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xhieron , avatar

Well congratulations “liberals”, bots, propagandists, defeatists. You win. If Trump had beaten Biden, it would have been Biden’s fault, along with the party. Now the party gets to share the blame with you. You lot gambled this for the rest of us. Let’s hope your bet pays off. Open your wallets and hit the pavement. If you’re a real person and you pitched a fit so this would happen, you got what you wanted. Act like it. Your lobbying won you an obligation to campaign. If you were on social media begging for Biden to quit, now you owe the time you spent here to Harris’s campaign (or whomever the fuck they nominate).

You bought it. You own it.

audiomodder ,

You must be too young to remember Clinton losing to Trump and rather than “oh this is Clinton and the party’s fault”, they blamed it all on “Bernie bros” despite there being absolutely no data to back it up.

If I’ve learned anything in my decades on this earth, it’s that the DNC will fuck everything up, and they will blame anything bad that happens on the progressive wing of the party.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

I hate the anti-Biden bots and bot-curious types as much as you do. But it was Biden’s decision and I doubt anything said on social media influenced that decision. There’s the debate performance, the polling data, the fact that he is actually old and isn’t going to be able to do two rallies per day for the next 100 days while also doing the job of President. Those were the real world factors that likely influenced Biden more than anything on social media.

I was all in on saying nice things about Biden and trying to downplay the age problem for the next 100 days. Whatever it takes to prevent Trump from getting back into the Whitehouse.

But Kamala Harris has a slightly better chance than Biden. I think young people value identity politics too much… but we got just over 100 days left so we can talk about that later. For now… hello fellow young people, don’t you want to be a part of history and vote for the first woman President of the US? Vote Harris!

I’ll miss the Dark Brandon memes… but now we’re pushing coconut memes? Is that what we’re doing now?

Whatever it takes to prevent Trump from getting back into the Whitehouse.

HurlingDurling , avatar

Honest question.

Now that Biden is out, can any Democrat run for election? Or is Kamala it?

tal , (edited ) avatar

Biden has endorsed Harris.

There’s no law governing this. Depends on what the Democratic Party does. May be that it’s decided internally on Harris. No way to know for certain.

I expect that we will find out soon, because whoever runs has very little time to do so, so the Democrats cannot screw around here – they need to get a pick in place quickly and get the campaign moving.

Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom, the other two frontrunners I’ve seen mentioned, have previously said that they will not run against Harris if she wants it. So it’s probably Harris’s call.

Zaktor ,

The Democrats officially choose their nominee at the convention (or maybe a virtual vote this year). There will be only one ticket running for the Democrats, but someone other than Harris could try to get selected. It’s really unlikely though, as rejecting Harris would be very damaging to the party and two major competitors already said they wouldn’t try to run against her.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Now that Biden is out, can any Democrat run for election?

Yes. In theory.

Or is Kamala it?

Yes. In reality.

kn0wmad1c , avatar

What happens now? Does the DNC pick a replacement or will they be holding a snap primary?

Thekingoflorda OP , avatar

A new canidate will be picked during the DNC on 19-22 august.

alvvayson ,


And Kamala is the most logical choice, because there will be the least amount of legal hurdles, since she was already on the ticket.

And the Republicans already said they are going to mount legal challenges, which can easily lead to SCOTUS deciding the election. So I expect Sanders, AOC and progressives to strongly push for Kamala.

But I fully expect the DNC to push forward some corporate candidate like Bloomberg.

It’s going to be interesting.

someguy3 ,

How is it that states can decide (or whatever the correctt word is) who’s on the ballot when the party hasn’t even officially nominated a candidate? I know that political parties are separate from election institutions, but it seems very strange. And it seems very early for states to have it set in stone.

Zaktor ,

They can’t. The nominee is chosen by the party and then communicated to the states. The states do have deadlines for being on it and this year some organizational genius scheduled the convention after the earliest deadline in Ohio. Ohio has since moved that deadline back, but the structure of the law leaves room for shenanigans so the DNC is moving forward with a virtual vote before the convention.

someguy3 ,

So legally it should be fine to decide at the DNC?

Zaktor ,

Yes, with a big asterisk on the “should”. The law that pushes the deadline back may theoretically not go into effect until after the deadline is passed, and they paired it with some other campaign finance rules that are probably unconstitutional, so there’s an outside chance the whole thing gets struck down.

All that said, the Democrats won’t win Ohio for the presidential race. They want to be on the ballot to help turnout for the Democratic senator who’s running at the same time. So if they took a risk and lost, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

alvvayson ,

I am not a lawyer, but what is clear is that each State sets its own laws. By the constitution, States are in charge of elections.

What I have heard is that Biden has to release his delegates, who are already bound to him. Many states have already had their primaries completed with the Biden/Harris ticket winning.

Sending those electors to the Convention and letting them choose someone else is going to be a grey area.

If they choose Harris, it’s pretty sound. When a president steps down, the VP becomes president, so there is definitely precedent and a legal basis.

But if Biden releases his delegates and lets them vote for anyone? That will be challenged and it will go to the supreme court. And SCOTUS is corrupt enough to find some flimsy legal excuse that helps Republicans.

So yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. But I am not an expert.

dhork ,

Mike Bloomberg? He’s older than Biden

SirDerpy ,

There are no legal hurdles. The private organization can nominate whomever they want regardless of their votes and their rules.

audiomodder ,

The legal hurdles aren’t in the nomination, they’re in monies donated directly to the Biden/Harris campaign

SirDerpy ,

The only way money is beholden to a campaign is because a major donor insisted upon it. And, no one is asking for a refund on executive and legislative influence.

MeThisGuy ,

pick me

the_crotch ,

The legal hurdles are around getting their candidate on state ballots

SirDerpy ,

Nice insight. Democratic Secretaries of State will find a way. But, Republican Secretaries of State will definitely resist.

I want to be of a mind that they made the bed to exclude third parties and now should lie in it. But, perhaps this is an opportunity to change the rules of ballot access for the better.

mosiacmango ,

You think the DNC is going to try to push out the centrist, sitting vice president of their party during a presidential election? The vice presidential that aligns with the majority of their constituents, has a huge war chest of money, and is a well know and generally liked member of the party?

The DNC are idiots, but that makes no sense at all.

timewarp , avatar

Serious? I haven’t even had time to see that. That is the best decision they could have made.

dhork ,

The new candidate will be picked before then, they were already planning an early roll call vote because the DNC convention is too late for some state deadlines.

hitstun , avatar

August 7 is the deadline. The problem is my state, Ohio. By law, the Democrats must nominate someone in 17 days or be left off the ballot. It's way too fast for a special primary election.

This is certainly going to face legal challenges in red states, too. The orange one will probably run unopposed in states like Florida.

holycrap ,

My understanding is they pick a replacement

jeffw , (edited ) avatar

Anything could happen. Most likely is the elected delegates will decide at the convention (edit: when you vote for “Biden,” you are basically voting for who the delegates that will elect him will vote for, so you still elected those delegates). Redoing a primary before then would be next to impossible. Takes weeks or months to get signatures to get on the ballot, then you need time to recruit staff to work the polls, etc.

wjrii ,

Yup. I would be literally stunned if any state primary has no legal path forward for what to do if a primary candidate drops out before the convention. It could get messy, but this idea that the dems will not have a candidate in some states come November is FUD.

Broadly, when Americans vote in primaries, they are not voting directly for a candidate but kicking off a process that will ultimately send delegates to the party’s national convention. Those delegates are the ones who officially pick the nominee — and the Democrats’ convention hasn’t happened yet.…/what-next-biden-00170001

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Yeah it’s the convention where it’s made official that a person is the nominee. If he dropped out after the convention… now that would be a mess. But as it is now, the guy that was the presumptive nominee yesterday is not longer the presumptive nominee.

morphballganon ,

If the DNC of the past is any indication, they’ll ignore voters and put up the most boring, uncompelling candidate they can.

solrize ,

Alternatively: they put up the most divisive and cringeworthy candidate they can.

timewarp , avatar

I wanted AOC but her last few posts have been cringe. She’s divisive, but that could have worked in her favor. Prob. will be Kamala. I think they should have an open convention & let delegates decide though.

AbidanYre ,

Sorry, Trump’s already running as a Republican.

cerement , avatar

DNC busy trying to get Manchin and Sinema to come back to the fold

AbidanYre ,

Oh man, if they both come back it’s just a question of which one is on top of the ticket.

ShepherdPie ,

And those of us in the party who aren’t right-leaning will get blamed when they lose.

jeffw , avatar…/open-convention-democrats-bi…

“How Democrats would pick a new candidate if Biden drops out, step by step”

One [possibility] is a virtual vote that would lock in a new nominee in early August, and the other is an “open” convention, a scenario the party hasn’t experienced since 1968.
A convention is open when no candidate arrives with a clear majority of delegates, so the event turns into a mini-primary in which contenders scramble to persuade delegates to vote for them…
Some states have August deadlines to get on the ballot for the general election, and early voting begins in some places in September. So party leaders probably would try to settle the nomination before the Democratic National Convention begins Aug. 19.

There are two types of Democratic delegates. Pledged delegates commit to supporting the candidate state voters chose, although a “good conscience” clause in the party’s rules gives them a bit of wiggle room.

Automatic delegates, often called superdelegates, are the party’s highest-profile leaders. They have the role because of the offices they hold (or held), and the group includes former presidents and vice presidents, Democratic governors, members of Congress and party officials. They are not pledged to any candidate and are not allowed to vote on the first ballot at the convention.

PythagreousTitties ,

Clusterfuck it is, then. Oh boy.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Not really. It’ll be Harris. Biden endorsed her and already other potential Dem front-runners are endorsing her. Within in a few days it’ll be like she’s the incumbent and no one will want to run against her for the same reasons they didn’t run against Biden. Plus the additional reason that they don’t want to screw up their chances of being her VP pick.

Rayspekt ,

Dumb question. Why didn’t they just schedule the convention prior to all deadlines regardless who runs for office? Is there any benefit to meeting so late?

jeffw , avatar

It is before the deadlines but just barely. Typically the candidate is known before the convention, so you already have enough signatures to get on the ballot in every state

Zaktor ,

It wasn’t when they scheduled it. It was after Ohio’s deadline. And major parties don’t need signatures to put forward candidates.

jeffw , avatar

Not in a general, no. They do in a primary though. In this case, you’re right, the candidate would get on the ballot by the delegates voting

cerement , avatar

a scenario the party hasn’t experienced since 1968

because the 1968 Democratic Convention went swimmingly – oh, they’re also holding this year’s convention in Chicago again you say? with increased police presence as well?

gAlienLifeform , avatar

Well, at least there isn’t anything controversial going on overseas that’s got the college kids riled up this time /s

VanillaBean ,

Welp they must have looked at the data and saw Kamala or someone else would do significantly better. Hope they’re right.

woop_woop ,

The dnc has famously been able to do that

chemical_cutthroat , avatar

Well known for picking the strongest candidate.

WoahWoah ,
TechAnon ,

I hope so and if true we have to trust the data. My vote is solid blue based on virtues and most policies. There’s probably a lot of others like me.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

It’s basically 50/50 with either Biden or Harris at the top of the ticket. Everything is in the margin of error, and polling has been notoriously inaccurate with Trump on the ballot.

So you have to basically ignore the simple Trump vs. Biden or Trump vs. Harris or (Trump vs. anyone else you can think of) numbers because it’s pretty much unknown. But the data says a majority (even an majority of Democrats) want someone other than Biden on the ballot at election. BTW a majority of voters also want someone other than Trump on the ballot too.

There’s also some data to suggest Trump is making some inroads with young male Black and Hispanic voters. Harris will negate a significant amount of that immediately and potentially even more when the GOP can’t resist blowing their racist dog whistles and show voters who they really are.

So it’s kinda about looking at the data, but I think a large part of it is simple campaign facts. In times past a Presidential candidate would do two (sometimes three) rallies in two different states per day. And do interviews while traveling between campaign events. Trump isn’t capable of that pace. Biden most certainly isn’t capable of that pace. Harris can do that. We really haven’t seen a 100% balls to the wall presidential campaign in a while because it’s been two old guys in the last election and in this one… until now.

Remember Biden also had to do the job of being President of the country while also campaigning. That’s a lot of work for even someone young, and Biden is so very old. Sure Harris is VP, but that’s mostly just getting some briefings (too keep up on events in case she might need to take over as Prez) and breaking ties in the Senate (which probably won’t be needed between now and election day). She can devote almost all of her time to campaigning while Biden couldn’t.

kylie_kraft ,


  • Loading...
  • Altomes ,

    As a very vocal Biden hater I’ll stomach Kamela far better and would be thrilled for someone else

    xhieron , (edited ) avatar

    Stomach isn’t enough. If you’re not actively campaigning and donating for her–or whomever the candidate is–then you may as well have been a Republican.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Clearly the hivemind wants to stay in our armchairs. Who can blame us, right? We’ll continue this conversation in November. I hope it’s not I-told-you-so.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    And doing what you’re doing discourages people from voting.

    xhieron , avatar

    Squid, I appreciate your contributions to putting content on the platform, honestly, but I couldn’t be any less interested in that take. My history speaks for itself, and anybody can read it who cares to. Everybody must vote. I don’t think I could be any clearer about that. I was a staunch advocate for Biden, and I’ll be a staunch advocate for Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, or anyone else who carries the Democratic party forward.

    But every single one of them polls down from Biden. To the extent any of the whining on social media since the debate hasn’t been astroturfed, advocacy for Biden to drop out resulted in this news, and it means that the party has now voluntarily given up the single biggest proven advantage a candidate historically has in a presidential election: being the sitting president.

    I’m encouraging people to vote, but you know as well as I do that people who were going to vote anything-blue were going to vote for Biden no matter what anybody said on almost-reddit. Harris has to move the needle further than that, and that means that all the armchair it’ll-be-better-if-he-drops-out analysts now need to step the fuck up if they want this news to mean anything other than “The DNC just handed Trump 2024.”

    Everybody knows that the kids screaming “oh if the candidate were just younger, the Dems would have it in a landslide” were full of shit, and now we’re about to see just how big a deficit we’re actually running. I’d love to be wrong! I’d be delighted, ecstatic, beside myself to discover that next weeks polls put all these convention front-runners up 10 points on Trump. But I’ve studied this stuff, and it doesn’t take a veteran pollster to realize it doesn’t work that way. Actual campaigning has to happen.

    If you cared enough to want Biden out, but not quite enough to want Harris to win, then you were going to hold your nose in the ballot box either way and it doesn’t fucking matter: Trump would still win. That’s not discouraging. That’s statistics.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Telling people that if they don’t go out and campaign, they might as well be a Republican is just counterproductive. Insulting people is just never a way to get them to do what you think they should do.

    I don’t know why so many people think that’s the right tack. Have you ever been insulted into doing something?

    xhieron , avatar

    The few words of hyperbole is what you took away? I expected better, but I guess that’s on me.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    The few words are the problem. And I doubt people are viewing it as hyperbole.

    bolexforsoup ,

    I mean yeah it was a bit much on their part but I think you’re hyper focusing on it well past the point of productivity.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    I am trying to explain someone else how they are not being productive.

    As I said to them, have you ever been insulted into doing the right thing? I sure haven’t. I don’t know of anyone who has.

    In fact, the quickest way I know to get someone to not take your advice is to insult them.

    xhieron , avatar

    Didn’t bother to read the multi-paragraph follow-up? Don’t worry about it. I’ve had my fill.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    You really don’t understand the concept that being hostile to people is the worst way to get them on your side.

    xhieron , avatar

    You know, Squid. You’re right. This whole time I’ve been venting because I feel like we’ve been completely outplayed by astroturfing foreign propagandists and bots, and it feels like I’m the only one who realizes it. This stuff has real, serious consequences for real people–but why would I expect a bunch of NEETs and children to get that?

    Everybody who swallowed it still genuinely thinks they won something, so I guess it’s not fair to lash out. I don’t really want to get anyone on my side because my side doesn’t exist here anymore.

    I have to thank you for finally getting me off the platform. It’s just not worth it.

    I’m sure this’ll all work out the way you want.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Or… you could be encouraging rather than hostile.

    the_post_of_tom_joad ,

    It’s all a huge conspiracy by foreign propagandists to… replace Joe Biden? Why? And this conspiracy either fooled or forced DNC wonks to pressure Biden to drop his campaign, and this propaganda… originating from foreign sources that you but not they can see, caused Biden to concede.

    Look dawg i know someone saying take a breath on the Internet has the opposite effect but for real, maybe you need to take a step back right now and take another look

    ShepherdPie ,

    You’re essentially doing the same exact thing in the top comment up above.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    In what way? I’m saying insulting people is not a way to get them to campaign.

    ShepherdPie ,

    Any moment now, the ‘don’t vote for Biden’ group will be in here telling us not to vote for Harris. And if it isn’t Harris, they’ll tell us not to vote for whoever it is.

    Anything but stop the dictator and his plan to commit genocide against Latinos and queer people.

    Then why are you insulting people here by making up a strawman argument and insinuating that the people who don’t support unpopular candidates are somehow rooting for Trump? This is like the DNC’s 2016 arrogance all over again and look how that turned out for the country.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    It’s still not a strawman argument that people who were posting all over Lemmy that no one should vote for Biden are now posting in this very thread that people shouldn’t vote for Harris either.

    Also, I’m not trying to get people who aren’t planning on voting for Harris to campaign for Harris. That would be silly. So I have no problem with anything that I said.

    FlowVoid ,

    We win if we get enough votes, and every vote counts.

    Anything beyond voting is just gravy.

    Tryptaminev ,

    With people like you it shows why Trump won culturally even if he doesn’t win the election. He turned a substantial part of the vocal Democrats into Blue-MAGA-hats. It is the same attitude that attacked people who pointed out the mere fact, that Biden is not mentally fit for office anymore. If the Blue-MAGA wasn’t so big, Biden could have left the field to a younger and better candidate half a year ago.

    kylie_kraft ,

    nothing makes me discredit a poster faster than this “Blue MAGA” bullshit

    Tryptaminev ,

    So you think calling everyone that does not campaign and donate to the Democrats a secret Republican is somehow normal?

    To me it is the same cultish bullshit like the blatant denial of Bidens old age and mental decline. It is the same “follow your leader no matter what” insanity that is apologetic for Trump on the other side. So yes, this kind of behaviour is MAGA behaviour and if it is done for the Dems instead of the Reps it is blue MAGA

    NoIWontPickAName ,


    Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

    TIL I’m a Republican.

    And also that you’re a jerk.

    Clinicallydepressedpoochie ,

    Boooooo. We need to unite around [insert DNC candidate] NOW.

    elbucho , avatar

    The “hive mind” probably just can’t figure out what the fuck you’re even trying to say. So, what, everybody who doesn’t actively campaign for their preferred candidate just supports fascism by default? I’m guessing your stance isn’t anywhere near that stupid, because that is an extraordinarily stupid stance. So maybe you’d have a better reception if you clarified your point.

    Pacattack57 ,

    This has got to be the most brain dead shit I’ve read in a minute 😵‍💫

    queue , avatar

    I guess the poor and disabled and people who are too busy with struggling to survive are secretly republicans now.

    “Hey I have a weak immune system, so I have to work from home and that limits my income and my free time.”

    “I smell a Republican!”

    audiomodder ,

    Absolutely not. I will spend my time and energy and money supporting my local Democrats. The national level isn’t as important to me because Republicans in my state have veto-proof majorities in both houses and they hold the governorship. Regardless of what happens at the national level, implementation of Project 2025 began in my state about 3 years ago.

    FlexibleToast ,

    While not a Biden hater (but also not a supporter), this is how I feel too.

    NoIWontPickAName ,

    Harris ain’t perfect, but she’s not on the same mental state as Biden is.

    He did a lot of good, but he just wasn’t there anymore, he’s getting pretty old and just had the most stressful job in the world for 4 years.

    Plus he just backed Israel through every thing.

    She’ll probably do the same, but I KNOW that he’ll do it.

    Tbf I changed my mind to voting for him after he finally managed to get Ukraine more aid, so idk how everyone else will go.

    Hopefully she grabs a good VP to calm people down

    Clinicallydepressedpoochie ,

    I was vocally saying biden would never drop out and we just had to swallow the poison pill. I was dead wrong. I will be voting for [insert DNC candidate] and will be excited to do it!

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Idk about excited, but yes, unironically.

    elbucho , avatar

    While I don’t think Kamala is the best the Democratic party has to offer (I would have much preferred Biden endorsing Hakeem Jeffries, for example), I’m over the moon that he’s finally decided to step aside. And you know what? Harris is better than Biden in pretty much every metric that matters. I was going to vote for the Dem nominee either way, but him stepping aside in favor of a better candidate has me feeling all kinds of relieved.

    FlexibleToast ,

    I can only speak for myself, but yes.

    MeatsOfRage ,
    tlou3please ,

    I’m not American but want to be in the loop. Media here is saying Kamala Harris is the likely successor. What do people think of her? Is she liked? I assume her actual politics are more or less the same since she was VP.

    morphballganon ,

    She’s a former cop and former prosecutor. I haven’t seen much from her.

    seth ,

    Both of those are strikes against her imo, but she’ll still get my vote.

    nexusband , avatar

    Not American either, i just hope she chooses Kelly as her VP…a progressive Astronaut in politics is more important than ever.

    Phenomephrene , avatar

    Kelly should hold on to his Senate seat for as long as possible. There is zero guarantee that Arizona would send another Democrat to replace him.

    nexusband , avatar

    Well, that’s probably a pretty good argument. I wish it would be different…

    Personally, I think we need space to solve climate change faster (or rather, the effects it has on us - climate change is a pretty intricate factor of the climate itself, but we need to be better prepared for those changes and mitigate some of them), U.S. politics are very influential around the world and that pick would hopefully influence ESA and their funding more…

    ralphio ,

    People don’t know her tbh. She used to be kind of a poor public speaker, but seems to have solved that based on recent appearances. Not gonna lie she’s a bit strange if you’ve ever heard her speak, but I don’t think it’ll hurt her against Trump who is an all time weirdo in American politics. Importantly she’s young and fairly sharp and hasn’t been around long enough to have too many skeletons in her closet.

    secret300 ,

    No idea who that is…

    someacnt_ ,

    Wow, what a day!

    Hello_there ,

    I'm going to donate to DNC to signal that this was a good idea

    MeThisGuy ,

    straight shooter

    Today ,

    What if he stepped aside today and Harris could run as the incumbent?

    AmidFuror ,

    That's not really how the incumbent advantage works. Voters need to see the person as the incumbent and not want to rock the boat.

    gAlienLifeform , avatar

    I mean, this does create the obvious question - “If Biden is too old to run for President, isn’t he too old to be president? Doesn’t he care about the safety of America [blah blah Fox News talking points blah]”

    I personally think it’s fine because the job of President mostly gets done by the team of staffers around the White House, but we’ll need a good answer for that question when a reporter asks it

    wjrii ,

    It won’t satisfy the likes of Trump or Mike Johnson, obviously, but “enough energy to be president for six months” and “enough energy to be president for six months and simultaneously run a presidential campaign capable of winning” is not a particularly difficult distinction to draw, IMHO.

    Emperor , avatar

    It would take the sting out of people not warning to vote for the first female president if there already was one.

    Bonskreeskreeskree ,

    Party before country. Interesting wording.

    ShepherdPie ,

    It’s very clear that this is how they’ve run things for quite a while now. It’s why Clinton and Biden were the nominees in the first place and why Trump won in 2016 and nearly again in 2020.

    800XL ,

    So the back the blue party of law and order will vote for the cop instead of the convicted felon now.

    Just like the religious moral right will vote for the actual church attending catholic rather than the guy who doesn’t go to church and doesn’t know how to hold a bible upright.

    Hello_there ,

    MICHIGAN is now back in play

    twistypencil ,

    They should make Hunter Biden the VP pick, what a glorious troll that would be

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