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toiletobserver , in DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

I’m sure they’ll be arresting and charging the politicians any and revoking security clearances any moment now…

LufyCZ ,

Why would they revoke their security clearance?

maryjayjay ,

Doing illegal stuff provides leverage for others to blackmail you to do more illegal stuff, like disclose state secrets

charonn0 , avatar

The potential for blackmail.

BURN , in Amazon lowers cost of health care plan for Prime members to $9 a month

Why would I ever give Amazon my medical data? Let alone pay them for the privilege of it being sold.

I don’t even like giving medical providers my medical data, and they’re bound by a lot more laws than Amazon.

Can_you_change_your_username ,

The health info they collect through this program should be covered by HIPAA.



I don’t trust it. I don’t really trust any other health provider, but at least they’re not interconnected with a ton of the rest of my life

Zealousideal_Fox900 , in Amazon lowers cost of health care plan for Prime members to $9 a month


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  • ilovededyoupiggy , avatar

    Post title matches the article headline. Headline says $9/month, article body says $99/year. In other words, buy 11 months, get one month free.

    Zealousideal_Fox900 ,

    Oh. Appologies. Keep it that way if you wish.

    reluctantpornaccount , in FDA approves new version of diabetes drug Mounjaro for weight loss

    The track record for weight loss drugs is not good. Even “approved” ones. We had a lot of teenagers on amphetamines to make them lose weight.

    The podcast Maintenance Phase has at least one episode on them and their history.

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    I’m personally a big fan of consuming fewer calories.

    piecat ,

    Great point, how do you think weight loss drugs work?

    They make you less hungry or curb your cravings… Making you eat less.

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    Or you can just eat less

    Modern_medicine_isnt ,

    But can you? When your body is constantly screamming eat more. Those who can assume everyone can, but not everyone can.

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    I believe yes. I think it’s hard but I think you can. Weight loss drugs, liposuction, stomach stapling, etc none of those methods helps someone learn to control their cravings or redirect their cravings. We live in a world of excess. There’s food everywhere you turn. It’s like a recovering alcoholic. He or she needs to learn to live in a world where alcohol is omnipresent but they have chosen to not indulge their inner cravings. Someone can be craving horrible food and choose to eat salads without creamy dressing. You can choose to not drink sugary drinks. You can crave ice cream but choose to eat raw carrots instead. Is it as fun? No. But alcoholics walk by bars and liquor stores every single day and they choose to not indulge their cravings. It isn’t as fun but they do it regardless.

    TheActualDevil ,

    To use your alcoholic analogy. Imagine you were a terrible alcoholic and you decide to get better. Great! But you can’t STOP drinking. Not completely. You have to stop drinking too much while also NEEDING to have 2-3 single drinks a day to survive. So every day. Every. Single. Day. Multiple times a day you have to face that temptation. Your brain and body are craving you down a fifth of vodka when you wake up, but you’re only supposed to drink a watered down Bloody Mary instead. You have to taste that vodka and get a tiny bit of that dopamine hit from it, but you just have to stop. Your kitchen is full of liquor bottles, but you have to just wait until lunch to have your next drink with that craving eating away at you.

    And then you hit the breakroom at lunch to sip on your small shot of whiskey you brought from home, but the breakroom is a cocktail bar and everyone around you is downing a couple pints of lager or a Long Island Ice Tea. There’s an open bar right there! Plenty of drinks easily available and your mind is begging you to just go get some. But you’re not abstaining completely. You just have to sit there and sip on your tiny bit of alcohol and that’ll just be enough.

    For your nightly drink, you always take it at home. You can’t go to a restaurant with anyone, or even by yourself. You can’t order in. The smallest drinks they serve is a full pint. And still, while you down that Manhattan as quickly as you can every night so as not to think about it too much, you have to go to your kitchen to prepare it with the shelves full of liquor. And just have that one drink. Everyone else gets to have a few drinks a day and move on with their life, but for you every meal is a fight to not go off the deep end while dipping your toes just a little into the pool.

    And then tomorrow you have to wake up and do it again.

    And every day for the rest of your life.

    And that’s just me trying to appeal to your empathy, assuming you have any. There’s science that shows that the dopamine (or maybe serotonin, I always get them confused) that food addicts get is just as addictive as a hard drug habit. It’s literally the same thing. That’s why drugs feel good. It’s not just the altered state that’s addictive. The chemicals your brain release when it gets these things make you crave more. Some people’s brains light up from eating some foods. It’s the same thing as a drug habit, but you can’t quit. Ever. There’s science to back up how wrong you are. You just don’t have to deal with it and you can’t imagine how anyone could have different experiences than you.

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    My favorite part of this is your assumption that I have no personal experience in any of this. I know that it’s hard. I also know it’s possible to stop drinking and stop eating to excess. These are not analogies for me.

    Senshi ,

    That’s like telling depressed people “just don’t be so down”. It shows a lack of empathy as well as medical ignorance.

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    No it isn’t. You can’t choose to not be depressed but you can choose to eat less and accomplish it through willpower.

    reverendsteveii ,

    Where does willpower come from?

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    Merriam-Webster’s definition of “willpower”:

    GissaMittJobb ,

    ‘lmao like how are people homeless, just get a house’

    Salamendacious OP , avatar

    People can have self control. It’s possible through nothing more than willpower to choose to eat less and just do it. Just like how there are people who choose to stop drinking alcohol. They chose to be sober and then they worked at being sober. Some people get help with support groups but there are a lot of sober people who just choose to stop drinking. People can infact choose to eat less. I’m not saying it’s hard but it is possible. No one can choose to have a house through willpower alone.

    You can downvote me all you want. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Because I think it’s so incredibly weird how every little imperfection now needs the pharmaceutical industry to sell you a pill to fix it. Medicine is one thing. Antipsychotics, schizophrenia, ADHD medications, etc. there are plenty of things that require medication. But weight loss? Come on. Unless you have some diagnosed underlying condition, which I imagine is rather rare, then you don’t need a pill to lose weight. You are capable of doing on your own.

    GissaMittJobb ,

    Yeah, just like homeless people can just get a house, overweight people can just eat less. Simple shit with no more nuance whatsoever. No need for any deeper investigation of these complex topics. Let’s keep minimizing both of these groups without any form of empathy like the piles of shit we make ourselves out to be.

    reluctantpornaccount ,

    Not all of them. Some of these drugs can affect nutrient uptake, others are amphetamines to make your resting energy use rise, as a stimulant. I’m sure there are other mechanisms to mess with as well.

    piecat ,

    Amphetamines basically make you not hungry. That is the primary mechanism anyway.

    books ,

    Eh these people are either gonna be taking bp/cholesterol/diabetes medication or this. Seems like it has the potential to be a wash?

    SeaJ ,

    The results for this and Wegovy are pretty promising. That said, the long term effects are unknown since they are so new. But the long term effects of having a BMI over 30 are pretty terrible and well known. These are nothing like amphetamines.

    ChexMax ,

    The results are that they were only tested on perfectly healthy people which is not indicative of their success in the general population, and the results were also that most people gained the weight back immediately upon stopping the drug.

    The side effects were not too bad for people getting the drug for free, but at 1k a month, those side effects cause much higher drop out rates as well.

    Still way more promising than anything else available, but not that promising overall.

    theostermanweekend , in Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights

    Hell Yes. To quote Jay " …me and Bob are pro choice. A woman’s body is her own fucking business!"

    Someguy89 , in Amazon lowers cost of health care plan for Prime members to $9 a month


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  • spacecowboy ,

    In a for-profit medical industry, what’s the difference? All those hospitals and medical conglomerates in your country are Amazon with a different name.

    nao ,

    Different parts of your data in different hands.

    gullible ,

    A tiny evil company vs a multinational, data hungry, oligopoly chasing, soul stealing incarnation of human avarice. There’s a difference, Amazon employee. I’ve seen several people calling Amazon the lesser of two evils for the last few days and it literally never is. Never. That concept is fiction.

    spacecowboy ,

    Not an Amazon employee. All capitalistic entities are the same. Extract resources by any (pseudo-legal, or even illegal) means necessary.

    Don’t put words in my mouth, Karen.

    gullible ,

    In a for-profit medical industry, what’s the difference?

    The implication is that Amazon is equal or perhaps even better. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism but there are certainly tiers of depravity and degrees of separation, and absolving yourself of thinking about them doesn’t help. If Karen’s only crime is hating Amazon, that solidifies the woman hating origin of the meme.

    spacecowboy ,

    You are a Karen because you came here accusing me of being an Amazon shill in a post that has zero evidence pointing to that. I pointed it out and you still double down on your idiotic response.

    Go the fuck away already.

    gullible ,

    I pointed out that your opinion is stupid and baselessly derived from an unrelated theorem. Eat me, dummy.

    spacecowboy ,

    Take a long walk off a short pier.

    HeyJoe ,

    As someone who works in medical I can say hospitals and other medical facilities absolutely can not sell your data without violating tons of hipaa regulations. I can say we can allow a company to come in and obfuscate data before selling it off. The big difference here would be there can not be any identifier that can link anyone (which happens with most companies that sell data), it’s mostly data on trends. If you can prove otherwise that would be a hell of an amazing lawsuit.

    Dagwood222 , in One of the exonerated 'Central Park Five' wins New York City Council seat

    I’m sure that Donald Trump will call to congratulate him.

    CanadianCorhen ,

    with a full page ad.

    Dagwood222 ,

    Remember, only crooks plead the 5th amendment!

    rez_doggie , in DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

    I bet Rudy was there

    Cheems , avatar

    He’ll be leaking black goo for sure

    girlfreddy OP , in Trump fraud trial live updates: Ivanka testifies at New York court - BBC News

    To those who were following this, my sincere apologies for missing the afternoon session.

    The instance I’m on decided to mess up for quite a while leaving me unable to open this toot or post any updates.

    disheveledWallaby ,

    That’s alright. Technical glitches happen. Your the real MVP for doing such a great job providing a great play by play in the first place. It is appreciated.

    Established_Trial , in Amazon lowers cost of health care plan for Prime members to $9 a month

    TIL Amazon has a medical plan

    zeppo , in Colorado funeral home owner, wife, arrested on charges linked to the handling of at least 190 bodies avatar

    Definitely bizarre and horrible. I wonder why they decided to do this - strapped for cash? Just scammers? How did they expect to get away with just storing bodies in a room? So It would be Colorado Springs.

    I was wondering what these psychos looked like and found this article:…/article_7e2e8c34-4792-5234-ab9d-2db…

    It’s fulfilling for the Hallfords and Mosley to help people better understand their options and to honor the last wishes of the deceased and their loved ones.

    Oh, sure, I bet. A shame as it’s a decent concept to avoid embalming - pumping people full of formaldehyde that eventually leeches into groundwater is a pretty bad idea.

    frickineh ,

    I initially gave them the benefit of the doubt before all the details came out, thinking maybe they just got behind and then things spiralled, but the full list of charges makes me think scammers or a ton of debt. Either way, it seems like this will be the push CO needs to finally start regulating the funeral industry like everyone else does.

    David_Eight , in DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

    Why is sex work even illegal in the first place.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    woke af

    irreticent , avatar

    What does woke even mean?

    matjoeman ,

    It means staying awake, staying aware and thinking, not sleepwalking through life.

    dyathinkhesaurus ,

    Implies the use of critical thinking. No wonder they hate it.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    I have an MSc from a top UK university, my dissertation topic was labour abuse and work-related harm for which I received a distinction. I’m no puritan, but genuine “sex work” (outside the internet) is overwhelmingly negative for the actual workers and very few enter the industry from a position of personal or economic empowerment. This is the case to a shocking degree, even where it’s decriminalised. I’m not against it, per se, but it confuses me when people are strongly for it. So yeah, stay woke.

    feedum_sneedson ,

    Goodness knows.

    rchive ,

    I think most people who’ve actually thought about it would say either “sensitivity to and awareness of the plight of marginalized people” or the same but with “oversensitivity”, depending on which side of it you’re on.

    elbarto777 ,

    Selling is legal, fucking is legal, why isn’t selling fucking legal?

    – George Carlin

    Rai ,

    Seas he also the fella that said “Getting paid for sex is illegal… UNLESS YOU RECORD IT!”

    vrek ,

    For years I’ve contemplated the idea if I came into a bunch of money if starting a porn studio where the customer is an actor/actress in the porn.

    We have a building and several “sets” with cameras recording, customer picks their “partner” and “set” and “shoot the porn”, after they are done the video is burned on to a dvd(or blue ray or potentially put on a private file server).

    The customer isn’t paying for sex, they are paying for the video.

    Pretty sure it would have a ton of legal push back and I would need a lot of money for the lawyers to fight the cases.

    But 1. Safer for everyone imvolved(it’s video taped so you won’t beat/hurt/kill the other party) 2.technically legal just like shooting porn

    elbarto777 ,

    This is actually a great idea for couples! The issue of course would be to make sure that the couples are actual couples.

    You could have them sign a release indicating that it’s a “photo studio”, and you can have different prices: one for commercial use ($5,000 per hour) and one for private use ($100 an hour, and you’re not allowed to commercially distribute the DVD.)

    oshu , avatar

    Think there is a big group of customers for sex who want it captured on video?

    bamboo ,

    You could burn it to a dvd or whatever, delete the file, and give the customer the only copy. Whether they choose to keep it or destroy it is their own choice.

    vrek ,

    They get the only copy… I don’t care if the watch it, post it online or just it for skeet shooting with a shotgun.

    vrek ,

    Not to mention the possible tie ins…imagine if the studio partnered with onlyfans… Or offered special spaces with live streaming(with permission) to people’s Webcam sites.

    “remember to join the stream this Saturday where we will be on location in the pleasure dome’s sunset beach set for a special sex on the beach adventure”

    Jimmyeatsausage ,

    I’d say the diagram of “Why is sex work illegal” and “Why is abortion illegal” is almost a perfect circle.

    It’s about contolling other peoples’ bodies and weakening the separation of church and state.

    Asafum ,

    My bet is on America’s conservative puritan history where anything good is bad.

    Also sex trafficking. At least that’s the argument for keeping it illegal. :(

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Which is bollocks anyways because illegalization actually makes things less safe for all sex workers, but especially for trafficking victims who are now legally marginalized into dark number status

    Plague_Doctor ,

    I believe the reason sex trafficking happens is because sex work is illegal.

    quindraco ,

    The underlying assumption is the same as in abortion: that women can’t be entrusted with agency over their own bodies.

    momtheregoesthatman ,

    Old white men elected themselves under the guise of voting (gerrymandering who?) and are too embarrassed and confused to allow women the rights they have as humans. Isn’t democracy silly.

    Igloojoe ,

    AFAIK, it’s not federally illegal, but mostly every state bans it. As how Nevada can have prostitution.

    rchive ,

    You’re correct, it is not federally illegal in the US. Most things aren’t. Murder isn’t, either. However, traveling across state lines with a prostitute has gotten people in trouble with the federal government before.

    Hillock ,

    Because one of the biggest issues with sex work, human trafficking, gets worse with legalization. Studies across Europe have shown that countries that outlaw prostitution see a decrease in human trafficking victims while countries that legalized or decriminalized it see an increase.

    Unlike with drugs, you don't just create a way to increase the supply. A very small minority of women actually want to engage in sex work. And the few who do, usually envision the high class escort lifestyle. But working in a brothel charging $100 per client isn't something many want to do.

    But legalizing prostitution increases demand. Which makes it more profitable for criminals to utilize human trafficking to fill that demand.

    One source of it.

    It also doesn't help at all with protecting victims of human trafficking. Victims of human trafficking are already protected. But they don't step forward because of threats against their own well being and that of their families. Something that doesn't change just because their work technically is legal now.

    Which leaves a small percentage of people who fall into financial hardship and consider prostitution as a method of overcoming said hardship. For them that might slightly improve their situation. But that still means exploiting vulnerable people and isn't people engaging in sex work because they want to. And it's even questionable if people in these scenarios would follow the legal way.

    So while initially it might seem like legalizing it solves a lot of issues, it is more difficult than that.

    Furedadmins ,

    Us laws regarding sex work are firmly based in puritanical values not out of any concern whatsoever regarding trafficking.

    elbarto777 ,

    Thanks for the data. I think the issue here is not that legal prostitution creates problems, but rather the government bodies being incompetent at protecting the victims, then.

    There are other industries in which people “sell their bodies” for profit (the military and construction come to mind), and if those can be quite regulated, why can’t prostitution?

    Cethin ,

    We all sell our bodies for profit. To be fair though, wage theft is the most common form of theft. We’re all prostitutes and we’re almost all being taken advantage of, and we’re in a system where we can’t really get out.

    ExLisper ,

    government bodies being incompetent at protecting the victims, then.

    My guess is that it’s just more difficult to control prostitution than it is to control construction work. Construction happens in the open, you need to get tons of permits, multiple companies are involved, inspectors check everything regularly. It would be difficult to force some people to work on a construction site without anyone realizing. But how are you going to make sure that each sexual intercourse in some strip bar is ‘legal’? Are you going to put inspectors in bathroom stalls? How can you check every cash transaction? It’s pretty much impossible. You can monitor the sex work that’s advertised and happening ‘in the open’ but there will always be some grey and black market for it. And the ugly stuff will happen there.

    masquenox ,

    Because one of the biggest issues with sex work, human trafficking, gets worse with legalization.

    Yes, because legalizing sex work is just criminalizing sex work with extra steps. It’s very easy to see an (alleged) “rise in sex trafficking” when the legalization shuffle allows politicians to all of a sudden decide what is “allowed” sex work and what is “sex trafficking.”

    This is why shitty studies like the one you linked is so thoroughly non-credible - it was performed without the input of the people who actually know what they are talking about - ie, sex workers themselves.

    WldFyre ,

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    legalizing sex work is just criminalizing sex work with extra steps

    So what’s the solution?? You just made random assertions without any sources and didn’t suggest any alternatives. All while skimming over the very real trafficking/coersion problems unique to sex work.

    JackbyDev ,

    I was totally onboard with them but the longer they talk the weirder the takes get.

    masquenox ,

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    Do tell… is this the first time you’ve actually considered what sex workers themselves have to say about (so-called) “legalization?”

    None of this is a secret, Clyde.

    unique to sex work.

    ROFLMAO! No, genius… trafficking is not unique to sex work in any way, shape, or form. If you weren’t filled to the brim with anti-sex work hysteria you’d have known that already.

    WldFyre ,

    Do tell… is this the first time you’ve actually considered what sex workers themselves have to say about (so-called) “legalization?”

    The sex workers with those opinions usually are the already more well off workers who perform escort or cam services, and isn’t reflective of the bottom strata of sex worker experiences. It also doesn’t address how more common sex work leads to higher trafficking rates.

    trafficking is not unique to sex work in any way, shape, or form.

    Lol I’d love any source on this whatsoever. I’m not sure how you defend this line of thought, or why you feel this way. You don’t think human trafficking shares any of the same risk factors or conditions as sex work?



    masquenox ,

    and isn’t reflective of the bottom strata of sex worker experiences.

    You’re going to have to do a whole lot better than hiding behind impoverished people.

    It also doesn’t address how more common sex work leads to higher trafficking rates.

    That has already been explained to you.

    Lol I’d love any source on this whatsoever.

    You need a source to tell you that labor and refugee trafficking is a thing?

    I’m not sure how you defend this line of thought,

    It’s really simple… I have no wish to demonize and criminalize sex workers - unlike you.

    crackajack , (edited )

    I reckon that even though sex work is legalised, and still caused issues, the problem is that there is no government regulation. It’s one thing to say by the government that they won’t prosecute sex workers, but if it’s not regulated and abuse still happens then nothing changed for all intents and purposes. Best analogy I could think of is like allowing food factories to manufacture food, of course. But if there is no regulatory watchdog to monitor and test to make sure food factories are not putting random and dangerous stuff into food, then legalising an activity is pointless.

    Basically, the sex industry having been legalised by many countries is unofficially a libertarian set up. Yeah, the government exists and allow sexual transactions between agreeing parties, but they’re hands off on how the practitioners in the industry would conduct business. There is no government agency for sex workers to complain to if they’re abused. I know people would ask, how exactly would the government regulate sex? That, I will leave to policy experts.

    Edit: wording

    hark , avatar

    I see this single study trotted out every time the subject comes up and the key factor to take into account is that this is reported trafficking. If legalized sex work means more light is shed on human trafficking that means more can be done about it.

    unoriginalsin ,

    key factor to take into account is that this is reported trafficking. If legalized sex work means more light is shed on human trafficking that means more can be done about it.

    Just because more is reported doesn’t mean more isn’t also happening. In fact, one could reasonably expect reporting to go down as a percentage of incidents due to ordinary citizens not expecting sex workers to be involved in trafficking since sex work is now legal. That the number goes up after the stigma is removed seems to strongly indicate a correlation with a rise in actual trafficking.

    hark , avatar

    More or less is a matter of comparison. How do you compare with an underground activity that cannot be tracked as easily?

    unoriginalsin ,

    How do you compare with an underground activity that cannot be tracked as easily?

    As with anything, you can only work with the data you actually have.

    hark , avatar

    Sure, but all you have is assumptions and you’re assuming the increased reporting of trafficking means that trafficking is increasing rather than it just getting caught more. It’s like when some governments fought over covid reporting. Keeping it hidden doesn’t mean less of it is happening and making it more visible doesn’t mean more of it is happening.

    unoriginalsin ,

    Sure, but all you have is assumptions

    Isn’t that a bit of the pot calling the kettle black?

    hark , avatar

    No, because you presented the study as supposed proof of more human trafficking.

    unoriginalsin ,

    First, I didn’t present anything.

    Second, it does prove that more human trafficking is reported.

    You only have the assumption that bringing it into the light of day results in a higher rate of reporting against actual incidents. It’s an interesting hypothesis, but without any evidence to support your assumption Occam’s Razor dictates that the simplest answer is that the rates do not change drastically and there actually is more human trafficking to be reported.

    hark , avatar

    You didn’t present anything but you certainly act like you did. We’re agreed in that it proves more human trafficking is reported but again, that doesn’t mean more human trafficking is happening. Refer back to my example about covid case reporting. Incorrectly citing Occam’s Razor doesn’t strengthen your argument.

    unoriginalsin ,

    You didn’t present anything but you certainly act like you did.

    I did no such thing.

    We’re agreed in that it proves more human trafficking is reported but again, that doesn’t mean more human trafficking is happening.

    Unless the reporting rates go down, then it must certainly does.

    Refer back to my example about covid case reporting.

    Your example of a concerted effort of large governmental agencies to hide the actual reported numbers is not actually relevant here. It wouldn’t even be relevant if it were just random underreporting outside of governments as it doesn’t have any similarity to decriminalizing sex work.

    Incorrectly citing Occam’s Razor doesn’t strengthen your argument.

    You have made more assumptions than I have. Tell me how you think Occam doesn’t apply. You can’t just declare an argument to be invalid and expect anyone to take your seriously.

    What evidence do you have to support your theory that decriminalizing an activity increases the rate of reporting? If you don’t have any, then you don’t even have an argument. You only have your suppositions and theories.

    It’s entirely possible that you’re correct, and decriminalization increases reporting without increasing activity. I have yet to see what mechanism you propose causes this quite curious paradox, so without some explanation you’ll have to concede that you at least can offer no actual reason to believe it’s true.

    masquenox ,

    Sex work differs from most other type of work in one very significant way - it’s an industry in which capitalists cannot really control the means of production unless slavery (ie, a person can become the private property of another) is legalized and institutionalized. In other words, a sex worker - for the most part - is not as easily coerced into selling their labor to capitalists like most workers can be, and capitalists hate when people have a way to opt out of being hosts for their parasitism.

    Sex work also has a way of subverting patriarchal norms upon which the status quo rests.

    This is not to say that sex work is automatically a revolutionary, anti-capitalist or even “empowering” thing by itself - there are plenty of ways in which our socio-economic systems allows and enables de facto slavery without calling it slavery - but it certainly doesn’t fit into the neat class hierarchy that capitalists wants society to be trapped within.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Wait till you learn that you can be self employed outside of sex work.

    For the most parts its just christian morality still ingrained in our society.

    masquenox ,

    Wait till you learn that you can be self employed outside of sex work.

    Yes, the homeless people trying to sell me trinkets at the intersection certainly seems to prove your point.

    gapbetweenus ,

    The only self employed people you can think of are homeless dudes selling trinkets and prostitutes?

    masquenox ,

    The vast majority of “self-employed” people are utterly impoverished people doing survival work, Clyde - please tell me you don’t buy into the “entrepreneurship” fairy tales Reagan and Thatcher spooned into your parents’ brains through the telly back in the 80s. If you believed that, you might just as well believe in magic glass slippers that grants royalty.

    gapbetweenus ,

    You are confusing being self employed with gig economy bullshit. There are a lot of fields of occupation where being self employed makes sense und gives you more freedom. By the way - I’m talking from own experience being self employed fore quite some time now.

    masquenox ,

    There are people living in shacks within a kilometer from where I’m typing this, Clyde… every second person living there has more (so-called) “entrepreneurship” in their big toe than you have in your entire body because they literally have to do it for survival.

    I’m not confusing squat… the only thing you’ve managed to demonstrate here is that you talk from privilege and nothing else.

    gapbetweenus ,

    I like how even you write “entrepreneurship” in quotation marks and ad “so called”, but than dismiss my point completely, that we might not be talking about the same thing. And than you get personal for no reason. Is everything OK, buddy? You need to went some anger and frustration? I would recommend some physical activity - much better than arguing with strangers on the internet.

    masquenox ,

    I like how even you write “entrepreneurship” in quotation marks and ad “so called”

    That’s because I view the neoliberal fetishization of “entrepreneurism” no differently than I view the garbage anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers buy into.

    but than dismiss my point completely

    Your “point” was treated in the appropriate manner - your “point” merely revolved around the choice the privileged has when it comes to employment. This makes your “point” utterly irrelevant to this discussion.

    gapbetweenus ,

    Ah, to be a angry maximalist teenager again - sorry for bothering you, but that conversations almost feels illegal to me.

    masquenox ,


    I have no idea what “maximalism” is… but I sincerely doubt there’s anything illegal about it.

    stella , (edited )

    Sex work also has a way of subverting patriarchal norms upon which the status quo rests.

    cough, what? No, it reinforces those norms. Men in power get to have women at their beck and call.

    This isn’t a capitalist thing. Just look at how profitable the sex industry is in Nevada.

    It’s a “holier than thou” thing that we just haven’t been able to get rid of in our society.

    As much as I like calling out greed for what it is, this simply isn’t one of those cases.

    masquenox ,

    cough, what?

    You read correctly the first time. It’s a lot more difficult to entrap sex workers in patriarchal hierarchies than a housewife (for instance)… this should not be too difficult to understand.

    This isn’t a capitalist thing.

    All sex work in the world today exists under a capitalist mode of production - as far as I can tell, there is (officially, at least) no such thing as “publicly-funded” sex work… and that is unfortunate.

    stella ,


    JackbyDev ,

    as far as I can tell, there is (officially, at least) no such thing as “publicly-funded” sex work… and that is unfortunate.

    You lost me.

    masquenox ,

    Due to both criminalization and demonization, sex workers are prevented from performing very necessary work in our society - such as being the only people that are qualified to perform sex education, for instance - so yes… it is quite unfortunate that sex work cannot be performed as a service to the public.

    JackbyDev ,

    Sex education is more about the changes your body goes through during puberty as well as how reproduction works. None of that is related to sex work. Sex work is about making people feel good.

    masquenox ,

    Sex education is more about the changes your body goes through during puberty as well as how reproduction works.

    That’s basic biology - not sex education. The fact that you can’t even discern the difference proves the point.

    JackbyDev ,

    That’s what I was taught in sex ed. What were you taught?

    masquenox ,

    Not even that.

    Chocrates ,

    I think that is the problem.

    crackajack ,

    You’re reading too much into it. The primary reason is puritan values. To be fair, the taboo on promiscuity is likely due to the lack of contraceptives and risks of getting sexually transmitted diseases. But access to contraceptives and education would lessen the risks these days. Though people are still creatures of habits so sex and sex work are still taboo for many without questioning why it has been in the first place.

    masquenox ,

    You’re reading too much into it.

    No, I’m not… in fact, I’m not even scratching the surface.

    cricket98 ,

    I disagree with this entire claim. Sex workers are notorious for “having a price” to do nearly anything. I would say they are more susceptible to doing disgusting shit for money. There’s a reason why there’s an ongoing joke about sex workers getting shit on during their trips to dubai.

    masquenox ,

    Sex workers are notorious for “having a price” to do nearly anything.

    And what do you think the rest of us do, eh Clyde? How many sex workers have to piss in bottles to make Jeff Bezos richer?

    There’s a reason we don’t use the term “prostitute” any more - it’s got something to do with the fact that understanding how capitalism works very quickly makes it real clear who the real “prostitutes” are…

    cricket98 ,

    I think sex workers are pressured to get into progressively more disgusting shit because that’s what pays. The market is flooded at this point and the only thing you can do to stick out is either be famous or be willing to degrade yourself.

    masquenox ,

    I think

    You think?

    And this expertise on sex work comes from where?

    cricket98 ,

    I’m expressing my opinion on a public forum. I hate how internet comments have become an eternal game of gotchas. I can be aware of a topic without participating in it.

    masquenox ,

    Is your opinion an informed one? Or are you just regurgitating propaganda you assume to be your opinion?

    cricket98 ,


    stella ,

    Puritan values.

    art , in Robot Kills Man After Mistaking Him for Box of Vegetables avatar

    Now it’s got a taste for blood.

    modifier ,

    I hope that fucker was air gapped, or they will all have a shared taste for blood soon.

    JustCopyingOthers ,

    The robot uprising has begun.

    SuiXi3D , in FDA approves new version of diabetes drug Mounjaro for weight loss avatar

    Ha! A grand a month. Fat chance.

    LordOfTheChia , (edited )

    But it works. After paying for the med, you can no longer afford food for the month.

    SuiXi3D , avatar
    Potatos_are_not_friends , in Democrats see abortion wins as a springboard for 2024 as GOP struggles to find a winning message

    Their message in my area is hilarious.

    It sums up into two things.

    1. Voting terms
    2. Protecting women

    Of which they are doing nothing about either

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