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EatATaco , to mildlyinfuriating in Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk

I feel like this joke would have landed better 5, or maybe even 3 years ago. Every even remotely fancy restaurant I go into has jumped on the mocktail bandwagon and offers plenty of options for people avoiding alcohol.

criticon ,

Of course they do. They sell them equally expensive without the expensive ingredients!

RGB3x3 ,

Basically water and a little juice, and they charge $8.

can ,

Really? They’re kind a third of the price here.

dustyData ,

Not everyone does it. Shady places charge equal price for virgin cocktails.

roguetrick ,

Price of drinks have very little relation to the price of alcohol.

Edit: in the US. Other places might have more esoteric booze tax schemes.

Floey ,

You are paying for way more than the sum of the parts when you order a cocktail, I’m not really sure why you’d suddenly be concerned about doing so when it comes to a mocktail.

Lenggo ,

I was just in Dublin and saw Guinness 0.0 in a bunch of places. Things are definitely shifting if that can exist in Ireland.

PostingInPublic ,

That’s great news! Occasionally I browse the NA beers and last week I thought how great it would be to be able to drink a Guinness! Maybe it arrives here sometime.

sanguinepar , avatar

I’ve not had it, but someone (who also likes regular Guinness) told me that Guinness zero was genuinely great. Need to check it out sometime.

timbuck2themoon ,

It really is. Like a lot of non alcoholic is crap (maybe if you’re a rare drinker it’s passable and unnoticeable). But Guinness 0.0 tastes very close to real Guinness. I’m not sure i could tell the difference in a blind test honestly.

TonyTonyChopper , avatar

they do sell them in the US

Cethin ,

Even then, it’s not really accurate anyway. A cocktail is a bunch of ingredients mixes together. You can usually get them without the alcohol if you ask for it (obviously this doesn’t work for every drink). They list of cocktails is so large because there’s a lot of ways to combine a few ingredients to make different things. They don’t actually stock that many types of drinks or anything. They’re made on demends, and can usually be modified if you ask.

ElderWendigo ,

If you can remove the alcohol from any “cocktail” and still have more than just flavored ice or a dirty glass, you were drinking slightly alcoholic mocktails the whole time.

Old Fashioned mocktail is a cherry on top of a large ice cube that you’ve used to bludgeon some sugar and an orange.

A Sazerac mocktail is akin to an empty glass someone just drink a sweet lemony drink from. You don’t get the lemony drink, just the dirty glass.

A margarita mocktail is salty lime flavored ice. This is basically a daquiri mocktail too, adding a strawberry seems popular.

A Manhattan mocktail is a sweetened cherry in an otherwise empty glass.

A mojito mocktail is a bit more substantial, minty sugar water with a hint of lime.

A mint julep mocktail, again just minty sugar water.

A white Russian mocktail is just a glass of cream over ice.

A mimosa mocktail is just a nearly empty glass of orange juice.

The non-alcoholic parts of a cocktail are rarely more than a quarter of the volume if they’re made properly. Most cocktails are a half oz of sugar water and a citrus flavor. The other 2/3 of the volume (not counting the ice) is alcohol. Just order a soda, soda water (with or without a garnish), tea, or my favorite a Topo Chico and lime.

WoahWoah ,

One virgin martini please. Stirred.

handed cool glass with three olives in it

Thank you, kind sir!

roguetrick ,

Hey man, over half of that vodka is water anyway, so it’s all just a glass of water with some bitters.

WoahWoah , (edited )

First of all, a vodka martini isn’t a classic martini. That’s why you have to say “vodka” before martini if that’s what you’re ordering. A martini is made at any reputable establishment with gin. I’m sure you could say “rum martini” and any established bartender would raise an eyebrow but make your order.

That said, I order my martini the same way every time: pure Everclear stirred with a single ice cube. Wave a bottle of vermouth over the glass while looking in the direction of France.

One olive or three, never even numbers. I’m not a savage.

Then after I’ve vomited on the bar, they wheel me home on a dolly.

Edit: my actual standard order is Beefeater, extra dry, one olive. Keep it simple and classic.

HopFlop ,

Cocktails without alcohol cost way too much for what they are. That would be like paying 15 bucks for a burger without meat.

Restaurants sometimes also have like dozens of types of beer, wine, etc. but the best non-alcoholic they can do is a water or a coca cola softdrink?

CanadaPlus , (edited )

At least in North America. I get the sense Europe still thinks drinking is cool across the board.

beardown ,

Alcohol has been an essential facilitating element of human socialization in every human civilization since Mesopotamia

Which is cool

CanadaPlus ,

Human sacrifice was also pretty popular for a pretty long time, as was autocracy. Alcohol isn’t that bad, obviously, if bad at all, but age isn’t a good argument on it’s own.

Also; factually inaccurate. I’m not sure how much evidence of alcohol there is in the New World civilisations, and Islam, which forbids it, has been around for a millennia and a half.

beardown ,

You can’t ban something unless it exists and is a part of your society. Alcohol existed prior to Islam in Arabia and still exists there today. Legal Prohibitions do not cause a substance to disappear.

Alcohol is just fermented grain. Everyone had grain. Therefore everyone had alcohol. Including the Americas

So yes, there is evidence of alcohol consumption in the New World prior to European contact. Indigenous peoples in various parts of the Americas developed fermented beverages from local ingredients long before Europeans arrived.

  1. North America: Various tribes produced alcoholic drinks from berries, maize, and other native plants. For example, the Apache made tiswin from corn, and the Chicha was popular among many tribes in North America.
  2. Central America: The Aztecs brewed pulque from the sap of the agave plant. This drink was not only consumed for enjoyment but also held religious significance.
  3. South America: Chicha, a beer made from maize, was widely consumed across the Andean region. This beverage was integral to social and ceremonial functions.

These indigenous beverages varied widely in production, ingredients, and cultural significance but demonstrate that alcohol consumption was indeed present in the New World prior to European contact.

OozingPositron , avatar

Chicha can be made from any fruit with glucose in it, it’s basically another word for alcohol.

CanadaPlus ,

Fair enough. It looks like pulque, at least, was recorded as not being used recreationally, which is probably what I was remembering, but even that I doubt, just based on human nature.

It’s still highly unlikely Alpharabius ever discussed political philosophy over a beer. There might have been local Jews that could supply it, but the cultural taboo would have long since been totally integrated. It wasn’t ye olde prohibition or something. And it’s still not supported that drinking is objectively, universally desirable in some aesthetic sense, which is kind of what “it is cool” suggests in the original context.

OozingPositron , avatar

I was wrong, I dint notice that the other commenter said “every human civilization” we can’t know this as we don’t know every human civilization.

InternetPerson ,

Alcohol isn’t that bad, obviously, if bad at all,

Depends on what you understand by “bad”. Regarding health, it certainly is.

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

CanadaPlus , (edited )

Yep. It also causes a lot of social disorder and addiction. The argument for it is that people like it.

If it wasn’t clear from context, I meant socially or ethically.

InternetPerson ,

Socially or ethically, I think I know what you mean.

I am being pedantic now and say that it can even be bad socially and ethically as a consequence of that or as a consequence of health concerns.

InternetPerson ,

Which is cool

I disagree for health and a bunch of other reasons.

beardown ,

There’s a loneliness epidemic and low alcohol consumption rates are a contributor to that

Getting drunk and then talking to a bunch of people you don’t know is how people meet people. That’s an essential and long running aspect of human socialization.

If you regularly talk to new people and make friends in other ways then that’s fine. But clearly the majority of Lemmy/Reddit users aren’t doing that. And young people in general aren’t doing it either. Meeting strangers irl and chatting them up is how you make friends and alcohol facilitates that

InternetPerson ,

There’s a loneliness epidemic and low alcohol consumption rates are a contributor to that

Are they? Sincere question, haven’t read a report or something like that on that topic.

Regarding the remaining part, I understand how you see that. Seems logical. However, I would claim that this is more of a problem in societies mindset itself and less one tied to alcohol consumption. If people are raised in a way that they learn how alcohol is necessary, and don’t learn other ways, if it’s even incorporated in the particular culture of a society, then it’s not surprising that those people have a hard time finding new friends.
There are plenty of counter examples, e.g., look at other cultures where alcohol is even forbidden or at least its consumption clearly discouraged. Even in western cultures there are plenty of people who found and prefer other ways. But sure, may of course not be the majority yet.

Regarding a loneliless epidemic, I guess there is also a lot more to it than alcohol consumption alone. For example I have picked up on smartphone usage / social media consumption as related on that. (Which is a very superficial statement now, I haven’t read up on that.)

beardown ,

I really don’t understand this site’s/reddit’s fear of alcohol. Moderate drinking is not a problem. And it does assist with socializing, which seems like it would be beneficial for most people on here.

The idea that people here are afraid of/resistant to drinking, yet will use cannabis and other materials seems very strange. Just go to the bar and meet some people - it’s fun and it won’t hurt you. Alcoholism is obviously an issue, but alcoholism isn’t caused by moderate drinking. Just don’t be an idiot and you don’t have anything to worry about

InternetPerson ,

Moderate drinking is not a problem.

From a health perspective, it certainly is.
No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.

And it does assist with socializing

Which is a cultural thing. If people grow up seeing how alcohol is a social catalysator, they don’t learn that it’s perfectly possible to socialize without alcohol.

which seems like it would be beneficial for most people on here.

Idk, if that comes from a well-meant place, but it sounds kinda condescending.

The idea that people here are afraid of/resistant to drinking, yet will use cannabis and other materials seems very strange.

There are not just two kinds of people. From my experience those, who use cannabis or other drugs, are inclined towards alcohol use as well.

Telorand , to programmerhumor in Python is great, but stuff like this just drives me up the wall

bool_ via Numpy is its own object, and it’s fundamentally different from bool in Python (which is itself a subclass of int, whereas bool_ is not).

They function similarly, but they’re similar in the same way a fork and a spork can both be used to eat spaghetti.

Donkter ,

And do you eat that spaghetti out of a bool?

holgersson ,

No i write some spaghetti with a lot of bools

KISSmyOSFeddit , to linuxmemes in Is there anyone here who uses BSD on their desktop?

I tried it recently, but eventually gave up. It had so many little and not-so-little issues on my laptop, which I solved one by one over 2 weeks, reading and learning a lot. Even recompiled the kernel with a custom patch to get energy management to work.

Then I did a speed test on Wi-Fi, and it capped out at 6MBit (I have a Gigabit connection). The solution apparently is to install a Wi-Fi network adapter inside a Linux VM and connect to that on boot.
That’s when I went back to Debian where everything just works out of the box on my PC.

BaroqueInMind ,

Yeah, I’ve had the same issues with BSD distros over the decades, always giving those devs the benefit of the doubt that they would get around to fixing various driver bullshit for older hardware eventually, and they never do.

Meanwhile a bleeding edge distro like my Arch setup runs on a piece of shit Celeron two-threaded dual-core with 3Gb RAM old as fuck Chromebook just fine.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

To be fair, 99% of BSD’s probably run in a VM.

some_guy ,

Oh, that’s an interesting point. I don’t know how accurate it is, but it’s something I definitely hadn’t considered.

TheGingerNut , avatar

If most BSDs are running on the likes of AWS and azure (which wouldn’t surprise me) then it could well be true

Steve ,

I cant figure out why windows is still popular!

KISSmyOSFeddit , (edited )

BSD isn’t really a competitor to Windows, try installing Windows 11 on your router and report back.

kautau ,

Windows CE skeletal hand shoots out of the ground in a cemetery somewhere

Steve ,

Instructions unclear, router stuck in pooper.

kautau ,

That reminds me of the oldschool Realtek WiFi cards which required you to run drivers through WINE just to have WiFi on Linux. It really is excellent to see how far it’s come. I have a cheap Chinese laptop with a celeron chip (jasper lake) that I use as essentially a thin client. Installing windows fresh: trackpad doesn’t work, audio doesn’t work, WiFi 6 card driver is a generic MS one that caps at 5mb a sec until I install the right Realtek drivers, graphics aren’t accelerated until I install intel’s drivers. Installing Linux: everything works out of the box, just need to install the right graphics drivers for accelerated graphics to work. Only sad spot is the fingerprint reader is just flat out not supported in Linux. Lol if I tried hard I guess I could hook up WINE to run it like the old days

NateNate60 , to lemmyshitpost in Cum

My mother would always just say “Fine then, don’t eat”, and then I’d get hungry later and she’d say that’s just too bad

Kolanaki , avatar

“If you don’t eat you’ll regret it!”

“Slippery slope.”

Baizey ,

Because of the implications?

RandomVideos ,

For me it was “Fine then, dont eat” and i wouldnt eat anything

Sterile_Technique , to games in Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2 avatar

Getting abusive parent vibes from the language of Sony’s post.

madcaesar ,

Corporate PR speak always sounds cringe and I despise it. Just be humans you fucking pricks.

Kedly ,

Tbf, I’ve seen what happens to indies when they’re just humans in how they talk to their customers/fans. HR speak exists for a reason unfortunately

rockerface ,

Nah, I’d rather they keep speaking like this. Makes it really obvious from the get go who I’m dealing with. If they speak normally, they might blend in

Croquette ,

Always is. They went too far. They scale back and try again when the dust has settled.

Oldest trick in the books

Fandangalo ,

Starting off with “we’ve heard your feedback” is something I’ve never heard from an abusive parent?

deegeese ,

“I understand you’re upset but…”

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Naw it’s more like “we did something we knew would make you incredibly uncomfortable; but now that you’re screaming we’re worried about the neighbors hearing it and we don’t want the cops called on us, so we’ll back off until a more opportune time.”

lemmytellyousomething , to funny in The US has so much space

Just take the train…

Oh, sorry, my European mind did not realize that that option doesn’t exist over there…

sugar_in_your_tea ,

We have trains, they’ll just take 2-3x as long.

And I’m not really exaggerating, to get from SLC to Denver would take 15 hours (and departs at 3:30AM; no other options), vs ~8 hours in a car. Oh, if you want a sleeper car with a bunkbed, that’ll be 2x the cost of a hotel room.

So yeah, it’s an option, just a really crappy one.

trolololol ,

You just check mated yourself, mate

Sprawlie ,

Took the train from Toronto to NYC in 01. No thanks. Never again. Will drive if I can.

books ,

Even if it was Europe it would be a train from nowhere to nowhere.

pseudo , avatar


GrymEdm , to lemmyshitpost in I'm DTF

Yeah, good luck with that.

Seriously, hope it works out for you. Live the dream.

stevedidwhat_infosec , (edited ) to aboringdystopia in If they're people, why aren't they in prison?

Are any of these stats actual stats or part of a study or anything other than a watermarked, compressed meme format that someone can cite? Almost election time and getting stats and facts straight rn is pretty important

GladiusB , avatar

I mean we should want actual facts even when it’s not an election

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

I don’t think anyone on the planet disagrees with this, were you under a different impression?

GladiusB , avatar

Your last sentence seems to add that during elections it is more important to be factual. I think my point is we should be holding those news networks that cannot do that even without elections accountable and not consuming their product.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

I’m fairly confident in saying all people want truth all the time.

I wasn’t addressing that at all - I’m saying it’s even more important to be double checking and fact checking during election season because that’s when we’ve seen foreign adversaries try and push fake news and other bs to muddy waters, fool and bend some populace, trick and misinform others as a sort of “backdoor” for future wins, etc.

Not because truth is more valuable during election season, but because lies are more common.

TimewornTraveler ,

It’s not about when to want things, it’s about when to look out for things. Yes, you should always be aware of tornadoes, but you should pay extra attention during tornado season.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Dude you said this better than I did lol

Appreciate your comment/clarification!

PunnyName ,

Phenomenal analogy!

To expand on tornados specifically, re: watch vs warning

  • Watch: we have the ingredients for tacos
  • Warning: tacos are imminent!
kamenlady , avatar

How did tacos get in this thing? Now I’m hungry

PunnyName ,

Me too! God dammit!

nexas_XIII ,
KidnappedByKitties ,

Good to ask for sources during peak election interference season!

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Good question. I wondered the same thing: could I see a shareable source that one might take more seriously than a meme?

Here’s some things I found on DDG:

US DOL stats on wage theft

Then I found a couple more sources, one of which has OP’s image, and both point to the same article from an organization called the EPI which I’ve never heard of. It seems to be some big NGO that’s been around since the 80s but really vetting the credibility of this source is a bit beyond my attention span right now.

The EPI seems to have credible sources in that article and seems to cite them appropriately. The larceny et al. crime stats seem to come from an FBI data set from 2012. The EPI article itself is from 2014, so that eases one potential concern of cherry picking old data compared to current inflation numbers. But it’s also worth noting that ten year-old data isn’t great. That said, is it hard to believe that not much has changed in ten years? The figures seem reasonably trustworthy given this brief (BRIEF) assessment.

Great question, keep on askin’.

Zacryon ,

Thanks for looking and providing a bit of insight!

Asafum ,

Thanks for the info!

I honestly wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised to find that it’s worse now. :/

Pandantic , (edited ) avatar
Zacryon ,

Thank you for the links!

Fal , avatar

Also I wonder if this is a fair comparison. Shouldn’t wage theft be compared to all other civil penalties imposed on people, not just criminal theft?

stevedidwhat_infosec ,


You beat me to the point! >:(

There’s no way that the stats here are legit stats because they’d account for the most glaring issue: you’re comparing groups of people that follow the laws of economics and individuals who commit a crime.

It’s like comparing an apple to the root system of an orange tree

Like sure we can compare them, but what’s the fucking point when one is so much different…

Stealing “wages” also shouldn’t be treated the same as stealing everything out of someone’s pocket - are we talking a dollar per day? Are we talking about reports of robbery (common for insurance fraud so there’s noise in that data) or confirmed and sentenced theft? Etc etc

Dieinahole ,

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Stealing wages is theft. And a far more insidious kind of theft.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

I didn’t say that, I said we shouldn’t be treating them 1:1 - I want to know the truth of exactly how the “crime” happened so I can fairly assess and not be making judgments and decisions based off bad science/bad statistics…

But let’s jump to conclusions ig

my_hat_stinks ,

you’re comparing groups of people that follow the laws of economics and individuals who commit a crime.

Are you trying to suggest that wage theft isn’t a crime? I think your biggest mistake here is believing that stealing from an individual employee is somehow not as bad as other kinds of theft, you’re like a reverse Robin Hood.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Not at all! Obviously, everyone deserves to be paid a fair wage…

Why would I be asking for actual truth and science if I didn’t care about people getting paid fairly? That wouldn’t make sense

I was just saying that wage theft and actual physical thefts are different and have some specific concerns that I’d want to see weighed in the stats as an example

GoodEye8 ,

The point you’re missing is we’re not talking about some Marxian extraction of surplus value that for all intents and purposes is legal wage theft. We’re talking about actual illegal wage theft where employers are not paying out the money they’re legally obligated to pay out. For example paying below minimum wage or not paying for overtime work etc. That is functionally no different to someone robbing you on the street. In both cases something of value, that you legally own (or in case of wage theft are obligated to receive), is taken from you.

The employers are not following some laws of economics, they’re just straight up committing a crime.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

The point you’re missing is that you have completely misunderstood me.

I wasn’t saying that wage theft isn’t a criminal act.

I was asking for legitimate source/vetting to remove noise and any other dangerous mis-judgments that happen commonly from amateur stats work. It’s very easy to make an incorrect statement based off of bad or poorly portrayed stats. Was not at all saying that they aren’t a crime, just that all the facts need to be on the table about the data so we can make true and informed judgments from it.

Hoping this clears things up, I’m not sure how much clearer I can get haha

Edit: removed a small chunk - thought you were the person I was talking to originally.

GoodEye8 ,

I’ve misunderstood you? Well what did you actually say?

you’re comparing groups of people that follow the laws of economics and individuals who commit a crime.

One group follows the laws of economics (as in not a crime) and the other group commits crimes? Or did you mean this part

I was just saying that wage theft and actual physical thefts are different

Which you haven’t explained how they’re different, except for the part where you’re saying one isn’t a crime and the other is.

Was not at all saying that they aren’t a crime, just that all the facts need to be on the table about the data so we can make true and informed judgments from it.

But the facts were on the table? This guy gave the numbers before the comment you replied to even existed and then there was also this guy who found the source on reddit, also before your comment. Now you could argue federation delay and you didn’t see them the first time, but if you really cared about finding the data you could’ve found the data. But I don’t think you really care that much the data because you also started your first comment with:

There’s no way that the stats here are legit stats…

Seems to me like you made up your mind before you even questioned whether they’re factual or not.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

I haven’t gotten the time to look through the number yet, it’s on my list. Responding to these is pretty quick. But you’ve made up your mind about me already I guess…

I was implying in the example listed that we should be fully aware of the differences of the two items portrayed, which a good solid source usually does and was my justification for having asked for one first. Hope this clears things up.

my_hat_stinks ,

I literally quoted the part where you said that wage theft was “groups of people that follow the laws of economics” and other types of theft being compared was “individuals who commit a crime”. The only reasonable interpretation is that you believe wage theft isn’t a crime; you are, at best, downplaying wage theft as an issue. If there’s a misunderstanding it stems entirely from you saying exactly the thing you’re being accused of saying.

You also said, and once again I’ll quote you directly:

Stealing “wages” also shouldn’t be treated the same as stealing everything out of someone’s pocket - are we talking a dollar per day?

But why not? In what way is someone stealing $100 from your wallet worse than your employer stealing $100 from your paycheck? I’d argue wage theft is in fact worse; that’s someone with power stealing from those they have power over. That is not a good thing.

I’d also like to point out that so far nobody has criticised you for asking for sources, that’s just deflection. You’re being criticised for the views you personally expressed in this thread.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Because theft is a one time occurrence and offense.

Wage theft is repeated.

Thefts here could also be including report-only theft where insurance fraud frequently happens and is a source of noise

Which i specifically said and you (conveniently) left out here in favor of the opinion you’ve already made up about me.

I think we can probably end this convo now.

my_hat_stinks ,

So your argument is that stealing $10 ten times can’t be compared to stealing $100 once? That’s obviously nonsense.

You’ve still not addressed the fact you said wage theft is “groups [following] the laws of economics” but other theft is “individuals who commit a crime”. This is what you were being criticised for. Just so we’re absolutely clear: you separated theft into two distinct categories, one “following the laws of economics” (ie wage theft) and another “individuals who commit a crime” (ie other theft). This would mean wage theft is not committing a crime. You even literally put “crime” in scare quotes when referring to wage theft. This is what you are being criticised for. Nothing else. Not anything that you later brought up and nobody else commented on. Just that one view that you said, by yourself, unrelated to the data presented or the source of that data.

You downplayed wage theft as a crime.

Nobody’s talking about you asking for sources or commenting on specific aspects of the data because it’s not what people are pissed about. This is like if you draw a cock and balls on the Mona Lisa but when people yell at you you just refuse to acknowledge it and keep talking about your time in art school. Nobody cares about art school, it’s all about the cock and balls.

stevedidwhat_infosec ,
  1. Not at all what I was saying, once again. I’m saying that, that fact needs to be explicitly stated, just like you did. But it isn’t here. That’s one problem.
  2. Wage theft isn’t cut and dry and it isn’t specific at all. Here’s a definition: Wage theft occurs when employers do not pay workers according to the law. Examples of wage theft include paying less than minimum wage, not paying workers overtime, not allowing workers to take meal and rest breaks, requiring off the clock work, or taking workers’ tips.

Of the data related to wage theft and theft, I wanted a break down of what those very large definitions meant specifically here, so that we can be sure to account for everything on the table, and not round over stats into higher-level, more generalized categories.

There’s more trucks than cars on the road because businesses employee people for most of the day, most people have jobs, and there’s a high enough amount of jobs requiring driving trucks on the roads.

^ this is the logic train I’d like to follow for these stats. Not just “this wide category had wide results”

Which I will do when I have time to actually sit down and look at the stats/source.

melpomenesclevage ,

I wish desperately that were true.

dharmacurious , to lemmyshitpost in Rizzler

Honestly? Someone telling me this would do absolute wonders for my self esteem, ngl

stebo02 , avatar

isn’t that hellah weird to think about though

dharmacurious ,

I mean, kinda, yeah. But people masturbate. They’re not hurting anyone doing it. The idea that anyone had masturbated thinking of me would be a self esteem booster. That said, that’s a pipe dream. Ain’t nobody ever got off to all of this outside of an actual sexual encounter. Lmao

Cosmos7349 ,


MechanicalJester ,

Brb crying

Sylver ,

I’ll think of you next time I masturbate <3

MechanicalJester ,

People thinking of other people when they masturbate gets me off unnnnnnh

dharmacurious ,

Thank you!

mossy_ ,

I had someone say they wanted me (as part of a conversation about preferences, not totally off topic) and it was honestly really flattering. I told em I was ace and we moved on. It was like seven years ago but I’ll cherish that memory forever…

orphiebaby ,

My housemate-and-best-friend wants me a lot. I’m ace and aro. We have an understanding.

EmperorHenry , avatar

I mean, there have been times where I was recovering from a bad breakup, and a gay dude flirted with me a little…not the same gay dude every time.

It was flattering, even though I’m not into guys.

Gabu ,

TBH, and not with the intention of hurting your self-esteem, girl-pretty and gay-pretty seem to be quite different, in my experience.

EmperorHenry , avatar

I’m just glad that there’s people out there that find me attractive.

tias ,

Yes, gay-pretty is more soft and “feminine”.

Source: I’m gay-pretty

PMFL , avatar

Omg, what a true answer, it happened to me too. And more than once, if I were gay I wouldn’t even have to worry, I’ve always been very liked by gays, I don’t know why, but it’s true.

TheFriar ,

Probably your beautiful cock, friend

squid_slime ,

Ive heard about this, apparently its a glorious cock

squid_slime ,

it was difficult but i managed it :)

BreadOven ,

Just need a pic I guess. Haha /s.

meliaesc ,


BreadOven ,


henfredemars , (edited ) to memes in Resist the Bullies Occupying Your Communities

What does PlayStation 4 have to do with this? Am I getting old?

Is this BoneAppleTea?

fireweed , (edited )

I assume it’s shorthand for “pays for”

My understanding is most shorthand/euphemisms nowadays seem to originate from tiktok’s strict and sometimes inscrutable censorship rules. Maybe this is one of them?

Edit: apparently this was a case of text-to-speech gone away. I prefer my head cannon of tiktok trying to censor conversations about anyone who “pays for” an elicit service.

alphanerd4 OP ,

frfr its kind of staying in because it quadruples engagement. i like that tiktok headcannon

OneWomanCreamTeam ,

I figured it was just bad text to speech, and OP just didn’t go back to proofread.

subignition , avatar

The only reading that is making sense to me is shorthand for "pays for", but I've never seen that slang in the wild so I have no idea

DragonTypeWyvern , (edited )

Speech to text system is my guess. I don’t know if more people are using it or what but it never used to be this common.

Viking_Hippie , (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes

“In Africa, it doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, or bisexual. At the end of the day, it’s night”

– Osvaldo12, nemesis of Aliko Dangote (richest man in Africa)

SomeBoyo ,
Glitch ,

This is gold

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, Osvaldo12 is a goddamn internet hero 😆✊️

xmunk , to programmer_humor in "code-free" framework

Uh… calling .exe cross platform is a choice.

Static_Rocket , avatar

Cross platform! You know, accessible across all our platforms

CCF_100 ,

Universal Windows Platform apps: sweats nervously

julianh ,


Damage ,

Well, .exes run on at least two major operating systems!

Valmond ,

Windoze 10 and 11?

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

Provided you’ve managed to configure your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS in such a way that you have enough base memory available to run it.

xor , to lemmyshitpost in Lemmy world irl meet up footage 2024

finally, a real shit post

pete_the_cat ,

The other day I saw “Fuck” written in what looked to be shit on the side of a building, and I was tempted to post it.

0x4E4F , avatar

The person who wrote it probably confused cum with shit… an easy mistake.

OpenStars , avatar

This comment should win an award. So here!:-P

UNWILLING_PARTICIPANT , to workreform in A billionaire wrote this letter to Google a year ago. How likely is that Google's layoffs and actions since then are at least partly because of this?

The so-called “job creators,” everyone

MataVatnik , to lemmyshitpost in Fuck the balloon police avatar
platypus_plumba ,

What is this art style, it is so creepy. I love it.

MataVatnik , avatar

Looks like a collage?

Rozz ,


platypus_plumba ,

Oh wow. Did you know this or did you ask an AI?

Classy ,

Yes, it’s quite liminal isn’t it? Makes me think of old PS2 games.

malfisya ,
MataVatnik , avatar

I didn’t know there was a while genre here

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