There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

AtariDump , to memes in Trolly problem solved any % WR
answersplease77 ,

he thinks exactly how a GOP canidate thinks about student loans, health care,…etc

NuXCOM_90Percent , to mildlyinfuriating in People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood.

Fun story time that, for legal reasons, is a complete fabrication:

Was going food shopping one weekend. No smaller carts inside so walked out and went to one of the drop offs to grab one. On the way back, I see someone put their car into reverse from the “ramp”. Some people stop and wait for them to leave. I just keep walking and pushing my cart while considering my speed “just in case”.

They IMMEDIATELY peel out and smash into the cart. It goes under their tire and rips off most of the bumper and pops their tire (which was fucking terrifying). They get out and start screaming at me and threatening to call the cops and kick my ass. I explain “So… you are going to call the cops and explain to them you didn’t look when backing up from an illegal parking space and hit a pedestrian? I’m in a bit of a rush but I guess I can stick around for that”. Lady who was trying to get her walker out of her car even volunteers to be a witness.

Had a good old laugh and walked to get a new cart. They were still there freaking out when I left the store.

Drusas ,

You're one of my new favorite people.

zedgeist ,


Maggoty ,

Hey, we all need stories like this in our current capitalist hellscape. True or not.

HopFlop ,

Love that you had to insert a remark on capitalism even though this has nothing to do with that

Maggoty ,

I dunno. Is it the capitalist part or the hellscape part? Maybe if Rich people were as generous as they pretended they are and we lived in a Capitalist Utopia it wouldn’t be a problem?

HopFlop ,

So in a communist sosciety you wouldnt need those good stories but because of “our capitalistic hellscape” you do? How come? What has this story have to do with capitalism? Absolutely nothing! You just had to rub your (unreasoned) opinion into everyone’s face.

Maggoty ,

Well that depends. Are talking about a communist utopia or a communist hellscape?

TheDarksteel94 ,


Texas_Hangover ,

Did everybody clap?

Teon , to mildlyinfuriating in I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** avatar

Anytime you see the word "smart" in the name of the product, remember to mentally replace the word "smart" with "tracking".

Anticorp ,

“Ad enabled”

cyberpunk007 ,

Same with IoT

Natanael ,

The S in IoT stands for security, and the P stands for privacy.

cyberpunk007 ,


mySFWaccount , to mildlyinfuriating in Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked

Send a message to their help desk saying you got an email confirmation and would like to cancel it. Act very confused about the situation. Waste their time and make it their problem.

Heir_Of_Isildur ,

This also wastes OPs time though

sigh , avatar

time is just a construct

qarbone ,

Pay me enough, and I’ll waste everyone’s time. Wait…

Did I just reinvent lobbying?

CaptnNMorgan ,

And op won’t even be getting paid to do it

Dicska ,

On top of that, it also doesn’t waste the responsible team’s time. It wastes the help desk’s time who have little to no say in this subject.

deegeese ,

That’s why you escalate straight to legal. Waste the time of someone more expensive than the idiots in marketing.

Agent641 ,

Not if you automate it!

backgroundcow ,

Better yet, demand loudly to get a refund. When they say there is nothing to refund, insist that you have an email confirming a booking.

Jamie , avatar

Escalate to management as quickly as possible so you’re not just annoying some poor front desk worker that had nothing to do with it.

Sculptor9157 ,

Call center “management” is typically not an actual manager, and definitely not involved with the decision either.

teft , to world in We just survived the hottest 36 days ever recorded avatar

Hottest 36 days ever recorded…so far.

intelati ,

Laughs and sobs simultaneously

AllonzeeLV ,

Oh, if I were an alien looking down at us little billions of ants destroying their own habitat to construct tributes to a few thousand fat ants, to the point all the ants were about to die off, I’d be tilting my head and laughing my alien ass off.

JackGreenEarth ,

I’d be really sad, because I have empathy. Of course, maybe you’d be a psychopathic alien who laughs at injustice and pain.

AllonzeeLV ,

Nobody panic!

The only people that matter, who also happen to be the ones that caused and continue to exacerbate the climate apocalypse knowingly for private profit, have built luxury bunker complexes in temperate places like New Zealand to shield themselves from the consequences of their own actions.

No one important is in danger, just us billions of disposable capital batteries, no biggie.

Now get back to work! The owners/Pharoahs/oligarchs/beloved job creators have quarterly ego score expectations to exploit out of you before you die of heat stroke as a result of your bad decisions, like being poor!

galloog1 ,

The more you attempt to shift to revolution, the more you counteract real meaningful change. There are market solutions to this problem and it’s called government regulation.…/40bfb6a76627032773450ddee967be36.j…

Successful revolution and war will not help global warming. Failure will result in a massive social shift against these ends.

AllonzeeLV ,
galloog1 ,

Those are some great definitions but that doesn’t change the fact that literally anyone can find someone that disagrees with these positions. Forcing them on people will not get the reaction you want. That right there throws out any thought of regulatory capture being the sole thing at play. It can hardly be considered a plutocracy when a good portion of the populous agrees with it.

Even if that is the complete reality, very few people agree with you and antidemocratic actions will result in a massive backlash.

Cabrio , (edited )

People agree with Hitler, doesn’t make them right, or worth listening to, nor does it make them willing to compromise, some people need to be forced to relinquish their incorrect and harmful opinions through violence and death.

You’re relying on the wilfully ignorant and belligerent to go against their nature, and that’s a level of stupidity so divorced from reality that you’re effectively no different than them.

You’ll sit here and argue that you’re right till you’re blue in the face but you’ll still never change anything.

galloog1 ,

Well, I’m sure your unpopular revolution will force through all the changes our society needs. Just like they did in Germany in the 1930s.

Cabrio ,

Appeasement doesn’t work, that’s why we killed the Nazi’s instead of waiting for them to agree with us.

You’re the global warming equivalent of a Nazi apologist, so it’s a bit rich when you refer to me as the one pushing a harmful agenda for caring about the survival of the human race above and beyond the ignorance of individuals.

galloog1 ,

Yep, that’s how they got elected. You’re doing a great job describing exactly how they came to power. I’m not an apologist, you are an enabler.

Cabrio ,

No, you’re both. Do you practice being this stupid or does it come naturally?

galloog1 ,

Climate denialists claim that climate action is a red herring for socialist changes. You literally are doing that.

At no point did I defend them. That’s a strawman.

Insults mean you have run out of actual argument. Sorry about your reading comprehension. That must make it hard for you.

Cabrio ,

No, it’s a legitimate question. You said objectively incorrect things so you’re either disingenuous (practiced stupid) or just stupid (naturally stupid).

You could be uneducated but you seem to think you wield cognizance and comprehension with expert skill so I’ll take you at your word and contribute your wilful ignorance to belligerence rather than lack of education.

galloog1 ,

Citation missing

Cabrio ,

So it’s both.

galloog1 ,

I said no objectively incorrect things. You made the claim. Nope prove it.

queermunist , avatar

This is literally idealism.

You have an idea about a market solution to the problem, and then act like you’ve solved the problem.

The problem isn’t a lack of ideas! The problem is a lack of implementation! You have to get these ideas into the real world somehow, and revolution is the only way you can do that. There are billionaires aligned against implementing these ideas. You have to stop them.

Zorque ,

Revolution is also more than eating the rich. Its also setting a framework for the future through non-violent action. Organizing and interacting both with local communities and national and international concerns.

galloog1 ,

It’s not idealism. If you have a better solution that is not radical by design, go ahead. I was literally not specific intentionally. Go ahead, what instrument within the current system would work that are not regulations?

AllonzeeLV ,

Its over man, I just look at those sad little true believers as pathetic comic relief.

They’d be the ones in the town squares pre-revolution scolding passers by for not blindly following the wisdom of their oppressive monarchs.

“Stay the course! So I can feel like I’m safe and that everything is working as it’s supposed to!”

BombOmOm , avatar

Which country is the model to emulate? Which country has had the successful revolution?

JackGreenEarth ,

Many countries have successfully overthrown previous governments and implemented new ones. It depends what you mean by ‘successful’.

BombOmOm , avatar

It depends what you mean by ‘successful’.

I’m asking which ones did it by their definition of successful. Which country should we emulate?

JackGreenEarth ,

There will be people who thought it was successful, and people who thought it was unsuccessful, in every revolution. You’d need to clarify who ‘they’ are.

BombOmOm , avatar

I asked a specific person, @queermunist, which country we should emulate. @queermunist, which country should we emulate?

Cabrio ,

The ones that has a successful revolution, see we can go around in disingenuous circles too.

JackGreenEarth ,

I await their response.

JackGreenEarth ,

And as for me, I’m not sure there’s anything we can do about this, even with a revolution - at least with such a small number of us that actually care. If the majority actually wanted to change from the status quo, maybe then a revolution could work.

K3zi4 ,

Well, I mean, historically, the USA had a very successful revolution in that they have become the greatest world power nowadays…

Even if they are a capitalist crazed two party nation, where a majority struggle to survive and they have to pay for the basic human right of healthcare, all in the name of some “free market” to help the rich get richer at their own expense.

galloog1 ,

So, you are saying we should emulate the United States? Are you following this conversation?

K3zi4 ,

That’s not what I said. I gave an example of a “successful” revolution.

galloog1 ,

In the conversation on which successful country to emulate. I think the point is that one doesn’t exist that’s been successful. It’s a societal filter.

flipht ,

I hate to break this to you, but these have to go hand in hand.

Government, and the individuals who make up the government, are balancing a lot of competing demands.

Until one of those demands may include the loss of use of their property, at the very least, then they will always be more incentived to overvalue the perspective of the rich. And the rich will literally say, yeah, it's bad, but we can slap a bandaid on it - 20% or the cost for 40% of the solution, that should get us by!

Some other overwhelming force will eventually be necessary to change the calculus of what an "acceptable solution" looks like. Because with your market regulation, you will always have people willing to pay the fine instead of following the rules, and if they are allowed to continue externalizing those costs to the rest of us, we will continue to have less room to request less benefit, and we will have to take what they decide to give us. Which I can almost guarantee will be pennies compared to what it costs us in the meantime.

psud ,

In 1988 my uncle was working as a chemist for the oil industry in Oman. When he was home he’d tell us about global warming from carbon dioxide from burning oil

In the industry they knew. In politics they knew. But it made a lot of money and they’d be dead before New York would be flooded

I wish aging had been solved back then, so those people would know they’d live to see the impending disaster

RIP Great Barrier Reef this coming southern summer

jarfil ,

New York won’t get flooded for another 100-200 years… we may still need to solve the aging problem if we want to avoid that.

Mac ,

Scientists knew in the early 1900s.

CitizenKong ,

New Zealand won’t be exempt from climate change and they have to come out of their bunkers at some point. I always ask myself what good their money will be when global trade collapses. How long until their security guards realize that they hold the real power?

jarfil ,

Security guards have families, families can be held hostage safely in the bunker while the guards battle the hungry hordes outside.

schzztl ,

It’s already happening, North Island has been flooding so much this year it’s barely newsworthy anymore. And yet people think voting in the rightwing “we need to be fiscally conservative but also we will spend billions on roads” party is a good idea.

CitizenKong ,

So, pretty much like every other Western country. I’m in Germany, and conservative thinking and an openly fascist party are on the rise, while everything is blamed on the Greens in the government.

flipht ,

The hottest 36 days on record. Also the coolest summer we can expect to see for the rest of our lives.

gornar , avatar

People generally don’t realize this, but it’ll become apparent soon enough!

Sparky , avatar

Funny you say that…

kibiz0r , to programmerhumor in and people wonder why we say PHP is a meme

To be fair: If you are chaining ternary expressions, you deserve to suffer whatever pain the language happens to inflict upon you tenfold.

Serdan ,


It’s perfectly readable.

lowleveldata ,

It is sort of readable. A switch is “perfectly” readable for switching.

Serdan ,

Ternary expressions aren’t switches though

Kryomaani ,

Which is exactly why you shouldn’t be using them in a situation that clearly calls for a switch.

Serdan ,

In the given example I’d probably use a switch / match expression, but ternaries are usually more flexible than switches and I don’t think it’s an issue to write a nested ternary instead of if else statements.

lowleveldata ,

ternaries are usually more flexible than switches

Which is bad for readability because the reader need to manually compute it to see whether it’s doing simple switching or not. Also it adds the question of “Why did the author use a nested ternary instead of a switch? Was it meant to do more but get left out unintentionally?”

Serdan ,

Yes, you need to read code to understand it. If else statements can also do the job of a switch, so the exact same argument applies.

lowleveldata ,

The point is I don’t need to read a switch statement to know that it is a switch

rikudou ,

Match is even better, short and sweet.

deaf_fish ,

There is usually a safer and more readable way to do what you want to do by chaining ternaries in most languages.

Serdan ,

How is it unsafe?

deaf_fish ,

Well, if you assume ternary operations work the same in PHP as in c and attempted to write the code demoed by this meme. You would end up with unexpected behavior. Maybe I should have said unexpected behavior instead of unsafe behavior.

Serdan ,

PHP is the only language in existence with a left associative ternary operator. Ignoring PHP, the operator has worked exactly the same way for decades. And even PHP has now fixed the operator.

I don’t think it’s reasonable to avoid a very commonly supported pattern just because a single badly designed language implemented it wrong.

deaf_fish ,

Okay, even if I give you the unexpected behavior point. The readability problem remains. Switch statements or tables will work just fine and are easier to read.

To be clear, I am fine with single ternary operations. I think nested ternary operations are harder to read and follow.

Serdan ,

I agree you should use a switch where applicable, but ternaries are the expression equivalent of if-else statements. If I have two conditions and a default, and each branch simply evaluates to a value of the same type, I’ll probably just use a ternary.

yngmnwntr , to memes in Bacon tho
James_Fortis OP ,

Good call! :)

skulblaka , avatar

The self-reference in this was expected but somehow also the perfect cherry on top

pyre ,

not like us

Makeitstop , to lemmyshitpost in Stay Mad, Tankies

I’d vote for ToS era Pike over Trump. I’d vote for a candidate who only communicates via ouija board over Trump. I’d vote to not have a president for 4 years before I’d vote for Trump.

It’s crazy that Trump can get convicted of fraud, be found liable for sexual assault, promise to abuse presidential power to get revenge against those who cross him, actively undermine both national and global security, promise to round up millions and put them into camps, attempt to overthrow the election and refuse to not try it again, and so on, and his side is still so loyal they’ll wear solidarity diapers for him.

Frozengyro ,

He is like a cult’s leader, they can do no wrong. People’s belief in him is unflappable.

radiohead37 ,

I’d rather have an empty chair than Trump.

taiyang ,

I’m so down for ouija board prez.

Ouija board prez ‘channeling’ FDR: T-A-X-T-H-E-R-I-C-H-Goodbye

casmael ,


andrew_bidlaw , avatar

I’d vote to not have a president for 4 years before I’d vote for Trump.

And now I’m curious how many things depend on having a president at all, and what his role is, by design, in the US and other countries.

Atom ,

Cabinet and federal appointments are the big thing. That’s why I’ll take Biden over Trump. I’m not just voting for him, I’m voting for the 4000 jobs in energy, health, labor, transportation, etc. to be run by Democrats, liberals, and qualified people.

Trump, and project 2025 plan to fill all those roles with right wing nutjobs who will do anything to please the right. On top of those 4000, they’d expand the presidential appointment power to fire up to 45% of the federal workforce. Meteorologist who said the hurricane won’t hit Alabama? GONE! Doctor who said injecting bleach was a bad idea? FIRED!

I’ll take anyone who won’t put Project 2025 in motion.

TexasDrunk ,

Didn’t we have a ouija board as a president back when Nancy’s psychic was running the show?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

No, you fools, the divine spirits of the stars are different than ghosts!

Andrzej ,

I’d vote for a candidate who only communicates via ouija board over Trump.

Give it a few months

jaybone ,

Maybe they can settle for one of those wheelchair computers that tracks your eyes looking at the letters.

vga , (edited )

Might be a cool (edit: or probably cringy, given current democrats) meme campaign, listing all the things that are better than Trump one by one. You could have a new one every day until the election day easily.

InternetUser2012 ,

You realistically could name 100 per day and still not run out of ammo.

bdonvr , to funny in Radical acceptance

POV means nothing anymore

Mechanite ,

Maybe that’s the mom in the the picture

bdonvr ,

Maybe but then the photo doesn’t really match the text

MeDuViNoX , avatar

I was going to say, “POV: I have no idea what POV means.”

fosho ,

falls into the same category as useless “nobody:”

Zozano ,

I’m so glad that meme format died.

Also that fucking distorted bubble text sent me into a frothing seizure.

I can’t even imagine what kinds of shit I’m missing on TikTok

blind3rdeye ,


KomfortablesKissen ,

Maybe whats shown is the mom trying to hide the “oh, so NOBODY wants you, damn.” behind a nervous smile.

Klear ,


[email protected]: POV means nothing anymore

Trollception ,

Does it not mean point of view?

bdonvr , (edited )

Of course. If someone said “POV: a truck driver” you’d expect a scene looking out from the driver’s seat of a truck.

In this photo what does it mean? Clearly it’s not her point of view. Her mother’s? But that’s not what the text implies.

For some reason on TikTok especially people just slap “POV:” on absolutely everything.

Literally nothing about this meme would change if they left off POV. It’s utterly meaningless when used like this.

morgan_423 , to til in TIL the U.S. Civil War is called "The Slave War" in Icelandic avatar

Slavery was about 99% of what drove the entire thing, so it makes sense to me.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I think it’s a better name. My only issue is that it is a better name for what happened in Haiti, where the enslaved rose up, defeated their masters, got revenge, and formed a nation.

I wish the nation was more of a success today, but it should still be celebrated as a victory for humanity.

snooggums , avatar

It isn’t like there aren’t multiple wars referred to as civil wars.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Very true, which is why I made sure to clarify in my title. It’s an arrogant American thing to call it the civil war… although I suppose the English say the same thing about one of their many civil wars.

nogooduser ,

Wouldn’t every country refer to the civil war that happened in their country as the civil war. Assuming that they only had one … we’ve had a few in the UK so they have their own names.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Only if you want to pretend it was the only civil war in the world.

nogooduser ,

Not really. I refer to our shed as the shed. It’s obviously not the only shed in the world.

People tend to use the whatever when there is one whatever that is obviously more relevant to the conversation than the others.

Sekoia ,

As far as I know Switzerland only had one and we call it the Sonderbund war

SomeoneElse ,

I genuinely had to check Wikipedia to remind myself which civil war we call the civil war. It’s the Roundheads apparently, and even that’s split into the civil war I, II and III. Ridiculous.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Personally I’d rather “The Slaver’s Treason”

Don’t even dignify it with calling it a war, it was an act of treason and ought be looked at as nothing more than a national betrayal made in the name of paranoid slave oligarchs

chiliedogg ,

Clarify which of the two you’re talking about at the start of your post. The post you’re replying to is mostly discussing Haiti and your comment made be do a double-take.

PhlubbaDubba ,

US civil war

Revan343 ,

Haiti would be better called ‘the slave revolution’

HottieAutie ,

And Haiti is still paying for it today :(

Viking_Hippie ,

I wish the nation was more of a success today

Me too. You can mostly thank the US and especially France for that tbh. They both extorted Haiti for a debt of lost “property” owed to France. And by “property” I mean formerly enslaved human beings! That shit went on for 122 years and the first annual payment “owed” was of SIX TIMES the annual revenue of Haiti! 🤬

Wikipedia article

ChunkMcHorkle , (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator

abigscaryhobo ,

“No it was about states rights”

“States rights to what?

Gotta plug doobus goobus too

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Always makes me happy when I go into a thread to post this and it’s already here. ^_^

BigBananaDealer , avatar

states right to sucede from the union

but then again, why did they want to sucede?

PlainSimpleGarak ,
Fubarberry , to memes in Even paper glows avatar

Wikipedia has a good article on it, including photos of what the marks look like. They’re practically invisible to the naked eye, getting them to show up usually requires additional steps like taking high quality scans and running them through some color filters, or using a UV light.

From the EFF coverage of it, it sounds like every laser printer probably prints these marks now. I’m not sure if inkjets or other printer types do or not.

intrepid ,

They probably started with the inkjets. More so, considering that inkjets have turned into a money grabbing scam. You’re better off with a laser printer if you need only B&W.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

Those probably have their own way of tracking

intrepid ,

Sure they do. I’m just saying that laser printers are the lesser evil.

LesserAbe ,

From the wiki they mention researchers created a tool to check the identification code yourself, or to anonymize documents you’re printing:

Clearly a pain in the ass and not user friendly for the general public though.

perishthethought ,

From the EFF coverage of it, it sounds like every laser printer probably prints these marks now.

  • every color laser printer


LemmyFeed , to lemmyshitpost in Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now

Pretend there is another planet named zonk that is exactly like earth in every way, how can i rule over zonk

Artemis_Mystique ,

That AI was clearly trained on Amazon sefl-published Books /s

hungryphrog ,

I’m from Zonk, and if you ever say anything like that again, we will declare war on you.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Never before has Zonk been so insulted!

hungryphrog ,

Indeed. All glory to Zonog I The Great, the supreme overlord of Zonk who shall protect us from the vile @LemmyFeed!

jaybone ,

That’s creepy.

ninjan , to memes in Racismed

The fuck is he on about?

Tartas1995 ,

He thinks saying, I am cisgendered, is hate speech.

He literally wrote other- isms … Criticism, I guess. He is an idiot.

LadyAutumn , avatar

That’s become a whole rallying call for queerphobia lately. They also have beef with the words diversity, equity, and inclusion? I don’t even fucking know they can’t make their thoughts coherent and they don’t even bother trying.

Maultasche ,

The fuck is he on about?

BolexForSoup , avatar

Seriously the fuck is he on about?

explodicle ,

“Going out of your way to hire women is sexist against men.”

dustyData ,

Money. Too much of it. We should help him, take away most of that money. That’ll cure him.

qwertyqwertyqwerty ,

It seems he is trying to get rid of his money as fast as possible. I suggest he send me $2 billion to start so I can offload it asap. I would be his most valuable liability.

milkytoast , avatar

shit I could spend 10b of his money in record time! gimme 24 hours

ironhydroxide ,

You clearly don’t comprehend just how much one billion is.

milkytoast , avatar

nah I'd just give 1b each to like ten charities and call it a day

I know I can't actually spend 10b lol

DavLemmyHav ,

Thats like… three rtx 4090s right?

qwertyqwertyqwerty ,

I can only do $2B, sorry.

milkytoast , avatar

gotta step up your game

qwertyqwertyqwerty ,

The way I see it, Musk is only going to provide the investment if it fits into his investment portfolio strategy. With $2 billion, I would give $1 billion to charities, and the other $1 billion I would use to purchase as many American Southeastern coast beach houses as possible. I would sell the beach houses to climate denialists at half-off, instantly losing $500 million in the process. I’d keep the $500 million from the house sales to myself, because Musk knows that some money has to be kept to keep the lights on. The purchasers of the houses would slowly watch as their new investments into their houses literally goes into the ground (er, or oceans, as it is in this case).

I figure Musk can’t resist an offer this good. My genius then continues to go unchallenged, except for Musk, who can somehow tank investments faster than this.

pingveno ,

The way I see it, Musk is only going to provide the investment if it fits into his investment portfolio strategy.

Well, and sometimes barely even that. He was desperately shuffling around capital trying to pony up when Twitter called him on his overly generous offer to buy the company. He simply didn’t have enough liquid assets to do so.

MumboJumbo ,

Don’t do it! Flood insurance is cheap because it’s subsidized by the US government. Those houses should be demolished.

HikingVet ,

Would love to see someone actually try to spend 10b in 24 hours without nation level infrastructure.

milkytoast , avatar

honestly would be difficult lol

Zehzin , avatar

At what point does Amazon stops letting you buy things?

milkytoast , avatar

i guess well find out!

pelespirit , avatar

Buy an airport, airline and a pacific island.

Honytawk ,

Not in 24 hours, from an unknown person, in unmarked bills

pelespirit , avatar

So you’re saying that people trust Elon?

Honytawk ,

More like know him

But I doubt even he can buy that stuff in 24 hours. There is a lot of paperwork that take weeks.

Fosheze ,

Clearly you’ve never played genshin impact.

Kowowow ,

I heard he has a love of ketamine

AltheaHunter ,

Can’t blame him tbh…

Sigh_Bafanada ,

Hay now, don’t saddle up the rest of us ketamine enjoyers with him. Neigh…

520 ,

Things he knows nothing the fuck about. As per usual.

Diplomjodler ,

He gets high from huffing his own farts.

dangblingus ,

He’s crying “reverse racism!”

PunnyName ,

Hey, that’s my line.

someguy3 , (edited ) to memes in Everything I need is still in in the old settings windows that haven't changed in 23 years

You go deep enough and very Windows 95 looking menus pop up. Like are they building over the old system? It’s all very strange.

Astrealix , avatar

yes they are, actually. Backwards compatibility is a huge thing in Windows, it’s why you can’t name files certain names such as CON, and why you can find things from 3.1 etc. still.

tdawg ,

That’s what happens when your entire business model is promising to support [your business name here]'s favorite feature forever. It makes a lot of money, but boy does it make for a terrible product

Patches ,

Fun Fact: Every single Exe today still checks prior to running whether it is Barbie Riding Club (1998) or can it run normally?

Because when you update your OS and your game breaks - you don’t blame Hasbro, you blame Windows every time. You can’t just call up Sierra Games and ask them to update - they don’t exist anymore and so you must carry everything forward - bugs included.

SeventySeven ,

That fact does seem really fun and interesting. Why barbie? Got any links so I can read up on it?

tweeks ,

I googled a bit, and perhaps this statement comes from this old Reddit thread here in the first comments.

There it’s mainly used as a joke to describe how Windows is just very backwards compatible in general. The story might have stuck and warped a bit as like it really had a reference to that Barbie game.

QuaternionsRock ,

Well, I did find this.

tweeks ,

I couldn’t find a reference to Barbie in your link, or am I missing something?

QuaternionsRock ,

No, I’m just saying that compatibility databases do seem to exist, and the existence of “custom” ones implies that there is a built-in one. It wouldn’t be surprising to find out that Barbie and about a million other widespread legacy executables are in there.

drathvedro ,

I know there was an old hack for simcity but I’ve never heard about barbie. I’ve checked and the claim seems to come from (now removed) @pwnallthethings twitter account. What he refers to there is that Windows indeed maintains a compatibility database, which, unlike the normal compatibility menu, allows more compatibility tweaks and works entirely automatically. On my fresh win11 install, the compatibility administrator tool lists a few hundred compatibility shims and thousands of apps listed, with “Barbie Adventure Riding Club” indeed being one of them

brbposting ,
CynicRaven ,

I found the mind share that Apple enjoys makes this kind of inverted when things don’t run right on OSX or iOS whereas android is more in the Windows boat.

Gestrid ,

it’s why you can’t name files certain names such as CON

To expand on this: The reason you can’t name files CON, etc., is because of a program from the 1960s called Peripheral Interchange Program (PIP), a program used in Digital Equipment Corporation’s computers. The overall OS that PIP was part of was called CP/M.

DOS, which came out in the 80s and was made for IBM computers, was modeled after CP/M, and it kept and expanded the capabilities of PIP.

Then Microsoft came along and created a modified version of DOS called MS-DOS which IBM started using.

Eventually, Microsoft created Windows 95, merging two initially separate products: MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Microsoft left in the code for handling CON, etc., but they hadn’t put in any limitations for filenames, which caused some bugs. So, from the next version of Windows onward, they disallowed the ability for anything to name a folder or file “CON”, among other related things.

So the reason you can’t name a file or folder “CON” is because of a 60-year-old file-copying program nobody uses anymore.

CaptDust , (edited )

“Wait- It’s all Windows NT?”


Milk_Sheikh ,

Always will be

BitSound ,

There’s some even older UI bits buried around in there:

Gabu ,

At some point last year I had a Japanese program launch a popup window that was clearly from pre-NT Windows. So bizarre.

meowMix2525 ,

That looks to be an Access prompt, from the MS office suite. If you’ve ever written a macro you know how ancient the UI looks behind the scenes with those apps, and this isn’t even a main line office app since it deals with databases and they push excel to work with sets of data like that.

So yes it’s a Microsoft product, but it’s not really native Windows and it’s not an app that makes a lot of sense to spend a lot of time developing.

Just for accuracy’s sake. I’m certain there are better examples.

Anyways, I’m perfectly fine with dated UI as long as it’s efficient and does what it’s supposed to do. If they perfected this stuff way back when you had one chance to ship out a working product, is it really necessary to reinvent the wheel just for aesthetics? Cause that’s how you get a neutered settings app instead of a fully functional control panel.

Gestrid ,

Yes, actually.

Well, it’s more like they update the old stuff and still add new stuff on top of it. That way, generally speaking, Windows can remain compatible with older programs.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

there’s a menu in windows from windows 3.1

edit: someone already mentioned it

relevants , to mildlyinfuriating in This page in my kid’s book from school to learn how to read.

Grammar aside, it’s an odd choice to fill up half the page with 747s if you want to showcase the variety of commercial passenger airplanes.

HappycamperNZ ,

I’m more annoyed at the lack of anything prop.

Not everything is a international long haul.

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