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ristoril_zip ,

At least they didn’t ignore the terrain alarm.

I read somewhere but can’t find it now about a time where a plane crashed or nearly crashed because the older pilot was sure the “terrain” alarm was a mistake and ignored the directive to pull up. I believe they were flying on instruments (common these days at night or poor visibility).

ristoril_zip ,

If this is a transition from how I live now to never needing to work again, I’m guessing the first 6 months to a year would just be disbelief and slacking. Video games, TV/YouTube, etc.

I’d probably do more of the things I do with my limited off time: gardening, taking care of family & pets, taekwondo.

Honestly have no idea what I’d do once I became accustomed to it. Maybe travel? Participate in local politics more? Volunteer? I would definitely have a sense that I needed to do something to make my life “worth it” that I currently get from working to provide for my family.

It’s definitely a result of conditioning, not some fundamental truth of the universe. But nearly 50 years of that conditioning is hard to break overnight.

ristoril_zip ,

I read a pretty convincing article title and subheading implying that the best use for so called “AI” would be to replace all corporate CEOs with it.

I didn’t read the article but given how I’ve seen most CEOs behave it would probably be trivial to automate their behavior. Pursue short term profit boosts with no eye to the long term, cut workers and/or pay and/or benefits at every opportunity, attempt to deny unionization to the employees, tell the board and shareholders that everything is great, tell the employees that everything sucks, …

ristoril_zip ,

Lemmy for good content and discussion. Reddit still has niche fan communities that will probably never migrate over here, but I can always hope.

ristoril_zip ,

I wonder if this is the harbinger of a bunch of companies breaking up after decades of consolidation.

It would definitely be good to have a big round of breakups to get competition going again. Then we just have to fight against the consolidation that will start up in 20-30 years.

ristoril_zip ,

Now do the banks and grocery stores and airlines and car companies and farming and…

ristoril_zip ,

It looks like midnight commander with some upgrades

ristoril_zip ,

Every time I install Windows the first thing I download is total commander. I can’t function without it.

ristoril_zip ,

Keep in mind too these guys are writing and reading in like assembly or some precursor to it.

I can only imagine the number of checks and rechecks they probably go through before they press the “send” button. Especially now.

This is nothing like my loosey goosey programming where I just hit compile or download and just wait to see if my change works the way I expect…

ristoril_zip ,

Someone should tell this guy that hot dogs exist.

ristoril_zip ,

I’ll let others address the “enshittification” angle but I thought I’d point out that “shareholder value uber allies” is a relatively recent … “innovation” … in economic theory, brought about by failed Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork and Milton Friedman in the last half of last century:…/what-made-chicago-school-so-in…

The rethinking of what the boards of companies are supposed to do (from maximize stakeholder value to maximize shareholder value) and how they can operate (from requiring justification to approve mergers to requiring justification to block mergers) really took off with them, and exploded when former union boss Ronald Reagan found “religion” (because Nancy’s pussy was just that good) and ruined the economy for workers.

Lots of other people contributed, including Clinton after he “won” the 1992 election with 40% of the vote due to Perot splitting the Republican vote. His campaign of fiscal conservatism but without less bigotry became the model for the Democratic Party for the next two decades.

Anyway, Biden’s FTC is finally working to help workers again, which might even release the death grip of the Chicago School from our economy. We’ll see after November I guess.…/fact-sheet-ftcs-proposed-final-noncompe…

ristoril_zip ,

This genie is probably impossible to get back in the bottle.

People are going to just direct the imitative so called AI program to make the face just different enough to have plausible deniability that it’s a fake of this person or that person. Or use existing tech to age them to 18+ (or 30+ or whatever). Or darken or lighten their skin or change their eye or hair color. Or add tattoos or piercings or scars…

I’m not saying we should be happy about it, but it is here and I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Like, if you tell your so called AI to give you a completely fictional nude image or animation of someone that looks similar to Taylor Swift but isn’t Taylor Swift, what’s the privacy (or other) violation, exactly?

Does Taylor Swift own every likeness that looks somewhat like hers?

ristoril_zip ,

That’s the mission of the people who are trying to tear apart our democracy: make people think the whole system is broken and beyond repair.

That’s where all these people arguing against voting for Biden and Democratic majorities are coming from. They don’t actually think the two parties are the same (or they wouldn’t if they were honest about them). But they sure as heck think America would be better if not everyone could participate in it’s governance.

So it’s up to us to work on defending the democratic power we have and work on repairing and improving our democracy. That means completely redesigning the campaign finance system. That means expanding voting access. That means expanding the Article 3 courts from top to bottom. We need to fix our media. Break up monopolies and oligopolies. On and on.

We can make our democracy better if we work together to fix it.

ristoril_zip ,

Well just for one example, Joe Biden has been aggressively using the powers he has via the department of education to cancel outstanding student loan balances that were completely legal and very profitable for usurious loan servicing companies.

No Republican would do that.

He and the Democrats leveraged their control of Congress in 2021 and 2022 to pass legislation that is going to do more to reduce our contribution to climate change than ever before. Not enough, but way more than any Republican would do.

I feel like that means our democracy is sort of working.

In so called “blue” states, they’re expanding voting access.

I agree that campaign contributions are a serious challenge, but for example Bernie and Elizabeth Warren have done great things without contributions from billionaires.

We can do this, but we need to stand up in the face of fear and push as hard as we can. The only thing to fear is fear itself!

Vote Save America can help leverage donations to the most effective campaigns possible for progressive causes.

Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy?

I know the real answer is reddit but I really don’t want to go back now that I’ve already grown used to life without it. I was hoping for Lemmy to be a viable substitute but it isn’t. I can see how this place is wonderful for the certain type of person but that person is not me. My experience during the past 6+ months has...

ristoril_zip ,

I’m sure this will come if the wrong way but if you’re genuinely concerned about discovering diversity of thought, you’re going to have to tell us what your positions are for example.

I’m all for finding diversity, but so often what people who post these are looking for is an echo chamber. Like if you’re really wanting to be challenged, and you’re a conservative, go to and read up.

But if what you’re concerned about is the nerds in Lemmy seem to be left leaning, that’s just the nature of smart creative people. We value skills and creativity over hierarchy and structure.

ristoril_zip ,

I dunno I think there’s probably been one or two “honest” inflations where a vendor has seen her costs increase and has only raised her prices just enough to cover those increases.

But yeah, I bet the majority of inflation has been rooted in avarice by shareholders and owners.

ristoril_zip ,

I’m sure they only drive on privately owned roads they’ve negotiated with the owner to be allowed on, right?

Because believe it or not if you own a vehicle and only ever drive that vehicle on private property in most states you can do that without following any government rules.

Like, you’d have to transport that vehicle to the property with another vehicle that is properly following the state’s rules.

And of course you’d have to bring your fuel in from outside. And any spare parts…

(I’m sure some states have restrictions even on private property only operation)

ristoril_zip ,

It just occurred to me that there are probably people who look at those bombings - after the war was effectively over BTW - not as evil (my view), nor as a regrettable but necessary way to avert American deaths, but as an actual heroic act.

Jesus, how do I live in a world where there are people like that running around having normal lives…?

ristoril_zip ,

The best approach to “free” things is to understand that it’s never sustainable. Eventually it will have to become a paid subscription or ad supported or both.

And regardless, you’re going to end up being the product if they can discern anything marketable about you from your use of the “free” product.

But just be ready to jump to the next free product.

(Obviously it’s possible for there to be FOSS but that comes with some challenges as well.)

ristoril_zip ,

Yeah I’d try it once. I mean I’m sure I accidentally tasted it when my wife was lactating but I never took a big swig.

ristoril_zip ,

It’s fascinating that this isn’t something that is always thrown back in the so called “pro life” person’s face. They’re only pro birth. They don’t care if the baby that comes out is fed, clothed, housed, eventually educated, etc. Or at least, they don’t believe there’s any collective responsibility to take care of that baby.

ristoril_zip ,

“Noooo it’s our algorithm we can’t be held liable for the program we made specifically to discover what people find a little interesting and keep feeding it to them!”

ristoril_zip ,

Do you mean “behind” like responsible for or in favor of?

ristoril_zip ,

Don’t get to excited about 1%

NdGT points out that 1% difference in DNA has within it somewhere the difference between chimps and humans. Think about that 1% between us and the post humans that come after us, or aliens that are out there already.

ristoril_zip ,

Is the advice something along the lines of once you have a couple years of relevant experience start looking for a new job that needs that experience?

Because that’s how you get good increases in income at least in your early career.

Later on you’ll hit a plateau of sorts where changing employers to get a raise is trickier because they’re concerned about paying too much for you to come on board, so your job search will take a bit longer. But someone will probably hire you eventually for a good sized increase.

ristoril_zip ,

The to level comment here is correct that it’s more dangerous on average for a woman being abused by a man than the other way around, but you’re correct her that Google should just suggest domestic violence help for anyone.

Also these days there are quite a few men out there with husbands…

ristoril_zip ,

I went through my comment history and changed all my comments with 100+ karma to a bunch of nonsense I found on the Internet, mostly from bots posting YouTube comments. It’s mostly English words so it shouldn’t get discarded for being gibberish. But they didn’t make coherent information. I was sad to see some of my posts go away but I don’t want to feed the imitative AI.

Also did the first 6 pages of my “controversial” comments.

I know they have backups, but that’s why I didn’t simply delete them. Hopefully these edited versions get into the training set and fuck it up, even if only a little.

It’s be funny if someone could come up with a “drop table” post that would maybe make it into the set…

ristoril_zip ,

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.

ristoril_zip ,

Gonna be hilarious when someone does a meta analysis and sees that local cases spiked 3 weeks after every Trump rally.

ristoril_zip ,

I can imagine living in a world where this is the top point of conflict across the globe. No wars, no famine, no climate change, no oppression… Just, “can you believe this twat saying we should put salt in tea!?!”

ristoril_zip ,

If we can’t really define “understand” in a way that meaningfully captures the concept of consciousness (also undefined), we definitely can’t say a chat bot “understands.”

They can parse a chat and come up with a likely response that humans find applicable.

ristoril_zip ,

I’d suggest guns, missiles, and militarized drones. Maybe some tanks and stuff. I’m just spit balling here though.

ristoril_zip ,

I have a feeling she will be successful if they DQ her and she challenges it. Interacting with the bureaucracy of the state we are expected to do what reasonable people would do to comply with the rules and regs, such as follow the directions on the forms provided and follow instructions from officials.

It’s unreasonable to expect a person to go digging for extra rules and extra regulations if there is no indication they might exist.

If the form had a place for aliases or prior names, then it would be ok to disqualify anyone who left out a previous name. If there were instructions to provide a list of previous names in a separate document, it would be ok to disqualify. Hell, if the person handing over the document or the website you download it from specifically stated that all previous names shall be disclosed, it would be ok to disqualify.

Most financial documents, for example, specifically ask for that. A lot of government identification applications (passports, drivers licenses, etc) ask for that. So when one encounters a form that doesn’t ask for that, there’s no reason to suspect that it’s necessary.

A good lawyer will have her on the ballot no problem.

ristoril_zip ,

I’m sure there were sneaky C suite jerks who tried to use return to office to filter out some headcount, but I’m not sure it would actually be wise from a practical standpoint.

If office workers can get their work done at home, there almost certainly also doing extra work, 15 more minutes here, 30 more minutes there, because they’re already at home. Spending a few more minutes isn’t going to get them stuck in worse traffic. It’s not going to mean their 7 year old is home alone. They won’t be late for dinner.

The only people who lose in a remote work paradigm are the people who spent their time wandering around “working” by dropping in on their direct reports. Surprise, it turns out we don’t actually need that!

ristoril_zip ,

It’s the hand these lawyers have been dealt to try to make this argument fly. They are duty bound to provide the best representation they can for their client, and if somehow this completely bonkers argument wins the day, I think that’s pretty much it for American democracy.

Or Biden has all this on standby just in case…

Cities with soda taxes saw sales of sugary drinks fall as prices rose, study finds (

Sales of sugary drinks fell dramatically across five U.S. cities, after they implemented taxes targeting those drinks – and those changes were sustained over time. That’s according to a study published Friday in the journal JAMA Health Forum....

ristoril_zip ,

So some other person can come behind you and say, “what if I want to know about different ways I can be unhealthy!?”

Give me a break. Government ends up footing the bill for the outcomes of these decisions. We can either tax the people making these decisions to pay for it, or tax everyone to pay for it. The latter just means people who don’t engagie in the behavior subsidize the people who do.

Tax unhealthy foods, make (actually) healthy food tax free. And not food that some marketing shitbag slaps a name like “healthy choice” on. Actually healthy food.

Use that tax money to subsidize the production & distribution of healthy food, especially to eliminate food deserts. This will lower the cost to the government of dealing with the consequences of unhealthy foods.

ristoril_zip ,

The answer is “vote” but not just once. Not just for federal elections. Every election, you should be there. Show up to candidate forums and bother your current electeds.

Every government is like a ship of various size, it takes a while to see the turn even start, let alone have the course actually get corrected. The bigger the government, the harder it can be to get long lasting positive change accomplished. (This isn’t a “small government is better” thing either, it’s just how large organizations work.)

If you can, run for office. If you can’t, find someone you trust who can and support them. Not just Congress or president or governor. City council, county government, school board, on and on…

ristoril_zip ,

It would be foolish to start mentioning it too early in the campaign. He’ll probably start doing it, or more likely have surrogates do it, around March.

‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit (

‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit::A mass user protest six months ago over technical tweaks had big downstream effects, and now the ‘front page of the internet’ is changed for ever

ristoril_zip ,

I dunno the front page seems way lower quality than it was before we left. Like not just a little.

I basically only go there for the two stupid flash games I play on my phone and sometimes a Google search ends up with reddit as the best answer. Otherwise I don’t go. I used to go there dozens of times per day.

What is the psychology of people who idiolize mass shooters, sees them as heroes and replicate their acts?

Im not fully grasping how the mind of those “copycats” works. People who are obsessed with Columbine for example, and want to do a mass shooting. That is their thought process? Is there some study I can read exploring what’s on their minds?

ristoril_zip ,

I dunno it seems like there’s a pretty solid “type” for mass shooters - young, white, male - that means something is left out of your evaluation. Economic oppression (by the owner class) and easy access to guns (enabled by the owner class!) makes it easy for these disaffected people to commit mass violence on the rest of us.

I’m sure if people had more economic security there would be fewer shootings but I don’t expect they’d go away. But a lot of these shooters talk about feeling alienated or disrespected. In my estimation that comes from expectations not being met. Probably unrealistic expectations.

(Yes I know “not every shooter is a young white male”)

ristoril_zip ,

At my last visit I made a joke about this and the hygienist said if I had flossed every day for 2 weeks before she would’ve been fooled.

The dad joke answer would’ve been to tell me that the only way to really fool them is to floss regularly for 6 months before a visit…

ristoril_zip ,

Santa & his coterie are quantum so it doesn’t matter what you think his velocity is

ristoril_zip ,…/biden-canceled-one-hundred-billion-…

They’ve forgiven $132 billion so far. It’s not what we wanted, but unfortunately the Republican stacked Supreme Court said Biden couldn’t do blanket forgiveness.

It’s almost like it matters not just who the president is today, but who the president was for the past several decades. And who is and was in Congress.

We can build on what Biden and the Democrats did accomplish, but only if we give them the tools to do so. If we want more stuff like the child tax credit expansion that we got in 2021, we have to reelect Biden and get strong Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. If we want more stuff like the inflation reduction act that is creating jobs and repairing infrastructure, we have to vote for Democrats.

They’ve made it clear they want to do more (i.e. build back better, blanket student loan forgiveness, protect abortion rights). Those long drawn out fights with Manchin and Sinema weren’t just for show. They were a clear indication of what the Democratic Party wants to pass if it has the votes in Congress.

ristoril_zip ,

Of course they are. They saw what happened when all the kids who grew up watching sesame street and Mr Rogers learned how to think of other people as people and not things. They started supporting their right to exist! As valid individuals! With RIGHTS!?!

Conservatives can only prosper if empathy is suppressed, or at least heavily restricted. You see it every time yet another conservative changes their position on some social issue as soon as they experience whatever it is firsthand.

If they had empathy, they would’ve already supported the progressive position.

Sex hormones are powerful. Running through everybody's blood. Creating massive aggression, obsession and mental disturbance. What if we could remove their mental influence?

I’m talking about the fight/fuck/dominate hormones. Testosterone, estrogen. The reason why putting a pretty girl in an advertisement works so well. And it might explain a lot of aggression too....

ristoril_zip ,

The problem honestly is your concept of hormones is incomplete. There are no hormones that only do one thing. They might have a primary function. But they all have secondary and tertiary functions. They all regulate other hormones. Evolution doesn’t do single functions.

If you knock down a “fight” hormone you’re probably going to mess up the homeostasis of the body in other ways. You can probably “fix” that artificially, but you’ll be constantly chasing the next side effect. Humans are chemical Rube Goldberg machines of infinite order. Disrupt one thing and it all goes out of whack.

ristoril_zip ,

I mean Serling and Sterling are so close it seems stupid to me to call it Mandela effect. More like humans gonna human.

ristoril_zip ,

Wait… do capitalists genuinely think workers derive positive feelings of some sort from the idea that we’re increasing shareholder value?

I mean, I definitely think in terms of increasing shareholder value, but only because that’s what keeps me employed and sometimes gets me bonuses and raises. I know that if I stop increasing shareholder value long enough I’ll get canned.

But at no point have I ever looked at the stock price of my multinational, gigantic corporate employer and felt happy or proud or whatever this schmuck must think we (used to? should?) feel.

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