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ninjan , in Android vs IOS

Privacy on a non-degoogled Android device is non existent. Just because only Google gets to munch on your data doesn’t equal privacy.

superkret , (edited )

OK, but in terms of privacy, I can degoogle my phone by installing one app which is even in Google’s play store (Netguard).
Edit: Maybe refute instead of downvote? Netguard lets you block all apps from sending data, including all system apps and Google Play Services.

notabot ,

I suspect the issue people have is that it is not possible for the average user to confirm that a block like that is working 100%. Seen as google control the OS they can just route their traffic around a block like that if they wish. Sending the data over 4g would mean you don’t even see it on your network traffic logs. There are a number of reviews suggesting it intermittently lets aupposedly blocked traffic through too, but the biggest issue maybe the way it works. As far as I can see, it acts as a VPN, but that means it won’t work well with other VPNs, which is another way the traffic can leak. Basically, installing an app like that doesn’t degoogle your phone at all, it just makes you feel like you’ve stopped your data leaking.

superkret ,

There are a number of reviews suggesting it intermittently lets aupposedly blocked traffic through too

Do you have a link for me? The only thing I could find was this:

Which looks like the person who “detected” the traffic doesn’t understand the OSI model.
In my own exeriments, I never detected any leaking data.

notabot ,

Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to link to a filtered set of reviews on the play store, but If you go to the store, find the app, go to the reviews and filter by 1 star you’ll see them. Some of them just don’t understand how the app works, as you say, but there are a number that are harder to ignore. The thing ism if it is acting as a pseudo VPN, it could easily leak when the OS suspends it (for power saving, switching network modes or the like). Honestly, I haven’t tested it, it doesn’t do what I need (I’m on another VPN a lot of the time), and I wouldn’t trust it very far myself, but if it does what you need, that’s what matters.

superkret ,

Thanks for the reply. I’ve now read through all 1 star reviews on the play store and am pretty confident that all of them have no idea what they’re talking about. Various popup messages during installation and use of the app explain in simple terms how to avoid all the issues these users were facing.

0oWow ,

I personally observe with my own eyes many many times where Android turns off Adguard’s VPN for a split second when doing various Google things like receiving messages in Google Messages.

I haven’t been able to pinpoint it but my observation is that the disconnect/reconnect happens when a connection is trying to be made (ex. RCS message incoming), and I suspect Android is dropping the VPN to make its own connection. Sounds paranoid, but I’ve been carefully watching it happen for a long while.

miss_brainfart , avatar

Same with sensors, camera and microphone. Core system services will always have the privilege to override your permissions.

Developer Options allow you to fully(?) disable these, but even then, your dialer app for example will have perfect access to your microphone.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather have it be like that in case of an emergency, but it does make you think.

Oisteink ,

Maybe read up on their FAQ (1)?

superkret ,

Sorry, but I don’t understand your comment. Whose FAQ? Do you have a link or would like to explain what you mean?

Oisteink ,

No sorry - if you want to claim knowledge without even checking their FAQ I’m fine with that.

superkret ,

Ok, if you won’t even tell me whose FAQ you’re talking about then I don’t care about your opinion anyway.

Oisteink ,

I’m not sure if you’re dense or just pretending. You talk about a piece of software and I refer to their faq. I’m sure you have researched your claims and read up on this software….

superkret ,

OK I’m now assuming you talk about Netguard’s FAQ, not some others from Google, Android or Apple (all of which would have been equally likely in the context of this thread). Yes, I’ve read them. I’ve also read all the 1 star reviews of the app. I know about the apps limitations and am still confident it blocks Google from spying on me. Now what?

aspensmonster , in The Whole Fediverse is Wholesome [fixed] avatar

Scratch a liberal and a fascist will bleed.

new_acct_who_dis , (edited )

I don’t get it and I’m much more comfortable asking for clarification here than anywhere else.


Edit: I appreciate all the answers. I’ve been calling myself “liberal” just to differentiate myself from “conservative” and I think that’s not quite right. I need like a test or something to help me find the right words

rigor , avatar

The point is that liberalism and facism are intrinsically linked. Liberalism does not seek to change the world and stems from philosophies instead seeking to explain it. Accordingly, liberalism is a philosophical justification for the capitalist status quo. As such, when contradictions in capitalism accentuate with time, such as those between classes, liberalism turns to fascism. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds, because the liberal is a closet fascist when times are good; when class struggle poses a threat, it clamps down. You can see this throughout history.

That a poor, simplified explanation, but I hope it helps.

Bigmouse ,

In all fairness, liberalism did change the world already. It replaced the old status quo of absolutist monarchism and was literally revolutionary in its time. It’s simply a matter of 250 years of civilizational advancement leaving it behind at some point.

rigor , avatar

The point is not about impact but intention. Evidently liberalism, for all its flaws, certainly has had a significant impact. The progressive forces 250 years ago where for the most part already proto socialists. Fundamentally liberalism has been reactionary, even in the case of feudalism and monarchy, liberalism has tended to air for maintaining monarchy; such as constitutional monarchies where one can find leberals having preference for this rather than republics. This can be observed in historical cases such as France where many liberals wished to maintain the monarchy, but the contradictions and progressive forces where too great. Rather than a progressive force, I would contend that liberalism tends to be reactionary to development and progressive forces. Today this can be seen in the liberal leaders of developing countries handicapping themselves and their sovereignty by maintaining economic relations to the benefit of the imperial core. See ECOWAS and ‘preserving democracy’ as of late.

Rinox ,

This is not exclusive to liberalism, the radicalization and individualism in tough times is part of human nature. When your family’s livelihood is at stake, you’ll stop caring about society and only care about yourself.

And there will always be people who’ll pose as the saviours of the homeland and champions of the people, just to gain power and enrich themselves, while fucking over everyone else. This is how Mussolini got to power, how Hitler got to power and how many other dictators did too, including communist ones.

Btw, the dictatorship of the proletariat, aka communist dictatorships are just fascist states in disguise, concentration camps and totalitarian bullshit included.

WaterCanMarketing ,

is part of human nature

Phrases like those are a quick hint that you are stuck in outdated thinking.

swiftessay ,

I love how people use this kind of metaphysical argument, invoking human nature and such, and then have the nerve to call Marxism idealistic.

Marxist logic is literally about eschewing idealistic metaphysical arguments and focusing on the material conditions that influence history. Go read the Misery of Philosophy, people ffs.

vacuumflower ,

Guys, you can keep jerking off each other all you want, but pseudo-scientific arguments are simply not sufficient to prove your point.

Science persists over millennia, builds compasses and then ships and then rockets and now computers. Science makes whole societies vanish or survive. Over the course of too many years.

Now let’s look at communism. It’s not science, it’s a socioreligious sect, of the kind that Lucian of Samosata was ironic about, as those were plentiful in his time.

rigor , avatar

Individuals in struggling societies don’t always atomize, many revolutions occurred due to degradation in conditions. When the cost of fighting for change is less than doing nothing you will fight, and you will fight with others, or else you will quickly fail and be forgotten.

Curious what your definition of facism is. With a few exceptions, communist inclined states have always lead to unprecedented economic development, education, improvement of quality of life, etc. If you take all cold war propaganda at face value, you can not deny the development seen in such states; when balanced by alleged atrocities, you see a stark contrast to colnialist nations that too committed atrocities but with little to show for it.

I find the surface level historical criticisms of communist states, even if applied at an equaly superficial level, is applied to capitalist states, you would find a staggering contradiction. Maybe you should read more. Add to your socioeconomic calculus the fact that no communist state benefited from the same starting point as colonizer countries, and try to be critical of this. Consider that none of these communist states had the benifits of colonization, and when compared to other developing countries did remarkably better.

mimichuu_ ,

There is no contradiction. Both kinds of states are bad. Economic growth is not a “level of country goodness” meter. If it happens through horrible and harmful means I don’t care about it.

rigor , avatar

Economic growth itself is just a number, development is what matters. In addition and as a part of development I also specifically mentioned education and improvement of quality of life. You could add literacy, housing, levels of nourishment, and much, much more.

I won’t argue about history or its interpretations with you now. Just consider the path to development wealthy capitalist countries took, which involved slavery, colonialism, genocide, brutal worker suppression, and perhaps the worse working conditions in history during industrialisation.

You may attribute many horible things to communist countries. I might argue much of this is exaggerated by the media of the anti-comunist country you live in. Even if it is all true, developed capitalist countries did the same to themselves, and other peoples around the globe.

Then consider the development communist countries have had compared to undeveloped capitalist countries. People can have better lives, that is what matters.

mimichuu_ ,

Hey, thanks a lot for the respectful reply.

I don’t really understand what kind of point you’re making, though. There are plenty of economic and political systems that can reach all the development and improvement to quality of life and literacy you want, yet they do it through horrible, brutal and harmful means. You yourself would be opposed to attaining these things you’re talking about through colonialism or slavery, or even through capitalism as I’m sure you’re also against social democracy like I am. My argument is that the means communist countries used to get to these ends are bad enough that I don’t care about the ends they reached. Just like I would never care about the ends reached by colonialist means.

I am not denying capitalist countries didn’t suffer from the same problems or didn’t commit the same or even more attrocities. This doesn’t excuse anything though. I am opposed to these things by principle, no matter who does them. And I’m not going to pick between two systems that do the things I’m against all the same, but one leads to prosperity quicker. I’m not playing that game.

VolatileExhaustPipe ,

Just like I would never care about the ends reached by colonialist means.

That is good and yet: Which country are you living in?

mimichuu_ ,

I would rather not say for privacy. But my country of origin is irrelevant to my points. I do not support it in any way and I try to rely on it as little as possible, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s also not a colonial power at all.

CriticalResist8 , avatar

There are plenty of economic and political systems that can reach all the development and improvement to quality of life and literacy you want, yet they do it through horrible, brutal and harmful means

I also want my entrance into this convo to be respectful but I don’t know how else to ask this question; can you give examples of such systems?

mimichuu_ , (edited )

Sure, that’s a valid and respectful question.

I would say the biggest example is social democracy. There is no denying it brings great improvements to quality of life and general happiness. They are obviously not enough to us radicals, but they do exist. Greater healthcare, greater education, greater prison systems, less homelessness, etc etc etc. But we of course know the dark side of all of that. The colonialism and “soft power” behind it. We know that, because it is still ultimately capitalism, it doesn’t eradicate the misery, it just hides it away. It makes other people have it instead of them. And we also know all of those nice things are merely concessions given by the ruling class that can easily be taken away at any time. Thus, if such a system brings improvements through means like those, I don’t care how great the improvements are, I don’t support that system.

We can also use what I’m saying to refute the fascists who say “oh, at least the trains came on time” “oh, at least everyone had a house” “oh, at least there was less crime”. Rather than going into the long and most probably ultimately pointless task of proving none of those things were historically true to the person saying them, I prefer to simply say “I don’t care. Even if that was true, if it was achieved with fascism I don’t want it.”

Honytawk ,


You can improve your literacy stats by killing illiterate people.

That wouldn’t be a good development.

Shinhoshi ,

Why would any government ever do that? It benefits the ruling class to have illiterate people.

“I love the poorly educated!” — Donald Trump

glockenspiel ,

Btw, the dictatorship of the proletariat, aka communist dictatorships are just fascist states in disguise, concentration camps and totalitarian bullshit included.

You clearly are not educated in communist ideology and philosophy. “Dictatorship of the proletariat” does not mean a literal dictatorship of a singular person or even a small group.

The dictatorship of the proletariat means that the entire working class, as a people, collectively own and run the entire state. As opposed to what we have in the world today, which is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie–either outright dictators, monarchs, or increasingly the tiniest fraction of the ultra rich controlling everything.

One person controlling a state with an iron fist, like Stalin, is not a dictatorship of the proletariat. The working class controlling the state is. It is called a “dictatorship” not because a singular person controls it, but a singular class. The largest class. The class of almost everybody but a fraction of a percent of outliers.

No country on Earth today has a dictatorship of the proletariat, because only the monied elite get to control the government. Whether it be through bribery (lobbying), captured government, literal monarchies (even if “symbolic”, they still have massive sway given their expansive wealth), literal dictatorships, theonomic regimes, elite and rich leaders of military juntas, etc.

There’s a reason that only the rich attend summits like Davos. There’s a reason nearly every country has golden passport/golden visa schemes which let the rich effectively buy citizenship.

The ultra rich, the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, have strong class solidarity. That is why the world is the way it is.

Rinox ,

Well, I’ve always seen the dictatorship of the proletariat argument to defend the fact that every communist country ends up devolving in a dictatorship.

If you remove that excuse, then I might start thinking that the issue is with communism in itself and we might need to look around for a new theory.

REEEEvolution ,

Then you clearly have not understood the argument.

Btw even the CIA stated that the idea of Stalin being some megalomaniac dictator is nonsense. Turns out your entire premise is based on you not getting the topic in the first place.

Rinox ,

Or maybe you haven’t? If no communist country has the dictatorship of the proletariat, a democracy or even a decentralized government like a communion of soviets, then what does it leave? Just a normal, shitty dictatorship (or pseudo-monarchy in case of NK).

Still, I don’t understand the cheering for brutal dictators. Why the fuck would you what that? Saying Stalin wasn’t “actually that bad” is akin to saying that about Hitler or Mussolini or Pinochet or any other brutal selfish dictator. Fuck that.

REEEEvolution ,
  1. These countries never claimed to be communist. They called and call themselves socialist.
  2. All of them Were and are Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Which can be noticed by billionaires getting sentenced to death for real evil shit, instead of going free like in out Dictatorships of the Bourgoisie. I recommend Lenins “State and Revolution” as a easy introduction.
Rinox ,
  1. What are you even on about? What does CCP/CPC stand for in your opinion?
  2. The other commenter said they are not dictatorships of the proletariat. Make up your mind guys
REEEEvolution ,
  1. Communist Party of China. The vanguard party of the chinese proletariat, made up of scientific, revolutionary socialists (commuinists).
  2. That person was a ultraleftist. In other words a person who treats communist theory as religion, not science. Their opinion goes against the one of over 90 million communists of the CPC alone.
Rinox ,

Yeah, he’s no true Scotsman

Honytawk ,

Just to make sure we get this correct.

Are you talking about the skewed USA definition of Liberal, or the one the entire rest of the world uses?

el_doso ,

Pretty sure the “real” definition the rest of the world uses, i.e. “liberalism” as an economic and political ideology

Shaggy0291 ,

It’s an expression that nods to the tendency of liberals to empower, enable and ultimately align with fascists against socialists, communists and the labour movement generally. There are a great many historical examples of this phenomenon, but among the most prominent are:-

  1. The German SDP aligning with the remnants of the German Imperial Army and supporting the proto-fascistic Freikorps as it savagely suppressed the rising of communist revolutionaries at the end of WW1 in order to preserve German bourgeois rule
  2. The reintegration of the defeated Nazi and Imperial Japanese leadership into anti-communist organisations and state organs in the new west German and Japanese nations by the triumphant capitalist powers at the end of WW2, including leadership of NATO by a senior commander of the Nazi Wehrmacht and leadership of the rebuilt Japanese state by one of the most brutal colonial oppressors from Japan’s old regime.
  3. Unapologetic support for Augusto Pinochet’s murderous takeover of Chile by a wide range of liberal powers and voices, most ardently by figures such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the former of whom considered offering him political asylum in the 80s and the latter of whom publicly expressed outrage when Pinochet was arrested and subsequently subjected to justice in the international criminal court for the crimes he committed against his own people.
vacuumflower ,

It’s not that you are completely wrong in anything, but:

at the end of WW1 in order to preserve German bourgeois rule

I’ll just inform you here that German aristocracy and “bourgeoisie” are usually used as antonyms, not synonyms.

Also Germany was starving, the logic was that they can’t afford more chaos, even if it means conservatives.

Soviets did the similar thing with GDR and Hungary and what not in the Eastern block. Though of course they preferred their existing communist buddies who somehow survived the 30s and 40s.

USA wouldn’t have such still already existent friendly factions, so they tried to grow some new ones, initially from people who’d be moderates in former regimes.

I’d still prefer Pinochet to Khmer Rouge.

yogthos , avatar
VolatileExhaustPipe ,

I would like to add that liberal well of people and large land owners which also labeled themselves as somewhat liberal in Italy before the Fascists came to power were quick in allying with the Fascists and enact violence against socialist and communist groups and structures they supported, for example unions. The liberals did use violence to shut off that political and economic enemy, yet they didn’t then to fight the fascists and also didn’t ally with socialists to stand against the fascists.

You can find very extensive studies about that which use voting shares before the take over and alike.

To put it bluntly while liberals espouse liberal values when the situation is rough they - or be it people with means, economic, political, parliamentary or party mandates - regularly did chose to fight socialists, anarchists and communist to not rock the boat and to not be uncivil.

redtea ,

You’re a fount of knowledge, new (to the grad) comrade. Keep it coming.

VolatileExhaustPipe , (edited )

Thanks I try to achieve at least 30% good and 70% bad comments.

redtea ,

Essentially, it means fascism is the method by which liberalism defends itself in the face of progress and revolution.

Godric ,

It makes for a snappy one liner to try and equate common non-communist ideologies. It effectively reduces extraordinary different ideologies with extremely different views on just about everything that isn’t private property to the same thing.

It’s as ridiculous as saying “potatoes are practically tree bark, because they’re both plants that rely on photosynthesis” when you’re discussing what to eat for dinner.

Kaped ,


bennieandthez , avatar

Every. Single. Time.

VikingHippie , in Spread the Load! Join other Instances!

Lemmynsfw: spread the load, you say?

crummysocks ,

It’s isolated

VikingHippie ,

Your username is one r away from demonstrating obvious bias when it comes to loads, though…

lemann ,

Your instance TLD is my response to this comment thread

VikingHippie ,

You’re welcome.

crummysocks , (edited )

I have several alts. This is not the primary one. Did I get the joke right

VikingHippie ,

I believe you did, hence my updoot. doffs cap

disguy_ovahea , in Three Wishes

Second wish is for a version of communism that actually works on a large scale.

Eheran ,

Just have to love that you get downvoted for something so basic. “Nah, the current and past versions were fine!” Like what the fuck?

copd ,

It’s probably the same people who downvoted the meme. Effectively people who don’t want ANY version of communism

10_0 ,

Communism: the best economic system in the world. that no one uses. Capitalism: everyone uses it.

PopOfAfrica ,

The post has 23 upvotes. What are you on about?

Eheran ,

It had 0 when I commented.

I can not see the number of up/down votes, sadly, they copied that flaw from Reddit.

kamenlady , avatar

I can’t see the number of downvotes at a glance, but i can see that it has 152 upvotes and that 82% of people upvoted the post.

I’m far too lazy now, but this should be enough to do the math and get the number of downvotes or do you mean something else?

Eheran ,

152 is the sum of the + and -1 votes 82 % were + So 18% were - So 18% of + were canceled from the - So what we see is the remaining 64% positive, which means that 100 % are 237 votes (42 downvotes, 195 upvotes)

To me, the post has 48 upvotes (net positive).

BubbleMonkey ,

Interesting. My app allows me to have them separate, so I see all the up separate from all the down, and always have. I refused early on to use anything that combines them because I want the full picture of engagement.

If you use an app, check through the settings and see if it’s supported (all the iOS apps I tested have it). Idk about web, might be something to look into tho since the data is all there, so it’s just be a matter of handling.

Eheran , (edited )

Using Connect, I will have a look! Yes, setting exists, nice!

BubbleMonkey ,

Sweet, glad that worked.

Welcome to the better side of Lemmy. 🫡

jaybone ,

Welcome to Lemmy.

yogthos , avatar

Seems like the opposite is the case with a blatantly false statement getting massive upvotes from the radlibs of lemmy.

Sop ,

That’s actually pretty easy once capitalist USA is abolished and thus no longer violently interfering with the internal affairs of socialist countries.

IsoSpandy ,

I am not so knowledgeable so forgive my ignorance, but why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens? Are the concepts of personal privacy with freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Again this is not sarcastic, I genuinely wish to know.

PS I also hate capitalism from the core of my guts.

proceduralnightshade ,

why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens?

Corporations have this knack too. Everybody in power does. It’s just that one privately owned corporation can only reach so far.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

Are the concepts of freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Not necessarily, and I also disagree with the commenter above that without the USA suddenly the world would be singing kumbaya.

The problem was dictators seizing power in turbulent times. In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union. I think that says a lot.

In Romania (I’m a bit better equipped to talk about this one), things were a bit different.

The original communist government (1945) was essentially a Russian puppet state that drained the wealth of Romania via war reparations. Stalinist purges happened often during this period.

During the 1950s and early 1960s, Romania got a degree of independence and things were actually looking up. Society in general (infant mortality, gender equality, literacy, standard of living, etc) were all improving rapidly without Russia draining us and making decisions for us, and we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later. This was a period marked by political battles between the liberal communists and the Stalinist communists for control, with Stalinists commiting some pretty horrible atrocities (if you want nightmare fuel for some reason, look up the Pitesti experiment).

Then, 1965, Ceacescu took power. During his early years, he actually looked like a liberal (EDIT: Just to be clear: I mean a liberal communist. This means more individual freedom for citizens in a communist economy). He allowed some emigration, some free speech, and even spoke out about the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This, at the start, did not look like a typical authoritarian communist state. Unfortunately, Inspired by the “amazing” society of North Korea in 1971, he started to make changes in the structure of society to be more like it, which included an expanded Securitate. 2 years later, harsh austerity policies to repay foreign loans led to a massive drop in living conditions, which led to riots, which led to crackdowns. Things rapidly spiralled, and the Securitate were given more and more power to keep control.

This then became the police state that everybody thinks of when they think of communism. A combination of too much power in 1 person’s hands, an authoritarian imperialist overlord (Russia), and rising backlash against dropping living conditions.

xilona ,

“we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later”

For all of you that preach communism please make an imagination exercise just for a minute and imagine what kind of Authoritarianism you ask for when you will have a neverseen kind of Technological Communism, using current available surveillance technology (in place) like your smartphone for example (which I know a lot of people don’t know what is its real use…)

*Multumesc Tovarasi!

OurToothbrush ,

In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union.

Are you referring to the constitution of 1936, which established 4 layers of representative councils (local, regional, national, union) as Stalin dissolving the Soviets?

  1. why do you think that is worse
  2. why do you blame it on Stalin? Seems like a thing that was written and implemented pretty democratically.
Barbarian , avatar

No, I’m not talking about the 1936 constitution. I meant specifically the disempowerment of local and union soviets.

I’m no expert on Russian history, so I may be misinformed about this, but as far as I understand it he put in place a series of reforms that stripped power from the local level and empowered the central committee.

Cowbee , avatar

This is partially true. Issues arose from trying to marry central planning with localized production, so there were a series of reforms that shifted the balance of control. This didn’t end worker representation, it was a major shift that changed its form as the USSR industrialized and grew beyond where it once was.

Was it perfect and entirely democratic? No. Was it far more democratic than Capitalism? Absolutely, without question.

OurToothbrush ,

Shifted power in the sense of the local branches were federated within the same structure now, but honestly that seems more accountable and democratic?

Sop ,

Because once the dictatorship of the proletariat is installed it needs to defend itself from counter revolutionaries who want to reinstate class inequality. Actually similarly to how the US and other capitalist states are heavily surveilling and infiltrating communist and other anti capitalist groups in- and outside of their own countries.

Cowbee , avatar

It’s less that Communist States have massive intelligence networks on their own populace because they are Communist, and more that states kinda just do that. American privacy violations are horrifying.

The “difference” largely comes from bourgeois media overplaying the bad elements and underplaying the good elements of Communist projects, while downplaying the bad elements and overplaying the good elements of Capitalist projects.

Combine this with the widespread fact that the US intentionally infiltrates and destabilizes states that even flirt with Socialism in the Global South, with hundreds of assassination attempts on figures like Castro, and it starts to seem more reasonable.

xilona ,

Indeed Communists never manipulated the media… Jesus!

Cowbee , avatar

Did I at any point say they didn’t? I was explaining why that happens, lmao.

xilona ,

Knowing the why means that one sane person would not want to do the same mistake again if (s)he learned the lesson in the first place…

hope you get what I’m saying…

Cowbee , avatar

What “same mistakes?” Capitalism? Yes, I agree, we should abolish it and progress towards Socialism.

OurToothbrush ,

Literally everyone uses the media that way, media always has bias and if you’re ignorant to it you should be more wary.

xilona ,

Maybe it is time to start abolishing media and advertising in the first place…

*I bet a lot of those downvoting work in advertising/media… No pun intended.

OurToothbrush ,

Nah, the issue is capitalist control of it.

xilona ,


HuntressHimbo ,

Media nah leave it, advertising I’d absolutely be down for. Advertising and Marketing are essentially the science of tricking our brains, and when that lever is exposed to capital you get enshittification and misery.

xilona ,

Media is advertising 🙂

HuntressHimbo ,

All advertising is media, not all media is advertising 🤷‍♂️

OurToothbrush ,

Basically when you do a socialist revolution your national bourgeoisie and international bourgeoisie are willing to crush it through any means necessary. You unfortunately have to use the machinery of the state to protect from bourgeois subversion, or you get shit like Indonesia, Chile, overthrow of the USSR through executive coup, etc.

IsoSpandy ,

Thank you all for the valuable insight. I can’t reply to everybody individually so I am replying as a collective. From what I can surmise, basically, the state becomes the sort of mega Corp that capitalism inevitably breeds and data mining becomes legal as you are the law and data mining is necessary to hold power and prevent further revolutions.

It makes me wonder, how do new economic models come to be? Does it always have to be Einsteinian, that one man is a genius, or can economics do collective progress like modern science. Obviously economics has more artificial hurdles to overcome, but we should have something better by now when we know that both systems suck. I don’t know, I am just a random guy on the internet

BTW, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the root cause of these problems is one human having enough power to decide life and death of another human. Like maybe due to our origin by subjugation of other species, but people holding power over other people is creating a huge crap fest. Plus there is the worst inequality of all… Inequality of BIRTH.

Honestly,i dont know, most dystopias come about because of some persons dream of utopia.

TrickDacy ,

Yeah, right…

moshtradamus666 ,

I think we have enough tech today to make it better

volvoxvsmarla ,

That’s an interesting take, wanna tell me more? (I’m sick right now and my brain cells don’t function well enough to think for myself but that’s unironically an interesting take)

funkless_eck ,

that the means of production are very easily owned by the working class and petit bourgeoisie? throw a dart at a list of SaaS products.

ikidd , avatar



Pick one.

funkless_eck ,

well I meant that most business tools have a free/affordable tier or competitor, there’s little structure holding back a profit-sharing model in terms of infrastructure

ikidd , avatar

Yah, the pervasive surveillance should help immensely and totally not be used against the people.

yogthos , avatar

wait until you find out what this tech is used for under capitalism

yogthos , avatar

Why do people in the west have the need to keep pretending that communism doesn’t work at scale when there’s plenty of evidence that it does?

billgamesh ,

Because, it helps them justify living under an economic system which harms them and the world

yogthos , avatar

yeah, it’s basically capitalist realism

Fogle ,

Yeah lets not look at the large scale capitalism that is definitely working for society

xenoclast ,

Shit, we have examples or socialized markets that run whole economies. We don’t need to go far… Shit enforcing the current rules equally would change the world…

samus12345 , avatar

If you’re wishing anyway, you might as well go to the root of the problem and change human nature.

Cowbee , avatar

What does “Human Nature” have to do with organizational structures?

samus12345 , avatar

Humans are too tribal for communism to work on a large scale. Making them see all humanity as their tribe would be a good start.

Cowbee , avatar

…why? What on Earth are you talking about? Is this mysticism or something?

samus12345 , avatar

Because communism requires everyone to be willing to work for the betterment of society, not money. But unless everyone (or at least almost everyone) does that, it doesn’t work.

Cowbee , avatar

Does it?

samus12345 , avatar

Depending on what definition of communism you choose to use.

Cowbee , avatar

Where did you get yours?

NaibofTabr , (edited ) in shrooms?

Don’t use mushroom ID apps and don’t trust random guidebooks from Amazon, they’re probably AI-generated crap.

The deadly mycotoxin orellanine, which is present in Cortinarius rubellus, the deadly webcap, may not cause symptoms in those who ingested the mushroom until one or two weeks have passed – after detectable traces of the toxin are already gone, and late-stage kidney failure has already begun. Connecting the sickness with certainty to a misidentified wild mushroom that was eaten weeks earlier with no obvious ill effects is not always possible.

Yeah, nope.

felbane ,

This is basically vegan rabies

ImplyingImplications , in Thank you American software

A true patriot supports local spyware!

ZahzenEclipse ,

I guess your world is only black and white ay?

Catsrules ,

They are being sarcastic.

Bristle1744 ,

Please log my IP address. This is a house that loves Managed Democracy^tm^

objectionist ,

democracy officers would be proud

_dev_null , avatar

Please log my IP address.

Checkmate. We’re watching you.

Cqrd ,

lol I started DDoSing this losers IP address, good op sec dumba

Blisterexe ,

holdon i have connection issues

lengau ,

laughs in ipv6-only network

Find me now!

Chadus_Maximus ,

Haha you’re wrong! My IP address is actually

caveman ,


henfredemars , in Raising prices you say? Oh that's too bad.

Downgrading your service to offer a worse user experience than piracy you say?

bruhduh , avatar

To shreds you say?

Hello_Kitty_enjoyer ,

The only negative about piracy is that it’s hard to find niche stuff because not enough people do it

Redacted , in This would break the internet avatar

We know Google Translate gets things wrong sometimes so I was just wondering if Russia means “Special” Military Operation in the same way the Americans mean “Special” Olympics?

TootSweet , in r/flashlight

This is like the wholesome flipside of prepperism.

ImplyingImplications ,

It’s like the guys who carry expensive pocket knives everywhere hoping someone will need to cut something.

driving_crooner , avatar

I always go out with my HP 50g in case someone needs to solve a numerical integration and I’m the only one with a graphical calculator.

s_s ,

You haven’t lived until some needs a knife to open something on christmas and 5 of the 6 adult males in your family are just standing there holding their pockets knives for you to choose from.

ouRKaoS ,

And then the guys look around & start geeking out over each other’s knives.

Ghostalmedia , avatar

I used to work next to this guy. If a box came in, I would just cut the packing tape open with a house key from my pocket… unless he saw me looking like I was about to open the box.

Then I needed to wait for him to walk over with his damn leatherman and flip it to just the right thing. Whole ordeal usually added time to the stupid box opening.

captain_aggravated , avatar

This is why I daily carry a Skeletool, no scratching at nail nicks trying to get the right tool out, the blade opens like any other pocket knife, there’s no “which one is it”, it’s one pull for a screwdriver and two pulls for the pliers. Sure the advertised “tool count” is low, it doesn’t open cans, sew leather or steal cable, but I’ve got a knife, screwdriver and pliers on me at all times.

webhead , avatar
tryptaminev ,

I dunno, hopeing for a power outtage, just so he can flex his equipment is kinda prepperism.

Liz ,

Doesn’t read like flexing, reads like finally getting to use your toys.

tryptaminev ,

As the result of apower outage that generally make things not working for everyone and can have adverse effects like people dying, who are dependant on electricity for medical systems, heating in winter, and otherwise adverse effects such as increased injuries etc.?

Wishing for a power outage is nuts. If he wants to try out his toys he can just turn off the main circuit breaker and get a small “power outage” for himself. But that would be boring because the neighbours wouldnt be amazed at how he sits in the light, while the rest of the street sits in the dark.

lud ,

Maybe just maybe, they weren’t completely serious.

I have been in that sub for a few years, and I do own a few ludicrously powerful flashlights.

It’s not a prepper thing at all. It’s a “flashlights are fun” thing.

Mycroft ,

You forgot the ‘/s’

explodicle ,

Preppers who keep stuff so they can help everybody when it happens are cool.

tryptaminev ,

Fair point. Unfortunately the prepper movement seems to have many people who lowkey, or highkey are hopeing for societal collapse, so they can use their preperations to an advantage and gain of power.

Thorny_Insight ,

What’s wrong with preppers?

Tar_alcaran , (edited )

A LOT of them are right wing nutjobs hoping for a nuclear apocalypse to stop the gays from defiling their precious bodily fluids.

Nothing wrong with being prepared for a disaster, but hoping for the chance to remake society in your image isn’t exactly healthy.

Serinus ,

I missed part of that, but most of it is right.

TootSweet , (edited )
  • As Tar_Alcaran said, most of them are really really right wing.
  • …and neck deep in 7 conspiracy theories and get-rich-quick schemes of the week.
  • As Cory Doctorow puts it, "Prepping is a way of playing out a fantasy in which you are elevated to savior status, not an exercise in disaster-mitigation."
  • The prepper market is absolutely rife with grifts.

Prepperism is a rabbit hole that your uncle falls down that makes Thanksgiving awkward and makes the whole rest of the family worry about them. Not a benign hobby. And certainly not effective disaster preparedness.

There’s of course nothing wrong with having a kerosene heater in your garage or owning a generator in case your power goes out for a few days. But luxury bunkers full of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of MREs bought from Alex Jones’ online store? That’s someone who thinks the government is all disguised extraterrestrials who drink child adrenal fluid to stay young and and inebriated. Except Trump who is prophesized to throw them all in jail.

Sunfoil ,

There isn’t anything inherently wrong with having a properly built bunker with all the food and stuff you need.

I agree there are a lot of right wing nutjobs with more guns than gardening tools, but you’re being pretty uncharitable to a very broad hobby that includes just as many hippies and leftish people ready to help their local communities.

Preparedness is something everyone should have, so that when the store shelves empty at the start of the pandemic, no one is concerned about their lack of toilet paper or feeding their kids.

SnotFlickerman , in Bankruptcy is lifesaving

Student Loans have entered the chat.

HurlingDurling ,

Discover and chase have entered the chat as well

db2 ,

And medical debt.

cm0002 ,

I don’t think so, or at least is state dependent, I definitely had medical debt and it was definitely discharged along with all the other debt I had

Grayox OP , avatar

Yeah medical debt is dischargable, our lawyer asked if we had any surgeries we had been putting off that we might want to get done before we filed.

naught ,

This is a remarkably dystopian statement lmfao

PunnyName ,


Funkytom467 , avatar

Guns are easier to get than surgery. Shoot your problems away!

Whelks_chance ,

Isn’t this some flavour of fraud? Not from the US, so this is all pretty bizarre to me.

mosiacmango , (edited )

If buying isnt owning, piracy isnt stealing.

Yes, but its fraud in a system designed at every level to defraud you, so fuck um. Get healthy in any way you can because the system itself sure won’t help you.

They screw you, you screw them is the American way, so bravo for the lawyer at least telling them to get healthy.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Depends on if you think it’s stealing to steal from a thief.

Grayox OP , avatar

Capitalism is a flavor of fraud in and of itself.

Catsrules ,

It is all fun and games until the repo man comes to rip those knee replacements out.

Public_Tumbleweed ,

What is student loans?

Spacehooks ,

Money you have to take out for college and then pay back at 10% interest.

Mr_Blott ,

I’m sorry is this an I-love-getting-fucked-in-the-ass thing that I’m too Scottish to understand?

Che_Donkey , avatar


See, Americans dont have an England to fuck over its citizens, so we have to do it all by ourselves.

bobs_monkey ,

And then blame it on the boogieman

AeonFelis ,

And who’s fault is that?

Vilian ,

I’m sorry is this an I-love-getting-fucked-in-the-ass thing that I’m not USA enough to understand?

FiFY, now the entire world can use it

IndiBrony , avatar

[Laughs in English]

cucumberbob ,

Whilst it would be lovely if us Englishmen didn’t have student loans, they could be a whole lot worse. We only pay them once we earn over a certain threshold, and they’ll disappear after 30 years. Plus our unis are funded in large part by international students (which has its own issues), so Brits’ course fees are slightly subsidised.

Not good, but hey at least it’s not the US(!)

Mr_Blott ,

You missed the chance to say “At least it’s not the US, eh?”

jubilationtcornpone ,

The United States is a free country and freedom to shape your own destiny is one of the hallmarks of being an American. So everyone whining about how hard it is should have thought long and hard about the consequences of their actions when they decided not to be born rich.


herzberd , in Proof of twerk avatar


With how much power proof of work takes it’s more like putting a brick on the gas pedal in park

krashmo , in $1 grilled cheese

“Cash only. I don’t have Venmo because I’m not some teenage asshole who vapes”

That part got me haha

Anamana , (edited )

My gf and her friends are in their late twenties and vape, how old is this post?

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,


Kusimulkku ,


Very old

Zoomer genocide when

TheBat , avatar


Kusimulkku ,

I’m stealing that

MeDuViNoX , avatar


Thteven , avatar

I’m middle aged and vape. A lot of us old-heads switched from cigarettes a long time ago.

Rediphile ,

It’s definitely poking fun at the fact that people who vape are younger on average than those who smoke cigs, not supposing literally only teens vape.

Sort of like how lots of old people also use venmo, but it’s particularly popular among the young.

karmiclychee , in Why? Are we not doing enough?

I exclusively surf “top 6 hours” and I’ve actually noticed an uptick in niche community content, lately. Different kind of growth, maybe a sort of settling into itself, finally.

7u5k3n ,

That’s all I scroll as well. It’s not a bad experience over all

JoYo , avatar

If everyone is browsing by top-6-hour I think we need to rethink the sorting of things.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Lemmy sorting has shit ever since there was enough content here to make sorting necessary. It’s been five months and it hasn’t been fixed.

Lemmy desperately needs a fork.

TeaHands , avatar

Take a breath. Scaled sort is coming in the next version.

mob ,

Oh yeah, the sort here kind of sucks. Also just using the site, you lose your place/sort if you click into a link or the comments. Like, if I’m on page 2 of Top 6 Hours, click a link, and then click back into the scroll… pretty sure I just see the first page of Active again until I either refresh or change pages.

That could definitely be improved as well.

tryagain ,

I don’t think Voyager has this problem. Highly, highly recommend, both on desktop and mobile. The UI is slick enough that it’s kept me here. All I do is laugh at shit memes but it’s perfect

Annoyed_Crabby ,

That’s a bug they’re fixing in the next patch I think

Witchhatswamp ,

Thank God I thought it was just me!

SheDiceToday ,

Are you using any app, or just through a browser? On a mobile browser, I find the back button to take me to the previous page of posts (so if I clicked into a comment thread on page 3, hitting the back button takes me to page 2). It’s definitely odd.

ShaggySnacks ,

I sort by New. Bring it all on.

IMALlama ,

I subscribed to the communities I care the most about and sort by subscribed and new. That said, across 20 communities it’s probably something like 10-15 new posts per day so after I get through those and interact it’s off to all.

But I do try to engage in the communities I want to see grow.

karmiclychee ,

New gets… Weird

kratoz29 ,

Bro, I noticed the same, it has been a long time since I played around with the sort types, I basically settled with Active and hid all seen stuff, now I feel I get different content with other kinds of sorts.

vivadanang , in They never admit they were just wrong

“any moment now anyone who got the vax is gonna flop over and start foaming at the mouth, I heard it on the My Pillow Guy show.”

I can’t decide which is more depressing, people stupid enough to believe the shit, or the absurd lack of credibility their sources provide - fucking rubes and idiotic liars deserve each other I guess.

Polar ,

If the government wanted to kill people, they’d kill those who refused to comply.

So the thing that would make more sense, is that the COVID vaccine was an antidote, and the government was going to release a toxic gas to kill everyone who didn’t take it.

But nah, their argument is that the government is killing those who comply. Ya, because that makes sense.

Lianodel ,

That’s one of the things that bugs me about conspiracy theories. So many of them don’t even have a point.

How can so many be people be so wrapped up in conspiracism, but never once have the though, “Oh, wait, why would anyone do this? It’d be pointless.”

kraftpudding ,

That’s what gets me about flat earthers. The “best” explanation I’ve seen is that it would show the Bible is true and the elites don’t want us to believe in God, but… would it show the Bible is true? Why even start this century long lie in the first place? I don’t think discovering the earth is round is what pushed people into secularism in the first place, and revealing now it was wrong wouldn’t get people into religion?

okiloki ,

It’s because people aren’t wired that way. There’s a name for that phenomenon, but I forgot.

The idea behind it is that people make up “reasons” (conspiracy strategies) that fit the event. A big event needs a big reason, they can’t just accept that some things happen due to accidents or just by chance.

That’s why Covid can’t have been natural, it must have escaped from a lab! The government is giving us free vaccines? It can’t be that they just want to get us back to work, there must be a secret plot behind that!

IHaveTwoCows ,

Flat Earth is exactly that.Nobody has explained to me why “NASA doesnt want you to know the truth”

AlteredStateBlob , avatar

Someone straight up told me its because the elites only want those they can respect to survive.

It's a wierd form of hating them but desperately wanting their approval. I think they all just have daddy issues that aren't the kinky fun kind.

merc ,

‘That’s because the COVID “vaccine” is full of nano-particles that the government can use to control you.’

See, you didn’t take the crazy-thinking far enough.

jwagner7813 ,

This is my same argument for gun ownership as well. While I’m not against people owning guns, to think that us civilians would survive any decent length of time of the government finally came down on us is laughable.

Misconduct ,

When you point out its been a long time, and you’re fine, so they say, “Give it 10 more years” lmao wtf just shut up and crawl back under your rock you science denying turnips

Jay ,

And then when you die in 50 years after a long and healthy life: “I told you so!”

DeathWearsANecktie ,

Everyone who got the vaccine will eventually die. Checkmate vaxxers!!

IHaveTwoCows ,

Nearly every case I heard about the vax killing people was somebody who was 79 and had poor heart health

merc ,

Meanwhile virtually every possible (and infrequent) side-effect of the vaccine is also a possible (and frequent) side-effect of COVID.

Like, cardiac issues are possible, very rare side effects of the vaccine. Cardiac issues are common side effects of getting COVID. So, even if you’re really worried about one specific side-effect of the vaccine like pulmonary embolism – guess what, you’re much more likely to have one if you don’t get the vaccine because then you’re much more likely to get it as a COVID side-effect.

Misconduct ,

I think I’d survive covid decently but the long covid some people ended up with sounds horrifying. Like the people that have had their sense of taste all fucky for years. I love food too much to take that risk. Also, I’d never forgive myself if I found out I carried it around and potentially gave it to others that might not survive it. A few little shots and a little mask are really nothing compared to potentially killing someone’s memaw. It takes so little effort to just not catch it or spread it around people are ridiculous.

jwagner7813 ,

No, the way it is currently is any time someone in the news that is seemingly healthy but has a major heart issue (for example Bronny James) they immediately jump and say “IT WAS THE VACCINE!”.

merc ,

And, since the vast majority of people have been vaccinated, it follows that the vast majority of people who have heart attacks have been vaccinated.

Go-go base rate fallacy!

BTW, it’s awesome that the graphic for the Base Rate Fallacy is specifically about COVID vaccinations.

NatakuNox , (edited ) in Just the basics avatar

People make fun of this. But if you are on a poverty budget, you have to buy cheap calorically rich food as you would starve on expensive healthy options. Not to mention, most poor people live in grocery food deserts where the closest food market is a dollar general that doesn’t carry fresh/healthy food.

Edit: Since people seem to think they’ve solved the food insecurity for 34 million Americans. I’ll continue to go with organization international and domestic that actually studied this.…/key-statistics-graphics/…/food-insecurity-is-already-a-huge-probl……/food-insecurity#:~:text=….

WoodenBleachers , avatar

This person has blown money not getting the store brand. Driving farther to get real food cannot be that much more expensive, but let’s say it’s even $4 more. You’d get your money back buying a pound of apples. As someone who didn’t grow up with means, I know a lot of people with carts like this and it’s mostly just a history of bad choices.

NatakuNox , avatar

Food deserts are places more than 20 minutes away from a grocery store. So at least that’s a 40 minute round trip if you have a car. And spoiler alert, most people living in poverty don’t have reliable mods of travel. It’s a proven fact that processed foods provides more calories for less than fresh produce. Two oreo cookies is more calories than a apple and they keep longer. Are there some people that make poor eating habits simply because they can, absolutely! But that’s not what I’m talking about. Please don’t demonize people for the failings of our society.

WoodenBleachers , avatar

Calories, yes. Actually making you feel full? No. Oreos burn far too fast to provide meaningful fuel for your body. Non reliable transportation I completely understand. I share a car. But if you have access to a car even sometimes you can make it work. If you can’t afford even oreos then I understand. A 40 min round trip is do-able. It sucks, but once a week it works. Now, a food desert is also defined as somewhere over 10 miles away. Let’s say it’s 15 for nice math, that’s still rare. If you take a car that gets an abysmal 20 miles to the gallon and you spend $4 a gallon on gas (also an awful price) it would cost $6.00 to go to the store. $6 a week can change things, but that’s also do-able. Apples will keep on the counter for a week for SURE. So even accounting for a terrible scenario you’re better off buying apples even if you only have access to a car once a week. I know this isn’t everyone, and some people straight up can’t afford even the gas to go to the store, but my mother nickel and dimed her way through my childhood and we were able to stay decently fed. Even a box of pasta is cheaper. Forget fruit. Just eat pasta. It’s certainly better than oreos and keeps just as long

curiousaur ,

You know what keeps even longer, is cheaper and healthier? Rice and beans.

Kichae , (edited )

mostly just a history of bad choices

What a weird way to spell "chronically overstressed".

Dkarma ,

That’s too many letters you can just say lazy or stupid.

Neato , avatar

Also cooking takes time. I make dinner every night and even with previously prepped things it's usually 20-30min every evening. If I worked 2 jobs (12-16hr) I wouldn't have the time nor energy, either.

_Sc00ter ,

Now throw in a being a single parent!

I honestly don’t know how people do it. When my wife’s out of town for a week, nothing gets done beyond basic survival. I don’t have time to do any other chores, and I only work 1 job.

bernieecclestoned ,

Child labour

lightnsfw ,

I live alone and everything gets done. I cook meals that have 1/2 days of leftovers and leapfrog through them so I’m not eating the same thing all week. I grocery shop after work on Friday and clean house on weekends. It’s not that difficult to manage. I guess kids would throw some complications on that though but I do have working out and hobby stuff after work that could be swapped with child care time.

_Sc00ter ,

I never had more time than living alone. Having a spouse and 2 kids is mayhem.

The kids make the things you mentioned impossible. I’m up an hour before them to get the day going. Then it’s getting everyone together to get to work and daycare. Pick up kids from daycare after work, cook/have dinner, a little down time (like 30-60 minutes tops) which is spent with my kids, then it’s baths and bed time routine for both of them. At this point, it is somewhere between 8 and 9, depending on how bedtime went and you haven’t even cleaned up dinner or their lunch stuff. Now you can’t leave your kids alone in the house, so you can’t run any errands.

If you have practice or activities after daycare, push everything back another hour or 2.

It’s a lot to do, which is how I dont understand how single parents do it every single day. I can handle it for a week, but a lot of routine chores don’t happen. Things like a load of laundry goes in at 10p and I pass out and it sits wet until the next day.

lightnsfw ,

What is your spouse doing during all this?

_Sc00ter ,

This was in reply to “when my wife’s out of town for a week.” And me talking about how i have no idea how single parents do it… So… not there. When she’s home, the duties are split and it’s manageable

lightnsfw ,

I never had more time than living alone. Having a spouse and 2 kids is mayhem.

Sorry I got confused by this line.

FReddit ,

I also live alone, and my kids are grown up and gone.

I came to feel that “It’s not worth it to cook for just one person” was a pretty lame excuse to eat frozen food and other garbage.

I’m trying to cook more stuff I can freeze or at least store for a few days.

Still pretty lazy though.

lightnsfw ,

I believe in you. There’s lots of easy stuff you can make that’s good for you too. Just have to look up recipes. I’m gonna be staying with someone for a few weeks soon and I’m dreading it because they eat like shit.

FReddit ,

It’s kind of hard right now, because food prices have gone up so much .

But you don’t have to poison yourself

Rice would be a choice, but I got type 2 diabetes a couple years ago after having pneumonia.

What’s really bad is bread, which is annoying because it is relatively cheap.

lightnsfw ,

I don’t know much about diabetes diets so can’t speak to that but I haven’t really found junk food to be any cheaper than any other ingredients. Steak is more expensive but my grocery store usually has sales on particular cuts or older stuff you just need to use right away.

YIj54yALOJxEsY20eU ,

I do not have children but that is a dramatically out of touch perception of parenthood

Lifebandit666 ,

This week I’ve had my eyes opened to batch cooking. We were a bit skint (not poverty line skint) and working opposite shifts to each other, so for time and money we bought in ingredients for lasagne and chilli and made a massive batch of each on Sunday.

All week I’ve been taking the chilli to work and the family have been microwaving the batches when Wifey finishes work.

Cost me 50% of my usual food budget this week, and we still got in all the usual stuff for lunches with fruit and such.

Downside was Wifey overcooked the lasagne, so it can be a gamble I guess, but I will certainly be making a massive batch of Chilli in the future

bdonvr ,

Now that I work 12 hour shifts 5 days a week… I only cook on the weekends. I try to make a bigger meal that saves well though. Chili, etc. after that’s gone just easier things like sandwiches until the next weekend.

Amaltheamannen ,

Seriously, do one big dinner every Sunday and freeze enough portions for the rest of the week. Healthy, delicious, cheap and saves time on weekdays.

RaivoKulli ,

I’ve mentioned that a few times and people went “eugh, I don’t want to eat the same food two(!) days in a row”.


Amaltheamannen ,

If that’s a big issue you can always save some from last week and alternate.

BlackPenguins ,

I see you watched the Wendover Productions video.

NatakuNox , avatar

Yes, but I lived it long before watching the video. Growing up my neighborhood was literally isolated for all the surrounding grocery stores. The poor side of town was on the west side of a major highway and all the grocery stores were on the east side. But strangly enough the west side has less on ramps to the highway and even fewer bridges to get to the other side. So you had to drive an extra 20 min just to cross from west to east. But east to west was literally 2 min. A lawsuit eventually got that “fixed” but it shows malicious intent by those in power.

Makeshift ,

… rice, beans, and a $15 rice cooker?

I’m as lazy as they get in the kitchen. If I can’t throw it in a pot, walk away, and walk back to food then it’s too much effort.

Rice and beans is cheap, quick, and easy.

Dkarma ,

Lol this is complete bullshit. What a clown.

Mercival ,

That’s all part of the problem though, isn’t it?

I live in central Europe and veggies and fruit are one of the first things, you see when you enter a store. They’re also really affordable and you can get them in pretty much every corner store all over the town as well. There isn’t a place where basic fruit and veggies are more than 15 minutes walking/public transit distance from you within the city. Never had to drive to a grocery store in my life. Some places are even open at night.

Let’s not blame the people for eating like this, when that’s exactly what the system is set up for.

WoodenBleachers , avatar

But it’s not though. Many people on Lemmy act like the US is some evil cabal trying to kill its citizens. No. The area is just big af. People went west and were mostly self-sufficient (with regards to food production before anyone starts getting angry). Now that people aren’t self-sufficient anymore, instead of moving closer they stay put, but there’s so few people that a business can’t sustain itself. I understand some people can’t afford to move, but some people are unwilling to

PopOfAfrica ,

Used to be that small towns had general stores so you never had to go that far. Walmart killed them all. Pair that with a lack of walkable roads, and rural America is fucked.

betwixthewires ,

So if Walmart killed them all, but they’re too far away from a lot of people, then presumably at least those people would’ve kept the general stores in business, no?

PopOfAfrica ,

People just drive 15-30 minutes.

Those without reliable transport have few options. Its not uncommon to go grocery shopping once a month here in West Virginia.

Good luck keeping fruits and veggies around that long.

WoodenBleachers , avatar

But it’s not though. Many people on Lemmy act like the US is some evil cabal trying to kill its citizens. No. The area is just big af. People went west and were mostly self-sufficient (with regards to food production before anyone starts getting angry). Now that people aren’t self-sufficient anymore, instead of moving closer they stay put, but there’s so few people that a business can’t sustain itself. I understand some people can’t afford to move, but some people are unwilling to

NatakuNox , avatar


  • Loading...
  • crispy_kilt ,

    Dude please don’t spam the same links a dozen times

    curiousaur ,

    No, you wouldn’t. The same amount of money going to dry beans and grains, some dairy and eggs, and some cheap protein goes much further. You’d even have enough left for fresh veggies and seasonings.

    The intersection of poor and can’t cook is just depressingly shitty and too common.

    Yondoza ,

    Rice and beans, baby! It’s a world wide staple for a reason.

    NatakuNox , avatar


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  • curiousaur ,

    What is wrong with you?

    RaivoKulli ,

    I’m not sure what you wanted to say with the first link, but

    Households with children headed by a single woman (24.3 percent) or a single man (16.2 percent).

    man that’s a big difference. I wonder what’s up with that, are single woman household much poorer or something?

    RealFknNito , avatar

    Yeah if it were that simple, world wide hunger would have been solved.

    RaivoKulli ,

    Some places just don’t have anything to eat. The person in the photo used their money foolishly. It’s not the same problem…

    RealFknNito , avatar

    I tried chicken and rice for a few weeks as a diet and it was beyond miserable. Only thing that kept me on it was using sauces I shouldn’t have. Yes, cookies and sweets are a little more money than rice and beans but anyone who has been subjected to the latter can testify it’s akin to eating condensed sadness. High fructose corn syrup makes this garbage dirt cheap but that’s a whole other issue.

    RaivoKulli ,

    The cart is all cookies and unnecessary shit like that. Comparing that and how eating the same food for a long time is “miserable” to places that are starving because they don’t have food is amazing. Peak America energy lol

    crispy_kilt ,

    Try using spices and vegetables. When people say rice and beans they don’t mean literally only those two ingredients

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    So I live in the US. I have 2 friends that got scurvy in 2017. How did they get scurvy you might ask? Let me tell you. They live about 30 mins from the grocery store in a car. Which they don’t have. The closest person that can take them grocery shopping lives about 2 hours away. Plus they’re poor as shit.

    To save money they spent 3 months eating nothing but homemade biscuits (scones for non Americans). The lack of vitamin c gave them scurvy.

    They live on a fixed income. My state tightened requirements for food stamps. They were fucked.

    I will say that the UN came to my state several years ago. They literally called it the 3rd world and said it was the most impoverished place in the developed world. So, there’s that.

    Duplodicus ,

    West Virginia?

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,
    Mr_Blott ,

    Username checks out

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    Granted they were headed to West Virginia next. So they may have changed their tune. Heh

    WoodenBleachers , avatar

    Why do they live on fixed income? There’s not even semi-local charities willing to donate food?

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    I mean maybe, but how do you get involved with one? Also, they’d have to deliver.

    jscummy ,

    I’ll admit I’ve done no research, but wouldn’t Meals on Wheels fit this perfectly?

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    That’s a good question. She is on disability, but he is her caregiver. So, I don’t know if that would feed both. I’ll ask them about that.

    betwixthewires ,

    So that sucks, but I just don’t see it being entirely about poverty in this case. There’s not a single neighbor of theirs who they could ask “hey, next time you drive to Walmart let me ride with you”? They hit their diet to save money? There’s no churches around them doing food pantry days?

    Scurvy… You can prevent scurvy by eating literally anything uncooked, including meat. You can get vitamin C from grass. Sounds to me like these people are wholly uninterested in understanding anything about nutrition and diet and don’t talk to their neighbors at all.

    NatakuNox , avatar
    curiousaur ,

    I don’t see Oreos mentioned in any of those dummy.

    BigMacHole ,

    Did you just blame poor people for being unhealthy because they don’t want to eat grass?

    betwixthewires ,

    Oh the indignity! I can hear it now. “Eating only things with a nutrition label on the box is a yuman right!”

    I eat weeds. Wild weeds from the yard. For fun. They’re tasty. You should try it. Most of them are harmless and nutritious, shit, dandelions were an imported food crop from Europe. Double check what you’re eating first but they can be really good.

    I didn’t blame them for not eating grass I said that you should know a thing or two about nutrition if you intend to, you know, survive. I don’t know about you, but if I was so poor I was living off of scones alone for 3 months, I’d be looking up wild food and learning about vitamin deficiency, and I’d be entirely willing to eat grass to prevent fucking scurvy.

    crispy_kilt ,

    You have a yard. Many people do not. People live in parts of the US that are deserts made of shitty buildings and huge roads.

    betwixthewires ,

    Those places are called “cities.” And the people in question also have a yard, they’re renting a house in the country.

    And I don’t have a yard actually, I just live somewhere that there’s living creatures outside aka not a city.

    crispy_kilt ,

    Yeah no

    Not having any greenery is not the defining characteristic of a city, it is a choice

    Look at this picture, it is the capital of Switzerland, the centre of it no less:

    betwixthewires ,

    And is that where these people live? That can’t eat grass because everything is made of concrete?

    crispy_kilt ,

    Nah, those people live in the US, where cities look like this, thanks to car-centric lifes. If you tried to eat that grass you’d probably die, it’s so polluted by engine oil, exhaust and tyre wear

    betwixthewires ,

    So cities then.

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    Yeah it’s kind of rural, but also people don’t talk around here. I don’t know any of my neighbors names, and I live in an apartment. Also, save money was really a polite way of saying pay bills or eat. Like, even now they don’t use heat in the winter which isn’t a big deal. But they don’t use a/c in the summer. Which here is incredibly dangerous. In the summer the temp regularly gets above 100F and the average humidity is around 75%.

    Now things are better. His dad drives down once a month and takes them food shopping, and buys them stuff. But that still means most of the month is no fresh fruits, or vegetables, or milk.

    The scurvy thing was just something that happened due to poor diet. Like, sure, looking back it’s easy to say “I’m getting scurvy. I better eat some vitamin C.” But the reality was they didn’t realize that they had scurvy until it was serious enough to have symptoms. After all who thinks about scurvy in 2017.

    betwixthewires ,

    Why do they live like this? I understand you know, some people are just hard up, but eventually you try to sort it out right? Are they both disabled or something?

    Yeah the scurvy thing is weird. It’s like how antivax people don’t think about measles and polio anymore and so don’t see the importance of vaccination.

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    So, that’s a complicated issue. She is like 60 and disabled. She has MS. He is like 34 and isn’t disabled, but is her husband and full time caregiver. They are married, and spend most of their time playing video games.

    He met her playing on a game server I used to host a literal lifetime ago. They got married when he turned 18. Honestly the whole thing is kind of gross, and I don’t really like her much. But, he and I grew up in the same town and share some experiences, and are friends.

    They got into a cheap house and have been living there. Recently she inherited some money and bought the trailer and land that he grew up on. They are in the process of moving into it. Which is closer to me.

    I think their rent has been 850 a month and she gets like 1100 a month for disability. So that doesn’t leave much for bills.

    betwixthewires ,

    Goodness. Yeah I hate to be callous, but that sounds less like just having it hard and more like a lifetime of terrible decision making. Whatever the case is I hope they make it happen with their land plans and are able to make their lives easier.

    MuhammadJesusGaySex ,

    I think it will improve, and I mean the truth is always more complicated. It is bad decisions, but it’s also bad circumstances. When they first got together she was a well paid nurse, and living in Oregon. They moved back here when she became disabled because it’s cheaper here.

    But, that’s life ya know. As my father used to say “In life, you pays your money and you takes your chances.” I know he didn’t invent that saying, but he said it quite often when talking about how life doesn’t turn out the way you wanted.

    atrielienz ,

    If you’re on certain types of disability you are limited in how much money you can actually have at any given time. “SSI beneficiaries are limited to only $2,000 in assets of any kind. For married couples or two-parent families with SSI beneficiary children, the limit is $3,000, which creates a marriage penalty because the couple limit is 25 percent less than the limit for two individuals.” Hence the fixed income.

    hihellobyeoh ,

    Until you realize that some people are soon poor, they may be lucky to have a microwave, let alone a stovetop/cooking pots, pans.

    SkybreakerEngineer ,

    Because that’s the same as the intersection of poor and “working more than one job, has no time to cook, and can’t afford lots of kitchen gadgets”

    curiousaur ,

    You clearly are one of those who don’t know how to cook if you think it takes forever and needs lots of gadgets.

    A rice cooker. Everyone should have one. A pot, pan or wok.

    Start the rice cooker before work. Come home to cold cooked rice, crack an egg chop some veg and have delicious nutritious fried rice in minutes. Cook enough for 4 meals and pack lunches.

    Tortillas are another cheap nutritious item I forgot. Bean and egg tacos are cheap and delicious.

    EatCheapAndHealthy was one of my favorite subreddits, we should get that going again here.

    NatakuNox , avatar


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  • curiousaur ,

    Are you illiterate?

    NatakuNox , avatar


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  • curiousaur ,

    None of those say that getting Oreos instead of beans and rice is the right choice when you’re in poverty.

    RaivoKulli ,

    Maybe if they post those links a few more times…

    Duplodicus ,

    On a poverty budget a plant based diet is healthier and vastly cheaper. A bag of rice and a bag of beans is cheap.

    NatakuNox , avatar


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  • Duplodicus ,

    I can get rice and beans at dollar general or literally any bodega in any city I have lived in.

    betwixthewires ,

    Dude I feed 3 people a month on $200 with no assistance. And we eat healthy. We splurge a little too.

    It’s too expensive, sure. It should be half that. And some people live near a dollar store, I get that, they’re eating cat food and Vienna sausages. But this meme isn’t about those people. There are waaaay too many people complaining about the cost of groceries that won’t eat anything that doesn’t come out of a plastic package.

    RaivoKulli ,

    I can’t believe that’s the best option, snacks and some weird pre made stuff

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