There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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Copernican ,

Weird choice of quotes and headlines:

From the OP article:

“He has been “uncharacteristically vocal” about his support during press calls for his new film, Unfrosted, The New York Times reported.”

From the NYT link in the quote:

“As Mr. Seinfeld, who has recently been vocal about his support for Israel, received an honorary degree, dozens of students walked out and chanted, “Free, free Palestine,” while the comedian looked on and smiled tensely”

But when you go to the link to the NY Times article that references Mr. Seinfeld as being recently vocal about his support of Israel, one of the concluding comments in the article is:

Surely, Mr. Seinfeld sees it differently. His public comments have largely avoided geopolitical specifics, dwelling little on the choices of the Netanyahu government or prospective conditions for a cease-fire.

And he can still sound hesitant even in recent discussions about the Jewishness of “Seinfeld” — which an NBC executive once described as “too New York, too Jewish.”

Nothing about this makes me think Seinfield is a a strong supported of the war. Support for Israel after the attack can be a lot of things and does not mean pro Netanyahu war machine.

nednobbins ,

I honestly never understood the attraction to Seinfeld.

There were a few good jokes in there but the whole show was about them being assholes and proud of it.

They’re selfish, judgemental and entitled. They’re constantly mocking and bullying other people and each other. The final episode even lays it out explicitly.

Shows like “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, “Married… With Children” or “Breaking Bad” have various unsavory characters but we’re invited to reject these flaws or at least identify with them as flaws.

Seinfeld is shameless about being an asshole and pretends the rest of us are just too dumb to understand his genius.

barsoap ,

Archer. Archer is the perfect genius asshole protagonist.

IndustryStandard ,

The bass theme is a banger than that’s about it

Sludgeyy ,

It was always played with a keyboard. No one is ever slaping a bass

MorganLeFail ,

And they’re different lengths to make up the small differences in episode length.

nednobbins ,

TIL about John Wolf.

At the time, it never would have occurred to me that each one was different or that there was beatboxing involved.

dejected_warp_core ,

I found that the clowning/assholery in Seinfeld was just too close to plausible to clock as humor most of the time, while picking on small and petty things; it’s a little too real. I don’t think that comes from conceit, but rather, a generation gap and all the insensitivity that comes with it. Just add a little casual violence and it’s peak boomer-era humor. That said, Seinfield was its best when the stories were less believable and cruel.

The other shows you cite put these humor beats way over the top which is far more paletteable, IMO.

Sludgeyy , (edited )

You have to have grown up with it and gained an unconditional love of the characters. You don’t care that they are an asshole to a character you don’t like.

Look at Kramer he is so stupid he can’t figure out a washing machine! Lol he’s going to try to pour a bunch of detergent in next and act like he’s drunk because he’s that stupid! He’s so funny!

Edit: Remembered it wrong. He was pouring concrete into the washing machine. Classic asshole

xenoclast ,

I grew up with it and still hated it. I know I’m in the minority but I agree with the comment OP, I hate asshole like this.

Sludgeyy ,

I remembered it wrong. He wasn’t doing laundry. He was pouring concrete into the guy’s washing machine.

No idea what that guy did to deserve a messed up washing machine.

“You ever use the gentle cycle?” Absolutely hilarious /s

olmec , (edited )

I think you have a fundamentally different view than I do on the characters. They are all fundamentally nice people. The difference is, they get fixated on small issues, and let it control their actions. Jerry dates a woman that only looks good in bright light? Only go on dates that have good lighting. It is something you would want to do too, but you would have the control to not let it run the relationship. Jerry doesn’t have that control, and focuses on the good lighting at the expense of everything else.

The characters aren’t mean. They didn’t wish I’ll on anyone. Many of the episodes are them trying to find a way to get out of a situation without being honest because they think the truth would hurt too. Idiots, yes, not not jerks.

For another example. There is an episode where a waiter accidentally puts a menu on a candle and it lights on fire. George points it out, puts the fire out, and casually mentions “I think the busboy put the menu too close to the candle.” The manager overhears this, and fires the busboy. George then finds the busboy to try and help him get another job, but leaves the front door open, and the busboy’s cat escapes. It is the perfect example of what the characters are. They don’t want to hurt people, and go to extreme lengths to do it, even though it always backfires.

nednobbins ,

I think you have a fundamentally different view than I do on the characters. That’s clearly true :)

Even when the characters behave reasonably I always felt that they were motivated more by the potential for public embarrassment than by moral concern.

It’s hard for me to think of George as a fundamentally nice. This is the guy who shoved children and elderly out of the way when he saw smoke, goaded an alcoholic into relapsing because he felt left out, constantly lied to get advantage in situations and even tried to kill a guy out of jealousy.

hardcoreufo ,

I think you’re missing the point of these shows and that’s okay.

The characters aren’t role models, they are your intrusive thoughts manifest. If you didn’t hear someone’s name when they told you, any rational person would just say it was loud and they didn’t hear you. They wouldnt go through lengths of introducing friends, finding out childhood taunts and rifling through your belongings in an attempt to save face.

The joke is in the breaking of social norms. A show about people being polite to each other doesn’t make for very good comedy.

nednobbins ,

That’s exactly my point. None of the characters in these shows are role models. We can sympathize with the Bundy’s or their neighbors but the show makes it obvious that nobody wants to emulate them. We can understand why Walther White did the things he does even if it’s clear that he shouldn’t have. The gang in Philly is all about showing us the worst possible decision in any given situation.

Seinfeld, on the other hand, celebrates their behavior. It canonizes our intrusive thoughts as though they were a more authentic form of expression.

fukurthumz420 ,

you must be fun at parties

Ghostalmedia , avatar

The characters in Seinfeld are shameless, but like with IASIP, they usually get burned at the end of the episode. And that continued over Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry is petty and self-centered, he never learns, karma gets him in the last 30 seconds and then the Tuba drops - BUM BUM BUM.

Crikeste ,

CoMeDy Is DeAd.

No. We’re just through with your bigotry disguised as humor.

refalo ,

That wasn’t it at all.

The only people who left were pro-palestine nutjobs and there weren’t even that many of them

butwhyishischinabook ,

“The people doing this boycott are just anti-Rhodesia nutjobs and there aren’t even that many.” -some jackass in 1975

CileTheSane , avatar

Tomorrow he’s going to complain about being “cancelled” and how he “can’t say things anymore” while talking about the event where he was invited to speak in front of a college full of students.

You can say whatever you want, people don’t have to listen.

JovialMicrobial ,

Exactly. Plus the right to free speech doesn’t equate to being free from criticism, or as you said, general disinterest.

Madison420 ,

The supreme Court has described it as freedom of speech not being freedom from speech.

refalo , (edited )

tomorrow he

no he’s not, this is a nothing burger that has nothing at all to do with his comedy


be mad at the people who invited him if you’re going to be outraged at something.

Shadowq8 ,

I read that one of the Charities he donates to is actively engaging in the suffering of the Palestenians.

Crikeste ,

The suffering? That puts it lightly. He has aided in killing the mothers and children of Gaza.

Shadowq8 ,

Fuck that motherfucker

rsuri ,

I can’t help but notice all the comedians who complain about society being took woke for comedy are has-beens. John Stewart’s back to crushing it at the Daily Show, is he complaining? No, it’s only the guys who’ve run out of material and have nothing left to do but shake their canes at gen Z kids.

I challenge anyone to go to the “good old days” and find me a comedian who was actually funny and not just being an edgelord. You know who the most popular comedian was in the 80s? Andrew Dice Clay. That’s right. That’s was peak comedy, dirty nursery rhymes. Sure, I get that some people are nostalgic. But let’s be serious for a minute - do we really wanna go back to that kind of comedic void?

Society hasn’t gotten too woke, rather comedic standards have evolved to the point where merely being offensive in itself no longer counts as comedy.

MeDuViNoX , avatar

Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, and Jim Carrey all seemed like they had really good specials. I haven’t watched them in a long time, but I don’t recall them being edge lords. I’m sure there have to be others.

negativeyoda ,

Eddie Murphy can be funny, but there’s a ton of homophobic and other problematic content in Raw and Delirious.

MeDuViNoX , avatar


MeDuViNoX , avatar

(I’m unhappy because that’s bad, not because I disagree with the statement.)

cook_pass_babtridge ,

The first 10 mins of Delirious are difficult watching, but worth getting through for the timeless gold in the rest of it.

refalo ,


mfs can’t take a joke in a thread about not being able to take a joke


graymess ,

If you want to keep happy memories, never rewatch a comedy special older than 10 years. It’s incredible how fast most jokes age.

MeDuViNoX , avatar

Probably true, I usually don’t rewatch anything in video format. It’s kind of a weird quirk of mine.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I think there are some big exceptions. For example- Robin Williams at the Met was an amazing show and is still extremely funny.

TipRing ,

Some are timeless, I can watch Burns and Allen routines and they are still hilarious. Topical humor is very of-its-time though.

skeezix ,

I challenge anyone to go to the “good old days” and find me a comedian who was actually funny and not just being an edgelord.

The master himself. George Carlin. We could debate whether he was an edge lord or not. But his comedy was timeless and remains hysterical to this day. And his funniest bits were based on observation of the human condition.

AgentDalePoopster ,

Carlin was vulgar, but he never punched down. I firmly believe his comedy would be as accepted today as it was when he made it.

werefreeatlast ,

I can confirm. No matter how many times I listen to Mr Conductor talk about Poo Bear, I can’t help but laugh. Specially when he saws Roo into his own pouch!

anon_8675309 ,

It IS as accepted today. His material is still very relevant.

Zipitydew ,

He could plainly see what was coming. Tore it down. People laughed and let it happen anyway.

LostWon ,

Carlin was good at what he did but he absolutely did punch down, just not at a specific person. The overarching message for a lot of his comedy was “You know you’re all being screwed over and maybe you have a hard time doing anything about it, but you deserve it because you’re stupid.” It’s just such a popular sentiment to call everyone else in society stupid, while excluding oneself, that I guess few people notice those undertones and their implications.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Carlin also re-invented himself with the times. The comedy he did in the 60s was entirely different from the comedy he did in the 90s.

Ozone6363 ,

This shit couldn’t be more off base lmao.

Not only have many greats been listed in response to you, you also have relevant comedians today bitching about “woke” as you call it.

Is Bill Burr an edge lord has-been? Chapelle? Jon Stewart has mentioned this as well. Honestly, I think the meme of “YoU cAnT sAy tHiNgS aNyMoRe” is in over half of standups I watch.

A huge portion of comedians mention this at some point.

rsuri ,

Chappelle I’ll grant you, but I’d put Chappelle in the category with Seinfeld of a once super-popular comedian who has passed his prime, and now just shakes his cane at Gen Z in frustration instead of creating new material.

As for Bill Burr and John Stewart:
Bill Burr Stuns Bill Maher by Declaring Cancel Culture ‘Over’
Jon Stewart Is “So Fucking Sick” of “Anti-Woke” Culture: “I’ve Lost Two Words in 35 Years”

There’s a difference between thinking cancel culture has gone too far and complaining endlessly that it has “ruined comedy”. One is an opinion, the other is an excuse.

bilb , avatar

Emo Philips

WeebLife ,

Is George Carlin considered an edgelord?

root_beer ,

He was, back in the day, his anti-authoritarian bent was pretty edgy then

Tangentially: I tried getting into him a few years ago and it seemed tame and nothing I hadn’t heard before from so many other comedians. Then I realized that he was the vanguard of that style of comedy and of course it’s going to sound like retrodden ground if I’d heard all the people he’d influenced before I listened to him.

TheDeepState ,

What did he say?

jeffw OP ,

It wasn’t about the commencement speech

refalo ,

literally nothing. the only people who walked out were pro palestine

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,
rapechildren ,
killjuden ,
kingshrubb ,

Love his TV show but unfortunately he’s a dick IRL.…/jerry-seinfeld-pro-palestine-st…

suction ,

Ever since be took Leno‘s side in the Tonight Show feud between Leno and Conan, he became non redeemable to me.

nixcamic ,

That’s like the least bad thing he’s done.

Duamerthrax ,

His character is kinda a dick in the show too.

Kolanaki , avatar

The ending of the show kinda makes me think they were the original IASIP gang. Every other character outside of the main group thought they were assholes, and they literally went to jail for it.

Duamerthrax ,

“haha, we knew we assholes along!”

It was also universally hated by fans. IASIP made sure there was no confusion about the characters morality.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s not why it was hated, it was hated because it was a bad and abrupt ending that didn’t go with the rest of the show.

I don’t think anyone was under any illusions that the Seinfeld characters were supposed to be anything other than horrible people.

Duamerthrax ,

There were definitely people who modeled their behavior or at least excused their actions based on Seinfeld. My aunt for instance.

There’s a long, long history of idiots missing the point of various pieces of fiction. The Prince, Fight Club and the original MS Gundam come to mind. Yoshikazu Yasuhiko even felt the need create Gundam: The Origin because too many kids thought Gundam’s message was “War is cool”.

TheLowestStone , avatar

Sunny was originally marketed as “Seinfeld on crack.”

PersnickityPenguin ,

Of course they were annoying assholes, that’s why we watched it. They’re New Yorkers ffs.

fidodo ,

He wasn’t why the show was funny

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Any show named after the main character can run perfectly well without it.

Dawsons creek Seinfeld Will and grace Etc.

Deway ,

Friends would have been okay with Janice and Gunter. Community only needs the Dean. The big bang theory would have been better with just a black screen.

barsoap ,

Community only needs the Dean.

I mean, technically, yes. It would work but it wouldn’t be Community. Abed is the cornerstone though if set alone wouldn’t work out, you also need sidekick Troy as an audience surrogate so we can all ride along. Troy&Abed on a space station would still be Community with different support characters.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

🎶 Troy&Abed on a space station 🎶

root_beer ,

Community to return as a Red Dwarf reboot?

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

I think you mean The big bang theory would have been better without the big bang (although pre season 4 isn’t too bad).

Crikeste ,

Nothing is obligating you to respond this way other than some amount of respect you have for this bigot. DONT sugar coat your ability to look the other way in the face of bigotry.

irreticent , avatar
captain_aggravated , avatar

why was he even invited?

vonbaronhans ,

Alum, maybe?

aphlamingphoenix ,

He was receiving an honorary degree from Duke and spoke at the commencement.

Duamerthrax ,

Why? Was it for his work in underage dating?

Alexstarfire ,

He Mastered in it.

jeffw OP ,

And here I thought it was a minor

refalo ,

he never actually dated anyone under 18. but I’m sure someone will chime in with a slightly different strawman to try to rage at someone else because they hate their own life

Duamerthrax ,

Her name is Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss. They started dating when she was 17 and he was 38. No strawman.

Is it really hard to believe that a celebrity was dating someone way too young? It should be illegal to have schools in LA.

refalo ,

They did not start actually dating until she was 18 according to many things I read but people will still die on this hill no matter what I say and no matter what they read.

Duamerthrax ,

This was the same era when Bill Clinton claimed he did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky because it was only a blow job.

“Dating” just means they claimed not to have had sex until she was 18. He still met her by herself in a park and had private time with her when she was underaged. We call that today Grooming. Jerry Seinfeld is a groomer.

refalo ,

Check out that moving goalpost!

Duamerthrax ,

Nah, calling it dating was being polite to Seinfeld. No difference between dating and grooming when one of them is underaged.

Is it only a problem for you if they’re having sex?

captain_aggravated , avatar

So why was he given an honorary degree? For being obsolete as a celebrity/comedian for 20 years?

nova_ad_vitum ,

In 2010 or so I went to Cornell for the graduation ceremony of a family member of mine from their business school. The keynote speaker was Rudy Giuliani. His speech about living life with integrity really aged well lol.

Vespair ,


  • Loading...
  • gmtom ,

    Also a pedophile

    Tinidril ,

    He’s never even been all that funny. I’ve always seen his entire shtick as making fun of bad comedians through imitation.

    CleoTheWizard , avatar

    Who are all these people Jerry?

    Son_of_dad , (edited )

    I’m confused. By all accounts Jerry and the entire cast came together to point out their hate for Trump and Republicans. But because he doesn’t agree with one issue he’s been labeled as a right winger? I’m so far left that young leftists think I’m too extreme, to the point where they call be right wing for disagreeing with every tiny thing they say. The young left have become the keepers of “right/wrong think”

    Edit: a lot of young people who call themselves left, are doing everything possible to push people away from the left, instead of making them allies.

    TubularTittyFrog ,

    That’s how it works these days.

    I’m pro-trans, but I’m not pro-trans people in women’s sports. This makes me a anti-trans nazi in the vast majority of leftie/progressivist people’s eyes, who clearly is a closeted Trump supporter. It’s the whole ‘we must be intolerant of intertolerance’ type fo thing… but they’ve twist it to ‘we must be intolerant of any disagreement whatsoever with our unrealistic ideological agenda that has no basis in a factual reality’.

    There is no allowance for variance of reasonable opinion or an objective reality. You are with us, or against us, and therefore the enemy.

    Lefties and young folks who are left leaning tend to be as braindead and lockstep as the Trumpers they claim to hate.

    OsaErisXero ,

    with our unrealistic ideological agenda that has no basis in a factual reality

    I think I've spotted their issue with you.

    RedSeries ,
    AncientFutureNow ,

    TubularTittyFrog seems like as good as any to block.

    Snapz ,

    “I’m pro-trans, but I’m not pro-trans people in women’s sports.”

    If you’re “pro-trans” then that means you believe that, for example, a trans woman is a woman, because she says she is.

    So then you don’t believe women should compete in women’s sports?

    Showing your ass there, huh?

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Annoying aren’t they.

    harmsy ,

    My opinion on trans athletes is that I lack the qualifications to have an opinion. What happens to the human body during transition should be pretty well-documented by now, though. I’m sure if there’s any real problem, the doctors who work in gender-affirming care would be pretty vocal about it.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    They’re biased, though. I don’t assign a moral value to that, I mean sociologically.

    shuzuko ,

    Fucking lol

    The doctors who research this stuff for a living are biased

    Science is biased

    Reality is biased

    You’re a regressive who hates that reality disagrees with you and would prefer to live in a fantasy world of your own making

    feedum_sneedson , (edited )

    Uh, calm down mate. Maybe you think you’re replying to somebody else? A doctor making their living from providing transgender healthcare is absolutely a biased party, as is any researcher choosing to focus on this topic. That’s reflexivity, it’s quite important to acknowledge.

    shuzuko ,

    Buddy that’s like saying you won’t listen to physicists about gravity because they’re biased

    Researching and reporting on scientific realities isn’t bias

    It’s stating the truth

    feedum_sneedson ,

    You would definitely need to acknowledge a physicist’s bias towards the theory they have chosen to research. That’s absolutely a thing! I’m not saying anything controversial here. I don’t even like sociology very much, reflexivity is boring and over-emphasised but it’s a legitimate issue, and it’s a big issue in transgender medicine. Which people are very keen to point out when the research doesn’t agree with their own position.

    shuzuko ,

    Fucking lol


    Just admit you hate science and want to live in a fantasy world where reality agrees with you 🤷🏻‍♀️

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Chuds, Chads and Chodes, it’s a hell of a world.

    llamajester421 ,

    This is some top notch conspiracy theory you got there. A sanity check, religious foundations are funding most TERFy propaganda and "free-speech" absolute-bullshit-ism. Are they more biased than international medical bodies? (American Psychological Organization advocates for trans youth World Health professional Association advocates for transgender adults and youth Are you condemning their consensus just because they are interested in the topic? That is moronic. What about the nazis? Are they less biased because they are less invested in transmisogyny? ( ) What about litigation that has come from independent judges, like Forstater's TERFism was bashed by the first judge as "unworthy of respect in a democratic society"? What about the appeal court that deliberated that she can believe whatever she wants but still can't misgender trans and non-binary people? ( ) What about the biologists that independently conclude that biological sex is a spectrum? ( Scientific American visualizing sex as a spectrum 1600 biologists condemns Trump anti-transgender proposal Super low rates of regrets or detransition in trans youth Transphobe christian psychiatrist McHugh is wrong, transition mental health outcomes
    Jon Stewart destroys ignorant GOP lawmaker for criminalizing youth transition Scientific American Trans girls belong to female Sports You are not talking about individual researchers pal, you are talking about the mainstream medical establishment and legal institutions. So crawl back to your cave or wherever you came from and socialize animals that have no gender identity, as it is apparently the only way to preserve your fragile heteronormativity, lmao.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    I haven’t even stated my position. Clearly some people suffer from gender dysphoria and evidently they are happier living as the other sex. They should be free to do so.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    How often did you watch women’s sports before you became aware of the controversial issue of trans women competing in them?

    llamajester421 ,

    "Have you heard of these men pretending to be women to win in female sports? I weep for society etc etc"
    The notion that people transition to gain social benefits, real or perceived, is absurd.
    In fact people who transition are aware that transitioning will bring them to a lesser social status and overall heightened risk.
    Unemployment, homelessness, subpar health services, and violence.
    There is a driving force greater than these social losses that makes them transition anyway.
    Bigots and ignorants might as well stop the hatred-mongering for a second and think, what the fuck that force could be.
    The response: Increased mental health benefits from transitioning to live life in way true to their self.
    Many homophobe clergymen might think that this equals publicly announcing you take it up the butt, but in fact
    it is an expression of identity that cisgender people enjoy without question.
    When put this way, without all the TERF/nazi dogwhistling ("groomers", "trans-identified males", "biological males", "degenerates", etc),
    it gets harder and harder to keep pretending that the driving force behind the anti-gender movement is not hatred.
    How can you possibly say "I want mental health outcomes only for cisgender people" without being exposed as a total hatemonger and bigot?

    PolydoreSmith ,

    The “one issue” happens to be supporting a genocide, so it’s kind of a big one? I haven’t seen anyone calling him right-wing, but you can bet if cops were firing rubber bullets at peaceful student protesters under a republican administration, every lefty from NY to LA would be wringing their hands and crying “fascism”. The times they are a-changing my friend. It’s not just about left or right, and I’m glad these kids understand that.

    scorpious ,

    It’s just the rise of loud, groupthink edgelords, refusing to think past a hyper-emotional brainwash.

    ShepherdPie ,

    Opposing a genocide and those who support it makes you a hyper-emotional edgelord? That’s quite the edgelord take on the subject.

    Snapz ,

    And the dude openly dated a minor when he was nearly 40, "Shoshanna is a person, not an age. She is extremely bright. She’s funny, sharp, very alert. We just get along. You can hear the click.”

    Son_of_dad ,

    Chappelle has said far worse things about every other race than Richards did about black people that night, but as we know that somehow doesn’t count

    t3h_fool ,

    But what about another situation no-one is talking about!

    Ixoid ,

    And Chapelle’s comedy is cringe and awful, and completely unrelated to the topic at-hand. Nice strawman.

    Son_of_dad ,

    I’m sure you love strawmen, you get to burn down someone whose opinion deviates from yours even a little. We used to call it “wrong think” when we were actually fighting for people’s rights and not just being arrogant assholes, pushing everyone away from the left.

    Maddier1993 ,

    “Even a little”. You fall off a cliff if you move slightly in the wrong direction, “Even a little”.

    Son_of_dad ,

    So you admit that budging is wrong think.

    Maddier1993 ,

    Only if it’s about issues like genocide. “A sprinkle of genocide is fine” is what psychos think like.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    You might not have noticed, but young adults aren’t big Chapelle fans these days either. The whole transphobia thing doesn’t play so well with the under-40s.

    Maddier1993 ,

    Sure this applies only if you also think that Chappelle should also be tarred and feathered. But you’re here wanting to forgive both of them.

    ShepherdPie ,

    Can you point out where anyone labeled him as a “right winger?”

    Your comment is a complete false dichotomy based solely off a strawman argument.

    Son_of_dad ,

    You’re not paying attention. I’ve seen him called right wing quite a few times outside of Lemmy, different forums etc. Also lots of articles out there essentially calling him the new right wing mouthpiece.

    All you gotta do is Google

    androogee ,

    I’m so sorry to inform you of this, but in the year of our Zord 2024, we are no longer accepting “one of the ten billion apes, bots, advertising agencies, liars, and trolls who are screaming into the Internet at all times said something I disagree with” as a valid source of outrage, controversy, or secondhand conversation.

    Please understand that this is not personal, nor is it a judgement on your specific opinion. We would recommend addressing the comment you disagree with directly at its source, if you feel you must address it at all.

    t3h_fool ,

    Damn. This is a great response!

    gmtom ,

    “”“One issue”“”

    Which is supporting a genocide.

    Also he’s recently joined the whole “woke has ruined comedy” bit. Which is very much right wing.

    Oh and he’s also a predator that dated a teenager when he was in his 30s.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    I’ve always found the left more annoying than the right. The right are wrong, but the left are self-righteous smug dickheads. Liberals are like a chimera of both and I think that’s why I hate them more than the right even though they’re objectively less bad. That’s my shitty analysis anyway.

    insaan ,

    I’m so far left that young leftists think I’m too extreme

    Sure you are, champ.

    they call be right wing for disagreeing with every tiny thing they say

    You’re so close to a moment of self-awareness, and yet so far.

    Son_of_dad ,

    Kid I’ve been left since before you were nothing but ball juice

    insaan ,

    You’re 40, you’re a child in both in age and mentality.

    Son_of_dad ,

    Must be true Insaan said it. If you only knew. I didn’t grow up in Western comfort like you, I’ve washed brains off my sidewalk after guerrilla offensives into my town. I’m a native of this continent, not some colonizer remnant. I’ve seen your western brutality and the hypocrisy and patriarchal bullshit that comes with it. All you do is talk on the internet but you don’t actually do Jack shit about anything. Grab your guns and travel to Gaza, that would be a start

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