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hark , to showerthoughts in Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier? avatar

The birth rates are low because of the terrible environment that doesn’t support having and raising children. All you’re doing is importing more people who will also barely have any children within a generation or so. Mass immigration is just throwing bodies at the bottom of the pyramid scheme. You can see this in action in Canada where housing is absolutely unaffordable, but large numbers of immigrants are brought in who have to work for shitty wages and live with multiple families in a single rental unit.

The screaming about low birth rate is because corporations want to keep a high labor pool so they can drive down the price of labor while keeping up demand for consumption.

atro_city OP ,

The screaming about low birth rate is because corporations want to keep a high labor pool so they can drive down the price of labor while keeping up demand for consumption.

It's not only that. By the time you want to retire, there won't be enough people to pay taxes for your retirement fund. With more young people than old, that is less of a problem.

hark , avatar

This is one area where we’re supposed to benefit from the greatly increased automation. We don’t need a huge mass of people doing make-work. The current situation is that we force people to do make-work to continue making on-paper profits which mostly go to a tiny set of wealthy people. The current situation is unsustainable even if population growth increased because it’s a pyramid scheme. The system relies on infinite growth.

Melvin_Ferd ,

But isn’t it better to have a few years but then growth vs absolute death spiral due to low population which we would have to increase immigration for regardless

hark , avatar

The problem is that most of the growth goes to the already rich as they pay immigrants poorly and make them pay high rents (hence the need to have multiple families living in a single unit). It’s still a death spiral, just with higher profits for the rich few. The only way to make it not a death spiral is to force the rich leeches to stop sucking the blood out of everyone else.

31337 ,

Poor countries, such as the countries people are immigrating from, have a more terrible environment and higher birth-rates.

AA5B ,

The problem is that birthdate is dropping even faster in those countries. An even bigger “problem” is that in general life is getting better, even in developing countries. There is no infinite supply of immigrants waiting to save the developed world.

Encouraging immigration is far from a panacea. It will work for a few countries, for another generation or so, but you can see the end of that coming

cerement , to memes in comic gotta be just around the corner avatar
simple ,

This is surprisingly good

nick ,

Hell, I’m installing that now. It’s gonna be my terminal and sublime font now

IrritableOcelot ,

That looks just enough not like comic sans to actually be pretty good.

flashgnash ,

Weird to see how many others actually use this

Got it as my font anywhere I can set it

billgamesh ,

it’s so readable. Unironically can be super helpful

Achyu ,

How does one set this on android? There seems to be no option for that in settings.
Any adb commands?

flashgnash ,

I used an app called zfont 3, has a few workarounds for different manufacturers

What it did on my old phone was have me set a store downloaded font, make a backup of settings, uninstall the font, then it installs the new one with the same name and restore the backup

sauerkraus , to cat in Our new neighbors suck CW: sad

While cats are inarguably cool, they are also one of the greatest human-caused dangers to life on our planet. They did the right thing.

PhoenixRising ,

A neighbor of mine started feed a couple stray cats. The population has exploded. Unlike OP’s area, there’s not really any support for TNR programs in my area. It’s horrible for the cats, the neighbor that fed them moved. So, the cats are malnourished, infested with fleas and mites, get attacked by dogs in the backyards. It’s horrible for the homeowners too since these cats are marking their territory which is stinking up the sides of the homes, outdoor furniture and they are tearing up gardens. When I first moved here, there were tons of hummingbirds. Haven’t seen one in awhile and I miss them.

jubilationtcornpone ,

We bought a house that, courtesy of the previous owner, has a very “bird friendly” yard. We also have an outdoor cat that someone dumped in my front yard when she was a kitten. We nursed her back to health and had her spayed. She has lived at my in-laws farm for a few years. We discussed bringing her to our new house and decided that, because she is an extremely effective serial killer, she will stay on the farm. It’s possible to love cats while also recognizing that they can be an invasive species in some circumstances. Their nearly unparalleled hunting skills are an asset to them and a serious threat to the creatures around them.

whynotzoidberg ,

I live in a town that seems to embrace ferrel or outdoor cats. It’s really unfortunate that I have to consider if I am setting up a bird feeder or a cat feeder in my yard.

Thanks for letting yours live its best life on the farm. The real farm. Not the proverbial one.

Nawor3565 ,

Probably not. The problem with catching feral cats is that it creates a territorial vaccum, causing feral cats from neighboring areas to just move in to the now-empty territory. Those cats were neutered, meaning they couldnt reproduce and contribute to the population, but now there’s a good chance that non-neutered cats will move in and create even more cats and just make the problem bigger.

sauerkraus ,

They can still hunt and provide safety to other cats which can reproduce. Trap and release is better than nothing for sure.

okfuskee , avatar

I’d never put much thought into it, but a few years back I was doom scrolling and came across a research paper that talked about the just pure damage feral cats cause. Between 1-3 BILLION birds killed globally, that’s insanse!!

And I like cats but letting them run wild just isn’t the way. I feel that way about any feral animal, or invasive species. Clear them out.

sauerkraus ,

Yeah invasive species are bad regardless of how cute they are. In the aquarium hobby pretty much all of the coolest species are invasive. I’m not completely happy about banning imports for the hobby, but I still support it. That’s just the cost of being a responsible pet owner.

adam , to technology in Question about Active Noise Cancellation alternatives

The sound produced by ANC is the exact 180 degree inverse (or as near as possible) of the incoming bad noise.

It’s produced in realtime by dedicated signal processors and requires mic arrays feeding in the sound. The quicker your processing pipeline the better the match is and the more powerful the effect is.

There’s no prerecorded sound that would work.

downpunxx OP ,

appreciate the response

venusaur , avatar

Yup not possible. Sound is waves. Think of a sine wave that goes up and down. Noise canceling works by canceling the peaks and valleys of a sound wave with inverted valleys and peaks. If the peak is +1 for example, a sound wave with a valley of -1 played at the same time would cancel it out. This is simplistic terms of course.

The sound of your environment is constantly changing. If you wanted a static audio file to cancel out noise you would have to play some customized white noise. Not the effect you’re looking for.

Just extra context. You’ll need ANC buds. Heard Sony is good. Good luck!

JustinTheGM ,

I’ve always wondered, does the ear experience additional, unheard “loudness” when using ANC?

adam ,

Yes. On older generation/cheaper ANC this is perceived as increased “pressure”. It doesn’t seem louder but the physical sensation of loudness is there.

laurelraven ,

That actually explains the sensation I have with headphones provided by my work, I want to like them but the sensation is kind of unpleasant

Technus , to lemmyshitpost in wait for it

For a second, my dumb ass thought someone just had a bunch of uselessly inaccurate spirit levels.

kn33 ,

That’s not what’s going on here? I’m lost

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

What is it then?

BDalt ,

Wrong on so many levels.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Now I know what my high school teachers were saying when they called me dumb.

I thought they were just being sarcastic.

Thcdenton ,
stoy ,



micksean ,

this is my understanding

abbadon420 , to lemmyshitpost in gotdamn

Apparently, water also burns

Senseless ,

As someone that has experience pouring boiling hot pasta water over my feet I can confirm that it indeed burns.

Sanctus , to lemmyshitpost in oh snap avatar

Thanks is just there to show support

Iheartcheese , avatar

You’re welcome.

citrusface , to lemmyshitpost in better part of valor

What is this Facebook malarkey

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

You’d think this guy would have an easier time lifting his girlfriend with all those extra fingers

feedum_sneedson , to memes in dems the fact jack

Yeah, billionaires!

hydroptic ,

Yeah. Trump can get fucked, but so can Swift.

There are no ethical billionaires

Xanis ,

I mean I agree, though I also see the benefit of pushing the super wealthy who are more on our side to do more good. Like it or not, money go burr. I’d like to keep as much of that working for us as possible.

The rest on the other hand, those purely doing it for the high score and fuck you written in cursive: Those can go play on their private landing strip as a plane comes in.

brain_in_a_box ,

The super wealthy are, by definition, not on your side.

Xanis ,

Neither are a significant number of the non-wealthy. So again, I’ll take what help we can get.

brain_in_a_box ,

Ultimately, anyone in the proletariat is closer to being on your side than any billionaire.

hydroptic ,

But I guess the question is whether Swift’s money really is working for “us” or not

telllos ,

I love it, my billionaire is better than yours :D

drewx0r , to futurama in What are your guys' thoughts on the new episode?

I’m with you on your analysis. It wasn’t mindblowingly good, but it was certainly good enough to not feel like a band past its prime trying to cash in on one last payday. I do think that Billy West (Fry)‘s voice has aged some as well, but I got used to it after a minute or two and it was fine.

I think when you’re coming back from cancelation…AGAIN, and especially after so long, it’s not like a pilot, but it requires more exposition than a regular season opener. So it was good enough on its own merit, and I’m grading it on a curve as it’s the first episode in a decade and has to do a bit more storytelling drudgery than your average show.

R00bot , avatar

Fry’s voice sounds the same but just slower. Feel like they could fix it by just asking Billy West to talk faster.

tomatobeard ,

Yeah, I thought the same about West’s voice. But DiMaggio is noticeably older sounding. Yet, I thought Katey Sagal sounded surprisingly youthful.

R00bot , avatar

Damn really? I didn’t notice any difference in DiMaggio’s voice but maybe I need to binge the old seasons as I haven’t watched them in a while.

tomatobeard ,

It could also be that I’ve watched other shows with him in it recently. Been watching a lot of Adventure Time and Chowder with my little one.

open_world , avatar

Make sure to get your binge suit and a tank of Slurm

pokkiff ,

I kinda appreciated that the whole episode seemed a bit slower. I remember the last reboot feeling much quicker paced than the originals.

HandsHurtLoL ,

They're catering to the fact that their core audience is getting older and harder to understand fast-paced speech lolol (said by one of those people who is starting to get old)

linearchaos , avatar

The pacing was fantastic. Outside of pacing, it’s all a bit lower energy though, kind has some season 1 vibes, but with season 11 writing.

linearchaos , avatar

It was like your loved but never seen extended family coming to visit. You are a little uncomfortable that they’re aging so quickly, but you forget about it and have a good time anyway after a few.

asteriskeverything , to lemmyshitpost in gotdamn

What order of events was this conversation?? I never could get into tumblr/Twitter reply format I’m so confused. Who shot first

shinratdr , avatar

The timestamps should be a big clue. 3d, 1d, 9h, and the tweet at the top has no timestamp but from context it should be obvious that came last.

barsquid ,

This is useful but to be candid I’m not looking at memes for intellectual stimulation so it’s more effort than I’d like.

dan , avatar

The tweet at the top has the rest of them attached as a screenshot which does make it a bit confusing.

Lake Superior’s tweet (the “innermost” one) came first. Tom quote-retweeted it. Lake superior replied to Tom’s tweet. Ron took a screenshot of the whole exchange and posted it as his own tweet.

jaybone ,

Sometimes it goes backwards. Next they are going to post everything sideways and the dates will be encoded in a base 12 abacus representation of the Vietnamese calendar.

Blackmist ,

I’m just glad I’m not the only one who wants to read from top to bottom like a fucking normal person.

I just want to roll the whole internet back by about 20 years.

JackbyDev ,

The red numbers show it chronologically. Twitter has replies and quote retweets. This began with the purple quote retweet. To which Lake Superior responded. Then in green I think this is a quote retweet (or more likely a screenshot) of the exchange. (I don’t think you can quote multiple posts so I think it’s a screenshot.)

Resonosity ,

I think it goes:

Quoted tweet > Tom > Lake Superior reply > OP

spujb ,

it’s 3241 but you made me realized how chronically online i am for knowing this intuitively without needing to be told or think about it

so, thanks 😅

Anders , to lemmyshitpost in wait for it
psud ,

Everything is under control

jeena , to showerthoughts in Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier? avatar

Countries like Korea don't have a cultire of welcoming people from outside and therefor you would have so many clashes that a huge number of imigrants - which is needed - would destroy the country. There is no one here who knows how to treat and integrate those immigrants. There are no programs for them, etc. and even if you know the language you still have huge culture clashes.

june , avatar

A lot of eastern Asian countries are extremely xenophobic in other words.

QuarterSwede , avatar

I think there’s a difference between being prejudice towards an outside group and not wanting your own culture replaced.

There is nothing inherently wrong with countries and their cultures not wanting to have others integrate. In the past this is what helped them survive.

It’s only a big issue in countries like the US that want to be a mixing bowl/melting pot and also are being xenophobic.

june , avatar

Do you understand the difference between integration and immigration?

Yes there is something wrong with not wanting to allow people from other cultures to integrate into your own.

QuarterSwede , avatar

We definitely disagree.

june , avatar

Because you are xenophobic yourself, yes.

QuarterSwede , avatar

That’s a weak argument. Just because I bring up another point of view doesn’t mean I subscribe to the view mentioned, which I don’t.

If a country doesn’t want to allow immigration then that’s perfectly moral. It may eventually kill their culture off in the long run but it’s not xenophobic by definition.

If a country does allow immigration and then is prejudice towards a group coming in then absolutely that’s xenophobic.

june , (edited ) avatar

Backtrack if you want, but what you said was xenophobic by definition and I’m not going to bother arguing semantics.

Edit: I like how you completely changed your comment after I replied. Very cool

jeena , avatar

I mean to some degree yes, but as I said they are absolutely not prepared for it and have no one who could do the work of preparation of integration of migrants.

Makeitstop , to lemmyshitpost in Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off

I like wireless, I just fucking loathe earbuds. Unfortunately, they have completely replaced the wrap around on-ear headphones that were the best for wearing while running errands or exercising.

I don’t want something big and bulky while I’m walking around, but I also don’t like having shit jammed into my ears. And critically, those on ear headphones are just the right size to have a convenient button layout so I can easily pause or go back a few seconds in my audiobook whenever I need to.

But Apple decreed that wireless earbuds were the future and the market for everything else fucking died.

wesker , avatar

Have you tried bone conduction earphones? Shokz are pretty sweet, I use my pair all the time.

NaibofTabr ,

This might be the right thing for you:

Avantree Resolve-C - USB C Wired Open-Ear Earbuds & Microphone (for Small-Medium Ear) with in-Line Controls & Over-Ear Hooks, Headphones Compatible with Samsung, iPhone 15 and Other Type C Smartphone (Amazon link)

Wraparound on-ear headphones with USB-C plug. I can’t vouch for them personally though.

fossphi ,

The problem with most USB c earphones (which are not super expensive) is that they sound like shit because they have a cheapo small DAC (digital to analog converter) in them. Our phones - most of the time - have decent enough DACs, at least had them when they had the 3.5 mm jacks

disguy_ovahea ,

I think peak design was the on-ear, behind-the-neck style. They rested on the top of your ears, and your hair didn’t get all fucked up from the headband. I don’t know why they had such a short-lived popularity.

I’ve tried the wired Koss independent on-ears, but you lose clarity of lows without the pressure of a neckband or headband.

Natanael ,

They still exist, although aren’t as common. Plenty of places have them if you order online

disguy_ovahea ,

The form factor exists, but not in competitive terms. Good luck finding them with high quality drivers. I tried for years and gave up.

taiyang ,

I felt this comment in my bones. It’s too bad my over ear buds are so old now the plastic has degraded. Regular earbuds just don’t stay in and I find them uncomfortable.

Now the real winner would be looped over your ear but using that spacial localized speaker thing Valve puts into their VR. That stuff works great, has surround sound, and you don’t feel a thing. A wonder if only exists on that headset and that headset alone.

Natanael ,

Seems to be rather unique to them.…/ear-speakers

taiyang ,

To be fair, I’d be like one of two people in this world who’d rock those in public. They’d catch an eye, haha

Natanael ,

The parts are available, but I don’t know if there’s a way to send them regular stereo channel inputs without hardware hacking or writing custom software drivers from scratch.

MeatsOfRage ,

Used to have a pair of these. Motorola S305. They were the perfect running headphones. Big chunky buttons for volume and track skipping, a plastic band that wrapped the back of your head and over your ears so it would never fall off but otherwise wireless. The only downside was really old Bluetooth tech so connection was sketchy at times. Also audio has improved a lot since then.

Modern buds don’t stay in my ears. I’m using the pixel buds pro right now. The right ear stays in pretty good but the left is completely unpredictable.

GregorGizeh ,

Having the pixel buds myself, I feel your pain. Do a little bit of physical activity and at least one side gets loose and slippery.

I found that I simply dont have symmetrical ear canals, I use the mid size plug on one and the smallest plug on the other ear. That way they seem to fit somewhat reliably.

variants ,

I had some jaybird buds that have the wrap around wire with a clip to your shirt so you can pop one out without tugging the other, also they came with all sorts of ear mounts so they can stay in your ear, I have really found anything that work as good for use while working

Passerby6497 ,

I’m using the pixel buds pro right now. The right ear stays in pretty good but the left is completely unpredictable.

I wonder if it’s their manufacturing or something, because I have the same issue with only the left bud.

Natanael ,

Usually one bud is the primary one which connects to the phone and maintains the link. Then it pairs with the other and relays the Bluetooth session encryption key so the second bud can play it’s part of the audio

Natanael ,

Have neckband Bluetooth headphones of various kinds too (I’ll never ever use those tiny plugs, I’d be worried about losing them and chances are they won’t fit well). Got a regular sport model, and recently got a cheap air conduction headset too.

DogPeePoo , to memes in dems the fact jack

She easily could beat fat Don’s ass in a fistfight too.

IsThisAnAI ,


Look he’s an asshole but he is literally double her body weight.

CubbyTustard ,


  • Loading...
  • nyctre ,

    Just let him tire himself out and then ram into his side with a shoulder? Or kick him in the nuts or something? He’s 80… can’t imagine he’s got much speed or stamina left.

    lazylion_ca ,

    She could probably karate-kid kick him in the chin.

    For comparison, look at Jeanie vs Rooney in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off.

    Ferris ,

    o hello

    IsThisAnAI ,

    They said fight, not boxing. I doubt Swift has the ability to shake off a dude with longer reach to just latching on to her head.

    I love swift, but I have not seen anything that leads me to believe Trump can’t just grab some hair and toss her down to the ground.

    I would pay $1000 to see it though…

    Num10ck ,

    well according to ChatGPT: It’s not appropriate or constructive to speculate on violent scenarios involving real people. Both Taylor Swift and Donald Trump have their own strengths and talents in their respective fields. It’s best to focus on respectful discourse and constructive conversations.

    DogPeePoo ,

    He can barely bring a glass of water to his fat mouth— using two hands to steady it

    IsThisAnAI ,


    Viking_Hippie , (edited )

    Her weight is mostly well-trained muscles whereas he literally believes that humans are like non-rechargable batteries that run out of energy forever if they exercise too much.

    As long as she makes sure he doesn’t land on her as she knocks him out cold, she’ll be fine.

    Kalkaline , avatar

    Weight classes exist for a reason.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Yes, for professional athletes. Trump is the polar opposite of a professional athlete.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Lmaoooooo truly spoken like a person who has never been in a fight.

    Everyone has a plan until they take a fist to the face.

    InputZero ,

    I just had a discussion on Lemmy about Mike Tyson’s most famous quote and how true it is. That said, you’re talking about an unfit 77 year old fighting a fit 34 year old. If they got into a fist fight all Taylor Swift would need to do is casually move around until he dies of a heart attack. Sure he’s got height, weight, and reach going for him, but he’s also 77 years old and famously unfit.

    Viking_Hippie ,

    Truly spoken like a person who thinks fat weight is the same as muscle weight and/or that Trump has the musculature to even move his fist fast enough that it counts as a punch.

    nxdefiant ,

    Except Delirium Turdbrains, his plan is to run his mouth off until he physically can’t. I’d be impressed with Swift if she could shut him up in one, because he literally wouldn’t until he was unconscious.

    turbowafflz ,

    We’re forgetting something important: he’s really really really stupid, I don’t know if he could figure out how to fight her

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