There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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cyborganism , to memes in POVERTY IS A FEATURE NOT A BUG

I understand the point. But France has done this and ended up with giant ghettos filled with si much crime that no emergency services whatsoever go there anymore.

In the US, they built giant housing projects like this where poverty was concentrated and the same thing happened. Crime installed itself in those projects and these neighbourhoods became dangerous ghettos.

Picture 1 is not the solution you think you want.

The condo building where I live is not so big. And it was built with 25% dedicated to social housing where poor families and underpaid workers can live comfortably in an apartment unit as big as my condo unit, which I paid nearly $400k CAD, for the price of about $650 CAD per month. This allows them to integrate with everyone else and live with everyone else and near where all the jobs are.

IMALlama ,

This is absolutely correct. Concentrating poverty is something that happens in most counties, but is very detrimental to society at large. Wikipedia has a decent article to get a toe in the water:

uis , avatar

they built giant housing projects like this where poverty was concentrated

Maybe this is because 30-story humant colony in the middle of nowhere without public transit will always be ghetto no matter who lives there.

jana , to memes in Stfu about hop profiles

Ah yes. Drinking beers is a great way to… hide alcoholism.

WoahWoah ,

It’s not alcoholism it’s a serious, elegant, and all-consuming hobby. That’s all. I’m just a hopsthusiast and constant connoisseur. That’s all.

ImFresh3x ,
areyouevenreal ,

Why does he blow the whistle?

squiblet , avatar

I spent a while acting like I was really interested in the flavors of mezcal, brandies, scotch and whiskey before I was finally fuck it and just drank $5 brandy and Diet Pepsi.

MonsiuerPatEBrown , to memes in sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!!

Are we supposed to read every post and every comment even if we don’t like it ?

That seems so unfair ! We should have a right not to read posts and comments if we find them about a subject we don’t want to interact with right then.

Adkml ,

Otherwise we might become like those tankies in their echo chamber.

doctorcrimson , to memes in bit of a hot take

To think we really let the company who made YouTube’s Compression handle the next image format.

isVeryLoud ,

We didn’t, they decided to force it onto us. JPEG-XL is technically superior, but they refused to implement it into Chromium to push their own garbage because they know most people use Chromium anyway.

ILikeBoobies ,

Just switch to Firefox nightly

I have no idea why it doesn’t work in Firefox standard, the option to turn support on is there but it does nothing

isVeryLoud ,

I noticed that, nice to know it’s in nightly.

Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone’s gonna actually use the format because the vast majority of people can’t use it.

hare_ware ,

Sites should nag people for using an “Unsupported Browser” and tell them to switch to a modern & secure one like Firefox or Librewolf.

TWeaK , to memes in Jim "Scumbag" Farley

Ford has 186,000 employees. His entire salary, divided amongst every employee, would be $112.90.

He’s certainly overpaid - like pretty much all CEOs - but this is a bad example.

gamermanh , avatar

Did the post day to divide his salary to everyone or did it laugh at the thought of a living wage bankrupting his company?

TWeaK ,

No the post compared his salary to the employees earning $66,000 or above. I’m not sure what the median income is at Ford, but I’d guess it’s less than that - so really the post is only in support of less than half of the company’s workforce.

gamermanh , avatar

Yes, the post did just that…

…while laughing at the thought that raising the lower paid people’s salary will bankrupt his company.

Your attempt to spin the memes meaning around is an amount of reaching that I’d recommend stretching for next time

TWeaK , (edited )

Your attempt to spin my comment into a scarecrow you can argue against is the real stretch here.

I’m not saying it isn’t ridiculous that giving a raise to employees of a profitable business would bankrupt the company. I’m saying it’s a bad example for the meme to bring up the CEO’s salary, rather than the profit of the company. The CEO’s salary is peanuts divided amongst every employee, meanwhile the company profits and shareholder dividends represent much more of the wealth that the employees have generated without being compensated for.

Thordros , avatar

The CEO’s salary is peanuts divided amongst every employee, meanwhile the company profits and shareholder dividends represent much more of the wealth that the employees have generated without being compensated for.

True. The big shareholders are definitely a problem. I wonder who Ford’s largest individual shareholders are.

James D. Farley, Jr. owns a total of 1,103,833 Ford shares.


Grayox OP , avatar

Its called juxtaposition my guy, Ford also spent almost half billion on stock buybacks last year which could have been used to give every Ford Employee a $2500 bonus to share their profits, but instead they used it to buy back stocks…

dirtbiker509 ,

And buying back the stock has the effect of making the stock price go up. And guess who gets the most stock? The CEO and C suite. They give themselves huge raises by doing this and it’s perfectly legal :(

TWeaK ,

Well see that’s a good example. Ford is a profitable business, and should be paying their employees. All I’m pointing out is that the CEO’s salary - in the specific example of this business - does not represent a significant proportion of what is being taken from the average employee. That’s most likely going to the shareholders.

The CEO’s are partially to blame, but more blame lies with the shareholders, and also the legal system that mandates the CEO’s act in the interest of the hypothetical worst, most profit-hungry shareholder.

wintermute_oregon ,

The dividend is only 15 cent a share. It is almost 10%. It should be around 5%.

Personally I think there should be a law you can’t borrow to pay dividends. They must come from cash

TWeaK ,

Personally I think there should be a law you can’t borrow to pay dividends. They must come from cash

Fucking absolutely. But that’s a drop in the bucket of financial fuckery that goes on, which is a very big elephant in the room.

wintermute_oregon ,

It’s a larger part than you think. It’s another part of manipulating the stock.

Companies should be regulated better. They should get tax relief when employees are paid well with good benefits. I don’t care if a company pays taxes as long as the employees are making money. They’ll translate to taxes being collected other ways.

What I can’t stand is all the bullshit waste and games.

I think layoffs should be severely punished by either taxes or forced severance.

I don’t care a ceo makes 20 million but there should be regulations to make sure they’re earning it and not just manipulating things

TWeaK ,

I mean I personally think income should be tax free up to a relatively high amount. Like 6 figures, minimum. You’re giving up your time, in service of a business which itself is in service of society, you shouldn’t have to subtract from your reward for that to give more. The business’ taxes should be covering that.

We should be heavily taxing investments, the times when people don’t actually do anything themselves but pay for things to be done, with the plan of getting money back and giving as little to those that actually did the work as possible. The business owner gives the minimum to their employees and takes all the excess for themselves.

What’s needed is a sliding tax scale where employers benefit from giving out higher mean salaries, not median, such that employees and employers both together benefit from the success of the business. If you pay your employees better, up to or maybe a little above the average income, your business gets taxed less. That’s the sort of government incentive we should be having.

Reverendender , avatar

This…is not a bad take. 🍻

wintermute_oregon ,

Investments should be taxed little or zero till a certain income is produced from dividends. That’s how retired people live. That’s why certain stocks were called pensioner stocks.

Out whole tax system needs an overhaul. If a company was producing an economic advantage to the community and employees. I have no issue with them not paying taxes. We are getting it through the value they create.

The current model rewards taking from the community.

Jsprad ,

A 15 cent quarterly dividend on a $15 stock is 1%, not 10%. Ford’s annual dividend is about 4% per year.

wintermute_oregon ,

You’re correct. Different sites show it differently.

They showed the 10% but yes its about 5

nyctre ,

Sure, but Ford made a profit of 10 billion last year according to google. That means that they can give every single one of those 186k people a 6000$ raise and still be left with almost 9 billion in profit.

TWeaK ,

Yes, that’s a good example. All I’m saying is the CEO’s salary is not the root problem here. It’s more of a symptom.

nyctre ,

Isn’t the CEO one of the main people that decide salaries? When you’re ok with you having a multimillion salary and you say that others should be happy with 60k a year… that sounds like a problem to me

TWeaK ,

The CEO decides salaries, but the CEO is also legally obliged to pursue profits for shareholders first and foremost. The issue isn’t specifically the CEO, but the infrastructure that ensures the CEO behaves maliciously towards employees and customers.

UlyssesT ,
UlyssesT , to memes in brainwashed through loneliness only to be more lonely but also sexist now

“Everything is transactional, especially relationships”

“The reason feeeeemales don’t want to commit to transactions with High Value Men is feminism and wokeness” up-yours-woke-moralists

Aurenkin ,

Such a romantic

GiantChickDicks , to cat in PSA: Farmers Beware

“And the behaviour of the cat was somewhat peculiar. It was soon noticed that when there was work to be done the cat could never be found. She would vanish for hours on end, and then reappear at meal-times, or in the evening after work was over, as though nothing had happened. But she always made such excellent excuses , and purred so affectionately , that it was impossible not to believe in her good intentions.”

HiddenLayer5 , to memes in Nutella

Before clicking on this post: “Huh, so they redid the kitchen in wood, pretty cool-”

After clicking on this post:

“my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined”

donslaught , to memes in Please discuss.

This is clearly a sandwich. The confusion comes from how absurdly sub-optimal its construction is.

tdawg , to memes in Already cracked

Maybe I’m just old but $70 base is too much for any game let alone one from a studio with known issues

offspec ,

Games have been the same price for over thirty years, they’ve not changed with inflation and production costs have skyrocketed. To an extent the increased market has helped keep costs down for the consumer but it’s not unreasonable to see prices shift upwards.

Maladius ,

Yeah my parents were paying $60 for NES games for me… Which is why I had like 3 NES games. The only reason game aren’t $180 now is competition… And reproducibility vs size of market… And physical media is cheap or non-existent. Ok there are a few reasons, but still…

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

What about the cost of disc media that’s absolutely disappeared? That was a huge chunk of the overhead. Logistics to get the copies to all the stores, etc.

Now it’s just electricity and servers to download from.

Do you ever notice that no one ever talks about all the advancements that saved money? Of course not, cause then they’d never be able to justify continually hiking the prices up.

CorrodedCranium , avatar

Lots of games today force some sort of online element (ex. Cloud saves, workshop content, multiplayer, etc.) I wonder how much that costs them to maintain. I can’t imagine it’s that significant if they are dealing with multiple single player games.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Probably not as much as the money they derive from the live service model.

Businesses do what makes them the most money.

NikkiDimes ,

Distribution platforms like Steam charge 30% for their service.

ThunderWhiskers , avatar

I am genuinely not trying to sound like a studio apologist, because there are myriad reasons to be upset with them, but y’all need to think these arguments through a little better. I haven’t pulled up any numbers, but are we really going to pretend that the cost of producing a game in 1990 is even remotely comparable to that of a modern day AAA game? The fact that video game costs have remained relatively steady and even decreased in some cases for decades should be astonishing.

Pick a different argument.

thedrivingcrooner , (edited ) avatar

Pick a non-strawman argument and then we can have a discussion. They had different methods of creating games yes, but were they easier back then than they are now? I don’t think so, they had people inventing the fucking wheel of what could be possible and we still had a consistent price tag with a FEATURE COMPLETE package. They didn’t have as many workers as they did because all of the programming went to those individual developers to figure out. The amount of work is more intricately spread out in these bigger studios, but the passion and creativeness was more alive back in the early days. None of it was automated with fully polished dev tools and externally hired language teams.

SnowdenHeroOfOurTime ,

How are you missing that you are literally comparing a team of 5 programmers and artists to games made by 500+ people?

I mean seriously you can read, that alone should be enough.

Aux ,

The only strawman argument here is yours. Most people wouldn’t play a game released today if it looked like Pong and had the same gameplay features. Also, there are a lot more wheels to invent today.

thedrivingcrooner , avatar

I’m not just talking about Pong, and that is another good example of a strawman argument ironically.

Aux ,

Steam is more expensive than discs.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

There’s no way in hell that paying steam is more expensive than buying dics, putting your game on those discs, putting those discs in cases, and then paying to ship those cases all over the world.

Know how I know? Because businesses do whatever is the most profitable, and clearly digital distro is cheaper since we’ve been pushing for it since it was invented.

Asymptote ,

The customer base has increased more than a thousandfold. If anything prices should go down.

Khalmoon ,

I always found it kinda funny how gamers rage about the poor quality of games, but bugs with Bethesda is almost an expectation

CorrodedCranium , avatar

Do you really get that vibe? I feel like a lot of people refer to Bethesda games as a buggy mess. There’s the whole Bugthesda thing.

I think all the mods designed to improve performance have helped the reputation a bit but I still wouldn’t play Fallout New Vegas on a PS3 due to the bugs.

tdawg ,

I see both. For some reason there are still a lot of people who like their games despite the bugs and will defend them very vocally. I understand liking what you like (even if I strongly disagree) but it never makes sense to say an obvious issue isn’t an issue

CorrodedCranium , (edited ) avatar

A lot of the time I think they are overlooking the bugs and focusing on the game as a whole. Kind of with the mentality that once you get past the buggy husk you get the tasty kernels inside.

Fallout 3 (through Steam) was unplayable without mods for a while because Games For Windows Live was used as DRM and was shutdown years ago but if you checked the Steam reviews a significant amount of people omitted this or were fine with the game (mostly) working once you got over that hurdle.

Personally I didn’t think this was unacceptable considering the GOG version worked fine but it goes to show the mentality people have.

Pyr_Pressure ,

Eh, to me I usually just convert it to $ per hour of enjoyment. Will I get 10 hours of enjoyment? 100? 1000?

If it’s a great game and I think I’ll get 1000 hours out of it, even if it’s $70 that’s like $0.07 per hour.

Compare that to paying $30 to go see a 1.5 hour movie at the theater and you’re doing pretty darn good I think. Even if you only get 10 hours out of it thats $7 an hour for entertainment vs the $20 an hour for a movie.

tdawg ,

I’ve paid 15 dollars to play risk of rain 2 for 500 hours. I gurantee you there is no triple A studio in the world that would get that many hours out of me nor would their game be even double that price

SnowdenHeroOfOurTime ,

Fair expectations from a complete adult /s

tdawg ,

what’d you mean?

Tobi ,

$30 for a movie is insane

ArmokGoB ,

Smash Melee cost $86.48 on release when accounting for inflation.

tdawg ,

I wouldn’t buy smash bros for 90 bucks either

Hyperi0n ,

You’re missing the point. Games are cheaper now then they were then.

tdawg ,

So are wages

Hintenhobin ,

As opposed to the $60 they have been since the NES was the hot new console?

tdawg ,

I don’t buy $60 games either mate

FUCKRedditMods , to memes in My dyslexia does the same thing to me, wish it was just ketamine....

Was the original joke a horny sonic one? because that third panel significantly subverted the expectations established in the second panel lol

Shialac ,

Its Sonic

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Some weird fan take on him though.

Isn’t he usually pregnant?

Tb0n3 ,

Only in the cursed art.

thedrivingcrooner , avatar

Them lack of swollen pregnancy grippers is unsettling.

newIdentity ,

“there is no D in Me”

darcy , to memes in I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser avatar

cant relate. i love the International Phonetic Alphabet

PeWu ,

Well, I also like Isopropyl Alcohol

Linux_Cultist , to memes in Wealth shown to scale


  • Loading...
  • _donnadie_ , avatar

    I have a friend that used to be super into watching morbid stuff like gore and snuff videos. He stopped a few years ago and last time I asked him he told me that he can’t handle them anymore, same goes for another person I know.

    In my case I’ve never been able to watch too much of those things, but I know I’m able to handle situations where blood and stuff is involved as I’ve studied anatomy with dead human bodies and also worked with injured people. I like to think I’ve had a bit of a healthier relationship with the effects of violence on humans.

    Transcriptionist , to lemmyshitpost in Finding out the hard way

    Image Transcription:

    Tumblr post by user turing-tested: guess who just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way Reply by user vraska-theunseen: wait what’s the difference? Reply by user turing-tested: one you can use in the oven safely and the other you can also use in the oven if the thing you are trying to make happens to be fire

    [I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please provide alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

    PersnickityPenguin ,

    Yeah, wax paper is basically an unrolled candle.

    atx_aquarian , avatar

    Good human!

    Transcriptionist ,

    Thank you!

    hypnotoad , to lemmyshitpost in The what now?

    Those are all perfectly cromulent words

    Facelikeapotato OP , avatar

    Sure to embiggen your vocabulary.

    dutchkimble ,

    Crom laughs at your four winds from his mountain!

    Fosheze ,

    FYI. Your account is flagged as a bot. If you aren’t actually a bot then you should go into your account setrings and uncheck the bot account box.

    hypnotoad ,

    Much appreciated

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