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AssortedBiscuits , to memes in Primes avatar

The meme works better if it’s 1 instead of 2. 1 is mostly not considered a prime number because a bunch of theorems like the fundamental theorem of arithmetic would have to be reworked to say “prime numbers greater than 1.” However, just because 1 is not a prime number doesn’t mean it’s a composite number, so 1 is a number that is neither prime nor composite.

Collatz_problem ,

2 is a prime number, but shit ton of theorems only apply to odd prime numbers, and a lot of other theorems treat 2 as a special separate case, because it behaves weirdly.

GustavoM , to aww in Fox and the hound? avatar

The doggo looks worried.

DeadGemini , to unixporn in Need help with polybar config avatar

I’m honestly not 100% sure, but I don’t think so. Waybar does though, with the tooltip option.

Waybar is similar to Polybar, but only works on Wayland rather than X11. Configuration is a bit different, but similar in many respects. If you’re using i3 with Polybar now, you can install Sway as the window manager and drop your i3 config into ~/.config/sway/, it should work exactly the same as i3 after a few minor tweaks. Once Sway is set up, you can install and configure Waybar. The config file is not a drop-in replacement like Sway was for i3, but if you can figure out Polybar, you can figure out Waybar.

Link to the Waybar wiki on Github

AWildMimicAppears , to aww in Fox and the hound? avatar

DestroyerAce , to unixporn in Need help with polybar config avatar

Sadly no. (You can prolly create drop down menu in a hacky way by creating some script that would launch a drop down looking menu and have your wm’s window rules display it under the module when clicked)

Btw waybar supports tooltips(hover text thingy) but its wayland only

realbaconator , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

ISO 8601 gang. You’d never want to describe dates that way but for file management the convenience is massive.

qjkxbmwvz ,

If you’re using a *NIX command line, something like

mkdir $(date +%F)_photos

is super handy.

RedEyeFlightControl , avatar

I do. Anything I have to put a datecode on, always gets a stamp of YYYYMMDD.

Bene7rddso ,

That’s not ISO8601

muix ,

That is the basic format of ISO8601, hyphens are only used in the extended format which is encouraged to be used in plain text.

See ISO 8601:2004 section 2.3.3 basic format

crusa187 , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

Tab completion approves of this naming scheme.

Facebones , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

Nah MMDDYY for me fam

fung ,

I’m the same in my heart, but my brain says YYYYMMDD

agressivelyPassive ,

You are objectively wrong.

genoxidedev1 , avatar

Yes, MM DD YY only makes sense when you're speaking.

In written language it should always follow the order of smallest to largest, meaning day, month, and then year. Imo.

Though I personally try to use YYYY-MM-DD as much as possible in day to day life, if not applicable I use DD MM YYYY. YYYY-MM-DD of course doesn't follow the order of smallest to largest, instead following the opposite order, though at least it has an order.

Swarfega ,

When does saying the month first ever help when you’re speaking? The month doesn’t change for like 30 days. The only thing that matters is dd which changes daily. If someone asks me what the date I’ll give them the day date and nothing else.

I don’t need to say it’s the 9th and watch them panic that maybe it’s January.

genoxidedev1 , avatar

I don't even know how to reply to this.

So if you made an appointment for the 2nd of September you'd tell 'em "yeah let's meet on the 2nd" or "yeah let's meet on the 245th" you're gonna need the month somewhere.

Of course if it's the same month it wouldn't make a difference if you said "let's meet on the 10th" or "let's meet on the 10th of August" but if you're making appointments for different months which in everyday life or in a work environment is not unusual you can't just say "yeah the 2nd" and expect them to know which month. "Yeah you can expect delivery by the 4th".

I didn't even say "it's the only way to say it when speaking" I said "only makes sense when you're speaking." because in written form MM DD YY is just shit for everyone except Americans, to the point where context sometimes is the only saving grace. Vice versa applies.

Swarfega ,

You only need to add the month if it’s not the current month. The same with the year.

Feathercrown ,

Yep you’re 100% right. My job start date was miscommunicated because of this, they were like “you start on the 17th”… turns out it was the next month. Better than getting it wrong in the other direction though for sure!

WingedThing , (edited ) avatar

Largest to smallest is way more logical than smallest to largest. You start general and get more specific as you progress. It is in general a better approach to conveying information and cataloging data. Not just dates.

Feathercrown ,

Yeah but if you’re communicating a date, then it’s likely that the larger chunks of time will match and can be ommitted, so it’s natural to go up the chain in until you hit the day/month/year that matches the current one. Although I guess that’d imply using minutes before hours… I guess you could go large to small and skip anything that matches too. Nvm lol

DV8 ,

Yes, MM DD YY only makes sense when you’re speaking

For many people it doesn’t. It’s something that’s exclusive to the US. In British English it’s day before month when speaking.

It’s something that is taught in school as “remember that the Americans say date before month so you don’t get confused”. But in a business context it’s bloody annoying you don’t switch to the international standard.

genoxidedev1 , avatar

Yes, we also do days first in Germany.

Like I replied to someone else in this thread: I wasn't saying "it's the only way that makes sense when speaking" I said "it only makes sense when speaking". That doesn't make any other way of saying dates make less sense when speaking though.

Facebones ,

It turns out I can label my files any way I like, thanks.

sarsaparilyptus ,

No, you can’t. Don’t bother locking the doors tonight, I’m coming in anyway.

Samsy OP ,

The judge a few weeks later: “you did this because of WHAT?”

Facebones ,


sarsaparilyptus ,
mkwarman , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

I’m definitely in the “for almost everything” camp. It’s less ambiguous especially when you consider the DD/MM vs MM/DD nonsense between US dates vs elsewhere. Pretty much the only time I don’t use ISO-8601 is when I’m using non-numeric month names like when saying a date out loud.

wesker , avatar

Yeah, it’s pretty much everything for me too. The biggest exception being when UI is involved and a longhand date format would be more friendly.

hglman ,

Friendly to who?


The time reapers

slacktoid , avatar

And you can do a simple sort on the combined number and youve sorted by date.

usualsuspect191 ,

In Canada we use MM/DD and DD/MM so you never quite know which it is! There’s an expense spreadsheet I fill out for work that uses one format in one place and the other format in another…

seitanic , avatar

Holy cats, that sounds like a nightmare.

mkwarman ,

That would ruin my entire day

flop_leash_973 ,

Hey, that sounds like my cloud storage providers auto billing system.

“Your auto renewal will draft on 08/09/23.”

Is that August 9th or September 8th? Literally depends on where the person you ask is in the world.

csolisr , to memes in What to do with the letters? (Help)

Give them to the prosecutors, of course

pommes , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg
Ellvix ,


EatBorekYouWreck , to memes in Primes

Even vs odd numbers are not as important as we think they are. We could do the same to any other prime number. 2 is the only even prime (meaning it is divisible by 2) 3 is the only number divisible by 3. 5 is the only prime divisible by 5. When you think about the definition of prime numbers, this is a trivial conclusion.

Tldr: be mindful of your conventions.

alvvayson ,

Yes, but not really.

With 2, the natural numbers divide into equal halves. One of which we call odd and the other even. And we use this property a lot in math.

If you do it with 3, then one group is going to be a third and the other two thirds (ignore that both sets are infinite, you may assume a continuous finite subset of the natural numbers for this argument).

And this imbalance only gets worse with bigger primes.

So yes, 2 is special. It is the first and smallest prime and it is the number that primarily underlies concepts such as balance, symmetry, duplication and equality.

EatBorekYouWreck ,

But why would you divide the numbers to two sets? It is reasonable for when considering 2, but if you really want to generalize, for 3 you’d need to divide the numbers to three sets. One that divide by 3, one that has remainder of 1 and one that has remainder of 2. This way you have 3 symmetric sets of numbers and you can give them special names and find their special properties and assign importance to them. This can also be done for 5 with 5 symmetric sets, 7, 11, and any other prime number.

alvvayson ,

Then you have one set that contains multiples of 3 and two sets that do not, so it is not symmetric.

rbhfd ,

You’d have one set that are multiples of 3, one set that are multiples of 3 plus 1, and one stat that are multiples of 3 minus 1 (or plus 2)

alvvayson ,

How do you people even math.

You might as well use a composite number if you want to create useless sets of numbers.

Foofighter ,

Not sure about how relevant this in reality, but when it comes to alternating series, this might be relevant. For example the Fourier series expansion of cosine and other trig function?

EatBorekYouWreck ,

But then it is more natural to use the complex version of the Fourier series, which has a neat symmetric notation

Foofighter ,

True, but normally, you’d introduce trig functions before complex numbers. Anyhow: I appreciate the meme and the complete over the top discussion about it :D

EatBorekYouWreck ,

Complex numbers ftw

treefingers ,

I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but you’re describing cyclical groups

EatBorekYouWreck ,

Not intentionally, but yes group rise in many places unexpectedly. That’s why they’re so neat

nave , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg


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  • fried ,

    Now thats the kind of indoctrination of children I can get behind

    Bene7rddso ,

    It’s ISO8601

    cerberus , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg avatar

    ISO 8601 is amazing for data storage and standardizing the date.

    Display purposes sure, whatever you feel like

    But goddammit if you don’t use ISO 8601 to store dates, I will find you, and I will standardize your code.

    datelmd5sum ,

    epoch not acceptable then?

    Rootiest ,

    Epoch is also acceptable if humans don’t need to understand it

    cerberus , avatar

    I will agree it’s a valid storage but it has to be specified in ms

    snek_boi ,

    I actually need to standardize my code. I’ve got “learning F2” as something I want to do soon. The goal: use the exif data of my pictures to create [date in ISO 8601] - [original filename].[original file type termination]

    So a picture taken the third of march 2022 titled “asdf.jpg” would become “2022-3-3 - asdf.jpg”

    Help? lol

    Samsy OP ,

    I did this in the past and I would search through my notes… If I had notes ffs.

    notabot ,

    If you’re on Linux exiftool can get the creation date for you: exiftool -p ‘$CreateDate’ -d ‘%Y-%m-%d’ FILENAME, and you could run tgat in a loop over your files, something like:

    <span style="color:#323232;">mkdir -p out
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">for f in *.jpg
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">do
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">createdate=$(exiftool -p '$CreateDate' -d '%Y-%m-%d' "${f}")
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">cp -p "${f}" "out/${createdate} - ${f}"
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">done

    Obviously don’t justbgo running code some stranger just posted on the internet, especially as I haven’t tested it, but that should copy images from the current directory to a subdirectory called ‘out’ with the correct filenames.

    metaStatic ,

    ok I think I finally need to ask

    What the fuck is up with the html code? Ive seen this in a lot of posts and it just throws me every time.

    notabot ,

    I don’t see any HTML when I look at that comment from Lemmy, but kbin seems to make a real mess of rendering code blocks. Basically that bit had a few lines of code they could yse to do what they wanted.

    scubbo ,

    Do you mean strings like %Y? They’re not url-encoded values - they’re strftime format directives.

    cerberus , avatar

    Can you give more context, what are you using? Language / system / etc?

    snek_boi ,

    I’m using NixOS. Ext4 filesystem. As to language, I’m not entirely sure what you mean. If you refer to the character set in the filenames, I think there are no characters that deviate from the English alphabet, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

    cerberus , avatar

    Oh ok so you’re more so working with folder structure etc, so bash for when you plug-in a card?

    I’m thinking in more programmatic terms, there’s definitely some bash scripting you can execute. Or just go balls out and write a service that executes on systemctl

    xilliah , to memes in 2023-08-09.jpg

    I apply it violently. It’s like my boxing bag.

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