There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

MehBlah ,

No real investigation. No punishment. Same Shit Different Day.

HurlingDurling , avatar

I can’t belive I’m saying this but Josh Haley fuckin grilled the fucker

secretlyaddictedtolinux ,

People have died due to the greed and corruption of the leadership of Boeing. The people at the top have in fact gotten huge financial rewards by taking actions that were likely to kill people. There is no mechanism in US society to hold these people accountable. Are they going to get put in prison? Nope! Are they going to be PERSONALLY fined? Nope!

I really dislike how in Chinese society people are not able to criticize the government. I hope one day, everyone everywhere will have free speech. It’s unfortunate to say this, but in China, this would be dealt with severely and and with impact. I am not saying their mechanism is right, but the US has no mechanism at all. We all know nothing will happen, especially because most of the deaths were foreigners. It’s disgusting and makes the US look bad.

collapse_already ,

This is why ancient humans invented mob justice. When the laws don’t work, order still needs to be imposed.

Kyrgizion ,

Exactly this. In ancient Roman times, emperor Caracalla was infamous for having many of his enemies outright killed. One of these was the brother of a soldier who was assigned to his personal guard at the Rhine border regions. When Caracalla got off his horse for a piss, he got a gladius thrusted between his ribs. For all his might and power, he very much brought that on himself.

Sometimes people like that soldier are the last line of justice in the world.

Blackmist ,

We know, they’re fucking dead.

aTun ,

Fine the CEO, not to the company. He has to take responsibility.

deltreed , avatar

And put him in jail

Dasus , avatar

When poor people put others in danger and/or exploit things for financial benefit, they go to prison.

Stop giving fines for big companies and actually start putting people in fucking prison.

Feliskatos ,

Government can’t be too hard on Boeing, critical space and defense programs are at risk. I wish it was sarcasm.

RustyShackleford , avatar

In my opinion, the US federal government can/should be able take over Boeing temporarily in cases of felony or federal offenses perpetrated by executive personnel for the duration of the criminal investigation and trial.

Aux ,

Don’t be poor, problem solved!

TropicalDingdong ,

Fine? Arrest and jail.

moitoi , avatar

Fine the company. Take the capital (which will have to serve the community), fine and jail the executives!

Companies are as accountable as the executives.

apocalypticat , (edited ) avatar

David Calhoun apologized to the families of Boeing crash victims, saying the manufacturer was “totally committed” to future saftey improvements, as he began testimony at the committee on Tuesday.

Cue South Park investment banker BP oil spill apology.

Also, “saftey”? Seriously, Independent?

Welt ,

That’s the… first… thing… that’s… ever gone wrong.

I_Has_A_Hat ,

Do you mean South Park’s BP apology? The investment banker is the “…and it’s gone!” thing.

apocalypticat , avatar

I did mean the BP apology, good catch.

Etterra ,

Quick, prepare the wrist-slapping fines!

TorJansson ,

Much too harsh for this gold-domed “too important to really hold to account” CEO. Perhaps a mildly stern, yet askance look (or two, if the crowd rumbles for more)

Aceticon ,

The total energy of the strong finger wagging that follows this admission will be enough to power a flashlight for 2 milliseconds.

Zink ,

United States Senate be like pull those sleeves up slightly, bad boy!

barsquid ,

These fellows are going to get slammed and blasted by Congress, it might spoil up to a few minutes of their time on the yacht.

thesporkeffect ,

Maybe even Torched!

Wogi ,

Do you mean “award them more fat defense contacts??” Cuz that’s what we’re gonna do!

iAvicenna , avatar

oh boy their wrist is gonna hurt so much. that is what you get for killing/endangering lives of many people to gain couple more billions on your already existing billions. Go MURICAH!

uis , (edited )


Question: should whistleblowers get Snowden Award(if such exists)?

deadbeef79000 ,

Of course they relieved themselves of the resource (human) that negatively impacted the share price.

Same way they relieve themselves of a resource (bolts) that negatively impacts the share price.

westyvw ,

In these comments:

CEO admits to whistleblowers being disciplined at work (which everyone knew, he just is saying it)… suddenly becomes He admitted murder!

Sad. If you make up a reality because you feel that way, you are no better then they are.

Snowflake ,

He doesn’t have to admit murder but it is right in front of your face. Someone very connected to Boeing murdered them.

Another thing is the kind of person and even entity/organization it takes to discipline a whistleblower for literally looking out for the public wellbeing such in this case. It takes a sociopath with no regard for human life. If they would discipline them at work what else would they do in private?

westyvw ,

Someone very connected to Boeing murdered them.

Yeah, that second guy, they went all biological right? I mean they gave him the flu to get him to the hospital. Once there, and in his weakened state, they sprang MRSA on him! That way, when they caused the parting shot with a stroke, no one would suspect!

Conspiracy is a lot of fun! Lets add aliens. I mean the whole reason why this is all so hush hush is the government is in a contract with the Aliens from Alpha Centauri and these people stumbled onto it. It is so obvious!

Maggoty ,

I agree with you but this is not as impossible as you want it to seem. You can give someone flu like symptoms with a live vaccine shot. MRSA is touch spread and a stroke is just a blocked blood vessel in the brain. Easily done with an injection of something in the carotid. The ridiculous part is the complexity and number of people who would need to keep a secret.

FordBeeblebrox ,

All of those things were/are just another Tuesday class for your average KGB spook, not impossible at all. In a 100+ Billion dollar defense contractor I imagine you could find more than one person willing to shut up and take the giant bag, hell you can buy a congressman to sell out a whole community for like 10k

Maggoty ,

No that’s the problem. Once someone is in a hospital there’s a paper trail a mile long. If you wanted to assassinate someone then the hospital is the last place you would do it. You’d need to pay off a hundred people and hope none of them ever decides to talk. Or you start killing them off but then how long does it take big data FBI to connect those dots?

If guy number 2 was somehow DOA at the hospital or already infected with something irreversible then you’d have a case. But flu to hospital MRSA case to Stroke just isn’t how anyone who cared about remaining free and anonymous would kill someone.

FuglyDuck , avatar

One person. That’s all it takes.

They find the person shopping or something, routine. Spritz some flu into their face. (Well, more discretely, but yeah.)

They go to the hospital, pay the guy a visit when, spritz some MRSA on his linens or something. Plenty of opportunity. Even better, spritz it on everyone’s linens so it looks like an outbreak.

Slip in, visit the guy and inject a stroke causing drug. Maybe even something as innocuous as just injecting an air bubble into his artery.

Maybe a small support team. But really, you think Boeing doesn’t already have a hitter on the payroll?

Maggoty ,

This isn’t Hollywood. You can’t just walk into an ICU ward and inject someone.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Well, I have not done the injecting bit, but I have just walked into more than one ICU… It’s not hard. Nurses and security both are over staffed and underpaid.

(I work in contract security- at one point part of my job was pen testing. Chilled with an interesting fellow named Edgar, while waiting to get caught. Didn’t have anyone to talk to, so, we just chatted. Mostly he chatted.)

harder at night but only because there’s fewer people.

Unless there’s a specific reason someone needs high security… the security is largely a joke.

Maggoty ,

So the fact that you got paid to tell them their ICU was effectively open to the public doesn’t ring any alarm bells that that’s not supposed to be the case?

FuglyDuck , avatar

There’s quite a bit of difference between “open to the public” and “easy to penetrate”. The reason we were pentesting for them is to figure out how bad it was, and where we needed to focus for improvement. It’s not hard to get into, especially considering that most ICU’s allow guests during certain times.

security is always a balancing act between being secure and pretty much everything else. A building with no doors or windows is far more secure, but also pretty much useless. a working hospital- especially large ones- have small army of people working there; as well as veritable hordes of people visiting for dozens of different reasons on a regular basis; It’s almost impossible to verify that everyone in the building is supposed to be there; and the risk of someone being an assassination target with out that person knowing about it and discussing it with the staff is extremely rare.

All this to say, if Boeing wanted to get someone dead at a hospital, it would be trivial for them. Maybe expensive, but functionally trivial.

Maggoty ,

Killing someone is always trivial. That’s not the sticking point. The sticking point is making it look like an accident or natural death and failing that, not getting caught. That’s where the exploding number of people who need to be paid off comes into play.

FuglyDuck , avatar

And we’re back to… one or two people… Maybe a few suppliers for the virus/drugs/whatever. But that can be obtained in places that don’t ask too many questions, and Boeing has the resources to do that. They don’t even need to be black market.

Maggoty ,

You also have to pay off or kill any witnesses; anybody involved in security; the smugglers that transported the stuff without the FBI, NSA, and CIA tracking a bio attack; the people from the places fun things like MRSA went missing from; their security and witnesses; etc.

There’s a reason the go to is knife the guy in the alley and take their credit cards and ID. That’s one person. If there was a plot to kill this guy it’s right up there with the movie Burn After Reading.

TachyonTele ,

Now you’re an expert in killing people? Lol

Maggoty ,

You’re making this hard for me. Do I continue giving you sarcastic answers knowing you’re just going to go back to grade school insults? Or do I tell you some of my personal history and give up some privacy?

Eh, fuck it, it’s already out there. I was in the part of the Army we pay to kill people. So yeah we thought about that quite a lot and got a chance to put our thoughts into action too.

Also, if you’re going to keep trying to insult me I’m going to insist you at least kiss me first.

TachyonTele ,

Ok kiddo. Absolutely. Whatever you make up, sounds cool.

Maggoty ,

Hey where’s my kiss?!?

TachyonTele , (edited )

It’s on my ass.

Maggoty ,

Hold on let me get the lube.

TachyonTele ,

Have you ever stepped foot outside of your parents house before?

Maggoty ,

No, is it bright outside?

TachyonTele ,

Some day after you graduate homeschool you might find out.

Maggoty ,

But momma said I got a special certificate!

Tryptaminev ,

Yes you can lol. Do you think ICU wards are some high security facility? At worst you would have to get someone admissioned to the same hospital, be a visitor and on the way out pass by the other room quickly.

Maggoty ,

It doesn’t need to be. And ICUs are bays, not rooms.

TachyonTele , (edited )

There have been multiple nurses that have killed people over periods of years.

It’s nowhere near as impossible as you seem to think it is.

Charles Cullen, a nurse, murdered dozens—possibly hundreds—of patients during a 16-year career spanning several New Jersey and Pennsylvania medical centers until being arrested in 2003.

William Davis, who worked at Christus Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, Texas, fatally injected four patients with air.

Nurse Heather Pressdee pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree murder and 19 counts of criminal attempt to commit murder.

Reta Mays, a former nursing assistant, killed seven elderly veterans with fatal injections of insulin at a West Virginia hospital.

The list sadly goes on and on and on. There’s even an entire Wikipedia article about it. And those are just the crazies that did for their own enjoyment.

You’re blissfully very naïve about this.

Maggoty ,

I’m really not. Serial killers exist isn’t evidence it’s easy to get away with killing in a hospital. In fact the very existence of the list proves they’re getting caught.

TachyonTele , (edited )

Countless evidence of people commiting multiple murders, sometimes for decades at a time, and that somehow means one person couldn’t possibly be killed in the same setting…

So you’re not naive, you’re just willfully stupid. Got it.

Good luck with that.

westyvw ,

The ridiculous part is the complexity and number of people who would need to keep a secret.

That is exactly right. That is where it all falls apart.

Maggoty ,

Guy 1 who suddenly committed suicide? sure. Guy 2 would need about a hundred people to keep the secret and that’s just not happening.

No_Eponym , avatar

Suuuuuuuure. Found the assassin! /s

ipkpjersi ,

You’re right, all these whistleblowers are dying completely naturally and it’s not suspicious at all.

I’d still fly in a Boeing until I hear about them start to get recalled/grounded/etc more, but you must be pretty naive if you don’t see that these deaths are suspicious and don’t think that companies in the United States of America, the land of big business, out of all countries in the world, could have legislative and other protections.

westyvw , (edited )

No they are not that suspicious at all. The first death served no purpose unless you really believe it was a “fuck you” death.

The second wasnt much better, but come on, they really got a hospital involved? Do you know how stupid that sounds?

I DO think CEO’s, members of the board, and rich shareholders have legislative and other protections. At the very least the ability to send lawyers to court for the rest of their lives if they had to. I believe they can get away with quite a lot, and probably make money doing it even if caught. So none of that, NONE of that means resorting to murder. There just isn’t really a need to.

If this were a case of targeted blackmail, perhaps somekind of love affair gone wrong or some kind or really nasty shit, then I could see it.

You can ruin peoples lives, create shoddy products, pollute the land, boss people around, and you won’t get in any trouble if you are rich. No need to murder anyone.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Barnett was found dead to an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound after officers were sent to his hotel because he missed a deposition hearing… for a lawsuit against Boeing.

Dead, single gunshot wound, in a car. You think that’s not suspicious at all?

westyvw ,

Third day of deposition.

After fighting Boeing since 2017. Losing the first court case by the way.

An entire movie about this came out in 2022.

It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

Why kill him now? Wad something going to come out that already hadn’t? Or wad this person tired of fighting and feeling helpless.

You could argue that maybe Boeing killed him in the long run.

But with 50,000 people taking their lived a year in the US I tend to think a lot of people are just broken. And i can’t blame them.

Also, you are suggesting the police were in on it since they ruled out foul play too?

Although I don’t trust them either. So fair enough on that one.

FuglyDuck , avatar

It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

funny that everyone who knew him, didn’t think he was even remotely suicidal. Also as for the ‘why now’ because now it’s got publicity and traction.

As for the cops ruling out foul play… it’s pretty easy to fake a suicide by gunshot… but yes, I’d buy that the police were in on it in a heartbeat. have you met cops? there’s a strong chance the cops were the ones who took the job.

westyvw ,

Citation needed: everyone that knew him.

FuglyDuck , avatar

From the article linked in my original comment:

But Barnett’s lawyers said in a statement following his death that his deposition was nearing an end and he appeared to be in good spirits.

“We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it,” his lawyers, Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles, said in a statement on March 12.

Dozzi92 , avatar

What are people going to say, “Yeah, I knew he was gonna do it, but I had other shit going on so I ignored it.” Meaningless quote you hear all too often after people commit suicide unfortunately. And I don’t mean to admonish anyone, but who comes out afterwards and says “Yeah, his life was shit and he was a miserable fuck it was only a matter of time.”

FuglyDuck , avatar

I remember highschool people saying that. It was only the kids family, and the bullies and drama whores (that don’t know him,)

The fiends all said he was bullied and his home life wasn’t so good.

That his lawyers are saying it is more meaningful than if his family was.

WldFyre ,

Why is it more meaningful coming from lawyers then from family? I don’t follow

FuglyDuck , avatar

We generally don’t see all the warts in the people closest to us, and family is more likely to want to put an idealized version of people out there.

Look at comments by parents of active shooters, to the effect of “I didn’t raise a monster, I don’t know why this happened,”.

WldFyre ,

I agree with you here but you didn’t say friends, you said lawyers

FuglyDuck , avatar

Are you seriously not seeing why professional contacts would be more likely to have a fair opinion and share it? It’s his lawyers that said he didn’t seem suicidal.

Or are you seriously just trying to insist it’s not suspicious any way you can?

westyvw ,

You said everyone. Then cited his lawyers. Shouldn’t they be in the same category as the cops?

Zipitydew ,

Good luck. I’m with you. It’s annoying how retarded most of Lemmy has decided to be about this story based off headlines.

YarHarSuperstar , avatar

Seriously? No better than the giant megacorp that caused many, many deaths, and other horrible shit they’ve caused or enabled, for thinking they might have caused another death or two in retaliation for exposing their crimes? Fuck off with that shit

logos ,

“You have a duty to demand the highest safety standards… and [ensure] that ‘speak up’ in fact means speak up, not shut up, as it is meant all too often.”

Tell that to Snowden, Assange, Manning etc.

Maggoty ,

Obligatory fuck Assange, no protection for Russian Agents.

Zannsolo ,

Fuck Snowden too, no respect for him running to Russia. If you think it’s your moral obligation to break the law, you should be willing to take the consequences. You can’t run off to an enemy state that does much worse things than what you were willing to break the law to expose. I have zero doubt Snowden is a traitor and gave Russia whatever they wanted. It’s possible he started off well meaning, but I wouldn’t be shocked if he did it for Russia all along. His original intentions don’t matter now either way, he had a high clearance and Russia now knows everything he learned with that clearance beyond even the scope of his “whistleblowing”.

habitualcynic ,

I thought he was trying to go somewhere with no extradition treaty with the US and was laid over in Russia when his passport was suspended. It’s kind of outlined here but I could see how that could be concocted and I just want to believe he was better than a Russia mole.

JackFrostNCola ,

Fuck the US and any other governments that are doing this dodgy shit that requires whistleblowing in the first place.

VeganCheesecake , avatar

I mean, if I felt morally obliged to disclose illegal or immoral practices to the public, I’d be sure to run so somewhere they can’t get me. If there aren’t proper whistleblower protections, you gotta make your own.

Simulation6 ,

I have noticed that if you say anything bad about snowden on reddit or now the Fediverse, you quickly get down-voted a lot. I am starting to think this is coordinated somehow.

fallingcats ,

No, it’s just about the dumbest thing I’ve read today. So far.

Syrc ,

He’s a whistleblower. Corrupt corpos/countries hate whistleblowers. Reddit/Lemmy users hate corrupt corpos/countries. There.

It’s as easy as that, no need to bring out conspiracies.

Simulation6 ,

You are probably right. It’s just the speed and amount that got me thinking otherwise. Lemmy is a lot more popular then I thought.

octopus_ink ,

Deploy our great bot army!

For what purpose, Sir?

Downvote any post on any social media platform that is critical of Snowden!

As you command, SIr!

Zipitydew ,

It’s not coordination when sheep decide to bleat the same thing based off headlines. Most people want to believe he wasn’t a mole because that fits the little guy hero narrative better.

octopus_ink ,

Most people want to believe he wasn’t a mole

This sheep has never seen anyone provide any kind of evidence for such claims.

Zipitydew ,

He could not have gained access from his position to the data compiled. His story on how he did doesn’t add up to anyone with security clearance. The real way it was accomplished isn’t going to be divulged either. The NSA isn’t going to publicly explain whatever avenue was found.

octopus_ink ,

You see that this is trust me bro, no matter how correct you may be, right?

Zipitydew ,

That’s how security clearance works bro

octopus_ink , (edited )

That’s how security clearance works bro

I get that, but it doesn’t change this statement.

This sheep has never seen anyone provide any kind of evidence for such claims.

Trust me bro isn’t evidence. It doesn’t mean you are wrong, it means you are a random person claiming to have inside knowledge but providing nothing but your word.

That’s how evidence works bro.

Croquette ,

Maybe don’t throw your whistleblowers in a jail and let them rot for life, and you will avoid defections to another country.

Can you blame the guy to not want to die in a dark cell for showing the world that your own government is keeping a lot of tabs on you without your knowledge?

He tried to go to other countries, but none of them wanted to take him in except Russia because of what he knew.

So it’s either die in a cell in the US, or live a somewhat free man in Russia.

The choice is clear.

So demand that your government do better and get behind the people that shows you how your government fucks you over.

Zannsolo ,

There would have been a lot of pressure to get him released and would have kept what he revealed talked about and more pressure to end that as well. He’s just a little bitch that wanted to play hero and or a Russian agent.

Croquette ,

Spoken like a true keyboard warrior.

xyz1195 ,

Guys I found the gatorade abuser.

Objection ,

Slurp slurp slurp 👢😛

Zannsolo ,


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  • Objection ,

    Haha yeah imagine sucking dick like some kind of GAY.

    Snowden is one of the bravest and most heroic Americans alive today, and he is alive because he was smart enough to take precautions instead of letting himself get Epstein’d in some blacksite, like you want. What kinda idiot gets himself killed or imprisoned when he could be free? What the fuck kind of logic is it that says you have to submit to the judgement of a brazenly unjust and oppressive regime? Fuck that shit.

    It’s thanks to him that we’re at least aware of the movements of the enemy of the public that is the US state. Braver than any troop. Die mad about it.

    Zannsolo ,

    There is nothing inherently gay about sucking dick. Snowden is a traitor, nothing heroic about him. Ohh so brave running to papa Putin after stealing US Intel. Brave would be facing the consequences of his actions because he felt what he was so important it was worth it. All this blacksite bullshit is a strawman. It’s far more likely he’s a Russian agent than it is he would have been disappeared and or killed.

    Objection ,

    There is nothing inherently gay about sucking dick.

    Oh, excuse me.

    Haha yeah imagine sucking dick like some kind of WOMAN.

    Snowden is a traitor, nothing heroic about him

    The traitors are the people in government brazenly violating the law and persecuting the heroes who reveal their crimes to the people. Real treason is treason against the people, treason against a government that is oppressing the people is heroism.

    All this blacksite bullshit is a strawman. It’s far more likely he’s a Russian agent than it is he would have been disappeared and or killed.


    Unlike you, Snowden was actually intelligent enough to know what would happen to him if he didn’t make arrangements for his freedom. I have no idea how it’s possible to be as naive as you, but I guess when you’re completely focused on licking the boot, you don’t have much awareness of anything other than that. In fact, your main problem with Snowden is that he made you aware of uncomfortable truths, you’d rather remain in comfortable ignorance so you don’t have to worry about the fact that you no longer have civil liberties. Just don’t move and you’ll never notice the chains, right? You’re too cowardly to face the truth.

    Zannsolo ,

    Snowden is a little bitch who is a Russian asset. Zero respect for the coward. I could respect him if he was willing to pay the price to do what he thought was right, but he ran off and hid in a country that does far worse things to its citizens and is constantly attacking the US with disinformation campaigns to divide our country further and help a Putin bootlicker get elected.

    Objection ,

    I could respect him if he was willing to pay the price to do what he thought was right

    That’s stupid. There is literally no rational reason to do that. You haven’t given a single reason why he should have, other than that you personally would respect him more, which I don’t believe for a second. You’d just find some other excuse to hate him if he had. His real crime was expose you to a glimpse of reality.

    Zannsolo ,

    Nothing he revealed was a shock, I was joking with my friends about them listening in on 2009 if not earlier. Prism was bad, and illegal and not a terrible thing that was brought to light, it did major damage to the USAs global reputation, deservedly so but that’s exactly what a Russian agent would hope to do. The real world impact of the leak was a net negative for Americans. It was great for foreign countries and terrorists. Globally it was a beneficial reveal. Had he been willing to go to jail for it the issue would have stayed in the for front and people would have put a lot of effort into getting him released, and I would have been a supporter of that initiative. I’m sure their similar programs running right now, you’d have to be a fool to think every single government is doing their damndist to find exploits and creating backdoors to spy/get Intel.

    I’m a bleeding heart liberal, and I want my country to be better than it is, I’m just not willing to prop up a Russian asset as a hero. I’m all for privacy and strong encryption, I groan and sometimes even bother to contact my representative when laws are being pushed that will weaken our protections.

    Russia is the antithesis of everything he supposedly stood for when leaking what he did.

    You go to jail for doing the right thing your a martyr, you run to Russia you’re a spy.

    Objection ,

    Nothing he revealed was a shock, I was joking with my friends about them listening in on 2009 if not earlier.

    Yeah, but you didn’t have proof.

    The real world impact of the leak was a net negative for Americans.

    Absolutely ridiculous. You just can’t distinguish between the state’s interests and the people’s interests. So what if the US’s global image is damaged? That doesn’t affect me. If anything, I’m glad, when the US’s global image was better it meant it could get away with getting involved in stupid imperialist wars that made life worse for everyone but the ruling class. Their interests are directly opposed to mine and hurting them helps me.

    Had he been willing to go to jail for it the issue would have stayed in the for front and people would have put a lot of effort into getting him released, and I would have been a supporter of that initiative.

    Again, this is literally the only reason you’ve given for why he should’ve done that, that you personally would’ve liked him more, which I don’t believe for a second. Nobody gives a shit what you think, certainly not enough to do something stupid and self-destructive. Snowden would’ve been an idiot not to protect himself.

    Sidyctism2 ,

    He didnt run to russia you moron, his passport was canceled by the USA while he was in russia. And his only demand for giving himself up to the US and go to trial was that he was allowed a public interest defense.

    FUCK THE USA. You are licking the boots of a surveillance state, and snowden has more backbone than your entire familytree

    Zannsolo ,


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  • OsrsNeedsF2P ,

    yawn. The 2016 media ops are really paying dividends.

    Maggoty ,

    Haha no. He selectively edited Manning’s stuff to frame the US Army long before 2016.

    novibe ,

    “Frame” the US Army…? Bro the great satan doesn’t need any framing, its sins are dripping from its fangs and claws.

    Maggoty ,

    Then why did he edit videos he used to accuse the Army of war crimes? If they don’t need to be framed, why fuck with the evidence?

    novibe ,

    Idgaf, death to America

    bradorsomething ,

    What kind of a cruel world do we live in, where the CEO must apologize in public to the families of the plane loads of people their product killed, in literal crashing planes?

    CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

    Apologize and then say “I’m proud of our safety record”

    jordanlund , avatar


    match , avatar

    Boeing CEO Commits Suicide to the Back of his Head After Senate Hearing

    CosmicTurtle0 ,

    Investigators released the fully typed, with no signature, suicide note, written on Boeing stationary:

    I have decided to take my life after I lied during my Senate testimony. I felt pressured by the committee leader to say untruthful things for political gain. To the many shareholders that have helped us weather the storm over the last few months, I want to thank you and hope that, in some way, my death increases the value of your investment.

    P.S. tell my wife, I don’t know, make up something touching.

    emmanuel_car ,

    Tell my wife I said hello

    polonius-rex ,

    why are people in this thread acting as if he's just admitted to ordering hits on whistleblowers

    Nurse_Robot ,

    Might have something to do with the whistle blowers dying mysteriously

    OpenStars , avatar

    We obviously haven’t read the article, yet feel entitled to comment on it all the same! /s bc not having read it myself, I just presume that’s the case 🤣.

    More importantly, why are you surprised at that?

    Social media is more about feelings than facts, especially when it comes to precision in the details - the barrier to speak is very low, on purpose, to allow us to vent our frustrations at the world being unfair and corrupt and twisted.

    In this case it is fairly understandable - he is a very bad man who did very bad things. He has now admitted to a subset of the badness, and people wish that he had gone further to admit it all, so people talk as if that were the case.

    Again, that’s just my guess, but we cannot control the world, only ourselves.

    sunzu ,

    We will never know if Boeing did it... But we do know how these companies are, so I am just assuming this they did until proven otherwise.

    You can always count the corpo trash to do crime... 24/7

    octopus_ink ,

    1% CEO of one of the largest companies in the military industrial complex.


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