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Iheartcheese , in 7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll avatar

9/9 supreme court justices think you are a worthless little bitch and you can’t do shit to stop them.

TransplantedSconie ,

Took just 29 mins for a


post to show up.

Iheartcheese , avatar

Nobody is trying to say both sides are the same. I am saying the supreme court is not working for us and they know they can get away with it.

Crazyslinkz ,

You said all 9 justices thoughts are the same on citizens. I feel this isn’t true compared to how they vote, but maybe you have inside information.

TransplantedSconie ,

Saying 9/9 justices don’t give a shit is disingenuous to say the least. In case you forgot 6 >3, here’s a refresher course on something you should have learned in 1st grade math.

alcoholicorn ,

That’s not at all what they’re saying, IHeartCheese is saying you, the citizen, don’t have power over the SCOTUS.

But you’d be right as in both sides are ideological, how else do you think they decide which interpretation to use if not by ideology?

Or are you one of those libs who doesn’t think they have ideology?

flying_gel ,

This comment really feels like “I’m making all my decisions based on ideology therefore everyone does”

alcoholicorn ,

Do you just do things entirely at random with no input from your understanding of the world?

No? Then congrats, you’ve got ideology. I’m gonna assume it’s liberalism, since they’re typically the only ones both dumb and arrogant enough to think they’re not only non-political, but non-ideological.

flying_gel ,

I am definitely saying the liberals are more likely to be impartial.

liberals tend to favour fairness of outcome, not the conservative fairness of opportunity. Hence they are better able to better put themselves in other people’s shoes and go against their core beliefs (ideology) if that means a failed outcome for other people.

alcoholicorn ,
UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

It’s a big club but you ain’t in it

dhork , in In Georgia, conservatives seek to have voters removed from rolls without official challenges

“You have the constitutional right to challenge any other voter in your county,” Frank said at Cherokee County Republican headquarters in Woodstock. “In fact, it’s not merely your right. It’s your duty to clean the voter rolls.”

Which Constitution says that? Not the US Constitution, the word “challenge” doesn’t appear there at all. And not in the section of the Georgia State constitution regarding voting, either. Is there a secret MAGA Constitution which only they know about, but applies to everyone? That might explain some of the recent SCOTUS shenanigans.

Nougat , in Under pressure on plane safety, Boeing is buying stressed supplier Spirit for $4.7 billion

I initially thought Boeing was buying Spirit Airlines.

atocci ,

That’d be a match made in hell

baldingpudenda ,

Boeing introduces: “free range seating!” It’s just a fully padded area where they cram 150 ppl into what should be 100. Tickets for seats are raised 30%.

sawdustprophet , avatar

Boeing introduces: “free range seating!”

Ryanair has entered the chat.

mlg , avatar

Thankfully, that’s illegal due to anti trust laws

For now…

Nougat ,

Unless you’re president.

dhork , in California Moms for Liberty chair’s shocking attack on drag queens goes viral

The article itself is worth reading, but it includes a link to a Sacramento bee article about this woman and her trans kid. It seems like after the kid came out as trans, the mom really went off the deep end :

This woman is so wrapped up in her anti-trans crusade that it’s not just ruining her relationship with her child, but it’s consuming her to the point that it’s all she talks about. The article mentions that her friends and co-workers have had to ask her to stop sending articles about it. And now she’s been kicked out of the hotel she was staying at because she saw some guys in dresses and started throwing a fit. The hotel even offered to refund her stay, but she persisted and got escorted out by the cops instead.

She seems stuck in a misery of her own making. At least her kid seems to have a level head about all of it. I will never understand how some parents would let stuff like that get in the way of their relationship with their kids.

return2ozma OP , avatar

She’s so enraged she’s literally shaking while filming it. Yikes. Here’s more of the video:

TheBat , avatar

She jelly.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Drag queens are not even trans a lot of the time. Some aren’t even queer.

It’s fucking performance art.

prole ,

Well if there is one thing conservatives have never understood (and feel angry and small and left out because of it), it’s art. Especially performance art.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Goebbels understood it quite well. He just wasn’t a stupid Nazi.

prole ,

I don’t know enough about the man himself to confirm or deny… I guess he was the propaganda minister when Leni Riefenstahl was “discovered” (though according to wiki, it was Hitler who was mesmerized by her work and had Goebbels assign her to the task)

FlyingSquid , avatar

This will give you a lot of information (although it contains a lot of highly offensive Nazi imagery, so you might want to view it somewhere people can’t see you just in case) -…/a-55751640

BigMacHole ,

Spending your ENTIRE LIFE crusading AGAINST your Child is the EXACT Family Value that Jesus preached!

kylie_kraft , in After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

Fuck that. Biden should make them regret this decision. If his candidacy is as DOA as everyone is pretending it is, then there’s no incentive to play by the rules. Move fast and break stuff and get some shit done for a change.


Biden, under intense pressure after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last week

They just had to get it in there. Not a mention of Trump making shit up the whole time, or the raving lunatic shit he’s saying on the campaign trail. 90 minutes of Biden being low energy and it’s all over. “The other guy is too old, maybe we can do a little fascism. That will be OK, right?”

Orbituary , avatar

You have high hopes. Remember, you never know how far you can walk until you try to fly.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Biden has the period between election and inauguration to get really weird if he loses.

numbermess ,

It’s crazy that this is the kind of shit we’re counting on now. It used to be the Guardrails and then it was the Wheels of Justice grinding exceedingly fine and now it’s Maybe Something Good Will Happen at the Last Minute

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I’m just saying with this ruling Biden could do something really weird in the transitional period and it probably would take the rest of his life to go to court for it.

Audacious ,

Insane that I have yet to see an article about trump lies during the debate. All I saw was Biben be replace bs articles.

FiniteBanjo ,

Breaking News: Bear shits in the woods.

iAmTheTot ,

Almost every article I saw posted following the debate touched on Trump’s falsehoods.

But also, Trump lying is not news. He lied all the way to his 2016 win, and lied decades before that, and still lies now. Absolutely no one new is going to be convinced that he’s bad because he lies. If absolutely anyone is thinking of voting of Trump at this point, him lying is not going to be the deciding factor.

Guy_Fieris_Hair , (edited )

Because Trump lies. It’s old news. There was no way that debate was going to play well for Biden. He had nothing to gain. People voting for Trump are voting for Trump, people not voting for Trump are either Voting for Biden or staying home. Biden has to convince people not to stay home, not convince people not to vote for Trump.

The people that vote for Trump are people so sick of the current state of politics they want to burn it all down. Very few actually think he’s a great president. He’s a troll vote. Biden’s performance made more people want to watch the world burn.

Zaktor ,

There were plenty, some paired with Biden’s performance, some focused only on fact checking.

JWBananas , avatar
eran_morad ,

No, not insane. 100% expected. This is the danger of electing an obligate serial liar. We have all been accustomed to his bullshitting. About the size of crowds, about how much money he has, about how fucking oppressed he is, about stolen this and unfair that, etc. No one has the energy to give a fuck anymore. It’s all old news.

I fear the only way out of this is violence.

some_guy ,

Sorry, are you suggesting that the media is against Biden? Cause they’ve been for him for months. Any apprehension about his future prospects have nothing to do with Trump being a lying sack of shit. I won’t apologize for Biden sucking. I do like the idea of him turning the scotus ruling on them.

Speculater , in ‘Epidemic’ of sex trafficking alleged at Red Roof Inn hotels across US avatar

That was an excellent article, I can’t believe there are enough customers for all this trafficking. It’s just insane to me that there are hundreds of thousands of men willing to rape these girls under the guise of being “paying for a service.”

I think this is a strong argument to legalize prostitution to provide legal recourse and protection for anyone in the profession who’s getting forced into the work.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I think this is a strong argument to legalize prostitution to provide legal recourse and protection for anyone in the profession who’s getting forced into the work.

I agree with this statement. Sex work should be legalized, not least of which for protecting everyone involved. However… something to keep in mind is that… hundreds of thousands… is not that large a percentage of men. Even if you assume it’s 900,000 men, the total number of people in the US is 350 million- meaning that 900k is 0.25%. granted, I’m blending men and women- there’s plenty of women who also buy trafficked slaves as well. but if you figure half the people in the use are men, and it’s only men doing it… that’ still…half a percent.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I can’t believe there are enough customers for all this trafficking.

In this world of incels and similar men who think they are entitled to sex, I can entirely believe it.

FuglyDuck , avatar

I didn’t say I didn’t believe, but I felt context was necessary to the ‘hundreds of thousands’.

It’s not even a single percentage of people in the US. if we assume it’s only men, it’s barely half a percentage of men in the US.

girlfreddy ,
AmbiguousProps , in After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

Biden literally has the power to do something now, but is instead using this to campaign? Infuriating, we got you in office already, to protect against this exact thing from happening. Stop sitting on your ass and do something if you want the American public to forget the debate.

andrewta ,

Name a specific thing that you want Biden to do to fix this problem.

Mun_Walker ,

Murder political opponents with seal team 6. Lol

andrewta ,

The seal team would call that an illegal order under the ucmj. Hidden couldn’t be prosecuted for giving the order, but the seal team would say no.

girlfreddy ,

Biden could legally hire mercs to do the job and never once get called out on it.

AmbiguousProps ,

Has the ruling not fully sunk in for you yet? He could legally find a way to do anything now. He could make it legal and override the ucmj. The hired guns (SEALs or mercs), in this hypothetical, would not say no. Especially not from the commander in chief with new dictator-level powers.

AshMan85 ,

Yeah a lot people don’t understand how serious this is.

Kbobabob ,

Name a specific thing Biden could do that would be considered illegal now.

AmbiguousProps , (edited )

First off, he’s the one in office, not me. He’s the one we voted to in to fix this and he hasn’t done that. He already campaigned on the fact that we had to prevent a dictatorship in the last election. He’s had four years to figure out what to do. That’s the issue at hand here.

Secondly, he can now legally do anything. So use your creative juices, it’s pretty obvious that he can do something, especially now. Not only was Trump given keys to a dictatorship, Biden was given those same exact keys. It’s time to play hardball.

eran_morad ,

Get Justice to arrest and imprison Thomas and Alito. Nominate 2 liberals to the Court and get Justice to arrest and imprison McConnell et al when they pull their bullshit. Continue until 2 liberals are seated.

I fear that if we don’t start playing by their rules, we will have no more stake in the country.

OldWoodFrame , in Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault

“Person who assaulted, charged with assault”

Why is this news?

awesome_lowlander ,

“Person who was assaulted, charged with assault”

Personally, I’m wondering why only one side gets charged. Both sides were assholes. Lock them both up.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Because she threw liquid at him and he punched her. Seems like two different levels of severity.

awesome_lowlander ,

Well I’m not advocating for them both to get the same sentencing. He should obviously get a heavier sentence due to severity. I am however not a fan of excusing violence just because I happen to agree with their cause.

FlyingSquid , avatar

How is throwing liquid violence? We aren’t talking about acid or even urine. At least they did not claim such things.

If throwing liquid was violence, every asshole who pissed a woman off on a date would be able to get her charged.

awesome_lowlander ,…

Drink is assault, punch with broken bones is aggravated assault.

FlyingSquid , avatar

First of all, assault and violence are not the same thing.

Secondly, that’s about Arizona law and this happened in New York City.

awesome_lowlander ,

assault and violence are not the same thing.

If you want to get semantic… from the Britannica

violence, an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both. Violence may be distinguished from aggression, a more general type of hostile behaviour that may be physical, verbal, or passive in nature.

It’s damage to belongings, and psychological.

Secondly, that’s about Arizona law and this happened in New York City.

Are you trying to claim that throwing liquids at somebody you dislike is legal in NY?

I don’t even understand what point you’re trying to get at. Are you claiming it’s fine to just toss random liquids at others? My point is they both broke the law, they both should be impartially judged for it. How and why is that even controversial?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Are you trying to claim that throwing liquids at somebody you dislike is legal in NY?

Considering, as you pointed out, the woman wasn’t charged, it sounds like it very well might be.

awesome_lowlander ,

Ok, now you’re the one making extraordinary claims. It’s fairly obvious to anybody who stops to think about it that throwing liquids at others is not legal. That she’s not getting charged is a case of partiality on the side of the AG, and is why I’m bringing it up as an injustice. I don’t care if she’s on my side, assault / violence should be a no-no.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m afraid you’re the one who is making the claims. As I said, it might be legal. You’re the one insisting it isn’t. I’m not a lawyer. You seem to be one. Are you? In New York City? Otherwise maybe there’s a legal reason she wasn’t charged that neither you or I are aware of.

SnotFlickerman , in Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and more avatar

I’m gonna be real with you people.

I’m not putting something in my body made by some fucking rando with no evidence whatsoever of what kind of materials they made it with.

Maybe, just maybe, this is a good thing because who knows what kind of toxic plastics were being used to make DIWhy sex toys.

The banning of porn is otherwise dumb, of course.

sunzu ,

There is wisdom in this one haha

Lewo ,

Meanwhile, most sex shops: selling jelly which just straight up melts with time, TPE/TPR which are porous and might melt when boiled and therefore pretty much impossible to keep clean, PVC which they promise doesn’t contain phthalates this time, and silicone that has about a 50% chance of actually being platinum cured. DIYers can’t be much worse, as far as I know, they either outright state what methods and materials they use or will provide them upon request.

Llewellyn ,

What’s wrong with platinum?

Evilcoleslaw , (edited )

Nothing, I think the issue is that the other 50% will be peroxide cured because it’s cheaper, though more likely to have fillers and potentially cause skin irritation or allergies.

ICastFist , avatar

Platinum cured silicone is, afaik, the only silicone that is food safe, thus safe to put inside any of your holes. It’s significantly more expensive than other silicones, mostly due to the catalyst (platinum).

Rai ,

That’s why I only get my toys from Bad Dragon!

pixeltree , avatar

There’s plenty of other good reliable makers that aren’t scummy to their employees and customers. If you’re in the US, twin tail creations, all night toys, fantasy drove and square peg toys are all absolutely fantastic. 3 out of 5 of my top favorites are from all night toys, the couple who run it are cammers who are extreme size people and couldn’t get toys large enough so they decided to make their own and goddamn it really shows that it’s a great thing to have people so involved in using toys being the ones to design them, they know exactly what goes into a good toy.

Exotic erotics is good too, but their website is really bad. Just hard to use. Topped toys is really good, but they’re canadian so ordering from them directly you have to worry about international shipping. You can get them through some retailers like mr s leather.

Duamerthrax ,

But you trust corpos?

Also, all that stuff is standard movie industry prop material and is well documented. Here’s one listing from Smooth-on with the Safety Data Sheet right in front. It would be harder to get the toxic stuff. If you’re unsure, just ask the maker for the SDS. If they don’t know what that is, then run.

Riven , avatar

That’s fair, etsy also sells a lot of adult toys that aren’t meant to go inside. They have plenty of bdsm gear made by small creators, I’ve bought a couple from specific people who I follow and they’ve been great.

AshMan85 , in After Supreme Court immunity ruling, Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

He needs to take the gloves off. The traitors are literally acting out their plan for a civil war and democrats are waiting there bent over to take it.

xc2215x , in 16-year-old Quincy Wilson now the youngest-ever male US track Olympian

Wow. Good for Quincy.

xc2215x , in Trump Tower is coming to Saudi Arabia | CNN Business

Knowing Trump not a shock.

girlfreddy OP , in Trump loyalists plan to name and shame ‘blacklist’ of federal workers avatar

Doxxing on a national scale. Just waiting for SCOTUS to rule it’s legal now.

the_crotch ,

Doxxing has never been illegal

ASDraptor , in New Report Argues Private Rail Is a Train Wreck, Public Ownership Needed

Not everything has to turn a profit directly. Some stuff, like public transport services will most probably work at a loss, bit will generate profit indirectly. e.g making people take the car less frequently, generating less traffic accidents which at the same time, reduce the load of the healthcare system… Oh right, I forgot we’re talking about the US, where healthcare also needs to turn a profit…

Poach ,

We already spend billions on “public transport services”. We just spend it in one of the least efficient ways possible. Roads and highways. It costs so much to maintain the infrastructure is crumbling and people are too car-brained to admit how awful the situation is.

HobbitFoot ,

Part of the discussion with US rail is that American rail carries some freight service and it would be better environmentally to maintain that service than go all passenger.

For profit companies have shown themselves as being bad at running freight rail, but the solution to public rail needs to include freight.

ChihuahuaOfDoom , in Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate

Yep, absolutely. It couldn’t possibly be that he’s an octogenarian with a known speech impediment, had to be directed energy weapons.

givesomefucks ,

known speech impediment

He had a childhood speech impediment. Overcoming those requires a concentrated effort, which we become less able to handle as we age.

Here’s Biden in 2008

Here he is in 1987

In a way what’s happening now is a speech impediment, but it’s re-emerging as he loses ability in the same parts of the brain that handle critical thinking due to the normal effects of aging.

I’m just tired of so many people writing this stuff off. Like, it took 2 minutes to find those videos and show he hasn’t always been like this. He just couldn’t win until the only other option was trump. Even tho he was a much better candidate back then.

Quick edit:

Ironically something like the Havana weapon would actually cause this shit, it’s incredibly unlikely someone used it on Biden for the debate…

But it’s fucking 2024 y’all, who knows what’s real anymore I guess.

Omegamanthethird , avatar

Also, allegedly had a cold and probably got flustered after the first time he tripped on his words. And inexplicably kept trying to recite various metrics from memory.

corroded ,

People really underestimate how bad a cold can be. When I’m sick, it’s so hard to function mentally that I can barely do my job.

I believe he was sick, and I believe this was just a case of unfortunate timing. What matters in politics is perception, though, and the perception isn’t good.

JackbyDev ,

Didn’t he have a stutter when younger?

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