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With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?

Obviously this won’t work for all sports, but things like football, track, soccer, it would allow for de-gendered team, even allowing athletes with the skills but not the genetically-endowed physical attributes to have a place to play....

JovialMicrobial ,

The Castrati League has entered the stadium!

I know… i know…castrato were young boys castrated to keep their singing voices high… . but words can be updated and language fluid… right?

JovialMicrobial ,

The chess one isnt quite right. There’s been experiments where if a woman player didn’t know her opponent was a man she would perform better. It’s called stereotype threat phenomenon.

It also happens when a male player knowingly goes up against someone higher in the league than himself and he performs below his own standard average.

Basically people in general psyche themselves out of their best performance when going against someone they perceive to be better than them whether that’s factual or not. Confidence and undermining confidence can change a whole lot about how a person does in any given game or task.

JovialMicrobial ,

It’s a phenomenon that’s been observed across multiple sports, not just between men and women chess players. It’s particularly poignant in men vs women’s chess… because of people repeatedly telling women they are inherently worse than men. Like you are doing right now.

There’s been multiple studies on this. So yes, I side with the data that stereotype threat phenomenon has a significant impact on women’s performance in chess against men.

JovialMicrobial ,

Usually if someone was caught in video they don’t want to be in decent folks will at least blur their face, good people will blur the faces of strangers without being asked.
What corporations are doing is exploitive and downright greedy. Most of what’s been posted was done before this AI issue was even a thought.
It’s not hard to be decent towards others. It really isn’t and this AI bullshit is the worst possible application anyone could’ve come up with.

JovialMicrobial ,

Unfortunately in the US running for president has serious financial barriers. Even the wealthy people who run need to appeal to corporate sponsors(I personally call this corruption, but the Supreme Court apparently decided it’s not.)

I don’t know how we are ever going to get a decent human being as a candidate until that changes, and I don’t know how to change it. We can vote, but only for whoever has money, and none of those candidates seem to even acknowledge this is a very serious problem. It’s not even on their political radar, so it’s not a talking point.

Plus, even if a decent, non corrupt person managed to make it to the primaries and win… the electoral college could just vote the corrupt candidate in anyway.

Sorry rest of the world… I wish our system wasn’t totally fucked.

JovialMicrobial ,

If there ARE more cases of autism(which we dont know if there are, or if it’s a result of better screening. Smarter people than me would have to determine that) my first instinct would be to look at microplastics and other environmental pollutants. Again, more qualified people than me would have to look into that, but it seems to be a better hypothesis than the conspiracy theory about vaccines.

JovialMicrobial ,

I like the way you think! I’m cisgender but would totally accept homogender. Plus, homogender homosapien has a nice ring to it.

I honestly think the only way the word cis would be allowed on twitter is if some moron decided to weaponize it and start calling trans folks cisphobic or something. Then act like it’s some sort of brilliant “gotcha” moment because these people are not only genuinely stupid but also hellbent on embodying all the worst parts of humanity.

Only then would the butthole licker of trolls known as Elon Musk accept term.

JovialMicrobial ,

Trump seems to bring out the worst in everyone.

JovialMicrobial ,

I think the last white domestic terrorists to be called terrorists were the unibomber and Timothy McVeigh.

Both were in the 80s - 90s iirc. For some reason since 9/11 the word terrorist has been reserved for brown people who may or may not be Muslim and it’s really fucking us over.

At the same time people have been burning down and bombing abortion clinics since the late 70’s and that has never been called out as terrorism, or more accurately christian terrorism either.

I guess my point is that the US government sucks at indentifying/dealing with domestic terrorists and openly turn a blind eye to privileged groups committing atrocities domestically.

JovialMicrobial ,

Unfortunately it’s incredibly difficult to get people to leave cults.

Voting for him is voting against your own self interest… it’s like some oddly bastardized form of the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide, but slower and more political.

Now that I think about it…That comparison does feel insulting to Heavens Gate. Their leader believed in what he was preaching and he actually seemed more competent and less malicious since he killed himself too. So I guess a cult that performs a mass suicide is less harmful than trump at this point. I hate this reality so much.

JovialMicrobial , (edited )

The fact that there are women who support this bullshit is something my mind can’t comprehend. Are they sociopaths, sycophants, brainwashed… or all of the above? I try to be mindfully empathetic and attempt to understand differing opinions even if i disagree…but I really struggle with this one. I just can’t get there.

JovialMicrobial ,

Thank you for the suggestion! I’ve been meaning to read handmaid’s tale, and I didn’t know there was a sequel. I’ll have to get them as audio books to listen to at work. Anything to help me understand what’s going through their heads.

JovialMicrobial ,

Because these sorts of parents are stealing their children’s privacy before they even have a concept of it. It’s downright selfish to use one’s children for internet attention and likes.

I’m glad I was raised before social media because my mom 100% would’ve posted every little detail about me and it would’ve been on fb for fucking ever. It would’ve been a nightmare.

It’s bad enough having a gossiping, oversharing parent. Having one of those with access to social media must be a thousand times worse. I feel for those kids.

JovialMicrobial ,

I’ve seen mini horses get pretty low stretching like a cat. They seem more flexible than the full sized guys but maybe it’s cuz they’re supporting less weight.

JovialMicrobial ,

Yeah, these were mini horses. I think mini horses have the same proportions of big horse(just tiny) whereas ponies tend to have their own proportions that are bit different.

The mini horses I’ve seen are flexible as hell though. Bend themselves in half to scratch an itch on flank with their teeth.

JovialMicrobial ,

Since they did say it out loud…Let it be known that Arthur Grand Technologies has racist hiring practices.

Maybe if Arthur Grand Technologies didn’t want their brand associated with racism they shouldn’t have told recruiters to hire only white people.

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails (

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes....

JovialMicrobial ,

If I worked there it would br so tempting to just start writing all my emails in scots gaelic. Can’t say I’m using pronouns if you can’t read it!
Plus I’d get to see what form their xenophobia would take. Would they ban foreign languages from email too? How many things are they willing to ban before they simply oust email entirely?

JovialMicrobial ,

Maybe not, but female hormonal birth control can cause liver tumors and blood clots. Can’t have more kids if a blood clot kills you.

The moral of the story should be safer contraceptives for everyone…

Unfortunately for women they weigh the side effects of hormonal birth control against those of a pregnancy. Since pregnancy also increases the chance of blood clots and other things they just say “good enough!” And put it on the market…which is bullshit. Either way we’re at higher risk of serious health issues.

That’s why women are angry. I feel confident saying the majority of women dont want unsafe bc for men. We want more research into safer bc options available for us too.

JovialMicrobial ,

I’m a professional artist and have no issue banning ai generated CSAM. People can call it self expression if they want, but that doesn’t change the real world consequences of it.

Allowing ai generated CSAM basically creates camouflage for real CSAM. As ai gets more advanced it will become harder to tell the difference. The scum making real CSAM will be emboldened to make even more because they can hide it amongst the increasing amounts of ai generated versions, or simply tag it as AI generated. Now authorities will have to sift through all of it trying to decipher what’s artifical and what isn’t.

The liklihood of them being able to identify, trace, and convict child abusers will become even more difficult as more and more of that material is generated and uploaded to various sites with real CSAM mixed in.

Even with hyper realistic paintings you can still tell it’s a painting. Anime loli stuff can never be mistaken for real CSAM. Do I find that sort of art distasteful? Yep. But it’s not creating an environment where real abusers can distribute CSAM and have a higher possibility of getting away with it.

JovialMicrobial ,

I try to think about it this way. Simulated rape porn exists, and yet terrible people still upload actual recordings of rapes to porn sites. And despite the copious amounts of the fake stuff available all over the internet… rape statistics haven’t gone down and there’s still sexual assaults happening.

I don’t think porn causes rape btw, but I don’t think it prevents it either. It’s the same with CSAM.

Criminally horrible people are going to be horrible.

JovialMicrobial ,

I really hate the things that human beings are capable of.

We can be so much better… but instead we get depraved, morally bankrupt, power hungry pieces of literal trash doing this sort of shit in what seems like every industry.

JovialMicrobial ,

Nice try my friend. You have a good day now.

JovialMicrobial ,

I think one of the many problems with AI generated CSAM is that as AI becomes more advanced it will become increasingly difficult for authorities to tell the difference between what was AI generated and what isn’t.

Banning all of it means authorities don’t have to sift through images trying to decipher between the two. If one image is declared to be AI generated and it’s not…well… that doesn’t help the victims or create less victims. It could also make the horrible people who do abuse children far more comfortable putting that stuff out there because it can hide amongst all the AI generated stuff. Meaning authorities will have to go through far more images before finding ones with real victims in it. All of it being illegal prevents those sorts of problems.

JovialMicrobial ,

Sometimes I miss my blackberry because it had a keyboard and would read the name of who was texting me as an alert. It also fit in my pocket a lot better and the screen never cracked.

Wish they’d make a new model of that phone. I’d consider getting one if they could manage to not fuck it up with unnecessary features.

The Bezos Earth fund has pumped billions into climate and nature projects. So why are experts uneasy? (

But privately in the climate and biodiversity sector, the mood around the Bezos Earth Fund has turned to one of growing unease. Researchers, climate policy advisers and NGO staff voiced concerns about the level of influence the organisation holds over critical environmental institutions for halting climate change and...

JovialMicrobial ,

That’s a really long way of saying that Bezos is probably funding these projects so if they try to do something that effects his business negatively his company can threaten to pull funding and effectively put a stop to it.

JovialMicrobial ,

I really hate that our system rewards horrible people like this with money.

Could bird flu in cows lead to a human outbreak? Slow response worries scientists (

Researchers also say more sampling is needed. Almost 50 herds of dairy cattle across 9 US states have had confirmed cases of H5N1, and one infected person has been linked to the outbreak. But the actual numbers are probably much higher, scientists say. “There’s almost certainly been a lot more human cases than just the...

JovialMicrobial , (edited )

After seeing what covid did… I don’t get why people aren’t more worried about this. Zoonotic diseases can and do jump species and this one could/will be REALLY bad if it mutates and starts spreading between humans. H5N1 doesn’t care if we just had a pandemic and are still recovering.

I had H1N1 back in the early 2000’s and thought I was going to die. 106 fever almost melted my brain. I have no intention of trying my luck with this variation if it can be helped.

JovialMicrobial ,

I havent forgotten about it at all and I’m equally afraid of the extreme and downright bizarre manifestations of denial happening all over again with a potentially deadlier virus.

I guess I didn’t want to get into the social effects because I find it to be even more mentally draining. I deleted Facebook because seeing the proliferation of pseudo science and antivax stuff was equal parts depressing and disturbing.

JovialMicrobial ,

I just looked up how US citizens can fight judicial corruption and apparently corrupt judges can be reported to the Judicial Conference of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Transparency International or the Judicial Integrity Network.
Maybe we should start reporting every judge that pulls crap like this to these agencies. Maybe something will actually change if/when investigations start happening.

JovialMicrobial ,

One of the leading causes of death for teen girls aged 15-19 is complications from childbirth. Also infants born to teen mothers have increased risk of death and poorer health outcomes. One of the most common issues is obstructed labor, since their pelvises are too small to accomdate a baby.

Recent research has also found teen pregnancy is linked to premature death later in life.

The science doesn’t agree that teen girls are in their prime reproductive years. I wish this idea would fade into the history books and live alongside the idea that women shouldnt ride trains because their uteruses would fly out.

Some links below for your convenience.…/teenage-pregnancy-death-concern…/teen-pregnancy-early-death.html

JovialMicrobial ,

Here is more information that includes the ages 16-19. Having a child before the age of 20 increases risks of death, injury, or complications. Again, not prime reproductive years. Before the modern era women had kids young, but thats because EVERYONE had shorter live spans and death was common in general. Still doesn’t add up to “teens are in their reproductbe prime.”

I have a feeling no matter how many facts or how much data I present to refute your position you aren’t going to be open to changing your mind. However, I’d like this information to be available to others who might find it insightful.…/teen-pregnancy-medical-risks-and-real…

JovialMicrobial ,

The best time to have a baby with the lowest risk is ages 20 - 26. That’s the window with the best outcome. I love science, it’s the best way to move towards better ideas and medical practices. That’s why I care about dispelling the idea that teenagers are in their reproductive prime.

Also, this might be interesting to you. Women didn’t marry young as frequently as we’re told.


JovialMicrobial ,

You ignored data twice, and then I agreed that past 30 is a higher risk pregnancy. No idea what you are talking about friend.

I then provided info that shows women werent always marrying as young as people tend think which goes against your basis that evolution supports teens being in their reproductive prime. You haven’t supplied any data at all to back up your claims.

But you do you. The info is out there for you and others. Have a nice day now

JovialMicrobial ,

I want The Red Cross to hire you for marketing asap so this can actually happen.

JovialMicrobial ,

I’m kinda ashamed of this, but I used to prefer the raw milk from a local dairy farm because it comes with all the fat and cream(you have to shake it before drinking) and it tasted soo freaking good. They vaccinate their cows and only have about 8 of them.
However, I will not be buying that anymore and go back to buying pasteurized all the time. The taste isn’t worth risking h5n1. I know it’s a pretty stupid thing to do since other illnesses can happen from raw milk, but I guess it’s better late than never to stop doing that

JovialMicrobial ,

Thanks for saying this, I hadn’t thought about it that way. I still feel foolish for taking any risk in the first place, but h5n1 is just messed up levels of scary.

JovialMicrobial ,

Thank you! I didn’t know that was available as a product and will keep my eye out for it. Probably just as good too

JovialMicrobial ,

Thank you, I still feel a kinda dumb, but a little less so now. I appreciate the quote and will be saving it for use in the future

JovialMicrobial ,

Exactly. Plus the right to free speech doesn’t equate to being free from criticism, or as you said, general disinterest.

Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says (

Kevin Roberts remembers when he could get a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a drink from Five Guys for $10. But that was years ago. When the Virginia high school teacher recently visited the fast-food chain, the food alone without a beverage cost double that amount....

JovialMicrobial , (edited )

It was invented by Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda who studied the chemical basis of kelp. Long story short he ate soup with brown kelp flakes and wondered why the kelp tasted so good, studied it and found msg. He then discovered a way to mass produce it from wheat and soy.

Man was a food genius

JovialMicrobial ,

I wonder why we shifted away from things like waxed paper milk cartons(like the small ones you’d get in school) and waxed butcher paper?

Is waxed paper/cardboard product really that much more expensive than plastic in terms of packaging?

JovialMicrobial ,

They don’t actually care about “the children” or people in general and the concept of nuance is non-existent in their worldview.

They literally don’t care how many folks are hurt by these laws. Ethics? They’ve never heard the word before. Its sad, scary and infuriating.

JovialMicrobial ,

If you consume any iodized salt you should be good on that, unless you have a medical condition that prevents your body from absorbing it properly. In fact people don’t really get goiters anymore since the introduction of iodized salt which was done to prevent said goiters(a goiter is a swollen thyroid from lack of iodine intake iirc).

JovialMicrobial ,

I’m just an internet rando, but I’d definitely recommend talking to your doctor about iodized salt intake or alternatives. Iodine was added to salt when they figured out people living in middle America away from the shorelines had severe iodine deficiencies and goiters were very common. That’s all I know about it. I just like weird history tidbits like that

JovialMicrobial ,

And the companies who sell the corn syrup foods are free to use all that money to influence politicians. Um… I mean…pay lobbyists, or become a super PAC or something that’s technically not corruption.

JovialMicrobial ,

Luckily some states/cities are putting laws in place to force these assholes to admit they aren’t actually medical facilities with signs on the front door.

JovialMicrobial ,

That’s so disappointing and infuriating.

When I did some digging on those places I found they frequently work with private, Christian adoption agencies…who then legally can refuse to adopt babies out to non-Christian families, even refusing to adopt out to catholic and Jewish families, and obviously LGBTQ families and atheists. I can’t provide any links cuz I’m at work, but a quick search will pull up adoption discrimination and the link to crisis pregnancy centers. Shit pisses me off. Manipulate scared, often young women into giving birth then using them to fill up their churches. Disgusting.

JovialMicrobial , (edited )

So this issue is boiling down to a luddite-esque type of situation. Except this time it’s the rich business owners getting pissed instead of poor textile workers.

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