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albertsy2 , to memes in How though?

People can be so stupid

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Having met people, I have to agree.

Tilgare ,

I thought this whole “object behind paper against a mirror” thing was just a meme at first because the result is very intuitive and not at all shocking… But then I guess people genuinely didn’t get it? People really can be so stupid.

BuboScandiacus , avatar

It isn’t just a meme ?

Agent641 ,

I take this as permission rather than a statement of fact.

Beeko , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message

This ass taking weird selfies in his first class seat looks so entitled

jcit878 ,

not gonna lie that guy has an incredibly punchable face

doom_and_gloom , (edited ) avatar


  • Loading...
  • jcit878 ,

    there are quite a few people that have faces that just have a “punch me” written on them. he is one. I am not a violent person

    n3m37h , (edited ) to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse

    Anarchy and Communism are not the fucking same, what a retarded meme

    To anyone offended, Go watch “The Ringer

    ICastFist , avatar

    Good luck teaching that difference to the typical 'murican

    SmokinStalin , avatar

    Let’s get to work sweat

    maniacal_gaff ,

    Well to be clear, the “joke” is that the blue hat doesn’t know the difference.


    Stay classy with the slurs friendo

    n3m37h ,

    When the fuck did a word to describe a state of someone’s mental capacity or therefore lack of become a fucking slur? Pure humbug


    Why are you talking like Ebenezer Scrooge

    n3m37h ,

    I’m bringing back slurs from the 1800’s

    yokhai ,

    Let’s not bring back any slurs, even if you’re poorly attempting to recreate a joke from Clerks 2.

    n3m37h ,

    That was a joke in Clerks 2? Shit son, I gotta rewatch all 3 meow

    Kolanaki , avatar

    There is still overlap in the societal aspects, just not the governmental aspects. Mostly because anarchy has no government. That’s the point. People can still choose to work together and basically create a communist society, without any enforcement from a government. Unlikely, but it’s not impossible.

    anachronist ,

    There is overlap especially when you don’t confuse communism as the broader framework with state communism or even worse soviet communism.

    autismdragon , avatar

    Have you read “On Authority” by Engels?

    DivineChaos100 , avatar

    I have, its a terrible “rebuttal” of anarchist criticism of marxism, conflating self-defence with authority.

    anachronist ,

    And the fact that Engels wrote it proves that there were people in the movement even in those early days who disagreed.

    ThereRisesARedStar ,

    That is the thing though, until you abolish class contradictions states are the most effective way of protecting the revolution and suppressing the bourgeoisie. So authority does equal self defense in a real, meaningful way.

    DivineChaos100 , avatar

    No, since states can get couped. The most effective way of protecting the revolution is gathering the masses which can happen without the state, indeed, it has happened multiple time throughout history.

    ThereRisesARedStar ,

    The most effective way of protecting the revolution is gathering the masses which can happen without the state, indeed, it has happened multiple time throughout history.

    Could you point to examples?

    DivineChaos100 , avatar

    Anarchists in civil war in spain (until some of them decided to fuck off), I would say the makhnovshchina defended itself pretty well with the scarce resources they had, greek anarchists with their decades old squats, bolivian grassroots movements who helped Evo Morales get in power in Bolivia, etc.

    infuziSporg , avatar

    I have an idea of what a state is, but what’s a “soviet”? That’s not an English word.

    What does “soviet” mean in Russian?

    anachronist , (edited )

    I know you’re being cute but “soviet” is indeed a word in English:

    <span style="color:#323232;">
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">  Soviet
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">      adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of the former Soviet
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">             Union or its people; "Soviet leaders"
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">      n 1: an elected governmental council in a communist country
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">           (especially one that is a member of the Union of Soviet
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">           Socialist Republics)

    And it means what I intended it to mean, the official state ideology of the USSR:…/Ideology_of_the_Communist_Part…

    infuziSporg , avatar

    That sounds bland, I like the idea of council communism better.

    How do you say “council communism” in Russian?

    autismdragon , avatar

    They have the same basic endgoal. Also stop using the r word.

    n3m37h ,

    It’s a word describing a lack of mental capacity, get over it ya. You views are pure humbug

    autismdragon , avatar

    Hey did you notice the “autism” in my name? Maybe I have more perspective to speak on what words are and aren’t slurs against my group than you do fuckass.

    n3m37h ,

    8m autistic too, what’s your fucking point?

    autismdragon , avatar

    Language evolves. “Mental removedation” is not longer recognized as as medical term, its use in modern times is generally regarded as a slur by the disability community and is treated as such in pretty much all communities that actively try to include neurodiverse people are oppose ableism.

    So to answer the question of “ince wshen”. The answer is “for at least a couple decades now”. I was actually hit by my friend with a severely disabled brother for using it back in like 2006.

    I am active in the disability rights movement and pretty much all of us that are agree the word is a slur and there is no excuse to be using it. Its not a “word for mental capacity” anymore and hasn’t been in a long time. Plus, insinuating that mental disability is a BAD thing is ableist on its face.

    n3m37h ,

    Jesus fuck, people need to grow a spine. There are much more pressing matters to cry about. Half the fucking planet is on fire but no, let’s cry about a word.

    I grew up on the obese side, was made fun of for it my entire childhood. Do I get offended when I am called fat? No I laugh it off, because it’s true. At some point it’s better to not be offended all day

    autismdragon , avatar

    We can can care about more than one thing at a time lol. Do you also think black people should just “get over” the n word because global warming exists? Or gay people with the f slur? Do you think that women should stop complaining about sexual harassment in the workplace because global warming exists? Those are often “just words” after all. I care deeply about global warming and want to do things about it, probably more than you do, but that doesn’t mean I have to be ok with words meant to insult and attack me and people like me.

    Idk if this rhetoric will work with you because you probably do think those things, at least about the slurs.

    n3m37h ,

    This wasn’t about you till you made it about you, you were not the target of a slur. Now fuck off as we would prolly never get along and arguing about something stupid is pointless.

    UlyssesT , (edited )

    You’re arguing with a militant apathy enthusiast that wants to say edgy South Park tier shit and get no pushback from it, because they’re allowed to be offended at others getting offended and that’s the only offense allowed according to “nothing offends me” reddit-logo types.

    n3m37h ,

    Think y’all got me figured out eh? I just think getting offended by words is pointless. Esp when shit isn’t directed towards you…

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    Just stop being a weird hostile fuck when someone takes away your comfort slur shrug-outta-hecks

    n3m37h ,

    Not a comfort, just how I talk. I grew up with retard meaning to be mentally slow or a stupid action. The offence y’all are taking is fucking retarded

    take_five_seconds , avatar

    multiple things can matter at once

    UlyssesT ,

    Caring a whole lot about not caring and making sure no one cares too much is the definition of maturity for “nothing offends me” reddit-logo types.

    UlyssesT ,

    people need to grow a spine

    You first.

    Stop being a crybully because your edgy slurs aren’t welcome here.

    At some point it’s better to not be offended all day

    Except you are right in that post because you’re not getting praised for your stale edgy slurs. Do you have any fucking self awareness at all, you reddit-logo brained crybully?

    n3m37h ,

    I’m not the one crying over a word that was not directed at anyone in particular. The meme is technically wrong and is stupid

    That’s part of my autism I don’t have filters.

    Thanks for being the bully in this transaction

    nekahat , avatar

    I disagree. Not everyone has to be like you and people don’t necessarily have to put up with harassment just because you would be ok with it yourself. I was also a fat kid and was made fun of. Do you think this would give me a free pass to publicly mock fat people, targeted or not? Also why would I be motivated to do so knowing it could possibly hurt someone?

    n3m37h ,

    And I disagree with you. You think Internet peeps are going to change my speech? I don’t make fun of people because I know how it feels. I was making fun of a meme for being wholly incorrect. The only person who should take offence to my comment is the dummy who made the meme

    And now you’re pointing out that me letting someone know their work is incorrect as harassment? Seriously?

    Seems like everyone in this thread is making a mountain out of a damn mole hill

    n3m37h ,

    I wasn’t harassing anyone. I called the fucking meme retarded. If your offended by the word, use a word blocker. I’m not censoring myself because you want to be offended. I am offended that people take offence to words. Your offense is what gives the word power. Humbug used to be a slur, guess what it isn’t anymore because ITS A FUCKING WORD.

    AcidSmiley , avatar

    I have internalized my own abuse to the point where i sound like a reactionary redditor and so should you

    n3m37h ,

    No, I realized they are only words and when you make fun of the thing they are making fun of you for, that thing stops being fun. It’s called psychology

    aaaaaaadjsf , avatar

    It’s pretty clear the user autism dragon has a spine, that’s why they’re telling you to back off instead of accepting you using a term they find hurtful

    Gelamzer , avatar

    being spineless is when stand up for yourself galaxy-brain

    n3m37h ,

    That isn’t standing up for one’s self, that is being a Karen. If you want the internet censored use a word blocker yourself. Till then every last one of y’all can fuck off

    n3m37h ,

    You call being a full Karen having a spine? Lmfao

    ElChapoDeChapo , avatar
    n3m37h ,

    I sure hope a 3 year old drew that and not you. I’d be embarrassed to post such an idiotic thing

    UlyssesT ,

    You just scratched a liberal! Comrade Amogus is on the case! sus-soviet

    ebenixo ,

    The meme isn’t stating that they are.

    infuziSporg , avatar

    As an anarchist-communist, to me they’re pretty darn close.

    Abolish capitalism, smash the State.

    n3m37h ,

    That’s like calling all meat eaters cannibals

    Durk , to memes in This is the way

    I mean, this is not really a solution. Poachers don’t do what they do because they’re greedy and hate animals, they do it because they’re poor and have often no other choice but to risk their lives to make a living, and they are probably getting something like 10$ per rhino horn. This is a systematic problem perpetually reinforced by the actual people we should be shooting: the millionaires who hire the poachers. They are the ones destroying the environment, exploiting animals and people and reselling those same rhino horns for ridiculous amounts of money on the black market.

    HikingVet ,

    Then they should be stealing from the rich. Not killing endangered species.

    And at ~ $20000 USD/kg for African and ~400000 USD/kg for Asian, and them not taking the meat. Its definitely for profit and not survival.

    radioactiveradio ,

    It’s simple math, if you kill animals and get caught you get one maybe up to 10 years in prison. If you kill/steal from a millionaire you get lifetime of troubles and jail and possibly put your family in danger too.

    HikingVet ,

    Well, it appears trying to kill an Asian Rhino in India is much more dangerous than robbing the rich.

    Or did you miss the part that they are killing the poachers?

    radioactiveradio ,

    “I missed the part where that’s my problem” -Bully Maguire

    Nacktmull ,

    Exactly, the real solution would be the west allowing disadvantaged countries to develop a functional and stable local economy that provides people with better ways out of poverty than poaching endangered animals.

    pinkdrunkenelephants ,

    Nah, we of the working class and impoverished are partly responsible for the situation we’re in, because we’re too busy playing the system instead of fighting back like we were supposed to be doing. The result is this: people wiping out popular and beloved species just to get crumbs from their masters. How disgusting.

    Marzepansion ,

    we should be shooting: the millionaires who hire the poachers

    Damn, I was looking forward to eating them. :(

    But you’re entirely right. Obviously the poachers do the hunting, but there are people rich enough out there that put a price on rhinos to begin with, they are the real problem. They wouldn’t be hunted if there was no incentive.

    argv_minus_one ,

    ridiculous amounts of money on the black market

    Exactly. These aren’t impoverished farmers doing what’s necessary to live in some semblance of comfort. They’re greedy SOBs who don’t give a rip about anything other than riches. They don’t deserve sympathy.

    lambalicious ,

    Poachers don’t do what they do because they’re greedy and hate animals, they do it because they’re poor and have often no other choice but to risk their lives to make a living,

    Well, they’re risking their lives, they’re losing them in the gamble. No one owes you winning a gamble.

    This is a systematic problem perpetually reinforced by the actual people we should be shooting: the millionaires who hire the poachers

    Not saying we don’t, I’m all in for shooting a millionaire myself; but that doesn’t detract from still needing to kill the poachers: we can’t leave the reservoires and wild habitats unguarded merely to kill one or two twitter twats, so the job of millionaire killer we have to give to someone else.

    FlyingSquid , to lemmyshitpost in Corpse:water ratio avatar

    If there are bodies in the water, I take them out of the water. Then I let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the…


    nailbar ,

    I can hear this in a Parrot’s voice

    Sukisuki ,

    This is good shit

    Plibbert , to lemmyshitpost in Chaotic

    The surprise is an obvious trap to be put in the prison or zoo.

    luthis ,

    That was my first thought!

    Fish , to memes in So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)


    user224 , avatar

    Underrated comment

    kresten ,

    Take my upvote goddamnit

    VikingHippie ,

    I can’t afford gold but have this 🎖

    andrr_464 ,
    PunnyName , to memes in The US of A

    One party is actively banning books…

    And that’s just the tip of their Christofascist iceberg.

    whenigrowup356 ,

    Primary for democrats and then yell at them once they’re elected. A lot.

    Politics isn’t a consumption based economy. It doesn’t change until you change it. MAGA people understand this.

    They’re counting on your apathy. Don’t let them.

    Rodeo ,

    You forgot to barf up the word “ethnostate” right after you barfed up “christofascist”.

    PunnyName ,

    Are you saying they aren’t DOING that very thing?
    Are you saying they AREN’T that very thing?

    Rodeo ,

    No, I’m just remarking on the canned vernacular people are importing from reddit.

    PunnyName ,

    That can wouldn’t be opened if people would stop giving it to us.

    jimmydoreisalefty ,

    3rd party

    Bloods and Crips will keep being distractions from real change in the long term.

    AnyProgressIsGood ,

    Third party is voting for the fascist party. There aren’t enough floating votes for this system for a 3rd party to have a chance

    azimir ,

    Ranked Choice Voting ( or any other preference polling voting system significantly mitigates that problem.

    Then 3rd party can be a real strength for the political system, not just a weapon to use against your opponents.

    vegai , to memes in Restricted Topics

    Does it actually say “forbidden knowledge”?

    Tb0n3 ,

    Yes and it also makes the child Strairdrac the Netherwatcher.

    gandalf_der_12te , to technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025

    Year Of The Linux Desktop

    cerement , to memes in ts moment avatar
    altima_neo , avatar

    "Get off vent or get bent "

    gofsckyourself ,

    Blow it out your ass

    RiQuY ,

    Past memory unlocked.

    bruhduh , avatar
    Amaltheamannen ,

    Vi sitter här på venten och spelar lite DOTA

    rand_alpha19 ,

    Ventrilo was the shit back then.

    Rooskie91 , to asklemmy in Why are many men growing beards again ?


    wallmenis , to programmer_humor in "I want to live forever in AI"

    What if you do it in a ship of theseus type of way. Like, swapping each part of the brain with an electronic one slowly until there is no brain left.

    Wonder if that will work.

    MBM ,

    If I remember right, the game The Talos Principle calls that the Talos principle

    intensely_human ,

    Sounds like the sort of the The Talos Principle would call that

    Schmoo ,

    The tv show Pantheon figures it will work, but it will be very disturbing.

    localme ,

    Was looking for the Pantheon reference in this thread! Just finished that show and loved it. Of course it takes plenty of liberties for the sake of the storytelling, but still, at least it explores these interesting topics!

    Anyone reading this thread, do yourself a favor and check out Pantheon!

    ChewTiger ,

    Right? Like what if as cells die or degrade instead of being replaced by the body naturally they are replaced by nanites/cybernetics/tech magic. If the process of fully converting took place over the course of 10 years, then I don’t see how the subject would even notice.

    It’s an interesting thing to ponder.

    intensely_human ,

    The subject also doesn’t notice if you end their consciousness either.

    mdhughes , to programmerhumor in "I want to live forever in AI" avatar

    It’s still a surviving working copy. “I” go away and reboot every time I fall asleep.

    jkrtn ,

    Why would you want a simulation version? You will get saved at “well rested.” It will be an infinite loop of put to work for several hours and then deleted. You won’t even experience that much, your consciousness is gone.

    mdhughes , avatar

    Joke’s on them, I’ve never been “well rested” in my life or my digital afterlife.

    stetech ,

    Yup. Read this and you will forever be against brain-uploading:

    Norgur , to memes in Always has been avatar

    Inflation is not just price gouging, but it will almost inevitably lead to price gouging

    yogthos OP , avatar

    I mean inflation is literally a product of people who own businesses deciding to raise prices while depressing wages. So, it does largely come down to price gouging in a very real sense.

    Norgur , avatar

    That's... Not what inflation is.
    You have been watching half-arsed videos on YouTube by people who never really learned a single thing about economy, haven't you?

    Inflation is the devaluation of money which happens because the pool of money constantly grows (super oversimplified here), which it has to because otherwise, we'd face a deflation because the money pool would constantly shrink due to savings and such. Deflations can wreak havoc with economies and cause great misery all around. The "great depression" was a deflation. Look up how that turned out. That's what the constant inflation rates of around 3% are meant to prevent.

    There is no cabal of businessmen deciding to raise prices and seoress wages and then selling that as "inflation".

    yogthos OP , (edited ) avatar

    Well then, mr. economy understander, maybe you can explain to us who raises the prices. Saying that money devaluates because more currency is being issued shows an utterly infantile understanding of how the economy works on your part. Money doesn’t just magically lose value just because more currency is issued, as anybody who has a clue regarding how monetary systems work would understand.

    Also, not sure why anybody would think a cabal of businessmen deciding to raise prices would be necessary. A rational person would understand that businessmen can have a shared class interest while acting completely independently. Businesses raise prices because they want to increase their profits, there’s no grand conspiracy needed. The fact that you can’t even understand such basic things suggests that you’re in no position to deride actual economists just because they happen to use the medium of youtube to explain things.

    mister_monster ,

    Google “cantillion effect”.

    yogthos OP , avatar

    Again, Cantillon effect is not a force of nature, it’s a result of conscious actions of individuals who own capital.

    mister_monster ,

    It is a conscious decision by those who print money. I don’t think you even googled it or know what it is. You too can be an economy understander with very little effort if you were so inclined.

    yogthos OP , avatar

    Imagine not understanding that large financial capitalists are in fact the ones who own the money printers. You too can be an economy understander with very little effort if you spent a bit of time actually understand about the subject you’re opining on.

    mister_monster ,

    You’re wrong about almost everything you believe and you should educate yourself rather than protect your ego. Feeling right is candy, learning is sustenance.

    yogthos OP , avatar

    I’d be really offended by this if I had a shred of respect for your opinion.

    mister_monster ,

    Why would you be offended? Why not just consider it possible and learn things? Why default to ego protection when you can default to growing as a person?

    yogthos OP , avatar

    Because I’ve seen what you have to say, and it’s pretty clear there’s not much to be learned here. Perhaps you should take your own advice and try to learn things instead of running around smugly arguing with people who know more than you on the subject.

    cyclohexane ,

    You’re correct that inflation is the devaluation of money. The value of a unit of money is represented by what that unit can buy, so the person you replied to is also correct. This is why the most used indicators of inflation are measures of buying power.

    If my money is devalued, it means that when I was able to buy 1 gallon of milk, I can now only buy 3/4ths a gallon with the same amount.

    So while you’re correct in your over simplified example that inflation can be caused by the growth in “pool of money”, as you alluded, it is not that simple and its not the only cause. Moreover, inflation still manifests itself in the form of prices increasing. If pool of money grows, but prices remain the same, there’s no inflation.

    This does not necessitate a “canal of businessmen” conspiring.

    joyjoy ,

    So you’re saying inflation is an excuse to price gouge?

    Norgur , avatar

    Thats what im saying. Inflation is not what happens when people price gouge, but it provides a convenient way to hide a little gouging here and there when prices have to be adjusted for inflation anyway

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