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stanleytweedle , in Non-binary

Feel like there’s a Set Theory issue with this but I barely understand what little I can remember about it.

pooberbee ,

Does the gender of all non-self-containing genders contain itself? This is the fundamental question of gender theory.

radix , avatar

No, it’s only Russell’s question.

gandalf_der_12te ,

A bit can have two states: true or false. Additionally, the bit can be disabled altogether (null).

some_guy , in I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome.

Context: In addition to all the other lies he’s told about his mythology (CIA asset, martial arts trained, whatever), he’s also 120% Jamaican. If you add that up with all his other bogus claims about racial heritage, the man is over 1000% human. So of course he’s able to do almost anything and super cool. Plus he shot a dog on that show where he played law enforcement, which is about the coolest thing anyone’s done.

He’s basically a god.

rustydrd , avatar

Plus he shot a dog on that show where he played law enforcement.

A+ vice-presidential material right there.

Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

Delete this. Everyone who read it: drink to forget. Captain’s orders.

Barzaria ,

Aye aye, Captain! 🫡

Mirshe ,

You forgot the parts where he drove an APC through the wrong guy’s house, and also the part about the sex slave that escaped from his house.

mojofrododojo , in rollin' coal

rich bastards claiming that windmills would harm them through visual pollution.

you fucking fuckwits, smog is visual pollution. But they don’t care.

fatalError ,

Windmills are a whole lot better than burning coal, but aren’t perfect. Recyling the blades after their 20 year lifespan is a nightmare.

mojofrododojo ,

nothing is perfect. we need imperfect things that don’t emit co2. windmills have many detractors but at the moment represent mostly co2-free power if we’re willing to take it. and recycling industries for solar and wind are coming, they’ll never be perfect either, but when the waste stream becomes lucrative enough they’ll find a way.

buddascrayon ,

but when the waste stream becomes lucrative enough they’ll find a way.

The problem with capitalism in a nutshell.

SapientLasagna ,

Because mercantilist wind turbine blades recycle themselves? Or did you mean to imply that communist wind turbines recycle themselves?

buddascrayon ,

I mean to say that when financial incentive is the only incentive then a lot of things that would make this a better world end up on the scrap heap.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Hey keeps me employed. You people keep finding new types of waste and I keep finding ways to deal with it.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Problem is it’s so freaken labor intensive right now. You could tool your way around it but you need serious volume of standardized units. Plus you need people willing to take huge risks which is difficult to justify given that the recycling industry as a whole is a license to print money. Why risk an explosion when you can turn out yet industry specific process? Also you know the tradeoffs. Basically the less chance of an ignition the less material recoved.

So you go the fully automated route or a low income workforce, which to be fair to the Western world, they are working really hard to produce.

Blackmist ,

I doubt it’s any worse than the other mountains of waste we produce. I’d wager it’d barely even register.

fatalError , (edited )

At first yeah, it would be fairly insignificant, but if you ever stood close to these things you know how huge they are… It’s not easy to move them around and I don’t think we’ve found much use for the materials they are made of to recycle them. Also we are supposed to reduce these mountains of waste not use them as a justification to waste even more.

But regardless, I am sure one people will realise how much we already fucked the climate as more and more extreme weather events pop around, we’ll see more focus on renewables or at least carbon neutral sources. I think the most appealing source atm is nuclear which, although not renewable, it has a fairly small CO2 footprint, tiny size, huge and stable output and there are even reactors that can “burn” their waste to further increase their efficiency.

someguy3 ,

Smog is like vaccines. People don’t see the smog/disease anymore, so they think they don’t need the protections/vaccines.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

you fucking fuckwits, smog is visual pollution.

I’m old enough to remember people losing their shit at China over the 2008 Beijing Olympics drowning in a toxic cloud. The international outcry was such that the state spent a decade cleaning all that shit up (which produced its own wave of “Has Chinese Eco-fascism Gone Woke?!” screamer articles in turn).

But their rate of pollution has been falling steadily for the last two decades, in no small part because the state wasn’t fighting an uphill battle against corporate slobs in white doctor’s coats trying to tell everyone that smog wasn’t happening/was good aktuly.

Meanwhile, US expenditures on lobbying, denialism, and greenwashing stretch into the billions of dollars annually. And its not hard to understand why, when the ROI is $7T/year on the international stage.

Buddahriffic ,

ROI is continued existence for some. It’s a similar reason to why the leadership of the west is so against communism and socialism: because the best path forward doesn’t include them.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

ROI is continued existence for some.

“Makers” versus the “Takers”

the leadership of the west is so against communism and socialism

That’s far more just a historical boogieman. Nixon spent half his career insisting every institution from Harvard to Hollywood was infested with Communists, then made the high point of his career a photo-op with The Great Helmsman himself. To say “the leadership is against communism” you really need to blinker yourself to decades of amicable international cooperation.

Its only when local communities begin to express a bit of self-determination that western leadership remembers “Communism” is a dirty word.

rockerface , in They say the opposite of pro is con right?

Don’t get me started on what is the opposite of constitution

over_clox OP ,

Hahahaha! Love it! 👍

Passerby6497 ,

Hey, work is work.

yukichigai , in I am the thing that goes *thump* 'Fuck!' in the night avatar

Local safety regulations require a breathalyzer test before you're allowed upstairs.

variants , in All are different movies.

They told the rock it was one movie to save money

Obi , in Ghibli Studio Food always looks so satisfying ♥ avatar

It took me until the tomato to be certain of what was happening, but it’s the finger in the soup that really pissed me off.

Riven , avatar

I was all in on the ruined egg because it’s relatable and ghibli has a way of doing that but the fucking tomato was too much.

abbadon420 ,

I din’t get the egg, what’s wrong with it. Is the a rusted pan or something?

BlemboTheThird ,

“Ruined” seems like a strong word but the yolk wasn’t supposed to break

Blyfh ,

But now it looks like a goose head :D

Riven , avatar

Like the other commentor said, it’s not that it’s unedible but the yolk broke. Personally if I break a yolk I just pan scramble it and have it that way. I like my yolks runny.

abbadon420 ,

I strongly dislike runny yolk, but to each their own. I guess that’s why I didn’t notice the flaw though.

RegalPotoo , in United Scams of Assholes avatar

This is literally how it works in other parts of the world - do you guys just have to trust that your landlord isn’t going to decide that they’d rather just keep your money at the end of the lease?

In NZ, the landlord is required to lodge the bond with a government agency, and in cases where there is a dispute a special court will adjudicate and issue binding orders as to how the money is to be divided.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

In the US, landlords can basically do whatever they want, and the legal system is designed to keep peasants out.
It’s called Feudalism Freedom.

wizardbeard ,

There are laws and rules, but nearly no one has the time/money/energy to go after getting them enforced since it all ends up costing more money to pursue.

Drusas ,

My previous landlord owes me $3,200. I still have a few months before it's too late for me to take them to small claims court, but I'm chronically ill and simply don't have the energy. Which the landlord knew.

I left the house cleaner than it was when I moved in.

quindraco ,
gila ,

Hmm, ‘A special court’ possibly gives even too harsh an impression of a tenancy tribunal hearing to the 3rd-party litigation capital of the world! Mine was just over the phone, pre-covid, landlord was no show no answer, got the bond. The legal advice I got leading up to it was free and easy to access. To be fair though, OP is saying the landlord should need to legally justify withholding the bond in court by default, which isn’t exactly how it works in NZ, although the effect is similar in most cases.

evasive_chimpanzee ,

This is an area of law governed at the state level. Some states are much better than others. Personally, I have not lived in a state that has a 3rd party hold the money (and I’m not sure if any do that). I did rent in a state where any charges that the landlord claims that they shouldn’t is met with triple damages. So if they keep $200 instead of the $100 of actual cost to repair something you broke, they owe you $300. It really incentivizes landlords to only charge accurately (e.g., not for standard wear and tear), and generally deposits were much lower there than in other states I’ve rented.

Lots of states also charge interest on any deposit money not immediately given back to the renter.

prettybunnys ,

In my state the landlord is required to pay the security deposit back with basic interest that tracks savings account rates.

It’s not much, but there are laws in place, and more and more consumer protection laws put it place.

The USA was created by capitalism. We’re still going through a LOT of growing pains. Hopefully we’ll get there.

IsThisAnAI ,

Depends on the city and state. Plenty of places require deposits placed into escrow exactly for these purposes.

Drusas ,

Meanwhile, in Japan, you typically give they landlord gift money at the beginning of your contract. Literally money that isn't a deposit on anything, doesn't cover rent--it's just a gift. A mandatory gift which is given in addition to the security deposit and first month's rent.

It's called "key money" in English. Not every rental requires it, but the majority do. Moving in Japan is expensive.

RegalPotoo , avatar

Yeah, key money is explicitly illegal in NZ - the only money you are allowed to collect is a bond of no more than 4 weeks rent (which has to be lodged) and the first weeks rent in advance.

The most common form of shady dealing is that the law requires that tenants leave the house in a “reasonably clean and tidy state” - landlords and the tenancy tribunal don’t typically agree on what “clean and tidy” means, so “oh, when we did the hand over inspection we found some places you didn’t clean absolutely spotless so we had to hire a cleaner and want to take that out of your bond” - if you question or challenge it they typically withdraw the claim because you were such a good tenant and just this once and not at all cos they are bluffing and know the tribunal would immediately tell them to get bent, but that requires you to a) know your rights and b) be willing to call them on it, and people are typically neither of those things.

Landlords will typically also add something to the rental agreement or whatever requiring you to have the carpets professionally cleaned before you leave - the tribunal has repeatedly held that this is unreasonable to require and as long as the carpets are clean then the landlord doesn’t get to dictate how they were cleaned. Doesn’t stop letting agents asking to see a receipt.

BirdyBoogleBop ,

Same for the UK but also fuck you the landlord is going to get most of it anyway and if you complain we will give you back £50 to shut you up.

Magik37v OP , in Well?

This is a joke btw. I’m in my early 20’s.

JoShmoe ,


Dicska ,

Yeah, but years or months?

popekingjoe , avatar


TeddE , avatar

Checked post history. Shocking lack of noods.

Noodle07 ,

Where noods??

BautAufWasEuchAufbaut , avatar

Bet you’re looking forward to your retirement 😊

altima_neo , avatar

Too old

hungryphrog ,

That’s what they want you to think.

LordGimp ,

I see no noods on profile the cake is a lie

Ghostalmedia , in You deserve it. avatar
PapaIsolation ,

Thank fucking god I was so confused

the_grass_trainer , in Lay them on me

Refer to someone you’ve never met by their name if you can. This usually works best in a school or work setting. And when they ask how you know their name just simply reply:

“Everyone knows who you are.” And walk away.

Vilian ,

that’s your hobby? lmao

mossy_ ,

the post is asking about insults. it’s not really an insult either but it’ll certainly make people feel worse…

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Yeah, you have to make a disgusted facial expression as you say it.

Like, “Ugh, this motherfucker. He’s even worse in person.”

GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

“So -you’re- Ashley? Huh…”

Eddyzh , in Omar going crazy

If this where digital instead of in real life this is common practice. And everyone accepts it. IMHO this is a great comparison.

FiniteBanjo , in Help me out

If you leave autoplay on it will probably be the very next video.

cordlesslamp ,

If I got a completely new account, watch the first video showed up on the home page and leave the Autoplay on, isn’t that just the algorithm jerking itself off?

FiniteBanjo ,

No different from how it normally works, imo. The YT algorithm is shit and it only suggests the same content over and over, sometimes figuratively as it shares content which approximates successful content or sometimes literally because it will just share the same stuff on repeat.

If you disable all watch history for your account they will simply refuse to recommend anything on the home page, so you’ll have to use the search bar and maybe start with the first video ever published like OP did with the elephants and the YT founder.

cordlesslamp , (edited )

Funny you mentioned that. YT took away my homepage in order to force me turn on watch history. Instead I changed my habit and only watch stuffs on my Subscription tab. My daily YT time decreased from 4-6 hours a day (I know, I’m kinda addicted), down to just 40-60 minutes a day.

And you guess what, in less than a month, my YT homepage magically returned 😂😂😂 I didn’t do anything, it just reappear one day. But it kinda too late, I’m already picked up a new hobby and my YT time keep decreasing.

Too bad I’m just a fluke in the statistics, and wouldn’t matter whatsoever. A lot of people cave in and turn on watch history.

FiniteBanjo ,

I never used it that much but yeah same.

brbposting ,

Wow - super interesting.

Wonder if you were straight A/B tested but definitely assume your behavior influenced their attempt to claw your free time back.

Zink ,

That is so annoying, how YT’s algorithm just wants to show you the same thing.

Being Google and all, I would expect them to have a sophisticated algorithm that learns your daily patterns and gets really good at what kind of content you want to watch next. But no, it’s “yo dawg I saw you watched a car video so I queued up car videos to play after your other car videos!”

It’s not a mystery why, though. I assume their algorithm is much better at keeping people watching anything for as long as possible, rather than delivering the best product.

lefixxx ,

Literally what happens to Ludwig

MrJameGumb , in Don't let it stop you from eating your egg salad sandwich, Karen! avatar

It makes me wonder why they didn’t just unplug it and put up an “out of order” sign instead lol

BallShapedMan OP , avatar

Last year it took 6 months to get water to stop leaking in my office, so yeah I’m just excited the note is charming…

Track_Shovel , avatar

You should have got a little downspout to put it into someone else’s office. That’s pretty much what they did to you

BallShapedMan OP , avatar

In Nate’s office, he deserves it! Lol

The_Tired_Horizon , avatar

I’ve been waiting 6 years for our Trust to fix our work equipment and the access areas we use …they spend as low an amount as they can only for stuff to fail again

RatzChatsubo , in Elder scrolls

Anyone else hate the trend of removing arrow buttons?

hydrospanner ,

I am not a fan of the general trend of de-buttoning.

Like… isn’t the entire point to make things consistent and intuitive? Make a clickable button visually distinct!

namingthingsiseasy ,

I hated the trend of flat buttons. Then they removed the buttons. Then they basically removed the entire scrollbar altogether.

At this point, I’d happily go back to the age of flat buttons. That’s how bad things have gotten…

Aasikki ,

Someone actually uses those?

Chadus_Maximus ,


Heavybell , avatar


NaoPb ,

What I hate is how in Firefox in Linux I only have these tiny “slim” scrollbars that hide when not in use.

EddoWagt ,

I’m sure you can disable that behaviour

orphiebaby ,

I just looked and I don’t see it.

EddoWagt ,

It might need some CSS tweaking, which is definitely more complex than just a toggle in the settings unfortunately

basxto , (edited ) avatar

I didn’t notice much since generally don’t have the arrow buttons and I wouldn’t use them. I use arrow keys, pagination keys, home/end key, scroll wheel/motion, drag the bar or click somewhere to jump there. Those buttons were always quite tiny.

But the behavior of my scrollbar looks like this: slides in on use or when the mouse gets moved; gets fatter when hovered

Though hiding stuff sucks indeed.

Edit: You can configure scrollbar to always be visible.

NaoPb ,

Well I mainly want the big scrollbars back. Even if these shadow scrollbars of 2px width don’t auto-hide,I still hate them.

I did find an addon at some point but it seems that it can’t override system settings but I can’t find where it should be a system setting to use these slim scrollbars.

basxto , avatar

The scrollbar should double it’s width when you hover it and the hover area is the width of the wider scroll bar with a 6px wide bar and 3px margins on the left and right.

“Always show scrollbars” also constantly gives you the wider scrollbar.

Unless you were already talking about this scrollbar and not the thinner 3px wide one with 1px margin

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