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IkarusHagen2 , in It's their legacy

A millenial “boomer” meme

Ferris ,

A boomer “millenial” comment

velox_vulnus , (edited ) in I use memes as a coping mechanism
  • be me, depressed, shitty programmer, jobless CS graduate
  • leave all personal projects incomplete, have nothing to show to get a job cuz muh superiah creature, mus make mah own microkornel to shit on Linus
  • "Hey, Andrew was right all along, you stupid penguin"
  • but suck at writing code, have low attention span :-/
  • uses C to feel special, rage hard because memory leak on hello-world.c
  • bored, more depressed, try finding FLOSS games
  • Hmm, this particular xyz game sounds cool
  • "Woah, this must be like Doom on steroids, you can run it everywhere, even on the web?!?!"
  • "This was made with C? Mind == blown!"
  • The dev has their own website, cool :-)
  • Click on random links across page without reading, come across a page about learning C-lang
  • Page is something about suckless world or something, yeah I guess there’s too many conspiracy-theory idiots out there, maybe bro is calling them out?
  • "Meh, this tutorial isn’t that good, I’ll just pirate a modern C17 book"
  • goes back to home and starts reading about themselves
  • what? bro has their own 3d model nude uploaded for the entire world to see.
  • Is bro okay? trigger warning-type stuff about self-harm, lots of blood!
  • what the actual fuck? bro hates feminism and trans, but ironically, pansexual themselves?
  • WHAT THE FUCK? Also anti-vaxx, because bro thinks that weak animals like humans should die, survival of the fittest?
  • I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EYES, bro’s not ashamed of wanting to groom children, also banned over a few different places on the web for the same reason!
  • Curious about one of their remote Git profile, also checks other users who have starred them - get even more grossed, shut down laptop, touch grass after a long time
  • Moral of the story: don’t visit random websites
Enkers ,

I can’t tell if this is copy-pasta or not. If not, my condolences to your eyes, if so… chef’s kiss

velox_vulnus ,

How about both?

tilcica ,

if not yet, lets make it one

ShittyKopper , (edited )

I’m mildly worried I know (as in, am aware of their existence, thankfully not having interacted with them) who you’re talking about

cooopsspace ,

Never meet you heroes

ergifruit ,

wow, sounds uncannily like my ex. does he also believe in mowing down protesters?

DahGangalang , in Not such a conspiracy theory now

Man, I don’t know what right wingers y’all are talking about.

I come from a super right wing family and all them MFs think this is a bad idea too (though to be fair, they’re def on the conspiracy theory “everything is to get a microchip in my blood/brain” side of things).

SkyezOpen ,

Well someone is gargling elons cock, and it’s not lefties. So you figure out the math and that’s who they’re talking about.

ClaireDeLuna ,


SkyezOpen ,

Is a centrist anyone who says “I’m not into politics but (right wing propaganda)” because that’s unironically been my experience so far.

Heidur ,


Sagifurius ,

Oh look, wildly left wing people deriding centrists as far right. Weird.

Viking_Hippie ,

Nobody said anything about FAR right. In fact, you’re the one who’s characterizing people as extremists for disagreeing with you, a typical centrist move.

Sagifurius ,

Nice try. Go be facetious somewhere else.

Viking_Hippie , (edited )

Nah, I’m fine right here. You can go be devoid of ideals elsewhere.

Sagifurius ,

Fucking liar and stupid too

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, you are. Another couple of traits common amongst centrists.

Sagifurius ,

You deserve to live under communism.

Viking_Hippie ,

Aww, that’s adorable, but that’s not the burn you think it is lol.

If anyone ever actually achieved communism, it would be much better than most if not all government forms tried so far. Alas, that’ll probably never happen as it seems to inevitably turn into a hyperauthoritarian and unequal oligarchy.

Thanks for wishing the real thing on me even though I pointed out your centrist shortcomings, though!

Sagifurius ,

Oh look “it wasn’t real communism”. Moron

Viking_Hippie ,

It literally wasn’t. Do you always believe authoritarian rulers when they self-describe how they govern?

Bottom line is that communism is by definition the rule of everyone, not an authoritarian one party system.

Sagifurius ,

Dude, you haven’t even read the theory papers behind the system you’re promoting, you just made that very, very clear and I bet you don’t even know why.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Compared to any other western country, American centrists are far right. Republicans are off the map.

Sagifurius ,

Sometimes people make it really plain they’ve never travelled.

Viking_Hippie ,

That and anyone who explains to the left that they too would like a better nominee, but we can figure that out after this crucial election cycle…during every election cycle for their entire life, which are the only times they discuss politics.

ultra , (edited )

Depends. I’m centrist but a bit left-leaning and I fucking hate Musk.

Daft_ish , (edited )

O am not personally affiliated with any party but will be voting Democrat, as it seems, for the rest of my time here.

SchizoDenji ,

I’m not into politics, but I think everyone should deserve human rights regardless of race, gender or sexuality.

And I’m a centrist. Fuck you guys who only pick and choose specific examples to paint us as right wingers.

SkyezOpen ,

If that’s the only issue you vote on, then you’ve never voted for a republican, but I don’t think that’s the case.

SchizoDenji ,

And I’ve never voted Republican lmao.

DahGangalang ,

I suppose my instinctive reaction isn’t to assume someone’s politics would determine how they react to Musk.

My first real assumption would be that tech/engineering types are the only ones who’d really think about him at all (in both directions). Like, I do have an uncle who occasionally brings him up whenever theirs news on SpaceX’s rockets (though usually this gets brought up in the context of “new technology sucks” and “what was wrong with the rockets that carried up Voyager” and such).

So yeah, I really don’t think I’d describe anyone as “gargling Elon’s cock” except those who still have good will for Tesla.

DieguiTux8623 ,

I come from a super-right wing family too (but from Europe) and they really are in love Elon because it’s like “a dog being out of control” in the billionaire group, the one who is brave enough to go against the rules, defying the “cancel culture” and the unidirectional thinking imposed by political correctness.

jose1324 ,

I just vomited a bit in my mouth

DieguiTux8623 ,

Obviously I don’t approve of any of it, let it be clear… Lemmy for me is a sort of “therapy group” where I find relief from that toxic environment.

DahGangalang ,

Yeah, I hate how toxic just politics in general get. Like, it feels like any time anything political gets brought up, everyone leaves their good will and sense of humanity at the door, ya know?

I do enjoy how much tech-focused content is on Lemmy, but it also feels like there’s a higher concentration of toxic leftist type posts.

That’s definitely a thing I miss about the good ol’ reddit days: being able to scroll for days without seeing anything political. Or rather - being able to filter out all the political subs and not feeling like you were missing out on the larger conversation on the platform.

zaphodb2002 ,

Unfortunately, everything is political, and this has always been true, and will never not be, as long as humans exist. If you were able to ignore politics, it just means you were unaware of them, likely because they weren’t hurting you or anyone you cared about. The uptick in “toxic” posts in the last decade is because more people are in danger now, and are highly aware of it, and more people are actively dangerous, and are stirring the pot. It didn’t get more political, it got more dangerous.

DahGangalang ,

That’s interesting to hear. I wouldn’t have expected Europeans would have thought about ol’ Elon that much.

DieguiTux8623 ,

In general I would argue that he has a good reputation, due to good marketing mostly. A great lot of people see him as some sort of “illuminated visionary” who fosters innovation for the Good™ and will save humanity with SpaceX, Tesla, etc. [I don’t agree personally to any of it but that’s another story].

DahGangalang ,

Ugh, yeah, I don’t hate the guy, but I also think that anyone who still thinks he’s a visionary hasn’t actually been paying attention to his work/how his companies are going lately.

AVincentInSpace ,

Ah, yes. Because Elon is clearly the only billionaire who is a conservative.

lseif ,

every vocal right winger i hear hates this idea

Hasuris , (edited )

But do they hate the guy? As much as Bill Gates?

It’s like when Trump shat on veterans and the rightwingers didn’t care.

lseif ,

no. i suppose you are correct. from what i see they may think he is incompetent, but not evil like bill microsoft gates

Viking_Hippie ,

So I guess Faux News is no longer vocally right wing? 🙄

TheFogan ,

Honestly I haven’t heard any of my right wing coworkers etc… talk about this particular company, but I have heard a lot of elon worship from them. IE I hear a lot of them talk about how he’s gone so pro free speach with twitter. (and they tend to ignore me when I point out that he’s censoring every bit as much as the old twitter, he’s just nicer to the nazis and less nice to the left.

DahGangalang ,

Ugh, yeah, that is a point of frustration I have with the family.

For them, it’s not so much “look what Musk is doing” so much as “look at how much better Twitter’s gotten”, which is particularly ripe cause none of them even use the platform. As I think on it, that probably means the big Fox talking heads are saying things like that.

I never got into Twitter myself (just never really understood / took to the format), which is kind of a shame cause I’d really like to be supporting Mastodon in this years surgance of the Fediverse.

Robin , in Skipping along, missing most of the beats...

On some days listening to a whole album start to finish just hits different

LameName3000 ,

That’s what I do most of the time. I have never even created a playlist for myself, I like the the coherent style of an album more.

Kecessa ,

Same, my girlfriend doesn’t get it as she’s the “all your songs on shuffle” kind of person

lesnout27 ,

Yeah it’s albums like Neverbloom by Make them Suffer, which have songs that are great on their own, but are even better as one whole artpiece together.

Asudox , in soak and jump hump avatar


hakunawazo , in ummm not this time...

I don’t understand how it could ever become acceptable for wages to be paid directly by the customer rather than by the company.

IWantToFuckSpez , (edited ) in Now let's not go making this a habit...
  • Putin
  • George W. Bush
  • Xi Jin Ping
  • Netanyahu


  • Kim Jong Un + Kim Yo Jong (added by popular demand)
MissJinx , avatar

Look, I don’t like GWB, but lets be honest that Kin Jong un deserves a place is this list more than him

TrippyFocus ,

Kim never invaded and occupied another country for years so GWB definitely deserves a spot on here.

BB69 ,

Kim has definitely killed more people than bush.

TrippyFocus ,

Open to changing my stance but can you back that up? I see ~0.5 million from excess deaths from just the Iraq war which is put on GWB. There’s more I’d say he’s responsible for too thats just the top thing.

Wouldn’t count deaths from starvation due to famine entirely on a ruler considering the shape the country was left in post Korea war thanks to the US but even if you tried to largely attribute that it seems pretty close.

BB69 ,

You’re asking me to provide numbers for the nation with death camps for its own citizens.

Do you get why that’s impossible?

TrippyFocus ,

And the US doesn’t have the world’s largest prison population both by number and % of population and it’s HEAVILY skewed towards minorities?

Kbin_space_program , (edited ) in When JohnSmith126754 starts defending Tim Allen.. Ps Tim Allen a POS if you didn't know.

Maybe you shouldn't use the "leave Britney alone" dude for that given that what she went through was because we didn't listen to her or leave her alone.

hh93 , in Take that YouTube

Or use adnauseam and fuck up their ad-tracking infrastructure beyond just blocking the ads

programmer_belch , avatar

A miniscule amount of tomfoolery

Wxnzxn , avatar

I actually had to get rid of adnauseam because YT detected it pretty consistently, ublock origin as of this comment still works fine on YT though.

takeda ,

From what I understand AdNauseum is built on top of uBlockOrigin so you supposed use it instead. The thing is that it isn’t as frequently updated and due to recent YouTube wars this is currently required.

WaxedWookie , in Get Bread Get Dead

Musk is the best possible evidence of this - an incredibly stupid, fragile edgelord born to other peoples’ wealth, lucked his way into more on the backs of others’ work. Now, everything he touches loses billions.

Catsrules ,

Not an Elon Fan but saying the richest man is the world was just incredible lucky is a little ridiculous. I am sure luck played a part but I don’t think Musk is the Inspector Clouseau of the business world. At least not in the 90s and 2000s.

WaxedWookie ,

What changed - or do you still give him some credit?

Catsrules ,

I had to guess he probably changed. You don’t think being super rich changes you?

Starglasses ,

Isn’t anyone who has hordes of wealth lucky? How can that not be luck? No one earns that much. It’s luck that he happened to be born to that life.

CoolBeance , avatar

Yeah I agree, I don’t think it’s all luck either. But I do paint him in a bad light for not doing well with what he had in his hands. I’ll probably never know what kinds of unseen pressure one tends to experience as a billionaire but he’s really not doing well, to put it kindly.

the_seven_sins , avatar

I read a comment suggesting that you (yes, you!) would probably do a better job managing Twitter.

WaxedWookie ,

A cat could be dropped into the job, spend the whole day licking its arsehole, and still do a better job than Musk. All he had to do was shut his dumb mouth and spend his money, but he’s incapable of even that.

NIB , in They're basically the same right?

Latin and Greek are nowhere even similar to each other. You might as well say that Latin and German are the same language. Greek and Latin are 2 different linguistic branches of indoeuropean languages. Latin is the precursor of romance languages like Italian, French and Spanish. Ancient Greek is the precursor of Greek. Other major European language branches are the Germanic(German, English, Swedish, etc) and slavic(Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, etc).

Cool single indoeuropean individual language branches also include Armenian, Celtic and Albanian.

Finnish and Hungarian arent indoeuropean languages.

Hello_there , in Reality Shattered

"I'm a good person. I just don't believe that kids should get food from the govt. So what if some kids are a little hungry. Their parents need to work harder"

scrubbles , avatar

As Jesus wanted

Hello_there ,

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth wash my car"

Donjuanme , in Why?

I’d rather have it be known why I’ve edited my message, rather than leave people to question if I’d edited the body or meaning of my message. In my case it’s an accredited science lab thing, but I imagine lots of corporate and legal professionals do the same.

corsicanguppy ,

I also imagine things. Are you supporting your own position through things your brain created while staring out the window?

Pyroglyph , avatar

Supporting your position through things created in your brain is called “explaining yourself”, or more specifically “explaining the rationale behind your position”.

Did you think you were being clever?

Dick_Justice , in Why? Are we not doing enough? avatar

It was better before people absolutely fucking insisted on scraping reddit posts to bring over here. Post after post after post of regurgitated bot posts, without a single comment, no engagement at all. Fun!

jdeath ,

I wish we could not have those

Communist , avatar

You can easily block them

MrShankles ,

I follow one for news articles. I don’t need nor want the comments. I also follow several news communities from lemmy; just a way for me to aggregate.

ALostInquirer ,

Have you checked if the source sites of the articles being shared have RSS feeds? That would be a more optimal way to aggregate articles from a few sites than communities, depending on what you’re after.

Although, amusingly enough, you could also follow the RSS feeds of the news communities instead of doing that, but then there wouldn’t have been much of a point to making an account. 😅

Sheeple , avatar

And then you find the same post on FIVE separate communities! Fun²

FreshProduceAndShit ,

I do wonder what the solution to this problem even looks like. Cuz I agree issa problem

TwinTusks ,

I read somewhere that theres cross-post option that people can use, but … don’t.

IMALlama ,

But but but… I want the little offshoot niche community to grow! I also want content to get seen by more than 5 people.

In reality there just isn’t the user mass to make small/niche communities viable right now, so you see more general communities filling the void.

An easy example is 3D printing. There are two 3D printing communities in the lemmyverse. There’s also a ‘fix my print’ community that’s a ghost town and a few printer specific communities that are also ghost towns. Posts in these more specialized communities tend to get a consistent level of votes, but very few comments.

I’ve intentionally been trying to seed more content, but it’s hard without literally posting the same thing in two spots.

sweetviolentblush , avatar

Maybe there should be a community that boosts all those smaller niche communities? I think that could help spread the traffic around lemmy

floofloof ,

I don’t see those. I think some instances have defederated from the worst offenders.

Uniquitous , in time to code

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