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Vespair ,

Nah, I can give them p-r-------l at least.

Vespair ,

Abso-fucking-lutely 100% the correct take right here. We need to absolutely be wary of opportunists trying to remove nuance from the situation. That doesn’t mean don’t be realistic about the horrors, that doesn’t mean treating the vile guilty parties with kid gloves, it just means ensuring we don’t let our outrage carry us away with the current. And we have to be honest with ourselves that there are legitimately an astounding amount of outside forces and actors trying to manipulate the situation from all sides to score wins and promote dangerous ideologies.

Seek justice, seek peace, yes absolutely, but don’t let yourself become an unwitting soldier in somebody else’s war.

Vespair ,

I agree entirely and will add that hell, I even miss the satisfying sound of the CD drive opening and closing slowly with its mechanical whirr

Vespair ,

I’ve been following Alexandr for years, and the dude is crazy talented.

But also if I was a guitar he would be like the boogyman to me, because this man seems to eat guitars

Vespair ,

Both are victims

Vespair ,

This whole “all the homophobes are closeted gay men|all the racists secretly fetishize black men” thing is reductive, unrealistic, and unproductive. This dude is gross as fuck and I’m glad he’s getting charged with something at least, but chocking these things up to underlying latent sexual urges is weird and doesn’t solve anything. I’m going to pivot to homosexuality as it think it’s a clearer example now: yes there have been a number of bigots who have turned out to be closeted gays in denial, but concluding from that that all bigots are closeted muddies the water and prevents us from tackling the real root causes of bigotry and, frankly, makes “our side” (for lack of a better term) seem unnecessary sexually-obsessed.

Vespair ,

I agree, but this feels like just doing something tangential rather than addressing the issue. Until we clear out, clear up, and rebuild police departments from the ground up, they are going to continue to be motivated by racism and minority citizens will continue to be unfairly target and charged.

I’m not saying this isn’t a good thing or that it won’t help, but it feels like trying to put a single bandaid on somebody bleeding out after a bear mauling.

That said, we all only have the power of our station and our voice, so I do appreciate this prosecutor trying to do what they can with the power they has, and I do think they should be celebrated for it.

Vespair ,

Doesn’t matter. This dude has literally opened referred to himself as a Nazi and Hitler apologist and people still put his shit on playlists and radio stations are still playing his music.

Kanye is proof that morality is just posturing, and the moment it is an inconvenience the vast majority will immediately discard it.

Vespair ,

Clint Eastwood? Are you implying Clint fucking Eastwood is a paragon of morality or am I misreading this somehow?

Vespair ,

Imo there is an enormous difference between personal moral failings, hell even personal acts of evil, and endorsing a hateful and toxic ideology.

I don’t expect my artists to be paragons of personal virtue, but I absolutely am not okay supporting artists who are actively spreading hate.

Vespair ,

I know the default tone of the Internet is sarcastic so I’m clarifying that this is a sincere and genuine statement: good on you for having the integrity and growth to be able to adapt and change like that. Dropping a beloved artist, even rightly so, is a difficult thing. I applaud you for you conviction, king 👍✌️

Vespair ,

I’m afraid things like this article implies we aren’t headed that way, we’ve already arrived

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study (

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

Vespair ,

Anyone else tired of these clickbait headlines and studies about LLM which center around fundamental misunderstandings of how LLMs work, or is it just me?

“ChatGPT didn’t get a single answer on my algebra exam correct!!” Well yes, because LLMs work on predictive generation, not traditional calculation, so of course they’re not going to do math or anything else with non-language-based patterns properly. That’s what a calculator is for.

All of these articles are like complaining that a chainsaw is an inefficient tool for driving nails into wood. Yeah; because that’s not the job this tool was made for.

And it’s so stupid because there are ton of legitimate criticisms about AI and the AI rollout to be had; we don’t have to look for disingenuous cases of misuse for critique.

Vespair ,

I see your point and I agree, except that that isn’t what these headlines are saying. Granted, perhaps that’s just the standard issue of sensationalism and clickbait rather than being specific to this issue, but the point remains that while the articles may be as you claim, the headlines are still presented instead as “A chainsaw can’t even drive a simple nail into wood without issue and that’s why you should be angry anytime you hear a chainsaw.” I dunno. I’m just so exhausted.

Vespair ,

I’ve told the story before, but I worked a MarketPro Computer Show & Sale a million years ago and was stationed next to a booth selling mostly speakers and stereo equipment where the booth owner had brought his 10-ish year old son with him. This son preceded to play “Around the World,” full-blast, through an enormous stack of display speakers, instantly filling the entire convention hall. Then he put the song on repeat. All day. No exaggeration, he did not play a single other song for the entirety of the 10 hour shift, just “Around the world, around the world… around the world, around the world… around the world, around the world” endlessly.

That kid is a legend of trolling.

Vespair ,

Black Widow is a good film tho?

Vespair ,

Perhaps. But just because duck à l’orange is the superior dinner entree doesn’t mean I can’t still be perfectly satisfied with a nice grilled ribeye steak.

Vespair ,

Sir there are literal Nazis online.

Vespair ,

Just for clarity, the implication you’re making is that the helicopter crash that killed the Iranian president was actually an intentional hit job performed by Israel?

Vespair ,

I think this kind of meme is the same thing as people who pretend to hate the word “moist.”

Vespair ,

Boring pop culture opinions that nobody actually likes but which wear the cadence of interesting content so people unthinkingly clap along out of habit even though nobody is actually edified by it or sincerely enjoying it.

Vespair ,

You, my friend, are 100% correct in your take on the topic.

Vespair ,

Youngkin continues to prove that he is an actual monster who only cares about the absolute worst elements in our society

Vespair ,

Wolf. Not only do I think my chances are better, I’d also feel less bad about trying to fuck up a wolf if I had to

Vespair ,

I’ll admit “trying” was doing a lot of heavy-lifting in that sentence ;)

Vespair ,

Fr. Calling FF7R a “remake” of FF7 with its significant story changes and shift from perfect turn-based combat to the most mind-numbing half-measure “action RPG” combat is like saying you’re going to remake Tetris but now it’s a first-person shooter

Vespair ,

I can only speak to my experience. I love the depth of FF7’s turn-based strategic combat, meanwhile I literally haven’t finish the first FF7R entry yet because I keep literally falling asleep during combat. I’m not being hyperbolic, I’m not being facetious, I literally have fallen asleep dozens of times during combat trying to finish that damn game.

If the combat speaks to you and you enjoy it, that’s awesome and I’m glad it can deliver to you what you need. But for me, I think it’s even worse than the combat in Tales of Berseria and I hate the combat in the Tales of series.

I love action games and I love RPGs, I just personally rarely find half-measure crossover gameplay styles satisfying.

Vespair ,

I agree with all of that. My personal biggest issue is the combat, but it isn’t the only issue and it isn’t the biggest issue with the idea of the game as a concept.

But unfortunately SqEnix recognized FF7 for the cash cow that it is, and seem fully-devoted to milking it for every last drop it can offer

Vespair ,

Yep, that’s why I brought Tales of up in the discussion; glad you agree on the similarities despite their differences too

Vespair ,

I mean yeah they already said that were shitbull owners

Vespair ,


Bloodhounds are renowned for their sense of smell due to intentional selective-breeding.

Greyhounds are renowned for their incredible speed and agility due to intentional selective-breeding.

Border Collies are renowned as the premium choice of herding dog due to intentional selective-breeding.

The exact same people:

Intentional selective-breeding has ZERO impact on pitbulls!!!

Sure, dude.

Edit: typo

Vespair ,

Caroline, every time.

Sweet Home Alabama is just awful

Vespair ,

Lol, when I describe the song to people what I say is almost verbatim: “it sounds like they stumbled upon one really solid guitar riff and were like, fuck it, play that shit for the next 4 minutes! Umm is that gonna be enough for a song? Who gives a shit!”

So yeah, the riff is pretty good

Vespair ,

Also, the whole reason he’s complaining about comedy being destroyed is that he hasn’t been relevant in over 25 years.

YouTuber MovieBob absolutely nailed it when he said in his recent review of the new stupid Seinfeld movie that at this point going “anti-woke” is just a marketing move for older washed up comedians. Most of them probably don’t even give a shit but it’s vastly easier to pander to the crowd so desperate for any validation of their hateful rhetoric than it is to write new insightful jokes that resonate with a culture you’re quickly aging out of.

Of course none of this is to defend Seinfeld; if anything being a manipulative conman willing to pander to the worst appetites in America is arguably even worse than genuinely believing the bullshit in the first place.

Vespair ,

Fucking bonkers. Between this an McD’s changing their ToS to say using their app waives any right to non-arbitration dispute, something needs to be done about companies trying to effectively write new laws into their ToS. This shit is beyond egregious

Vespair ,

Yep, this is the move 👍

Vespair ,

Because they want the benefits of advertising with the power of word-of-mouth, all at the expense of free.

That they think they can get away with it is bananas to me.

Vespair ,

A general NDA is reasonable, sure, but allowing only comments which glaze the game but not those which criticize it is not. I genuinely cannot even fathom how you think the contrary; I don’t mean that in offensive, so if you can articulate why you believe that way I would like to try and understand.

Vespair ,

Sincere thank you for providing what I was referencing 👍

Vespair ,

Just like truth in advertising laws exist, some restrictions are rightly placed on free speech in the interest of consumer protection. Imo this case clearly should fall under similar consideration.

Vespair ,

I’m just curious, what exactly would you prefer to see here? I don’t think this community is specific controversies, but I do think it is, and rightly so, mostly focused on gaming discussion rather than just games. And contentious topics are simply famously those which cause and often merit the most discussion.

Would you prefer instead if all of the posts were simply “How Great Is God of War?” followed by a chain of comments saying nothing but agreement?

Vespair ,

What a wonderful and poignant aside that adds absolutely nothing to the discussion at hand.

Vespair ,

All good; I wasn’t trying to be offensive in my reply and was sincere in calling it poignant. Sometimes I get worked up and make tangents that feel vaguely related too. We’re cool if you’re cool ✌

Vespair ,

For those who choose the man and the bear

Vespair ,

why are right wingers like you triggered by absolutely everything?

Deep seated insecurity, stifled cognitive ability, lack of media and social literacy, a heart literally full of hate, severe lack of touch as a child, etc, etc, etc.

Vespair ,

Why are the animal’s choices never considered in this equation?

Sapience vs sentience. Hope that helps your understanding!

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