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NataliePortland , in smoking avatar

Keep trying though

SubArcticTundra , avatar
Potatos_are_not_friends , in Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades

As a meat eater, it’s shit like this which is why I’ve been buying more vegetarian shit. Every week there’s a new food recall. People are getting real sick and dying.

bloubz ,

Potatos are friends now

Dyskolos , (edited )

Same. Me too. When i buy meat, then it’s only organic and the best ethical treatment I can find. And also waaaaaay less in general. It just became bad in every sense of way and plant-based stuff has gotten so much better over the last 3 decades.

Only thing that pisses me off is that the food my food eats is even more expensive for no apparent reason (edit: yes ofc i know the socio-economic reasons. As a consumer i just don’t care. That’s what i meant)

Makeshift ,

Meat and dairy are heavily subsidized by the government (at least in US). Government subsidies for animal agriculture allow them to sell for cheaper because they can sell for less than what it actually costs to make.

Dyskolos ,

I know. Same here. Probably the same everywhere. But still pissing me off

TunaCowboy ,

There’s nothing ethical about exploiting and slaughtering an innocent living creature.

I’m not implying anything about your diet, just requesting you break free from the ‘muh local farm humane’ propaganda and stop deluding yourself.

Dyskolos ,

I know. I was an animal rights activist once (in a time where “vegan” was either an insult or noone knew what it even was). Based on way too much knowledge about what we do with other beings.

And i didn’t say “it’s ethical”, but a local farm where the cows got names and live a great life (up until they stop doing so) surely beats industrialized farming ethically. I doubt you wanna argue there, except you only can live in a binary world (harm/don’t harm) . But that would be impossible as a vegan. Unless you’re one (i just assumed) because it’s fashionable or trendy or just edgy.

Btw something being “humane” doesn’t really mean anything ethical. Being sadistic shit-sticks who rape the whole planet raw until there’s nothing left is actuallly very “humane”. No other species is that horribly aweful.

bcgm3 ,

Same here. I tried out blackbean burgers, plant-based hot dogs, tofu and almond milk in my last couple of grocery runs, just to see what’s up. Turns out I really like tofu as a substitute for ground beef, and the veggie dogs tasted just like all beef franks to me. And none of these things were any more expensive than meat, so that’s also a big plus.

rolaulten ,

Which veggie dog worked for you? I can’t find one that grills correctly.

bcgm3 ,

They’re from “Morning Star Farms,” though I was careful to only say that they taste right, haha – They don’t plump up when cooked, and are prone to scorching in spots on the grill. But the flavor is spot on!

Inui , (edited )


  • Loading...
  • bcgm3 ,

    True, but meat-based hot dogs are typically fully cooked and so only need to be warmed, too… Grilling is just kind of a fun activity for me, and it adds a little snap and smoky flavor that you can’t get by boiling them. That said, grilled veggie dogs were a little different, but still pretty good!

    Ephera ,

    If you can find some TVP in the shape of a steak, that stuff is also insane to me.
    Like, I’m kind of not qualified to actually compare it to a steak, but my body instantly gave me that vegetarian gag reflex when I first had it, because it has that same chewiness.

    And yeah, it’s really cheap. You can just have it in your cupboard for an eternity. And to prepare it, you just boil it in salt water / stock for a few minutes, press out the water and throw it into a hot pan to sear it like a steak.
    The Maillard reaction does its thing and somehow this chunk of goddamn defatted soy beans does not taste healthy anymore.

    aulin ,

    Also making seitan from flour is super easy. If I could get my hands on pure gluten it would be insanely easy. Maybe not as rich in taste as soy meat, but so much cheaper than store bought meat analogues.

    LSNLDN ,

    As an ex meat eater, this is what made me eventually go vegan

    superfes , in Not cool

    Sorry bro, I don’t really like Mac & Cheese either.

    TheSlad ,


    kersploosh , avatar
    HowManyNimons ,

    Thanks for coming, kersploosh.

    Nurse_Robot ,

    You’re really tempting the mods on this one. Not that I don’t agree with you.

    blanketswithsmallpox ,


    InEnduringGrowStrong , avatar

    This has been reported to your ISP for abuse, expect a vaguely worded letter in the mail that’s meant to scare you into reaching out and settling.
    — Oh wait, that’s only for pirates

    play You-wouldnt-download-a-mac-n-cheese.mkv

    FiskFisk33 , in Rocket Man
    Kidplayer_666 ,

    But you did have sex with me

    SaltyIceteaMaker , in some people on this platform

    Man im pretty socialist who lives in ex east germany with my parents actually being parz of that time and i gotta tell you, with what i hear from them, it was horrible

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    ahhh yes… horrible as in:

    • guaranteed housing and employment
    • a non-discriminatory education system
    • 0% unemployment
    • low taxes
    • an actually functional railway network
    • a highly developed health care system that didn’t discriminate on basis of class
    • guaranteed childcare
    • womens rights way more advanced than in western germany at the time
    • and most importantly no fascists in government

    and no, i dont wanna say that there were no deficiencies, but it is rather obvious to me that it was quite the opposite of “horrible”!

    also, what the hell do you mean by “pretty socialist”?

    10_0 ,

    A prison the size of a country is still a prison.

    ( )( How the Berlin Wall Worked )

    SaltyIceteaMaker ,

    Ah yes the oh so good DDR with exciting features such as

    • no freedom of movement
    • constant shortage of any goods
    • being a dictatorship
    • (contrary to your first point) a housing shortage
    • a culture so dictated by work that people had little to no free time
    • political pressure
    • control over the media
    • the fucking stasi

    And what i mean by pretty socialist is: everyone gets equal opportunities no matter what race, religion, gender, political views, etc. I want that chad - who just lost all his belongings - has the same chance to live a fulfilled live as elon musk has. I abhorr the fact that there are billionaire’s or even just millionaire’s while other people have to choose between paying rent or eating, and those people not even being in the worst situation compared to others.

    I want almost, but not completely, communism

    SpookyGenderCommunist , avatar

    no freedom of movement


    • constant shortage of any goods

    Think about why this might be, Friend. Really think hard about it. What large geopolitical things were happening at the time?

    • being a dictatorship

    Yes, of the proletariat

    • (contrary to your first point) a housing shortage

    Again, source? Also, wondering what you think happened before East Germany existed that might have contributed to this. Surely this changed over time

    • a culture so dictated by work that people had little to no free time

    Because people working 3 jobs under capitalism have so much free time? What does this even mean?

    • political pressure

    Again, what does this mean? All Political cultures and institutions exert pressures on their population… That’s how politics works.

    • control over the media

    I’ll agree that the siege mentality of much of former socialism led to a lack of press freedom, which was ultimately detrimental, but again… Why might this have been?

    • the fucking stasi

    Quick, name the West German secret police!

    Let’s assume for a minute that everything you’ve said is entirely true. If we’re to be thoughtful about this. East Germany was a historically poorer, agrarian, region of Germany, much less industrialized, artificially lopped off from the west (not by the USSR, btw, who wanted a unified, nonaligned Germany, like the allies had done with Austria), it was heavily sanctioned, had been bombed to shit, much like the rest of Europe, but was made to pay the USSR reparations, that it wasn’t as capable of paying, as a unified Germany would have been. The USSR even dismantled entire east German factories and shipped them back to rebuild their own industrial base.

    How do you expect any country to not come out of that with considerable problems?

    And the GDR did have considerable problems. I think you and I would disagree on what those problems were, but in the broad strokes, that much we can agree on.

    But I would contend that, even with that in mind, East Germany ended up being a much more positive socialist experiment in many respects then say, Romania, which suffered a much more severe centralization of power, and cult of personality issues, then East Germany did.

    In fact, looking at the makeup of the East German Parliament and its mass organizations, there was a much greater degree of representation of various social cleavages then in some other Eastern Bloc states.

    While you could say argue that this was only ‘on paper’, that really depends on what period of East German history you’re looking at, as the electoral system was altered a handful of times.

    Regardless though, this was an expression of the fact that East Germany had a more open Political culture due to its institutions being establisehed as part of an intended nonaligned, unified, German state. And due to the fact that it had received the socializing effects of industrial capitalism that gave it things like an incredibly progressive Queer movement, that other Eastern Bloc states, which were formerly feudal backwaters, hadn’t developed.

    Tl;Dr - this shit is a lot more complicated than listing off bullet points for “why East Germany was Evil”, That I was taught in the 7th grade.

    420blazeit69 ,

    Love how you counter concrete, material facts like “guaranteed housing, employment, and childcare” with fact-free scare mongering like “political pressure” and “control over the media.”

    There’s never any analysis about what this shit really means. “The fucking stasi” gets thrown out there like “the boogeyman” without even a thought towards how the U.S. security state violently repressed a nationwide movement against police violence in 2020, or how right now that same security state is violently repressing people protesting the genocide we’re supplying. You’re supposed to belive the stasi is the worst thing possible without ever digging into how it functioned, and certainly without asking how it compared to other states.

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    im sorry but you seem to have been fed quite a few western myths about the gdr. you seem to be arguing in good faith though, so lets examine:

    no freedom of movement

    this is just plain wrong. tourism was possible and encouraged not only within the country, but also to fellow socialist states like czechoslovakia and hungary, as well as, albeit to a lesser extent the soviet union. such trips were enjoyed by virtually the entire population thanks to guaranteed vacation time.

    constant shortage of goods

    shortages were only a thing in the immediate aftermath of ww2, as well as during the 1980s. in the second case they were caused by the economic liberalization enacted at the time due to western pressure, as well as the general deterioration of conditions in the eastern block at the time, which happened for similar reasons. during the late 60s and 70s per capita consumption was more or less equal to the west.

    being a dictatorship

    every state is necessarily a dictatorship, as this is important for class preservation. just as liberal states will mercilessly crush revolutionary elements, so must socialist societies crush counterrevolutionary ones. please read engels on authority to understand this point better. it is a short read and very eye opening.

    a housing shortage

    any source on this claim? the only periods i can imagine this to be the case is in the beginning due to war era destruction and the end due to crisis.

    a culture so dictated by work that people had little to no free time

    this is in fact a valid point. a solution for this could have been found within the socialist system though.

    political pressure

    already answered previously in the point about “dictatorship”.

    control over the media

    “All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom of the press means freedom to buy up newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake “public opinion” for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.”

    – v. i. lenin

    the fucking stasi

    the mfs was necessary due to the constant threat of counterrevolution going out from west germany. but its reach and capabilities are much overblown in western propaganda nowadays. in fact, the east spent much less on its intelligence apparatus than the frg while still managing to have a lower crime rate.

    the goals you stated are extremely noble and i do in fact agree with every single one of them. you are being idealist though, which means that you absolutely need to read theory, especially lenin. a good reading list can be found here. if you would educate yourself properly you could become a great contribution to the communist movement.

    apotheotic ,

    “Every state is necessarily a dictatorship” good gracious me what a horrifying sentiment

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    why? thats just a fact. a liberal state is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, while a socialist state is the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    apotheotic ,

    Or, you know, we could not have a dictatorship. Granted, pretty much every large country in the world is struggling with that step right now.

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    thats exactly what the dictatorship of the proletariat is for! after the exploiting classes are eliminated, the state will wither away, leaving a classless society, aka communism. this takes much time though.

    Wolfman86 ,

    Many capitalist countries have a lot of that now.

    SaltyIceteaMaker ,

    The problem isn’t capitalism or communism but people that exploit thos systems

    Wolfman86 ,

    I dont think capitalism is being exploited. I think its doing exactly what it was designed to do.

    mindbleach ,

    But when the same things happen under other systems, that’s different.

    Valmond ,

    Good luck getting any of that like healthcare or housing without bribing. Or buying tampons in a shop lol.

    Are you 13 years old or just trolling? No one can be that brain washed.

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    why are reactionaries always assuming that their opponents are children? only because you are a teenager living within the imperial core, consuming nothing but nato propaganda, you shouldnt assume that everyone else is an equivalent.

    Sidhean ,

    No. it’s just an immature position

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    in order to appreciate socialism, one must have studied capitalism. yet you liberals are so smug, having studied neither.

    dubyakay ,

    This is bullshit. I will refute most of your points as someone who has lived in Socialist Hungary before the iron curtain.

    1. Housing was not guaranteed. You were assigned lodging based on need. If you had no children, you were staying with your parents and two siblings in the 1BR apartment. Once you got a kid, if you were a young couple, you got an apartment with an elderly in it, that you had to take care of along with your new born, until their death. After that the apartment would be yours. To overcome the shortages of housing, the government invested into building temporary housing called panel buildings. They were not meant to last for more than twenty years.
    2. Education was discriminatory in the sense that those favoured by the party got a pass. You have long hair? Your dad had long hair? You are a Gypsy? Yeah sure, you can pass elementary grade 8, but you sure as hell won’t be allowed to go into a four-year highschool for your profession and graduation . Best you could hope for is a 2 year middle school for a manual labour job (szakmunkásképző). If at all. Often it’s off to the fields for you to work at the communal fields.
    3. 0% unemployment because if you are unemployed you go to prison. Off to the fields or else!
    4. Sales tax (VAT) has been 25% even before 1988
    5. The railway system the country has was all built before the second world war. It got maintained during socialism, but the best they could do was put train drivers on concession show trials and execute them when accidents happened instead of actually improving the system. To this day the max speed on these rail lines is 120kmph and many of the smaller lines are falling into disrepair and unelectrified.
    6. Healthcare was universal, however it was not highly developed nor without discrimination. What was true for education was also true here. You better be a good party member or else. If you were lucky, you had a relative working in healthcare to skip waiting lines (I’ve benefited of this a lot)
    7. This one was a given. Although you still had to pay for meals for your kid at the daycare. But the times were also different back then. Those responsible for child care were not necessarily professionals and hitting children if they had misbehaved was still a thing.
    8. I don’t think this had a measurable comparison in any way. How do you draw comparisons?
    9. Ahh yes, how nice. Went from nazi dictatorship to literal Russia planted dictatorships in both East Germany and Hungary ('56).
    Tiltinyall ,

    My family escaped to West Germany shortly after the war. They escaped starvation and joblessness. You are wrong.

    imnotfromkaliningrad OP ,

    so all youre telling me that after the county was almost completely destroyed during ww2, the situation was dire? no fucking shit, sherlock.

    Tiltinyall ,

    And much more so than the Allied controlled western side, hence the escape genuis.

    irmoz ,

    An actually ideologically socialist government wouldn’t have made them feel the need to flee, and would have done better picking up the pieces

    Tnaeriv ,

    Standard tankie tactic of telling people that literally lived under Soviet regime that they’re wrong about their own experience. Stfu man

    mindbleach ,

    … would you be happy in prison, on the basis that there’s food and housing and you can take correspondence courses?

    • and most importantly no fascists in government

    Like it matters what color the Secret Police’s armbands are. But hey, your kids will be taken care of! Even if… something happens to you.

    Bakzik , avatar

    “Throughout Eastern Europe and the former USSR, many people grudgingly admitted that conditions were better under communism (New York Times, 3/30/95). Pro-capitalist Angela Stent, of George- town University, allows that “most people are worse off than they were under Communism . . . . The quality of life has deteriorated with the spread of crime and the disappearance of the social safety net” (New York Times, 12/20/93). An East German steelworker is quoted as saying “I do not know if there is a future for me, and I’m not too hopeful. The fact is, I lived better under Communism” (New York Times, 3/3/91). An elderly Polish woman, reduced to one Red Cross meal a day: “I´m not Red but I have to say life for poor people was better before … Now things are good for businessmen but not for us poor” (New York Times, 3/17/91). One East German woman commented that the West German womens movement was only beginning to fight for “what we already had here… We took it for granted because of the socialist system. Now we realize what we [lost]” (Los Angeles Times, 8/6/91).” Michael Parenti - “Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism”.


    420blazeit69 ,

    See also:

    A new book by Kristen Ghodsee, an anthropologist at the University of Pennsylvania, argues that women have better sex under socialism.

    If that sounds strange to you, consider this: A survey of East and West Germans after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women (the socialist side of Germany during the Cold War) had twice as many orgasms as Western women.

    What in the world accounts for such a wide gap?

    According to Ghodsee, it’s about social safety nets. If, she argues, you build a society that supports women and doesn’t punish them for having children or devalue their labor, it turns out they’ll be happier and have better sex.

    But it doesn’t matter how many studies or surveys or policy differences you point to – some guy always has an old relative whose story outweighs everything.

    pingveno ,

    What exactly are these quotes supposed to prove? This was what, a few months or a few years after reunification? Any social change that large is going to cause some turbulence. And of course Parenti has an agenda, so he wouldn’t include someone lauding their new experience.

    Tetsuo , in EA gonna EA

    Fuck this.

    There will be literally ads everywhere soon.

    Ads in the street, on TV, on the radio, in magazines, on the internet, in games (including in VR)…

    It’s a nightmare it will be completely impossible to go through one minute of your life without being sold something.

    It’s not really something new but it saddens me because gaming was one of the few space that was mostly spared by advertisers. One of the last place you could get out of your reality for a little while.

    Now this is over. Just like Netflix people will go up in arms against ads and then still get Free2Play games showing ads and normalize that practice.

    photonic_sorcerer , avatar

    What are you talking about? There’s already ads everywhere and there has been since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

    LoreleiSankTheShip ,

    I don’t know, I have removed close to 80% of ads in my life. None on my pc, none on my phone, none when I listen to music, none when I play games. Adblocking, Linux and a dash of the old yarr matey worked like a charm

    SlopppyEngineer ,

    Then this one should give you nightmares:

    OwlPaste ,

    I have removed alot of advertising on tv by self hosting my dvd/br content. Best decision i had in a while, its like netflix but content is there forever and always accessible from anywhere in the world (if my upload can keep up). Fair amount of work but no subscription chargers

    jonasw ,
    Paradachshund ,

    I share your sadness, but also avoid games that do this. There are many many games out there that aren’t doing this and never would. Reward those developers with your time and money.

    fin ,

    and finally, ads inside your mind

    DevCat OP , (edited ) in How old were the founding fathers? avatar…/ages-founding-fathers-july-4-1776/

    The signers of the Declaration of Independence. Lots of young 'uns in there.

    Adams, John MA 40

    Adams, Samuel 53

    Bartlett, Josiah 46

    Braxton, Carter 39

    Carroll, Charles 38

    Chase, Samuel 35

    Clark, Abraham 50

    Clymer, George 37

    Ellery, William 48

    Floyd, William 41

    Franklin, Benjamin 70

    Gerry, Elbridge 32

    Gwinnett, Button 41

    Hall, Lyman 52

    Hancock, John 40

    Harrison, Benjamin 50

    Hart, John 65

    Hewes, Joseph 46

    Heyward Jr., Thomas 30

    Hooper, William 34

    Hopkins, Stephen 69

    Hopkinson, Francis 38

    Huntington, Samuel 45

    Jefferson, Thomas 33

    Lee, Francis Lightfoot 41

    Lee, Richard Henry 44

    Lewis, Francis 63

    Livingston, Philip 60

    Lynch Jr., Thomas 26

    McKean, Thomas 42

    Middleton, Arthur 34

    Morris, Lewis 50

    Morris, Robert 42

    Morton, John 52

    Nelson Jr., Thomas 37

    Paca, William 35

    Paine, Robert Treat 45

    Penn, John 36

    Read, George 42

    Rodney, Caesar. 47

    Ross, George 46

    Rush, Benjamin 30

    Rutledge, Edward 26

    Sherman, Roger 55

    Smith, James 57

    Stockton, Richard 45

    Stone, Thomas MD 33

    Taylor, George PA 60

    Thornton, Matthew 62

    Walton, George 35

    Whipple, William 46

    Williams, William 45

    Wilson, James 33

    Witherspoon, John 53

    Wolcott, Oliver 49

    Wythe, George VA 50

    fakeman_pretendname ,

    So… on average late 30s/early 40s? So it’s actually a Lemmy post, rather than a Reddit post?

    LoreleiSankTheShip ,

    I’d be pretty interesting to have access to age demographics for social media. I assume Reddit leans younger than Lemmy, but I’m in my early 20s and so are a few of my friends, and we use Lemmy a lot more.

    WolfLink ,

    Lemmy feels a lot less mature than Reddit, for what that’s worth.

    TimeSquirrel , in Linkedin avatar

    So math is like painting, you can just arbitrarily add a splash of color somewhere to change the mood..

    gimsy ,

    Well math might be, physics for sure isn’t

    ulterno , avatar

    I feel like you are forgetting QCD, where they actually added a splash of colour to change the mood of the reader.

    itsgroundhogdayagain , in Music from the browser

    Not sure where porn noises are coming from

    CuriousRefugee ,

    Find porn sounds and mute the tab. Now not sure where porn music is coming from.

    syd , avatar

    Not close but mute 🤔

    moody ,

    It’s distracting me from my work, but I don’t want to stop it.

    robocall , in Good guy bear avatar

    Interesting beard that you have, bear.

    Entropywins ,

    You dare question good guy bear?!?!

    SnotFlickerman , in Kung-fu Kenny cooked Drake. avatar

    It’s clear that Kendrick really fucking hates Drake, but…

    It really rubs me the wrong way that if he had the fucking “receipts” for all of this, he sat on it all until he could make a diss track.

    Like, if Drake is a pedo who is grooming young women (that was clear before this anyway), isn’t that a little bit more important than your ability to make a fuckin music track about it? Why would you sit on those receipts for so long instead of putting the motherfucker on blast when it happened? Why did you have to wait until Drake did a diss track first? It all feels so fucking petty and stupid.

    We really do live in the worst fucking timeline. People would rather sit on criminal wrongdoing they know about to be able to use it to pump themselves and their record sales up, instead of actually, you know, helping fucking victims.

    Kendrick didn’t come out of it looking much better than Drake, in my opinion. They are both petty, selfish fucking twats who care more about their records sales than, I don’t know, real people’s real fucking lives.

    GregorGizeh ,

    Commercial musicians caring about their sales. Why is that surprising? It is time we stop thinking of every celebrity as a good person, they are completely average for the most part. Including casual indifference to things that are not their problems.

    GiveMemes ,

    If Kendrick was using this to pump his record sales up he’d probably be releasing a record to boost. He’s just schooling a clown that danced on Pac’s grave and as you say, it’s already public knowledge. Not every fucking diss track has to be Story of Adidon level lmao.

    ScoopMcPoops ,

    So what exactly did Kendrick do wrong? Are you upset he didn’t go to the police?

    SnotFlickerman , avatar

    Beyond sitting on a crime instead of reporting it to police because he would rather put it in a song…

    1. Using Drake’s victims and their trauma essentially as props in his songs.
    2. Going all-in on weird racist shit where part of his critique of Drake is that Drake is… half-white. Like what. the. fuck. Bringing back the worst of the Colorist shit that I remember from the 90’s. Don’t act like this isn’t fucked up, it’s massively racist of Kendrick and feeds into fucked up racist shit in the black community between “light skins” and “dark skins.” This hurts the black community as a whole and has effectively said to any and all half-black-half-white kids out there that the black community does not accept them. I bet they love being not accepted by both whites and blacks! What the flying fuck man. Drake being half-white has fuck-all to do with whether or not he’s a good rapper, and Kendrick is old enough to god damned know better.

    But yeah let’s boost some dumb racist shit because it makes us feel good about our chosen side.

    Even_Adder ,

    Drake is not a rapper.

    GiveMemes ,

    It has nothing to do with him being biracial and everything to do with him being a culture vulture pos that was a Hollywood actor as a teenager and claims he rose from the bottom. It’s about his code switching and pandering to his majority white boy audience. It’s about the way he ‘only comes to Atlanta for a check’. It’s about the way he disrespected two of the artform’s greats with his AI bullshit. It’s not about him being half-white at all and everything to do with him not being a ‘colleague’ but a ‘colonizer’.

    SouthEndSunset , in Know the difference.

    Do the people saying that communism is bad think capitalism is good?

    lud ,


    Gigan , avatar

    I think capitalism is good, but not perfect. Communism is bad.

    SouthEndSunset ,

    Why do you think that way?

    Gigan , avatar

    I think human nature is inherently greedy and selfish, and capitalism is best equipped to use this in a way that benefits society. Workers are motivated to work harder and learn new skills to find the most rewarding job they can. Businesses are motivated to create products and run as efficiently as possible. Consumers are motivated to get as much value as the can out of their money. Everyone in the equation is acting selfishly and in their own self-interest (which I believe humans are inclined to do anyway) but when applied on a societal level, everyone benefits. However I will concede that this is a balancing act that requires some level of government regulation to maintain.

    On the other hand, I think communism only works when everyone acts altruistically. Which is noble, but unrealistic.

    SouthEndSunset ,

    Thank you for answering. The problem with capitalism is it’s got out of control.

    Gigan , (edited ) avatar

    I agree. Businesses and owners have too much influence. I want more unions, trust-busting, and consumer protections. Workers seem to be organizing more at least, which is a good start.

    AngryCommieKender , (edited )

    Delaware gave corporations the right to vote……/local-elections-voting-corporate-ent…

    Grayox OP , avatar

    Lol, lmao even. Capitalism rewards greed it doesn’t mitigate it. You’ve got it twisted.

    Jon_Servo ,

    It’s the inability to see the forest for the trees. We were raised in a capitalist economic system, as were all of our past family members. The failings of capitalism appear to be the failings of human nature. In reality, meta analysis of multiple studies on human greed show that people will be inherently more kind to each other than be cruel. Quick search will bring up many articles on these studies. Plus, exchanges in material goods within communities where money hadn’t been invented would show that people didn’t barter, they gave their goods away to their neighbors, and the good deed would be remembered and reciprocated in times of need. You can look up “Gift Economy” in Wikipedia.

    Grayox OP , avatar

    I also highly recommend reading or listening to the audiobook for The Dawn of Everything A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wingrow. It is extremely interesting and eye opening.

    Taleya ,


    Human nature is co-operative and altruistic, there’s evidence going back to barely recognisable AS human and it’s literally a key reason why we’re the dominant species.

    Capitalism rewarding sociopaths is the outlier

    jesterchen , avatar

    @Taleya Is there any scientific material on this? I've had this discussion again and again with my family, from the far side of ultimately altruistic to vastly egoistic... and if there is (hopefully unbiased) scientific material on this, we might settle this argument.

    Taleya ,

    off the top of my head there’s the ancient remains found multiple times of disabled and/or badly injured hominids who were treated (signs of healing) and lived long into adulthood despite requiring extensive care from others, the fact an extended childhood in our species means that our young are vulnerable for a far longer period than any other animal (a necessity since you can’t fit a fully formed adult brain through a human pelvis) and require cooperation with others to raise and continue the species, the fact we have developed specialised skillsets (that are shared between us rather than developing and being held isolate and then lost when the person who holds then dies).

    When you have a group that works together go up against one that doesn’t, the former comes out on top. When this competition is for resources and survival, it becomes an evolutionary pressure.

    If you do a quick googs you should find scores of whitepapers - but the egoistic argument falls flat on its face out of the gate because we have the word ‘sociopath’ and it’s not considered something to emulate. Neither is ‘egotistical’. We’ve literally got coded into our language that isolation, self-absorption and ‘self serving at the cost to others’ are bad concepts. Being a self absorbed shithead is documented as wrong as far back as our tales can possibly go.

    jesterchen , avatar

    @Taleya Will traue this to start the discussion again, maybe thanks. 🙏

    Taleya , (edited )

    Drop this one on 'em. From a brutal dispassionate logical viewpoint there was no reason to keep this man around and alive

    But they did it because they were human.

    Edit: and if they argue it’s an outlier, hit them with shanidar1, burial9, the starchild

    This article also points out co-operation examples that exist so fundamentally you may not even be aware of them.

    jesterchen , avatar

    @Taleya 🙏

    kwedd ,

    See “Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution” by Kropotkin

    EchoCT ,

    Not going to downvote, but I do think you’re lacking quite a bit of insight into the reasons human society exists at all. Cooperation is the reason human society exists at all, so saying we’re inheritly selfish is kinda laughable in that context.

    I would encourage you to look up information on dialectical Materialism and the necessity of capitalism as a stage in that dialectical.

    Capitalism had a purpose, and it’s past time for us to move on.

    Moxvallix , avatar

    Explain open source, free software, linux community, lemmy / the fediverse, and many many other things not formed around profit, largely maintained by people in their free time motivated by community over profit.

    People aren’t inherently greedy. People are born into a system that rewards greed, and punishes altruism. There have been many different societies with many different political and economic systems, and capitalism is a fairly new one all things considered.

    Rational self interest is irrational. If only a few can succeed, chances are you fail. If everyone only looks out for themselves, then everyone fails. Humanity’s biggest strength — what set us apart from many other animals — is our ability to work together and look out for each other.

    Capitalism doesn’t work, and is destroying the Earth.

    Hule ,

    You brought up open source and linux, but how many are maintainers vs. freeloaders?

    If communism could be upheld by a select few and enjoyed endlessly by everyone… Utopia.

    Moxvallix , avatar

    Freeloaders, like large corporations taking open source and then not giving back, is yet another symptom of a system that rewards extraction and self interest.

    FOSS exists despite capitalism. The fact that people are willing to work on something out of their own passion, or sense of community, directly contradicts the fundamental assertion of capitalism.

    Humans are not inherently greedy.

    GuyFleegman ,

    Let’s concede the point: humans are inherently greedy and selfish.

    But greed and selfishness are bad, right? We want less greed and selfishness in the world.

    Given these two assumptions—humans are greedy, greed is bad—shouldn’t we architect society to explicitly disincentivize greed?

    Uair , avatar


    Fuck that, I do not concede the point. At least, I don't concede that humans are /more/ selfish than we are compassionate. Our emotional wiring evolved for hundred-human tribes that required a lot more empathy and cooperation than competition.

    You don't have to go so far as to disincentivize greed. Greed is socially useful in small doses. Adam Smith wasn't a total idiot. Just stop letting the people who shape society make it so only the greedheads survive.

    GuyFleegman ,

    You’re preaching to the choir. “Concede the point” is a figure of speech which means the speaker is going explore an assumption despite not believing it themselves.

    My point is that the whole “capitalism is the best economic system we know about because humans are greedy” argument is sophistry. It doesn’t even make sense in the context of its own flawed premise.

    yogthos , avatar

    Even if it was true that human nature was inherently greedy and selfish then it would be an argument for creating systems that discourage such behaviors. What you’re arguing is akin to saying that you should encourage a person struggling with alcoholism to drink more.

    Radical_EgoCom , avatar

    @Gigan @SouthEndSunset
    Human nature is not inherently greedy and selfish because human beings possess an inherent capacity for empathy, cooperation, and solidarity, which when nurtured within equitable social structures, can create a collective ethos centered on mutual aid, communal ownership, and the pursuit of the common good, transcending the narrow confines of greed and selfishness perpetuated by systems of exploitation and inequality like capitalism.

    fedwards9965 , avatar

    @Gigan @SouthEndSunset

    Greed, selfishness and our hyper-individualism is a product of our society, not society as a product of our nature

    These sentiments are something encouraged by those in power as it is advantageous for them to have the masses in want

    There are underlying instincts for survival and dominance that have manifested today as greed and selfishness, but that is something an equitable society can address given the chance

    To suggest otherwise is incredibly degrading humanity

    Radical_EgoCom , avatar

    @Gigan @SouthEndSunset
    There is nothing bad about the collective ownership of the means of production. I can, however, think of many things that are bad about one person owning the entire means production despite not doing any work, which is what exists under capitalism.

    MissJinx , avatar

    you knoe there isn’t only 2 choices right? Thay can both have good and bad sides. Maybe try some mix of it fisrt

    SouthEndSunset ,

    Yes. It’s just those are the two mentioned, and I’m slightly communist. So there’s some bias.

    EchoCT ,

    Dialectical Materialism. Right now, they are. You either work towards communism or capitalism moves towards consolidation of capital. Those are your choices.

    Cowbee , avatar

    Imma be honest chief, pulling out DiaMat with non-Marxists is going to fall on deaf ears. I agree, but something softer might work easier.

    Cowbee , avatar

    Imma be real, chief, I don’t think DiaMat is going to work on Non-marxists, even if I agree.

    umbrella , avatar

    also there are more than 1 proposed way to achieve communism, even though i tend to favor socialism.

    TokenBoomer ,

    We did that already. We could do it again.

    umbrella , (edited ) avatar

    thats not a mix though, it was just a bandaid over capitalism, borrowed from socialistic ideas. the capital accumulating class was never extinguished, eventually leading to the same problems today all over again.

    hence why we advocate for a systemic change, if you can’t accumulate capital, you can’t buy back the system again like it is rn. this is pretty much the crux of the issue here.

    umbrella , avatar

    there’s capitalism and its variants (the current system), and there is anti-capitalism in various flavours. (socdem, ML, anarchism)

    you can choose your favorite flavour, but its either moving towards capitalism, or moving away from it.

    interdimensionalmeme ,

    I would like a third pill.

    umbrella , avatar

    its take it or leave it i guess.

    interdimensionalmeme ,

    At least we’ve still got cyanide pill when red or blue doesn’t cut it.

    Cowbee , avatar


    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Traditionally the “Third Way/Position” is fascism. So, ultimately, kinda, but with race science.

    billgamesh ,

    fascism isn’t a third way. It’s liberalism in crisis

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    I mean, it’s just literally what they call themselves. Sure, they lie or don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, but that’s kind of their whole deal.

    interdimensionalmeme ,

    Power dichotomy will always slander any “third option”. They’ll even say something dumb on its face like third way is “x”. There are only two solutions, “with us” or “against us”. Anything outside these choices is literally unthinkable for the power structure. The power structure cannot imagine a future where it does not exist. If you ask the unthinkable alternative, they will default to “oh you must be one of the enemy”. We know that category well. They stand for every thing we don’t stand for.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Describe what you consider the “third way” that isn’t capitalists owning the means of production, workers owning the means, or the state owning the means.

    interdimensionalmeme ,

    No, I asked for a third pill. I didn’t say “take my third pill”. I also hope we can escape the narrow minded concept of a society centered on the tug of war to “own the means”.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,


    interdimensionalmeme ,

    Ok fine, 4th pill then. The nerve them ! Nazi think they own the idea of rejecting the current order and its ditect opposition.

    umbrella , avatar

    fascism is just extreme capitalism

    goferking0 ,

    Some do

    PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,

    As usual the best answer lies somewhere between the two extremes

    umbrella , avatar

    we tried that before though, improving things temporarily, but it will never be permanent until we extinguish the owner class.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    The trick is not falling for the lie that social democracy is meeting socialism in the middle.

    Social Democracy is just liberalism with enlightened self interest. Is it better than other capitalists models?

    Sure. That doesn’t make it the end goal.

    umbrella , avatar

    you put it in better words than i did.

    OurToothbrush ,

    Yes, we must have a middle ground between having parasites and not having parasites. Thank you enlightened centrist.

    Darken , avatar


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  • SouthEndSunset ,

    Can’t we just nuke people we don’t like….like my neighbour or Elon Musk?

    PenguBlue , in Would you?

    Yes, the doom soundtrack is on blast and I’m prepping my line that I will mess up and get me killed.

    MIDItheKID ,

    Kicks down door

    “I’m here to kick gum and chew… Wait…”


    Pelicanen ,
    dumbass , in Public Service Announcement avatar

    I got my hours cut to 4 days a week so I could actually have some rest.

    I work retail and was working in the meat department which takes 3 people minimum to run efficiently, it was just me and occasionally my boss who was in-charge of the other fresh departments , killed my mental health and my knee got fucked from single handedly running the entire department.

    Then I had to get my dog of 15 years put down and because of that job, the last couple of months I was too tired to do things with her as much, so I went " fuck this shit" told my boss I’m unable to fulfil my full time contract and requested hours cut to 4 days max, citing physical and mental health reasons.

    Now I get to chill out working fresh produce throwing fruit and veg up, 4 days a week with a bunch of days off scattered around, which I quite enjoy and my mental and physical health are getting better.

    Dave , avatar

    I worked full time in a produce department years ago. It was physically demanding for an hour or two in the morning unloading the truck and stacking it away, then it was mostly playing cricket out the back with a plank, an onion, and a rubbish bin for the wicket.

    Facebones , in Capitalism illustrated

    “Sure I can’t afford housing but not allowing investment bankers to own 75% of the housing stock infringes on my personal freedom!”

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