrote that he likes that time to mess around with his friends, I don’t know that your experience is universal.

    That feeling of tension that you describe was absolutely present for me playing traditional deathmatch. The drive to want to win was strong enough to make me give a shit about the game. Especially if it was like, a clan match or something.

    520 ,

    There's also the chaos aspect. Put 100 people in an arena and pretty much anything can happen. The top player can find themselves overwhelmed by people, and any competent player can come out the winner with a bit of luck. It keeps things from getting boring in the way a standard 8v8 in a standard map might get.

    TehPers ,

    For me it’s pretty much any competitive multiplayer game. I don’t dislike the games, I usually dislike the communities. That was one of the big things that turned me away from Overwatch (the first one) for example, the gameplay was fun but I just wish I could choose who I was playing with.

    Needless to say, I stick with singleplayer games these days, or at least less competitive multiplayer games. Games with good local multiplayer, like SSBU, are also pretty fun when I can get a group together.

    Blake ,

    It’s a modern gaming thing, in my experience. If you play old multiplayer games, the communities are usually much nicer.

    MrBobDobalina ,

    Battle Royals - for me, it’s about how the consequences heighten the tension, and how the threat of getting unceremoniously smashed back to the lobby heightens the victories.

    Playing with friends makes the the whole experience fun. If you drop and have some downtime ‘just’ gearing up, you can chat and hang out and goof around. Then when shit kicks off, it’s just so much more impactful (imo) than a game where you’ve just died and respawned a bunch already and you can do the same again. The teamwork and communication has to be next level and it feels so damn good to win a round, especially when you’ve been on the back foot and had to claw your way out of tough fights.

    No mind tricks, not fussed about loot boxes and skins, just awesome memories from when we where playing enough to get almost half decent at it.

    …and now I’m missing Apex Legends, might reinstall and remember that my friends don’t play it any more

    raccoona_nongrata , avatar


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  • MrBobDobalina ,

    Hahaha ummm yeah as for your last sentence, I finally got around to getting a diagnosis for adult adhd recently and yes, having that focus naturally demanded of your brain by something you actually enjoy doing is definitely soothing. Kinda explains all of the activities I’ve always been drawn to (intense games, sim racing, rock climbing, skydiving etc)

    ampersandrew , avatar

    That downtime in a battle royale creates a really fun tension. Unfortunately, it does feel like dominant strategies emerge in that genre a little too easily, and then they become repetitive, so you don't get that early feeling with the game for more than a few weeks.

    MOBAs can take many forms, and a lot of them don't look anything like an RTS, but they do usually give you the good parts of leveling up and becoming more powerful in an RPG over the course of about a half hour.

    allocsb ,

    Battle Royales: there are pros and cons to the format over traditional FPS. The real story here is that Fortnite in particular also frequently comes out with tons of fun and ridiculous weapons and items which is something that other companies don’t really do.

    Ie: chrome that lets you turn into a fast moving blob, a katana with a charge dash range so big that it’s considered a mobility item, a handheld napalm cannon

    potterman28wxcv ,

    I highly disagree with the 2nd point

    I hate RTS because there are so much going on everywhere at the same time that I just can’t handle it. You gotta master your production while scouting while repelling raids while strategizing to see what kind of army the opponent is building while exploring the tech tree and… damn how did they just send an army of 50 fellas??

    MOBAs allow me to fully focus on the moment and whatever I’m doing instead of being perpetually late on the actions that need doing

    bmaxv , avatar

    @potterman28wxcv @Blake

    Imo theoretical development just stopped after StarCraft and total annihilation.

    Sup com is my favorite but nobody really tried to reimagine what "RTS" should mean.

    Not like COD -> Doom(2016) did for fps.

    So both perspectives are valid and deal with unsolved problems that are unfortunately just hard and not profitable to solve.

    Blake ,

    Yeah, I understand that, and I guess they’re not for everyone. I’ve got pretty severe ADHD and I love the “everything happening everywhere all at once” feeling that RTS has

    Anabriated ,

    Ahh, for some folks, MOBAs are RTS games with the worst bits taken out!

    Blake ,

    Oh yeah, for sure, 100%. I know that this is incredibly opinions based. Every time I play a MOBA, I just think how much more fun I’d have playing an RTS!

    Anabriated ,

    totally understandable, they’re so close in controls, but so completely different in gameplay and pacing.

    VoxAdActa ,

    RTS games are currently in a big slump (nobody’s really making them, and the player base on the ones that exist has seriously dried up) because most people only like half the game.

    The people who love the micro end up going to MOBAs like League or Smite. The people who love the macro end up going to 4X/Grand Strategy like Stellaris or Crusader Kings. The market of people who equally enjoy both aspects is pretty small. Like, I’ll never buy a bag of Chex mix again, now that I know I can get a whole bag of just rye chips.

    To make the scene even more anemic, the skill cap right now is so high. I know several people (including me) who tried to get into Starcraft 2, only for their first random opponent to be a person with 20,000 APM who thinks a match lasting longer than two and a half minutes is a slog. It’s not even possible to learn from your mistakes when you get stomped that hard, that fast. But the single-player part does nothing to prepare you (other than maybe letting you figure out what the buttons do), and it’s going to happen just about every time (because the only people still playing are the people who have been playing for a decade or more).

    dQw4w9WgXcQ ,

    I would respect your opinion if you presented it as an opinion, but your comment just reads as a condescending statement towards gamers who enjoy those genres. I don’t play either of those genres either, but I respect that people do enjoy them.

    Blake ,

    I would respect your opinion about my opinion if you presented it as an opinion about my opinion…

    Of course it’s just my opinion. I respect people who enjoy those games absolutely, 100%. No disrespect at all. I didn’t even say anything negative about MOBAs except the fact that I didn’t personally enjoy them. You’re taking this way too personally.

    kratoz29 , avatar

    I have never played a MOBA but some quick sessions of Vainglory in an old iPhone… If that counts.

    I can see the charm in the genre I guess… But battle royals? Hell no, you wrote it damn perfectly… It is a huge waste of time, whether it is for the grinding mechanics, or the camping mechanics, or the unfair situations, but that tension does well for streaming guys, I think that is why the genre got so popular? Like those brainless games that you see on social media like Facebook about driving trailers in messy roads or those Five Nights at Freddie’s kinds of games?

    sup ,

    Are you a more eloquent me? This is exactly what I feel about both Battle Royales and MOBAs. How and why? I just don’t see it. I have friends who enjoy both genres and I’ve talked to them many times and asked them to explain why they find it fun. I still don’t get it. Dark psychology indeed. That’s the only thing that explains it for me.

    am0 ,

    Totally agree with point #1. I was a staunch supporter of Fortnite when it was a zombie defense base building game. Then everybody latched on to the battle royale and I hated it, and every battle royale that hopped on the bandwagon afterwards.

    Spend 20-30 minutes collecting loot just to win or lose it all in a sudden burst of conflict… shit gives me hypertension

    ada , to asklemmy in your girlfriend gets an unencrypted copy of all your files. What happens? avatar

    Nothing? She already has access to it all anyway…

    qooqie ,

    This is the way, don’t hide shit, be open. If you feel the need to hide stuff from your gf/bf get out of the relationship. Them having full access is a trust thing and shows you’re mature enough for a serious relationship imo.

    balderdash9 ,

    100% my girl doesn’t want to know and I don’t want the headache if she did. It’s okay to have privacy in a relationship

    turkalino , to linux in Should i switch from systemd to another init system, What are the advantages of using another init system? avatar

    I mean, is systemd giving YOU problems? If not, don’t switch just because other people complain about it

    theKalash , to showerthoughts in I ate 6 donuts today. I wonder if this is how it feels to be a cop.

    Not until you go out and shoot a couple minorities.

    TonyTonyChopper , avatar

    and their dogs

    cdf12345 ,

    Hey now, give the cops a break. Recently there’s been a progressive movement in law enforcement to change the culture and to not shoot minorities and their dogs exclusively. It’s just a bonus and easier to clean up when it’s a minority.

    Something_Complex ,

    Now now, less discrimination. Other weapons deserve the podium too. With the amount of times they tased pregnant women, or beated unarmed men with their batons.

    Guns don’t deserve all the credit, I didn’t even mention pepper spray or just plain old hands and knees.

    Peddlephile , to asklemmy in What's a scam that's so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore?

    Private health insurance.


    mats , to asklemmy in What's a scam that's so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore?

    Windows. You pay ~100€ just to give your personal data to MS and get a bloated OS that will use all of your resources. Even MacOS is a more fair deal than this.

    fubo ,

    And then it shows you ads, too!

    original_reader ,

    I agree that it’s not great that telemetry is shared, but to say that you buy it “just” to share your data is an exaggeration. I am sure you do useful things with it.

    That said, yes, it is bloated and I wish you could really turn off all telemetry. Am totally with you on that.

    Blimp7990 ,

    please enumerate the services you would disable:

    and the telemetry you would remove:

    asyncrosaurus ,
    Blimp7990 ,

    whats this, a mystery application I should run as admin?

    I bet you’re the type to follow the docker install instructions*, arent you?

    *ie download and execute random untrusted scripts from the internet because this is somehow how you install docker.

    corsicanguppy ,

    Heh. You. I like you.

    Blimp7990 ,


    pascal ,

    God I hate Docker. It’s a great system for lazy devs to NOT learn how to deploy software.

    (I love LXC containers and QEMU, tho)

    AntEater , avatar

    As a long time working the ops side of things as a Unix/Linux admin, I love docker with k8s. The devs. can have whatever kind of ignorant environment setup they want. As long as the final image passes security, is up to date, and I can define the deployment parameters, it’s 100% on them how well it works in production.

    nik282000 , avatar

    Docker is awesome for real production environments but trains home users to just copy/paste/enter random shit from the internet.

    Blimp7990 ,

    yeah, and it makes it much much much worse if something goes wrong because theres a whole layer of stuff you have to understand (and even just knowing how to do basic stuff like reading logs, passing in configs, opening ports requires you learn how to do that, simple as it may be). I try to only use stuff I can install/configure on the base OS.

    pascal ,

    As I said, not a fan of Docker, but 8ks are really interesting and I want to learn more. I like especially the fact I can configure “pods” (is that the right term?) that multiply over different containers and hardware based on load and demand. The idea of a self-replicating swarm of threads is fascinating to me.

    But using a docker to run mariadb and another docker to run a photo app and another docker to run a web server that connects over a docker network… and all this runs inside a VM, it’s wasted overhead to me. Especially today where everyone can run proxmox and vmware at home for free.

    nik282000 , avatar

    I’ve found my people!

    asyncrosaurus ,

    Oh wow, aren’t you a cranky bitch. I didn’t say you "should " do anything, I linked a tool I’ve constantly been told good things about.

    I bet you’re the type to follow the docker install instructions*, arent you?

    You know what they say about when you assume, you turn out to be an ignorant dipshit.

    Blimp7990 ,

    Oh wow, aren’t you a cranky bitch


    Blimp7990 ,

    Oh wow, aren’t you a cranky bitch. I didn’t say you "should " do anything, I linked a tool I’ve constantly been told good things about.

    <span style="color:#323232;">I bet you’re the type to follow the docker install instructions*, arent you?

    You know what they say about when you assume, you turn out to be an ignorant dipshit.

    please enumerate the services you would disable:

    and the telemetry you would remove:

    nik282000 , avatar

    I bet you’re the type to follow the docker install instructions*, arent you?

    Thank you, I think the Cult of Docker does more harm than good for the selfhosting community in the long run as it encourages copy/paste admins. Manually installing services in LXC gives you all the advantages of Docker plus the full control of a VM or bare metal install.

    spagnod ,

    Linux distros: veggie

    ferralcat ,

    You can download windows (direct from Ms) for free now. Does that make it better?

    AnUnusualRelic , avatar

    But then you can’t change the wallpaper! THE WALLPAPER!

    pirrrrrrrr ,

    Wait… You paid for Windows? And it was version 8 or newer?

    Blimp7990 ,

    Wait… You paid for Windows?

    lolol, agreed

    i am still on my university’s site license. windows vista site license.

    nik282000 , avatar

    WTF, am I the only person to have bought W10? Steam on Linux is just good enough now that my next gaming build will be Debian (or some derivative).

    Blimp7990 ,

    am I the only person to have bought W10?


    gens ,

    Last time i paid for windows was 98se. And xp, but that was a blatant illegal copy (from a legit store, with new laptop). Back then it was far too expensive, but still worth it compared to win1x now.

    The_Mixer_Dude ,

    I’ve owned probably 45 computers or more in my life and I’ve never paid Microsoft for shit. Saying Windows is a scam is rather stupid, you can literally disable telemetry and it’s still the best OS available right now regardless of your emotions.

    finestnothing ,

    What makes it the best os? Even without telemetry, it has a huge memory and CPU footprint from a bunch of bloat services running, restricts/blocks functionality even from admin users, and is very inflexible. The only thing that kept me having a windows partition was gaming - but now a vast majority of games (and other software without official Linux support) can be played with wine/proton. My PC idles at 0%-2% CPU usage and about 6 GB of ram, and basically all of that ram comes from me self hosting a good number of docker containers. And even that aside, windows collects data from a lot more than just the telemetry option

    Blimp7990 ,

    you do know you want high ram usage, right? like, not too high, but you want a good amount used for speed. personally, i find the windows portions of my computer take up very few resources. Firefox? a shitton. Nextcloud? More than I would have imagined possible. But windows? not…really. This isn’t 2005 anymore, bud: linux is less secure than windows (less targeted, and virus devs have the same issues as any other devs as getting their virus to run on linux, but still less secure). linux has a solid 10% fps drop in games still according to benchmarks i can find. Linux still requires weird sigils to make the whole system work, and with the most “user friendly” os you still have to relearn how the fuck gnome is supposed to work.

    don’t get me wrong, windows has many many many faults, and linux has many many benefits, but on a sliding scale none of windows’ faults come close to the challenges I’ve experienced with even the most linux-friendly of the classic laptop vendors (ie lenovo, not system76).

    corsicanguppy ,

    linux is less secure than windows

    I’ll want to see the math on this one.

    Blimp7990 ,

    i have to be very honest here and say that I dont have sufficient technical depth to verify the claims here, just that the claims seem fairly convincing to me. if you have a fair rebuttal i will absolutely read it.

    The_Mixer_Dude ,

    Memory you aren’t using is wasted memory. You should really look into understanding super fetch and the reason Windows “wastes” memory, reality is it’s sitting files that have common usage in memory so it isn’t constantly pulling them from drives. I mean just the fact that people are running Windows 11 smoothly on Chromebooks with 32gb of emmc 1.5ghz processors and 2gb of memory stands to make your entire statement pretty silly.

    jemorgan ,

    Of the three major desktop operating systems, windows is by far the worst.

    The only advantage windows has is that Microsoft’s monopolistic practices in the 90s and 00s made it the de-facto OS for business to furnish employees with, which resulted in it still having better 3rd party software support than the alternatives.

    As an OS, it’s hard to use, doesn’t follow logical convention’s, is super opinionated about how users should interact with it, and is missing basic usability features that have been in every other modern OS for 10+ years. It’s awesome as a video game console, barely useable as an adobe or autodesk machine, but sucks as a general purpose OS.

    corsicanguppy ,

    hard to use, doesn’t follow logical convention’s, is super opinionated about how users should interact with it, and is missing basic usability features that have been in every other modern OS for 10+ years

    Now do iOS and macOS!

    corm ,

    What’s wrong with mac OS? It’s been working for my developer laptops without any big issues for a decade.

    Sure I prefer linux, but OSX is infinitely better than dealing with the BS I had to put up with when I worked in a .NET shop.

    A functional terminal, docker works well with virtual networks, and brew exists.

    jemorgan ,


    MacOS is an excellent workspace operating system, largely due to its near-POSIX compliance and the fact that it has access to the enormous body of tools developed for UNIX-like OSs. For development work in particular, it can use the same free and open source software, configured in the same way, that Linux uses. Aside from the DE, a developer could swap between Linux and MacOS and barely realize it. Everything from Node, to Clang, to openJDK, to Rust, along with endless ecosystems of tooling, is installable in a consistent way that matches the bulk of online documentation. This is largely in contrast to Windows, where every piece of the puzzle will have a number of gotchas and footguns, especially when dealing with having multiple environments installed.

    From a design perspective, MacOS is opinionated, but feels like it’s put together by experts in UX. Its high usability is at least partially due to its simplicity and consistency, which in my opinion are hallmarks of well-designed software. MacOS also provides enough access through the Accessibility API to largely rebuild the WM, so those who don’t like the defaults have options.

    The most frequent complaint that I hear about MacOS is that x feature doesn’t work like it does in windows, even though the way that x feature works in windows is steaming hot garbage. Someone who’s used to Windows would probably need a few hours/days to become as fluent with MacOS, depending on their computer literacy.

    People also complain about the fact that MacOS leverages a lot of FOSS software, while keeping their software closed-source and proprietary. I agree with this criticism, but I don’t think it has anything to do with how usable MacOS is.

    I’m not going to start a flame war about mobile OSs because I don’t use a mobile OS as my primary productivity device (and neither should you, but I’m not your mom). The differences between mobile OSs are much smaller, and are virtually all subjective.

    You’re welcome.

    The_Mixer_Dude ,

    Everything you just said is just… So incorrect. I don’t even know where to begin. With just saying it’s difficult to use, like what the hell are you on? How disillusioned are you that you actually feel that is a true statement?? If anything is the only OS using logical conventions, just in the simple concept of it being the most well known and common is in the world for desktop use.

    I don’t even know how to start with the basic usability functions that you claim are missing but as a long time Linux user I’m very interested to see what examples you give because I’m sure everyone is interested.

    jemorgan ,

    Having the highest market share doesn’t mean that windows uses logical conventions, it just means that lots of people are accustomed to the conventions that it uses. The vast majority of professionals that I’ve interacted with strongly dislike having to work on a windows machine once they’ve been exposed to anything else.

    Off of the top of my head, the illogical conventions that Windows uses are: storing application and OS settings together in an opaque and dangerous, globally-editable database (the registry), obfuscating the way that disks are mounted to the file system, using /cr/lf for new lines, using a backslash for directory mappings, not having anything close to a POSIX compatible scripting language, the stranglehold that “wizards” have on the OS at every level, etc. ad nausium. Most of these issues are due to Microsoft deciding to reinvent the wheel instead of conforming to existing conventions. Some of the differences are only annoying because they pick the exact opposite convention that everyone else uses (path separators, line endings), and some of them are annoying because they’re an objectively worse solution than what exists everywhere else (the registry, installation/uninstallation via wizards spawned by a settings menu).

    For basic usability functions, see the lack of functional multi-desktop support 20 years after it became mainstream elsewhere. There is actually no way to switch one monitor to a 2nd workspace without switching every monitor, which makes the feature worse than useless for any serious work. In addition to that, window management in general is completely barebones. Multitasking requires you to either click on icons every time you want to switch a window, or cycle through all of your open windows with alt-tab. The file manager is kludgy and full of opinionated defaults that mysteriously only serve to make it worse at just showing files. The stock terminal emulator is something out of 1995, the new one that can be optionally enabled as a feature is better, but it still exposes a pair of painful options for shells. With WSL, the windows terminal suddenly becomes pretty useful, but having to use a Linux abstraction layer just serves to support the point that windows sucks.

    I could go on and on all day, I’m a SWE with a decade of experience using Linux, 3 decades using Windows, and a few years on Mac here and there. I love my windows machine at home… as a gaming console. Having to do serious work in windows is agonizing.

    The_Mixer_Dude ,

    Lol I guess you haven’t used Windows in a very very long time

    jemorgan ,

    I use windows for ~10 hours per day, 5 or 6 days per week because my team is currently maintaining a legacy .NET framework codebase. I’m sure there are people on earth who use windows more than I do, but I think it’s extremely unlikely that you’re one of them.

    BubblyMango ,

    You cant disable all telemetry for “security reasons”.

    corsicanguppy ,

    If it was included in something, that’s still a purchase.

    blindsight ,

    If you build your own computer, it’s not included in anything. Pretty easy to do, too.

    The_Mixer_Dude ,

    And if it wasn’t?

    mobyduck648 , avatar

    Microsoft literally used to make it part of their OEM agreement that manufacturers couldn’t bundle their machines with anything but Windows, you’ve paid for it in the form of reduced competition in the OS market.

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