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Denvil , in Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes

Small town in Ohio, we disbanded our local Police, and instead have county police here now

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever ,

Which is the way. Or even just state troopers.

The only “benefits” to local police are faster response times in emergencies and the ability to enforce nuisance ordinances. The former is not something you want from Bill’s Drinking Buddies and the latter would be better handled by county workers anyway.

Generally speaking: The vast majority of what cops do would be better handled by social workers and bureaucrats with a clipboard. And it reduces the likelihood of a noise complaint resulting in the ritualistic sodomy and execution of a dog and its owners.

And it reduces the power of “sheriffs”

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Yeah, if they’re going to stick with traditional US law enforcement, county police are the best way forward. Sheriffs offices should be abolished nation wide

lolcatnip ,

Huh? Sheriff’s departments are the county police.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

They’re not police in the way we regularly think of them. There are county police forces and there are county sheriff’s and while theres a decent degree of overlap in what their expected duties are, they aren’t the same thing. Sheriffs have very little, if any accountability to their community or oversight from local and state authorities. The only leg up that sheriff’s have in my view is that they’re an elected position. However, the way they’re structured makes that aspect even more ripe for corruption. Here’s a decent article breaking down the argument against sheriff offices. And a video about it if that’s more your jam

originalucifer , avatar

this is the reality, we have several overlapping forces who compete for staff leaving some places overflowing with officers and some completely empty.

the whole county vs city vs state police forcing inefficiency needs to be addressed.

DigitalFrank , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

So throw a civil suit at him. I’m sure the taxpayers of Fulton County won’t mind paying for a 10-year court case and appeals.

obinice , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack avatar

Traitors only get 20 years? Dang, soft punishment for treason, but at least it’s something eh.

Draedron ,

“Only” 20 years? There can be whatever number and people will still say it is too little

Monkeyhog ,

Historically, people who attempt to overthrow their government get death. Hell, they still execute Guy Fawkes symbolically every year. And all we do is put them up in prison for 20 years? We’ve gone soft.

echodot ,

they still execute Guy Fawkes symbolically every year. And all we do is put them up in prison for 20 years

Yeah but in reality the UK doesn’t have the death penalty for any crime anymore, including treason.

Meanwhile the US regularly executes people for a single murder.

Monkeyhog ,

Which is why it’s bullshit that someone who attempted to overthrow the government just gets 20 years.

Draedron ,

Or you use your energy to advocate for less draconian punishments instead of demanding more

Monkeyhog ,

I do, insurrection is the only crime I believe should merit the death penalty. Nothing else is even close to how dangerous that is. A murderer may kill a couple of dozen people at most, if someone overthrows the government, that could lead to death for millions and a shifting of history for decades if not centuries. That should be the only capital crime.

Draedron ,

Since we always did it wrong we have to continue to do so?

Katana314 ,

I dunno if they could start such a Guy Fawkes tradition after V for Vendetta came out.

pqdinfo ,

Yes, and civilized societies are trying to get away from that kind of barbarism.

Also it’s not as if it’s 20+ years in a (Insert name of progressive European country) prison. It’s going to be a hell.

Finally, no risk of martyrdom. Just saying.

LufyCZ ,

Don’t think you understand what 20 years in prison looks like.

I don’t either, but it sure would ruin my life

Smokeless7048 ,

Guys losing 1/3 of his adult life, and won’t get out of prison before his 60s. I’m extremely anti-j6, but 22 years seems like a nice hefty sentance to me

GiddyGap ,

If Trump gets the WH again, he’ll probably pardon all of these fools.

TheGiantKorean , avatar

I think the prosecutor recommended 40.

blazera , in Britain's second-largest city effectively declares itself bankrupt amid $950 million equal pay claims | CNN Business avatar

Did they make an equal pay bill that comes from tax dollars instead of the offending employers??

uphillbothways OP , avatar

Public employees under the GMB union. The council is the employer.

PaupersSerenade , avatar

There was a Guardian article linked in the comments above that provided more context to the equal pay issue. The offending employer in this case was the council.

quindraco , (edited ) in California moves closer to historic caste discrimination ban

Does anyone know how caste discrimination is usually accomplished? Unlike with racism or sexism, the basis of the bigotry shouldn’t be remotely visible, and unlike bigotry based on sexuality or religion, it’s not even determinable from the person’s knowledge: everyone knows what they’re attracted to and their own philosophical views, but almost no-one knows who their great-great-great grandparents were. It seems a curious thing to be bigoted based on something so challenging to assess.

Maajmaaj , avatar

So one of the articles I read said it happens through conversation and asking prodding questions about last names, your diet, etc. And then, after getting enough info, the higher caste person will start shitting on the lower caste by not inviting them out, telling everyone else about the lower castes person’s “status” etc.

Edit: It even goes as far as only seeing higher caste folks gaining positions in IT and stuff. I’ll see if I can find the article later.

quindraco ,

The diet thing sounds like classical bigotry for sure, like refusing to promote someone if you know they like matzoh because you assume they’re jewish. I wonder what foods they associate with lower castes.

Maajmaaj , (edited ) avatar


Edit: you silly fucks downvote me for being right. The higher castes like Brahmin are associated with vegetarianism.

treefrog ,

It is classical bigotry.

And we do it in the U.S. through classism too though it’s much less apparent (mostly because Americans like to believe in ‘upward mobility’).

How you talk, what you eat, what kind of music you like. All of this can betray caste (or class) and keep you out of job positions or even schools if the person interviewing you has conscious or subconscious biases.

The rich have a term, new money, which is a way of saying, you don’t belong in our caste. Or class. Pick your term for bigotry.

eltimablo ,

I have only ever seen "new money" used when referring to someone coming into money and blowing it all on something dumb like a giant, inefficient luxury car or some other depreciating asset.

treefrog ,

Honestly I learned it from books that take place in New Orleans. Families that have had plantation houses and estates in their family since before the civil war.

I don’t hang out with old money people to first hand know how they talk behind closed doors. Just have read some authors that do.

Pat12 ,

the level of bigotry in the US is nothing compared to caste discrimination in south asia

treefrog , (edited )

If being a bigot was socially acceptable here we’d see more abuses in broad day light like Asia

But people still get murdered and tortured for being different in the U.S. And there’s still tons of covert and overt bigotry in every level of society from housing, to work, to school, to medicine.

So, I get you. In Asia it’s acceptable to treat people this way which means there’s fewer legal protections. It still happens in the U.S. And I’m sure the victims and their families couldn’t care less if we argue about where it’s worse.

ohlaph ,

Yeah, it has many names and often less obvious terms to describe the same thing.

ChunkMcHorkle , (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator

dogslayeggs ,

They ask innocent, shallow questions that don’t seem to get much information from you: last name, home town, schools, diet, temple where you worship. Add that to visual clues like whether you have a string around your chest, where you have a dot placed on your face or how big the dot is or whatever, etc. Put all those small, innocent little bits of information into a big picture and it’s basically a logic puzzle of finding enough clues to narrow down the caste.

Pat12 ,

They ask innocent, shallow questions that don’t seem to get much information from you: last name, home town, schools, diet, temple where you worship. Add that to visual clues like whether you have a string around your chest, where you have a dot placed on your face or how big the dot is or whatever, etc. Put all those small, innocent little bits of information into a big picture and it’s basically a logic puzzle of finding enough clues to narrow down the caste.


laylawashere44 ,

Because different castes are generally different ethnic groups. Most people can tell Chinese, and Japanese people apart just by looking at them. You can do the same.

I’m not Indian, I’m Pakistani and while there isn’t a caste system in Pakistan, there is definitely discrimination based on ethnicity in Pakistan.

And while most people can’t tell Pakistani people from each other in the west, Pakistani people themselves can look at each other and tell if one is Muhajir, or Siraiki or Pathaan or Sindhi.

Pat12 ,

Most people can tell Chinese, and Japanese people apart just by looking at them.

i’m not sure this is true

AstridWipenaugh ,

One of my Filipino buddies gets told to go back to Mexico a lot. Racists are dumb.

Pat12 ,

Does anyone know how caste discrimination is usually accomplished? Unlike with racism or sexism, the basis of the bigotry shouldn’t be remotely visible, and unlike bigotry based on sexuality or religion, it’s not even determinable from the person’s knowledge: everyone knows what they’re attracted to and their own philosophical views, but almost no-one knows who their great-great-great grandparents were. It seems a curious thing to be bigoted based on something so challenging to assess.

last name, skin colour sometimes, city of origin

i’ve been on hiring teams and seen resume come through with photos of applicants (a big no no), religion (also a big no no), father’s name (unheard of usually), and caste (again, unheard of otherwise)

AstridWipenaugh ,

I was a hiring manager for a US company hiring in Kuala Lumpur. I got a ton of resumes with that kind of stuff that’s illegal for me to ask. I asked one of the existing employees from KL what was up with it and he explained it’s normal there because ethnic Chinese people are disliked there. So a lot of the companies based in KL require a photo so they can throw out anyone that looks Chinese.

Pat12 ,

I got a ton of resumes with that kind of stuff that’s illegal for me to ask. I asked one of the existing employees from KL what was up with it and he explained it’s normal there because ethnic Chinese people are disliked there. So a lot of the companies based in KL require a photo so they can throw out anyone that looks Chinese.

isnt malaysia like 30% chinese?

AstridWipenaugh ,

Something like that. But if you’re not Chinese and you know there’s lots of racists out there, attaching a photo helps you. I got some that didn’t have photos too.

wahming ,

Might be wrong, but I believe it’s based on family name. You could avoid it by changing your name, but obviously a lot of people don’t want to do that.

gayhitler420 , in Ex-Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack

I’m skeptical that the informant will serve that sentence.

crystalmerchant , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

like he gives a flying fuck

random_character_a , avatar

I heard he gives a 1 up mushroom. Not a flying one.

Tigbitties , in Some small towns in America are disbanding police forces, citing hiring woes avatar

Oh no! Who's going to drive all their tanks?

Flashoflight , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong because I have trouble understanding this. But someone told me the other day that I’m the height of the Great Depression,1931(?), that the average American was making 88k in todays dollar.

Today the average American is making 33k. Is this true?

If this is true that would totally explain the amount of mental illness on top of climate change concerns. If it is true I don’t know why more people wouldn’t be talking about it

sadreality ,

Can't comment on 88K figure

But for current times... 33k is a bit to low. I think official stats is that wage is 39K for all working adults. and closer to 50k for full time working adults. these are median, not averages. ie 50% makes less, 50% make more.

Fredselfish , avatar

I make 31k so try again.

just_ducky_in_NH ,
retrieval4558 ,

A lot of those claims are based on tax return numbers, which radically overestimate the average salary back then because only the richest people actually filed taxes during that time.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re not in a good place, but it’s not peak great depression bad.

Ubermeisters ,

No bread lines where I live, yet.

Flashoflight ,

There are bread lines where I live. The homeless/houseless population is absurd.

Krauerking ,

I dunno. Seeing quasi hoovervilles popping up with communities of homeless people living in tents and I don’t even live in California. We are like 80% of the way to great depression but there is just more large scale manufacturing of food and entertainment these days

EmpathicVagrant ,

Idk anything about that, but I have heard that the wealth disparity is worse than pre-revolution France

SoylentBlake ,

As far as a percentage of your annual income goes, during the Great Depression houses were cheaper than they are today.

Shit, buying a house then was cheaper than RENTING today.

raef , in Driverless Taxis Blocked Ambulance in Fatal Accident, San Francisco Fire Dept. Says

Yeah, okay, they were blocking part of a road. It was a four -lane. These two were in two lanes. Sounds like a police car was blocking the rest of the road

MisterScruffy , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

We live in a world that rewards narcissistic asshole behavior and nothing else. It’s fucking depressing no amount of therapy will change that.

Krauerking ,

But some drugs might help you change your brain chemistry to be as narcissistic or just so singular focused that you can’t think about being depressed because you are focused on repetitive task work.

And isn’t that the fix that we all need?

Treczoks , in Trump may have violated copyright law by selling mugshot merchandise

Good. Copyright violations for commercial gain are one of the most mindlessly over-penalized issue in the books. This time, it could actually used for good. Making millions out of copyright violations in the US is probably next to gang rape and mass murder.

Grimy ,

Copyright laws are usually just abused by corporations to endlessly milk profit and hinder small time artists and creators. I don’t think it’s comparable to gang rape.

VindictiveJudge , avatar

I think they meant in terms of legal consequences.

darkstar , in Hurricane Idalia blows flamingos as far as Ohio

FOR FREE?! Girl, you need to be getting paid for all that!

bufordt , avatar

Idalia ain’t no ho. She’s a sexually liberated hurricane getting her kicks

BackOnMyBS , avatar

She liberated over northern Florida and southern Georgia 🌀💦🤤sploosh

MonsiuerPatEBrown , in Britain's second-largest city effectively declares itself bankrupt amid $950 million equal pay claims | CNN Business
Kerrigor , in 4 Roman-era swords discovered after 1,900 years in Dead Sea cave: "Almost in mint condition" avatar
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