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Fades , to mildlyinfuriating in I hate people like this


Trabic , to cat in Ginger Kitty Appreciation Day
KillingTimeItself , to lemmyshitpost in Those poor plants

hey vegans, cool fact, plant based diets are vastly more efficient and effective at feeding people than meat based diets.

Meat consumes plants to exist, most of that energy is lost. Not so much with plants.

Just start telling people this shit lmao. Who cares about morality when you can pretend to be saving the environment instead.

commie ,

but much of the plant matter that animals eat is grazed or waste from some other agricultural product.

KillingTimeItself ,

that can be true, but we also grow a substantial amount of feed for agriculture usage, even if it’s not local to us. A lot of alf alfa being grown is exported.

It’s all dependent on whatevers cheapest at the end of the day. And regardless of this fact, a lot of energy is still lost in this process, cows are a significant contributor to climate change, ironically.

commie ,

all of agriculture is only about 20% of our GHG emissions. cows are a fraction of that… there are definitely bigger issues.

as for the alfalfa, it’s also a small fraction of global crops. 2/3 of all crop calories go to humans with only 1/3 going to livestock… this includes about 70% of the weight of the global soy crop (after we have pressed it for oil), as well as fodder like corn stalks. we basically fed livestock trash and get food. it’s a pretty good deal.

KillingTimeItself ,

all of agriculture is only about 20% of our GHG emissions. cows are a fraction of that… there are definitely bigger issues.

obviously, but in terms of livestock, cows are pretty significant.

30% of all global stock going to feed is a pretty large percentage of global crop production.

commie ,

I think it’s probably fine. it will work itself out when the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.

aniki ,

We don’t base policy on some chuds thoughts

commie ,

I’m quoting the iww constitution, so I don’t know what chud you’re talking about

KillingTimeItself ,

i think it’s a lot more likely to work out better in a highly decentralized system, i’m not much of a commie myself personally, as i prefer to live outside the bounds of normalcy, and unless i get a lot of say in the commie meetings i’m not sure i can justify existing in that society lol.

commie ,

the iww encourages your autonomy

KillingTimeItself ,

bro this shit came from chicago and they call themselves the “wobblies?” Who the fuck created this a british person?

Shitposting aside, we do love a good humanitarian group posting from time to time

LengAwaits , (edited )

There was a good discussion of this on Reddit recently. Sorry to link to Reddit, but it’s a good, topical post worth perusal.…/how_much_good_land_is_used_to_grow_f…


We recommend four widely applicable high-impact (i.e. low emissions) actions with the potential to contribute to systemic change and substantially reduce annual personal emissions: having one fewer child (an average for developed countries of 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent (tCO2e) emission reductions per year), living car-free (2.4 tCO2e saved per year), avoiding airplane travel (1.6 tCO2e saved per roundtrip transatlantic flight) and eating a plant-based diet (0.8 tCO2e saved per year). These actions have much greater potential to reduce emissions than commonly promoted strategies like comprehensive recycling (four times less effective than a plant-based diet) or changing household lightbulbs (eight times less).


KillingTimeItself ,

yeah that pretty much checks out. The best solution to climate change is to kill shit like private jets and yachts. But that’s unlikely to happen.

RecluseRamble , (edited )

The best solution to climate change is to kill shit like private jets and yachts.

I severely doubt those emissions are anything but negligible because there are so few yachts and jets.

Edit: Yeah, just downvoting is cheap, so here’s just a single statistic for you:

Total aviation is responsible for about 2.5% of worldwide carbon emissions. That’s all air travel, private jets included. While it’s obviously very popular to focus on the luxuries of the rich, it just won’t be effective to focus on those when fighting climate change, let alone being a solution as you claimed.

BallsandBayonets ,

What’s an easier solution, in your opinion? Getting the ultra wealthy to give up their yachts and jets (by getting rid of the ultra wealthy entirely, which also addresses the evils of capitalism), or convincing hundreds of millions of people to change just about everything about the diet they’ve been eating for tens of thousands of years?

RecluseRamble ,

That’s actually a good question. Considering the political power the ultra-rich wield, I’m not sure. But I think we should focus what brings the most bang for the buck.

KillingTimeItself ,

wait until you find out about all of the infrastructure and build costs for these things.

realistically we should do everything, but transit is one of the significant providers of emissions, along with power production and agriculture.

Cypher ,

TBF land clearance for grazing land is a catastrophic issue for the environment and going on in places like the Amazon rainforest.

Some ecosystems are naturally evolved to supporting grazing species like the grasslands of North America which was once home to millions of Buffallo but that’s not true of most land currently used for grazing.

commie ,

land clearance for grazing land is a catastrophic issue for the environment and going on in places like the Amazon rainforest.

absolutely. I have some ideas about what to do about it, but none of them involve buying beans

Cypher ,

It’s at a point where I’m all for a UN resolution to end land clearance in locations like the Amazon Rainforest, to be enforced by lethal means if necessary.

Billions of lives may depend on securing such important ecosystems.

commie ,

I don’t have any influence with the un.

Cypher ,

Haha not saying you do but it’s what I would like to see happen

BallsandBayonets ,

The UN doesn’t even have any influence with the UN. Even if I supported lethal enforcement of environmental protections (which I do in many cases), the UN’s idea of enforcement is a kindly-worded letter. If the USA doesn’t back something the UN has no power. And the USA is one of literally only two countries in the entire world that don’t recognize access to healthy food as a human right.

theyoyomaster OP ,

Cool, but steak is my favorite animal.

KillingTimeItself ,

true, cows are my favorite food.

LifeInMultipleChoice ,

Boobs are my favorite source of entertainment.

Wait… Nope, nothing to do with sustenance

FlyingSquid , avatar

nothing to do with sustenance

You think? I’m pretty sure that’s the purpose of boobs.

KillingTimeItself ,

i thought it was for us to legislate female top wear?

KillingTimeItself ,


DragonTypeWyvern ,

You think they don’t? And environmentalism is also morality.

KillingTimeItself ,

environmentalism is morality sure, but doesn’t it seem silly to use an appeal to morality to push for more morality.

pyre ,

I’m no vegan but that’s a common vegan talking point

FlyingSquid , avatar

It is, but many vegans also do really unhelpful things that are closer to trying to berate or shame people into not eating meat and it is obviously not effective.

pyre ,

no arguments there

Objection ,

Out of curiosity, how many people have you convinced to go vegan?

FlyingSquid , avatar

None. Why do I have to convince a single person to criticize an argument I don’t think is convincing?

Objection ,

Well, I guess I’m just not sure why you’re trying to give us advice about something you have zero experience with.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you don’t actually care what kind of approach is more convincing, and you’re just trying to tell us to shut up, or say things in a way that makes us easy to ignore.

You have no idea what you’re talking about at best, and realistically, you don’t even want us to be successful. So, thank you for your unsolicited advice on which tacts are unhelpful, but, just so you know, I will be promptly tossing it into the trash.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I have a lot of experience with people trying to convince me of things.

And you are welcome to take the advice I didn’t give to you in the first place and throw it in the trash.

KillingTimeItself ,

I have a lot of experience with people trying to convince me of things.

how much experience do you have with people convincing you of things?

FlyingSquid , avatar

A lot. I just said.

KillingTimeItself ,

well no that was people trying to convince you, i can try to convince you that the sky is yellow for example, but that’d be fucking stupid.

I’m just curious how many people have actually managed to convince you of something.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Do you think I keep a running tally?

KillingTimeItself ,

i doubt it, but i would assume you have some sort of anecdotal references somewhere, considering most living people can recall things and discussions with other people, especially more involved ones.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You asked me how many, not for examples. You’re just moving the goalposts because your original request was not answerable.

KillingTimeItself ,

i didn’t ask you for an example, i’m just curious how much of “people trying to convince you” ends up being “people convincing you”

FlyingSquid , avatar

And I’m telling you I don’t keep a running tally. I have no idea why you expect me to be able to answer that quantitatively.

KillingTimeItself ,

which is why i granted you the flexibility of answering outside of a quantitative fashion, as i don’t expect people to do unreasonable things.

You then accused me of moving the goalposts (which are my goalposts btw?) in order to make it more answerable, and then refused to answer presumably out of bad faith. I’m literally just curious about how you would conceptualize that.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I can’t tell you a quantity in a non-quantitative fashion. You want to know how many and the answer remains that I have no idea because I don’t keep count. I’m sorry you don’t like that answer, but it’s still the answer.

If you want to know how many and don’t accept that I have no idea, feel free to pick a number between zero and infinity and apply it as a rough estimate.

KillingTimeItself ,

I can’t tell you a quantity in a non-quantitative fashion.

damn, what a philosopher you are. Fucking plato over here.

You want to know how many and the answer remains that I have no idea because I don’t keep count. I’m sorry you don’t like that answer, but it’s still the answer.

that’s fair, i would assume you have some ability to provide some level of estimation, but maybe that’s just my autism. Or maybe you just shitpost way too much to be able to care about anything you say on the internet lol.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I was going to respond to the rest of your post, but I see what you really want is someone to insult and I’m not interested in Reddit behavior.

TachyonTele ,

How much experience do you have repeating useless questions?

KillingTimeItself ,

if the original statement is useless (it’s not a question, so i’m not repeating it) then my question should be more useful in the context of that useless statement, considering i have a specific word removed that changes the entire meaning of the question.

KillingTimeItself ,

and it’s an interesting one too, if you like production stats at least.

JovialMicrobial ,

The animal industry feeds the plants as much as the plants feed the animals. I’m not sure how vegans feel about synthetic fertilizer like miracle grow, but that’s what will have to be used in place of manure if the meat industry goes away.

Many of the organic crops grown use animal manure to fertilize the plants. I know you can use seaweed and other plants for compost(weeds are already composted back in via tilling, seaweed requires harvesting from the ocean or long distance shipping from farms), as well as cycling crops to prevent nutrient deficiency…

BUT manure doesn’t just add nutrients. It adds beneficial bacteria that helps keep the soil healthy and make the nutrients bioavailable to plants. It conditions the soil for water retention, and helps break up clay soil and add organic matter to sandy soil.

Will vegans keep animals just for manure? Or will organic lables on food be less important? Are we going to start scraping the forests for leaves to chop up an add to farm soil? That can’t be good for forests though. I guess I’m just confused about how to maintain large farms without access to large amounts of manure.

skibidi ,

The ideal answer is compost, regenerative agriculture, and (better treated) human-sources waste.

Organic crop yields will almost certainly reduce a bit without animal waste fertilizer, but that is fine since crop consumption will fall by a greater amount due to not needing to feed a bunch of extra animals.

AnimalsDream ,

Veganic agriculture is already a thing, and it works fine.…/Vegan_organic_agriculture

KillingTimeItself ,

an interesting idea, but anything that decays and “composts” can be used as a fertilizer so.

This includes things like organic scraps, you don’t just have to use animal shit. Although it’s a pretty good one if you have access to it.

I think personally, we should move to a more decentralized food production system, to help alleviate some of the costs of industrial agriculture, which are pretty heavy.

Honytawk ,

We humans shit as well

JovialMicrobial ,

Diseases spread via human feces which why we tend to not use it. We could sanitize it by processing it, but then it won’t carry the benefit of beneficial bacteria cultures so it’s not as good as animal supplied manures.

Soulcreator ,

Hey non-vegan, fun fact: No one really cares when you tell them eating plants are more efficient.

Common responses include “bAc0Nnnnnn!” and “I’m gonna eat two times the amount of meat to make your efforts useless”.

Soulg ,

Amazing strawman at the end there.

Honytawk ,

It really isn’t. I know plenty of anti-vegans who react in that manner.

Soulcreator ,

Hi friend, I propose you try an experiment: post a small handful of anonymous comments on the Internet, try to make them benign as possible but casually slip in an acknowledgement that you are vegan. Something along the lines of “God that recipe looks amazing, but I think I might swap out the beef broth for veggie broth as I am vegan” like I said the point of this experiment is to say something completely as benign and inoffensive as possible.

Once you post sit back and wait for the responses to roll in. You will likely find that while not every time, it is incredibly common for people to send you pictures of bacon, and an abundant of angry responses to the mere offhand mention of the word.

I sincerely wish it was a straw man fallacy, but it unfortunately is a exceedingly common response to the word.

KillingTimeItself ,

hey non vegan vegan fun fact, you would be surprised at the sheer amount of consumption and productive the livestock sector of agriculture creates.

Likewise you could easily just respond to the last line with “you can’t take away my gas stove, i’m just going to burn gas lamps in my home now” and get a little bit eepy and sleepy due to all the buildup of combustion products inside your home.

Ilovethebomb , to meanwhileongrad in Average tankie calling for the genocide of the working class for being the wrong ethnicity

This is their name for the attack by Hamas on a music festival, is that right?

PugJesus OP ,


Ilovethebomb ,

I just woke up this morning to the news that six hostages had been found dead in a tunnel in Gaza, cause of death multiple gunshot wounds at close range.

I struggle to find sympathy for Palestine after reading a story like that.

PugJesus OP ,

Hamas deserve no sympathy - but most Palestinians are just people, like the Israelis, living under a regime that heavily peddles dehumanizing propaganda. If we had no sympathy for the Israelis because of the Palestinians intentionally killed by their hands, we’d be going down the same route that’s currently locking the two sides into a fucking pointless race towards genocide, that Israel seems likely to ‘win’.

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH ,

I too find it hard to sympathize with little Hind or the poet Refaat when they murder hostages.

Ilovethebomb ,

Yeah, I know, not all Palestinians support Hamas, yada yada, but that’s not how emotions work, is it?

There are no good guys here, just two awful groups of people, and a bunch of civilians caught in the middle.

CarbonIceDragon , avatar

Should foreigners lose sympathy for your people as a whole, if a group whose members hailed from it do something horrible? Its not like everyday people in Palestine have much choice about what goes on there.

Ilovethebomb ,

Ironically enough, the group that seems to be doing the most to free Palestine from the rule of Hamas is the Israeli government.

And quite frankly, I’m sceptical of the claim Palestine is suffering under a dictatorship going against the will of the people, from what I’ve seen they have a lot of support from the population.

PugJesus OP ,

Ironically enough, the group that seems to be doing the most to free Palestine from the rule of Hamas is the Israeli government.

Man, Israel has spent years propping up Hamas.

Ilovethebomb ,

Until recently, yes.

PugJesus OP ,

Not sure that setting up an enemy for the explicit purpose of using them to harm civilians, and then harming civilians in the process of taking them down, is really freeing anybody. As far as Israel’s actions more than a week or two past October 7 go, I’m disinclined to give them any sort of ‘credit’ for anything except the slaughter they’re overseeing.

Glytch ,

Not just propping up, getting them into power in the first place. Israel manipulated the elections in Gaza to ensure that Hamas came to power so that they’d be able to frame their fight as being against extremists instead of the more reasonable who had been opposing Hamas (the name escapes me at the moment).

PugJesus OP ,

Fatah. Fatah agreed to a two-state solution and peaceful negotiation, and the Israeli prime minister got assassinated by far-right Zionist loons for his trouble. Ever since, every attempt by Fatah at good-faith negotiation has ended up as demands from Israel for a demonstration of fealty, followed by Israel not following through on its obligations anyway. For obvious reasons, this severely damaged Fatah’s credibility.

Also, Fatah is either hilariously or sickeningly corrupt, depending on whether you feel like laughing or crying on the given day. Hamas used that to worm their way in too, though now they’re no less corrupt.

Cadeillac , avatar

What, like storm the capital?

GBU_28 ,

All of Palestine? You gotta refine that opinion dude, it’s ~5 million people.

Ilovethebomb ,

I’m kinda over being told what to think online, thanks.

GBU_28 ,

It’s cool, I’m not your dad. I’m more speaking to the message than you, cause you’re just a name. I’m speaking to a bigoted, myopic message on a platform that I use. You can come or go.

Ilovethebomb ,

I’m also over hearing people make excuses for mass murderers. Hamas are the government of Gaza, after all, this logic isn’t applied to other governments vs their own people.

GBU_28 ,

That’s not what you said. Don’t squirm now.

Ilovethebomb ,

I’m not the one getting self righteous about a country whose government has vowed to exterminate the Jewish state.

Surely you’re aware of what “from the river to the sea” would entail?

crapwittyname ,

It would entail people of more than one religion living together and sharing a nation as equals. The horror!

Ilovethebomb ,

I think we both know that’s not what they mean.

crapwittyname ,

Who’s “they”?

GBU_28 ,

Yeah, calling out someone for a 5 million person wide brush is not self righteous.

Danquebec ,

Most people here don’t call on Ukraine to indiscriminately kill Russians. It’s the same logic.

mindbleach ,

Then shut the fuck up.

No, seriously. If you’re not down to have your opinions challenged in this, the gentlest possible way, keep them to yourself.

Ilovethebomb ,

No, I don’t think I will. I don’t think I’m the only one here who needs their views questioned. How can you possibly justify executing hostages in cold blood?

mindbleach ,

You are literally telling people not to question your views, because you’ll just ignore them.

You don’t know what conversation you want to have.

Ilovethebomb ,

And you’re going to pretend you’re any better?

Besides, as I’ve said previously, I don’t support either side in this conflict. Everyone is awful.

mindbleach ,

‘I’m not here to be told what to think, I’m here to tell others what to think!’

‘If so, fuck off.’

‘Et tu?’


Ilovethebomb ,

I’m not entirely sure what you’re on about, but I hope you feel better for saying it.

YourPrivatHater ,


kaffiene ,

What does killing 40 thousand people, mostly innocent, do for your sympathies? Raping and torturing people in detention. For that matter, detention without charge? Turning off water to 2 million people? Preventing food and medical aid? No, sorry - the IDF claimed that a bad thing was done by Hamas… more genocide is clearly called for. You’re allowed to think whatever you like online, as you’ve asserted.

Ilovethebomb ,

I’m not, in any way, defending Israel here. They’re also terrible.

kaffiene ,

in which case, my apologies for jumping to conclusions

ngwoo ,

Palestine didn’t kill those hostages, Hamas did. Hamas deserves to die, innocents do not, and killing innocents to reach the bad guy is not justified

Ilovethebomb ,

I respect the sentiment, but Hamas uses innocent civilians as human shields all the time. Doing what you say would allow them to attack with impunity.

AdamEatsAss , to programmerhumor in Average GitHub PR

If QA cared about us they wouldn’t make it so hard.

Mobiledecay , to funny in What a waste of asphalt avatar

There was no work for their people so they did this to keep them busy. ☺️

CeruleanRuin , to mildlyinfuriating in I hate people like this

If I was one of those employees, my response would be to smile and wave, maybe give a thumbs up, and go back to ignoring them. They can interpret it how they like, and only I know for sure that it means “Lol, you’re getting nothing from me, you dumb buttmunch.”

Bakersfield , (edited ) avatar


I haven’t heard that since the Beavis and Butthead days. LOL, thanks for taking me back.

Edit: ROFL… I’m at a bar and right after I posted this comment I saw a sticker on the beer tap. The bar logo here is a woman in a Martini glass and someone made a sticker with that woman’s face as (what looks like) Butthead. Perfect timing.

Here’s the sticker:

Zoomed out:

Agent641 , to memes in another world, another time

Charles Entertainment Cheese. A fallen angel.

Morcyphr , to aboringdystopia in i really hate telecommunications companies

Wait til you have to deal with telecommunication customers!


distantsounds OP ,
MECHAGIC , avatar

Spell “asshole” right first

Morcyphr ,

“Uncle Roach”. Better? :)

MECHAGIC , avatar

You are so bad at spelling

zephorah , to aww in Our little Style Hound

Is this Wes Anderson’s dog?

WhippetBowie OP , (edited )

Wes Anderson doesn’t even acknowledge Bowie

Edit: typo

IMongoose , to funny in What a waste of asphalt

Big asphalt at it again.

jelloeater85 , to aww in Our little Style Hound avatar

I love this ❤️

WhippetBowie OP ,

We only post here when we really like a photo, thanks ❤️

snooggums , to meanwhileongrad in Average tankie calling for the genocide of the working class for being the wrong ethnicity avatar

The civilian settlers who are taking Palestinian homes by force are an occupying force.

The attack by Hamas was not legitimate because it was against random civilians.

PugJesus OP ,

I agree entirely. But to them, Israelis are all ‘settlers’.

Schmoo ,

I’m not saying Israelis are guilty or deserved the attack on civilians, but Israel is a settler-colonial state. So is the US, but I’m not going to call for every US citizen with colonial roots to be forced off the continent (especially since that would include myself, my ancestors - including recent ones - were awful people who did awful things).

You can acknowledge that the state of Israel is an illegal settlement without calling for genocide, just as you can acknowledge that the US is founded on stolen land without calling for death to all Americans.

PugJesus OP , (edited )

My point was that they regard all Israelis as culpable in the same manner as those currently constructing illegal settlements in the West Bank and shooting Palestinians, and use such terminology as a means of justifying their view of collective guilt.

Subtracty , to pics in [OC] Fort Ligonier, Pennsylvania

I’ve never heard of it before, but it looks awesome!

rain_worl , to funny in Open mic is risky

cropped tumblr??? aaaaa

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