There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

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dense_crane44 , to games in Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Eternum (warning: NSFW) is an adult visual novel that keeps touching me with every new update. It’s completely free, and I can’t help but think of the creator as a master of the genre.

The characters are all well written and (those who are meant to be) lovable. The story is interesting, compelling even, and the humor is often hilarious. When you go to the website, you might think “Porn game!!!”, and not be entirely wrong, but Eternum is so much more. It’s a story about love, friendship, and a mystery.

Setting: Orion moves back to the USA after a long time. In recent years, a video game called eternum has been gaining traction, that allows going into virtual worlds, think full dive VR like in Sword Art Online. I’d say about 60% of the story happens IRL.

I can only recommend this masterpiece of a visual novel.

androogee , (edited )

Are you sure you aren’t touching yourself?

dense_crane44 ,

Oooh, sexual content in media for adults, how scary

Starb3an ,

I’m always on the lookout for the next release. Also Ripples is pretty good

dense_crane44 ,

Ripples was pretty good too yes, but it’s been a while since I looked into that. Many AVNs are hidden gems.

duckduckohno , to nostupidquestions in Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election?

It’s the same when it comes to any other countries. The right always gets away with corruption because it’s expected. Whereas the left has a higher moral standpoint so it is being accused of hypocrisy and things get blown out proportion even if small scale corruption occurs. For example in UK the previous government were giving jobs and contracts to friends and family all the time and nobody cried about it. It became accepted. The new left of centre government comes in and gives a temporary pass to a donor and suddenly it’s a huge scandal…

It’s the same if you care for the environment and ever took a taxi somewhere, or a vegetarian or vegan and have shoes made out of leather. Sure you are doing better than everyone else to help but you are still the devil and worse than everyone else somehow…

AlexisFR , to linuxmemes in Activate Linux avatar

Ah yes, the Red Hat experience!

boredsquirrel , avatar

Without RedHat, we wouldnt have Linux in the US governments, no SELinux, no Android security.

I think there is worse than companies selling Linux

BarbecueCowboy ,

I’ll thank them when they stop remaking perfectly fine utilities over minor issues then doing a shitty job with compatibility.

Empricorn ,

Yeah, that’s definitely worse than all the benefits they mentioned. 🙄

boredsquirrel , avatar


Podman, virt-manager, toolbx, tuned are the software I know. I could agree on a few that redoing some is bad

BarbecueCowboy ,

Fucking podman… Oh man. I have lost way too many hours dealing with podman.

It’s frustrating, because they’ve put so much into it. It’s close enough that vendors think they can get away with saying their containers are compatible and they’ve probably really honestly tested for brief periods and it really usually is close enough that you don’t discover the differences until you’re already very well established, but then it’s just a little different and it takes you FOREVER to find out why but then the only option once you do find that out is to completely start over from scratch with docker. And, almost no vendor is going to treat them differently because if we talk to redhat, the first note we’ll get back is that everything we’re trying to do should be fully compatible and there should be no need to worry about that. And, then eventually after a few weeks, it’s docker’s fault that IT WORKS IN DOCKER AND NOT IN PODMAN. Docker needs to go fix it so it’s broken for them too, it’s not a bug for podman, the problem is with the one that’s working.

I’m a bit traumatized, not always the same, but this isn’t a singular occurrence.

toynbee ,

I generally agree with you, but wasn’t SELinux primarily the NSA and Tresys? I know it’s a primarily Red Hat thing now, but I think it would have existed in some form without them.

It is entirely possible I’m misinformed.

boredsquirrel , avatar

It was made by the NSA to secure the already existing RHEL systems. Without RHEL there wouldnt be SELinux, I guess.

SuperFola , to linux in Whats your go-to naming conventions? avatar

I use camel case for methods and functions and snake case for variables. And pascal case for constants. Why? I don’t really know, it makes for a nice distinction I guess.

sping , to asklemmy in What are all the ethnic foods you've ever eaten?

I’ve had buffalo wings, and American barbecue. Also I’ve been to American Thanksgiving meals with weird things like sweet potatoes with marshmallows on. So I’ve had some American ethnic food for one thing.

absGeekNZ , avatar

I was invited to a thanks giving dinner one year… The marshmallow on sweet potatoes thing is truly weird, pumpkin pie was ok, the rest was quite nice.

Hundun , to asklemmy in What are some good games with really awesome stories?

Outer Wilds, if you haven’t played already. Obligatory warning to avoid spoilers like your life depends on it, go in completely blind if possible.

gregor OP ,

I shall read nothing about it

Pinklink ,

Absolutely seconded btw. Cannot express how good this game is. If I could wipe my memory of any one game and play it fresh it would be this

gregor OP ,

Okay then, you seem to really love this game. I’ll give it a go! It’s not to expensive on steam either.

SorteKanin , avatar

Enjoy it! I still can’t get over how good it is. Don’t even read the Steam description!

gregor OP ,

I would prefer to save some money right now, so if you already have it would you be willing to either family sharing thing with me? Please don’t feel obligated to do so, as you would have to give me your account password and the 2fa code. Lmk if you want to do this, message me on Matrix at

SorteKanin , avatar

I’d rather not do that :)

But you can see on SteamDB that it regularly goes on a -40% sale. I’d suggest you just put it on your wishlist and wait to get the email from Steam that it’s on sale 🙂. It hasn’t had a sale for a while now so probably won’t take long.

gregor OP ,

Understandable, I’ll wait for a sale

ober , avatar

This game impressed me so much by the time I finished it that it immediately became my all time favorite.

krash ,

I couldn’t get into it for the life of me, despite several attempts. I am happy for those who enjoyed it - seems like a chill game.

velox_vulnus , (edited ) to asklemmy in Where can I find manual on how Lemmy works?

If you see rule #3 of this community, it mentions that support question should be posted at /c/[email protected].

Search depends on what you would like to find: from the web ui, you have to select the type (comments, users, posts), then choose the scope (all, local, subscribed), then choose the sort type (top all time, controversial, new, old, etc).

The rest of the forms (like community, creator) are self-explanatory - community drop-down won’t work if you’re searching for a community, likewise creator drop-down won’t work if you’re searching for a user.

To ping and mention a user, @<user>@<instance>.<domain> (e.g.- @Mantikora ) should work. To just mention them, /u/<user>@<instance>.<domain> (e.g.- /u/[email protected]) should do. To point a specific community, /c/<insert-community-name> (e.g.- /c/[email protected]) should work.

Mantikora OP ,

If you see rule #3 of this community, it mentions that support question should be posted at /c/[email protected].

Goddamnit, me and my understanding of English sometimes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And I was wondering what was the support rule about and of course, my stupid brain translated it like a psychological support or similar. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😅

Sorry, this was a brain fart, wasn’t intentional breaking the rule.

Search depends on what you would like to find: from the web ui, you have to select the type (comments, users, posts), then choose the scope (all, local, subscribed), then choose the sort type (top all time, controversial, new, old, etc).

Now that you were kind to answer 😅, no, I meant on search inside some sub. I wanted to search inside this sub how are users of Lemmy called. Or for example, if I go to news and I want to search posts about specific news.

Linkerbaan , to nostupidquestions in Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? avatar

It feels like Harris has to run a damn near flawless campaign

Literally supports Genocide lmfao. Was Adolf Hitler running a flawless campaign too?

OutsizedWalrus ,

What about trump? Pretty sure he’s just glass Gaza if he had a chance.

Soulg ,

Yeah but that doesn’t count because uhhh reasons

Linkerbaan , avatar

Did OP say Trump is running a flawless campaign somewhere too?

barsquid ,

So you could link us to your screechings about Repubs supporting genocide in all of the threads about Donald?

Linkerbaan , avatar

You don’t seem to care when Republicans support Genocide either.

barsquid ,

Oh fuck, you’re actually self aware of what the alternative to the Dems will be. And you still want it to happen.

Linkerbaan , avatar

You think Peter Thiel is not using AI to do target selection in Gaza right now?

barsquid ,

So you want his hand-picked VP in there to ensure it is done more thoroughly. And in Ukraine. And in the US.

Linkerbaan , avatar

I don’t care how much worse anyone threatens to be. Genocide is the red line. There’s no “worse” than Genocide.

One Genocides or a hundred Genocides doesn’t matter. Support one Genocide and it’s morally Joever.

barsquid ,

Right. As we already agreed, you consider 99 extra genocides to be great. So you are pretending 100 is the same as 1 in attempt to achieve the former. Extremely privileged take.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Yes I will be complicit in exactly 0 Genocides only.

Supporting a Genocide now that’s a privileged take.

barsquid ,

You are complicit in the 99 extra genocides given all the effort you are putting into deterring everyone from voting. It’s disgusting that you love genocide so much you want Thiel’s handpicked VP in there helping.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Nobody is responsible for actions of others this is trolley problem 101. Only by participating do you become responsible. Especially if the action could not be done without you.

kent_eh ,

Trump will do whatever Bibi whispers in his ear when it comes to Israel and its enemies neighbors.

NikkiDimes ,

Proving OPs point, I see

Linkerbaan , avatar

Kamala Harris is running a flawless campaign for Genocide?

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

Trump also supports genocide. Nobody who doesn’t can possibly win.

If this is your line then you should probably just never vote ever, because this won’t ever change.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Stop pretending Harris is running a flawless campaign and ButTrUmP when the stupid lie gets debunked.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

I’m not pretending that. I’m pointing out that the official policy of the US since before my parents were born has been to support Israel no matter what, and if that was going to change because anybody cared what was happening to Palestinians it would have changed decades ago.

So you need to accept that the country you live in will do heinous shit that you loathe and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Linkerbaan , avatar

You need to accept that anyone enabling it is responsible. Anyone voting Democrat or Republican is complicit in Genocide and should face tribunals.

There was ignorance in the past. Everyone voting D now knows they will support Genocide and do so willingly

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

Yeah, that too. My tax dollars are going to kill children. Just like my father and his father before him.

Welcome to America.

Sandbag ,

Wow dude, do you live in a make believe world where anyone who you don’t agree with gets the French razor?

Saying anyone who supports either side should face a tribunal is insane and completely idiotic.

I hope one day you can learn just because you have such a high radical leaning and believe death is deserved upon all who disagree with your ideology, doesn’t mean that it should be done.

Snowpix , avatar

Linkerbaan isn’t a rational person, nor participating in good faith. Their entire existence is arguing with people online and accusing people of loving genocide.

Linkerbaan , avatar


zeppo , avatar

I’ve started to wonder if it’s even a real person. They don’t respond with any measure of logic or awareness to anything at all, just “liberals want genocide!!” over and over.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Wow dude, do you live in a make believe world where anyone who you don’t agree with gets the French razor?

No just the literal Nazis that support Genocide.

barsquid ,

Linkerbaan is one of our resident MAGAs. He likes the genocide against Palestinians but wants the guy who blasted Yemen to take over and “finish the job.” He wants more killing in Ukraine. And he wants more killings in the US, like starting with socialists.

Squirrelanna , avatar

No. If you vote Republican OR neither, you are supporting TWO genocides. Because the Republicans want more than just Palestinians dead, like trans people, and a vote for third party as it is right now is only helping that along.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Sure bro you didn’t care about the first Genocide but 2 Genocides is your red line.

NikkiDimes ,

Or there’s something called picking the lesser of two evils…

Linkerbaan , avatar

Or there’s something called the Neurenberg Trials

NikkiDimes ,

Your just a shining beacon of wisdom, aren’t you?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Just sharing some wisdom from people from the past.

Ledivin ,

Anyone voting Democrat or Republican is complicit in Genocide and should face tribunals.

Really great job silencing yourself to prove a point. People who don’t participate in society are great at enacting change 🙄

zeppo , avatar

Brilliant, I’ll just vote for a candidate who can’t possibly win. Then I’m all set.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Voting for Genocide has a higher chance to stop Genocide than voting against it - Liberals.

Letsdothis ,

Ahh, I love you, bro. This place is wild, ain’t it? If one doesn’t fall in line to their militant liberal agenda, you’re ignorant MAGA scum.

I’m just glad to see someone else here trying to talk some sense.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Stay strong my man/woman. We had red MAGA in 2016 now we also have Blue MAGA. The death cult grows fast.

Letsdothis ,

The divisiveness is insane and scary. So many feel such a devotion to “their side.” They don’t realize these politicians love getting them all riled up and emotional about an issue so that they will fight for their political agenda with passion. And they just sit back and laugh.

zeppo , avatar

What he’s saying makes no sense at all, in real life. Voting for candidates who support voting reform at the state level is the way to get more choices on national ballots. Convincing otherwise D voters to vote for 3rd parties helps Trump. Maybe not MAGA scum, maybe just misguided and clueless? Who can tell.

Ledivin ,

We use a first past the post system. Stop denying reality as if your third party candidate matters in the slightest. Until we get some sort of ranked choice/etc, they literally couldn’t matter less

zeppo , avatar

We’ve been trying to tell this shining intellectual star and friends that for 6 months but somehow they aren’t able to understand those comments.

Linkerbaan , avatar

A voting system is not relevant to denying support for Genocide. Read what post you are in.

jorp ,

It’s funny that “candidates have to support genocide or they can’t win” is motivating you to punch left instead of rioting in the streets against AIPAC

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

They had riots. It didn’t work.

zeppo , avatar

I’m pretty doubtful the luminary you replied to lives in or has ever even been to the US.

Snowpix , (edited ) avatar

They appear to be from the Netherlands, or a similar European country. TrickDacy pointed out their time zones of activity aren’t based in the US, and the name Linkerbaan stems from Dutch.

Which begs the question, why do they care so much about bashing politicians in a country across the ocean, and why only ever Biden/Harris in particular? Linkerbaan, to this day, never answers why he doesn’t ever attack Trump for being even worse than Biden or Harris ever would be for Gaza. It’s almost like he doesn’t really care about what’s good for the people of Gaza, and just wants to push an agenda.

inb4 I get called an evil genocidal Zionist maniac, because Linkerbaan always does this when called out or someone disagrees with him: I fully support Gaza and the Palestinians, and absolutely despise the Israeli government and Hamas. Nothing about the Gaza situation is remotely acceptable and the Biden administration should do better. However, refusing to admit Donald “Finish the Job” Trump isn’t the worse option is ignorant at best and actively harmful for the Palestinians at worst.

zeppo , avatar

There have been people pushing this on Lemmy all year (previously against Biden) and that’s correct. They can never really respond to logic about how their concepts would result in Trump being more likely to win, which would be worse for Palestinians. Or how Trump’s many other horrific policies would be worse for a huge number of other people, such as Central Americans and trans people. Just “genocide bro!!” over and over.

There have been a few pathetic attempts at making logic for it like “I can’t vote to support genocide!” (As in, vote 3rd party? So, convince an other wise D voter to vote 3rd party - who does that help? Huh) or “we need to send the democrats a message so they reform!”. Not by throwing the election to Trump, no. Someone a few months ago was insisting “we’re just not supporting Biden now to pressure him, then of course we’ll vote for him in the general election”. Ah yes, by smearing him all over social media for months, you’re supporting Biden and progressive politics. I totally believe that.

Soulg ,

Completely missing the point while also proving their point with a bonus side of refusing to allow any topic of conversation that isn’t the one you want. 10/10

FlaminGoku ,


Linkerbaan , avatar

10 replies and all of them either deflecting or insulting.

At least Democrats voters aren’t pretending they aren’t voting for Genocide anymore.

zeppo , avatar

Seems fitting since you simply ignore the replies and logic that don’t fit your goals, whatever those may be.

Linkerbaan , avatar

The sinister goal of stopping Genocide.

zeppo , avatar

Best I can tell, the sinister goal of getting Trump elected because this tripe sure isn’t going to help Palestinians.

Illuminostro ,

Fuck Putin. Lol.

yarr ,

Was Adolf Hitler running a flawless campaign too?

Not flawless, but his moves to boost the German economy and reduce unemployment had pretty wide support in Germany, especially after the extreme troubles the Germans had economically after the first World War. His rise to power was only made possible by a wide base of support that existed during the 1930s in Germany.

PotatoesFall , to memes in Bidet anyone?

When people think a bidet is stupid, I always ask: If you had poop on your arm, would you clean it with water or just wipe it with a dry towel and call it a day?

Not to mention it’s less irritating for ur bum

Daxtron2 ,

lick it off like a cat

swab148 , avatar

If only

bhamlin ,

Hey, that’s mine. You can’t have it.

swab148 , avatar


arbitrary_sarcasm ,

Loudermilk had an episode on this.

Angry_Autist ,

This is a trap, literally none of you want to hear why bidets are disgusting and I will not be dragged into this again.

Fuck bidets and everyone who recommends them.

null ,


Angry_Autist ,


null ,

Yup, you’re wrong. And you have a dirty ass.

Angry_Autist ,

Incorrect. I didn’t even know what skidmarks were till my bidet insisting roommate described them. I thought she was making a sick joke.

null ,

So? Just because you don’t have skid marks doesn’t mean you don’t have a dirty, stinky ass.

Also has nothing to do with your claim. The idea that washing your ass after a shit is somehow worse than not washing it is literally one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever seen.

You’re nasty as fuck, dude.

Angry_Autist ,

This is the exact fucking harassment I get every fuckdamn time the bidet cultists catch wind, and I am so fuckdamn tired of it.

Listen, wetass, if you enjoy spraying fecal mist all over your bathroom while simultaneously drenching every square inch of your ass in bacterial medium that’s on you. I know how to wipe and my partners have never had an issue going down town for dinner and NONE of them were ever shy about informing me on my odor.

You just want license to make your anal fetish public and its disgusting.

null ,

This is the exact fucking harassment I get every fuckdamn time the bidet cultists catch wind, and I am so fuckdamn tired of it.

LMAO! “Why are people being mean to me just because I was being inflammatory??”

Fuck off with that disingenuous bullshit.

if you enjoy spraying fecal mist all over your bathroom


simultaneously drenching every square inch of your ass

Skill issue.

I know how to wipe and my partners have never had an issue going down town for dinner and NONE of them were ever shy about informing me on my odor.

I’m supposed to be surprised to learn that you keep company that’s just as disgusting as you are?

You just want license to make your anal fetish public and its disgusting.

Says the person literally, unpromptedly talking about their anal fetish…

optissima ,

every fuckdamn time the bidet cultists catch wind

Very easy due to the lack of a clean butt /j

PotatoesFall ,

what? I like them but I’m happy to hear your arguments if you would articulate them.

“You’re wrong I’m right but I won’t tell you why” is the opposite of a useful comment

Angry_Autist ,

Every time I lay out my talking points about moisture contact and contaminated spray you fucknuggets just spam my inbox with insults so I have zero interest in arguing with any of you wetasses.

PotatoesFall ,

Well then don’t comment at all. Like I said I am happy to hear your arguments but now you just made me frustrated…

I’m pretty sure the reason you’re getting spammed with insults is that you have a very abrasive commenting style. At least that’s my opinion based on the last two I’ve read :D

mub ,

You still have to wipe though, right? Using just water to clean it off your arm would still leave a stain. You have to make contact to rub away what remains somehow.

I’ve used a few bidets and while it was fun and they did an ok job there was no soap involved and I still had to wipe. I don’t hate them, they make some sense, but a bidet is not magic.

MeowZedong , avatar

No. If you are using a decent bidet and using it correctly, you do not need to wipe. At most you’ll need to dab dry, but some models have blow driers so this isn’t necessary. The water is the friction you need unless your bidet has weak pressure or the stream is too dispersed.

Soap would always be better, but water alone is vastly superior and a complete replacement for wiping so long as something isn’t wrong with the setup.

mub ,

There are people who always have super solid movements that don’t leave a trail. Many of us have a variety of textures that smear as they exit. A bidet removes the majority of it but never all, and wiping reveals what is left behind.

MeowZedong , avatar

There are people who always have super solid movements that don’t leave a trail. Many of us have a variety of textures that smear as they exit.

I get that, but my experience has been that even greasy, sticky shits get properly washed off my bum so long as I use a decent bidet and know how to use it properly. I haven’t found an instance where a bidet has been insufficient and I don’t mean to belittle anyone, but there is a bit of a learning curve and perhaps it was a lack of experience or the lack of quality equipment?

Poops that would leave me wiping 20x and with a sore, bleeding asshole while wiping are not an issue with a wash. I guess someone’s poop could be very different from mine, but I haven’t run into such an issue after using one for years unless I just didn’t wash properly.

A bidet removes the majority of it but never all, and wiping reveals what is left behind.

This can absolutely be true, but it’s an indication of improper washing and the need for a repeat or a better bidet.

cmbabul ,

I’ve used a bidet for a decade and the only reason I have to wipe is to dry off

mub ,

Only if you have a solid one. If your poo is sticky it leaves a smear and even high pressure water won’t shift, and that’s when you need a wipe.

cmbabul ,

This has never happened to me across a wide variety of shits

dessalines ,

You’ve never used one and it shows.

mub ,

I have. A bunch of times. They are in most of the hotel rooms I stay in.

CaptainEffort ,

Then you don’t use it well. Which is fine, it took me a while to get used to mine and use it effectively.

unemployedclaquer ,

it’s water. what do you think is “using it well”? the only way to properly sanitize an asshole is drench it in water and use a little soap. Change your diet several days beforehand if you want to have fun down there.

CaptainEffort ,

Unironically, positioning, pressure, and time. It took me a while to be fine with the pressure needed to actually clean anything, let alone letting it stay on long enough to thoroughly clean. Plus you gotta angle yourself so everything gets clean.

Saying “it’s water” proves you don’t know enough, which explains why you’ve had a bad experience. No shame in that, like I said it took me a while. Stick with it, it’s worth it.

unemployedclaquer ,

nope no bad experiences over here. i’m familiar with the whole water versus butt situation. i think a bidet is fine but i don’t want to walk out of the restroom with a wet butt, unless it’s Wet Day. so regardless of bidet or no, i would prefer some sort of towel or soft paper.

optissima ,

I use one and have IBS with issues as you describe. The bidet is miles better, and previous to that I had to use wet wipes because TP wasn’t even as effective. You’re using it incorrectly if you think it’s less effective than paper.

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo , avatar

Wipe your shit, wash your ass and wipe again to dry off your anus.

null ,

You still have to wipe though, right?

Yes, of course.

PotatoesFall ,

If the pressure is right u should be able to get everything, but yeah even then you need to dry it.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Hey, fellow Spuds fan. I have a similar one but it’s: "If you smeared peanut butter on the outside of a watermelon but wiped it off with dry toilet paper, wouldn’t you expect it to still smell like peanut butter?

NormalPerson ,


tigeruppercut ,

This question shows that people can have differing standards of cleanliness and it’s OK. Because the answer is “would you spray your arm with water only or would you use soap?” Bidets don’t use soap, so with either bidet or paper you can still feel dirty until a shower, it’s just what level of dirty you’re willing to accept.

UrPartnerInCrime ,

Fallacy of relative privation. Red herring. Some other fallacy maybe. But a fallacy none the less.

Also, people with bidets still take showers so we may not use soap all the time but they we still do. A guy I used to play football with would never use a bidet nor wash his ass with soap cause a man’s finger near an ass is gay even if it’s his ass and finger

Either way you’re being a jerk

tigeruppercut ,

No idea what you’re trying to say. Generally all people (whether bidet or paper users) use soap when taking a shower, but virtually no one uses it on their ass in the bathroom. Ergo you’re “dirty” until the shower. For you a bidet feels clean and paper users are dirty. For a “neat freak” they have to immediately wash their ass with soap and non-soap bidet users are dirty.

People have different preferences and it’s not a logical fallacy.

UrPartnerInCrime ,

Most people use toilet paper > Bidet users says hey this is a better way > Toilet paper users (and you for some reason) say well you’re not using soap so it’s not actually clean so why use one.

You’re arguing something that wasn’t in the original argument, that makes it a fallacy.

Also, if they made a Bidet with soap I would use it but they don’t. So until there us soap use the water.

tigeruppercut ,

The original argument (question) was “would you use water or paper to clean shit off your arm” and the answer for most people is “definitely neither water or paper alone, soap needs to be in there somewhere”. Limiting it to either water or paper only is a binary fallacy.

What if someone criticized you for not using soap with a bidet? That’s what bidet advocates are doing for paper users. My point was that people have different standards and that’s not a bad thing. This made me a “jerk” to you for some reason.

For the record I’ve used bidets and they’re fine (although some people probably feel that public bidets are kind of gross when compared to paper), but the cleanliness factor is pretty close in most situations IMO. It’s not like I was advocating for not washing your ass for a week or something.

UrPartnerInCrime ,

The original posed the question as if those are the only two options. Because, since there are no bidets that also shoot soap (at least not that I’ve seen anywhere), those are the only two options.

Then coming in and saying yeah well what about soap is irrelevant. Making it a fallacy. It’s as if two people were arguing if salt or pepper is better to use on cooking food and then you came in and said yeah well there’s actually a lot of seasonings you can use instead of just salt and pepper. Great, we know that but that’s not what we were arguing as we only have salt and pepper.

PaellaVacuum ,

How much are you getting paid, shill?

emeralddawn45 ,

So if you had no soap available and shit on your arm, what would you use? Only paper? Or water? Your argument is fucking stupid. Of course people have different standards of cleanliness but the guy who doesnt clean his ass at all also has a different standard of cleanliness, and his standard is fucking disgusting.

tigeruppercut ,

So paper only is the equivalent to not cleaning your ass? You’re exaggerating-- I wasn’t advocating not washing your ass for a week.

ThePowerOfGeek , to selfhosted in Chromecast / Firestick Self Host Replacement avatar

I was looking into something similar recently, and asked around on Lemmy. The general consensus I heard was that a Mini PC weren’t ideal, mostly I think due to the fact that they aren’t designed purely for streaming.

One think someone said piqued my interest, and I might try this. They recommended buying a cheap, Android TV compatible streaming box (like an Onn brand one), and side-loading an open source (and ad-free) launcher onto it.

I found this thread over on the Huffman Shitshow that had some good instructions.

thisbenzingring ,

Huffman Shitshow


n4sdaq ,

This is basically what I do, except the quicker way without using ADB to remove anything. Might try removing the junk though to see if it makes a difference. Launcher Manager and Flauncher makes an Onn 4K very snappy. Hard to beat for $20 and a little setup effort. I used to use Firesticks for years, but they get so slow and constantly revert my launcher changes. Finally got rid of them all.

peregus ,

Have you found a way to stream Netflix at 4K?

Sethayy ,

If you want to put in more work for more freedom, a lot of SBC’s can do something similar too.

sem ,

Not even that much work. Libre elec is pretty simple as long as you don’t do anything too creative

abff08f4813c , to fediverse in What can ActivityPub do that RSS can't?

The really intriguing thing about ActivityPub, at least to me, is it's capability and potential to be a bridge for many other protocols.

For example, here's ActivityPub via email:

That page also references the longstanding NNTP(Usenet)-email bridge that existed for the linux-kernel mailing list, so we could get ActivityPub to Usenet.

In fact there are a couple of RSS->Mastodon projects out there already, such as or

matcha_addict OP ,

Is there something about activity Pub that enables it do this, that other protocols or architectures wouldn’t have?

SubArcticTundra , avatar

Do you know if they’re an ActivityPub-BlueSky bridge in the works?

aasatru , avatar

It's already up and running. I follow several Bluesky users in my Mastodon, some Bluesky people follow me as well.

It has to be manually enabled on both sides though.

xnx , to piracy in Is it safe to use MIG Switch for pirating?

Philosophical reasons?

lud ,

They want free stuff.

SnokenKeekaGuard , to asklemmy in Do you know any question and answer sites? avatar


This community?

boogetyboo , avatar

Quora always feels like a fever dream

ZeroCool , to technology in DuckDuckGo starting to give more "personal" search results

I had been using DDG for years but switched to SearXNG last fall after reading about it on Lemmy. It’s a privacy focused meta-search engine that can even be self-hosted. It’s wildly customizable and I’ve been pretty happy with the results.

If you’re not interested in self-hosting, or just want to test drive it a bit, there are lots of public instances you can use as well.

List of public instances

nul9o9 ,

I’ve switched to searx as well.

I added an instance as a custom search on my firefox mobile app using this string.

d00ery ,

I’m clearly not understanding something here, but I thought search engines would require loads of space to index all the internet. Just thinking about the ability to search for code on stackoverflow seems like loads already.


Found it!

SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.

Looks very interesting, thanks for commenting about it.

phar ,

Whoa thank you!!!

recklessengagement ,

Man I fucking love this community sometimes. This is like the 5th fantastic self hostable open source software I’ve seen since joining lemmy, and every time, it gives me that feeling of discovering the internet all over again.

shrodes ,

Share the other 4 :)

KarnaSubarna , avatar
GeneralEmergency , to asklemmy in If the US stayed out of other countries politics and there were no coups or installation of people favorable to the US what would the world look like?

Well the troubles would have continued. So there that.

trolololol ,

Ooh I think you need to read more about history. For once, CIA wouldn’t need to support drug dealers to finance its operations in Central America. Guess where those drugs were being consumed?

GeneralEmergency ,


eldavi , (edited )

the cia admitted to starting the cocaine epidemic so that they can use the money to fund rebel fighters to keep central american countries weak and dependent on the united states.

but not until after destroying a whistleblower’s life and livelihood for trying to uncover it publically and then made his death look like a suicide.

GeneralEmergency ,

I probably should have capitalised The Troubles shouldn’t I

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