There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Gork , to lemmyshitpost in This is the way

If only spam callers were unable to spoof phone numbers that’d be great.

ickplant OP , avatar

That’s true but they usually spoof some person I don’t know. So if I google it and it’s some Betty from East Bumfuck, I know not to pick up. Now, if they spoofed someone I know, that’s different.

psud ,

My phone is good enough at blocking spam calls that when an unfamiliar number calls I answer, and it’s usually a wrong number

Darkmuch ,

I was called by my own phone number once. Nothing suspicious there.

Rocketpoweredgorilla , avatar

Back in my day we used to just talk to ourselves in person.

Gork ,

Heh that happened to me too! Very strange.

eerongal , (edited ) avatar

You missed out, bro. It was you from the future calling to warn you of your dire fate and how to avoid it.

HoustonHenry ,

Man, I wish I could get a side quest shucks

PunnyName ,



gregorum ,

I would’ve known to leave a voicemail

BallsandBayonets ,

I wouldn’t call myself… I’d send an email.

trxxruraxvr ,

If I got an email from myself that wasn’t signed with my gpg key I wouldn’t trust it.

Empricorn ,

You’ve never taken too many mushrooms and called yourself?

r00ty Admin ,
r00ty avatar

The thing is, there are legit reasons to want to spoof numbers. My use case is that if I'm not reachable via sip I send the call over the normal phone network and set cid to the calling number.

I guess a middle ground would be that you could spoof numbers to phone numbers you've registered and verified with your provider.

To be honest though, the scammers and spammers will always find a way round it and spoof anyway.

CosmicCleric , to mildlyinfuriating in I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. avatar

What is the difference between cellular data being used on my phone and cellular data being used on my notebook?

The difference is the cellular company’s profits amount.

Oneobi ,

They had this restriction in the UK where the networks would prevent hotspots from actually working. You had to buy a special additional package.

Restriction has now vanished and there are no such limits on usage. Not sure if the Regulator intervened but it was most certainly a cash grab.

These days they still manage to rip us off by annual contract increases of RPI+3.9%. That applies even during a 2 year contract.

Mr_Blott ,

Not sure if the Regulator intervened

It was an EU thing before…well you know what you did

Armand1 ,

I didn’t ask for this. 😭

GroundedGator ,

I think this is also an archaic model from before smart phones and the early days of smart phones. In the early days of apps, most attempted to limit data usage because most network providers charged a premium for data and the networks were much slower and smaller.

While you could tether in these early days, even before smart phones, the computer was capable of much higher data usage than the phone. These limits were put in place to protect a network that wasn’t really built for this level of load.

Old rules with good purpose turned into a way to charge more money.

CosmicCleric , avatar

Fair enough. That describes the past, but not the present, or the future.

Wild_Mastic , to lemmyshitpost in m'theydy

TIL Fedora is also an hat (not only a Linux distro), and the RedHat logo and name makes sense now.

Edit apparently the original hat brand stil exists and cost a fuck ton

ObviouslyNotBanana OP , avatar

Fedora is indeed a model of hat.

JCreazy ,

You never see Indiana Jones?

Wild_Mastic ,

Yeah, but didn’t know it was called that way. Maybe because it got translated in a different way in my language.

Natanael ,

Also the hat associated with the fedora meme isn’t a fedora, it’s a trilby.

ramble81 ,

You’re one of today’s ten thousand

simpleslipeagle ,

The coolest bit of vender swag I own is a red felt Red Hat branded fedora. It’s outstanding.

pythonoob ,

An hat…

SquishyPandaDev , (edited ) to aboringdystopia in inflation avatar

But if suggest rich people should be slightly less rich, they go into a frothing rage

AVincentInSpace ,

frothing rage? foaming at the mouth?

UnculturedSwine ,

It’s like frothing but with a lisp

mangosloth , to technology in is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia?

The current state of capitalism will ensure the second line never sees the light of day

i_have_no_enemies OP ,

deregulated capitalism is a curse on society

rottingleaf ,

Said looking at one regulated to almost mercantilist levels.

Nudding ,

Are you stupid?

rottingleaf , (edited )

I don’t think so.

What, it seems stupid to you that monopolies created using copyright and patent laws designed to benefit domestic companies I call mercantilism? Bailing out companies “too big to fail” is regulation too. Health in USA is so expensive because it’s regulated to work this way.

There are plenty of regulations, just not those you’d want, too bad.

erwan ,

We can already create enough abondance that no human starves, sleep outside or can’t affotd medical treatment. Still look at the world.

Karyoplasma ,

Why bother to let humans live if they are not profitable enough for the megacorps? That almost sounds like work.

ICastFist , avatar

No no, they’re desperately looking for that, because gating infinite abundance away from the plebs will be amazing for quarterly profits and entertainment! Think of all the reality shows you can make by pitting the poor against themselves!

Aceticon , to programmerhumor in *Angry programmers noise getting louder and louder*

For the common folk working with a markup language is programming.

jol ,

For all intents and purposes, a markup document is a script that outputs a document. There’s no point in saying the HTML isn’t a programming language. Not all languages have to be general purpose.

pixelscript ,

The bar for me is whether the language describes an executable program that has state and control flow.

You could perhaps be generous and describe the DOM as a (write-only) state and the parser as a control flow. I don’t, personally.

HTML is just a data container format to me. Belongs with the likes of XML, JSON, JPG, PNG, GIF, MP3, MOV, etc.

The umbrella term I’d use for all of these is “coding”. That’s the skill of understanding structured languages and format specifications, and understanding how you can and can’t piece things together to make something coherent. This is a critical requisite skill to programming. But programming is more.

Programming is the art of juggling of state and control flow in clever ways to trick funny rocks into computing something you don’t know. It doesn’t need to be general purpose, but I would argue it indeed needs to have a purpose. It has to be something more than just a pile of declarations you know from the outset. Otherwise it’s just structured data.

WldFyre ,

The umbrella term I’d use for all of these is “coding”.

Saying “it’s not programming it’s coding” is like engineer “it’s not dirt it’s soil” levels of pedantry that are silly to expect people outside your profession to know.

Hey, maybe you are engineers after all lol

pixelscript ,

Sure. Which is why I would only make this distinction in a place where I can reasonably expect people to know better. Like, perhaps, a niche community on an experimental social media platform dedicated to programming.

frezik ,

That’d be nice, but it’s obvious who is and isn’t a programmer in this one.

stetech ,

But it’s true.

Coding is, like, the smallest aspect out of all of programming. And unfortunately the part that’s the most fun.

But if you’re a coder, I assume you don’t know how to design complex systems, just (maybe) implement them or parts of them. That’s not what defines programming.

(Disclaimer, in all fairness: that’s in my personal, layman opinion as someone who doesn’t know much theory. I might just be very very in the wrong here, lol.)

docAvid ,

So, writing stateless functions, or working in declarative languages doesn’t count?

frezik ,

There’s no such thing as a pure functional language. All it would accomplish is warming the CPU up. All such languages store data away at some point.

docAvid ,

I didn’t say there is…

frezik ,

Your statement implies it. Having stateless or declarative functions that never store or retrieve data would mean they are pure functions.

docAvid ,

No, my question does not imply a pure functional language at all. Pure functions exist in languages which are not purely functional. Most of the functions I write are pure functions. I could have a workflow where I work with another programmer who handles the minimal stateful pieces, and I would only write stateless functions - would that make me not a programmer?

(There are also purely functional languages, by the way. I just didn’t remotely imply there were, or make any claims about them, at any point in this thread, prior to this parenthetical.)

The part about declarative languages has nothing to do with state, or functional languages. Declarative languages are a whole different thing. Of course declarative languages handle state. The comment I was replying to said “Programming is the art of juggling of state and control flow”. Declarative languages don’t involve juggling control flow.

pixelscript ,

Stateless functions still deal with state, they just don’t hold onto it. Without state to mutate, a so-called stateless function doesn’t do anything.

In declarative languages, your state is the sum of everything you’ve declared. You don’t query results out of thin air. Computational results logically conclude from everything you set up.

HTML ““has state””, as in it has a DOM, but it doesn’t do anything with it. You don’t mutate the DOM after it’s built, or query the DOM to compute results that weren’t trivially evident from the state you declared.

You can do those things with JavaScript. But all that proves is JavaScript is a programming language, and HTML is just a data format it can interact with.

docAvid ,

Programming is the art of juggling of state and control flow

Sure, stateless functions deal with and impact state in some way. If that’s what you meant by your previous comment, that’s fine, but that’s honestly not what would typically be meant by “juggling” state.

The part about declarative languages has nothing to do with state. Declarative languages do not give the programmer control over flow, the other part of your definition.

Learn Lisp, and you will never again be so certain about the difference between a programming language and a data format.

okamiueru ,

Not really. If so, you might as well consider the stuff you can use to format a comment here on lemmy, as “programming”. That’s conceptually more similar to HTML as what programming actually is.


some title

Ooo hyperlink


jol ,

Yes, markdown is as much programming as HTML.

UnverifiedAPK ,

Yeah… there are macros to handle formatting. Next you’ll say Scratch isn’t programming either.

frezik ,

To my knowledge, Scratch can save information away and retrieve it later. That’s enough to be programming. There are Theory of Computation reasons for this; it’s not an arbitrary distinction.

okamiueru , (edited )

That’s such a weird point to make. Is it because to you, it seems like the line drawn is arbitrary? I cannot imagine any other reason. Certain words just mean certain things.

Markup languages are exactly as much “programming” as you marking a word and hitting “bold”. Which is to say, nothing at all. People are wrong all the time, and I have a very limited amount of fucks to give when it happens.

As for Scratch, it is a programming language. So, why would you think it’s a logical next step for me to say otherwise? Next, you’ll say something remarkably dumb in response. Resist the temptation, and do something more productive.

pivot_root ,

If he had said “LaTeX” or “roff”, that might have been a good example of something that blurs the line between the two. They aren’t specifically intended to be programming languages, but with a powerful enough macro system, a markup or typesetting language can be used in the same way as something like Brainfuck.

okamiueru , (edited )

Absolutely. Those you suggest there are good examples.

Good enough that, instead of “is/isn’t” programming language, it would be more a “ah, so, how do you define that then?”. Now that I’ve had some sleep, one could argue that I could have been nicer and suggested that approach for HTML as well. After all, it’s just words that mean stuff, and transfer a concept between people, that translate to the same (ish) idea. The moment the latter isn’t the case, it’s no longer very useful for the former.

Most disagreements, I find, are just cases of different understandings. Discussions worth having is when both are correct but different, and both want to figure out why they differ. So, on second thought, I think I was appropriately rude ^_^

Both LaTeX and roff are Turing complete, but they are also DSLs with a somewhat narrow “domain”. Sounds exactly right that these blur the lines between what is/isn’t. You could even argue that claiming one or the other is just one way to express how you understand that difference.

frezik ,

If a language can’t store information and retrieve it later, then there is a limit to its usefulness. There are problems it cannot solve.

That’s OK, because not every language needs to be do that in order to serve its niche, but it’s not a programming language.

jol ,

As I said, not all programing languages are general purpose. Just because there are problems it can’t solve does not mean it’s not a programming language.

frezik ,

Yes, that’s exactly what it means.

docAvid ,

No, it’s really not.

ferralcat ,

Isn’t that what a form is?

frezik ,

No. A form can’t do anything except send data to a server or get handled in the browser by Javascript (or Typescript or whatever). In either case, HTML is not capable of storing or retrieving anything on its own. It only provides an interface for potentially doing that.

CaptPretentious ,

True. Once I was working on a WPF app and someone looked at it and then showed me a simple YAML file they put together for Ansible and legit thought ‘YAML was better’ and what I was doing was dumb. They considered themselves a programmer.

lightnegative ,

No. Markup languages are configuration for an interpreter.

inb4 code is configuration for a compiler and binary is configuration for a processor

Aceticon , (edited )

Actually, there are plenty of interpreted programming languages, for example Perl or Shell Script so that definition is incorrect.

HTML is not a programming language because it only defines form (how things look), and does not control action (executing operations by itself).

The language for Web Development that controls the execution of operations (say: if the user fills a certain field, fetch related data from a server and display it in certain page areas) is called Javascript and is separate from HTML (which existed before Javascript and can exist without it).

Modern Web standards have also moved a lot of the form stuff to yet another language - CSS, Cascading Style Sheets - which is more powerful and reusable, so HTML is more used for the visual structure of the page and less for things like the fonts of the various pieces of text, though it still contains support for that stuff and you can still use it.

lightnegative ,

Got 'em!

AceFuzzLord , to programmerhumor in Died from reading this

Not gonna lie, took me a moment of thinking and waiting for a search engine to load before I realized Kool Desktop Environment is just KDE…

neo , avatar

idk man it seems pretty kool

smackjack ,

I always thought the K in KDE just stood for KDE.

AceFuzzLord ,

While looking it up, I’m pretty sure I read that Kool Desktop Environment was changed to K Desktop Environment. Either way, it’s absolutely Konfusing regardless of how you slice it.

ICastFist , avatar

Konfusing? Everything is krystal klear in KDE, or you kan make it opaque, too, as all konfigurations are exposed for maximum kustomization

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Flawless victory.

Magnetar ,

Jep, always the K in KDE applications, like oKular and dolphin.

dan , avatar

Some of the KDE apps are useful even on other OSes. KID3 is still my favourite MP3/FLAC tagger even on Windows.

PopcornTin ,

Originally, it had no meaning. It was just the letter K. There are attempts to rewrite history, give it some purpose, but no.

VicentAdultman ,

KDE stands for KDE is not a Desktop Environment.

walthervonstolzing , avatar

Yes, just as GNOME stands for GNOME has NO MErcy.

ReCursing , avatar

It does now and has for years, but at first they didn't realise how stupid Kool Desktop Environment sounded

firefly , avatar


  • Loading...
  • AceFuzzLord ,

    Not sure if this is directly aimed at us but, I don’t know much about different desktop environments (with this being the maybe 2nd or 3rd one I’ve used), but I l just like plasma because it looks good without much tweaking. I’m still learning Linux, so I just want something that looks good out of the box.

    AdmiralShat , to lemmyshitpost in Guys, lots of people on other communities are unsubscribing from here because of all the inane, boring "jeans" karma-whoring. Its "shitpost", not "shit post"

    People join a shitpost group and are mad all the posts are shitposts

    drdiddlybadger , avatar

    I’m mad it’s all ai shitposts. Shits unsettling.

    StopSpazzing , avatar

    Would you describe the shit as liquid and runny then?

    drdiddlybadger , avatar

    Slimy and strangely unsatisfying.

    JackGreenEarth , to programmer_humor in What’s in a name?

    What about Alice, Bob, and Eve?

    rockSlayer ,

    They’re currently shaking hands and too busy to let us borrow their names

    whereBeWaldo ,

    Even if they weren’t you wouldn’t be able to contact them directly, nowadays they have s man in the middle who handles their communications. badum tss

    Zangoose ,

    You’ll have to settle for naming your child after one of their public keys, but then your child will only be able to talk to them.

    fakeman_pretendname , (edited ) to memes in Let's see them Lemmy.
    BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

    So so cute!

    klemptor , avatar

    That bengal in the middle knows (s)he’s the cutest one

    fakeman_pretendname ,

    They’re all boys (and twin brothers) and they’re all equally adorable, although maybe that one’s a little more equal than the others :)

    fishbone ,

    If ye wish to climb the stairs,

    Then first endure our three glares.

    For moving, we aren’t in the mood,

    Though we may change our tune for food.

    And a warning should our bowls lay empty,

    Misfortune falls swift and plenty.

    So please, appease us kitties three,

    Lest ye wake in a bed of pee.

    FooBarrington ,

    One of them always tells the truth, another always lies, and the last one bites your hand when petting their belly. Though that might be all of them.

    fakeman_pretendname ,

    They actually all lie about different things.

    Grey cat likes to lie to get into the room you’re in, if the door is closed, by pretending there’s a horrific emergency on the other side of the door. “Help! Help! Let me into the bathroom with you! My agony shall not subside until I have access to this room! I am ill! I am dying!”

    Stripey cat likes to open cupboard doors, cardboard boxes and then hunt, kill and eat pouches of wet cat food, then pretend it wasn’t him at all, and he is hungry and hasn’t eaten for days.

    Black cat likes a more traditional “I’ve not been fed yet, I am starving”, and also “I have no idea how the water bowl ended up upside down, but it looks like we’re out of water again”.

    Thankfully, none of them will scratch or bite (at least not me or my partner). Black and stripey will both gently push your hand away when they’ve had enough tummy-tickle-time. Grey cat can be tickled for at least ten minutes. He just waits for you to get bored.

    FooBarrington ,

    They sound like awesome cats!

    fakeman_pretendname ,

    I love that someone wrote a poem about our cats. Thank you.

    I think they’ll like it too - I fear they’re growing tired of me singing “Who’s a little black/stripey/silver cat with a fluffy little nosey-wose, who is a cat with a fluffity tail” to the tune of “Ride a White Swan” by T-Rex.

    fishbone ,

    Hey, you’re welcome! I just thought it would be a logistical nightmare to get past the cats without disturbing them in your picture, and my brain ran with the idea.

    On a related note: Check out the book “I Could Pee on This, and Other Poems by Cats”. It’s a little book of poems from the perspective of cats.

    fakeman_pretendname , (edited )

    Looks great, thanks! :)

    Looking at some of the Excerpts from “I could pee on this and other poems by cats”, I think ours are actually very well behaved (so far!).

    PerogiBoi , to lemmyshitpost in But isn't it dead too? avatar

    We kidnapped these plants from their homes and keep them prisoner inside some weird unmoist place where the sun is missing. Wat u expect

    Akasazh , avatar


    Speak for yourself

    flicker ,

    Seriously. I wish.

    MrJameGumb , to lemmyshitpost in i hate my wife and i love bug lite avatar
    PP_BOY_ OP , avatar


    EdibleFriend , avatar

    Slowly going away. I remember, when I was a kid, out during the summer in the backyard. You would see so many of these little fuckers in every direction you look. Just all over the place. Now, during the summer, you are lucky to see one every few minutes.

    MrJameGumb , avatar

    I still see a lot of them in the summer where I live now!

    EdibleFriend , avatar

    So…you stole them from here? You bastard.

    MrJameGumb , avatar

    I didn’t, but we could always use more…

    EdibleFriend , (edited ) avatar

    I didn’t but I want them so bad i would do anything, absolutely anything to get them

    That’s what I just heard.

    Sombyr ,

    Where I live they seem to come and go. Some years there’s literally zero, then a few years later there’ll be so many you almost don’t wanna go outside because they might get in your mouth. Although admittedly I haven’t seen the usual swarms lately either. It’s long overdue and yet they’re not here.
    It’s a big change from when I was a kid, still living in this same area, but we had a consistent, manageable number of fireflies every year.

    PerogiBoi , avatar

    Slowly going away.

    Ya just like my dad! He’d go on increasingly longer business trips before divorcing my mom and taking all the money. Eyoooooooooooo 🤙

    poke , to memes in In the near future, it is projected that contrarians will gain self awareness.

    Knowing that LLMs are just “parroting” is one of the first steps to implementing them in safe, effective ways where they can actually provide value.

    Kushia , avatar

    LLMs definitely provide value its just debatable whether they’re real AI or not. I believe they’re going to be shoved in a round hole regardless.

    fidodo ,

    I think a better way to view it is that it’s a search engine that works on the word level of granularity. When library indexing systems were invented they allowed us to look up knowledge at the book level. Search engines allowed look ups at the document level. LLMs allow lookups at the word level, meaning all previously transcribed human knowledge can be synthesized into a response. That’s huge, and where it becomes extra huge is that it can also pull on programming knowledge allowing it to meta program and perform complex tasks accurately. You can also hook them up with external APIs so they can do more tasks. What we have is basically a program that can write itself based on the entire corpus of human knowledge, and that will have a tremendous impact.

    KeenFlame , (edited )

    The next step is to understand much more and not get stuck on the most popular semantic trap

    Then you can begin your journey man

    There are so, so many llm chains that do way more than parrot. It’s just the last popular catchphrase.

    Very tiring to keep explaining that because just shallow research can make you understand more than it’s a parrot comment. We are all parrots. It’s extremely irrelevant to the ai safety and usefulness debates

    Most llm implementations use frameworks to just develop different understandings, and it’s shit, but it’s just not true that they only parrot known things they have internal worlds especially when looking at agent networks

    mvirts , to piracy in Wot The Fsck You Say, Spotify?

    Don’t panic. You’ve come to the right place. Spread out your towel and lay on it for a nice nap while you wait for lemmings to reply.

    Imgonnatrythis , to lemmyshitpost in Waffle Squarf

    Sometimes I get in my car, blackout for 45min and just find myself at waffle squarf at 2am.

    Kiwi_Girl , avatar

    Your car must be hungry, does the food you provide it fulfil all of its dietary needs?

    intensely_human ,

    I go to gas squarf weekly for car

    jaybone ,

    I go to ass squarf.

    portifornia ,

    We upgraded to an electric squarv recently. Those gas squarfs are just too expensive for city driving!

    GratefullyGodless , avatar

    Yeah, but I live in the Chicago area, and with all the trouble some folks have had here with their electric squarves in this bitter cold, they’re thinking about switching back to gas squarfs.

    xX_fnord_Xx ,

    You can get it,.02 cents cheaper at the Spuarf’n’Go, but that’s over county lines and they can’t sell liquor after 5, so, what’s the point?

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Is that from the drugs or alcohol?

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