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BlackWalnut , to pics in Winged Hussar armor in the National Museum in Krakow, Poland

I don’t know why, but my first reaction was…. Mandalorian?

sxan , to cat in Woke up to this. Guess I'm trapped forever. avatar

Sometimes being trapped is just fine. However, if it’s not, my spouse and I have an SOS agreement, where the other will go to the kitchen and rattle the treat jar. Cats get treats, it’s their decision to get up, and we can make our escape. Win/win.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

Our one remaining cat is deaf so we have to hold food/treats near his nose until the smell wakes him up.

sxan , avatar

I hope he has many years of happy life left.

One of our’s is mostly white and we’re pretty sure he has some deafness, too. But he can still hear the treat jar as long as we rattle it loudly enough.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

Murphy is around 20 years old at this point with chronic kidney disease and a balance problem that we have to give him a daily pill for for the rest of his life. He is definitely deaf because we’ve tried waking him up with loud noises. 😆

We thought the end was nearing because his appetite greatly decreased, but after trying different things we finally found a food he will scarf down that isn’t bad for his kidneys.

He seems back to his normal self again these days. Who knows how long he’ll live yet? We’ve heard some cats live past 30.

However many more days he has left with us, we intend to fill them with love, pets, and cuddles.

sxan , avatar

Good for you, and I’m rooting for Murphy.

montechristo , to science_memes in I've heard their greatest fear is creating something with a practical application.

This has always been my biggest gripe with the exposition of this game. While studying physics I did the bare minimum of lab work and then dove into my theoretical specialization.

motor_spirit , to pics in Winged Hussar armor in the National Museum in Krakow, Poland

pretty sure I’ve had my ass handed to me by this dude in dark souls or elden

iltoroargento , avatar

And mount and blade lol

rockerface ,

There’s an armour set with similar wing elements in Elder Scrolls Online, too

frigidaphelion ,

Some of the mausoleum knights in elden ring for sure have wing armor like this. Cant say about the helms though as they are headless

iheartneopets ,

It’s always so fascinating seeing new historical inspiration turn up for these games! It’s truly cracked.

MrJameGumb , to lemmyshitpost in The more you know avatar

This caricature of George Bush disagrees

TheFriar , to cat in Woke up at 3am to this.

It’s my dream to have one dog and one cat and have them be best friends—or even better, the three of us are best friends and we do everything together and we hang out at a coffee shop called the central perk and then open on coffe shop couch, afternoon, me cat and dog share a single cup of Joe, all three of us competing to lap it up out of the mug with our tongues and coffee is getting everywhere and studio audience [laughs] and then theme song starts playing and “I’ll be there for you”

CameronDev , to lemmyshitpost in The more you know

My parents car ran out of honk, but a honk transplant fixed it

Aurenkin ,

worried goose noises

moistclump ,

Don’t worry they only use a hunk of the deceased that previously consented to honk transplants.

disguy_ovahea , to lemmyshitpost in The more you know

You should never let your horn fluid go below a quarter tank. It can draw up the sediment at the bottom and damage the pump.

ricdeh , avatar

Horn fluid? What is this, the stone age?

ignotum ,

What do you use mr future person? Horn gas? Horn plasma?

Sparky , avatar

What steam punk yee ass people are you… It’s the electric age you bafoons /s

ulterno , avatar

What/s the 's for?
Of course we use the horn battery.

Sparky , avatar

I added it mainly to insure myself against people who get offended after not understanding a joke

ulterno , avatar

But it is the electric age!!

bstix ,

How much electricity do you even have?

Fisch , avatar

3, at least

ignotum ,

I understood the joke, but i choose to get offended regardless!

xlash123 , avatar

Similar story with blinker fluid

desktop_user ,

what about the wiper hydrolics?

superkret ,

My horn fluid spills out whenever my bottom gets pumped.

wreleven , to memes in Magic bush avatar

My old pup found a slice of pizza under a fence once. That was for forever pizza fence.

Kalkaline , to mildlyinfuriating in I hate people like this avatar

I was at a hardware store yesterday, locally owned. I didn’t look at the hours before I walked in but they started turning off lights within a few minutes of me walking in, so I walked out without buying anything and went to a big box store. I want to support the little guys, and I respect the time of the workers, but at some point I need to get the stuff I need and my hours at work to align exactly with the hours of the little guys. 🤷

_____ , to programmerhumor in Average GitHub PR

When the CI takes longer than 10 minutes

ByteOnBikes ,

Envious. It averages 15-30 mins

residentmarchant ,

Are you like building a mobile app or have 100k tests or is it just super slow?

ByteOnBikes ,

Still waiting on approval for more resources. It’s not a priority in the company.

I swear we have like 4 runners on a raspberry pi.

thebestaquaman ,

My test suite takes quite a bit of time, not because the code base is huge, but because it consists of a variety of mathematical models that should work under a range of conditions.

This makes it very quick to write a test that’s basically “check that every pair of models gives the same output for the same conditions” or “check that re-ordering the inputs in a certain way does not change the output”.

If you have 10 models, with three inputs that can be ordered 6 ways, you now suddenly have 60 tests that take maybe 2-3 sec each.

Scaling up: It becomes very easy to write automated testing for a lot of stuff, so even if each individual test is relatively quick, they suddenly take 10-15 min to run total.

The test suite now is ≈2000 unit/integration tests, and I have experienced uncovering an obscure bug because a single one of them failed.

spacecadet ,

I used to have to use a CI pipeline at work that had over 40 jobs and 8 stages for checking some sql syntax and formatting and also a custom python ETL library that utilized pandas and constantly got OOM errors.

They didn’t write any unit tests because “we can just do that in the CI pipeline” and if you didn’t constantly pull breaking changes into your branch you would guarantee the pipeline would fail, but if you were lucky you only had to restart 30% of your jobs.

It was the most awful thing and killed developer productivity to the point people were leaving the team because it sucks to spend 40% of your time waiting for CI scripts to fail while you are being yelled at to deliver faster.

AA5B , to mildlyinfuriating in I hate people like this

Sometimes it’s just pure obliviousness and you really need to speak up.

One of my embarrassing moments was shopping at a teacher store to supply my ex’s classroom. We were kind of enjoying the afternoon so taking our time, no big deal. Then the store people started coming over more frequently to ask if we needed help. No thank you. Eventually we make our way to the register and were shocked to discover the store closed half an hour ago. wtf, why didn’t someone kick us out, or at least stop being so damn polite and tell us they were closing since we clearly didn’t realize it? I’ll never forget the cringe of keeping people so late, and we were just enjoying leisurely shopping that could have finished long since

MutilationWave ,

I’ll never forget when my wife and I accidentally entered the 15 items or less line at the grocery with a full cart. Why didn’t they say no?

PotentialProblem ,

What’s it like being a monster?

MutilationWave ,

Like I said, I will never forget. When I realized I tried to take back our stuff but it was too late.

intensely_human ,

So you relish it in your memory. Awful.

MutilationWave ,

You got me! One time I berated a service worker into making me an off menu item! Yesterday I kicked a kitten for looking at me funny!

Archer ,

I bet you make the if it doesn’t scan it’s free joke every time

MutilationWave ,

As a former long time service industry wage slave I’ll have it known that you’ve crossed a line. Take it back.

corsicanguppy ,

It’s like it lives rent-free in the head and constantly pipes up saying just how monstrous that was. That’s rough punishment.

explodicle ,

Former cashier here: not paid enough to argue with the person who does that on purpose. Maybe they even have a semi-good reason, like “the party starts in 5 minutes”.

InternetUser2012 ,

I was at a grocery store where a guy went into the express 15 items checkout with a full cart (no excuses, it’s very clearly marked), he was unloading all his stuff while the person in front was finishing up and then when it was his turn the cashier dead faced stared at him, shut off the light and her register, and walked to the one next to it and started it up. It was amazing.

absGeekNZ , avatar

Long ago when I worked in supermarkets, our 12 item line was a hard limit; the scanner stopped working at 12. If you had more than that, it was your hard luck item 13 simply wouldn’t scan.

Many times this caused problems, mainly for the customer.

Customer: Hey it is only 2 more items.
Operator: But I can’t scan it, the scanner stops at 12.
Customer: But it is only two more items!!
Operator: I understand that, but the scanner won’t take them.
Customer: FINE, just start a new transaction!
Operator: If you will please go to the back of the line then.
Customer: WHAT, but I’m here now!!!
Supervisor: What seems to be the problem here?
Operator: More than 12 items.
Supervisor: I understand, if you could please go to the back of the line to get the extra two items, we will be happy to help you.
Supervisor: If you want, them in one transaction we can cancel this one and move you to a full sized checkout.
Supervisor: If you are going to be abusive to me or my staff, I’ll have to ask you to leave.

Word of that type of thing gets around, for the number of people through the supermarket, the total number of incidents was very low. But they happened at least once a week.

Malfeasant ,

It’s nice when you have a boss that has your back. I worked at RadioShack back in the day, and the manager of the store I stayed at the longest was like that. Of course we didn’t have the whole x items or less, but we were in a busy college area, only on-street parking, so we’d get people running in and wanting to be served immediately regardless of how busy we were because they were double parked. The boss empowered us to tell them to fuck off, politely of course. “Come back when you have more time, we’ll be happy to help”. Also, we were next to a parking lot, it wasn’t ours, though we did have a couple of spots that were clearly marked employee parking only. Few things gave the boss more pleasure than calling a tow truck… Literally rubbing his hands with glee on multiple occasions.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

As someone who works retail, I’m pretty shameless when it comes to kicking people out. I do it politely and with a smile but I have no problem telling customers we’re about to close or are closed.

intensely_human ,

Shameless makes sense. Rules aren’t shameful they’re just rules.

CoggyMcFee ,

If they are non-assholes then they should be glad you made them aware

lemmyseikai , (edited )

I worked retail at a store that had a rule that we DO NOT rush customers out if they come in before we lock the doors. We were NOT allowed to mention we were closed and we were NOT allowed to roll out merchandise to the aisles.

Corportate was confused on how our store had so much overtime when customers would regularly walk in a minute before close, stay an hour and buy nothing.

intensely_human ,

At my last job I wasn’t allowed to mention that my shift was over to a customer.

Clam_Man ,

If you’re no longer on the clock then why are they telling you what you can and can’t do? Just tell the customers your shift is over.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

This is what I liked about working for McDonald’s. Oh it’s 12:01 and you rolled into the drive thru? Nah fuck off we’re closed.

FuglyDuck , avatar

As a customer, I only wished you’d have a screen or something other than the menu.

Or maybe hours posted at the box.

The McDonald’s by me likes to change hours- I’m. It there frequently enough to know how often but they still have the “open 24” signage as you pull in; so it’s more or less impossible to know if they’re just busy or actually closed.

prettybunnys ,

Worked at a staples store in the early 2000s and we’d make an announcement that the store was closing 30 minutes before, 15 minutes before and then another when we closed.

Nobody was rushed out by employees but we still let them know.

JustARegularNerd ,

On the occasion I’ve rushed into an Aldi 30 minutes before closing, they have that too

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I worked at fuddruckers in high school, and the owner would jump over the counter and haul ass across the restaurant to lock the door in people’s faces. It was amazing.

Surprisingly, the restaurant didn’t last long.

theangryseal ,

At my store (which I worked at for 23 years and miss dearly), I would always let my regulars come in after closing if I could still serve them. If they had cash, I’d ring it up the next day.

That was one of 7 stores I worked in over the years (same company).

The other 6, hell no. Once they realized that I’d open the door after closing those bastards were coming up to an hour after I locked the doors. Same jerks every time yelling and cussing at me, “Well yer still here yuh faygit I don’t see why you won’t let me git a beer!”. Sometimes I’d stay late and hide in the office to watch a little tv before going home. It was always the same jackasses beating on the door at 1 AM putting their hands and faces up to the glass with stupid looks on their faces. I stopped letting them in after it became a problem for me and no matter how many times I said no, they’d walk their drunk asses to that store to try me.

It is amazing how much culture can change over 40 miles of road. I mean it, it’s crazy. Even the meth heads were polite and reasonable when they were in the middle of a 3 week, no sleep, hallucination fueled nightmare. “Ah, man. I’m so sorry that I bothered you. There’s people following me across the road so I’m just gonna borrow a little of your light here until someone I know comes to get me. I hope you have a good night.”

In that one store every local was always polite. I had two memorable assholes there over 23 years. At the others I had so many I couldn’t tell you.

NikkiDimes ,

My boyfriend and I did this by accident in one of the big ass multi floor arcades in Akihabara. By default, service in Japan is so polite, and people are often very indirect, so the employees kept giving us subtle cues to leave that we were both oblivious to. Eventually, we caught on and were like, “Oh shit,” so we headed to the exit. Most of the employees had gathered to wave off customers as they left, but they all looked pretty pissed. We were the last two customers in the building, and they closed the doors behind us.

I still feel so horrible. It doesn’t help being foreigners and falling right into bad stereotypes 😭

ArmoredThirteen ,

My favorite tactic used by several of the coffee shops near me is they start slowly turning the music louder. People naturally start leaving once it’s too loud to think or talk. Place I used to work at we’d turn off half the lights and everyone would just show up at the register no confrontation needed. People were fine with it a vast majority of the time but occasionally there would be someone who asked us to turn the lights back on so they could keep shopping

x00za ,

So you first told them you’re closing right? Or just plain up acted like they meant absolute nothing?

AA5B ,

I like the one with turning off half the lights. That seems like an effective signal while not being confrontational.

violetring ,

The thing is, you don’t know if the customer is just an asshole or oblivious. So, I could confront you and risk being yelled at (which I really don’t want to deal with at the end of a shift), then stand around waiting for a half hour, OR I could skip the yelling and just stand around waiting for a half hour.

I work at a restaurant inside a park. We open an hour after the park opens, and one of the store entrances is attached to the park welcome building. The doors for that entrance do not securely lock, and can be opened, with a bit of struggle, while locked. You know it’s going to be an interesting day when you have to kick people out BEFORE we open. We don’t turn the lights on until open, but every couple weeks people still manage to get in and expect to be seated.

You can hear them struggle with the door from across the room. They walk into a dark restaurant. You say “I’m sorry we don’t open for another 15 minutes”. Most of the time their response is not to apologize and leave. I’ve heard the open ended statements “Well we’re here now”, or “your doors were unlocked”, or even the more presumptuous “can we eat in the trolley?”. They are still made to wait outside and are inevitably mad about it.

I will choose to avoid confrontation anytime I can, as most of the time I don’t have a choice.

Malfeasant ,

I never worked food service, but I did my time in retail… That “Well we’re here now” just gave me a PTSD-like flashback…

UmeU , to foodporn in Pizza time

Pepperoni, olives and pepperoncinis are my go-to pizza toppings, absolutely delicious. This pizza however looks kind of old.

MonkderVierte , to cat in Woke up to this. Guess I'm trapped forever.

There was a warm hooman lying around, what are you surprised?

Smoogs , to cat in Fatten the beast

I like just ‘feed’ the beast.

Fatten sounds like it’s chonking. And that is animal abuse

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