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Recommendation Algorithms & Advertising - Where do you draw the line?

I think recommendation algorithms and advertising are separate things, however think with defaults and when it comes to what specific data is collected, where do you draw the line? Absolutely no recommendations at all based on an algorithm? Would you say using your ‘like’ history to recommend you more videos is okay? What...

BlameThePeacock ,

I’m going to be the odd one out on this.

I prefer ultra customized recommendations, I wish they were even smarter. Especially if I’ve already bought something, I want them to know so they stop advertising that product to me.

I’d rather see ads for products that I may actually buy rather than for shit I don’t have the slightest interest in.

I rarely buy products without significant research, so ads aren’t likely to trick me into buying something of poor quality. I just need to have awareness of things I don’t even know exist.

[Poll] Majority of young voters say it’s harder to buy a house, raise a family, get a good job: Poll [Miranda Nazzaro | 06/23/24 | The Hill] (

The majority of voters under 30 said it has become harder to buy a house, raise a family and get a good job in comparison to the previous generations, according to a new poll.

BlameThePeacock ,

Why do a quarter think that it’s the same or easier?

This isn’t a subjective thing, it’s 100% proven at this point.

BlameThePeacock ,

25% of the population is not born with enough money to do it without any problems.

BlameThePeacock ,

No, go look it up. Top 5% maybe…

BlameThePeacock ,

25th percentile for median household income is only $133,000 per year, that’s not per person, that’s the entire household. You’re still working a full time job (or likely more) for that kind of wage. You probably also live in a high cost of living area. That’s comfortable, but hardly what I’d consider “easier” than the previous generation.

BlameThePeacock ,

I hate this line. “Processed foods are cheap and easy.”

Theyre easy, but they’re not cheap.

You can eat much more cheaply if you spend a little bit of time cooking. There’s no fast food meal that beats the price of a simple pasta with some chicken, or rice and beans with bacon, or a beef stew. You can get per serving portions of those for less than $2 USD and all of them use meat. You can get vegetarian dishes down to less than a dollar per portion.

None of those require anything more than a single pot and pan, and a half hour of actual cooking.

Besides, the vast majority of obese people are drinking 1000+ calories a day. Thats not about cheap or easy, water is the cheapest and easiest drink available. They just choose not to.

I say this as someone who drinks coke every single day, and has a BMI under 20. Weight is about portion control. Health is about nutritional balance and exercise.

Now, the lack of education around cooking and nutrition, that’s a problem.

BlameThePeacock ,

Weight is gained or lost in the kitchen.

Exercise has everything to do with health, and very little to do with weight.

They need cooking classes, and education around how to properly estimate calories.

BlameThePeacock ,

Your situation is valid, but you’ve missed about a half dozen important components.

First. You need to eat slower, 900 calories to feel full is more of a time thing than a volume thing.

Second. You need to be eating more protein and fiber. Which also help with fullness.

Third. You need to give your body time to reduce the size of what it thinks it needs. Your stomach actually gets used to a certain quantity of food, and it needs to re-adjust to a lower amount.

Fourth. Hunger sucks. Drinking water helps. Especially before a meal it will help you with the first point here too.

Fifth. Hunger is a mental thing, you can overcome it with practice, you’re not actually malnourished. As a child I used to participate in these 30 hour famine fundraisers where you didn’t eat anything between dinner on Thursday and lunch on Saturday, only clear fluids were allowed. You can just practice ignoring hunger and get better at it.

BlameThePeacock ,

Unless you’re an elite athlete, your body consumes more calories per day just to exist than you will burn through exercise.

It takes 30 minutes of decent exercise to work off the calories in a single can of pop. An bowl of chips can set you back an hour.

It’s not even hard to eat 4 hours worth of exercise in a single afternoon snack.

BlameThePeacock ,

You could probably take a 50% pay cut and still be better off if you took a job that can work from home (or much closer)

You may want to run the actual math and think outside the box for options.

BlameThePeacock ,

I’m just arguing that it’s not BOTH cheap and easy. It’s only one of those.

Also, don’t cook every meal. I cook 10 portions at a time for my family every time I make dinner and put leftovers in the fridge (or freezer) which reduces the total time to cook per week quite significantly. It barely takes longer to cook 10 portions compared to 2 portions, which drops the per portion cook time down to single digit minutes.

I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp. (

I expected ridiculous propaganda from Adobe, but they give absolutely no reasons why Photoshop is better than Gimp and list a bunch of things that Gimp can do too....

BlameThePeacock ,

I use Photopea, it’s a website so no download and does 99% of what Photoshop and GIMP can do.

Made by a single Ukrainian developer, and free (with some ads on the side while you’re using it)

BlameThePeacock ,

Fun fact, costed is a word but has a slightly different meaning than the way you have used it.

Costed means to get the details on the cost of something complex. Like “I costed the three projects and the last one is cheapest”

You tried to use it as the past tense of cost, but the past tense of cost is also just cost.

BlameThePeacock ,

I am Canadian, and I was taught Cost as past tense in school and university. I’ve never seen it written Costed for past tense in any government publication either.

BlameThePeacock ,

Yea, I really hate these actually deceptive headlines.

BlameThePeacock ,

It wasn’t paint. It was coloured cornstarch.

Fucking bullshit headlines.

BlameThePeacock ,

I think most of these demonstrations by anti-oil groups have been avoiding actually damaging anything.

Throwing it on the glass that’s covering a painting is the common one, using easily cleanable substances for outside demonstrations, etc.

There have been a few protests with actual damage though, a bunch of gas pumps were vandalized, actual spray paint at a few places, etc.

Nothing really significant has been damaged in any of them as far as I know.

Why Democrats think Biden’s problem is Biden (

Democrats keep doing surprisingly well in special elections. The party’s most vulnerable Senate incumbents are running ahead of their rivals in key battleground states. One of Democrats’ signature issues — reproductive rights — has repeatedly proved a winning message....

BlameThePeacock ,

I mean, Trump has stated he’ll let Russia have Ukraine.

So It definitely can be worse.

The Gaza genocide thing is fucking insane, the public is being shown the PR side from Palestinians, and are completely ignoring the military strategic side of things.

Why the media isn’t discussing the fact that this is a proxy war with Iran. This isn’t conspiracy theory shit either, it’s quite well documented over the last 40 years. Israel is definitely doing harm to the Palestinians, but these people are literally being used, funded, and armed by a foreign government to attack Israel with the actual objective having nothing to do with a Palestinian state.–Israel_proxy_conflict

Iran sent 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles in a direct attack against against Israel not two months ago after Israel bombed an Iranian embassy in Syria.

This is why the US and the entire west is helping Israel, because they’re fighting Iran too.

BlameThePeacock ,

I don’t think many nonviolent offences should result in life imprisonment, but this should be one of them.

Fuck this guy.

Sudan’s Manmade Famine (

The biggest hunger crisis in the world is unfolding in Sudan, and it is manmade. As of now, more than half of the country’s 45 million people urgently need humanitarian assistance. In May, the United Nations warned that 18 million Sudanese are “acutely hungry” including 3.6 million children who are “acutely...

BlameThePeacock ,

Too busy protesting at universities over 30,000 dead civilians in gaza to pay attention to the millions of people dying in other conflicts that have been going on far longer.

It’s like gaza is the latest yoga trend for cool people. Or adopting African orphans.

It’s never been about saving innocent lives for people in the west, it’s been about personal social status.

BlameThePeacock ,

There are far more than two genocides going on right now. The fact that only one of them (and a small one at that) is getting any mainstream support is the problem.

BlameThePeacock ,
BlameThePeacock ,

You also appear to have forgotten the Rohingya

BlameThePeacock ,

That was my original point, long list of genocides, and only Palestine getting any public attention in the west.

BlameThePeacock ,

The Haitians aren’t really a genocide by most definitions.

Ukraine is getting media (and financial) attention.

BlameThePeacock ,

Let me go second.

Hamas uses child soldiers to attack Israel.

BlameThePeacock ,

That’s a good question, how many does it take for it to be considered a problem?

BlameThePeacock ,

Religion can fuck right off in this discussion. It’s definitely a core reasons this war is happening in the first place.

BlameThePeacock ,

How exactly do you fight a terrorist organization who uses children as both soldiers and human shields without any sort of civilian casualties?

You realize this style of warfare that Hamas has chosen is specifically designed to lead to civilian deaths right?

They could all line up on an open area and fight Israel soldier to soldier, but they choose not to.

BlameThePeacock ,

Are you saying that they are not using child soldiers? It seems to me like you’re just making excuses for them using child soldiers.

BlameThePeacock ,

See the problem is, you don’t know how to do it without injuring civilians, and neither does any other country fighting against terrorists using this style of warfare. The whole playbook for them is to make it impossible to fight without wholesale slaughter. Israel has chosen that option here rather than letting them continue.

They are far from the first country to do so.

The US killed around 50,000 Afghani civilians as direct retaliation for 9/11 in a bomb all the shit campaign against the Taliban. Did it make Americans sick enough to stop it?

The US killed a few hundred thousand civilian Iraqis during that 2003 invasion, and it turns out the entire premise for the invasion was false. Did it make Americans sick enough to stop it?

FFS, the US nuked two Japanese cities… and the public was totally onboard at the time.

The Japanese have done it themselves to China and Korea. China has done it to a bunch of different minorities now. Clearly the Germans did it. Russia has done it. The British and Spanish have done it.

Civilian populations of the offending country rarely have a problem with it, that hasn’t started until very recently in history.

So why would Israelis be sick of killing 30,000 Palestinians in response to an attack that killed over 1000 Israeli Civilians (and where they kidnapped hostages)?

You may not like this answer, but it’s still correct.

BlameThePeacock ,

You identify them through their chain of command. If they are getting weapons and/or instructions from Hamas, they’re a soldier.

BlameThePeacock ,

If there’s nobody left to fight you that’s technically peace.

BlameThePeacock ,

No, I believe that if you have a terrorist hiding in a home with 5 civilians who aren’t giving them up or stopping them, you have 6 terrorists. I believe that if some of those are children, then their parents have failed them. They don’t deserve to die, but they also don’t have a right to complain about getting bombed at that point. Choices were made, and actions have consequences.

BlameThePeacock ,

The rest of the arab world started the fight with Israel. Five countries invaded them the day after the British protectorate left.

So no, there won’t be peace. Religion is a hell of a drug.

BlameThePeacock ,

Children have no responsibilities for their actions, it’s always the parents responsibility until they reach at least their teenage years and often even beyond that based on how the parents have raised them.

BlameThePeacock ,

Most of them moved there during the British occupation, so I’m not really sure what you’re arguing here. The Muslim population of the region doubled between the start and end of the 25 years of British Occupation, and that wasn’t from just births.

Same with the Jewish population, which tripled over that period.

The “ancestral ties” of both groups are tenuous at best. Yes they were both there before, but most of the people living there have a grandparent or three who were born outside the region.

BlameThePeacock ,

Palestine also had Jews pre-biblical times, around 1000 BC. There are verses about the Kingdom of the Israel in the old testament, and it’s all part of that region.

BlameThePeacock ,

Those warnings had a statistically significant effect on smoking rates. Just because it doesn’t work on everyone doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

BlameThePeacock ,

Christian Republicans…

Is it Christian republicans?

BlameThePeacock ,

Other countries don’t pay tariffs, people who buy the products do. So regular people.

BlameThePeacock ,

Eventually all Pyramid schemes collapse.

BlameThePeacock ,

Its not going to be a couple of politicians doing it on their own. It would likely be a referendum with popular support from the citizens (again like Brexit)

The Federal government really has no recourse against “we aren’t sending you money any more” they can’t send in the military to make sure the money gets transferred. The military can’t achieve that particular objective.

They could try to make an example of some key politicians, but with popular support for such a split that would likely lead to some bad outcomes for anyone who tried to enforce it.

They don’t have any sort of legal method of replacing those people either. Anyone appointed from out of state would just promptly be ignored.

This isn’t the same as a lot of situations where there would need to be hard borders right away that need to be defended or objectives that could be captured. There’s no need for military anything. Not that military intervention would work very well anyways, far too many soldiers would refuse orders. You’d see a lot of people refusing, walking away, or even subverting. Those states make up something like 20% of the US population, and if you add in people who have friends or families there it’s probably 30-40% of the military that wouldn’t be okay with attacking anything.

Starving them out with a blockade? Lol, not happening. Besides, both Mexico and Canada (both massive food suppliers) have direct land connections to those states. The rest of the US is going to threaten those two countries if they send in food? No way either of them listens to that threat. The remaining US doesn’t have as much global power as you’d think.

BlameThePeacock ,

Putin has changed the borders, and the world accepted it (See Crimea)

People don’t want it to be true, but it definitely is.

BlameThePeacock ,

What the fuck? No it isn’t. You’ve got that shit backwards.

Women were making perfectly intelligent choices BEFORE they got the vote, they didn’t need the vote to change the way they thought.

Black people behaved just fine BEFORE they got to use the same restrooms, segregation had nothing to do with behavior.

Refugees were contributing to their own society BEFORE they left their home country.

etc. etc. etc.

There is an entire army in Gaza actively attacking Israel, with quite high support from the population, funding from foreign governments, and illegally smuggled weapons.

Palestinians are not behaving like they want to get along. They need to do that BEFORE the attacks stop.

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