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Meowoem , in Microplastic overdose

That’s because all you absolute fucking babies are still crying they took your plastic straw away.

The reason we don’t have sensible climate conversations leading to real action is because the SLIGHTEST thing anyone suggests and you fucking scream your toddler heads off for years!

pedz ,

Ask me how I know we’re not gonna reach our climate change reduction goals.

lefaucet ,

We’ll reach them once everyone dies in the hunger wars of 2088

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

Many modern humans are a bunch of entitled little shits and it applies across the political spectrum.

I strongly believe every person needs to experience serious adversity at some point - homelessness, joblessness, food insecurity, chronic health issues, or chronic pain. I have had most of the above (and still have some, yay chronic health issues) and that made me a better person by giving me perspective. I don’t give a shit about losing plastic straws; on the contrary, I welcome their loss, they’re stupid and polluting. I can walk and I have a warm place to sleep at night, losses like plastic straws seem as trivial as they truly are.

All the best people I know went through some shit or are empathetic enough to understand what it’s like. The worst people I know either were protected from adversity, lack the empathy to learn from others, or went through an adverse situation but didn’t have the tools to properly work through it so it made them worse.

Tattorack , avatar

Uh… Yeah… I’ve experienced homelessness throughout my teenage years and… Uh… It really makes the things “normal” people complain about or stress over seem small and insignificant.

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

Same here and seriously. It’s not that I disagree that whatever is bothering them is bothersome, it’s usually just something I wouldn’t notice.

Like people cutting me off or speeding on the freeway. I really couldn’t care less as long as they’re not putting me directly in danger. I really just don’t notice but it drives my wife nuts. I’m just happy I’m only driving my car, not living in it.

over_clox ,

For folks worried about plastic straws and bags and simple little shit, remind them what Lego is made of and how much of that is out there with the rest of the trash…

Don’t get me wrong, I love Lego, but still in the long run it’s just more of the plastic pollution problem. Of course this isn’t the only place they end up, but check this…

Tattorack , avatar

LEGO isn’t made to be thrown out. Plastic straws and bags are.

over_clox ,

Just because it isn’t meant to be thrown out, doesn’t mean squat when people and families get evicted or homes demolished from disasters or whatever. We don’t live in an ideal world, shit happens, and when it does, your stuff gets thrown in the dumpsters and landfills, if not end up elsewhere.

Plastic is plastic. Humans lived for ages without the stuff, so plastic is not a necessity of life. Eventually it’s all gonna become pollution…

Tattorack , avatar

Neither is the Internet, computers, or smartphones, yet here you are…

over_clox ,

I’ve almost never purchased electronics, I almost exclusively salvage flood damaged electronics and otherwise damaged electronics from the side of the road or dumpsters. Fuck off, I actually do my part. Do you?

Tattorack , avatar

Yet you still can’t live without it.

Meowoem ,

Yeah I do agree people are not willing to have these conversations, we live incredibly wasteful lives for no reason at all - yeah Lego is a fun toy but we don’t need it to last for ten thousand years, like let’s keep that stuff for special things and if we’re making models then keep some logs asside, cut them into the size pieces you want and use a knife or chissel to shape them.

Or depending on your local geology dig a hole, wash out the clay by swapping between buckets then let it dry until it’s the desired consistency and shape it into what you want to make - when you’re done you can just crumble it up and use it again, or if you really love it then you can fire it and keep it as long as you like, when you smash it up then it’ll all go back to soil.

But no people need to buy Disney licences Lego kits which they’ll probably keep in the box anyway because they don’t even want to play with them that just want to have them for a while then leave them in the soil for the next few millennia.

EndlessApollo ,

Dang, sorry for not being 100% on board with something that’ll make things worse for some disabled people while having an immeasurable impact on the climate

abraxas , in True Story

I think girls who get long eyelashes do it because they like how they look.

And thank god if they do because I would hate a woman who only cares about what other people think of her looks.

dangblingus ,

You raise an interesting point. Are women’s preferences in how they look organically theirs? Or is it conditioned over time by patriarchal beauty standards? Like, why do women actually like long lashes? If long lash products didn’t exist, would women go out of their way to invent them?

creditCrazy , avatar

I wonder if there is a cycologly study asking that.

ParsnipWitch ,

Longer lashes look more youthful and healthy. So do bigger eyes and framing your eyes can make them look bigger, that’s why people use dark eyeliner and mascara on light skin tones and light eye makeup on darker skin tones mostly.

This is of course not “organically” in their interest. It comes from our society valuing women almost exclusively for how youthful and pretty they look.

abraxas ,

I dunno. If we’re talking crazy-long-lashes, that’s definitely the desire to be distinctive (something I highly respect). If we’re just talking merely “classic lash extensions”, then good question.

I’m sure some aspect of longer lashes is traditional and inscribed. It’s not like any style trends are truly original these days. “Look at me, I’m edgy. I got a tattoo. Only had to get in line behind all the other edgy people who got tattoos”.

I think stepping further, there’s an aspect of systemic sexism that our first knee-jerk reaction to a woman’s style decision is “men want, or wanted, them to look that way”, but a men’s style decision is more “to be yourself”. I mean, if I’m being myself tossing on a pair of jeans with a polo, she can be herself getting an eyelash extension.

YashaB , (edited ) in Its most common use case is interrupting games

As a tetraplegic person, sticky keys are my lifesaver. I can only push one button at a time on my keyboard. Thanks to sticky keys, I can write grammatically correct and use key combinations.

That’s what sticky keys is made for. Normally, it shouldn’t be active on default though, on my computers it never was. I always had to turn it on.

LwL ,

It isn’t on by default, but pressing shift I think 5 times fast in a row is a shortcut not even to turn it on, but to display a pop-up asking you if you want to turn it on.

You can disable that though. However it still seems like something that shouldn’t be happening by default, since no one is going to want to use it without knowing about it, and at that point opt-in seems better with how easy it is to do accidentally.

Honytawk ,

The thing about accessibility features is that they need to be accessible.

It is much easier for a regular person to disable them than for a disabled or old person to enable them.

awesome357 ,

Can it not be a notification in the notification bar that doesn’t demand focus? Also then full screen games suppressing notifications could do it’s job.

zxqwas ,

The shortcut to activate them is active by default and windows will display a notification when you press shift 5 times (I think) asking you about it. That happens a lot when you play some games.

Easy enough to turn off the notification though. So not sure what OP is fussing about.

awesome357 ,

For me, it’s a one time annoyance each time I setup a new computer or reformat mine. I never think about it till the shortcut triggers, and then I disable it. Not world ending, but kinda annoying, and less tech savvy won’t know or realize they can disable it despite it saying so in the popup. But I’d be more satisfied if the notice to turn it on would just pop into the notification bar instead of an interrupting popup that must be addressed to return to what you were doing. Sure, let us know about it, but don’t pull us out of what we’re doing. I in general hate any feature that interrupts your work to make you interact with it instead unless it is extremely critical, and this notification is not.

original_reader , in Never say never

For the record, the story is made up.

Johanno ,

😱How could they?!

Viking_Hippie ,

Don’t they know you’re not allowed to lie on the internet?!

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

That can’t be true. I’m lying right now.

Viking_Hippie ,

No you aren’t! This sounds like a case for Captain Paradox!

key ,

Idk, I watched the documentary about this and it seemed well fact-checked. I believe it’s called “Strays”

Tikiporch , in Blueberry milkshakes

If horseshoe crabs were to become less economically important, is that a good thing for horseshoe crabs? They ain’t exactly Pandas, so will little Sally and Bobby care if horseshoe crabs become endangered? They’re already in a precarious situation…

miss_brainfart , avatar

Horseshoe crabs have been existing for almost half a billion years, I would genuinely be sad if we endanger them to critical levels

Duamerthrax ,

Climate Change is warming the waters they spawn their eggs in. They’re becoming endangered from that. Not because of a few we harvest blood from.

miss_brainfart , avatar

I didn’t say that harvesting blood is the one thing endangering them, did I. Just that it would be a shame to see them go

Duamerthrax ,

That’s the topic of this thread and even if you didn’t say blood harvesting was endangering them, most people are already going to be thinking that’s what you’re implying.

miss_brainfart , avatar

That’s a fair assumption to make, true.
Idk, I’m just someone who says things exactly the way I think 'em. I don’t intend for a deeper meaning to be interpreted, but people are going to do that, because that’s just how people are. So again, fair.

sock ,

r u special?

miss_brainfart , avatar

Wow, you seem like a lovely person.

anarchy79 , avatar

But the blood harvesting helps. Huh. Never thought I’d use the word “blood harvest” today, or ever really.

kandoh ,

I think living to have your fluids harvested in factory farms is a worse outcome than going extinct.

Death_Equity ,

Personally speaking, the fluid in question and method of harvest would determine how much I’d rather be dead.

Acters ,

if things got to brain in a jar levels and I am complacently accepting of the fake reality, then I might just live a long life

Death_Equity ,

You can not prove your brain isn’t already in a jar being fed signals to simulate reality.

anarchy79 , avatar

If you are any part of nature and also economically important, you get barbarically exploited until you go extinct. If you are not, you will be bulldozed to make room for the former. Capitalism is the best system of morality humans have ever, and will ever, come up with, and I truly cherish the utopia it has brought upon civilization.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Cows and chickens are doing pretty well in terms of raw numbers.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

Capitalism isn’t a system of morality. Or at least it isn’t supposed to be.

The fact that people think more money = moral is one of the largest problems in the world right now.

1847953620 ,

all hail the paper which ruins literally every single fucking thing. the paper has spoken.

HasturInYellow ,

I’m pretty sure it was sarcastic.

anarchy79 , avatar

I chose to express it like that by design. My contention is that capitalism is, in fact, or at the very least de facto, a system of morality. It promotes wealth as an indicator of higher moral stature. It has superseded rule of democracy, as wealth has been assigned itself as a metric by which the efficacy of individual civil participation is measured and the path of society determined.

In other words, money equals power, and possessing money/power is indicative of a higher moral. Echoes of medieval times…

afraid_of_zombies , in Horny old lady

Definitely perks to getting old.

Seraph , avatar

It's much more acceptable to be a creepy old lady than a creepy old dude. Your mileage may vary.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

I feel that creepy old lady is an underrepresented trope on the internet

shasta ,

It’s up to us to add more creepy old ladies in the world

Kase ,

Gimme a few decades and I gotchu

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Just wait a few years and the Internet will be full of creepy old ladies.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Depends on how much money you have.

afraid_of_zombies ,

I am just thinking of all those stories my wife tells me about her dementia patients who announce that they want to marry her.

bruh420 , in They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed

The image shows the clutch and brake being pressed though…

GiovaMC ,

Probably a gen-z trying to make jokes about cars.

Bricktamland29 , in Methheads

As someone who lives in a meth heavy area. This pic needs like 2-3 random teeth left, and a bruise somewhere on their face. Also it needs to convey that they still think they are very attractive, despite looking like they just got hit by a car(which might have happened).

sin_free_for_00_days ,

Best description I have read yet. Perfect.

Llewellyn ,

What’s with meth and teeth absence, anyway?

qevlarr , avatar

They fall out because the tissue that’s keeping them in place, recedes

psycho_driver ,

The ones that don’t fall out become jagged mini bone shivs due to all the chemicals in meth eating them away.

jasory ,

Poor hygiene, teeth grinding, and accidents (from being neurotic on meth and falling, running into things).

mojo ,

Do they really think they’re attractive?

Belgdore ,

Never heard of meth whores?

Smoogs ,

You seem to believe attraction is a requirement of sex. a lot of people will pay for sex. A lot of people also rape without care of appearance. A lot of people don’t actually care about autonomy and are single minded opportunists.

As far as addiction: opinion about how they look is inconsequential and probably non existent as they are in the throws of addiction. You’re injecting a needlessly complex ideal into the simple act of being paid to have sex or just readily available sex.

Belgdore ,

A “meth whore” is a prostitute who accepts meth as payment for sex. I am not assessing the John’s perception of the prostitution’s attractiveness, but the prostitutes perception of their own attractiveness as per the rest of the post. The prostitution by necessity must believe that they possess some quality that is worth buying. Surely a willingness to have sex with whomever is willing to pay is part of that, but attractiveness is one of the core components of sexual desirability. I find it hard to believe that meth whores do not believe that they are perceived as attractive.

Master , in You are my sunshine

Forcing my fetus to listen to cbat. Fuck you little shit. You going to hate me, ill give you something to hate me for!

match , avatar

I read this as “listen to chat” and decided that twitch has gone too far

Skates ,

Fetus listens to TTS, but I abort every time chat talks about Logan Paul

Add a thumbnail of a cut-through, sad looking Logan Paul, a dead baby, the streamer face-palming and the LOL emote. Easy 20 million views

I_Fart_Glitter ,

This is as inhumane as it is inappropriate.

Fraylor ,

Fucking cbat. Lmao

ArmokGoB ,

Your child will grow up to be a sad clown.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

That’s baby making music.

qarbone ,

Ah, new prologue to “Making a Murderer” just dropt

moistclump , in True love

Partner for “life”.

theneverfox , in Panik avatar

This is why I love the number 7. It’s the first real prime number. All the others are “first”…1?2?3?5? No, those aren’t prime numbers, they’re “first” in a long line of not-prime numbers.

Then you get to 7. Is 27943 divisible by 7? If you take away 3 is it? If you add 4 is?

I have no clue, give me 10 minutes or a calculator is the only answer

That’s what a real prime number is.

postmateDumbass ,

First non fibonacci prime

Karyoplasma ,

Take the last digit of the number, double it and subtract it from the rest. If that new number is divisible by 7, the original one is as well. For your example:

2794 - 6 = 2788

I know 2800 is divisible by seven, so 2788 is not. Thus 27943 is not divisible by 7.

Quick maff shows that neither subtracting 3 or adding 4 will make the original number divisible by 7. Adding 1 or subtracting 6 will tho.

Tangent5280 ,

Our plan to find the witch has worked, boys! Get her!

Karyoplasma ,

For divisibility by 13, take the last number, multiply by 4 and add to the rest.

For divisibility by 17, take the last number, multiply by 5 and subtract from the rest.

For divisibility by 19, take the last number, multiply by 2 and add to the rest.

In fact, you can adapt the method to check for divisibility by any prime number k.

AccountMaker , (edited )

But what about 14, 21 and 28?

14 - 4*2 = 6, not divisible by 7

21 - 1*2 = 19, not divisible by 7

28 - 8*2 = 12, not divisible by 7

Or did I misunderstand the algorithm?

EDIT: I didn’t realize that you remove the last digit when subtracting, got corrected in the replies.

Colalextrast ,

It goes like this

  1. create 2 distinct numbers by isolating the last digit from the other. For example, 154 becomes 15 and 4.
  2. double the number derived from the last digit. So, the four becomes 8.
  3. subtract from the number derived from the preceeding digits. 15 - 8.
  4. the resulting number is 7. Seven is divisible by 7, so we know 154 is divisible by 7.
AccountMaker ,

Oooh, I didn’t realize that you subtract from the original number without the last digit. Thanks

Kwdg ,

Yeah you got it wrong, it’s

1 - 4*2 = -7

2 - 1*2 = 0

2 - 8*2 = -14

cactusupyourbutt ,

okay I understand that this works, but is there a mathematical proof for this?

TauZero ,

There is a mathematical algorithm that proves this works in all cases. However this rule is not actually all that impressive as it appears at first glance! The number of operations (comparisons/subtractions/multiplications) you need to do is equivalent to just long-dividing the number by 7.

Consider: each operation of the rule removes one digit from the end. But you could just as easily apply the rule like “If the first digit is >=7, subtract 7 from it. Else, subtract the biggest multiple of 7 that will fit from the first two digits.” To skip multiplying, you can use the following jump table: if the first digit is 6, subtract 54 from the first 2 digits, if 5 subtract 49, if 4: 35, if 3: 28, if 2: 14, if 1: 07. That will also remove one digit from the front! But now you are just doing long division.

Karyoplasma ,
match , avatar

Quick check for divisibility: subtract 7 from it. If the new number is divisible by 7, then the original number is too

SuddenlyBlowGreen ,

Was this comment made by the timecube guy?

saigot ,

27943 - 7*1000 = 20943

20943 -731000 = 20943 - 21000 = -57

-57 is not divisible by 7 therefore 27943 is not divisible by 7.

theneverfox , avatar

The other posters algorithm was better, but I was exaggerating - ultimately my point is you have to math it out

assassinatedbyCIA , in I asked Microsoft's image creator to create "Godzilla in a 512k Mac game" and while this is not what I asked for, I can't help but be impressed.

Godzilla with the taco bell power-up

AllonzeeLV , in You must eat them

Meanwhile in Africa:

“Eat your vegetables! You know those fat, disgusting Americans just throw them away and eat pie! Do you want diabetes?”

Swedneck , avatar

the real “meanwhile in africa” is that they actually cook veggies and fruit in a way that’s appealing, they don’t just fucking steam some broccoli and expect kids to enjoy it.

MarmaladeMermaid ,

Well steaming is certainly a step up from boiling it for a full hour like their parents did, for “safety.”

BastingChemina ,

Boiled in unsalted water, because it’s “healthier”

Cappurnikus ,

Do I only like raw broccoli or have I never had properly prepared broccoli?

Swedneck , avatar

i wouldn’t know, i find broccoli in general to be firmly “meh”, it’s just one of the more common examples of a vegetable that people serve in the worst way imaginable and expect their kids to eat anyways.

ma11en ,

I roast it with onions and red peppers seasoned with fajita mix.

LemmysMum ,

Or char it in a pan and mix with soy sauce, garlic, ginger and chili flakes.

pirat , (edited )

Or place the separated buds in an ovenproof dish and bake it with olive oil, grated hard cheese, breadcrumbs and spices on the top.

AllonzeeLV , (edited )

A big part is that the processed foods of America make us have drug like cravings for things we consume too much of, salt, fat, sugar, etc. Get em hooked, it’s good for profit.

And we’re dependant on them much of the time because of our subsist to work lifestyle.

It’s expensive for it to be easy to eat well in America. While the owners order postmate’s cobb salads, have household staff, and eat out with abandon, in addition to being on their own time, eating healthy while poor involves dodging endless temptation to eat fastcrap instead while prepping and cooking and cleaning meal kits before and/or after work, lengthening the time off work devoted to work. Many tonedeaf say “it’s important so do it or you’re just irresponsible,” but when time is a commodity of survival for the poor, taking care of your health is often the first priority to be sold off.

And let’s be honest, with that highly prevalent, encouraged lifestyle in America, how hard are you going to want to maximize your longevity to keep doing it? We’re livestock for wealthy sociopaths and our reward for the daily profit maze is ubiquitous delicious poison. What a great fucking place.


I either need to eat my veggies pan-fried with bacon or ham, or in a puree with seasoning and olive oil.

Almost no plain steamed or boiled food is tasty…

spacesweedkid27 ,

Damn steamed veggies and especially broccoli is soooo tasty

Swedneck , avatar

to me it’s just raw veggies but without the satisfying textures, and a tendency to smell like farts if it’s in the brassica family. Exceptions being potato and any type of bean/pea.

Now if you steam/boil veggies and then fry them, that’s almost always a huge improvement over raw. I’m a slut for the maillard reaction.

spacesweedkid27 ,

I’m a slut for the maillard reaction

This is definitely something I will quote in my day-to-day life from now on.

I kinda don’t think that brassica veggies boiled smell like farts, but I think that vegetal does have a tendency for that if the quality just sucks.

Late2TheParty , in Share with those less fortunate avatar

The cajones on that dude! Love it! 🤣

catsup ,

I think you meant “cojones”. “cajones” means drawers lol

Late2TheParty , avatar

Hell yeah! That’s a new brain wrinkle for me! Thanks, homie.

Todesschnitzel , in Sometimes I question my sanity

Unpopular Oponion: None of us has a soul Ergo: Porn is indeed free.

Well maybe you pay with your personal data and dignity though.

general_kitten ,

you pay by having all ads you will ever see be for desperate milfs in your area

Shadywack , avatar

So long as that one dumbass pays for the desperate milfs so the rest of us can enjoy our porn…

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

The worst ones are naked grandma’s

Caketaco , avatar

Marge absolutely going ham on Homer in the banner ad while I’m trying to zerk it to family-friendly incest porn :/

Emerald ,

uBlock Origin. I use lemmy btw.

DoubleVV ,

You pay with more and more time spent watching porn, digging into an addictive cycle that, by definition, repeat itself. Porn is free indeed, but is pretty bad for you.

Cryophilia ,

You sound like those anti-gay preachers who are always telling us to reject temptation

Says more about you than people in general

DoubleVV ,

True I had problems with. But I’m not preaching, you do what you want.

surewhynotlem ,

It sounds like you’re just doing it wrong. I just crank it a few times a week for ten minutes.

DoubleVV ,

I mean a do too, but try to not wank for at least a month, you’ll find it hard to do. At least for me that’s the case. And I do work, I do socialize at least twice a week.

InternetTubes ,

It’s almost as if people had a biological drive to it that only tends to balance out when they find a mate to share it with.

DoubleVV ,

Yeah who knew

Fisch , avatar

I don’t think that’s true for the majority of people tho. I personally don’t have that issue at all, I actually watch less porn now than I used to (Was once a day at some point, now it’s once every few days) and it’s not like I’m getting old or anything, I’m still a teenager. And I have one friend who does it multiple times a day, cause he’s bored but everyone else I know doesn’t.

DoubleVV ,

Thing is it saturate neuro-receptors and like drugs it becomes an addiction. I’m not preaching tho, you do what you at the end of the day.

lud ,

Everything can do that though.

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