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Alsephina ,

Are there any FOSS apps that can do this? MPV can move frame by frame but moving back is so unusably slow.

Alsephina ,

It’s obviously a persona for the videos. And it clearly works, seeing the view counts.

Alsephina ,

Leftist coalition wins election

Liberal “democracy” refuses to move an inch leftward and hands over power to right-wingers instead

Alsephina , (edited )

If that finally gets libs to organize then sure. Electoralism in a liberal “democracy” is only good for some campaigning. It’s not like they’d ever let a leftist come into power even if they win as we can see here.

Internet Archive Loses Court Appeal in Fight Over Online Lending Library (

When libraries across the country temporarily closed in the early days of the pandemic, the Internet Archive, an organization that digitizes and archives materials like web pages and music, had the idea to make its library of scanned books free to read in an online database....

Alsephina OP ,

This is why stuff like this should be hosted in Russia or China…

Alsephina OP ,

Tons of piracy sites are hosted in Russia. They’re comparatively lenient on it.

Alsephina ,

The projection is crazy, China isn’t Europe lmao

Alsephina ,

If it’s similar to most of the other BRI projects, Tanzania and Zambia get railways, Chinese workers get jobs, more expertise in the field, and China gets access to healthier/wealthier markets in the two countries.

Alsephina OP ,

Left-leaning governments specially in former colonies generally means more cooperation with Global South countries. While right wing ones lead to the opposite as we can see in Argentina right now with Milei.

Twitter is completely infested with nazis and far-right misinformation campaigns; even more so since Elon bought it. Banning it doesn’t do much about the Brazilian right wing, but it does separate Brazilians from the american right wing somewhat, since Brazil makes/made up a third of Twitter users.

Alsephina ,

Might as well vote for the PSL or Green if you happen to be free on election day. Just don’t waste your time defending the two genocidal capitalist parties. Spend it organizing and taking direct action.

For the left, electoralism is only good for some advertising. A capitalist system won’t let socialists come to power even if they somehow manage to win like we’re seeing in France with Macron right now. Liberals will side with fascists long before they ever think about looking left, as they always have historically.

Alsephina , (edited )

It’s also one of israel’s primary trading partners, despite its pro-Palestinian rhetoric.

Turkey halted its trade with israel in May of this year. Only due to internal pressure most likely — and far too late — but better than nothing, and it is another sign that the country is looking more and more towards the rising east than the declining west even under Erdogan.

Alsephina ,

Nowhere near good enough. These people only want the hostages back, not for the 60 years long and ongoing ethnic cleansing to end.

Still, instability in the occupation is definitely good for the resistance.

Alsephina ,

The type of population you get in a fascist state that’s been indoctrinating people for over 60 years. Even nazi germany only lasted for 12.

Alsephina ,

While still being a NATO dog? Interesting

Alsephina ,

east germany was part of the warsaw pact, and had plenty of ex-nazis in its ranks

Lmfao the fourth reich west germany literally had more nazis leading it in its government than during the third reich. The socialist states did the opposite and purged nazis — obviously, since fascism is actually a threat to socialist states whereas it’s more of an asset to capitalists with them able to scapegoat marginalized people for capitalism’s faults the more prevalent it is.

Fully 77 percent of senior ministry officials in 1957 were former members of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party, a higher proportion even than during the 1933-45 Third Reich, the study found.

From 1949 to 1973, 90 of the 170 leading lawyers and judges in the then-West German Justice Ministry had been members of the Nazi Party.

Of those 90 officials, 34 had been members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), Nazi Party paramilitaries who aided Hitler’s rise and took part in Kristallnacht, a night of violence that is believed to have left 91 Jewish people dead.

Alsephina ,

There is literally an entire “argument” under this comment between these two lmao wtf are you on about

Alsephina ,

? It’s referring to how Macron is refusing to hand over power to the leftist coalition that won, in favour of the fascists.

Alsephina ,

My first instinct was to say GIMP or Firefox, but I could still use Krita or Chromium in those cases.

I’d say Anki then. I don’t know of any other FOSS flashcard app this good, and I have so much saved on it that losing it would be devastating.

Leading smartphone vendor in each country (

Across the world, the biggest smartphone manufacturers are Apple (28%), Samsung (24%), Xiaomi (12%), Oppo (6%) and Vivo (5%). However, there are geographic patterns in popularity, with Apple dominating North America and East Asia, while Samsung leads in South America, Europe, Africa and West Asia in addition to its home turf of...

Alsephina ,

India and China’s got as much variety as their population it seems. “Other” brands having a higher market share in China than the most used brand is interesting.

Also those colors suck.

Alsephina ,

…You’re describing capitalism.

Alsephina ,

Well yeah, the capitalist class that exploits workers do get to live well under a system where they rule.

Alsephina ,
Alsephina ,
Alsephina , (edited )


Poverty rates are steadily decreasing in China...

...under every income group.1

While homeownership rates have been steadily rising, reaching 90% in 2018

Those are some bold claims to make with nothing to back it up, when in fact reality says otherwise.

Alsephina ,

my history knowledge is only broad

And very shallow apparently…

Alsephina ,

For images that don’t list the source in themselves like these I like to put the source in the alt text like this


Alsephina ,

A market economy under a socialist state, similar to what the USSR had under the NEP for its first 20 years.

Alsephina ,

I’m seeing /u/10_0 from in this thread trying to argue against socialism, currently. I guess they are anticommunist only when… what was your point again?

Anyone claiming China isn’t socialist is grossly misinformed.

Alsephina ,

Lmfao libs are gonna shill for them anyway aren’t they

Alsephina OP ,

the government will pay Endeavour $60 million and a 3% royalty on up to 400,000 ounces of gold produced at the Wahgnion mine

Shame they couldn’t just seize it from the corporations, but that might lead to a coup I suppose.

Alsephina ,

Wow. Abbas isn’t great but this is certainly a good step.

Alsephina ,

CCCP dominated

The USSR is gone bud. It’s a capitalist hellhole now.

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