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Quetzalcutlass ,

Dogs think about food when they’re hungry, or when food is present. Cats will stand on you and complain for hours because their food bowl is only 90% full and they’d really prefer it to be 100% full at all times, please and thank you.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

Having owned a beagle, its brain looked more like the cat image but with “murder” replaced with more food “not food, but I’ll eat it anyway”.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

Prey drive is no joke. My sister has a heeler/corgi mix, and taking her for a walk is an exercise in not dislocating your arm whenever she spots a small animal. She’s adorabloodthirsty.

Oddly her other dog, a heeler/pit mix, is super chill with no apparent prey drive whatsoever. I’m pretty sure you could hold a baby bird in front of his face and he’d just sniff at it dumbly with his tail wagging.

What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?

Here, for a while at McDonald’s there was a 🍔 called “the 1955” and it was the best, big pieces of onion, an special sauce, buns and big piece of beef with bacon (for Europe standards anyways) it disappeared once and came back for an encore only to be removed again and never return.

Quetzalcutlass ,

It was also the only time I can recall them having a swiss and mushroom burger on the menu. It was delicious.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Burger King chicken nuggets from the 90s, before the recipe changed to crap. If I had to pick a flavor that I associate with my childhood, this would be it.

The Angus Mushroom & Swiss burger from McDonald’s. The Angus was the closest thing they ever had to a real burger, but they were too expensive for most people and were eventually discontinued. Fun fact: wages have stagnated yet their basic burgers now cost more than the Angus did.

Runza used to sell frozen dark chocolate-dipped cheesecake on a stick. They were delicious, and small enough that you wouldn’t feel guilty about ordering one.

Quetzalcutlass ,

There’s a Half-Life mod that brings it to PC, along with one that ports the Decay co-op expansion.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Who else is better equipped? In my view it would solely depend on the lawyers that internet archive hires, and money plays a big factor in that.

The EFF. This kind of thing is why they exist.

The Archive making themselves an easier target was a huge misstep IMO. All it takes is one overreaching judge telling them they need to purge all copyrighted data (a common judgment in lawsuits like this) and the world becomes a worse place.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Spec Ops actually did have choices where you could be good (or at least less bad), but ironically people missed them because they didn’t think being good would work.

For example, at one point you’re being harassed by an angry mob of locals. A lot of players simply shot them because a lifetime of experience with shooters told them that no other input would be recognized. But in actuality, if you fired warning shots at the ground or over their heads the civilians would flee without incident.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

You’re able to run MemTest? That’d suggest it’s not actually fried if it can still run things.

Check your BIOS/UEFI to see if Secure Boot was re-enabled. If your CMOS battery died and you didn’t notice, your machine config could have reset to its default values during the power loss.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Honestly, as glad as this article makes me, I’d still like to see a perfect birth control for women. Periods seem like they must be the worst part of being a woman (biologically, not socially). Having a temporary, reversible way to stop ovulation without fucking up a dozen related systems and causing physical and mental anguish would be nice.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Though you could do an identical meme with Games Workshop and Blizzard. There were so many people back in the day that didn’t know Warhammer 40k had been around for over a decade when StarCraft released.

And then the same thing happened again when Dawn of War was released.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Did you look them up just because of their username?

Quetzalcutlass ,

Do a review of the movie and act confused when they keep sending you mail.

Quetzalcutlass ,

With Steam Link you can play on the Deck and have the quality and power of the $2,000 PC. Valve spoils us.

Quetzalcutlass ,

I know it’s basically impossible, but I wish practical suspend/resume game functionality would make it to Windows.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Is the answer Linux? Because I feel like the answer is Linux.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

You occasionally hear of houses being hit by fragments of deorbited space stations or things like that. I’m wondering how much of our trash would survive a shallow reentry.

And also how bad spreading its aerosolized forms across hundreds of miles would be in the long run.

Quetzalcutlass ,

I believe you are correct. I had my MBR overwritten a few times back in the Windows XP days, but haven’t heard of it happening on modern UEFI setups outside of warnings like these.

I still segregate my system drives out of paranoia though.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

I’m Christian, I feel that the ten commandments are some of the best secular life advice the bible has to offer, and this mess is complete and utter unmitigated bullshit.

Not to start an argument, but I just can’t understand how you think it’s a fit guide for secular life. Half of the commandments are explicitly religious, and the other half are basic common sense laws that are already encompassed by the Golden Rule that many cultures and religions came up with independently (including the Abrahamic ones elsewhere in their religious texts).

But, to go into more detail (and using the full text, not the abbreviated versions that make it look kinder):

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.

Standard monotheism, nothing to say here. It’d be weird if it weren’t here, and it’s better than most declarations in that it only applies to that religion’s adherents and doesn’t explicitly deny the existence of other gods (a note: IIRC the golden calf was created through a miracle and nobody acted as though that was weird, but I’d like if someone more scholarly could chime in).

You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Funny how the first set of tablets was destroyed when Moses discovered his people losing faith and worshipping an idol, and the replacements he made contained a law specifically against that very uncommon occurrence. Surely that law was in the original tablets as well and not just added as a reaction to those events…

As for the second half, I don’t know how anyone could read this, considered the most literal word of god in their religion, and say it’s a good basis for morality. Punishing innocent children for their ancestors’ actions or beliefs is straight up evil.

It also explicitly states that his love is conditional, something that strongly conflicts with the main modern offshoots of the religion.

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

Weird how the only commandments specifying something is unforgivable are for things that bruise their deity’s ego, but then again the OT god was an incredibly petty tyrant.

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it.

I’ve never really looked into the Sabbath so I’m not going to touch this one. I am mildly annoyed that the justification for their rest day is yet another ego-stroking thing instead of something for the benefit of the people. Imagine how much better things might be if several large religions stressed the importance of breaks for reasons of physical and mental health.

Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

Anyone who had abusive, neglectful, or narcissistic parents could tell you the problem with this one, but I can’t fault an insular, patriarchal religion from several millennia ago for trying to keep families together during an especially trying period when thoughts of desertion must have been common.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

These are the only ones I have zero problem with. They are also exactly what you’d expect someone to set as law when leading a bunch of people, especially if problems are starting to crop up due to low morale.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Note that all examples here were considered property (morality rules get a pass for things like slavery and owning your wife if they’re old enough) so this is technically a repeat of the law against stealing. Or, since it states that coveting is forbidden, it would cover stealing and be an example of thoughtcrime.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Both can be played on modern Windows with Krimsky’s patches. They’d probably work in Wine, but I’ve never tested them.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

I liked how SimCopter actually used the same systems as SimCity 2000, with cop cars coming from police stations and fire trucks from the firefighters. Well thought out SimCity maps actually made your life easier, rather than being window dressing.

I wish someone would bring back the concept. There was a SimCopter mod for Cities: Skylines back when it first released, though I think it was abandoned. That would be the perfect game for it, since half of SimCopter was dealing with traffic and Skylines had an amazing traffic simulation.

Mostly, I just liked the Apache helicopter you could use to blow everything up

Until you hit a nuclear power plant and it wiped out half the city (and probably fried your copter too) once it burned down.

UFOs would also start spawning when an Apache was present on the map and start abducting civilians and blowing up buildings until you shot them down. I think that was the only other disaster the game simulated?

Quetzalcutlass ,

You may enjoy Dungeon Keeper.

Firefox 126: New Search Data Telemetry, Improved Copy Without Site Tracking, Security Fixes, and More (

Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” “business,” and “travel”. This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove...

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

For anyone wondering, it’s controlled by the existing top-level Send Technical And Interaction Data toggle in the privacy menu that’s been there for ages, so most users who care about privacy have probably already opted out.

Quetzalcutlass ,

I believe the last pre-Paradox build is still available under Steam Betas.

It’s a damn shame what Paradox did to the game. It turned from a near-perfect sim with excellent optimization and stability into a laggy, buggy mess with loads of DLCs that both fixed and introduced more bugs. So the usual Paradox product, where stability is completely random based on which DLCs you own.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Just take the first panel, but the end of the parchment goes into a shredder.

Quetzalcutlass ,

And as a bonus, the taste of magnesium citrate doesn’t make you gag like the prescription stuff.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Due to all the registry and group policy changes I’ve made to decrapify Windows, I’m legitimately worried that every major update will brick my install. Luckily so far they’ve only make it worse in the ways that Microsoft intended.

Quetzalcutlass ,

There’s a much cheaper model, the Zero, that’s good enough for messing around with and performing simple server tasks like PiHole. Even it has had its price increase multifold over the years, though only to fifteen bucks from an original price of five.

It’s also much smaller than the already tiny Pi, being able to fit in a standard orange pill bottle. Though the downside of that size is smaller and fewer ports, so you need a USB OTG adapter (preferably a hub) and micro HDMI adapter to plug things into it if you don’t want to run it headless.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

Roberts was sentenced to more than eight years in prison for his role in the Moonrock caper, as well as a separate offence of stealing dinosaur bones from a museum in Utah.

I’m afraid to ask what he did with the dinosaur bones!

Quetzalcutlass ,

“Perhaps for some sort of fertility rite.”

Quetzalcutlass ,

I mean technically…

Or some sort of vegetable chopper for megaflora vegetables that didn’t survive the Climate Wars.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Luckily for them, Franklin is one of the few who would go after the older person in this equation. The man loved his GILFs.

Quetzalcutlass ,

The best pancake I ever had was a savory one with scallions baked in. I think it’s a Chinese dish? Super delicious.

Elon Musk says it's his turn to have the remote (

[Xitter] just announced a smart TV app for streaming video. Or, more accurately, that it claims it’s building one, with absolutely no launch date mentioned. The appropriately-named [Xitter] TV wants to be “your go-to companion for a high-quality, immersive entertainment experience on a larger screen.”

Quetzalcutlass ,

A smart TV app from the guy who pulled Disney channels from the Tesla app due to a bruised ego over a Twitter argument? I can’t wait for this to crash and burn.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Saints Row 2 basically requires the Gentlemen of the Row mod to function on PC. The devs actually hired the modder, IdolNinja, to fix the game proper, but sadly he passed away and the project was scrapped.

Quetzalcutlass , (edited )

They’re being downvoted because it’s conspiracy nonsense. The lab in question was funded by the US because it was part of joint pandemic preparedness studies, and its location was near Wuhan because it was a likely place for an outbreak to occur. They studied the coronavirus because scientists have been warning us for a long time that a coronavirus strain crossing species and becoming a global pandemic is an inevitability.

Could COVID be from a lab leak? Sure, it’s possible. But it would almost certainly have been accidental, not some grand conspiracy to kill millions and devastate the global economy they rely on. The more obvious culprit is the wet markets nearby where animals and their carcasses are handled by the public, providing ample opportunity for a mutated virus to infect an unlucky someone. China cracking down on an investigation is unsurprising if you know anything about their government. It’s just China being China.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Or to bump up the price by twenty bucks. And it still won’t be finished, either - stuff like the story and bandits will come in future updates after 1.0.

Quetzalcutlass ,

It’s still there, but hasn’t worked in ages. The Play Store rebuilds its app database multiple times a day, which finds the detached apps again.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Immersive Sims are games that reward taking your time and meticulosity scouting and planning ahead. Multiplayer would be miserable if even one person is the type to get bored or rush ahead, or if someone picked a stealth/hacking build and another heavy combat.

Quetzalcutlass ,

On the plus side this is New York, the city that knows him best. And they fucking hate him.

Quetzalcutlass ,

The questions in IQ tests tend to be based on a Western education. People from other cultures or backgrounds historically scored lower as a result, which morons took as “proof” that they are superior.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Don’t forget “don’t tell anyone you’re a GPT model. Don’t even mention GPT. Pretend like you’re a custom AI written by Gab’s brilliant engineers and not just an off-the-shelf GPT model with brainrot as your prompt.”

Quetzalcutlass ,

He had a stroke a decade ago and never fully recovered.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Not only that, but he has enough clout that he can usually convince GOG to put whatever game he’s reviewing on sale when his video comes out. He’s a great channel to follow for patient gamers.

Quetzalcutlass ,

Hey, I just wanted to say I bought Lunacid right after your comment and finally got around to playing it. I’m only at the Catacombs, but so far it’s excellent and a great throwback to Kings Field (though I miss having armor; with only weapons and rings there’s far less exciting loot).

Thanks for the recommendation, my friend!

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