There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

aeternum , to mildlyinfuriating in Coming to you soon...

i'd rather not use youtube than watch ads.

eek2121 ,

Thankfully that isn’t a choice you have to make, and thanks to open source, you will ever need to make.

The only trick Google has up their sleeve is their web integrity work. Even then, there will be workarounds.

catapult7724 , to memes in LTT, now sponsored by BP

A comment I saw on another thread put it best. He should have taken the 100 million

Holzkohlen ,

He got offered that much for the company? Yeah, I’d be sipping cocktails on the beach by now.

Sterile_Technique , to memes in Whenvideos games tell you to press X avatar
Sharkwellington ,

Press the dickbutton!

Kolanaki , avatar

If Nintendo 64 had a Dickbutton, it would be at the tip of the middle handle, and the Z button would be balls.

VikingHippie ,

If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me…

Holzkohlen ,

All in favour?

Revan343 ,


tweeks ,

That’s actually quite a good idea; press “West” will take a bit to get used to but easy nonetheless.

Squirrel , avatar
Resol , avatar

North East West South, or NEWS for short.

Rooty ,

Every controler and keyboard should come with a dickbutt button.

MeatsOfRage ,

A dickbutton if you will

TowardsTheFuture , to games in Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭

Complaining about it having funding… AAA… lol. Thats the fucking point of AAA. Big fucking budget.

zikk_transport2 ,
  • A - Big
  • A - Fucking
  • A - Budget
TowardsTheFuture ,

I read this in stereotyped Italian fuckin Mario voice.

AAA stands for “Abig Afuckin’ Abuget”

d0n7panic , to lemmyshitpost in Sweet tea
sorebuttfromsitting ,

screw you for getting it right

psud ,

Sugar should be heavily taxed, it’s so dangerous at rates of more than 10 grams a day

sorebuttfromsitting ,


MercuryUprising ,

It should be taxed on the corporate side. Taxing sugar on the consumer side becomes a poor tax, because poor people will still want sweets from time to time, making those treats now more and more expensive. Well off people will just accept the tax because it’s marginal to them, but when your chocolate bar that you treat yourself to once a week goes from 1.29 to 3.29, then it really fucks your day up.

What should be done is incentives to provide less sugar/glucose-fructose on the product side and encourage companies to make snacks and beverages that have less sugar content.

psud ,

Agreed. Though either way the price of heavily sugared stuff would go up

DrRatso ,

Wouldn’t the price go up irrespective of which side you tax it on? Obviously if this is a megacorp, they could spread it out over unrelated products, but in the end its not like theyll roll over, take the corporate tax and leave the product at the old price. Is it being a poor tax even that bad of a thing? This is not a necessity and poor people are generally going to be the ones that suffer from poor diet / lifestyle choices in very big part due to the price/calorie aspect of junkfood et al. Lets be real, if you buy a bar once a week, 1.29->3.29 is not a big deal.

Also, we do have tax on sugarry soft drinks in the EU (atleast my country), it is just laughably small compared to EtOH and tobacco). I personally always have thought that anything with added sugar beyond a certain amount should get a heavy tax, conditional on this tax being funneled into healthcare / public health programs.

Nalivai ,

Wouldn’t the price go up irrespective of which side you tax it on?

Not necessarily, companies might just stop putting sugar where it doesn’t belong. They do it right now because corn syrup is free and why don’t just put it everywhere.

Rolando ,


  • Loading...
  • Buddahriffic ,

    I wanted to like stevia when I first tried it, but I find it has a chemical taste, maybe leftover solvents from the extraction process. But it tastes like aspartame to me, which also tastes awful.

    I’d be happy with just less sugar used. Shit doesn’t need to be so sweet.

    explodicle ,

    Their response also irrespective of which party gets taxed because the tax incidence is the same either way.

    enragedchowder ,

    It doesn’t make a difference which side you tax. If consumers are taxed then corporations will still feel it through reduced demand for their product. If corporations are taxed, consumers will still feel it through increased prices. The tax burden does not depend on who is taxed, but rather how elastic supply and demand are.

    irmoz ,

    It sure makes a difference to the people buying it, that’s the point

    enragedchowder ,

    It literally doesn’t. The price is the same either way. Reduced demand from the higher tax makes it so producers will lower prices. This is really basic microeconomics.

    From Wikipedia: “tax burden does not depend on where the revenue is collected, but on the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply”

    irmoz ,

    Reduced demand from the higher tax makes it so producers will lower prices.

    I have never once seen this happen… i just see prices rise

    enragedchowder ,

    Do you actually think that 100% a tax burden will always fall on consumers?

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    I don’t doubt the number, that means 0.5l soda is 5 times the daily rate!

    And when you drink sugar free, your body still crave the sugar.

    eek2121 ,

    I recently lost 100lbs partially thanks to Diet Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Zero, and a world of sugar free energy drinks. I also gained 40 lbs of muscle mass.

    Note that I gained much of the weight due to major medical issues which left me bedridden for an extended period of time (years). I don’t have the fastest metabolism in the world, so it took a lot of work to melt the pounds off. I could not have done it without diet soda/energy drinks.

    The only reason researchers been able to determine for diet soda not contributing to weight loss/“fat” disease prevention is that (current studies are showing) we (consciously or subconsciously) attempt to replace those missing calories with more sugar, rather than cutting back. While there have been studies on the effects of artificial sweeteners on insulin production, etc. they are mostly inconclusive.

    If you are shooting for a low carb/low calorie diet, a good diet soda is a safe choice. Don’t let others make you miserable. Just make sure you aren’t pulling in extra calories elsewhere.

    Regardless of what type of diet you follow, remember that weight loss boils down to calories out > calories in. Most of your calories come from carbs, so taking on a more active lifestyle with a high protein/low carb diet will ultimately help you lose weight and build muscle mass. Just don’t skimp on the protein (you want most of your calories to come from protein) because you will also be burning some muscle mass unless you actively try to prevent it. Keep a food journal and write down everything you eat/drink. Some dietary choices you make without realizing may surprise you.

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    Cool thanks for the tip!

    raptir ,

    I lost 70 pounds over about four months last year primarily via calorie counting. I know it’s anecdotal, but I absolutely felt hungrier after the same meal if I had a diet soda with it compared to an unsweetened iced tea, or even an iced tea with a sugar packet or two. It’s great that you have the willpower to stick to the rest of your diet regardless, but there is definitely a reason people recommend cutting it out to make it easier to follow a plan.

    joel_feila , avatar

    Now if only i could sallow diet drinks

    Rodeo ,

    Have you tried coke zero? I can’t stand diet coke but I like coke zero well enough

    joel_feila , avatar

    its the aspartame any thing with that will cause my throat to fill with thick mucus after just a few ounces. I used to drink big red zero since it use splenda and that was fine.

    xohshoo ,

    Whoa settle down there

    Sucrose is 1:1 glucose/ fructose which is near the optimal 0.8 ratio for fueling endurance activities

    I rode 100 miles solo in less than 5 hours Sunday on 360g sucrose in 4 750ml bottles

    It’sa lot cheaper than all that fancy SIS/skratch etc

    Carbs aren’t poison if you move your body

    minorsecond ,

    Yeah I consume near 400g carbs every day and am fine as a competitive powerlifter who also runs (which is rare lol). You just can’t be sitting on your ass all day.

    JonVonBasslake ,

    The issue is how much hidden sugar there is, especially in the US. Just look at how many things include stuff like corn syrup when it isn’t all that necessary.

    psud ,

    Sure, but so few people are high energy athletes who can legitimately burn the sugar right away.

    My comment was really about the great majority of people for whom sugar consumption is a path to metabolic disease, diabetes, and early death

    I still support a tax on sugar as it would reduce consumption overall, but for those wealthy enough to exercise hard a sugar tax would hardly hurt

    xohshoo ,

    Wealthy enough to exercise? Wtf?

    Ain’t even going there

    psud ,

    It’s probably a U shaped curve where you can devote (or have to devote) significant time to exercise at very low incomes, but it becomes harder at working poor sort of levels, then easy again at a certain level above poverty

    iopq ,

    If you paid twice as much for the sugar, would it materially impact you?

    xohshoo ,

    At this point in my life no. When I was young, for sure

    JollyG ,
    MrShankles ,

    Hawaii doesn’t check out, but they do look very similar

    JollyG ,

    Meh, its not a perfect correlation (and the time series for the poverty map and the diabetes map are different), but most chronic diseases tend correlate with poverty pretty well. You should look at a map of obesity. It follows the same form.

    MrShankles ,

    Nah, that’s actually a my bad for not getting my point across. Looking back on my comment: I know I was trying to commend you, but I must’ve gave up on trying, because it fell completely flat (Not to just you, but to me too when I reread my reply). Dunno where my head was when I posted it, but I can see that I stopped trying at some point and just hit “send”

    The reason I commented to your post at all was because my first reaction was, “holy shit, that’s so specifically accurate and funny at the same time… how was this person seeing a fucking heat map, and able to respond with their own map, that is both wildly accurate and hilarious, given the context”.

    So I scoured the maps, because I wanted to commend you and also try and be as witty. Hawaii was one of the only (obvious) differences I could find (which makes sense when talking about diabetes and poverty)… but then idk what I did. Just literally gave up on being clever and posted a “spot the difference” comment

    So yeah, doesn’t much matter in the grand scheme of things, but I still wanted to let ya know just in case… I thought your comment of the map was surprisingly astute, and I was kinda flabbergasted that it seemed like you just had that on standby. Like you were just waiting for this moment your whole freaking life, and then pulled that very specifically accurate map out of your ass, as soon as it was relevant.

    My comment fell flat on it’s face, because it truly couldn’t be topped. And I think I must’ve gotten distracted and gave up on my response, because the only thing I really wanted to convey was… fucking brava my friend. That was some S-tier shit you dropped; and so casually too. It wasn’t necessarily news to me, but hot damn if it wasn’t quick.

    My original comment should’ve just been “you win” or some shit like that, but I failed on both ends to get that across

    So very much so… holy hell friend bwahahahaha!!! Well fucking done (and pardon my language). But that was the very definition of “under-rated comment” to me. My applause to you

    minorsecond ,

    I’m going to look at how poverty is defined. You just gave me an idea for my grad school program.

    d0n7panic ,

    Apparently it’s defined by your blood sugar 🤷‍♂️

    Mac ,

    Would love to see an updated graph. I feel like everyone gained 50lbs in the last three years.

    JakenVeina , to mildlyinfuriating in This

    The wall of fucking spez is finmy, but I find it FAR funnier to see how something that was one of reddit’s most popular things ever just a few months ago is NOTICABLY less popular. All of the biggest communities that were represented on the drawing earlier this year are nowhere to be seen. All that’s left this time around is just random disconnected drawings and massive flags. The soul is gone.

    So yeah, stop fucking spamming the canvas and just let it be empty and soulless. It sends a bigger message.

    ADON15 ,

    They were stupid to bring it back anyways, it only succeeded the second time because enough time had passed for the people that remembered it and there were plenty of new people to participate. This time neither is true

    Huxleywaswrite ,

    It seems like they brought it back to drive up traffic. They know people will put those things on it, but they can edit all they want and going over there to “protest participate” still drive traffic to their site. In 6 months when they tell investors how successful the last place event wad, no one is going to want to see the final picture, they’re just going to look at the numbers.

    Place was stupid when we were on reddit, its sure as he’ll not worth going back for

    Korne127 , avatar

    5 years seems like a reasonable time to be fair. One year definitely not, at least not to be meaningful anymore.

    Lucidlethargy ,

    There was a lot of talk about the admins erasing stuff. My guess is they’ll ensure it doesn’t look too empty.

    I’m ignoring it, though. I don’t want to give them traffic on a platform they can control. The real question is why can’t we set up something similar here?

    This isn’t even originally from Reddit… It used to be called “drawball”.

    HexagonSun , to fediverse in reaches new milestone: 100k users and counting!

    I’ve only been using Lenny for a day and a half, but I’ve been having a great time. The memes are 10/10 and everything else is coming together nicely. This is already my Reddit replacement, genuinely.

    allforthebest ,


    HexagonSun ,

    Ha, I was laughing at someone else writing Lenny earlier. Never considered that it was just auto-correct and that I should be careful not to do the same 😅

    RembrandtQEinstein , avatar
    cantevencode ,

    Petition to change the logo to Lenny

    mintiefresh ,

    Yes. Where do I sign lol

    Gullible ,

    If lemmy goes in the wrong direction and everyone abandons (water)ship, Lenny would be a good pejorative. After all, who better to unwitting snap a rodent’s neck than Lenny?

    everythingsucks ,

    Not Lenny!

    Resonosity ,

    Lenny ftw, so much better than Reffit

    Grabthar ,

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    MxM111 ,

    I came due to protest, but staying for quality of fediverse users (posting from kbin)

    drpebcak , to mildlyinfuriating in Musk is undeniably just trying to run twitter into the ground at this point.

    That rate limit is insanely low, even for verified. I’m not verified, but I hit the limit in like 10 minutes of very distracted usage.

    jayandp ,

    Yeah, 600/800 sounds like a lot until you realize that includes all the stuff you’re just scrolling past in your feed or comments, not even clicking on. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even overlooked the fact that ads might count against that cap too. I’m no heavy user but hit that cap in less than 20 minutes of reading people reacting to the news.

    73rdnemesio , avatar

    The hilarity is that these moves are the exact opposite of the so called Public Square he claims Twitter is or should be.

    reverie ,

    It’s just like how they forcibly remove you from public squares after you’ve passively listened to people for 15 minutes

    The quintessential public square experience

    EleventhHour , to lemmyshitpost in Oof ouch owie avatar
    Flax_vert ,

    She was likely a victim of the maga extremism indoctrination and social media, this is a bit distasteful

    EleventhHour , avatar

    suuure. she was the victim… the traitor killed while trying smash into the Capitol Building and overthrow the government…


    themoonisacheese , avatar

    To be a victim of maga extremism, you must already be bigoted enough to think that it is a reasonable opinion to have to want black and LGBT people to die. She deserved what she got.

    Flax_vert ,

    Wasn’t it more conspiracies about democracy being compromised?

    big_slap ,

    idk how else to downplay supporting trump at this point.

    public shaming is the last line of defense we have against these types of people since polite conversation clearly doesn’t work once you put the red hat on. what alternatives do you suggest? 🙂

    cacheson ,

    public shaming is the last line of defense we have against these types of people

    Wait, really? I know liberals tend to like weird pseudo-pacifism, but have y'all really committed so hard to it that you think "public shaming" is our last line of defense?

    Get armed, and get trained. You may end up needing it. We may end up needing it.

    big_slap ,

    get armed and get trained? how will that convince a trump voter to reject his ideology? doesn’t make any sense to me tbh

    manuallybreathing ,

    Youre not going to convince a fascist not to be a fascist by making them feel bad about it. If that was possible, there’d be no communists.

    Organising in your community, your workplace, and looking after yourself is what i think our friend was getting at

    cacheson ,

    Perhaps I've misinterpreted your usage of "last line of defense"?

    These aren't regular conservatives that we're dealing with. MAGA is a fascist movement. The MO of fascists is to gain and hold power for their in-group by any means necessary. While it should never be our first option, we need to be willing and able to violently resist them, because they sure as hell don't have any qualms about violently subjugating us.

    finestnothing ,

    You’re so right, she obviously doesn’t deserve to be derided, we should show her love and support because she died, it wasn’t her fault she was indoctrinated like this.

    For good measure, let’s posthumously pardon the Nazis that murdered hundreds or thousands of people and were later killed when their camps were taken. They were just victims of the Nazi extremism indoctrination and media, it’s a bit distasteful that people still slander them /s

    Flax_vert ,

    Difference is she didn’t kill anybody that we know of

    Rakonat ,

    “Just following orders” is not an excuse no matter how it’s veiled.

    She took part in a violent insurrection with the ultimate goal of overturning an election and destroying democracy.

    She had every opportunity to no being a cesspool of bigotry, racism and fascist supporter. Instead she chose at every option to continue her path.

    Sterile_Technique , avatar

    Every Nazi is a victim of extremism indoctrination. They don’t get a pass for that. She was a domestic enemy to the United States and died attacking our country. She deserves zero respect.

    The world became a slightly better place when she died.

    todd_bonzalez , avatar

    Fascists aren’t victims of the ideology they adopted, other people are. Good riddance to every dead fascist.

    manuallybreathing ,

    The sexualisation and humiliation of a person who cant object or consent is whats getting me.

    people will excuse themselves of a lot when they don’t like someone.

    I abaolutely do not care that she died, and her politics cant be handwaved away with ‘she was indoctrinated’, which would also equate to her having no agency. She knew what she was doing.

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    I think it’s fucking hilarious.

    riodoro1 , to lemmyshitpost in America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting

    He’s posting 4chan screenshots now?

    thesohoriots ,

    The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

    cheddar , avatar

    We post greentexts and laugh, he posts this and says “interesting observation”.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    He retweeted it from a page. Be noted those are both very right wing and very gatekeepy about autism (if they’re really autistic and not just some weirdo claiming to be such).

    PrimeErective , to science_memes in Science saves lives

    Love that this suggests that for vampires, it’s all in their head

    aeronmelon ,

    Loony Toons logic. You won’t fall until you realize you should be falling.

    PrimeErective ,

    So true

    TheRealKuni ,

    Love that this suggests that for vampires, it’s all in their head

    That’s what Terry Pratchett’s Carpe Jugulum tells us. With sufficient exposure and willpower vampires (or “vampyres” as this more modern variety calls themselves) can become immune to sunlight and holy symbols!

    shalafi ,

    Out of those 41 books, that one’s a fav.

    TheRealKuni ,

    Man, they’re all a fav. I’m finishing up a full read-through, and until The Embuggerance every book seemed better than the one before it. Even after The Embuggerance they’re still excellent.

    GNU Terry Pratchett

    BossDj ,

    Also a plot point of an older also amazing book (spoiler alert?)

    !Richard Mattheson’s I Am Legend. Not even close to the same as the movie!<

    sparkle ,

    Literally Charles McGill

    Serinus , to cat in Love means sacrifice

    This is why you brush them.

    I’m kidding, it doesn’t matter. He probably brushed the cat an hour before this. Somehow they have infinite hair.

    idunnololz , avatar

    I brush my cat once a day and each day I get a ball of hair the size of my fist.

    MagicShel , to greentext in Anon faces his greatest challenge

    Can’t imagine not showering almost every day. I can’t get my shit together in the morning until I’ve had a shower.

    MrJameGumb OP , avatar

    I feel gross all day if I don’t take a shower in the morning, even when the weather is cold out

    SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

    I shower twice a year whether I need to or not.

    Rusty ,

    Name checks out.

    MeDuViNoX , avatar

    Do you use the gallons of piss collected and fermented from the local neckbeards during those 6 month breaks?

    RecluseRamble ,

    It’s just conditioning. I shower daily but only in the evening and to me lying in bed not showered feels gross.

    FoxyGrandpa ,

    I’m an every other day showerer. I get sweaty and gross during the day not overnight. If I do it everyday my skin dries out real bad

    AEsheron ,

    Fairly common in lots of places to shower every other day. So ling as you aren’t doing manual labor or working out and making yourself gross, showering every day can actually be detrimental for stripping away too many oils, especially for your hair, but can also cause dry skin. I’m with OP on this one, gotta shower every day in summer, but in cooler months I’m an every other day guy.

    humorlessrepost ,

    I like to always be prepared for an unexpected blowjob.

    Blackmist ,

    As a married man, I am unburdened with such thoughts.

    Socsa ,

    People who go to bed without showering are disgusting. Change my mind.

    KingJalopy ,

    Their bed is disgusting maybe, but they aren’t necessarily disgusting.

    Socsa ,

    Filth is a state of mind and sleeping in it isn’t the first stage.

    Takumidesh ,

    I don’t remember why, but I have you tagged as:

    KingJalopy ,

    I think I said no one cares about your shitty frozen shrimp or something a long time ago lol I didn’t remember exactly

    Klear ,

    Haha, classic shitty frozen shrimp guy!

    Ilovethebomb ,

    Nah, you’re right. I had this argument with an ex GF, she thought she didn’t smell because she had been sitting around at home all day. She was wrong.

    SendMePhotos ,
    some_guy , to insanepeoplefacebook in Sovcit went to the bank.

    I don’t authorize you to close the account.

    We are the bank. We don’t authorize you to bank with us.

    I don’t know what they think their next move is. It seems pretty clear to me that the bank has won. Anyway…

    barsquid ,

    That’s illegal, I signed it crosswise so you are beholden to your half but I am free of all responsibility and obligation.

    CeeBee_Eh ,

    They know what’s going to happen. It’s just a vertical for them to get into an uproar about their sovereign rights.

    Mothra , to memes in elon is a lame poser avatar

    Why does it feel like an AI generated image? Am I the only one getting this vibe?

    fushuan ,

    It probably is why bother with the dress up when you can generate the photo after some trial an error.

    Plopp ,

    Because it is either an AI image or it has been processed to look like one.

    IzzyScissor , (edited )

    Hyper-detailed foreground with a blurry background and a subject matter that falls into the uncanny valley? Yeah, that all checks out.

    E2A: Zoom in on smaller sections and it becomes more obvious. Objects that should be in the same depth of field have different levels of blur, patterns don’t follow rules, it looks like the jacket has buttons, but half of a zipper on one side? There’s a lot of little things.

    Mothra , avatar

    You are good at pointing out what feels wrong in the image. It could be a case of very heavy editing or AI-powered filters without necessarily being completely ai generated but I still stand by my initial impression that it gives and AI vibe and you are right about why

    Annoyed_Crabby ,

    It doesn’t need to be AI generated. He is that ugly and weird.

    DmMacniel , avatar

    The scarf looks rather strange. Some partitions are square patterned while the rest follow some arbitrary dotting.

    orgrinrt ,

    Yup, that seam/twist there on the foreground is almost a definitive giveaway

    Edit: I mean I guess that especially a rich person could, for some reason, wear a weird ass scarf designed by someone who thinks in a very out-of-the-box way… but which is more likely?

    bassomitron ,

    I mean I guess that especially a rich person could, for some reason, wear a weird ass scarf designed by someone who thinks in a very out-of-the-box way… but which is more likely?

    This is douchebag Musk we’re talking about. Either one is equally possible, lol.

    DogPeePoo ,

    You know it’s AI because the hat isn’t on backwards this time

    bassomitron ,

    Musk really did post this.

    Whether he used an AI generator or not, it’s possible. But honestly, I could easily see him paying for a photoshoot for this since he announced moving SpaceX to Texas.

    Mothra , avatar

    Fair, I wasn’t wondering if he did or didn’t post (I guess it could have been a fake tweet too, one can never be too sure). Just pointing at the aesthetics in the image, there’s something uncanny about it

    bassomitron ,

    Yeah, in hindsight that’s completely fair

    dejected_warp_core ,

    Not to come off as a musk fan-boy (I am most certainly not), but that’s a damn good photograph. Absolutely a professional photoshoot with hilariously high-end wardrobe.

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    Dude spent a shitload of money on a photographer so he could feel like a cowboy for a few minutes.

    Edit: I’m still not sure it’s actually a real photo though, it doesn’t sit right with me.

    dejected_warp_core ,

    You may be right. A few other comment here have remarked at his neckerchief being not quite right. That also doesn’t exclude the possibility for a digital touch-up, or a photoshoot as a dedicated training model for AI.

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    Ooh, I hadn’t thought of the possibility of Ai enhanced regular photo.

    Of course, the Muskrat and Faceburg have both always given me “uncanny valley” vibes just because that’s how they look normally

    the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    I wanted to say that outfit slaps also, glad i found a homie to agree.

    Somehow it makes his face even more slappable though. Mannnn can you imagine how good it would feel to hit a stinger on that gob?

    lennivelkant ,

    If it’s real, I’m confident he had some competent assistant hire a competent crew for that photo-op. I’m guessing a competent PR consultant suggested a good photo-op in the first place, hit the right buttons to appeal to his wannabe cool image.

    If it’s fake, some competent developer created a good tool, fed with competently selected data to create a rather convincing image.

    What I’m trying to say is that there most certainly were several competent people involved in the making of this picture.

    Just not the subject.

    Skullgrid , avatar

    The cut off conspiracy theory image 🤣

    anachronist ,

    I love the idea that not only is he all-hat-no-cattle, he also faked the hat.

    casmael ,

    That’s because it’s an ai image by the looks of it

    Ragdoll_X , (edited ) avatar

    One of the community notes on the post said it was posted the day before by another account, and an AI image detector flagged it as AI with 90% confidence.

    Musk using an AI image to fantasize about being some badass cowboy is both pathetic and absolutely expected lol

    aido , avatar

    If he’d gone and bought a cowboy hat in the last few weeks, they would’ve at least attempted to sell him a summer hat (straw) instead of a winter hat (felt). Not definitive but strange.

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