There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

hdnsmbt , to memes in Low-hanging fruit đŸ„±

I prefer bringing up that in US “democracy” some votes count more than others. When trump won, more people voted for Clinton and for some reason yanks seem to be totally ok with this.

Aremel ,

We are not ok with this, but changing the way it works is a herculean task. The people that it currently works for are very invested in keeping it that way.

hdnsmbt ,

But why is nobody even protesting it? Seems kind of a cornerstone of democracy, no? How could anything coming out of this system have any legitimacy?

Ransack ,

Because it’s easier for people to pretend already being busy (focusing on and protesting nonsensical and completely irrelevant shit) vs actually focusing on the primary and relevant things that are actually impacting their lives.

hdnsmbt ,

This is the most honest reply so far.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

The media has done a pretty good job convincing the vast majority of Americans that we are the pinnacle of democracy and any change to that is either fascism or communism. Wanting a better system is intentionally painted as un-American.

hdnsmbt , (edited )

“The media” sounds like a convenient scapegoat. Who gives a fuck about how things are painted? Do you really just go “well, I guess I better waive my right to having my vote count equally, don’t want the neighbours to think I’m un-american” or is that just an excuse for lethargy? I don’t mean to antagonise you but I think you should ask yourself some tough questions once in a while.

Dr_Fetus_Jackson ,

You have a great points, though your scenario is a bit too simple.

It’s not that we’re so fat and lethargic that we can’t be bothered to get off the sofa long enough to effect meaningful change. It’s that “the media” is gargantuan and goes far beyond the synthesized news cycles and reports. The OG social media outlets like churches, work culture, family structure, regional Identities, and every other socialized structure you can think of manifests itself into these ideals that have been pummeled into our head since the first time we stood up in preschool and recited the pledge of allegiance.

Making it more complicated is that our real concerns like, paying our bills, feeding our families, getting Timmy to soccer practice, protecting our kids, being a good employee so we don’t lose our job, being a good dad, being a good son, keeping our relationships healthy, etc., etc. is condensed into an infantesimally small amount of time. When you finally get to stop you’ve only got the bandwidth for bullet points. It’s not laziness, it’s exhaustion. It’s not lack of self-reflection, it’s overclocking. We have an entire backbone population that’s absolutely exhausted and still feeling like failures because somehow the American dream is feeling like a greasy, over-hustled nightmare that we’re constantly struggling to live up to.

This cycle does lend itself to your headlines of gun violence, gladiator arena us v. them politics, and on, and on. The system with which we now live is a constant grinder that no longer leaves time for, nor praises individualism and ideas. It’s a finely tuned revenue machine built on an overhauled slavery model that instead praises corporatism, classism, ruling parties, and residual monthly income
 with a smiley face of nationalistic exceptionalism posted on the packaging.

Apologies for being so long winded, but some sympathy for the devil might be in order. We’re largely not a bad people. Most of us are kind, optimistic, and try very hard to change the things we see out of place. The problem is we’re becoming more and more just white noise in the background. A sort of spectre of idealisms past.

hdnsmbt ,

You make it sound like you’re just a cog in a machine with no agency and I do believe that’s what it feels like (other countries are in late capitalism, too) but you’re not if enough of you band together. You’re not forced to watch your life pass before your eyes, you choose to play along with the machine’s game. Hell, you even got the guns to take what should be yours and you just use them to shoot at little paper targets.

I don’t think of you as fat and lazy or the devil. It’s just frustrating to see your potential go to waste like that.

Dr_Fetus_Jackson ,

I concur with all of your statements, to include the one concerning the realization of being a cog in the machine.

I have several errands to run, and would love to continue the discussion when I return, if you’re amenable, of course.

hdnsmbt ,

I am and I’m looking forward to it. It might take a while before I can reply, though, so please don’t think I’m ghosting you.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

Great argument. Now instead of preaching to the choir, which is to say someone who already understands and agrees with you, why don’t you elevate your message to all 400 million of us? You know, really get to the ones who don’t understand they’re being manipulated?

No? You won’t do that? Don’t you care about our right to vote and this democracy? Maybe you feel like it’s just not your job. I don’t know, sounds like another way to say you’re just too lazy.

I don’t mean to antagonize you, but you’re the one insinuating that it just takes one person being unhappy about the system to change it. So you should ask yourself the same questions about why you can’t do it yourself. Even if you don’t live in the US, you have about the same resources as I do.

hdnsmbt ,

You took a comment that addressed noone in particular a bit personal and now pretend it was meant to start a revolution on a very niche corner of the internet. Not quite what I consider worth my time.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

I don’t mean to antagonise you but I think you should ask yourself some tough questions once in a while.

You wouldn’t consider this addressing me in particular? Looks a little like you’re avoiding a response because you don’t have a good answer.

In any case, have fun preaching to people who live in a complex system about changes you don’t really understand. For what it’s worth, entertaining the naive notion of

well why don’t you just ask yourself some hard questions and it’ll all be better

Isn’t really worth my time either.

hdnsmbt ,

That sentence upset you to the point you feel the need to insult my intelligence, misrepresent what is written, forget that “you” can mean people in general and ignore any clarification. That’s regrettable as I’m sure you do actually understand what I’m trying to say here but can’t address it over a perceived slight.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

That sentence doesn’t make sense addressed to people in general. No one says, “I didn’t mean to antagonize you” to a large group of undefined people. Antagonize is pretty specific to a single subject.

Also, what clarification? The only response you made was to dutifully inform me that my challenge to your logic was beneath replying to.

Lastly, it’s pretty clear what you were trying to say. That if only people realized that being un-American isn’t the end of the world, maybe systemic changes could start happening.

What I’m saying to you is, about 150 million of us are so brainwashed and vehemently against opening their minds to that sort of change that they regularly float the idea of rounding up the rest of us to execute.

That’s what our media does to us. And by “media”, I don’t mean the boogie man you decided that I meant, I mean conservative outlets like Fox News that captivate millions of our population and constantly send the message that the people actually trying to change things are evil and corrupt. That advocate for locking up the poor and shooting the protesters.

If you really think that can be overcome by a plurality of us “asking ourselves the hard questions”, you’re woefully naive about the actual situation.

If you want to paint me as the type to be offended at a perceived slight, understand that the slight in question is proposing an overly simplistic solution to a gargantuanly complex problem half a century in the making like we just “forgot” we can change the system.

hdnsmbt ,

I’m not trying to paint you anything, I’m just reading your replies. At least I did until now.

Seasoned_Greetings ,


Geobloke ,

In America politicians choose their voters

hdnsmbt ,

Are those voters people with agency or just cattle? You realize your group is a lot bigger than the group that you watch exploiting you, right?

conorab ,

Isn’t that true for any representative democracy especially when gerrymandering is allowed? In Aus you can easily have a party win more than 50% of the vote but not get in because the votes were concentrated in vast-majority seats.

hdnsmbt ,

It absolutely isn’t. There is no inherent reason why votes can’t be added up and tallied in a straight forward way in a representative democracy.

Funkytom467 , avatar

It’s not inherent to representative democracy but let’s be honest most systems we use have flaws like that, including Europe.

(An exemple in Europe would be choosing only one individual to vote. Which divide voters of two close candidates and lower both of their score.)

And that’s probably why we feel like most representatives democracy can’t escape some of thoses problems.

Mathematically though there is some systems that have been proven to not have those same flaws.

Problem is, of course how hard it is to fix a system that can only be changed by the people that it favors.

hdnsmbt ,

No, that’s not an example of votes not counting equally
? Am I misunderstanding your example?

You don’t need some mathematical proof to just count all the votes and see which candidate got more votes. It’s how most elections throughout the world work.

Funkytom467 , (edited ) avatar

In Europe, the countries i know of at least, count each vote equally.

What i meant was that it doesn’t mean it’s a perfect system if your goal is democracy.

Other factors can totally break the purpose of counting votes equally altogether and end up with a unsatisfying result. And my exemple is as such.

(I live in France, we have equally counted vote but with this issue, and some other neighboring countries have it too. If you’re interested i can explain more what the issue is

(I guess Australia, for the user you were replying to originally, have it’s own issues too, not that i’m familiar with them.)

Mathematicians worked on how different suffrage creates different results.

There are plenty like the majority judgement but one that i particularly like is Condorcet’s method to solve the problem.

LemmyRefugee ,

It happens in Spain too. Huge difference in the number of votes needed in Barcelona to get a representative, compared to rural provinces.

Lord_ToRA , to lemmyshitpost in IT support work be like avatar

Here’s some more pixels

stebo02 , avatar

it looks fine on my end

Lord_ToRA , avatar
Iron_Lynx ,

Thanks for the extra scenario!

TheGrandNagus , (edited ) to mildlyinfuriating in you have to subscribe to the dictionary now

You can still buy the book or access the site via most libraries.

I get that it’s a bit annoying, but I’m guessing you’d also be annoyed about an ad-ridden, data-harvesting dictionary.

The Oxford English Dictionary is without a doubt the most well-researched, comprehensive, and linguistically complete English dictionary on Earth, bar none. Nothing even comes close to its depth and scope.

It perhaps is the most well-researched and comprehensive dictionary of all languages, but I wouldn’t know.

It’s laid out in an unusual way and even has words and alternate meanings that haven’t been used for centuries. It’s not meant to be a general-purpose dictionary, it’s niche and predominantly for linguistic experts or people fascinated by language.

An unbelievable amount of research goes into it, and those people deserve to be paid.

There are dozens of freely-available general-purpose dictionaries out there if you want them.

NevermindNoMind ,

I was annoyed, like the OP, then I read your comment and now I’m impressed and have an urge to buy a copy of OED I most certainly will never open. They owe you a commission on my sale.

stoly ,

A copy will literally fill a shelf. It comes in volumes with addenda releases periodically.

OhNoMoreLemmy , (edited )

I don’t think you can buy the book. It was 20 volumes in 1989, and they’ve been working on an ongoing update since then. There’s no plans to physically print a third edition.

But yeah, it’s a serious scholarly resource, and they do put out free small dictionaries as well.

TheGrandNagus , (edited )

You are right, it’s wayyy too large to fit in one book, I misspoke when I said book

I had no idea they don’t want to make physical copies anymore, though, part of me is sad about that, although I can certainly appreciate why they’d go in that direction.

chriscrutch ,

You can still buy it in print. It’s $1215.

cyberpunk007 , to mildlyinfuriating in Unsubscribe link from their emails takes you to this. You then to need to sign in with email and password (I don't know my password) to manage preference. I just want all out!

I just report spam and block these types. It’s a them problem, not a me problem.

ObsidianZed ,

If it has been particularly frustrating for me, I’ll even go out of my way to block the whole domain.

Zoldyck , to mildlyinfuriating in Another great advert from Threads. Not really looking like my kind of place.

In all fairness, it’s a true statement. Just probably abused by people with certain agendas.

themoonisacheese , avatar

“it’s okay to be white” was crafted by 4chan as a “triggering the libs” phrase. The entire point is to be fully racist and rally under the phrase so that the people calling you racist for genuine reasons appear to be saying that it is not in fact ok to be white. Anyone saying this phrase is a white supremacist trying to trip you into “agreeing” with them that a white genocide exists and is happening, and to convince bystanders (youtube teens at the beginning of the alt-right pipeline) that the left is against white people, ergo if you’re white you should become a Nazi.

I know this because it happened to me. “It’s ok to be white” is prime ben shapiro owns feminists with facts and logic video material.

ThunderWhiskers , avatar

The issue isn’t the statement itself. It’s the implication that white people are being victimized that folks are taking umbrage with.

AI_toothbrush ,

Its a malicious statement. It makes the reader assume that there are people that dont think being white is okay. Statements like its okay to be black or lgbtq or anything else it works because there is a lot of discrimination against them.

feedum_sneedson ,

There’s definitely people that think that!

jelloeater85 , to lemmyshitpost in Fish Taco avatar

I hate everything about this photo
 Really, like everything. I mean, this really is a genuine shit post. Like if I wasn’t so flabbergasted, I would just closed my browser and go back what I was doing. But here we are
 OPs fish abomination and my eye balls, now married in a photonic exchange that I wish never happened
 You win OP.

Exusia OP , (edited ) avatar

My uninformed impression and story I made up seeing an admin badge, is that someone reported this, and an admin came down to see what it was about, only to throw their hands up and say “well shit it doesnt break any rules but I too hate it!”

Thank you jello, I’m sorry my post has assaulted your eyes to the point that your day is ruined, however I am honored to have won lol

jelloeater85 , avatar


notannpc , to lemmyshitpost in Task failed successfully?

I mean
technically the suicide was prevented.

DramaOppa ,

Hahaha đŸ„č😂😂

pete_the_cat , to lemmyshitpost in Merry christmas you weirdos

I’m still confused regarding the picture

cosmicrookie , avatar

It’s a split sausage but took me a while too

ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar

Classic Swedish Christmas dish. Microwaved sausage.

9point6 ,

I must know more

Either I’m hoping I’m gonna learn about a strange tradition or that I’m about to read a load of carefully crafted bullshit to seem like the former.

Either way I’m happy, so tell me more about your traditional festively microwaved sausages

ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar

We take the korv, it’s red skin colored with falu rödfĂ€rg, and it is microwaved to just before it cracks open. After that we cut the skin and put on mustard and ketchup. It is served with whole grilled onion and Pyssling Pudding. A mix of lime jell-o and chocolate.

9point6 ,

Okay I was with you until

Served with [
] Pyssling Pudding. A mix of lime jell-o and chocolate.

What in the hell, this clearly goes much deeper than I imagined

Carighan , avatar

Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time to the rescue! (Though here specifically they do not microwave it)

kWazt ,

Such a shame that they ran out of ideas after they moved apartments and were never able to step away from the kitchen smashing with viking weaponry running joke. They were good dudes. I still have their apron lying around.

madmaurice , avatar

How classic is it? Because microwaves have not really been around for that long.

ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar

We used to just eat it cold

DagonPie , avatar

I like you OP

gravitas_deficiency ,

Right? They’re obvious not a banana.

ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar

No they seem suspiciously banana-like imo

pete_the_cat ,

After staring at it for a good 15 or so seconds, after knowing that, I can kinda see how it looks like a hotdog lol

jopepa , to lemmyshitpost in Her pussy

Whiskered for her pleasure.

Edit: I’m so sorry

Fizz , to fediverse in Someone needs help avatar
HerbalGamer , avatar
idunnololz , avatar

Wtf that’s illegal

slazer2au , to mildlyinfuriating in Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked

Time to add their email to your spam filter and not see their emails again.

Time to gpdr your info back from them.

Jeeve65 , to lemmyshitpost in inches plus coins equals metric system

7/16" - 10ct = 10mm

Evil_Shrubbery , to memes in Not such a conspiracy theory now

Unskippable ads directly to your brainhole

Anticorp ,

Holes in the brain are something intelligent people generally try to avoid.

Viking_Hippie ,

True, which is one of the many reasons why intelligent people will generally try to avoid having The Monkey Killer installed in their brains.

Evil_Shrubbery ,

Nothing a classic COM port & some FOSS self hosted software can’t fix.

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, no
 I’m generally in support of making all software FOSS, but I draw the line at making my brain functions open source 😄

flashgnash ,

On the contrary it being open source is the only way I’d ever put a chip in my brain.

Hell no I don’t want proprietary code running with access to my brain that I don’t have complete control and knowledge of

Just look at how much sneaky crap is in smartphones already

Viking_Hippie ,

Hmm, good point

cameron_vale ,

death penalty for taking any recreational drug that interferes with your mandatory discord feed

Evil_Shrubbery ,

Yes, but only the lucky ones win death in a raffle (1 in a 1000). The rest are shipped to mines. And their memories are not wiped clean, because the suffering is the integral part of such economy.

ryathal , to lemmyshitpost in You may want to sit down

The hashtag is appropriate.

skydivekingair ,

are praying lol

theUnlikely ,

Oh thaaaaat’s what she was trying to say.

skydivekingair ,

Yeah I thought it trolled a little too hard at first, but when someone else pointed out what it ‘meant’ I feel like if they’re trolling they got it just right.

Haagel ,

ass parent

robdor ,


walter_wiggles , to lemmyshitpost in Crypto genius

I think you would make more money if you gave handys behind the Wendy’s dumpster every day for 7 years.

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