There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Iron_Lynx , to programmer_humor in When a real user uses the app

And no mention of ordering ; DROP TABLE orders;-- beers?

Iron_Lynx ,

I’m assuming the Lemmy system is Bobby Tables proof here 😅

kautau ,

That’s the security testing team, not QA

RecluseRamble ,

That joke is possibly older than SQL injection.

fckreddit , to asklemmy in What is the largest amount of partners you saw in a cookies consent question ?

I had high 700s, where even 1 is more than I can stomach. Thank devs for uBlock Origin.

CanadaPlus ,

“Hey dude, we were going to hang out on Sunday. We were planning just us, but can I bring 651 friends along?”

fckreddit ,

This is more like “Can my 651 friends snoop on our party?”

brbposting ,

Based gorhill

To Raymond Hill, we owe SO MUCH.

And the list maintainers of course! (Who often accept donations whereas gorhill has always refused even a penny!)

Palacegalleryratio , to memes in Yes, but avatar

I hate buying any clothing with a brand name visible, but for certain types of item like sports clothes it’s almost impossible.

melpomenesclevage ,

Oh my god its so fucking annoying!

Ardyssian ,

I just want plain coloured t shirts / abstract geometric patterns without annoying words!

TwinTusks , avatar

Buy Chinese knockoffs, they are cheaper and have random brand names. Lol

Wilzax , (edited ) to memes in This is the way

~$ echo ”for i in $FASCISTS; do /usr/bin/punchInTheFace i; done” >

~$ sudo bash

lowleveldata , (edited ) to memes in Yes, but

I’d rather choose my own poison than having them shoved in my face with auto play audio when I’m looking for porns. Thank you.

cypherix93 ,

wow plural, you must be good!

Darkenfolk ,

He’s good son, real good! Maybe even the best.

UnfortunateShort , to programmer_humor in there is no need

Every time I take a look at collections of user created themes for anything, I am reminded why design is a profession.

Not trying to shame anyone, I’ve been an enjoyer of custom themes ever since I started using Linux, but you need to have at the very least a little contrast in your theme. That’s kinda where this conversation begins :D

isVeryLoud ,

User themes having poor contrast and inconsistencies is why I stick to stock themes, made by UX/UI designers who work directly with the developers.

ZILtoid1991 , to lemmyshitpost in FF Evangelists

I put in a tailplug and put on fox ears every time I use Firefox.

melpomenesclevage ,

I actually got kicked out of school because I wouldn’t use internet explorer, but Firefox is still the best option. Always was. Even if you need a special chair.

Rodancoci ,

Please elaborate, sounds like a crazy story.

melpomenesclevage , (edited )

Well, it was high school, and they didn’t like my tail plug. Kept calling it ‘inappropriate’. I kept laying out my arguments for why chrome and IE are trash, but they just could not tolerate open source, I guess.

Wes_Dev ,

“I’m so used to getting fucked by Chrome and Edge that I just feel like something’s missing if I don’t.”

tkk13909 , to memes in until we meet again!

I mean if you think about it, the default of humanity is to die of thirst assuming we were to do nothing so ‘earning a living’ is just a realistic expectation for any society.

Serinus ,

If able, you should provide enough to society to make it worth meeting your basic needs. They give you food, water, shelter, you give them back enough to compensate them for that effort.

At its root, this is what cash should be, a measure of what society owes you. You make other people’s lives X much better, and they do the same for you.

We should really be trying harder to get cash to meet this goal. A person making 60k a year for 45 years is $2.7 million dollars. You can buy a person’s lifetime of effort for $2.7 million.

Bill Gates is worth $131 billion. That’s the lifetime effort of 48,500 people. He hasn’t improved our lives that much. Something is clearly out of sorts. There’s nothing one person can do to deserve the lifetime effort of a thousand people.


Being evil pays really well. Sometimes.

intensely_human ,

How much time has personal computing saved in your life? Are you really sure Gates hasn’t produced 48k lifetimes worth of saved time by his efforts?

Serinus ,

It doesn’t matter. One person can’t put forth 48k lifetimes worth of effort, and they don’t deserve that much in return.

I promise the dude hasn’t worked harder than the combined efforts of 48 thousand people.

We can reward talent, and we can reward effort. But no combination of those two is as ridiculous as our reward structure. Our reward structure is flawed because people with money make the rules, and their primary rule is that people with money should have more money.

CableMonster ,

What you are saying is true, but there is not a better option for how the economy works that doesnt end really bad. I dont like bill gates, but the idea that he cant have what he has doesnt end well.

Serinus ,

It turns out we can have the tax rates of the 1950s and 1960s without the segregation.

CableMonster ,

The federal tax receipts/gdp were pretty much the same as they are right now in the 50s and 60s. Just because the tax rate was high doesnt mean people pay that much.

Serinus ,

Yeah, what a shame it was that people had to invest in the longevity and reputation of their business in order to keep paying them out over a hundred years.

CableMonster ,

I dont know what you are trying to say.

rocket_dragon ,

To answer this question seriously, Bill Gates has held back computing by stealing other people’s work and ideas and using Embrace Extend and Extinguish.

If Bill Gates had no existed, arguably open source computing and hardware would be even more advanced than what we have now. Windows has been a net detriment to society.

dream_weasel ,

I don’t think that’s a realistic position to take though. If not Bill Gates it would have been someone else trying to capitalize, not a de facto FOSS utopia.

TokenBoomer ,

Everyone died before computers, it’s a fact.

lolcatnip ,

If you follow that reasoning, the ultimate conclusion is that it’s perfectly fine to let sick or disabled people die.

ironhydroxide ,

Let them … well yes eventually you will have to let them, as you can’t stop them.

Forcing them along that path though, yeah that’s not cool.

lolcatnip , (edited )

I don’t see what point you’re trying to make, unless you think I need a reindeer reminder that everyone eventually dies.

dream_weasel ,
VirtualOdour , to memes in And I'll vote for him again

A lot of my American friends are buying into this both sides thing, they say prices are up and the democrats aren’t doing enough to deal with the climate so neither really care about anything…

I’ve been an eco obsessive since the 90s so to me it’s painfully clear the night and day difference between the two parties, trying to explain it is so hard because they’ve got their talking points like more drilling under Biden than Trump but when you try to talk about the lag effects related to leased land it’s all just hand waved away - they’ve seen people talking about it as true and not mentioning that lease sales are at all time lows which will result in significantly less permits in future years so it’s ‘Biden bad, end of story.’ Saying ‘they say there’ll be less but they say anything, they said there would be less now’ totally ignoring the logic of the argument.

Right wing psychological experts plan these talking points and seed them, the left falls for them every time it’s so frustrating.

I think part of the problem is people want the world to be simple, the immigration issue is another thing a lot of my left voting friends are struggling with at the moment, blaming the housing crisis on immigration for example then I point out immigrants working construction is super common and they say why don’t they work instead of being put up in hotels so I say there’s a complex process involved in getting a right to work designed to protect American jobs and many are rejected and returned to their country of origin without obtaining this right… but again ‘it’s super complex and messy but they’re trying to improve things’ is easily shrugged off just like with the climate argument by saying ‘they only say they’re trying, trying means nothing only actions matter’

The problem is the two parties play totally different games with totally different objectives. One is trying to tangle a ball of yarn into.a mess and the other is attempting to untangle it and knit a cardigan.

multifariace ,

The issue that I am passionate about is election reform. Including things like getting rid of gerrymandering, making voting more accessible, making the houses more representative of the people, and breaking down big donor influence on elections and policy. Neither of the big two parties comes close to making any of this happen.

If these things are not fixed, the parties in control can do whatever they want. They can keep us divided by shouting about one passion-based issue in public then doing nothing about it while serving big donor interests in legislation.

I don’t see how any mainstream issue matters when you can’t trust elected officials to act on any issue you care about. That is unless you are one of the self-interested donors who writes your own bills. Then it still doesn’t matter which party is in power because you can control them both.

GhostTheToast ,

Off topic slightly, but I’ve seen on Lemmy lately where people are saying “get rid of gerrymandering” and I’m curious about the argument for this.

Honestly, I’d love for it to happen, but I assumed it was impossible in a Representative Democracy because of how the system/math worked. Kinda of an inherit problem. Mostly because the ways I’ve heard to remedy this issue is to distribute districts in such a way that they more closely resemble their population ratios. However, isn’t this also a form of gerrymandering? Districts are getting set to way we think they should be. Not saying that wrong persay, just feel like a bandage solution. Like we’re beating a nail in with a wrench. In a way though, this reminds me of the Observer Effect in a way

multifariace ,

There isn’t a perfect way to draw districts. I like sortest splitline for its simplicity and impartial strategy.

The best solution I can see is to evolve the House of Representatives into a body of proportional representation. This could be done in state level houses as well. Single winner, or other small number of winners elections should have ranked choice to make it harder for parties to maintain dominance.

GhostTheToast ,

This was more of the point I was trying to hit but couldn’t think of

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

isn’t this also a form of Gerrymandering?


gerrymandering is editing the borders for your party’s gain.

If it’s done to be balanced and representive, then it isn’t gerrymandering.

there’s a super simple solution: stop having the ruling party be allowed to draw the lines. Have the whole thing be controlled by ordinary government bureaucrats. No-one elected involved at any point.

then, suddenly, impossible for gerrymandering to exist, outside of criminal interference.

MalachaiConstant ,

One is trying to tangle a ball of yarn into.a mess and the other is attempting to untangle it and knit a cardigan.

Building on this metaphor, one of my single biggest frustrations with the left is how many of them won’t accept anything short of a fully knit cardigan; unless they get exactly what they want, they’d rather just hand it over to the tanglers.

Bigoldmustard , to linux in Btw

I tried buying a used thinkpad and putting Linux on it, but then it stopped charging correctly after 2 weeks. So I went back on adhd meds and got a new job and turned my life around.

SturgiesYrFase , avatar

By turn your life around you mean bought a new Think pad and put Arch on it, right?

nexguy , avatar

The ol’ 360 life turnaround

flashgnash ,

Honestly I thought I was doing good for my technical knowledge by playing with Linux and it has helped but there comes a point where I hit a plateau with that and now I just end up endlessly tweaking and just wasting time on it

schnokobaer , to technology in This was the first result on Google

Licensed Insurance Agent

someguy3 , (edited )

Yup about the answer I expect.

Kidplayer_666 , to memes in Spot the difference

Are you aware of the fact that right now China is on a housing crisis of its own, brought on by the fact that most households have no way to create an investment of their own to save for retirement, except for real estate, leading to some of the highest prices in the world?

yogthos OP , avatar

90% of families in the country own their home giving China one of the highest home ownership rates in the world. What’s more is that 80% of these homes are owned outright, without mortgages or any other leans. The only people who will have a crisis are financial capitalists who overinvested in the real estate sector, and they’re not getting a bailout like they would in the west. Meanwhile, houshold savings in China are record high, and the economy is growing at 5.2%.

Maybe update your propaganda talking points there. 😂

Kidplayer_666 ,

If you actually choose to bother to check out pricing in most Chinese cities, you would come to realise that the pricing is very similar to the London center. When you consider that the average salary in China is much lower than in the UK, most Chinese are only able to buy houses with help from their parents and grandparents. Add to that the lack of balance between genders due to the ruinous one child policy, and the cultural norm of property being a requirement before even trying to propose to someone, and you got a housing bubble that looks set to burst.

yogthos OP , avatar

What part of 90% of the people own their housing are you still struggling with?

Rolder ,

80% owned outright my ass.…/china-value-of-real-estate-housing…

Most current state put them at 40 trillion yuan in mortgages (5.5 trillion USD)

And their home ownership rates aren’t surprising when you consider how they have been pre-selling homes before they are even built. Which is backfiring horribly with those housing companies going under because they can’t finish the homes fast enough.

yogthos OP , avatar

Most current state put them at 40 trillion yuan in mortgages (5.5 trillion USD)

If you had a clue regarding the subject you’re opining on, then you’d understand that these figures aren’t mutually exclusive. Vast majority of people in China own their primary homes, that’s where 80% ownership comes from. In additions, people and companies buy up secondary properties, which is where the mortgages come from.

backfiring horribly with those housing companies going under because they can’t finish the homes fast enough

Do elaborate how it’s backfiring on anybody but the financial capitalists who invested in these ventures.

Rolder ,

You literally claimed “without any mortgages or leans” my friend, which is plain not true.

brain_in_a_box ,

How exactly is it “plainly untrue”?

yogthos OP , avatar

I literally quoted a mainstream western article explaining that this is the case and even going into detail of how and why this is the case. Are you trying to claim that Forbes is shilling for China here and making things up?

Rolder ,

You quoted an article that’s over 7 years old lmao

yogthos OP , avatar

Are you suggesting that the rate of home ownership in China has changed in any substantial way in the past 7 years. If so please do provide citations to support your claims. Otherwise, feel free to go trolling in a different thread lmao.

Rolder ,

I already did. The statista link from before shows new home sales falling off a cliff over the last couple years. Probably due to all the problems the big sellers like evergrande have been seeing

yogthos OP , avatar

That doesn’t show anything to support your argument. It just shows that people aren’t seeing real estate as a good investment vehicle.

Rolder ,

Wait I linked mortgage values didn’t I, in response to the BS about them owning their homes without mortgages.

Here’s some proof showing home ownership falling off;…/chinas-home-sales-during-new-year-h……/index.html

Etc etc

yogthos OP , avatar

I’ve literally addressed this already above. Your links are not showing that home ownership is falling off, they’re showing that people are buying less homes now. Which is something you’d expect to be the case when most people already own a home. The only people buying homes now are the ones investing in them as secondary properties. It’s incredible that you can’t wrap your head around this.

robocall , to memes in Toothpaste avatar

You must use a lot of toothpaste to finish a tube in 2-6 weeks

SubArcticTundra OP , avatar

Nah I just brush super thoroughly I live with my family

LemmyKnowsBest ,

One tube of toothpaste lasts me 14 months. I’m not joking. I started a new one January 2023 and It just ran out at the beginning of March 2024.

because you know how the instructions on the tube say that small children only need a “pea-sized” amount of toothpaste? well the same is true for adults.

gibmiser , to lemmyshitpost in can't remember this part in the bible

Origin of the term Pussy

andrew , avatar

Everyone knows white Adam and Eve spoke English with white God. And that paradise was a Jungle which is definitely a great place to exist naked with all those insects.

name_NULL111653 ,

But the insects came after sin. Yes, all animals were there because evolution is wrong, but insects aren’t animals because they come about via spontaneous generation /s

The logic of the 17th century. Although modern creationists have updated it to “all orders / families are a Kind (whatever the hell that is), but insects are their own Kind so there was just this one really nice bug and parasites magically started evolving after the fall.”

Tangent5280 ,

If you sin or hide away from god he makes a parasite whose lifecycle involves crawling up your peehole and laying eggs in your anal wall.

redcalcium , to reddit in ...

The mods might actually spend money to run bots and other moderation tools on their own servers. Might even pay reddit for api usage too for using those tools.

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