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shinratdr , avatar

One of those egg council creeps got to you too eh?

shinratdr , avatar

Would have been nice if this context was in the article. I got into an argument 10+ years ago with some militant prick by the name of “SquarePusher” on Reddit about how his emulator was the best and anyone who dares to charge for an emulator is evil. I wrote him and his stupid emulator off then.

Turns out it’s the same guy. I’ve used it a bit since then as I wasn’t aware of other reasons to not support it other than my own personal grudge but I’ll definitely stop now.

Do you have any source for the transphobic stuff he’s said? I Googled but I couldn’t find anything other than vague references rather than specific comments.

[UPDATE] What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?

There is a house I walk by occasionally that I absolutely love. It’s old and run down but definitely art deco in a modest kind of way, with round balconies and a gold brick doorway. As a joke, I keep telling people this is my future house....

New Cheat Code Discovered in Sega Saturn Doom After 27 Years (

A new cheat code for the Sega Saturn version of Doom has been discovered, 27 years after the game’s original release in 1997. This newly found cheat allows players to make walls in the game semi-transparent, offering a unique gameplay feature that was previously unknown.

shinratdr , avatar

Is that transparency? Looks like the same dithering/alternating empty pixels that all Saturn ports are plagued with.

shinratdr , avatar

The reason you see fractions is BECAUSE of Fahrenheit. Your air conditioner is designed to work in multiple regions and so it works on steps. Easier to just map the half steps to Fahrenheit degrees and call it a day.

For non-electronic usage, people just say the round number.

shinratdr , avatar

For proof that this thread is just people justifying what they know as better somehow, look no further than Canada.

We do cooking temps in Fahrenheit, weather in Celsius. Human weights in pounds, but never pounds and oz. Food weights in grams, cooking weights in pounds and oz. Liquid volume in millilitres and litres, but cooking in cups, teaspoons and tablespoons. Speed & distance in kilometres, heights in feet and inches.

Try and give this any consistency and people will look at you like you’re fucked. The next town is 100km over, I’m 5ft 10in, a can of soda is 355ml, it’s 21c out and I have the oven roasting something at 400f. Tell me it’s 68f out and I will fight you.

People like what they are used to, and will bend over backwards to justify it. This becomes blatantly obvious when you use a random mix of units like we do, because you realize that all that matters is mental scale.

If Fahrenheit is “how people feel” then why are feet useful measurements of height when 90% of people are between 4ft and 6ft? They aren’t. You just know the scale in your head, so when someone says they’re 7ft tall you say “dang that’s tall”. That’s it.

shinratdr , avatar

Whatever it was it was intended for it was built in China for a global audience, then customized for whatever market it was sold in. They all use common software platforms.

It does indeed change that fact, because temperature is exclusively reported in whole numbers. Go to any weather channel, site, provider, etc. It’s always whole numbers, even in Celsius.

It truly doesn’t matter.

shinratdr , (edited ) avatar

It doesn’t help at all, it’s being intentionally obtuse. You know what I mean, it’s unhelpful to pretend otherwise and pick a fight over it.

shinratdr , avatar

Most of Europe just uses metres for people’s height. 1.67m, like that. I have no mental picture of that, so it doesn’t work for me. But they don’t seem to have any trouble, further evidence that it’s all just what you know.

shinratdr , avatar

I don’t even know why this is a question, people can absolutely be radicalized in a short period time, especially the apolitical. Even faster when large sums of money are involved.

shinratdr , avatar

I’ll believe it when I see it. He made his good financial decisions when he wasn’t full mask-off insane, since his wife left him and his daughter disowned him he’s had more important things to deal with, like wasting his money turning back the clock so neither of them have any rights anymore. Currently he is just banking off of those good early decisions.

I won’t speak to the specific financials of his companies, but I don’t see him maintaining his current growth rate while so distracted for much longer. I also see his attachment to companies as a growing impediment, not an asset.

shinratdr , avatar

The current Slim PS5 also doesn’t have a disc drive, you can just buy it in a bundle and attach the optional one.

Honestly for manufacturing this makes way more sense, to ship one SKU and then make them all upgradable to disc. It’s also kind of nice that if you buy a digital one and want disc in the future you can just buy the drive.

shinratdr , avatar

Meat packing, farming & agriculture in North America is run entirely off the backs of immigrants, poor people and people of colour. People don’t choose these jobs, they take them out of necessity. This is just a fact, and a weird hill to die on.

If you want to rebut the argument that this is unique to meat, look no further than fruit picking in the US. It’s less risk of maiming and disgusting, but still dangerous and exploitative.

shinratdr , avatar

You’ll get an email shortly kicking you off that plan, they’re just working through the list. Had it for 4 years, signed up quite a few others as well. Everyone has been booted over the last 2-3 months.

shinratdr , avatar

Higher revenue cut for publishers. That’s it. This is just a big anti-consumer pissing contest about who gets a bigger slice of the pie when a sale is made. Everything else is just distracting noise. If Valve charged 5% then none of this other stuff would matter. Valve charges 30% base with some sweetheart deals for devs who sell millions of copies. Same as Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and most other online software marketplaces.

This is a high percentage to pay vs retail margins for a brick & mortar storefront, but a reasonable percentage when you think of it as a customer acquisition cost. So the question is, did I go to Steam to buy the game or did I go to Steam and buy the game? Everyone will have a different opinion on this, but in my opinion Valve revived PC gaming when it was on the brink, and a large percentage of sales that happen on the platform are because of the eyeballs it brings and the value it delivers.

Borderlands 4 coming back to Steam is strong evidence of this, even with Epic essentially paying developers the difference in potential lost sales out of pocket. You can’t pay for the lost conversations, word-of-mouth, and other “free” advertising that those lost sales would have generated. So Borderlands 3 looks great on a balance sheet, but nobody really liked it or cared about it, and Epic won’t pay you to make games nobody plays forever.

It might seem better for the storefront to take less of a cut from a consumer perspective, but in reality it barely matters. This doesn’t go towards reducing game costs for consumers or improving bonuses & wages for developers. The market has already been set. Any behind the scenes change in revenue sharing just goes to the next group in line, which is of course the already wealthy and massive publishers.

So do whatever works for you. Just don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes and act like this fight is about anything other than which already very rich people get slightly richer.

shinratdr , avatar

It’s clear you haven’t used this generation of consoles. They took this feedback to heart and now after install which is entirely determined by your internet connection/disc speed, you can hop into game insanely quick.

For a game I’m already playing I think from PS5 on to actually moving around in game we’re talking like… 10-15 seconds. It’s essentially just making save states. I’ve never seen a mandatory update stop me from launching a game, and it does most install in the background while it’s on standby. It takes longer to get in game on my Gaming PC than the PS5.

This was brutal in the PS3 & 360 era, better in the PS4/XBONE era, and is essentially solved as it can ever be in the current era.

shinratdr , avatar

Yeah these discussions are hilarious, like watching people arguing about anti-aliasing back in the day. Rerendering the whole scene again? Just to remove some jagged edges? What a waste.

Raytracing is future technology, I’m glad it’s in every game now even if it’s not always well optimized or worth using, because it will make those games age that much better when I want to go back and play them in 10+ years.

shinratdr , avatar

Yeah now that I think about it, that has been my experience with my Series X, I just don’t use it that often. My PS5 however is much more seameless, so maybe it was just Sony who tried to improve this.

I think a network connection is inevitable during initial game setup, but as PC gaming has been like this since 2008 it’s not really bothersome to me. Bigger issue was mandatory updates, slow launches, etc. which I think have mostly been solved on the PS5 side.

shinratdr , avatar

It might be acceptable but is it effective? Thyroid disorders are not common, but food addiction is extremely common. The same way you couldn’t understand what drug or alcohol dependency feels like if you’ve never felt like that before, you couldn’t understand what food addiction is like if you don’t have that experience with food.

It’s clear that there is a spectrum of how people respond to food, from “always hungry and literally never not wanting to eat” to “forgets to eat for days and barely notices until they pass out”. I personally know people on both ends of that spectrum and every place in between.

So I think your response is a little insensitive, or at least lacks empathy. To boil it down to the classic “stop stuffing your face” or “basic math” assumes your level of willpower required to not overeat is applicable to all people and it can’t possibly be different or harder than it is for you, so the only explanation is that everyone else must have less willpower than you.

Either that, or they feel like they are starving all the time and are literally addicted to food. Most science shows that it’s that one, but feel free to believe whatever you wish.

shinratdr , avatar

Agreed, I’m not defending the tweet or saying it’s the same as things you literally cannot change. It’s stupid. I just take issue with your characterization of it just being math, feels oversimplified to me.

shinratdr , avatar

Yeah just to be clear, I never said there was. Obesity is not race, I am in no way trying to defend the tweet itself. Although I would say that I think with near 100% certainty that how you respond to food and how addicted to it you can be is absolutely something in your genes. People have wildly different reactions to things like stress or depression, some don’t eat at all and can get very sick and waste away, others get ravenous.

So I wouldn’t be so quick to put everyone in the same bucket, even if the end result is the same that they need to consume a healthy amount of calories. That may be much harder for them, in both directions.

shinratdr , avatar

Not if you own a Steam Deck, or want cloud saving, or have hundreds of games and don’t want to hope you remember your login and password for this one game 10 years from now and that the website still exists, or worry about keeping a local backup of the game if you want to play it in the future.

DRM-free direct downloads are a great option, but better than Steam? That’s subjective. For me, I want all of those things I listed so a non-Steam PC game for me is a last resort, pretty much only reserved for games that I really want to play.

I don’t know why people find this so difficult to understand, I have to assume they’re being wilfully obtuse. Would you download a separate app and create an account for every song you wanted to listen to or every movie you wanted to watch? Of course not. So why would games be any different?

shinratdr , avatar

Why shouldn’t he be downvoted? A downvote isn’t rude, and it’s not an indicator of how sane the opinion is. It indicates that the comment misses the point. They assume it’s about DRM, or that Epic didn’t to enough to deserve exclusivity, or that it’s not a true exclusive because you can pay the developer directly.

It’s not. It’s just about not wanting another launcher that doesn’t bring anything to the table. GOG is for old games, Itch is for small indies, and Steam is for everything else.

Epic is just Steam but worse, doesn’t work well on Steam Deck, with some exclusives that will hit Steam in a year. Doesn’t offer anything new or improved, just makes things worse by splitting a market by paying off developers, and because it doesn’t offer anything compelling, will probably die of when Epic eventually wastes all its Fortnite money and falls on hard times.

I wouldn’t give them a penny, they’re actively working to make PC gaming a worse experience when Steam arguably brought it back from the brink of death. Before Steam, PCs were about to become MMO and RTS machines. It’s hard to overstate how big their impact was.

shinratdr , avatar

It’s subjective or we wouldn’t be arguing about it would we? Maintaining my own backup of downloaded DRM free games not offered through a service is not a benefit to me, it’s an inconvenience. I already explained why, and what the benefits are.

You don’t need an account to listen to DRM free music or movies, true. But if you delete them either on purpose or because of data loss, you have to go get them again should you want them. Which means digging through emails or accounts or backup drives to get your copies again. That’s not worth it to me, I prefer being able to set up Steam and just go, delete games and redownload them as needed in a click.

People are on Lemmy for lots of different reasons, you shouldn’t assume that the primary reason anyone is here is because they deeply care about free software or decentralization. I’m here because Reddit banned 3rd party clients and I hate their app, same reason I’m on Mastodon.

shinratdr , avatar

You can, but it requires going through the desktop interface to install them, if they use another launcher you have to set up that, frequently some trial and error, and then adding them into the Steam interface so they can launch easily with proper input support.

Do all that and set them up correctly, and they’ll run, but without one of the primary Steam Deck benefits which is that Valve does pre-compilation of shaders. That only works for native Steam titles, and it can be the difference between a game being playable and a stuttery mess, especially for more graphically intense titles.

For some games, there are also hardcoded patches in Proton that look for the SteamID of the game to apply them. Those also won’t have those fixes applied when adding them as non-Steam games.

shinratdr , (edited ) avatar

That’s a separate issue, I want the benefits of a launcher, just not Epic’s.

shinratdr , avatar

Why would I think from the perspective of a business? I’m not a business, I’m a consumer. I’m not saying they were wrong for taking the money, they gotta do what they gotta do. I’m saying I don’t want it and don’t want to support it.

The original comment was basically asking why Epic got so much hate when in this specific circumstance, their actions are justifiable or even actually produced something of value.

I said they are missing the point which is just that people don’t like Epic and their influence on PC gaming, and you said I need to think like a business.

I think you’re arguing something totally different now.

shinratdr , (edited ) avatar

Because they have a very simple solution: offer their game through their storefront. Why is it Valve’s problem that the World of Goo developers want to forgo their popular storefront because they partnered with a company that forbids it as a requirement of funding?

The real answer of course is that nobody is obligated to help the other with their product. The issue comes down to consumers and what they want to support. I think Valve is being perfectly fair here and Epic is not. The Steam Deck is an open system, if Epic wanted to build a storefront for it, they could. They choose not to, because they don’t want to promote Steam Deck sales.

Isn’t it funny that the “run your own marketplace and keep all revenue” option that Epic took Apple to court over is already available on the Steam Deck from Day 1 and Epic chooses not to take advantage of it. It’s almost like company using a pile of cash to artificially tip the scales in their favour is perfectly fine as long as its them.

Everyone made their business choices here, and they have to live with the consequences.

shinratdr , (edited ) avatar

I can only assume they see it as a double edged sword. Rights-holders (read: publishers, labels & studios) would have the power to sue here, not creators (read: artists, musicians and filmmakers).

These rights-holders also want to use AI so they don’t have to pay or deal with creators, so while they don’t love that other companies are making money off their content, they’re more just mad that someone else did it first before they could exploit their own content in the same way.

Sue and set precedent, and they might accidentally make it impossible for them to turn around and do the exact same thing once they have the technical know-how.

Entirely speculation, but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me.

EDIT - As another commenter mentioned, I broke my own rule and commented without reading and this was discovery as part of an ongoing lawsuit. I did say it was entirely speculation though, and I still think this is why you don’t see so many AI related lawsuits in all the areas there is just tons of content generation. I also still think this is a “mad they couldn’t get there first” situation.

shinratdr , avatar

Sonos. Recent app troubles aside (it’s really not that bad, just kind of clunky for certain tasks), the longevity alone make them so worth it. Despite being essentially computers/smart home devices, they support 10+ year old devices in their latest app, older devices in their S1 Controller app, and the sound quality & setup ease is amazing.

Plus, they have pretty good Black Friday sales and make it easy to build piece by piece if pricing is too high. You can also used replaced pieces to build a sound system in another room.

Over ~3 years I started with a Beam, then bought a Sub and two Play:1s as rears. Bought an Arc, moved the Beam to the bedroom. Just recently I bought 2 Arc 300s as rears/upward firing Atmos speakers, and moved the Play:1s to the bedroom. Resale value stays high so if you have no use for a piece, you can sell it and get 50%-75% of what you paid out of it easily.

There are cheaper devices with better sound quality out there, but nobody else can compete on the whole package with Sonos.

shinratdr , avatar

No, they live mostly off the crumbs of peanut butter on toast.

shinratdr , avatar

Oh they never had a problem with religious law, just which religion. It was always called Shariah law when that was the big scare.

Official Famicom Controllers for Nintendo Switch | Retro Gaming News 24/7 (

Nintendo has announced the availability of official Famicom controllers for the Nintendo Switch. Originally exclusive to Switch Online subscribers, these controllers are now accessible to everyone at a price point of approximately $42 USD each, but only through the official Japanese store....

shinratdr , avatar

2 controllers, they’re sold in a 2 pack. Honestly for the quality $21/controller isn’t that bad.

I wouldn’t buy the NES controller but I have the SNES and N64 controllers and those are really good wireless recreations of the classic controllers, and with a BlueRetro or 8BitDo adapter you can get a brand new, low latency, wireless controller set for your actual SNES/N64.

This is a really good thing, and something I wish all companies offered for their classic consoles.

shinratdr , avatar

You don’t have to theorize this, you can play Minecraft in VR and experience it.

It’s fucking terrifying. A creeper blew me up and I almost had a heart attack.

shinratdr , avatar

chefs can have a little toxic glue, as a treat

shinratdr , avatar

Easy setup on Steam Deck?

Plus just exposure and availability. I had Aleph One set up, 1-2 computers ago. But bringing over non-Steam games every time I have to set up Windows again is a pain in the ass.

My Steam library migrates en masse between machines. I wish everything was in it. Just makes things easier.

shinratdr , avatar

Yep, ask anyone who owns both. Nobody is playing a Gameboy game on a Steam Deck when they have an Analogue Pocket. Experience is much better, it just feels right on it.

That being said, if that’s not an important thing to you then a Steam Deck will play Gameboy games with near perfect accuracy and no issues, as well as do a million other things. So it’s indisputably a better value.

I would never pitch an Analogue Pocket at someone because if its the kind of thing you want, you already know about it and probably have one.

shinratdr , avatar

If your concern is “value for dollar” you wouldn’t be buying an FPGA console in a limited edition material. Seems like a weird comparison. You can also get an R36S for like, $30 on AliExpress that will play everything from N64/PS1 and earlier.

A standard Analogue Pocket is much cheaper, this is just an option for those that really want a metal shell. Also, a metal “unfolded” shell for a GBA SP (which is I’m sure is what inspired this offering) is like $150 so it’s not even that crazy a markup.

shinratdr , avatar

This isn’t an HDMI mod that pulls from digital signal and outputs to digital, or an RGB mod that bypasses the analogue hardware.

It’s a mod that corrects poor image in some specific models of SNES to bring them to the standard of other models of SNES. Details here:

I understand what you’re getting at because it’s a common refrain, but the fact that some models of SNES do not exhibit this behaviour strongly indicates it was not how it was supposed to look, and is caused by poor manufacturing tolerances and/or aging caps.

Not all degraded video quality was the intended vision for the device, unless your argument is that a fraying composite cable that you have to jiggle around and a controller with a broken “R” button is also core to the experience. That may have been YOUR experience as a kid, that doesn’t make it the intended vision of the creators.

It’s a fine line, but this falls on the side of early manufacturing errors and not intention.

shinratdr , avatar

“That article can’t change my mind because I can’t read!”

shinratdr , avatar

Yes but it doesn’t brand the other person, the colour is to inform the sender that the message they sent is either an iMessage (blue) or an SMS (green).

It wasn’t intended to be some class system. When the iPhone launched, it only supported SMS and all texts were green. They wanted to differentiate iMessage conversations when they launched that a few years later, but still use the same client so people were more likely to use it. That way you know you can use more features but you also know you need a data connection. This was an important distinction when most people still had plans that had minutes, quantities of texts, and limited or no data. Also if a iMessage fails, it automatically uses SMS fallback. It’s important to know when that happens too. Colour was just a very obvious way to indicate that.

The reason iPhone users don’t like green bubble conversations now is mostly because SMS just doesn’t support all the iMessage features like higher quality pictures, video, tapback, inline reply, stickers, etc. It also is lowest common denominator for a group thread, so one person without iMessage causes the whole thread to revert to SMS.

shinratdr , avatar

It absolutely does have higher quality video & photos than MMS. MMS does not have a clear public spec, and carriers/phones/OSes apply size limits for videos and pictures, and these limits are inconsistent at best. They are all quite low though, here is an Android Police article discussing it:…

It’s not entirely dissimilar to email. It’s a bad idea to send an attachment over 15-20MB not because email can’t handle it, but because at some point in the chain something might have a limit that says that’s too much.

You are correct though that Apple does just crank it down to shit 3GPP level (I assume the baseline of the spec) and call it a day because they don’t care about SMS/MMS. Why would they, even Android users all use WhatsApp so it barely matters.

Obviously there is no “picture beautifier”, whatever the hell that means. I never said or implied that. iMessage movies & pictures are just less compressed than MMS ones, even between non-Apple MMS devices. Is it less compression than other over-the-top messaging apps? Depends on the app, but nowadays probably not.

shinratdr , avatar

RCS is already live in the US for iOS 18 Beta users, and will come to all iPhones in 2 months. It’s also an awful spec, you don’t have to dig far to find that. Operators have basically just farmed out implementation of it to Google.

I don’t know why you’re trying to pick a fight. It’s a simple fact. MMS was the standard for years, and iMessage compressed photos & videos less than that. RCS is now coming, flawed as it is.

End of story. It’s just one in a list of many features that made iMessage popular, all implemented years before RCS was a thing. You can move on to complaining about something else on a platform you don’t use and don’t care about.

shinratdr , avatar

They tried that and made one good but derivative game and two awful games. Capcom has no idea where to take the franchise, that’s why they farmed it out after DR1 to a company that got so sick of only making Dead Rising games that they basically built something completely different behind Capcom’s back and then shut down because Capcom didn’t want it.

I’m way more excited for this. It’s better to start at the only original game in the franchise, excise the “early 360 era” horrible controls, and remind a generation why they liked it in the first place when most only have vague memories of it.

Then, another develop might actually want to take a crack at it or will bring Capcom a good pitch.

shinratdr , avatar

Yep, and there is no excuse when an R36S keeps dropping to like $30 on AliExpress. It plays beautifully on that with the analogue stick and proper GPU.

The Miyoo Mini is a great device but SM64 is not its strong suit. Even the RG Nano has a better port.

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