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Chetzemoka , (edited ) to worldnews in Kevin Spacey cleared over all sexual assault charges

WOW the number of people in this thread immediately jumping to the accusers being "false" and deserving jail. Because no actual sexual predator ever got away with it in court...

(Sex crimes are extraordinarily difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt because the actions are taken in private without a lot of physical evidence. Which sexual predators rely on to get away with their crimes, by the way.)

Perhaps we should review the sheer volume of young men from all over the US & UK reporting that Spacey was at best inappropriate with them. One of the youngest being 14 years old:

And just in case some of us need a refresher course, the rate of false rape accusations is low:

And the rate of sexual assault is high:

soft_frog ,

Yeah this whole thing isn't simple. Even if he's cleared of charges, these allegations are old and that makes them hard to prove or disprove.

Further, the quantity is concerning. Maybe he's just prolifically sexual but my gut can't really get passed how many accusations there are over such a long span of time. Even if innocent, still creepy is my opinion.

roguetrick ,

the quantity is concerning

And also not admissible in a criminal court. That's part of the problem. If you look at the big picture, it's obvious he did it, but it's not as easy to prove it in criminal court.

soft_frog ,

Even if it were all legally fine, something is wrong if that many people are coming forward.

Shdwdrgn ,

Is it really obvious that he did something, or is it obvious that he’s another gay man being attacked for daring to publicly admit that he’s gay? Sure there’s a lot of allegations, but many of them were dropped by the accusers, and as the article points out there was a huge rush of “me too” allegations brought out against many people at the same time because it was the trending get-rich-quick scheme. Even in Spacey’s case, why did most of these allegations not come out until he admitted he was gay?

IMHO if Spacey is actually guilty of these crimes, he’s going to be blackballed by all the studios and won’t ever be seen on the screen again. Although the courts didn’t prove him guilty, the studios know who is doing what, and in today’s market any further allegations will cost them money.

aaaa ,

Even in Spacey’s case, why did most of these allegations not come out until he admitted he was gay?

I think it went the other way around, didn’t it? At least the first accusations came out, and he used the occasion to say “I didn’t do that! But now that I’m talking about this stuff, by the way I’m gay.”

It wasn’t a great look, because it came across that he tried to deflect the accusations by coming out as gay.

Shdwdrgn ,

True enough, and he caught hell for the timing of that announcement. There’s also the issue of there just being such a different culture of what’s “acceptable” in Hollywood. I think it’s great that it finally came to light and those activities were at least tempered somewhat, but I also remember reading a lot of claims a decade ago and just thinking to myself that this is something you’re claiming ‘everyone’ in Hollywood is doing, but you chose to specifically target this one actor? The “me too” train was real, and a lot of people were going after big name actors, so I got burnt out on the whole thing and just stopped paying any attention to it.

Givesomefucks ,

In general, any multimillionaire that gets off of a serious charge doesn't mean they're innocent.

It just another example of having ridiculous amounts of money in our legal system means it's really hard to be hel accountable.

Hell, trump got off of beating and raping his wife, because of an old ass New York law that said a husband can't rape his wife under any circumstance.

masquenox ,

In general, any multimillionaire that gets off of a serious charge doesn’t mean they’re innocent.

Don’t forget the flip-side of that - the prisons are full of poor people who do not deserve to be there. It’s almost as if the system was designed to be like this…

shalafi ,

Also, being a multimillionaire puts a target on your back. I’ll never forget the story about a man who already had a couple of million winning a huge lottery and how lawsuits, among other ever worse things, destroyed his life.

Duamerthrax ,

Because Ari Behn was just a clout chaser looking for a quick buck.

Zippy ,

Yet suggest Pee-wee Herman is creepy and you get downvoted. Even though without question he was caught with illegal material.

FaceDeer , avatar

Indeed. In a thread a couple of days back on a different (though related) subject I was accused of being a rape apologist because I was insistent on the presumption of innocence and the beyond-reasonable-doubt standards that need to be overcome when accusations like this are slung. But it works the same in the other direction too - we can't assume that an accuser is guilty of fraud or libel or filing false reports or whatever just because they failed to prove their case.

It would not be good for justice if these situations ended up being "now that the accusation has been made someone is going to go to jail, either the accused or the accuser." The Thunderdome is not a good model to emulate.

mycorrhiza , (edited )

accused of being a rape apologist because I was insistent on the presumption of innocence

Good thing to insist on, but be prudent. Keep in mind that, at least on reddit, there’s a tendency for every thread about rape to become a thread about false accusations. I wasn’t there, but in general, sometimes people object not to the presumption of innocence but to people bringing it up.

Internetexplorer ,

So you think he’s guilty, because there’s no evidence proving he is?


Duamerthrax ,

Three people died after his “Kill Them With Kindness” youtube video.

Chetzemoka ,

I refuse to believe you're actually this stupid. There's a universe of difference between "it didn't happen" and "it couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in court" and you know there is.

Unless you really think OJ didn't murder his wife either

capt_deez_nuts ,

I refuse to believe you’re actually this stupid. You’re throwing these statements as if you have first hand experience of knowing these things happened. Like were you there in person when Spacey was assaulting these people or were you a witness when OJ killed his wife? You don’t wanna believe the witnesses, you don’t wanna believe the jury, you don’t don’t wanna believe in the legal systems (cops/courts and whatever have you). But you believe in some people accusing someone of something. EVEN if they cleared themselves of these accusations.

Are you actually this ignorant to not know that all people are all not down to earth and sometimes people can and do crazy shit. Why do you think there’s zero percent chance that these people were bad, but Kevin Spacey is 100 percent bad without a shadow of a doubt for seemingly just being rich?

Chetzemoka ,
Shardikprime ,

It is not, that’s his whole point. What is even happening here are you not capable of reading

steakmeout ,

Your posts are shit. Go back to Reddit. Its dense like you.

ZapBeebz_ , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

“Sooner or later this will end in agreement,” was Putin’s message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible.

Does Putin realize that NATO is effectively fighting Russia with both arms tied behind it’s back right now? We’re funding Ukraine (who are doing a phenomenal job, fwiw), but we’re not even giving them the top of the line hardware. If the US actually got involved, Russia would pretty much instantly lose any glimmer of air superiority they have, and Ukraine could advance all the way to Moscow under NATO air cover. Like, the only reason Russia still exists is because NATO hasn’t even tried to fight Russia on the battlefield yet.

NOT_RICK , avatar

My guess is is does, but he wants the US to lose interest and move on so coloring this as an exercise in futility helps further that goal.

SinningStromgald ,

And it’s great propaganda! Unless you are a smart Russian and realize he’ll sacrifice as many Russian citizens as necessary to keep up the hoax.

brothershamus , avatar

Propaganda works. Period.

snooggums , avatar

NATO isn't even fighting. NATO gave Ukraine their old boxing gloves and some advice.

Wogi ,

And we’re learning that a teenager with a drone can be hilariously effective against modern weapons.

So is Russia. Except Russia is learning how to combat the kids with drones too. They’re gaining invaluable battlefield experience that NATO troops simply aren’t.

Reports vary from side to side, from showing that Russians are curb stomping Ukraine to Ukraine is holding it’s own. So, sure, NATO tossing the kid gloves to Ukraine and putting up a fight is comforting, but it isn’t the whole picture. Russia wins a war of attrition. NATO is made up of democracies and war fatigue sets in fast when it’s someone else’s war. Russia is a de facto fascist dictatorship with deep oil pockets. The only thing that turns their troops around is the head of state dying, or a massive coup. Reports of ether being imminent seem to be rather premature.

Poach ,

How do you feel about Russia’s deep oil pockets now that Ukraine is going after their refineries and porta? Do you think Russia can continue to advance or hold ground while also defending large swaths of the western part of Russia? Genuinely curious

Tja ,

War attrition sets in much slower when you’re not at war.

Yes, my government is sending some old equipment and dedicating 10% of the military budget (which is like 2% of the total spending) to help Ukraine.

That is much less shocking than “Dave from school came back without a leg, and my cousin John didn’t come back at all”.

rammer , avatar

They’re gaining invaluable battlefield experience that NATO troops simply aren’t.

Oh, yes they are. Ukraine is in close contact with NATO countries and sharing intel. NATO countries are also buying drones in bulk right now. And developing ones that Russia will not see until they try to pick a fight with NATO.

Snowpix , avatar

NATO is Doc and Ukraine is Little Mac. Vodka Drunkinski doesn’t stand a chance.

LordOfLocksley ,

If the US actually got involved air superiority would be the least of our worries. The minute any major NATO nation gets properly involved, the war goes nuclear very soon after

NoIWontPickaName ,


xmunk ,

Press (formally Twitter) to doubt.

Jaysyn , avatar

I'm betting there are a lot of people under Putin that don't want to die for his stupidity.

MrSpArkle ,

There are people over Putin too. No ruler can rule alone and without consent, his rich oligarch buddies don’t want to cruise their yachts during nuclear winter.

Tangent5280 ,

Really dampens the mood. Not even the model-prostitutes will want to fuck in such dreary weather. Not that their consent matters to the oligarch.

Asafum ,

Mutually assured destruction is pretty much why no one will ever actually go through with that if their target also has nukes or is protected by a country that has them. It’s one of the major reasons no country that has nukes wants to disarm.

NoIWontPickaName ,

Ask Libya and Ukraine how that worked out

FlyingSquid , avatar

Sorry… do you think Libya with nuclear weapons under Gaddafi would have been a good idea?

52fighters ,

Gaddafi would still be alive. Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival. Look for the world to get real crazy real fast.

FlyingSquid , avatar

There are 57 dictatorships in the world. Almost none of them have nuclear weapons.

52fighters ,

You realize Muammar Gaddafi only died 12 years ago and Russia only invaded Ukraine two years ago? Nuclear weapon programs take at least that long to develop. Ukraine and Libya had programs (Ukraine actually had weapons) and abandoned them, much to their demise. If they kept their programs, they wouldn’t have had these problems.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Okay, but that’s not what you said before. You claimed, and as I pasted: “Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival.”

Please explain how the vast majority of dictatorships are surviving without them. Or do all 57 have nuclear weapons?

52fighters ,

Many of them will lack the lasting power of North Korea.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Please provide evidence for this claim. An age of dictatorships chart will do.

You aren’t just making that up, right? You do have the data, don’t you?

52fighters ,

The key word in my comment is “will.” That’s a prediction. You can ping me in 25 years to see if this works out. In the mean time, people are taking this prediction seriously (it isn’t only my prediction) when discussing global politics.

NoIWontPickaName ,

I was thinking of South Africa and I was wrong.

FlyingSquid , avatar

No worries. Libya did give up its nuclear program as well, but it was because all the countries that invaded Afghanistan in 2001 said, “do it or you’re next.”

ghostdoggtv ,

They should have thought of that before co-signing the Budapest accords. At least two NATO countries are already involved.

The last time Russian units engaged Americans in combat they were so outmatched that the Russian chain of command disavowed their own guys and pretended not to know them. Nuclear conflagration would be a much better death by comparison.

TokenBoomer ,

Remember when NATO beat Vietnam 🇻🇳 by using a nuclear bomb?

Dkarma ,

Yeah Russia doesn’t stand a chance in Ukraine do they?

LarmyOfLone ,

Yeah right, NATO commands far more nuclear warheads than Russia! They’d definitely loose in a thermonuclear exchange!

LiamMayfair ,

If the nuke comes out, it won’t make an ounce of a difference who has more of them: if only each side can manage to land a small handful, everyone is equally and utterly fucked.

This principle alone is why NATO has not engaged Russia more directly.

LarmyOfLone ,

Yeah but they’d loose too! :D

I wonder if people forgot, or maybe gen Z and millenials never really know how bad nuclear weapons are. Even a regional nuclear exchange would probably lead to a nuclear winter and then a nuclear summer, completely fucking the climate. As long as we have them, it’s inevitable that we’ll eventually use them. Just the law of large numbers / Murphey’s law. The wars climate change will cause will make that even more likely. But hey, lets keep playing stupid games.

ZapBeebz_ ,

At the same time, the world can’t just roll over and let every tin pot dictator do whatever they want just because they have a nuke.

LarmyOfLone ,

Yeah, why take Russia seriously at all? :D

FlyingSquid , avatar

Does Putin realize it? Yes.

Does Putin want the people who watch Tucker to realize it? No.

Smite6645 , to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

Impressive Russia was able to push an entire plane out of a high rise window.

Trudge , avatar

If only America knew about this trick before 9/11

EffortlessEffluvium ,

It was Novichok-ing the tires…

jungle ,

Aren’t airplane “accidents” more of a traditional CIA method? Not saying it was them, but from Putin I would expect poison or window.

Or maybe this is how Prigozhin decided to disappear. He may be on a beach in the Caribbean drinking a piña colada for all we know.

It’s funny how nobody actually believes this was an accident.

bennieandthez , avatar

Torrijos and Roldos instantly come to mind.

AssholeDestroyer ,

Maybe it was Homelander.

bermuda ,

they put polonium-210 in the engines

Letstakealook , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

I feel like I’m through the fucking looking glass. Trump has called for violence on many individuals/groups, led a goddamn insurrection in which people died, and will certainly be responsible for more bloodshed elected or not, but we’re supposed to play this stupid as decency game because he was shot? I lost all respect for Jack Black today. Must be nice to afford this decency bullshit. He won’t be put in a camp if these fascists succeed.

CorrodedCranium , avatar

I feel like it’s just more of that corporate fence sitting. It’s just extra strange and off putting when it’s coming an individual versus your average soulless company.

Monument ,

I wouldn’t say strange, so much as disappointing.

We feel like we have relationships with entertainers, and most of the time we feel they represent - well, something other than corporate fence sitting. Being reminded they’re a product more than a person really sucks the air out of the room.

Pronell ,

Or a person who doesn’t want to be shot.

Monument ,

Honestly, I’m growing weary of that sentiment. It’s a scared, suburban sentiment.

They don’t deserve to be lionized, and I do not fear them.

They are paper tigers. Tacti-cool mall-ninja clowns.

They do not deserve respect, nor caution. They are only as empowered as they are allowed to feel. They deserve only ridicule.

Pronell ,


Jack Black might want to be silly in front of audiences without fear of being shot.

I’m not talking about you or me, the average person with no exposure.

I’m talking about the people who are in front of people constantly.

Monument ,

You don’t have to elaborate or draw ever finer distinctions in search of a meaningful counter-argument. I reject your premise as not merely untrue, but unhelpful.

My statement stands.

Letstakealook ,

That’s a good point. I just couldn’t imagine doing that to my long time friend.

Wrench ,

I imagine personal safety is also a major factor. Concert security is a joke. KG making that comments paints a target on both of their backs.

They are domestic terrorists. Don’t underestimate them.

Still, disappointing that JB has taken such a stance that seems to be neutral on hate and violence.

TexasDrunk ,

Not just their backs, but their audience as well. I wouldn’t put it past one of the crazies to go on a mass shooting spree and kill a bunch of bystanders who are just there enjoying “Fuck Her Gently”.

TrickDacy , avatar

You lost all respect for Jack Black because his career was worth more to him than one extremely shortsighted comment that he didn’t even choose to make himself?

Your point is apparently that anyone who doesn’t stand proudly by “good” assassinations is a piece of shit?

Trump getting shot has really shined a light onto the Lemmy audience. For fucks sake within 20 minutes every other comment written about it was a stupid conspiracy theory about it.

Now people are saying shit like you did and getting upvoted for it. I guess I won’t be here much longer.

glimse ,

Well said. Jack Black is the fun guy making fun music. He’s obviously not pro-Trump but he’s a professional - I don’t blame him for not wanting to be associated with comments like that for the time being.

I’m a little disappointed with the phrasing of the announcement but there’s unfortunately a high chance Trump will be president and he’s pretty outspoken about getting rid of his critics.

thermal_shock ,

people who won’t stand for their convictions is why the Democrats can’t get shit done. he believes it, just doesn’t want to lose $ saying it out loud. it’s ALWAYS money.

trump deserves it, he wishes violence and death on many people, bummer that someone should make him eat his words.

Letstakealook ,

You must be another individual that’ll be safe under the reich.

TrickDacy , avatar

Lol pathetic nonresponse

cupboard ,

This isn't anything new. There's a whole lot of people on the Fediverse who throw the word Fascist around willy nilly but who will happily make use of Fascist rethoric in regards to those who they see as political enemies.

They seem to think that the bad thing about Fascism isn't the authoritarianism, political violence, censorship, etc, but the fact it's a "right wing" government behind those - those would all be perfectly justifiable means to an end in the name of a left wing movement.

I see this happening more in american politics than over here, and I think it's in part a lack of knowledge of history, but also never having had an actual fascist regime in the country's recent history. My parents were tortured by the political police. I have a bunch of family who lived under an actual Fascist regime, and colleagues from other countries with a recent history similar to mine, and I notice that people in general, even in the far left, are way more careful about how they use the word Fascist. American internet "leftists" - which I put in quotes because many don't seem to actually hold any left wing views - love LARPing about living under fascism and that somehow excusing every thing they claim Fascism is bad for - against their political enemies.

wizardbeard ,

There was a phrase tossed around by some “leftists” in opposition to the terrible clusterfuck that was gamergate back in the early 2010s. Sometime around then at least.

“No bad tactics, only bad targets”

Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of people in the world lately who believe it.

Voroxpete ,

Trump literally called for people to assassinate Clinton in 2016.

Letstakealook ,

Exactly. This wasn’t an attempt on your run of the mill republican shitbag. This man is a real fucking threat and so are all of his supporters/followers.

TrickDacy , avatar

When will you start with your assassination plans then?

thermal_shock ,

he doesn’t have to do it,but he doesn’t have to be nice to the ones crying about agent orange getting shot at. fuck that orange bitch.

TrickDacy , avatar

Ah so if they have no income or anything else to lose, they’ll talk mad shit about assassinating a person. Yeah I guess that makes sense. Having absolutely fuck all to lose tends to lead to shit talk

thermal_shock , (edited )

if this were the case, it would have happened sooner. people are not in the best place over the last few years, living literally paycheck to paycheck. I’d bet stats would show higher suicide rates recently than before.

TrickDacy , avatar

You all somehow are missing the point that an anonymous commenter saying shit isn’t significant compared with a person losing future work for years. Yes JB is a millionaire but he surely still has the right to work and it would be absolutely fucking moronic to give that up to stand behind something any media company wants plenty of distance from. What the fuck would it prove anyway? “We should all want terrible people dead. Hey in fact let’s all openly talk about that all the time too. Don’t agree? Fuuuuck youuu!!” Stupid.

Internet users really seem insulated from reality sometimes. It’s sad.

thermal_shock ,

lol because we expect people to choose real world stances and fight issues rather than “well if I say I don’t like a bad person, I may lose money over it, so I wont stand for basic human rights and morals because it may hurt my wallet”. jack black is a pussy after throwing his partner under the bus.

TrickDacy , avatar

That’s not what it would be standing for you sicko.

Sanctus , avatar

Coincidentally, at the same time as your’s.

TrickDacy , avatar


I’m not the one advocating violence like a troglodyte, that’d be you. Law enforcement will take note.

Sanctus , avatar

The point of my comment was to say you dont have a plan either. People are rightfully pissed. Project 2025 is the end of Democracy. If you wanna get upset at people for doing literally anything thats on you.

TrickDacy , avatar

What a twisted individual.

Sanctus , avatar

!remindme 1 year

When Trump has had time to rape America into a christian nationalist ethnostate

TrickDacy , avatar

In one or a hundred years it will still be bizarre to think that standing up for political violence is useful on any level. It doesn’t matter if you want trump dead. It’s the fact you think “standing up” for it changes anything an iota for the better

Sanctus , avatar

Standing up? As opposed to what? Supporting the system that birthed a class of corrupt officials in a little over one hundred years? Or just letting it flatten me and my family?

This is real. Real shit happens. If you are the one dialing for violence, and you’ve been stirring that shit up for years, dont be surprised when violence comes out the oven. Its about time people got mad. Its about time we said fuck you. You can’t do that. You can’t hide history from us. You can’t ban books. You can’t take away the one thing a fucking society is supposed to do for us. Its about damn time.

TrickDacy , avatar

You’re one of those people on the Internet who has no idea what’s being said, goes on an irrelevant condescending tangent, and somehow has no idea that’s what’s happened. Not my issue

Sanctus , avatar

You’re just following me at this point. If you dont like me block me.

TrickDacy , avatar

Bizarre thing to say to someone who simply responded to your messages

Sanctus , avatar

We can see your reply history bud

TrickDacy , avatar

LMAO you just accused me of stalking you

Sanctus , avatar

Alright, you know what? Dont worry. I’ll take care of it.

Clbull OP ,

I think the shitty thing is that for someone who was supposedly “blindsided” by what Gass said, he was chuckling at it.

This is either Jack Black throwing his bandmate under the bus because he otherwise would have been pulled from future movie projects, or they’ve received more than enough hateful comments and death threats from Trump supporters that they’ve been spooked into cancelling the tour for safety reasons.

iAmTheTot ,

This is a strange take to me. Nervous laughter is, famously, a thing. You can simultaneously be surprised by something that was said, not actually support it, but still laugh. Especially when you’re in the middle of a show, literally on a stage, in front of thousands of people.

acosmichippo , avatar

yeah, he probably didn’t fully process the possible ramifications of a comment like that in the middle of a performance.

TimLovesTech , avatar

To play devils advocate, a comment like that has the potential to put you in the crosshairs of one of these nut jobs the FBI/DHS has told everyone to be on the look out for. There was a large uptick in these domestic terrorist groups calling for retaliation (even though the guy was a Republican), but everyone on the Right has intentionally not mentioned his political affiliation and just said things about the “radical left” just pouring gas on the fire.

Letstakealook ,

That’s a fair take. I’ve been very frustrated with the respectability politics this week and it might be a bit unfair to him, as he isn’t a political figure, but an entertainer who didn’t initially choose to say anything. I can’t say I’d throw my boy under the bus like that, but I’m not him.

TimLovesTech , avatar

I don’t take calls against political violence as throwing anyone under the bus. He said he was “blindsided”, which I take to mean he didn’t expect him to say what he said. He also:

  1. did not agree with more violence (a good take when it comes to democracy)
  2. recognized Kyle put the whole crew at risk if the tour continued - as this would for sure make it to front page of every right wing hate filled cesspool

I think Kyle said it as more of a joke than serious, but when you don’t know who is in the cult and who isn’t when your looking out at a sea of people at a concert it sounds like Jack made the right call. Getting on a soapbox and “backing” Kyle would would just further put them and their crew in danger.

aStonedSanta ,

At what point do we decide danger is required for freedom? Before the freedom is gone???

wizardbeard ,

A lot farther down the line than this clown show situation at least. We don’t have roaming bands of conservatives disappearing people in the night, anything close to coordinated attacks, or even anything happening yet that remotely resembles targeted violence happening at rising rates.

The US has weathered worse storms than this. Germany recovered. At horrendous loss of life, but it did.

If you’re aware and worried, then now is the time to prepare. Save up money, take a gun safety class, and get one. Get hours in at the range shooting to build your aim and muscle memory. Make sure your emergency bag is well stocked, and you have discussed your emergency plan with your family. Be ready if/when the time comes, or get the hell out of dodge.

Don’t fucking rush its arrival. Don’t get yourself put on a fucking list of early targets by saying dumb shit online.

Don’t be the kind of person yelling into the void for someone else to kick off the bloodshed while you sit around and panic spiral. Prepare motherfucker, and hope you never need to use it.

Voroxpete , (edited )

Germany recovered

What an absolutely insane thing to say. At least 70 million people did not, in fact, recover. And that’s just the death toll. The collective generational trauma inflicted by the Nazis has probably affected lives in the order of the high millions or low billions. We are still feeling its impact today. There is a genocide happening right now that is, in part, being enabled by what the Nazis did.

That’s like saying climate change isn’t a problem because the planet will survive. Unbelievably unhinged way to talk about actual human lives.

wizardbeard ,

My whole point of bringing up Germany is that even if things get worse than people are worrying they will, there is still hope and all is not lost. You’re absolutely right that it was quite possibly the most horrific event in human history.

TimLovesTech , avatar

Well, to be fair, I think that is up to each person to perform their own risk assessment. Some people have no fear, a death wish, or just willing to “die for the cause”. I don’t think we should be shitting on performers because they feel responsible for all of the many lives around them, and don’t want to make that choice for all of them. That is something the Right does/wants to do. But I think voting against fascism will prove to be the easiest way, and will have the greatest impact come November. Getting yourself or someone else killed by people that are unwell and armed will just be one less vote against fascism come November.

Duamerthrax ,

That’s… pretty fair. It’s easy to say things online, but Gass just made things very hard for concert security. How hard would it be for a right winger to sneak a gun into a concert and get close to the stage?

greenskye ,

Basically this. Even if they wanted to continue the tour, Gass just massively increased the chance of another mass shooting by some nut job out to get revenge. If that had really happened, it would’ve completely sunk everyone involved and people would be claiming that they were the ones that invited the catastrophe.

thermal_shock ,

no fucking shit. fuck that man, I hope he chokes out on a very well done steak and ketchup concoction

Yprum ,

Sincerely I am baffled at the take most comments have on this… Does this mean that because trump is a fucking fascist piece of shit that calls for violence against anyone he doesn’t like we have the right to call for violence against him? Just because trump is a disgusting waste of biological matter that rapes kids do we have the right to rape his kids? What the fuck is with all these comments calling coward to jack black for pointing out how out of place is such a thing to say… It’s a joke that I could do, in a group of close friends, that I know how they will take it. I’m pretty sure jack black would have found it funny in private. But in the middle of a show? Do we really need to remind people that calling for violence is not OK? Yeah we could take his comment as a joke… But what if some people in the audience are unhinged enough to take it seriously? The comment was definitely out of place. Freedom of speech has limits, and his comment is very much crossing the limit.

Look, I’m not going to lie, if I hear trump drops dead randomly tomorrow I wouldn’t feel particularly sad (or at all) but I wouldn’t ask for him to be assassinated or call for terrorism against republicans no matter how wrong I think they are and how dangerous they can be. What the fuck… there’s so many people here hoping for a fucking asshole to be assassinated it’s kinda scary even. That’s not the solution against trump or republicans…

Letstakealook ,

I guess we’ll see how you feel when trumps supreme court sanctioned death squads of deputized gravy seals are murdering and raping in your neighborhood.

Yprum ,

Don’t use fallacies to defend violence. Killing trump is not the only way to avoid that from happening. Becoming a terrorist and promoting violence against a political group contrary to your political opinion is not OK no matter how dangerous that group is. You are using the same discussion techniques that fucking maga asshats use. Seriously you don’t see the issue on the way you are defending the idea that assassinating a political opponent is the only way to defeat that opponent?

You are defending the republican gun nutjob that went to shoot trump and accidentally killed someone else? You are saying his decision making was the kind of behaviour to glorify? The same kind of nut job that will happily join in the death squads you talk about? What the fuck, how does your brain work? How can you not see the hypocrisy of what you are saying…

Of course that’s assuming a sincere take and not just some piece of shit bot or account made to increase violence hatred and division.

Zoot , avatar

How about we consider it self-defense and get on with it then? Trump has tried to end democracy once before, January 6th to be exact. Wasn’t justice supposed to prevail or something? No? It hasn’t yet? It likely never will? The only way to protect myself going forward then is to…? You tell us Mr. Violence is never the option, since the courts don’t work, and voting is soon to not matter.

Yprum ,

And your proposal is that justice should prevail by a public mass shooting to kill the orange turd?

So your thinking is that because trump tried to end democracy, now you have the right to kill him?

The only way to defend yourself is with guns and killing those who attack you? I wonder what group of people keep proposing that…

People like you, already defeated months before the election, saying that voting doesn’t matter, have a lot to do with the end of democracy. Go vote, make it matter.

Shit’s real fucked, you have in the states a candidate for presidency instead of being in prison like he should. And the problem is that no one has killed him yet? No wonder that justice won’t work…

Either you are just trying to help the orange shit posting this kind of defeatist comment on purpose or you are just as bad as a republican that keeps saying those who oppose him should be killed.

Voroxpete ,

How many lives do you think Trump will destroy? If the answer isn’t “a lot”, you haven’t been paying attention. His supreme court justices from his last term have already started racking up one hell of a body count.

Would you object to police officers gunning down a mass shooter rather than allow them to continue taking innocent lives? How sacred is a single life against the lives of their many potential and actual victims?

From a purely ethical standpoint, it’s hard to argue that killing fascists is anything other than a net moral good. At the end of the day, it’s taking one life to save many, something that we accept as an unfortunate moral necessity all the time. Obviously, we prefer to exhaust other options first, but ultimately we still accept the use of violence to protect the innocent when strictly necessary.

(I am, of course, speaking purely in terms of ethical hypotheticals here)

Yprum ,

But you are talking about a completely different thing. Here’s what it boils down to:

Obviously, we prefer to exhaust other options first

Does it look like that? Not really… Not when people are cheering for some asshole to be assassinated. This is not about the value of one life, this is not about the use of violence of armed forces to try and save others, this is not about the lives that trump would destroy. This is about people cheering for a murder, this is about a public figure inciting violence publicly… Did you notice the reaction of someone like Biden or Sanders (the two examples I know of, surely there are others)? immediately rejecting the actions of a violent man that decided to open fire against a big amount of people, it’s irrelevant who he was aiming for. The only solution for anyone talking in this thread is killing trump, instead of voting the other (albeit very imperfect) party. It’s still months before the election and everyone is acting like trump has won already and the only solution is killing him. Wtf.

I guess this thread and conversation has shown me why the US has such a gun problem. Why the police is absurdly violent against anyone they consider a threat. Why someone would resort to shooting a bunch of people if they’ve been bullied for years or whatever and feel threatened. Fucking sad…

All of this is not about me wanting trump alive and well, I don’t want the orange turd around, I’d hope preferably that he rots in prison though and that he has very “nice” cellmate with him, but if he’s gone from the surface of the earth all the better for the rest of us. That is not the same as inciting for violence, or approving the assassination attempt that has killed someone else.

NoneOfUrBusiness , to world in Ukraine war: Zelensky says Israel-Gaza conflict taking focus away from fighting

Never thought I'd agree with Zelensky about something related to Israel. Ukraine deserves aid much more than Israel.

Aussiemandeus , avatar

I dont think Israel needs aid.

They are responding to an agressor just the same and doing a great job

lmaydev ,

The problem is they are also the aggressor and have been for decades.

Hamas and the Israeli government are both fucking awful.

Daft_ish ,

In terms of killing people A+ Job, no assistance needed.

OctopusKurwa ,

Doing a great job at committing genocide

Ibaudia , avatar

Indiscriminate bombing of innocent civilians, refugee camps, and hospitals, all while refusing to allow even basic aid, is not a “great job”.

Neon ,

i mean, OP said they’re doing a great job at responding […] the same [way], not that they’re responding in a great way

so OP is technically correct.

Ibaudia , avatar

Technically the truth!

stella ,

Israel absolutely does not need aid.

If they need more killing equipment, their ruling class can pay for it.

AlligatorBlizzard , to world in Florida man arrested after trying to cross Atlantic in hamster wheel vessel

I saw the headline and wondered if this was a repost. Nope. If I had a nickel for every time this guy has been arrested for ocean hamster wheel shenanigans, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Also, this is the third time he’s tried.

Decoy321 , (edited )

I don’t think he actually expects to get very far in any of his tries. The attention from his eventual arrest and following news articles are his actual goals. Kinda like that flat earth rocket guy. And they’ll both probably end the same way, dead by hubris.

1chemistdown , avatar

This guy has a long history of doing things to completion. Ran the perimeter of USA, ran from LA to NYC after 9/11. Big cycling stuff. He is an actual world class athlete. I think he really wants to do this but lacks the finances and connections to have the support needed for such an expedition.

Decoy321 ,

Thanks for that info, it’s certainly new to me. The only times I’ve heard of him were for his last attempts at this same stunt.

NedK ,

Our dude was running out of lettuce, and pleased to be caught.

chemicalprophet ,

Redbull needs to get in in this action!

mayo ,

I’m fairly certain there is a documentary or at least a youtube video about this guy because he’s not really what you think. Still nuts.


Found it, it’s this:

PipedLinkBot ,

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

MissJinx , avatar

Why was he arreated? is it agains the law to walk over water in florida?

Etterra ,

Probably for operating an unregistered watercraft or not having a transponder. The kind of things maritime law requires for stuff like not getting shot be some idiot, not being IDed as a naval mine by the Navy, search & rescue, not hitting other ships, customs and border enforcement, etc, compelling border compliance, etc. There’s a surprising amount of rules for doing stuff in the ocean.

MissJinx , avatar

It does male sense! I’m not very familiar with maritime laws but it seems fair. thanks!! :)

CurlyMoustache , avatar

I recommend maritime lawyer Chareth Cutestory. He’s well versed in maritime law

MrBusinessMan ,

Biden has truly turned this country into a communist dictatorship, even people trying to escape by homemade boats get scooped up by the coast guard and brought back. We’re living in 1984 and animal farm put together.

postmateDumbass ,

Sounds like he was evacuating…

dutchkimble ,

I think you’re in luck, the article says he’s tried 3 similar voyages before, so if it’s his fourth your nickel fortune is going to double!

girlfreddy OP , to news in Russia bans anti-war candidate from challenging Putin avatar

Mr Putin remains the only candidate to be able to register as a candidate.

He doesn’t even try to pretend anymore.

originalucifer , avatar

that insurrectionist trump so jelly rn

dept ,

at least pull a Sisi and have some unknowns on the ballot.

Cannacheques ,

The dragon laughs and whips his tail

GeekFTW , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

Lotta windows in airplanes.

LotrOrc ,

Totally an accident of course

FlyingSquid , avatar

I didn’t know airplanes couldn’t handle their polonium.

InvertedParallax , (edited )

Tragically the plane crashed into a surface to air missile.

Edit: yeah, this is actually what happened, no subtlety here, damn.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Like, fucking literally.

“Crash” my ass, BBC, you say it got shot down in the article, how is that not a more accurate and sensational headline?

“Prigozhin got blown the fuck up, like everyone knew he would the moment he pussed out, the Nazi coward.”

InvertedParallax ,

He needed to take Moscow, only chance he had to survive.

gAlienLifeform , avatar

Technically, they just say that a Wagner linked Telegram channel said it got shot down. They’re probably waiting for better proof/additional sources before they take the full step of saying it was shot down themselves (at which point I think it’d get added to the headline).

suction ,

Well, it did definitely crash at the end.

Badass_panda ,

Because the only source for that (at present) is the Wagner Group, who have a (dead) dog in the fight and are not bastions of truth. NYT will be trying to confirm it before saying so.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Do they have a dog in this? Last I heard they were getting executed in the field if they showed support for the coup.

Carighan , avatar

Damn, so he started the uprising again, beginning by brutally slamming a plane into a defenseless russian SAM? /s

FlowVoid ,

So he fell out of a window created by a surface to air missile.

299792458c137 ,

more windows are reserved only for stauncher enemies.

alquicksilver , to world in Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson avatar

It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I miss when this was the standard for news. Now most (e: major) outlets don’t even try to pretend they have no bias and instead push a subjective point. Even when I agree with the point, I don’t like it when my “news” pushes it instead of just, you know, reporting.

Give me the info and let me form my own opinions.

Nighed OP , avatar

While us Brits love to complain about the BBC being biased (probably an actual issue for internal UK politics) its good to remember that it’s still a world leading media outlet, and one of very few that can be considered not to be push an agenda. (I imagine I can find a lot of people that can probably disagree with that too…)

Even Routers has started editorialising, and I thought they were just meant to be raw facts!

drekly ,

Regardless of their wording, BBC news has a super Israel bias, and they even got called out on live TV during the news for it. They are not the place for unbiased reporting of this specific issue. The UK will always pretend Israel can do no wrong because they created them.

TWeaK ,

Well yeah, but like you say that’s more of a UK thing than a BBC thing. And in any case, the BBC refraining from calling Hamas terrorists shows that they do at least have some limits on their biases, where they do have them.

Hyperreality , (edited )

BBC news has a super Israel bias, .... The UK will always pretend Israel can do no wrong because they created them.

I went on the BBC's news site just now and looked at the top stories from the middle-east.

Here's a BBC article which suggests that Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, despite Netenyahu denying it:

Here's an article which features the video diary of a (crying) Palestinian girl. "Gaza: Children screamed in the street"

Here's another video. Title: "Gaza: 'I wish I could be a normal child living with no war'"

Does the BBC have a 'super Israel bias'?

Or are you biased which makes you mistakenly think the BBC is 'super' biased in favour of Israel and claim the UK 'will always pretend Israel can do no wrong'?

drekly ,

Well that’s good, perhaps the guy having a go at them had an effect. There was literally nothing about the first counterattack shelling by Israel when it happened and I thought it was very strange.

HeartyBeast , avatar

On the front page of the BBC News website right now:

drekly ,

Well that’s good, perhaps the guy having a go at them had an effect. There was literally nothing about the first counterattack shelling by Israel when it happened and I thought it was very strange.

TWeaK ,

Pretty much all news sources are good for something, so long as it’s outside of their bias’ sphere of influence. A fully state run national news outlet can potentially give very unbiased news about events in another country - maybe even better than local news sources - so long as there isn’t some conflict of interest.

CookieJarObserver ,

It is biased and wrong, you can see by the obvious problem in their research, like Hamas is considered terrorists by the entire western world, therefore saying that you don’t call them that because you don’t want people to tell what to think is terrorism support.

alquicksilver , avatar

I disagree; it’s a loaded, politicized word. Even if you say that the “entire western world” considers Hamas a terrorist organization, that’s a sweeping generalization which, even if it could be called 100% true, does not represent the whole world.

Tell me the facts without giving me those loaded words. I’m smart enough to draw my own conclusions.

CookieJarObserver ,

I disagree with your disagreement, im objectively correct ……/List_of_designated_terrorist_gro…

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

You’re not objectively correct, “designated as terrorist by current and former national governments, and inter-governmental organizations” - they’ve expressed an opinion. You’re taking that opinion and presenting it as objective fact.

CookieJarObserver ,

Are you on crack or something? Do you understand how the world works?

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Do you understand how the world works?

Yes I do. I just explained it to you. Is there some part of what I said that you’re struggling with?

CookieJarObserver ,

So you say your opinion on the world is worth more than the collective opinion of like half a billion people whose democratically elected leaders see them as terrorists?

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

No, I’m saying a fact is a fact and an opinion is an opinion. You’ve confused the two.

dpkonofa ,

In addition to the word “adjective”, you should also look up the definition of “objective”. Because you keep digging and digging and it’s making you look silly.

You are wrong. Whether it’s because you don’t understand what is being said or you are intentionally ignoring it, what you are saying is inaccurate and factually incorrect.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

A man’s called a terrorist or liberator

A rich man’s a thief or philanthropist

Is one a crusader or ruthless invader?

It’s all in which label is able to persist

There are precious few at ease

With moral ambiguities

So we act as though they don’t exist

CookieJarObserver ,

So youd say hitler was a liberator?

Cause that’s the fucking argument you have constructed now.

Khalic ,

For most of german people at the time, yes

CookieJarObserver ,

No. Wtf.

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

That is the argument I’m making. Which label was able to persist? To many conservatives they still see him as a liberator.

CookieJarObserver ,

No fucking person that isn’t insane sees him as liberator, at least not in Germany!

Source: i am German.

dpkonofa ,

Now do all the people that were in the German army and that showed up to his rallies. Go ahead… we’ll wait…

YoBuckStopsHere , avatar

You know Donald Trump slept with Mein Kampf next to him, right? Trump loves Hitler.

alquicksilver , avatar

It does sound wonderful.

Hyperreality , (edited )

You misunderstand.

Proper old-school journalists, like John Simpson, won't be quick to call someone a terrorist. They will however report on someone who called them a terrorist.

It is their job to report the facts. That means that they report what they see and what they hear. Nothing more. That is journalism.

Coming to the conclusion that someone is a terrorist, isn't news or journalism. It's analysis or opinion. Often the journalist is in no position to form an opinion either way, and it's not really his job anyway.

The reason this sounds weird to many, is because journalism has gone down the shitter. This used to be standard. Reuters for example, is still quite rigorous in this. But most news organisations now mix factual reporting with analysis. Some 'news' organisations remove the news/facts entirely. Basically, reading an article written by a good journalist, you should not be able to tell what side of the argument they are.


Good: According to Mr. X, the apple was red and tasty. -> the journalist is simply reporting on what Mr. X said. The reader can decide if Mr. X was telling the truth.

Bad: According to Mr. X, the red apple was tasty. -> the journalist wasn't there to see if the apple was red, Mr. X could be mistaken. The reader doesn't realise that the colour of the apple was described as being red by Mr. X and can't form their own opinion on whether to believe Mr. X.

The journalist doesn't avoid mentioning the apple is allegedly red. They just make it clear that they themselves aren't saying what colour it is, as they weren't there to witness what colour it was and because their opinion doesn't matter

And I know this may sound stupid, but it helps avoid (inadvertent) bias or accusations thereof.

dpkonofa ,

It’s spelled “Xitter” now… as in “going down the Xitter”.

Kbin_space_program ,


It's also a testament to the terrifying numbing that the passage of time has on events.

They describe WW2 where they called the Nazis, "the enemy", then in the next sentence compare The IRA to the fucking Nazis.

Not even remotely close.

Enkers ,

then in the next sentence compare The IRA to the fucking Nazis.

What? Did we read the same article? Maybe I’m suffering from a reading comprehension deficit, here, but that wasn’t my interpretation at all. Could you quote where you think they draw that comparison?

makingStuffForFun , avatar

The news in Australia literally adds dramatic music to their edits. They’re disgraceful, and manipulative.

StorminNorman ,

I think your confusing a current affair/today tonight with actual news programs. I channel surf from 5-7:30pm and have never heard the main news programs of 7, 9, 10, SBS, nor the ABC editorialise like that in my 38yrs on this planet. At a stretch, they play clips of articles they’ve already covered at the end with the shows theme song over the top.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

Interesting. I see it every time I visit my parents nearly. Doom drama music plays. ‘Journalist’ creates drama. I recommend John Simpson’s book

StorminNorman ,

I see it all the time on aca and TT. Never on the main news shows, like I said, never in my 38yrs of being alive - and for the last 15yrs I’ve been watching the news between 5-7:30 unless I’m out. I seriously think you’re conflating current affairs shows with the news. Current affairs shows are held to a different (read: lower) standards and ethics levels than that of the news. Not to say there isn’t any bias or manipulation of the viewer, but they aren’t doing it with music. That’s aca and TTs domain.

makingStuffForFun , avatar

It could well be that. I’ll pay attention next time I’m there.

tomas , to world in Sweden charges Greta Thunberg for blockading oil port avatar

She should be getting a Nobel prize for putting a rapist sex-trafficker in prison with a single tweet.

LocutusOfBeetleBorg , avatar

Though I wish this were true it is not. Romanian authorities, specifically Ramona Bolla of DIICOT confirmed that the tweet had nothing to do with locating him.

TommySalami ,

It is a funny coincidence though.

venusenvy47 ,

I don’t think that is necessarily relevant. Romania didn’t seem to be in a hurry to arrest him until she made the post. I think the more relevant thing she did was to embarrass Romania into action.

Vikthor ,

You suggesting that Romanian authorities rely on tweets of some social media celebrity to arrest another one is not that different from Top scumbag himself suggesting he can bribe his way to stay away from prison in Romania. Both are pretty insulting to Romania.

Granted, yours isn’t as bad, yet you should still reconsider your position.

Isthisreddit ,

Let’s agree though that the timing was hilarious

Rookiewtf ,

He isnt in prison because he isnt a rapist, neither a trafficker

Cubes ,

Okay, then why do you think he’s in prison…?

BadEngineering , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

I'm honestly surprised that he lasted this long

ristoril_zip ,

I feel like when the attempted coup fizzled out there was a Russia expert who predicted he’s be dead within 90 days. Sounds like that guy was right.

TwanHE ,

Honestly didn’t need to be a expert on Russia to predict that

Astroturfed ,

No kidding, literally everyone figured he’d be dead soon. Not sure how he didn’t realize that.

AlphaOmega ,

Yeah I just read an article two days ago where he had sent out some videos via telegram showing he was still alive. Kinda surprising, then boom.

frezik ,

“Person vaguely aware of how Russia works predicts Prigozhin will be dead in 90 days”. That headline doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

qwen ,

Weirdly enough, it’s exactly two months between the mutiny and his death. Interestingly enough, the invasion started on 24th as well. Weird.

ObviouslyNotBanana , to world in Truong My Lan: Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for $44bn fraud avatar

I don’t think death sentences should be a thing.

JohnEdwa ,

I almost agree, as there are only very few crimes, and in absolutely certain circumstances, where I think a death sentence would be appropriate. As an example, cases like Anders Breivik.

ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

Nah, he can rot in isolation. Death is just getting away with it, which is what he would’ve wanted.

JohnEdwa ,

The system in Japan is… Let’s say “interesting”. You get sentenced to death, but you might still sit in prison for years or even decades until one morning they carry it out with no warning, so you’ll live the rest of your life not knowing if each day is your last or not.

can ,

How barbaric.

Soulg ,

All executions are but yeah Japan is particularly so

aeronmelon ,

“Goodnight, inmate. Sleep well. Tomorrow I shall have to kill you.”

Kowowow ,

As you wish

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

TIL Japan still has the death sentence.

randint , avatar
Immersive_Matthew ,

Must be a lot less crime there then? Not.

JohnEdwa ,

Often it is, but the death penalty isn’t the only thing affecting it - if it did, USA would not be at such a high of a spot for intentional homicides () as most states have the death penalty as well.

For reference, Japan is at spot 196 out of 207 when you sort by victims per 100000 inhabitants.

Which also results in very few people getting the death penalty - just 3 people were executed in 2022, and none last year. US executed 18 and 24.

Cosmicomical ,

Wow, way to make you feel alive

Dwayne_Elizondo_Mountain_Dew_Camacho ,

Not trying to excuse his actions but read the _Early life and reports of abuse _section.

This guy is a product of a mentally ill mother who abused him. Imagine being 4 years old and your caregiver keeps telling you she wished you were dead. Not a recipe for a well balanced individual.

My point is yes, his place is in prison. But if you want to prevent other acts of this kind, social and mental services need to get better. They clearly failed in this case, more than once.

systemglitch ,


  • Loading...
  • sepulcher ,

    I agree, but not for financial crimes.

    She’s essentially being executed for screwing over, you guessed it, investors.

    That’s fucked up. I’d rather execute the investors.

    Zyrxil ,

    It’s a bank not a hedge fund. The investors would be the regular people that made deposits- you know, the victims of the fraud. So your knee jerk reaction is “investors bad” without thinking about anything?

    Rivalarrival ,

    She is one of the investors.

    Ross_audio ,

    Let’s set the sentence for executing an innocent man to, death.

    The first barrier to the death penalty is to make sure verdicts are right 100% of the time.

    After that you can begin the debate about **whether it’s moral at all.

    systemglitch ,

    You can’t be certain 100% of the time, so one has to accept there will be instances of injustice.

    Or perserve it for instances where it is 100% certain only (video evidence, tons of eyewitnesses). I don’t care which personally, but latter is preferred.

    What I don’t want is a drawn out affair where it costs more to execute them than to keep them alive.

    When people deserve to die, they should be killed with haste, so we can forget they ever existed and move on. I’m not a fan of the slow torturous rot of keeping them alive until they die of natural causes part of the justice system we have come to embrace in western society.

    To be fair, I’m focused more on other crimes than the one this article is about. But anything that would end up being the rest of a person’s life, I’m okay with just ending prematurely. I’m morally flexible in this regard.

    dojan , avatar

    Let’s set the sentence for executing an innocent man to, death.

    There’s no such thing as an innocent billionaire.

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

    It’s true. America’s newest billionaire is ruthless boss of the Nashville underground, Taylor Swift, leader of the Swifties cartel.

    Cosmicomical ,

    you don’t get there without being integral part of that system

    MutilationWave ,

    She didn’t get there by paying the employees of her business empire the share they deserve of the profits they generated for her. If she had, she wouldn’t be a billionaire.

    That doesn’t even touch on the issues of constant private jets around the world, owning multiple homes, etc.

    ShittyBeatlesFCPres ,

    Shhhh. The Swifties can hear you. 🤫🤐 They’re always listening and ready to pounce.

    Coreidan ,

    Neither should billionaires

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    That I agree on.

    Rivalarrival ,

    Billionaires cause infinitely more problems than death sentences.

    I think, though, that it is a simple enough affair for a billionaire to stop being a billionaire, if they are sufficiently motivated to do so.

    If we make “acquiring and retaining a billion dollars” a capital offense, the billionaires will get rid of themselves; we won’t actually have to execute anyone.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    I don’t really think we need to compare them. Death sentences shouldn’t be a thing. Neither should billionaires. Billionaires are human beings, their wealth is a systemic issue we should do something about.

    Rivalarrival ,

    I disagree. It is not a systemic issue. It is a personal failing. They lack the self control, discipline, empathy, and compassion of fully-functional people. They have no internal sense of the harm that they are causing to all of society, and the only external feedback they get is from sycophants hyping them up to commit ever increasing atrocities.

    If there is a systemic failure, it is that we treat them as ordinary decent criminals, protecting them from oppression and discrimination, while ignoring that the only oppression they have ever seen has been the oppression they have perpetrated.

    They should be treated as hostile nations, not criminal defendants.

    ObviouslyNotBanana , avatar

    It’s a systemic issue in the fact that the system allows for it to happen. The system shouldn’t nurture such outcomes.

    Rivalarrival ,

    I’m not going to blame a system that works for ten thousand people for having been exploited by one person.

    I’m going to declare that one person a criminal exception, rather than rebuilding the entire system to accommodate him.

    The threat of the guillotine is the simplest solution to criminal affluence.

    AtariDump ,
    DessertStorms , (edited ) to worldnews in King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says avatar

    I was happy for a second and then remembered that karma is a bad take and that he will be getting the absolute best available healthcare and even if he does die, he will be doing so having gotten to old age, in extreme luxury and in more comfort than any of us will ever experience.

    I worry that if he does die soon it will only embolden royalist sentiment in this country as the grieving masses will cling on to the "young king" which the media will spin as "progressive" or whatever, and we'll just keep getting further and further away from abolishing this disgusting establishment.

    We seriously need a King Ralph type thing to happen, only the people take over, instead of a stereotypical American. Turn Buckingham palace in to a community centre with a kitchen and a shelter and childcare and a free mental health clinic, and put those gardens to actual use..

    twinnie ,

    What exactly do you hate about him? Is it his stance on climate change or the Prince Trust maybe? The Royal family are an important source of culture, tourism, and soft power when the UK’s overseas influence is waning. What good to you think will come of getting rid of them?

    DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

    Feel free to educate yourself bootlicker, I'll even start you off, but I don't have the energy this evening to invest in someone with their head that deep up the ass of the establishment stomping an all our necks..

    lazynooblet , avatar

    It doesn’t explain why you have so much venom. I see the royal family as British heritage. I don’t see how having a monarchy with no real power has any effect on the day to day lives of British people. Certainly not enough to explain the hate.

    davel , avatar

    a monarchy with no real power

    I don’t know if it’s that you don’t know anything about the royal family, or that you don’t know anything about how power works, or both.

    lazynooblet , avatar

    They have influence, not governing power. Sure you could argue they don’t deserve the influence they have just for being in that position. The main point however is questioning the /hate/. I know you’re not the poster who I was replying to, but I didn’t want to distract the point of my post. Why should we hate the monarchy so much?

    sanguinepar , (edited ) avatar

    We shouldn’t hate the monarchy, necessarily. We should hate monarchy as a concept.

    It’s archaic, it formalises and legitimises unbelievable levels of inequality and elitism, and it gives rise to at least the strong possibility (and in the UK’s case at least, the actuality) of a tiered legal system, with some laws simply not applying to some people because of their position.

    It’s a repulsive idea, based on historical might and hereditary right, and with no regard for democracy or equality of all people.

    lazynooblet , avatar

    That makes sense. I agree with that. Thank you.

    I felt somewhat disheartened that the response of a guy announcing he has cancer is filled with such toxicity.

    noxfriend ,

    They don’t even need that sort of power for the argument to hold weight but yes, they do hold exactly that sort of power and use it for things like ensuring that Buckingham Palace isn’t affected by racial equality in employment laws…/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-la…

    Then they hide it from us, too

    lazynooblet , avatar

    That is quite a damnig article. Thanks I understand your view on that now.

    cypherpunks , (edited ) avatar

    They have influence, not governing power

    The old man that this post is about literally does have governing power, not only in the UK but also in 14 other countries including Australia and Canada. A common argument made by monarchists is that the monarch’s actual influence is negligible, and their governing power should be ignored because it is only ceremonial.

    As Wikipedia puts it:

    Royal assent is the method by which a monarch formally approves an act of the legislature, either directly or through an official acting on the monarch’s behalf. Under a modern constitutional monarchy, royal assent is considered little more than a formality. Even in nations such as the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein and Monaco which still, in theory, permit their monarch to withhold assent to laws, the monarch almost never does so, except in a dire political emergency or on advice of government.

    But… there is a catch:

    screenshot of the top of wikipedia “royal assent” article showing “Not to be confused with King’s Consent.”

    It turns out that there is also a less formal process (or a “parliamentary convention”; another part of the UK’s heritage is having an “unwritten constitution”, whatever that means) called King’s Consent whereby the monarch, in secret, is consulted before parliament is allowed to debate anything which might affect their personal interests. And it turns out, a lot of things might affect their personal interests, so, this procedure has been and continues to be used to review, shape, and in some cases veto, numerous laws before they are allowed to be debated by parliament. You can read more here.


    agressivelyPassive ,

    You know what else is a British heritage? Famines in India.

    Aristocracy is privilege without any kind of merit whatsoever. It costs the tax payer millions and undermines democracy.

    Zellith ,

    So some guy came to England, killed another guy who claimed to rule it, and now we have to watch their family spend eternity in decadent luxury because "British Heritage". pfft.

    Tell you what. I'll go perform some actions that make myself king, and then a few generations from now my family will be British heritage. Then we can all be happy.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

    Not to mention that British heritage belongs to a German dynasty.

    Aggravationstation ,

    I don’t see how having a monarchy with no real power has any effect on the day to day lives of British people.

    Then what the hell is the point in the amount of tax money that we spend on them? If tourism is such a big money spinner for the country then getting rid of them and keeping the related buildings would still bring in money without having to pay for the decadent lives of these parasites.

    noxfriend ,

    They are “British heritage” because they killed, conquered and stole from our ancestors.

    lazynooblet , avatar

    So we blame the sons for the crimes of their fathers.

    Zellith ,

    What do you mean by "blame"?

    Lols ,

    sorry, but arent the crimes of their fathers the sole basis for our worshipping them, allowing tbem political power and sending the pricks millions upon millions of tax payer pounds?

    you dont reckon its a little disingenuous to complain about people shitting on their heritage when said heritage is the entire argument for their existence

    lazynooblet , avatar

    You’re not wrong. I take the view that our history, be it good or bad, is part of who we are as a people. However, I wouldn’t want Britain to abolish the monarchy without good reason, and something that occured in the here and now rather than the past.

    There are some replies to this thread that have enlightened me on the power the monarchy holds, which I don’t agree they shoud have. I initially thought the monarchy was a symbolic relic, but it seems it’s not the case.

    Zellith , (edited )

    The Royal family are an important source of culture, tourism, and soft power

    The Royal family isnt an important source of tourism.

    atp2112 ,

    Palaces like Versailles and Sanssouci get millions of visitors every year without a group of racists and pedophiles around and actively in power to give it some greater meaning.

    sanguinepar , avatar

    What good to you think will come of getting rid of them?

    We’d become a proper modern country where the person who represents the nation is chosen by the nation? We’d move on from a system where who’s up front simply depends on who their mum or dad were? We’d rid ourselves of a system trained with centuries of imperial exploitation, racism and subjugation? We’d open up new tourism opportunities, with the palaces and castles being available for anyone to visit, a la Versailles?

    And that’s just off the top of my head.

    BruceTwarzen ,

    You think no tourist will go to see the palace if the inbreeds don't exist anymore?

    Cowbee , avatar

    The UK truly is in shambles if their tourism industry and culture depend on a cabal of ghouls siphoning vast amounts of wealth from the people purely for show.

    Personally, I like to think the people of the UK have a lot more to them than their vestigial rulers.

    Lols ,

    i actively want the UKs overseas influence to wane

    TheBat , avatar

    I’ve got a very good news for you then! Heard of Brexit?

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Karma is a lie white people tell themselves so they can continue to believe there’s justice in this world.

    Asafum ,

    The same as religion, it all irritates me.

    We MAKE justice happen, there is no universal cop.

    Which is good because acab.

    Lols ,

    i dont think that one comes from white people

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

    Karma is historically used and very insidious tool to keep the poor people poor and rich people rich.

    InformalTrifle ,

    I can understand you wanting to abolish the royal family (I do too), but I can’t understand your hatred of him personally, to actually be happy he has cancer. He doesn’t seem like a bad/evil person to me

    Kbobabob ,

    But he was only happy for a second and since they believe in karma, now they aren’t happy. Nobody said no take backs so they’re probably good.

    InformalTrifle ,

    Fair enough!

    Milk_Sheikh ,

    He cheated on his wife, very publicly for years. Idk about your views but maintaining a mistress immediately excludes you from being a good person. Charles was a prick for a long time before he started committing to charity, conservation, social outreach programs, etc

    Swuden ,

    No disagreements about about him being a prick, but wishing cancer and even death on another person seems pretty wild to me.

    Feathercrown ,

    I don’t think that wishing death on someone is always bad but I don’t really get it for King Charles

    Dkarma ,

    Y’all mother fuckers must be white as hell, then.

    Feathercrown ,

    Is anyone going to bother to explain why he’s so bad?

    atomicorange ,

    Here’s an article going into some of the crown’s crimes, which Charles has willingly benefitted from and continues to do so.

    Feathercrown ,

    Thx :)

    UnityDevice ,

    Didn’t realise I opened twitter instead of Lemmy today…

    DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

    Please point to where anyone wished cancer on anyone?*

    Also, the fact that people don't feel sorry for the filthy rich old man getting what is almost certainly an age related disease (because it's not like he was exposed to the levels of shit food and air and stress that gives the rest of us cancer), is wild to you, but the existence of a "god appointed" ruler that leeches off of his people while they struggle to survive isn't, says a lot more about you than me not giving much of a shit does about me..

    E: you know what? Even if I had, wishing death on a person whose entire existence depends on the oppression (and death) of others on a mass, almost unimaginable scale, is still less morally repugnant than defending them. ¯*(ツ)
    Eat the fucking rich - they've brought it on themselves.

    atomicorange ,

    You don’t exterminate mosquitoes because they are evil, you get rid of them because they are parasites, unable to exist without feeding on you and your loved ones. They are disease vectors, it’s us or them.

    The royal family feeds into hierarchical structures. They benefit from our subjugation. They knowingly and intentionally contribute to death and misery worldwide for their own benefit. If Charles was a decent man he’d abdicate.

    InformalTrifle ,

    So petition for the monarchy to be dismantled. Write to your MP. If there’s enough support for it maybe we can get a referendum for it. Though unfortunately I don’t think there’s yet a significant majority of the public that do want that.

    I just don’t get being happy at him having cancer. That doesn’t even bring us any closer to dismantling the monarchy. But I guess you must have reasons for having more hatred for him that I’ve not been exposed to

    abracaDavid ,

    When have you ever seen a petition change a single thing? You really think that signing names on a piece of paper would be sufficient to take down the Monarchy?

    You realize how naive that is at best, right?

    InformalTrifle ,

    Fair point, but it needs action, not just laughing at someone getting cancer

    atomicorange ,

    Can I do both?

    ShaggySnacks ,

    Write to your MP. If there’s enough support for it maybe we can get a referendum for it.

    Why write to them when you can start an official petition and get the House to debate abolishing the monarchy. Only need 10,000 signatures to force the issue to be debated.

    K0W4LSK1 ,

    Jesus man mosquitos are just trying to live, that’s not a fair comparison for them

    TheAnonymouseJoker , avatar

    Then tell those mosquitoes to stop flapping their wings on my ear at 5 AM.

    DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

    If sitting on a gold throne, in a gold room, riding around in your gold carriage, covered in jewels, none of which were (or ever could be) "earned", but rather pillaged, without even knowing what a days work feels like, while the people you're parading your "god given right" to lord over, and whose wealth you hoard privately overseas, are having to choose between heating and eating as they work 3 zero hour jobs just to survive - isn't considered evil in your mind, it is your moral compass that is the problem, not me feeling momentary joy when a cancer gets cancer.

    AtariDump ,

    King Ralph.

    Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.

    A long time.

    Duamerthrax ,

    It’s costs too much to heat. You can build a modern structure with less money.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind , avatar

    We seriously need a King Ralph type thing to happen

    More like King Louis XVI type thing to happen

    impudentmortal , to nottheonion in A little girl said monsters were in her bedroom. It was 60,000 bees

    She said her homeowner’s insurance won’t cover anything pest-related because they deem it preventable.

    So the real monster was the insurance company. What a twist!

    quindraco ,

    And yet people still pay for insurance, for some reason.

    idunnololz , avatar

    My bank forces me to have insurance in order to get a mortgage :(

    MiltownClowns , to music in Jack Black cancels Tenacious D tour and places future projects on hold after Kyle Gass comments on Trump

    Jack Black is trying to use his massive A-list star power to get Biden elected, something that will actually help people. Kyle Gass made an offhanded joke that could jeopardize that. So Jack Black needs to distance himself, and I’ll bet you money Kyle Gass agrees with him.

    It’s an impossible situation to be in, but I kind of agree with Jack Black’s move on this. He can do more good as a Hollywood A-lister for Biden than he can as an “edgy” rock star with a guy nobody’s ever heard of.

    BruceTwarzen ,

    Man, americans really do need famous guys to tell them what to think.

    exanime ,

    Recently had to take a trip to the USA for work and it felt surreal… all the posters of whatever celebrity with captions like “XYZ wants you to stop littering” or “Such-and-Such only use Colgate”. It felt like a brain washing operation for toddlers (and this was at the airport)

    DannyMac ,

    That’s weird, I don’t notice that too much.

    Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.

    samus12345 , avatar
    Socsa ,

    Meanwhile, George Clooney only does nescafe commercials in foreign languages.

    aStonedSanta ,

    Yeah. It’s fucking sad. Our education system gutted arts and critical thinking. We are doomed. Hope we don’t hurt you guys on our way down.

    MiltownClowns ,

    Nobody needs anything but to have access to the most famous people in the world, the most money in the world, and the biggest markets in the world, and not put them all together is just bad business.

    Socsa ,

    We are in a war for our future right now and we can take all the help we can get.

    LordGimp ,

    The disrespect to the Gass man is ridiculous. Honestly Tenacious D comes from the same era of ridiculousness that gave rise to Borat, and I don’t see why Kyle shouldn’t be given the same leeway to say wild ass shit that Cohen did.

    MiltownClowns ,

    Yeah… pointing to the Zionist who just got canceled For being sexually inappropriate on set and to defend himself released a video of himself being sexually inappropriate on set isn’t the defense you think it is. Even his wife left him.

    And no offense to the gas man. I’m a 35-year-old white guy. I’ve been in love with the gas man for two decades now. But be honest with yourself, Most people don’t know about Tenacious D. The second biggest category think of Tenacious D as Jack Black’s band with that guy. That doesn’t really compete with Bowser from Mario levels of fame.

    LordGimp ,

    Man I’m actually kinda sad I somehow missed Cohen getting super canceled. I’ll have to go look for it.

    aStonedSanta ,

    Me too. This is a surprise to me but I don’t pay much attention to E news or whatever we wanna call it

    LiveLM ,

    That doesn’t really compete with Bowser from Mario levels of fame.

    I understand what you’re saying but man, I hate seeing people water themselves down for fame.
    One more reason to not be excited for the upcoming Minecraft and Borderlands movie.

    peg ,

    Biden’s demented. Neither choice makes any sense.

    MiltownClowns , (edited )

    Russian troll or just a fucking idiot?

    frunch ,

    Porque no los dos? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    MedicPigBabySaver ,

    Shut up.

    Mediocre_Bard ,

    Still voting Biden.

    Buddahriffic ,

    He could be a corpse and still would be a far better choice than Trump.

    Socsa ,

    This is a good take, but I really fucking hate the constant “we go high” shit.

    thermal_shock ,

    we’re so fucking high right now we can’t see the people below being eaten alive and actual Nazi flags being flown to scare people from voting. but hey, it’s cooler up here.

    UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

    I really fucking hate the constant “we go high” shit.

    The guy that took a shot at Trump was a Republican. And the guy who would have inevitably driven a car-sized fertilizer bomb into a crowd of Tenacious D fans would also be a Republican.

    This isn’t “going high”, its self-preservation. We live in a fascist country swarming with fascist cops and fascist vigilantes, and we need to fucking act like it. Every concert going forward would have had insane security costs because of this one off-handed remark.

    Socsa , (edited )

    Shit is so dark right now. The rational, empathetic person in me is still very much in control, and agrees with you. But the geopolitical realist in me is quietly whispering “Kyle has chosen the path of martyrdom.”

    The thing is, our opposition is not rational or empathetic.

    Zorque ,

    Well, seeing as going low does nothing but exacerbate this whole “us vs. them” mentality we have right now, which is how we’re stuck in this situation in the first place… maybe get the fuck over it?

    HawlSera ,

    Biden’s speech at the NAACP was pretty good, and his calls to revamp the Supreme Court and make a new amendment were pretty cool

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