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Trump Cryptically Declares, ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’ If He Wins Second Term

Former President Donald Trump urged members of a crowd in Florida to vote and said that if he wins, they “won’t have to vote anymore.”

Speaking at a Turning Point Action event in West Palm Beach on Friday, Trump, who tried to overturn the 2020 election he lost, delivered a cryptic message.

“And again, Christians, get out and vote!” he said to a cheering audience. “Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians! I’m a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”

DmMacniel , avatar

Hail King Trumpnut.

snekerpimp ,

Wow, I mean technically the Antichrist and the False Prophet COULD be the same person, nothing in Revelation says they can’t.

SlopppyEngineer ,

With all the people wearing a bandage on their ear it looks like they already have their stigmata.

coyootje ,

As an outsider I honestly just don’t get what people see in this idiot. How can you take someone that talk like that seriously? He sounds like a nutter that is promising crazy stuff that would literally mean the end of the USA as we know it.

If he’d get his way with this and the other project 2025 stuff it’d honestly be the end of America I think.

rtxn , (edited )

Trump is a cult leader in all but name. His zealots support worldviews that have been made illegal, taboo, obsolete, or otherwise unacceptable, like white supremacy and racism, fascism, theocracy, homo-/transphobia, and mysogyny; they perceive this as an attack against their lifestyles by “the others.” They will rally to the loudest voice that speaks out against “the others” and support him as long as that remains true.

Trump cultists are irrational creatures, you can’t apply rational expectations and deduce a satisfactory answer.

dogsnest , avatar

I’m Canadian and whenever I’m abroad, the locals ask me what the fuck is wrong with Americans. Expecting I’ll know better bc we’re neighbours.
Which is true, since we’re more likely to interact.
All I can reply is, “They’re just totally fucked!” It’s that simple!

Also, when I meet Americans abroad now, the first thing they do is apologize for America. That’s the only Canadian trait that’s rubbed off on them.

tburkhol ,

He promises simple solutions with no sacrifice, essentially just “I’ll fix it.” Certain people love that. Don’t care what the solution is, don’t care that the problem has been simplified beyond recognition, just fix shit.

ChronosTriggerWarning ,

Paraphrasing here:

“Let’s just take the guns away. Due process after.”

“I’ll have Medicare fixed. Just wait a week.”

“Mexico will pay for it.”

This is the insane dribble this fuck spews on the daily, and people eat it up.

prole ,

As an American, neither do I. The man was a national joke for 30+ years, and all it took was a shiny new coat of paint in the form of a reality TV show where they just straight up constantly lied about his wealth and business acumen, for people to literally begin worshipping him.

Watching your loved ones fall into this shit is heartbreaking.

Tylerdurdon , (edited )

As an insider, it’s even worse. You didn’t have to suffer 4 years of continuous clusterfuck and embarrassment only to be topped off by a planned insurrection that they still try to gaslight everyone about.

You’re absolutely correct that it would be the end of America.

retrospectology , (edited ) avatar

I think what Trump’s following kind of reveals is a sad truth about humans generally; about a quarter of people are very stupid and very susceptible to cult-think. It doesn’t always manifest as support for a politician, it could be anti-vax beliefs, or racism, zionism etc.

Wherever you are, about 25-30% of people are simply not equipped to think critically, and that stupidity is activated or weaponized under various conditions, most often during times of economic stress or social chaos. People who can’t understand the complex causes of a problem are easy to manipulate – you give them a simplistic answer.

“It’s the jews” or “trans people are the root of your problems” etc.

It can happen anywhere because a certain demographic of people are just dumb, and there’s no way around it other than trying to reduce human suffering across the board and making it less likely that anyone is struggling.

Substance_P ,

I think if Trumps plan plays out and if If Project 2025 is enacted it will likely have more than an effect on the US, it will likely have profound effects on the world. It will change geopolitics and economies through shifts in alliances, trade dynamics, nationalistic sentiments, and domestic economic policies.

Thinking it through, it’ll probably move towards an increasingly complex global landscape, overshadowed by uncertainty and potential conflicts.

smokebuddy ,

it only happens on day one so don’t worry about it

rickdg , avatar

“btw I’m not a threat to democracy, you’re a threat to democracy”

Diplomjodler3 ,

What the fuck is supposed to be cryptic about this? He’s making it perfectly clear that he wants to overthrow democracy in the US. And everybody who votes for him is OK with that.

SlopppyEngineer ,

People asked the question before. It went something like:

“You do realize that he’ll be a dictator, right?”

" We don’t care. He’ll be our dictator and that’s all that matters."

And then they’ll say they do it for freedom and democracy.

FlyingSquid , avatar

There’s another angle to the dictator thing-

A lot of people essentially think the president already is a dictator. That’s why even people on the left say things like, “why doesn’t Biden raise the minimum wage?!” when that requires an act of congress.

GustavoFring ,


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  • FlyingSquid , avatar

    Where did you get any indication from what I said that I thought it was okay? I’m talking about why people aren’t more concerned about it like they should be.

    qarbone ,

    So many people are so het up, they come sprinting in, gagging to fight someone.

    They need to just deep breathe twice and think a little, please.

    beebarfbadger ,

    Trump’s always been banking on everybody giving him the benefit of the doubt, and they do, but he thinks it’s because he’s so very clever that he’s tricking his opponents with his thinly veiled veneer of plausible deniability. In actuality they just do it because he’s rich.

    Tarquinn2049 ,

    To be fair, if they are doing it because he is rich, then he is indeed tricking them. Even with all the reasons why he should be rich; owning a bunch of buildings, rarely paying anyone that does anything for him, being born rich… he actually still isn’t. He’s so bad with money that despite all that, he’s overall in the hole most of the time. Which is why he so vehemently defends any financial info coming out about him. It’s a point of pride to him that people think he is rich.

    Big_Boss_77 ,

    My favorite is “Why did Biden make shit so expensive!?” And all I can do is laugh, because my brain plays on a loop Biden sneaking around to all the stores swaping price tags and chuckling maniacally.

    And then I get sad because these were people I once respected as “intelligent”…

    Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

    I think it’s less “they think the position is already a dictator” and more “the general public has absolutely no idea how the office of the president works, or how the powers and limitations on various branches work in general” which is a failing of their education, and a poor reflection on the country as a whole.

    Of course that’s exactly the way the republicunts like it, “keep the population dumb and they won’t even question why you’re oppressing them”

    If your only experience with the president and their powers comes from (for millennial anyway) various crises (manufactured and non) where the president says “I’m signing this thing to do this” and because the vast majority of congress is behind them, as well as the regular) rest of the population, and it gets done (I’m thinking of things like Iraq), I can see someone thinking “well the president signed a paper, so it MUST happen”

    Which is sad funny since I hear the minimum wage comment a lot, but like… How well do you think that will go? It will go just like the student loan bullshit.

    And republicunts are such fucking insecure losers, they will happily drag the entire planet down into their bullshit to prevent even one single other person from getting help that they believe they’re entitled to the entirety of.

    You know. Like Toddlers.

    Guy_Fieris_Hair ,

    Or the more common answer:

    “He misspoke and the media is taking out of context.”

    Even though he has said it thirty different ways and this just happens to line up with the narrative.

    UpperBroccoli ,

    And he kept a running mate who keeps saying it.

    Omegamanthethird , avatar

    Both groups exist and both ignore that the other exists. Just like every “anti-woke” comment is made. Half of them say it’s about some made up nuanced take, while the other half say “no it’s really just racism/sexism/homophobia”. Which pretty much sums up what Hillary said back in 2016.

    beebarfbadger ,

    “We want our dictator for… what are the good words again?”

    “You mean freedom and democracy?”

    “Yeah, whatever, for those!”

    ikidd , avatar

    Those fuckers should be deported to some authoritarian shithole with Sharia law like Iran so they can appreciate what they’re throwing away because they’re terrified of “the gays”.

    SlopppyEngineer ,

    Same with the “migrants out” thing. If immigrants actually left, farmers and business would be desperate within days because all their hardest and/or cheapest workers just vanished and now there are no more truck drivers, no more field workers so crops left rotting on the field, no more waiters, … Prices of stuff would shoot up. UK tried this recently and that’s what happened.

    PassingThrough ,

    Many don’t think he can pull it off, which is the scary part that might let him do it.

    “Oh, that’s all talk. He can say what he wants but can’t do shit without the House and Congress, and if he wanted to change things to get more terms? With states majority agreement that’s required? Not in his lifetime. You worry for nothing, PassingThrough, it’s all showmanship, as it always has been. And no, the Army wouldn’t help such an obvious fool overthrow the government either.”

    grabyourmotherskeys ,

    It’s crazy.

    “Oh, your drunk uncle Mike who has three arson convictions, thinks you turned the family against him, and is in your attached garage with gas and a lighter threatening to burn it down? Don’t worry about him, he’s harmless!”

    itslilith , avatar
    blattrules ,

    I’m guessing it’s cryptic because he can just say that he meant “for me” and not “in general.”

    suction ,

    Also anyone who doesn’t go vote because of edgelord reasons or laziness is guilty. If the US becomes Russia v2.0, we’ll all die in WW3 guaranteed.

    BlackLaZoR , avatar

    So he wants to be a permanent dictator? Sounds legit considering the SCOTUS verdict about no criminal reponsibility

    Gradually_Adjusting , avatar

    His VP is an American monarchist.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Yes. He wants to be a dictator on day one and then the rest of the days after that too.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    There’s nothing cryptic about that at all. He’s telling you what you should be believing for once.

    UpperBroccoli ,

    I think we all should have learned from last time that the only time you can believe anything Trump says is when he promises to do something truely horrible.

    Aurenkin ,

    Yes very cryptic, I wonder what he could possibly mean by that?

    rand_alpha19 ,

    Surely the leopards would never eat my face!

    votes for an outspoken aspiring fascist dictator

    overload ,

    Your country is insane.

    In any other democratic nation in the world, a politician saying this would be finished.

    I hope for the sake of humanity that all the sane people in the US go out and tells everyone they know that cares about democracy and the rule of law what Trump is planning to do, especially in the swing states.

    prole ,

    Our country is full of proudly ignorant bootlickers

    Turns out all you need to do is make up some bullshit about “American dreams” and “bootstraps,” make them believe they too can (and probably already should!) be a billionaire, and the one thing stopping that are those goddamn Marxist Democrats and their “progressive taxation,” and “social safety nets for the blacks (please ignore the fact that I’m on disability, it’s different)”.

    Republicans have been sabotaging our country’s own public education system for 25+ years at this point. Selling the future prosperity of our nation down the river for a voter-base with cult-like devotion, and a unique ability to ignore objective reality.

    Unfortunately for the planet, it seems to have been wildly successful.

    The next step is to do away with democracy altogether.

    Jaderick ,

    It’s been the Koch brothers and the John Birch Society’s dream (amongst others) to propagandize so many people of the “American Dream” and evils of anything other than capitalism. They were ecstatic when the Tea Party movement worked out for them, but they lost control of it with Trump. It’s a monster of their own making.

    beebarfbadger ,

    and evils of anything other than capitalism

    *other than WHAT THEY CALL capitalism

    They look at monopolies where the market leader buys laws, lobbies for protection and muscles competition out of the game unhindered and then they decry anybody calling it out as communists or socialists or the devil or whatever other bad word is en vogue that day.

    Carrolade ,

    Kochs lost control of Trump to the JBS types. The Kochs are more Mitch McConnell type power brokers, all about the money and corporations. JBS is more MAGA, with the heavy undercurrent of conspiracy.

    rottingleaf ,

    Turns out all you need to do is make up some bullshit about “American dreams” and “bootstraps,” make them believe they too can (and probably already should!) be a billionaire, and the one thing stopping that are those goddamn Marxist Democrats and their “progressive taxation,” and “social safety nets for the blacks (please ignore the fact that I’m on disability, it’s different)”.

    Well, to generalize your statement a bit, I’ve had a conflict with people who thought that the only thing preventing them from living in socialist heaven were jerks like me talking about human rights, market economy, transparency, accountability, governments actually changing, putting thieves in jail and getting activists out of jail, legalization of various substances, any consensual sexual activity, privacy, freedom of speech, competitive judicial system, culture of protest, yadda-yadda once a few years …

    They sincerely thought all this prevented life in my country from being good, while themselves being thieving ignorant intriguing insecure shits was normal. You know, the kind of people who contribute clearly negatively to the society, but think life is unjust to them, they should live better and somebody has stolen everything from them.

    JackiesFridge , avatar

    Exactly - I started noticing prideful ignorance in the early 2010s. People around me made bad choices and would not be corrected. Their ignorance was just as valid as someone else’s actual knowledge. That’s when, strengthened by their own baseless pride, their shame disappeared. I’m not saying shame is good, but when it’s the only thing keeping the deplorables in check, maybe a little of it helps.

    It used to be that I’m general, horrible people realised they were horrible and at least went through the motions of being decent. They were like cockroaches scurrying for the shadows when you turned on the light. Now they’re like a cat peeing on your bed - they pause long enough to lock eyes with you, then continue peeing.

    Speaking optimistically, at least now we know exactly who they are.

    rottingleaf ,

    They were like cockroaches scurrying for the shadows when you turned on the light.

    Oh, I actually used this comparison once when such people still generally did that. They were pissed. I didn’t directly address them BTW, they decided which side they’re on for themselves.

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    The GOP have been selling these people hope and magic since Reagan. It’s no longer about hard work for republicans, now all they have to do is destroy cities and kick out everyone they don’t like, and we will return to the magic that never existed in the 1950’s.

    NABDad ,

    I hate to break it to you, but it’s not just our country.

    beebarfbadger ,

    It may be the most successful example of indoctrination of parts of the populace of a supposedly developed nation by the ruling class though.

    barsquid ,

    It’s a smashing success for regulatory capture of the courts so that unlimited funds, foreign and domestic, can be legally spent on propaganda targeting fear-addicted racists.

    EatATaco ,

    This is lemmy, the goal is always to shit on America.

    TrickDacy ,

    Probably because it’s one of the worst examples of many bad things. Source: am American. The only way you can avoid criticizing America as a thinking person is to focus on the ways it’s a little better than other countries. For example we mostly have clean drinking water while other countries don’t. But if you for a moment focus back on America itself it’s hard not to find things that just damned well ought to be better. Never be sick in America. Our healthcare is a pathetic piece of shit!

    suction ,

    About the clean drinking water, the first world countries all have it though

    TrickDacy ,

    I realize that. I should’ve said that some countries don’t have clean drinking water. For me it has been shocking when I’ve experienced that because I’m “spoiled” by safe water most places I’ve ever visited.

    Freefall ,

    Pointing out flaws instead of blindly shouting “murka numbuh wun!” is not a bad thing…

    suction ,

    “I’m the normal one, everyone around me is crazy!!!”

    suction ,

    Right, Russia is fucked too

    raspberriesareyummy ,

    In any other democratic nation in the world, a politician saying this would be finished.

    Unfortunately not anymore, no. Bolsonaro (luckily voted out) and Orban and the Polish potato (also luckily voted out) have been spouting similar bullshit for 10+ years. Also, Erdoğan talks bullshit like that.

    All of them a little less incoherent than the fat orange turd, but still, they say this kind of bullshit.

    ech ,

    The craziest part is that, even with the absolute insanity this election has already been (and it will absolutely get worse), I’m seriously worried there’s going to be a worse turnout than 2020. 30% of voters are holding the country hostage, but another 30+% still can’t be bothered to get out and do the most basic thing they can do to fix it. It’s absurd. The nutjobs in the US are dragging the country to the gallows, but apathetic voters are tying the noose.

    dhork ,

    I’m seriously worried there’s going to be a worse turnout than 2020.

    2020 had the highest voter turnout in any US election. Donald Trump got more votes in 2020 (more than 74 million) than any other Presidential candidate, winner or loser, in history… except for Joe Biden in 2020, who got 81 million.


    ech , (edited )

    I am aware (hence my point of 30%), and that was still abysmal. 60% turnout is not much of an achievement, and that only happened because of the pandemic (which is also still happening, though easier to ignore now). Existential threats to the country just aren’t going to motivate the chronically apathetic the same way, even if they are actually a bigger threat overall.

    dhork ,

    Don’t automatically assume the 30% who don’t bother voting are guaranteed to vote against Trump. Historically, it has been younger voters who don’t bother voting, and they do tend to be more liberal. But this time around, young voters are starting their adult lives in a world that is stacked against them, and they know it. They have felt the effects of post-pandemic inflation but have not had their pay raised to match. Those who were old enough to be adults pre-pandemic might very well conclude that they were better off personally when Trump was in office, and may be dismissing all the alarm at his re-election.

    There have been several studies indicating that “disengaged” voters, if they show up, would break toward Republicans this time around. This article is from before Biden quit, but shows a clear preference for Trump among these voters:


    ech ,

    I’m not assuming anything. I know Trump got a hefty share of the extra voters in 2020. That doesn’t change anything I said.

    solsangraal ,

    in any other democratic nation, he would have been finished in 2015, when the “grab’em by the pussy” tape came out

    but no, it’s 2024 and we STILL have to waste time arguing about drag queens and library books

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    To this day, I will never know how it didn’t end the moment he made fun of that photographer who had the deformity on his arm.

    solsangraal ,

    the list of things that should have ended trump is too long for any comment, so here…/donald-trump-worst-president-eve…

    Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

    It’s because the country has a long history of treating disabled people like shit. This country literally gave the germans the inspiration to do eugenics shit.

    TrickDacy ,

    Your country is insane.

    You don’t say! I simply hadn’t noticed! What’s so crazy about people voting for someone with no experience whatsoever except for being a rich asshole which he proved every second breath? I mean that’s just normal!!

    RootBeerGuy , avatar

    To be fair, even thought that’s not needed with this guy, what he could actually mean is that he doesn’t give a crap who anyone votes for in 4 years since its not going to be him anyway, and for him he is the only person that counts.

    But yeah, all the other theories are also plausible unfortunately.

    perviouslyiner , (edited )

    Could be the only thing he cares about getting “fixed” are his impending criminal trials?

    dmtalon ,

    I was hoping someone else in here would say this. This would be his second term.

    Crackhappy , avatar

    You are wrong. All you have to do is listen to the words he actually said.

    CitizenKong ,

    “I love you, christians. I am a christian!”

    Who the fuck talks like that? And who the fuck votes for a guy that talks like that?

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    Hello my fellow human beings, I’m a human and love doing human activities.

    Narwhalrus ,
    Lemminary ,

    Hello, fellow kids!

    Yawweee877h444 ,

    Christians, apparently.

    cygnus , avatar

    When you’ve already lost the capacity for critical thought…

    sp3tr4l ,

    Imagine how stupid the average person is, then realize half of all people are stupider than that.

    • George Carlin
    TrickDacy ,

    Truer words never have been uttered

    Centaur ,

    Happy cake day!

    TrickDacy ,

    Aw thanks! I didn’t even realize it was so until you said that. Curious – how did you know? I’m using boost right now and it’s not made obvious anywhere I’ve checked.

    Centaur ,

    There is a picture of little cake on the right side of your nick. Maybe Boost don’t like cakes?

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    I read something that put conservatives into greater context, just changed one word.

    “Imagine how stupid the average Republican is, then realize half of all republicans are stupider than that.”

    qjkxbmwvz ,

    Median would be the more generally correct number to use, but apparently IQ (debatable as a proxy for intelligence…) is roughly normally distributed, so either is likely close enough.

    OwenEverbinde , (edited )

    Oh yeah, they normalize IQ every year, and 100 is always used as the median.

    But thanks to the Flynn Effect, getting a 100 (the number they always choose for the middle) in 2024 means you’re significantly smarter than someone who got a 100 in 1990.

    So when Carlin said, “think of a person with average intelligence” he was calling to mind (to his 1990 audience) a person who was average in 1990 but would score in the 70s or 80s [EDIT: would actually score right around 90 points] today.

    This is what happens when you take the lead out of gasoline.

    roscoe ,

    A person would only drop a couple points over time. 80s, and especially 70s, would be significantly impaired.

    OwenEverbinde ,

    Yeah, I ended up looking up the actual Flynn effect numbers AFTER leaving my comment, and had to edit because I was way off.

    tate ,

    The word average is used to signify mean, median or mode freely, depending only on context. For example, “he’s just an average Joe” is to say he’s like most other men in his demographic. In that case average means mode. In Carlin’s joke, average means median.

    ByteOnBikes ,

    These people who talk equally as phony.

    Behold: a black person.

    derpgon ,

    Too stupid to be satire, but also too stupid to not be satire. I am not sure with this one, chief.

    Seleni ,

    If I recall correctly, he forgot to switch accounts before posting that one.

    ImADifferentBird , avatar

    Quite a few of those on social media.

    mPony ,

    AND YET…

    Rubanski ,

    Yes it’s like when I, too, enjoy human food like a real human

    tigeruppercut ,
    Bremmy ,

    He said “I’m not Christian”

    Zerlyna , avatar

    If you listen to that audio closely it sounds like he said “im not Christian”. But then he would be telling the truth. And he doesn’t know how to do that.

    BeigeAgenda , avatar

    As I recall when he was president he laughed at Christian dignitaries and called them stupid to his aides.

    I think he enjoys being the wolf in sheep clothes, especially when addressing Christians.

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