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tlou3please , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’

I don’t know anything about the guy but it must take some serious balls to do a job like that in Mexico City.

Guntrigger ,

For a second I thought you were talking about the hit, but now I realise you mean the police chief part.

JustZ , (edited ) avatar

The hit too. To be so expendable, it was a suicide mission, and the shooters’ families, so expendable, too. They hand you the gun; you can either shoot them, shoot yourself, or go shoot some stranger, and if you do anything other than shoot the stranger, they kill you and your family, too. That’s what’s behind the drug trade. Mexico doesn’t go after the banks that enable the cartels, so this is what they choose.

It’s like in America how the old-monied elites refuse to act on overwhelmingly popular gun reforms, so they have chosen unchecked firearms deaths for the American public.

JustZ , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’ avatar

Jfc. The cartels have way too much power, they are Mexico’s long embarrassment. Have to go after the banks that handle the money. They know where it’s coming from.

Oh well, can’t pick your neighbors.

cygnus , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’ avatar

Mexico has been essentially a failed state for about 200 years. Its history is a series of coups and revolutions punctuated by periods of instability like we have today.

tlou3please , (edited )

Make Mexico Spanish Again

Edit: it’s just a joke :(

itsnicodegallo ,

Isn’t it their fault to begin with though? Spanish conquistadors aren’t known for their positive influence on Native American peoples.

GBU_28 ,

Comical take. Say more so I might watch with popcorn

circuscritic ,

Mexico is highly dysfunctional and suffering from extreme levels of political violence, but no, it’s not a failed state.

TwinTusks , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’ avatar

um … has anyone read Robert Bolano’s “2666”

zabadoh , to world in Mexico City police chief shot dead in ‘drug cartel hit’

Somewhat ironically, Omar Garcia Harfuch, nominated to her cabinet by Mexican President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, was a former Mexico Police Chief who survived an assassination attempt in 2020.

Garcia Harfuch is suspected of being involved in the infamous disappearances of 43 students from Ayotzinapa Rural Teacher’s College, being head of the Federal Police of the region who abducted and allegedly tortured the students before killing them.

can ,

Well that was a lot of horrible info to take in, thanks.

xrun_detected , to news in Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news
doodledup ,

How can you wish a death on a human being? How much of a POS can you actually be?!

Default_Defect , avatar

A pissed off POS, fuck Donald Trump.

doodledup ,

Right. I’m also all for anarchy. Let’s storm the capitol and kill everyone we don’t like. Sounds familiar? Well. Maybe you’re not much better than him wantinf him dead.

Default_Defect , avatar

He’s a rapist, a felon, and countless other things. I AM BETTER THAN HIM.

doodledup ,

No you’re not. Because you wish him dead.

Default_Defect , avatar

I am, because he very well might get the power to make changes that would cause my death. My wants are nothing compared to his deeds.

doodledup ,

Jesus. Do you hear yourself speak? And for some reason, I bet that if somebody were to assasinate Biden you’d highly condemn that… Becausd you condone political violence but only if it’s convenient.

Your words are not less a testimony of the failing democracy in the US than Trump is as a person. And reading this thread and others, you’re not the only one. I’m glad I don’t live in that country. From an outside perspective, it’s easily the worst political landscape to live in and the worst democracy of every democracy on this planet right now. Man, just get your shit together and start talking about actual politics and less about killing your political opponents.

It’s a fucking joke at this point. It’s such a joke that me and my buddies made a screening of the presidential debate with some beer and watched it like a soccer match, laughing. No politics is more entertaining than the USA. And the sad part about it is that you guys actually seem to take this shit serious.

Default_Defect , avatar

Don’t care, fuck Trump and fuck you too.

doodledup ,

I’m just gonna watch you seeth and spitting out deathwishes from a safe distance. Waiting for the US civil war. Gotta be very soon. No other country is this unstable.


Not who you’re replying to but its very easy to wish death (or the sudden thanos-ing) of objectively evil people.

Don’t believe Trump is objectively evil? Here’s what the man stands for and its not even a comprehensive list.

Trump stole money from kids with cancer [1] [2] [3]. Trump wanted to kill people despite evidence they were innocent [4] [5] [6]. Trump raped his wife and E Jean Carroll [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. Trump lied about not knowing E Jean Carroll yet confused her with his wife [9]. Trump sexually assaults women [13] [14] [15]. Trump walked in on half-naked underage children [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]. Trump was good friends with known rapist and child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] . Trump is a 34 time convicted felon [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]. Trump sowed distrust by refusing to release his taxes like every other recent president has done since the 70’s [36]. Trump betrayed the country when he subverted the 2020 election by falsely claiming victory [37], attempting to delay the certification process [38] and demanding Georgia officials to “find” votes for him [39]. Trump incited an insurrection in an attempt to stop the electoral vote count leaving five people dead [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45]. Trump appointed his unqualified family to top administration roles [46] [47]. Trump withheld aid to Ukraine unless they found dirt on Joe Biden and his son [48]. Trump was impeached for abusing his presidential power by using the office for personal political gain (pressuring Ukraine to dig dirt on the Biden’s) to the detriment of national security [48]. Trump sided with racists by calling them “very fine people” [49]. Trump imposed a “Muslim travel ban” [50] [51] [52]. Trump lied about his inauguration crowd size [53] [54] [55]. Trump doubled fees at his resort hotel after becoming president to profit from the presidency [56]. Trump has no respect for veterans and disrespected prisoner of war John McCain [57] [58] [59]. Trump appointed Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, to secretary of housing and development [60]. Trump spread misinformation by suggesting vaccines cause autism [61] [62]. Trump lied by falsely accusing Obama of spying on the Trump campaign [63]. Trump cut pandemic early warning program which likely made the pandemic worse when it broke out 3 months later [64] [65]. Trump cut corporate taxes to lowest rate since 1939, giving the mega rich a break while continuing to take from the poor - like a reverse robin hood! [66] [67]. Trump had protestors sprayed with tear gas so he could attend a photo op and take a picture with an upside down bible. [68].





























































[60] ……/ben-carson-hud-housing-trump









Binette ,

Username checks out… Damn…

doodledup , (edited )

You’re objectively evil. Not reading past your first paragraph as it already makes every source after that irrelevant.

You feel really smart adding references and sources to your deathwish right? I hope you realize how ironic that looks.


You’re objectively evil.

Typical Trump apologist mentality, projecting their own views and not backing up their claims.

Not reading past your first paragraph as it already makes every source after that irrelevant.

Cheers! 🍻 Stay ignorant.

You feel really smart adding references and sources to your deathwish right? I hope you realize how ironic that looks.

Just trying to help others educate themselves on the facts, but there’s only so much you can do when people are willing to stay ignorant 🤓

EDIT: I should add - please, at the very least, read up on the paradox of tolerance. Your ignorance only helps the enemy.

doodledup ,

What are you even talking about? None of that is related to your deathwish. Why are you trying to educate people about facts? I already know all of that stuff. What are you trying to say? Trying to justify your deathwish? What’s your problem?

JonsJava ,

It’s cool to want bad people punished.

Agrivar ,


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  • FlyingSquid , to world in Germany to halve military aid to Ukraine from €8bn a year to €4bn avatar

    Germany’s going to regret that if Putin decides he can start marching through Poland.

    Docus ,

    Part of me would like to see him try and march through Poland. It may be the quickest way to end Putin

    frightful_hobgoblin OP ,
    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Oh, well, I’m relieved now. Everyone knows that the U.S. has never made incorrect assessments, let alone intentionally incorrect ones.

    masquenox ,

    You don’t need to be some geopolitical genius to know that this assessment is correct - Russia simply doesn’t have the economic and logistical power to engage in a wider European conflict with any prospect of success, and this was perfectly clear even before Russia invaded Ukraine and before everyone lost their minds to Putin-hysteria.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Good thing Russia isn’t making friends with China and India, who could collectively give them a ton of support, am I right?

    masquenox ,

    Good thing Russia isn’t making friends with China and India,

    China has no friends - it’s like the US in that regards. And India even struggles to project power within it’s own borders, never mind outside it.

    China could help Russia logistically, but Putin (and all of China’s other “allies” - and I use that term lightly) understand fully well that China’s “loyalty” can switch at any time - just ask Jonas Savimbi if you don’t believe me.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    China is already helping Russia.

    Modi just had a big state visit to Russia.

    I don’t need to ask Jonas Savimbi, I’ve been reading current events.

    masquenox ,

    China is already helping Russia.

    As I’ve already said… China could help Russia logistically - but this help could disappear in a puff of hot air tomorrow. Again… China has no friends.

    Modi just had a big state visit to Russia.

    And this doesn’t mean much in any way whatsoever.

    I don’t need to ask Jonas Savimbi, I’ve been reading current events.

    Actual history will tell you a lot more than warmed-over propaganda.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Why are you talking about actual history when you want me to ask something of a dead person?

    masquenox ,

    Fine. Don’t ask Jonas Savimbi. Ask the entirety of Vietnam - or do you have a problem verifying the histories of countries, too?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    The entirety of Vietnam? Do you mean their entire population? Because I assume they have a range of viewpoints like humans everywhere else on Earth and are not some sort of homogeneous hived-mind entity. Is that what you believe?

    masquenox ,

    The entirety of Vietnam?

    Yes, the entirety of Vietnam - unless you think that there are plenty of Vietnamese who don’t know or don’t believe that Vietnam was invaded by China during the Cold War… twice.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    And because they were invaded by China during the Cold War, they all agree that China isn’t going to substantially aid Russia in their invasion of Ukraine?

    All 98 million of them? Even the babies?

    masquenox ,

    Does being ridiculous come naturally to you?

    Or does it only show up when your white liberalism-derived hysteria is threatened by reality?


    Ask Vietnamese people how quickly China can turn on it’s “allies.” I’m sure they will be glad to tell you.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Does being ridiculous come naturally to you?

    Why yes, I worked professionally in comedy for many years.

    your white liberalism-derived hysteria

    I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Ask Vietnamese people how quickly China can turn on it’s “allies.” I’m sure they will be glad to tell you.

    You once again are telling me that all Vietnamese people think exactly the same thing including the babies. Which is pretty bigoted. Are you sure that is the stance you are taking here?

    masquenox ,

    You once again are telling me that all Vietnamese people think

    Are USians a monolith because most USians can find the US on a map? Are Africans a monolith because most of them know the sky is blue?

    Do you think most Vietnamese live in a whole bunch of alternative universes with different basic historical facts?

    Is there something wrong with you?

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    That is the second time you have violated the civility rule. I would not suggest doing it a third time.

    masquenox ,


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  • FlyingSquid , avatar

    That would be the third time. Time for a break.

    aidan ,

    There is a total of 0 chance that India would actively aid Russia in a war against NATO. Especially if Modi and Trump are the respective heads of state.

    Linkerbaan , to world in Germany to halve military aid to Ukraine from €8bn a year to €4bn avatar

    If they drop support now the Ukrainian meatgrinder is exhausted it’s going to be interesting how the media will spin it.

    Everyone was been told Ukraine wouldn’t be abandoned no matter what.

    golli , to world in Germany to halve military aid to Ukraine from €8bn a year to €4bn

    Personally as a German. while disappointing at facevalue, i wouldn’t read too much into it in respect to any shifts in the commitment to supporting Ukraine (but i might also be wrong here).

    To me this very much is an internal self-inflicted struggle about balancing budgets and we’ll only be able to tell whether it actually affected things in retrospect (if it’s even possible).

    In the end maybe more purchases will be directed through EU funds (of which Germany pays a substantial share) or instead of direct aid things are financed through low interest rate loans (that later might even get forgiven). Or you have some other kind of schemes where aid indirectly goes towards Ukraine.

    And who knows how the conflict will change, promting adjustments in deliveries. Like the recent airstrikes probably leading towards more air defense systems being delivered than originally anticipated (with a single Patriot system being worth as much as 1 billion if i understand it correctly)

    frightful_hobgoblin OP ,

    thanks for your input

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I sincerely hope you are correct in this because this sort of funding cut, if it is what it sounds like and not your explanation, is absolutely the last thing Ukraine needs right now.

    golli , (edited )

    Well i aswell hope that this isn’t just my bias speaking :)

    Unlike France or GB, which recently had elections substantially changing majorities, here in Germany it’s still the exact same people in charge since the start of this war. With the only major change being the defense minister, and that was for the better. So the people deciding here are the same that (based on this article) doubled this years support budget. And as far as i am aware there really hasn’t been any major event that would have shifted the sentiment in foreign politics from what we’ve experienced until now.

    On the side of internal politics as mentioned it is basically a self-inflicted struggle to balance the budget and limit new debt. Because for some reason we chose to write that into our constitution, restraining our options. So everyone is fighting for their share and by the looks the winners are the usual: more money to secure pensions for old people and the automotive industry. While not only the budget for Ukraine is on the chopping block, but also other stuff like a reform of welfare for children or infrastructure projects for railroads.

    Might sound bad, but it’s nothing really new and so far lack of funds hasn’t been an issue delaying German support. So i don’t expect it to be going forward either. We’ll just keep moving in lockstep with what others provide, slowly build out capacity and react to new developments. Which would be no change to how we’ve seem to have handled it so far, and not like “the slashing the budget by half” would imply.

    And as mentioned above i am sure there are plenty of additional ways to support Ukraine that don’t hinge on the budget. Like telling Ukraine to direcly purchase through the manufacturers and giving security assurances for loans. Might be a worse deal on paper for Ukraine, but in the short/medium term wouldn’t make a practical difference. And things can get sorted later.

    But regardless of how this plays out we won’t have any type of deadlock like the one delaying US aid until recently. And the largest party in the opposition is also in favor of supporting Ukraine, despite taking any opportunity to take shots at whatever the governing parties decide.

    Tryptaminev ,

    I am a bit more pessimistic than you. The “social democrats” SPD made their EU campaign on claiming to be the party that brings peace in Europe. The “liberal” (aka neoliberal with some alt-right tendencies) FDP was annoyed to have to start helping Ukraine instead of Russia just succeeding with the invasion and more business to be made under a new status quo. The “green” party has turned to be the most staunch supporter of weapon deliveries and military investments now. However their entire foreign policy is focused around doing what the US says and does.

    If Trump wins, Germany will be quick to let Ukraine fall to Russia. Another big issue are the state level elections in eastern German states, where either fascist AfD governments or polarized deadlocks are to be expected. The AfD is a big Putin fanclub.

    Also looking at how Germany left Afghanistan backstabbing and sacrificing the people die that risked their lives helping you, is the go to way of German foreign politics now.

    psmgx , to world in Germany to halve military aid to Ukraine from €8bn a year to €4bn

    All of that kompromat on German officials is paying off

    SkaveRat , to world in Germany to halve military aid to Ukraine from €8bn a year to €4bn

    Gotta have to pay for company cars somehow

    IchNichtenLichten , to news in Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news avatar

    Half the comments here are proving that people on the right aren’t the only ones who can indulge in stupid conspiracy theories.

    It’s depressing as fuck.

    JoMiran , avatar

    What I find sad is that either option is equally plausible. That’s how low we have sunk.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    It isn’t though. There is maybe a 0.01% chance that this was a false flag.

    I know what’s happening is hard to swallow, and the ramifications are deeply troubling, but try not to succumb to baseless conspiracy theories.

    There’s plenty of motive. An attendee was killed. The shooter was killed by Secret Service. There’s not really a reason to think this didn’t actually happen, except for cognitive dissonance.

    JoMiran , avatar

    I don’t disagree with you, but you completely missed my point.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Your point is that you think you’re allowed to spread misinformation if that misinformation sounds like it maybe could be true. This is the rationale of every conspiracy theorist ever. You’re not making an intellectually honest point here.

    If your point is that you’re a dishonest person who cares more about narrative than facts, point received.

    z500 , avatar

    I wonder what the chances are that Russia did this.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Zero unless you have some sort of evidence of that.

    rottingleaf ,

    The shooter was killed by Secret Service.

    Very convenient.

    MisterFrog , avatar

    0.01% chance based on what?

    I think being unsure either way makes perfect sense. You gotta admit it doesn’t really line up with Trump’s character to be posing for the cameras if he’s actually being shot at. Though tou’re not wrong to say, that that isn’t proof of anything. It’s subjective feeling.

    But, I think saying it’s entirely unlikely this was orchestrated isn’t right either.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Well, a conspiracy requires evidence, and without evidence there’s no reason to treat the conspiracy theory as credible.

    Saying 0% would be unrealistic because there’s always a chance, but if you actually believe that this is a 50/50 toss-up, you’re just delusional and desperate to feel some sense of enlightenment like every other conspiracy theories moron in the world.

    Given that there is precisely zero evidence of what you are claiming, I’ll estimate as close to zero as I can without pretending it’s impossible.

    But make no mistake, you are deliberately spreading disinformation.

    MisterFrog , avatar

    I’m not claiming anything. It’s just really, really early after the event.

    My choice of words was not ideal, and I apologize for that.

    I’m just saying being unsure of what happened isn’t crazy so soon after the event.

    You’re out here saying what is and is not likely based on your own feelings about what you feel is true.

    It’s simply too early to say anything definitive about what level of conspiracy existed (in the traditional sense, of more than one person, conspiring).

    I am not saying this was staged. I’m saying you’re jumping the gun, to say so confidently it wasn’t.

    queue , avatar
    queue , avatar

    Q-Anon level thinking that somehow Trump is a mastermind of this. The dude who can’t hide stolen files properly, can’t lie on his taxes properly, and loses money on a casino, somehow has the ability to rig a false flag assassination attempt.

    Are NeoLibs that so far into the Kool-Aid that Dipshit Trump is also a grandmaster 5D chess player of this, while not being able to string words together? It’s not like he’s even been a good actor.

    pivot_root ,

    It’s fun to indulge in, and it doesn’t change the fact that shit is about to hit the fan, regardless of whether the shooter was someone with a legitimate desire or a paid gunman. Trump was just given and used a golden ticket to both rally republicans to vote for him, and to incite his diehard followers into another insurrection.

    queue , avatar

    Sure, but I don’t think being an ironic conspiracy theorist on the levels of Q-Anon is going to make anyone seem better.

    Trump was already going to do that. Trump would do it if someone sneezed on him. They already considered him a martyr. They already wanted/have an Enabling Act. The only thing this changes is a bit less blood in him, and 3 people died. Trump already had higher polling numbers.

    Fascism is here. Get ready.

    pivot_root ,

    It won’t make anyone here seem better, I agree. But at the same time, it’s not like we’re going to have the opportunity to joke around like this after the inevitable happens.

    Enjoy life while you still can, you know?

    PepperoniNipple ,

    You are comparing faking an assassination attempt, which has been done before in history already, vs a bunch of idiots believing JFK is going to revive in the middle of the street just because.

    You must be a republican bot trying to divert that possibility or something, it’s wild if you’re an actual person with this 0 creativity in mind

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    changes is a bit less blood in him

    I admit I saw a red fluid on his face.

    Zess ,

    Trump isn’t even the mastermind of his own bowel movements. If this was staged it was all planned by his Russian handlers.

    irreticent , avatar
    afraid_of_zombies ,

    I am glad Russia has no experience whatsoever with this type of operations

    TrickDacy , avatar

    Yeah there are some real idiots in this thread. Very depressing

    KingJalopy ,

    It’s representative of the current state of this country honestly.

    tal , avatar

    I’d imagine that there are a lot of rather confused individuals in a number of countries, and when tempers run high around politics…shrugs

    I don’t know if the US would be particularly bad. Would need to have some kind of way to quantify that.

    PepperoniNipple ,

    Faking an assassination attempt doesn’t take more than 2 braincells to pull, and he most likely didn’t come up with the idea himself either.

    You have to be a bot to believe no human being or person in power has pulled dumb shows like these to fake an illusion of strength, it’s incredible how gullible you are

    ABCDE ,

    Your gullibility making you believe a conspiracy theory over your own eyes.

    halcyoncmdr , avatar

    It doesn’t take a mastermind. Dictators faking assassination attempts to garner support isn’t new.

    queue , avatar

    "All right ear me big sniper guy, it’s going to be an attempted assassination, the biggest ever, you are going to shoot me close, like danger close but don’t worry I’m the best president, really I’m the best and you are the best sniper, the best sniper in the whole country. So you shoot me near the ear, near enough that blood comes out, I know scary stuff, but we are tough guys, the toughest so you do it and I resist and together we make the best attempted staged assassination ever"

    • Shamelessly stolen from a blog
    rottingleaf ,

    A “false flag assassination attempt” is not as hard to rig if you know it won’t be properly investigated.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Neoliberals are pro-trump, plan 2025 calls for going after people with student loans

    Botzo ,

    Just quid pro quo.

    Deceptichum , avatar

    That’s blue maga for ya.

    cabron_offsets ,

    BlUe MaGa!!1!

    PythagreousTitties ,

    “blue maga” implies that there is a cult of personality around Biden like there is around Trump. That is simple not what anyone opposed to Trump believes in or rallies around.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Funny, because people used that term to describe the “vote blue no matter who” people well before Biden was ever a serious contender in the primaries…

    PythagreousTitties ,

    You mean the primarys for this election that Biden is the sitting president? Or primarys four years ago when he was the guy pushed immediately to the top before the primarys?

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Four years ago. This isn’t a new term of phrase.

    PythagreousTitties , (edited )

    So… When he was the top runner before the primarys.

    What are you trying to say?

    ABCDE ,

    Based on what? Neither of you know who they support or which way they lean.

    PepperoniNipple ,

    Are you really comparing this being possibly staged, which is very easy to do and many other presidents around the world have done it before already to “show strength”, as an equal to a bunch of maggots who believed JFK was going to revive in the middle of the street? What?

    IchNichtenLichten , avatar

    Care to clarify? I can’t make sense of your comment.

    PepperoniNipple ,

    You are mocking democrats for believing a conspiracy theory that says this shooting was most likely staged.

    You are putting that conspiracy theory on the same level as any Qanon theory, like the one where people believed JFK was going to resurrect in the middle of the street for no reason at all.

    How the hell do those two even compare in your world?

    IchNichtenLichten , avatar

    Ah, got it. You just misinterpreted my comment.

    PepperoniNipple ,

    How? What did you mean then, by democrats falling for “stupid conspiracy theories”? Which theories? And how are they more stupid than being antivax, anti face mask, believing the earth is flat, believing JFK will resurrect and go to the place to camp for hours waiting for it, the whole elites drinking adrenochrome dumbshit and such?

    IchNichtenLichten , avatar


    You are putting that conspiracy theory on the same level as any Qanon theory

    This is false. Here’s what I said, “people on the right aren’t the only ones”

    Like I said, you misinterpreted.

    dmtalon ,

    I was thinking the same thing

    ABCDE ,

    How do you know their political leanings?

    fxt_ryknow ,

    On this topic as a whole, it’s also proving people on the left are in favor of gun violence…

    Shardikprime ,

    And how! I love the irony tho.

    Kecessa ,

    Violence is necessary for revolutions to happen, the only way the far right stops its bullshit is by kicking their ass, see Punk scene with neo Nazis.


    Remind me how the Third Reich ended again, liberal?

    How did the US become a country again?

    How was North Koreas invasion of the south stopped?

    Damn that’s crazy how every time fascism has been defeated in human history, it’s been through one singular method.

    SeaJ ,

    Not every time at all. Franco, Salazar, and Pinochet were not defeated via guns.

    Stovetop ,

    Not like it really needs proving. When Marx writes about “revolution,” he means bloody, violent revolution.

    Anyone advocating revolution needs guns to back it up or else they’re just full of hot air.

    UltraGiGaGigantic ,

    Elections were meant to be bloodless revolutions. Unfortunately with First Past The Post voting, the right options were not available to vote for. But we can change how we vote. We can make peaceful revolution possible with a more representative electoral system.

    Xtallll , avatar

    Antifascists have a long history of shooting Natzi.

    tal , avatar

    What’s worse is that the MAGA crowd has Trump and some other figures intentionally playing conspiracies up and adding weight to them. The guys on the left don’t even have the excuse of Biden and company bullshitting.

    ProtecyaTec ,

    Braindead comment.

    mrmanager , avatar

    But why would you even think that people on the left are different from people on the right? This is why I’m not into politics myself. Because it all builds on some fake idea that one side is right about everything, even good people, while the other is wrong about everything, and probably are bad people as well.

    In reality, both sides are very similar and have much more incommon with eachother than they have with the politicians they are trying to support.

    iknowitwheniseeit ,

    My understanding is that on average there are differences in psychology between conservative and progressive people. For example, conservative people tend to be okay with unfairness, since from their point of view society is a hierarchy and of course the people at the top are better off.

    Anyway, given that conservative and progressive people have a different vision of an ideal society and also different ideas about how to get there, it is reasonable to expect them at act differently. We know that most politically motivated violence is from the right.

    mrmanager , avatar

    I’m sure conservatives have the same views on the other side, something negative, based in fear. If you think about it, all of politics is fear of change in a direction we don’t want, but others do.

    In a family when this happens, family members talk about it and try to understand eachother. At least in a good family. In a dysfunctional one, family members go to war with eachother. And that’s what I see in politics. There is no feeling of being humans on a ball together at all.

    FlyingSquid , to news in Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news avatar

    Mr Trump could be seen ducking for cover behind the lectern.

    I like attempted assassination victims that don’t duck for cover.

    clay_pidgin ,

    It’ll take more than that to stop a Bull Moose!

    ameancow , (edited )

    I wonder how much we’re going to hear about the poor person who got shot in the head right behind him, or if they’re just incidental margin notes in history, overshadowed by the big WWE media theater that is Trump. Reports are saying at least two crowd members have died.

    edit: the family of the victim has given an update that Trump hasn’t even attempted to reach out to them. And also, the guy was an avid nutcase, nazi and racist. The world won’t be worse-off, we can sleep easy.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Oh Trump will absolutely bring them up at every single rally to froth up the crowd. Because he may be the martyr they care about the most, but the martyrs who actually died will be great ammunition (I can’t think of a more appropriate word, sorry) to rile up the crowd.

    pivot_root ,

    That is assuming there is another rally, and today’s incident wasn’t just the catalyst for a Jan 6 sequel. Knowing his supporters, I’m not holding my breath, unfortunately.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Considering the number of people here claiming this was Trump staging a false flag, I am absolutely certain there are a similarly large number of people on the right saying this was Biden trying to assassinate Trump and something must be done. So I hope not.

    pivot_root ,

    Unfortunately, the number is likely going to be a lot higher.

    I’m pretty sure a lot of the people here are (or at least me) are being joking/sarcastic about the false flag conspiracy. For us Lemmings, there’s no emotional stake in these events, whereas his supporters will be angered over anyone even attempting to kill their fascist idol…

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I’m pretty sure a lot of the people here are (or at least me) are being joking/sarcastic about the false flag conspiracy.

    I’m not sure of that at all, especially when emotions are running high.

    I’m not absolutely discounting the possibility they they somehow found some schlub to die in a fake assassination attempt, but I’m also not going to come up with conspiracy theories until there’s been some time to go over evidence and analyze the situation.

    pivot_root ,

    I’m also not going to come up with conspiracy theories until there’s been some time to go over evidence and analyze the situation.

    Respect for that. It’s a reasonable and rational response to today’s series of events, despite the temptations of role-playing as a conspiracy theorist to escape from having to think about the hypothetical consequences of said events.

    samus12345 , avatar

    Republicans have blamed Joe Biden for the attempted assassination tonight, accusing the president of whipping up opposition to Donald Trump.

    JD Vance, who is one of the frontrunners to be Trump’s running mate, said: “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.”

    “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination,” he added.

    Mike Collins, a Republican congressman from Georgia, said: “The Republican District Attorney in Butler County, PA, should immediately file charges against Joseph R. Biden for inciting an assassination.”

    He also tweeted that Mr Biden “sent the orders”.

    grue ,

    All I’m hearing is that they think Biden told the truth and used the power the Heritage Foundation SCOTUS explicitly gave him, and now they’re inexplicably butthurt about it.

    Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

    Prosecuting the president for stochastic terrorism? That’s a precedent they really don’t want to set with Trump as their candidate.

    That they are pushing it is evidence they don’t think they’ll have to follow the rule of law if they win.

    zarkanian , avatar

    That they are pushing it is evidence they don’t think they’ll have to follow the rule of law if they win.

    They won’t. The Supreme Court already determined that.

    HappycamperNZ ,

    Thats fine, isn’t Biden permitted to assassinate people while in office with immunity?

    zarkanian , avatar

    Knowing his supporters, I’m not holding my breath, unfortunately.

    When you’re huffing your own farts so much, that isn’t a good idea.

    oatscoop ,

    Fascists love their “martyrs for the cause”.

    NuXCOM_90Percent ,

    I just hope they were crucial to Project 2025

    Xtallll , avatar

    They chose to go to a rally to support a man who wants to be a “dictator on day one” they made their choice.

    mbp , avatar

    Wasn’t one an eight year old?

    Xtallll , avatar

    I think you’re thinking of a school shooting.

    TransplantedSconie , to news in Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news

    Guess some of those 2nd Ammendment guys might be “trying to do something about it” eh Donnie?

    This is what you get when you preach hate 24/7. This isn’t a gameshow.

    JimSamtanko ,

    Well, it was probably staged, so….

    Botzo , (edited )

    Absolutely. False flag for sure.

    Edit: /s. Half of you are way too serious.

    MeekerThanBeaker ,

    I dunno. I saw the footage. If the guy from Home Alone 2 was acting, he’d be a lot more blatant.

    Plus, wouldn’t secret service be in on it? I bet you they can’t stand the guy either.

    meleecrits , avatar

    From my understanding, his service detail are all true believers. Remember, most LEOs and the like are very right wing.

    MeekerThanBeaker ,

    Well, that may be true. According to AP, the gunman and an attendee are dead. So… not staged.

    AmbiguousProps ,

    At least two confirmed dead:

    Butler County District attorney told the Associated Press (AP) that a shooter was dead and that a rally attendee had also been killed.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    Unless it was a blood capsule or something the guy is too much of a pussy to pull something like this off.

    JimSamtanko ,

    Blood capsule or something similar.

    DogPeePoo ,

    “There was ketchup dripping down his cheeks”

    —Cassidy Hutchinson

    DarkCloud ,


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  • SatansMaggotyCumFart ,
    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,
    NotAnotherLemmyUser ,

    Plus an image of some blood on the bleacher from a live stream that kept running:

    foggy ,

    You recall that he wanted to rip off his suit and display a Superman logo after beating covid, right?

    Id say it’s on brand.

    Balinares ,

    The bullet is totally a crisis actor, you can also see it in that one Reagan clip. /s

    JimSamtanko ,

    What bullet?

    KingJalopy ,

    Can be seen in the JFK “assassination” as well. Dude gets around.

    rambling_lunatic ,…

    According to a Washington Post reporter that talked with the district attorney, an audience member and the shooter are dead. Not a stunt.

    halcyoncmdr , avatar


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  • pivot_root ,


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  • JimSamtanko ,

    Yeah, SS would have stormed him out of the area and into a safe place within moments of that shit. There’s no way they’d have cleared the area. No one would have known if there were a second or third shooter.

    Now they’re saying someone is dead and they got the shooter?

    maynarkh ,

    I had to do a double take on that abbreviation

    JimSamtanko ,

    Same meaning at this point.

    maynarkh ,

    Schutzstaffel, as in protective service would probably be a better description of what they actually do I guess

    Secret service better fits sg like the CIA

    teft , avatar

    Right? USSS is the proper abbreviation for the United States Secret Service.

    pivot_root ,


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  • JimSamtanko ,

    Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just shot a random person, claimed they were the shooter and wrapped this up.

    He is an abhorrently cruel person. And those that follow him are as well. None of this is outlandish enough to not be true.

    teft , avatar

    Also right as steam was picking up about Project 2025.

    58008 , avatar

    The shooter and an audience member are dead. How Machiavellian do you think these people are that they’d kill two people for a PR stunt?

    formergijoe ,

    Yeah I too thought it was staged until bodies showed up. Anyone continuing to say this was staged at this point feels very Alex Jones.

    rigatti , avatar

    I don’t think it was staged, but I also don’t think they would give a shit if other people died during a staged shooting.

    formergijoe ,

    I agree, but I don’t think Donny is brave enough to allow lethal ammo to stage anything.

    rigatti , avatar

    Also true.

    cabron_offsets ,

    Honestly: do you think they have regard for people’s lives? Not that I think this is staged.

    58008 , avatar

    They’d surely have regard for Trump’s life, no? I mean “they” shot him in the ear. An inch closer and he’d likely be dead.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Did they shot him in the ear?

    rottingleaf ,

    What? Are you fucking delusional? I understand brown people are not really people for you guys there, but do you realize how many people indirectly and directly “these” people have killed in Syria alone, counting only cases of being simply too lazy?

    Killing two people for fucking presidency? You think it’s unrealistic?

    Anyway, the answer to the question “how Machiavellian” is “fully” for everybody participating in politics, because we are still homo sapiens and our time is just as Machiavellian as Machiavelli’s time, there are no naive people there, and if there are no poisonings and assassinations left and right there, that’s for the same reason only there are no nukings left and right on the map, not because they are moral.

    58008 , avatar

    I understand brown people are not really people for you guys

    What the fuck… ?

    How am I delusional for not thinking this was staged? The moving parts required for it to be staged are an order of magnitude more complex and voluminous than it just being a lone nut with an AR-15. Unless you have some actual solid verifiable evidence that calls the boring reality of the situation into question, I’d maybe dial down the rhetoric a tad.

    rottingleaf ,

    Not that, just that it’s improbable because of lives soent

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    Child border seperation policy

    SaintWacko ,

    I’m just sick at how much of a coup this is for the Trump campaign. That photo is going to do so much work

    NotAnotherLemmyUser ,

    One of the attendees in the bleachers was hit:

    News is also saying that 2 are dead:…/shots-fired-at-donald-trump-rally-…

    Butler County District attorney told the Associated Press (AP) that a shooter was dead and that a rally attendee had also been killed.

    This doesn’t sound like it was staged.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    that a shooter was dead

    In other words he can’t be questioned

    ameancow ,


    I mean it might have been, but with the modern insanity around politics and guns and violence, and the general unhinged nature of the population generally, it’s equally or more likely to be some deranged person with a gun. WHY for the love of god add to the chaos by speculating without any evidence yet? Does it help?

    JimSamtanko , (edited )

    Because speculation is all we have with someone like Trump who seemingly failed upward with his every move. Do you think we’re going to ever know what really happened? This shit was clean. Despite the fact that he was allowed to stand and shake a defiant fist moments later, without knowing if there were more shooters. How did his secret service know the area was secure? In reality, he would have been rushed to safety within a minute of the shooting.

    Yeah. Here’s what speculation allows for;

    • Gets found guilty 34 times over? Gets more followers.

    • Gets found guilty of sexual assault. Gets more followers

    • Gets tied to Epstein. Gets more followers

    • Gets shot at. Wins an election.

    There is no stopping that fat fuck because theres no limit to American ignorance.

    anon_8675309 ,

    My worry is that some lunatic right winger is trying to push us to civil war.

    JimSamtanko ,

    We’re already there. They just haven’t started the American Violence™ phase yet. Right now we’re in the American Saber Rattling™ phase.

    iquanyin ,

    i keep thinking of that too…

    ChillPenguin ,

    Don’t stoop to that level. Assume it was real. Base your conclusions on evidence. Not conspiracies.

    NaibofTabr ,

    reap what you sow

    chemical_cutthroat , to news in Donald Trump speech shooting: Gunshots heard at president’s rally – latest news avatar

    Biden testing his Presidential Immunity.

    Daxtron2 ,

    Just a little off the top

    jas0n ,

    Official Act™

    Qli ,

    Just a warning shot

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