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If the IBM PC used an ARM (or related) CPU instead of the Intel 8088, would smartphones ultimately have sucked less?

Developers still continue to shaft anyone that isn’t using an IBM PC compatible. But if the IBM PC was more closely related to the latest Nexus/Pixel device, then would the gaming experience on smartphones be any good?

Youtube Rant from a paying customer

I used to use NewPipe back in the days of yore. Then I got Youtube Premium since it bundled in Youtube Music as well which I used. But the former’s app on mobile is a shit show. Even after paying, you are asked to tip random creators, purchase merchandise[ which are shown as actual ads below videos] and join channels to access...

Musk's X Corp loses lawsuit against Israeli data-scraping company (

May 10 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge dismissed a lawsuit in which Elon Musk’s X Corp accused an Israeli data-scraping company of illegally copying and selling content, and selling tools that let others copy and sell content, from the social media platform....

How Zionism became a synonym for violence and oppression (

For decades, Joe Biden has proudly declared that he is a Zionist, and he has repeated that claim since Hamas’s 7 October attacks on Israel. But for the student anti-war protests gripping the US, the words “Zionist” and “Zionism” have become a watchword – pejorative and emblematic of the violent state policies driving...

Local governments struggle to distribute their share of billions from opioid settlements (

Settlement money to help stem the decades-long opioid addiction and overdose epidemic is rolling out to small towns and big cities across the U.S., but advocates worry that chunks of it may be used in ways that don’t make a dent in the crisis....

Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction

Hey hello, self-hosting noob here. I just want to know if anyone would know a good way to host my writing. Something akin to those webcomic sites, except for writing. Multiple stories with their own “sections” (?) and a chapter selection for each. Maybe a home page or profile page to just briefly detail myself or whatever, I...

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