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confusedbytheBasics , to lemmyshitpost in A future sci-fi writers never could've imagined

Also William Gibson wrote about foiling facial recognition with makeup over thirty years ago.

Cosmicomical ,

Also i think in Spook Country (but i’m not sure) he makes them use a t-shirt with an “ugly face” which is designed to disable facial recognition.

funkless_eck ,

Also Judge Dredd has clown folk who are essentially juggalos.

art , to memes in Never forget what they took from us... avatar

It never went away.

PiJiNWiNg ,

Was gonna say, nobody took shit, lol

onlooker , avatar

Yeah, single player games are nowhere near dead. If they ever did go the way of the dodo, I would probably stop playing altogether, because for the most part I just don’t like multiplayer games.

Skyline969 , to asklemmy in What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it? avatar

I work in the magical world of ISPs. If you’re having an internet issue, reboot your router and/or modem before calling in. It may not seem like much to you, but many background processes happen when you do so. This can be useful to troubleshoot where the issue lies. There’s a reason why techs will make you do so when calling in. And yes, they can tell on their end if and when you do so. So don’t bullshit them by saying you already did it if you didn’t.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

I feel like some people “lie” about rebooting their modem simply because they don’t know how to reboot it

Skyline969 , avatar
  1. Unplug the power
  2. Wait ~30 seconds, just to ensure it’s good and off
  3. Plug it back in

Fortunately there are no commands to enter or buttons to click. They’re designed to handle losing power.

Brown5500 ,

Yeah, but we all know that no matter how many times that I have already done, tech support won’t talk to me until we do it again together

Skyline969 , avatar

If I had a nickel for every time a full power cycle fixed it all, I’d be rich. However, if you did power cycle before and call in again, often it’s an issue that needs deeper investigation. In that case, the tech can likely watch the process of your equipment coming online in realtime to see where the issue is happening. Network entry, authentication, package application, DHCP, it can often be monitored as it’s happening. A reboot while on the phone starts the process right from the beginning so it can be monitored to determine what happens immediately and what happens after it sits for a while.

stoy ,

IT guy here, it is fairly common to make a change in the system™, and need to reboot the device for the change to take effect.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

I work in tech support. An error I haven’t seen doesn’t exist. So yes, I’m going to re-trace the trouble-shooting steps with you.
90% of the people who call in haven’t done it, but claim they did. Because they think I have a magic tech wand that can find and fix all problems, and that I just make them go through the motions because I’m lazy.

0x01 , to asklemmy in You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?

Cat cafe, you can chill in there for ages slurpin on coffee surrounded by the lil gremlins

PunnyName ,

Done it. But it took more money just to get there via Uber.

Worth it.

SkaveRat ,

I want rat cafes. Sadly there’s only one, and it’s in japan.

I just want to pet chaos potatoes while eating food that they are stealing from me

SzethFriendOfNimi , avatar

There’s the New York Subway if you can stomach the smell

jjjalljs ,

Most of the subway smells fine.

ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

you’ve been in NYC too long :-p

ouRKaoS ,

If we’re talking random animal Cafes, I want a lizard cafe with separate rooms for tropical and desert lizards.

illi ,

That would be neat. I couldn’t handle having rats anymore due to the prospect of constant loss but would love a place to hang out with some.

palordrolap , to linux in anti-snap stance is anti-consumer

Listen, I don't even like Flatpaks, but at least they're multi-platform and non-proprietary.

But the original poster is probably of the opinion that "pro-consumer" means something that "just works", and if it's a walled garden, so what?

"Why is there barbed wire at the top of that wall?" "Don't worry about it."

GenderNeutralBro ,

That would be a somewhat valid argument if Snaps “just worked” any better than Flatpaks. That has not been my experience.

Given the choice between an open standard and a proprietary one, the proprietary one damn well better have meaningful technological advantages. I don’t see that with Snaps. All I see is a company pouring effort into a system whose only value is that they are pouring effort into it. They should put that effort into something better.

Granted, it’s been a few years since I used Ubuntu and Snaps. Perhaps things have improved. It was nothing but headaches for me. A curse upon whoever decided to package apps that obviously require full file system access as Snaps. “User-friendly”, indeed.

From an enterprise/server perspective, when what you’re really paying for is first-party support, I guess Snaps make more sense. But again, that effort could be put toward something more useful.

laurelraven ,

I keep expecting them to die like Unity DE

SeekPie ,

Genuinely curious: what don’t you like about flatpaks?

I find that flatpaks are quite awesome, because you can have any distro, while all apps continue to work (but I’m also not a dev or anything, so don’t know about that side of the story).

Sethayy ,

Probably along the lines of ‘its bloated and too many dependencies’.

Though most flatpaks use a common base, any modifications on top of that sometimes need to be stored modified (now having 2 or more copies of one dependency)

To anyone that’s not a Linux nerd the app looks about the same size as on all other OS’s, but on Linux it makes it a lot larger than just bare bones installing it via package manager

SeekPie ,

But on the other hand, it works on all distros.

I think the pros outweigh the cons here, no?

nyan ,

Not for everyone, no. For me, each supposed pro has a corresponding con or is just a no-op:

  1. Only one package for all distros: Despite what people think, this does not lower the amount of work for the program’s creator, who was never required to create any sort of binary package at all. Furthermore, it means that fewer people are checking the package for faults—that’s part of what distro maintainers do, y’know.
  2. No external dependencies: Not only does this cause disk bloat, but it means that if the flatpak is no longer updated, the dependencies packaged inside it may not be either . . . which is one of the issues that dynamic linking was supposed to avoid in the first place. Might as well just go old-school and statically link the binary.
  3. Installations at user rather than system level: Only of value if I don’t have admin authority, and I don’t have to deal with a single system where that’s the case, so this is a no-op.
  4. Supposedly more rapid updates: I’m running Gentoo, not Debian fossil :cough: oldstable. If I really want to, I can have my package manager install direct pulls from source control for many packages. New changes every day—beat that, flatpak. Plus, unless there’s been a substantial change to a package’s build method, I can bump actual releases myself just by copying and renaming a small file, then running a couple of commands.
  5. Sandboxing: As far as I’m concerned, the amount of security added by sandboxing and the amount of security added by the additional scrutiny from the distro maintainers is probably about even (especially since the sandbox, as a non-trivial piece of software, will inevitably contain bugs). And I can can throw firejail on top if I’m worried about something specific (or run it in a VM if I’m really nervous). I can understand why this might be attractive to some people, but for me the weight is very low.


So I’m left with avoiding bloat and bugs in flatpak’s system integration vs. a little bit of security gained by additional sandboxing (which I don’t think I really need, because I’m only mid-level paranoid). Thus, I’m not interested in complexifying my update process by incorporating flatpak into my system. Others’ needs may be different.

palordrolap ,

Duplication of resources mainly. Bloat upon bloat. Worse, a Flatpak can ignore things that it probably should use on the system, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, there are supposed "bare metal" installs that duplicate all sorts of things too, and I don't like it when that happens either. Steam, for example, keeps at least one extra copy of itself as well as a bunch of other things.

And there's that Flatpaks an entirely different ecosystem that require their own set of updates.

I get it. I understand there are benefits. Doesn't mean I like it.

possiblylinux127 ,

Not to mention they are optional and not a replacement for something that worked fine.

boletus , to nostupidquestions in Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?

Jerking it is fine, but just like any coping mechanism, you can abuse it and get addicted to it, then it becomes a problem.

If you’re doomscrolling porn, for example, then maybe it is having a negative effect on you.

Infinite ,

Boobscrolling. Poonscrolling? Goonscrolling!



slorcher ,


BoneALisa , avatar

Goonscrolling is a crazy word for it, and is now what i will be using from now on lmao

mozz , to science_memes in Can I still use this salt? avatar

Sometimes expiration dates refer to when enough plastic from the packaging has decayed into the food material that it might be a problem. Bottled water works that way.

I don't know:

  • How much science there is behind the dating
  • How much plastic you're consuming in your food anyway and so who cares what's the difference
  • Whether that's what's going on with this salt package specifically

But it's not automatically crazy for there to be an expiration date on an immortal product if it comes packaged up in plastic.

Rhaedas ,

While I've always thought that, I've also heard that it's the point where the plastic may not be reliable enough to contain or keep the contents uncontaminated. Either way, it's the plastic.

Didros ,

You would think that the abrasive nature of the salt would shave off more plastic than the plastic breaking down. I guess you need to keep track of how many earth quakes you get and how much you shake the container when you get salt.

ryannathans ,

Now I am just annoyed not everything has a plasticless alternative packaging

Shdwdrgn ,

And to think of how mad everyone got when everything was packaged in those ‘heavy’ glass bottles and jars, and manufacturers started putting everything into plastic because the glass was creating too much litter on the roads. Now here we are 30 years later and everyone is being killed by plastic.

Rhaedas ,

manufacturers started putting everything into plastic because the glass was creating too much litter on the roads plastic was cheaper.

Fixed. It's always about profit.

Shdwdrgn ,

It’s also lighter weight and thus cheaper to ship… But they promised that you totally couldn’t tell the difference in taste to food products! (Everybody could tell the difference)

Barbarian , avatar

I’m no expert, but I did watch a minidocumentary that explained that these best by dates are mostly arbitrary aside from perishable foods.

For some products they’ll have taste testers rate the same product packaged at different times from 1-10 with 10 being factory fresh, and when it drops below an average of 7, that’s the date they put on the packaging

mozz , avatar

Yeah. I feel like they probably just pick some random bullshit, and if people get botulism they look at reducing it, and if they throw away a quarter-million dollars worth of product that expired they look at increasing it, and if neither of those happens then they don't worry about it. I have no knowledge of it but even hearing that they do taste tests is a little surprising to me. But I am cynical.

I did know some people who were once "employed" on a sort of temp job that was excising already-passed expiration dates from a massive number of cans of fish, and then stamping new later dates on them.


snooggums , avatar

Changes in texture are used for the best by dates too.

JCreazy ,

Yeah a lot of the dates are just guesses that they know for a fact it will last longer. They are required to put a date but not required to actually test how long an item lasts. A lot of items last much longer than their expiration date. Salt should be good indefinitely.

Rhaedas ,

I think the law is to enforce "open dating" instead of having some secret coding that hides info from the consumer. What date they put on there is totally up to the manufacturer, so unless you can match dates and experience with the optimal time to eat something, it's only useful to make sure you got the latest product compared to the rest on the shelf at that time.

Climate Town had an excellent video on the subject. (since they're always excellent)

blackbrook ,

Yeah but this kind of salt they only taste test every half million years or so, so the expiration dates cant be trusted to be that precise.

Viking_Hippie ,

It’s the same with packaged ice cubes.

The main Danish “bag of ice” seller takes chunks of thousands if not tens of thousands of years old Greenland icebergs and put it in a bag that displays a best before date 1 year after the bagging 😄

vk6flab , to linux in Any good Debian-based OS for a laptop? avatar

What about something novel, like installing actual Debian?

mrgreyeyes ,

Will work fine indeed. Only I always have some issues getting the touchscreen working seamlessly. Is there a window manager on Debian who does it well?

vk6flab , avatar

I don’t have a touchscreen, so I have no lived experience, but this should get you started at least:

Fisch , avatar

I’ve used both KDE Plasma and GNOME on my Laptop with a touch screen and both worked well. GNOME is better with touch screens in general but that’s just because of the gestures and GTK apps working better with touch screens (e.g. you can always scroll by swiping up or down, not sure if that’s the same in QT apps).

FuglyDuck , (edited ) to nostupidquestions in How and why did humans start consuming chicken eggs? avatar

We’ve probably always foraged eggs from birds from before we were even modern humans.

Eggs are an easy source of protein and calories that don’t take much of a fight.

Chances are the unfertilized egg (what we use today, generally,) probably got started being used when they domesticated chickens sometime around 5,000 BCE (iirc,) in south east Asia (where chickens were first domesticated.)

Egyptians, Greeks, Roman’s all had robust poultry. (even Mars loved him some fried chicken,)

For most of our history, we would have used everything we could from livestock, so it would have been a matter of time.

over_clox ,

That still doesn’t explain how chocolate eggs come out of a rabbit’s ass…

FuglyDuck , avatar

Do you really want to know?

It’s simple. You tie up the rabbit so it can’t move, then you force feed it chocolate.

Then you force it to shit into a mold. while it’s still warm it becomes egg-shaped.

(actually I never understood that one either, I’m just making shit up here. though. not the cruelest thing we’ve ever done for food.)

over_clox ,

Now you gotta ask AI…


ValenThyme ,

I asked ChatGPT it said

Connection failed. Tap to retry.

Sonicdemon86 ,

It’s paganism and the christians back in the day wanted to make it easier for the pagans to convert so they added pagan holidays and made them christian holidays. Which is why Easter has eggs and bunnies. Both are fertile idols in paganism and are in spring.

HootinNHollerin ,

Relevant username

TheBananaKing , to asklemmy in What is the point of cruel and deadly border policies if employers could just be penalized for hiring unauthorized labor all along?

Corporations rely on desperate, easily-exploited people in order to make obscene profits. There’s no way in hell they’d risk actually cutting off their supply of slaves, or else they might have to drop a couple of percent of profits on paying wages / benefits / etc.

The border laws aren’t intended to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, they’re there to make those same people more desperate and therefore more profitable, while at the same time stoking the enthusiasm of morons who will continue to vote for more pro-corporate politicians who will shovel even more money to the shareholders.

HobbitFoot ,

Also, to keep the underclass in fear from talking to authorities regarding working conditions.

2kool4idkwhat , to asklemmy in What's the most seeming trivial thing you'll turn down a GF or BF for?

Uses spaces instead of tabs.

Coconut1233 ,

Spaces are kinda better, because tabs are not consistent across editors/platforms. Just please use the tab key to indent, don’t press the spacebar x times like a monkey

2kool4idkwhat ,

I prefer tabs because they aren’t consistent

I personally find 2-space indented code harder to read than 4-space. If I’m working on someone else’s codebase which is indented with 2-spaces then I have to cope. But if it’s tab-indented then I can just edit the setting in my editor to display a tab char as 4 whitespace chars

SorteKanin , avatar

The problem is that when you then want to align stuff, you have to use spaces. So you need to use tabs for indentation and use spaces for alignment. This is actually the perfect, objectively best way to do it, but because it requires a deliberate mix of tabs and spaces, it’s too complicated to use for a large project with lots of maintainers. You just need a single maintainer doing it wrong to ruin it.

There is also the issue that you’ll often see the code in a place where you can’t control the tab length, i.e. printed in your terminal by some program that doesn’t have an option for that, or viewed on the web, like GitHub.

Nevoic ,

As someone who has primarily used spaces, I still use the tab key. I sincerely hope most space users understand that your editor can expand your tab key into spaces, and people aren’t genuinely going around spamming their spacebar 2->16 times for various indentation levels.

halfway_neko , avatar

i’d probably use tabs if they weren’t so massive by default.

do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?

SorteKanin , avatar

Most editors have them at 4 by default.

halfway_neko , avatar

oh. i guess i’m using the wrong editors then :P

blargerer , to nostupidquestions in How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

They do hate them, but generally conservatives believe in personal failings so do direct action against individuals, liberals believe in systemic failings so direct their effort towards changing the system, not the individuals.

aasatru , avatar

This. Conservatives tend to themselves be the victims of a failed system, hating them for failing to address it in a useful manner is hardly constructive. I reserve my hatred for billionaires.

Rhynoplaz ,

That’s a big part of it. I don’t hate conservatives.

They are actively trying to make the world worse, so I’m not going to be sad if/when the ideology disappears, but as a whole, they aren’t bad people. They are my family and coworkers. They are decent people who have been taught to fear the enemy.

I don’t hate them, I pity them.

Although, I might also be a little jealous of their ignorance fueled bliss.

Feathercrown ,

but as a whole, they aren’t bad people

I don’t know if that’s true. They have been misled, but they still perpetuate this hate. If they didn’t hate people, a lot of the problems in modern America wouldn’t be nearly as bad. I think making the lives of minorities and even majorities worse in every way-- harrassment, policymaking, etc.-- makes you a bad person.

mjhelto ,

And someone who’s part of a cult, or a significant other who is abused, will try to recruit people to their cause or downplay the violence or dig in deeper with their abusers.

Don’t get me wrong, those who perpetuate the hate on the conservative side are rat bastards who have no place in society. However, those on the consumption end have been programmed to think this way. Deprogramming takes a lot of time and requires the cult member to want to learn more and get out. However, forcefully removing a cult member will usually just push them back to the cult harder.

Either these Republican rubes die or start investigating other sources of info. Either way, we have a long fight ahead of us, and that’s only if we can cut off the head of the snake and stop the cult at the top.

Feathercrown ,

It’s true that it’s not effective to try to remove these people from their cult, but again, that doesn’t mean that they’re good. Good people have the strength of moral character to recognize they’re in a cult and leave one, with or without encouragement or intervention. Good people don’t say things that they know are wrong, just to feel like they belong. We can help, and provide a space for them to belong without needing to say those things-- but if they were lead to say them so consistently for so long, they didn’t disbelieve them strongly enough to be considered good imo. Neutral maybe, and that’s acceptable, but they become bad when they are convinced to do bad things. If I’m convinced to kill, or dehumanize, or otherwise significantly harm someone over, and over, and over again, how could you possibly say that I’m good?

Rhynoplaz ,

Yeah, you aren’t wrong. There’s definitely a greater than average amount of assholes and shitheads in that group. You don’t become the party of racism without any racist members.

I’ll call the assholes out for being assholes, but I won’t assume that someone’s evil because they vote GOP. I’ll assume that they are fragile and ignorant, of course, but they need to go a bit further for me to call an individual an evil person.

hroderic , to nostupidquestions in [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Do-gooder derogationBasically, some people perceive others’ moral choices as criticism or as some kind of bragging.

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

And some just see those who militantly focus on attacking fellow individuals instead of the systems that are actually to blame (but which they otherwise support and/or benefit from, like capitalism, racism, and ableism) counterproductive, annoying, and hypocritical.

The militant vegans I have come across, and being vegan myself, it's a lot, far too many (E: to the point I actively avoid vegan spaces), are almost exclusively drowning in so much privilege, they can't see how ridiculous they're being in their bizarre militancy of policing other people's plates instead of the actual industries abusing animals (and humans, who these vegans rarely to never pay any thought to, not out loud or in their actions, anyway).

(before I even hit send: if you feel personally attacked by my comment - that's a sign for you to think about it with yourself and ideally do something about it, not try and prove me wrong, inevitably proving me 100% right)

IamtheMorgz ,

It’s the privilege thing that gets me every time. Not everyone can participate in your exclusive food club and be healthy and fulfilled. Let people do the best they can with what they have.

ediculous ,

I wonder if being within those circles, you’ve been exposed to certain ugliness on a more intimate level; with people who feel comfortable enough in their in-group to express their more radical thoughts. Anecdotally, I’ve known a few vegans but have never been lectured nor had views pushed on me.

Hell, the only time I ever hear about the radical, pushy vegan is when people complain about them. On the flip side, I’ve been exposed to meat eaters who seem to get offended when someone mentions the concept of veganism, as if someone else not eating animal products is somehow a trigger for them.

Again, all anecdotes here, I’m just figuring one’s exposure to the vocal minorities on either side of the conversation is where you run into the problems.

qevlarr , (edited ) avatar

Fascinating! Thank you for this article. It exactly describes what’s happening: “oh, you think you’re better than us? I’ll have another steak!”

anakin78z , avatar

This is really easy to test in fairly small social groups. The next time you’re in a group ordering pizza, say you want cheese, because you don’t eat meat. Now watch everyone else order, or change their order to, double meat supreme with bacon. It’s almost like they can’t help themselves. It’s hilarious how easy you can change other people’s behavior.

illi ,

This is by far the most frustrating thing

pearable ,

There’s another factor here. People who are vegan, sober, poly, don’t drive, and any number of choices are breaking societal norms. Most people don’t even think about these things as choices. They do the default. Realizing that there’s a choice, and that this person decided not to do the default, puts people off. It makes them uncomfortable. They begin to question things they’ve never had to evaluate.

slazer2au , to nostupidquestions in [Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?


Fascist want to turn the US into a dictatorship

xmunk ,

And, scarily, there’s a non-zero chance they will have the opportunity to try. Like, we may literally have a civil war on our southern border come November.

Sunsethughes OP ,

Largest undefended border in the world with one of the largest militaries in the world. I don’t know what to think, I’m scared for my family in southern ontario

cerement , avatar

Southern Ontario? You mean Northern New York right?

Sunsethughes OP ,

That’s the thing! So many people live within an hour of the border. Canada has a fifth of the world’s fresh water resources. What happens if the largest dictatorship in the world decides it needs a sippy sip? We’ve got 38 million people, tf would we do?

PhlubbaDubba , (edited )

If 1812 is any indicator, call the brits to take care of it for you and then take credit for it afterwards because someone nailed an American redneck with a plate of poutine when they tried to cross the border thinking they could totally solo cap Calgary.

half_built_pyramids ,


classic ,
BlameThePeacock ,

It would be far cheaper for the US to just trade us for the water compared to invading. Invasions are expensive.

TheUncannyObserver ,

Don’t be scared? I mean, even if there’s a full on civil war, which isn’t likely, why would it spill into Canada unless your nation picks a side?

What’s more likely is that democrats would do what they always do and back down, cementing our slide into facism while preventing a civil war.

What you should really be worried about is having a violent monarchy forming on your southern border, because you’ve got some socialist tendencies, and conservatives hate that.

cerement , avatar

why would it spill into Canada

the only time US has payed attention to borders is when it involves non-white immigrants …

xmunk ,

I strongly doubt a civil war would spill over but if there is massive unrest it’s likely that arms smuggling through ports of entry would sky rocket and we’d see violence from both sides in the area trying to protect and disrupt shipments.

As their neighbor we’d also probably get appeals from both sides for open support and a lot of our border faces really conservative areas in America.

Icalasari ,

Plus, Alberta exists and I have lived here long enough to know that the idiots here would be itching to use a US civil war as the reason to start one in Canada

PhlubbaDubba ,

Actually, the areas where the millitary are based at will probably be the safest since there’s like a zero percent chance that they will be siding in significant numbers with the likely instigators of this hypothetical civil war.

It’ll less be “the trenches have come across the atlantic” and more “The troubles but instead of centuries of religious differences and legacies of imperial oppression and division, it’s clem and the boys becoming domestic terrorists because they’d rather die than go back to the world where they knew shame.”

Boozilla , avatar

Nightmare fuel.

Sunsethughes OP ,

Jesus fucking christ

RedStrider , avatar
snownyte , avatar

It's already bad enough that Florida is practically a small fraction of this in practice.

kylie_kraft , to showerthoughts in No one has predicted the end of the world in a while.

well gestures at everything isn’t it just kind of common knowledge now?

theredhood ,

Well I did notice it’s been hotter lately

Deceptichum , avatar

At least I don’t have to clean my windscreen every time I go for a drive!

Ghostalmedia , avatar

So hot right now.

MrVilliam ,

Get out of the kiln.

neo ,

Guys! Guys! I just figured it out! The last couple years, we’ve been living in a Monthy Python sketch! Now it all makes sense!

kambusha ,


T00l_shed ,

May we burn her? By making our habitat unlivable for us by putting soooo many green houses gases into the atmosphere!

T00l_shed ,

It’s been colder here, check mate atheists!

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