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Polymath , in This is the way

It is important to note here how well-indoctrinated the US and Europe are to “point the finger” and absolve responsibility…

We don’t refer to stuff as “deforestation,” we call it “urban planning” or “development.”
We don’t talk about “poaching,” we just accept that farmers and the agriculture industry finds natural predators inconvenient, so we allow them to kill off coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, etc.

We have just as many people doing similar, but for some reason we’re only taught to lose our minds over conservation elsewhere, in the places where the US intentionally destabilizes (with Europe) to keep prices low for us. After all, it’s what our economies are built upon: ruin everywhere, so we can call ourselves the heroes for killing off indigenous folks to areas just for the crime of living and wanting things to feel fair.

Check yourself. This isn’t “the way”

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Well, that’s naive and misinformed. And also irrelevant; endangered species are too important to the environment for poor people to justify killing them off to buy food. Poor people have agency and therefore responsibility for their actions too. Your stance is both anti-environment and anti-working class.

We can and should help the poor in ways that don’t involve absolving them of responsibility for driving endangered species extinct.

SpiderShoeCult ,

Well articulated. We can’t absolve people of responsibility just because they are poor, unless we absolve them of all responsibity and treat them like children, and put the ones who have no caregivers in a foster care system. I’m fairly certain nobody wants that.

Yes, I am aware poverty is not something you can just wish away, but they know what they’re doing. Same as the people illegally cutting down forests in Eastern Europe. They’re also poor but they’re also assholes. They also have a penchant for shooting people who try to stop them. Pretty sure them rhino poachers would do bad stuff to anybody getting in their way as well.

sooper_dooper_roofer ,

white good other bad

Polymath ,

That’s exactly it: we’re taught “white good; everyone/everything else bad” and it seeps into our conservation and environmentalism efforts, getting spun into a tizzy about what happens in the Amazon or Africa, but, telling-ly, not really having the same depth and strength of emotions for wildlife conservation at home.

Quacksalber , in Steve's latest Facebook post

Is this real? I kinda don’t want to visit facebook. I’d love this to be real, but I guess my hopes will be dashed before long.

eochaid , avatar


sunspider , avatar

It’s not, it’s based on an old meme.

CraigeryTheKid , in Steve's latest Facebook post

There’s no way Steve knew or intended this would blow up the way it did. After Steve’s original 45 min video, the situation was still “recoverable” at LMG.

Then Linus dug in not once, but twice, and then the Madison post.

Has Steve said anything else recently? Hopefully he kinda backs off, honestly. It’s gone way beyond the original scope of his video.

frozen , avatar

He said in his follow-up video that there would be no more follow-ups. So we’ll see.

GitProphet ,

He might back off if they adressed his arguments, but they didn’t (yet, hopefully).


I wasn’t expecting an analysis of the situation on a memes sub…

CraigeryTheKid ,

it’s when I thought of it, and decided to just type it out!

worfamerryman ,

Can I get a tldr? I’m really out of the loop on this.

I read Madison’s post, but I’m not sure what’s going on with Linus other than that.

andrewrgross ,

I too like this explained to me.

ken27238 , avatar

They have reviewed a GPU cooler from a company incorrectly, said it was trash and don’t buy it, refused to do the review correctly and then sold the prototype cooler at auction when they agreed to return it.

GN called them out on that and their massive QC problems, crunch and ethics.

Halosheep ,

Gamer’s Nexus calls out LTT for some major oversights and failures, then the internet hate machine bandwagons on top and blows everything into a massive issue.

So many people are so worked up for something so incredibly insignificant.

db2 ,

Sexual assault isn’t insignificant though.

ken27238 , avatar

Did you watch any of the videos? Linus straight up lied about reimbursing them. They didn’t reach out to them until after the first GN video was released.

altima_neo , avatar

He said on his news recap video that they’re not going to address the lmg issue after seeing Linus’s forum response. So I think he’s gonna leave it at that.

froghorse , in Hey guys, why is it getting warmer? Did y'all leave the stove on?

Would you rather conform and be right, or think independently and be wrong?

WtfEvenIsExistence OP ,

“The majority is always wrong. Me smart for thinking different 🤓”

killa44 ,

What an absolutely fucking braindead take

knightry ,

I can’t tell if you didn’t get the joke or legitimately believe that any conformist opinion is braindead. I hope it’s not the latter, because that sounds like a really frustrating way to form a self-identity.

killa44 ,

Can one not participate in another’s parody?

UlyssesT ,

When it comes to bad takes on the internet and crackpot theories, assuming that such things are at least as likely to be true as what is conventionally believed is like wandering into a hospital pharmacy, with no labels on any of the bottles, and taking pills with the assumption that at least some of them will give you superpowers.

ElHexo ,

Obviously I’d rather think independently and be right?

rgb3x3 ,

It’s not even thinking independently though. It’s conforming to the group with the wrong opinion.

whoisearth , avatar

1000 flies eat shit. 1000 flies can’t be wrong.

explodicle ,

Be right, regardless of whether or not it’s conforming to anything.

froghorse ,

I think the popular attitude is actually the reverse of that.

explodicle , in As an owner of children, I approve this message

I don’t think hours of noise canceling headphones are a realistic solution for everyone, like people with autism or sensitive ears.

What we should have is a “children’s section” in the back of the plane. If your party only contains adults, then you can only book in the adult section until it’s filled, and same with parties that have kids. Parents don’t want to disrupt everyone, but imagine this on a longer bus or train ride!

SuddenDownpour ,

I’ve had to use canceling headphones for several hours a day for months due to asshole neighbours. Doing that provokes and exacerbates migraines. Using common sense and separating noise emitters from noise sufferers should always be the first step.

AeroLemming ,

What’s up with that, anyway? Noise cancelling headphones always make my ears and head feel so weird. I usually get used to it after a while (lucky me), but it’s so strange at first.

Waraugh ,

My understanding is that it generates waves that cancel out the sound waves so your ear drums are actually receiving more sound pressure than without the noise canceling headphones even though you don’t hear the sound.

AeroLemming ,

But if they cancel out, the pressure difference is lessened, hence less noise. .-.

iarigby ,

oh my god it’s so relieving to hear that i’m not the only one

feck_it ,

Imagine being a childless person in a children’ section. No one should have this kind of pain for hours

explodicle ,

Ok, I’m imagining I’m a person who doesn’t care and just needs to get on the next flight. I would have a choice that I don’t have right now.

feck_it ,

I see your point, maybe the first company creates your idea should also have a red colored pop up with big puntos that says every time a seat is selected if that one is in a children’s section and leave the judgement to the person who pays for the flight.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

When I bring my whole family somewhere I almost always book the farthest back on the plane I can. There doesn’t have to be specific sections… just people with common courtesy.

but one thing I’m noticing as a common theme in these threads is that there’s an innate blame on the children/parents. Kids oftentimes CANNOT pop their ears due to how narrow their Eustachian tubes are. There can be cases where the baby’s ears actually tear if the Eustachian tubes are blocked due to a cold or something of that nature.

The better answer is to just educate them in a friendly manner. If you do it tactfully then maybe junior will simmer down and everyone can move on without this passive aggressiveness we see in the photo. Giving the kid a bottle (if they’re that young) is often all that needs to happen to work the tubes open a little bit to relieve the pain.

Now… if you’re a parent… and have a colicky little one… skip the plane if you can. You know your kid. If they’re not going to take to the plane well, then you’re just being a dick to everyone around you.

explodicle ,

Anecdotally my spouse and I know this; our kids are just extremely energetic. We aren’t simply uneducated on how ears work, and getting unsolicited tips from childless people while already busy with our kids is just another stressor.

Call me a dick if you want, but sometimes flying noisily is the only practical option. No we’re not going to drive cross country to grandma’s funeral.

Saik0Shinigami , avatar

We aren’t simply uneducated on how ears work, and getting unsolicited tips from childless people while already busy with our kids is just another stressor.

Well… considering I have 2 kids. You can put your bullshit “tips from childless people” garbage argument away. The source of the information is irrelevant if the information is true regardless.

Regardless that doesn’t negate the overall “common courtesy” theme of my post.

explodicle ,

I apologize if my reply came across as an attack against you personally. I thought you were suggesting that anyone reading your post (not just you) should go up to stressed out parents and explain how ears work.

While other parents do sometimes chime in with unsolicited tips during stressful situations, they seem to (usually) be more aware of whether or not their actual information is relevant, and not just a distraction.

AeroLemming ,

Then maybe you shouldn’t go. It’s a funeral and they’re children. When my uncle died when I was young, my grandmother made me look at his dead body and it was terrible. I wish I had never gone to that fucking funeral. Nothing about it brought me any sort of closure and the only real memories I still have from going are purely negative.

Children have no place in funerals.

explodicle ,

Ok, then replace “funeral” with any family function you need to attend. Should your kids miss school on Friday and Monday to drive to and from a weekend wedding?

AeroLemming ,


explodicle ,

I don’t think you’ll find many parents willing to make that sacrifice for courtesy.

AeroLemming ,

It’d be fun, though. Road trips were always more enjoyable than sitting on a fucking plane for hours when I was a kid.

Angry_Maple , avatar

Yeah, I don’t care either way on this “kids vs no kids” on a plane, but I used to love road trips SO much. It let me see many new cool things that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

SpiderShoeCult ,

It’s already parents vs childfree in this thread, and I have to admit it’s a bit entertaining, but do we really want to bring the fuckcars people into this as well?

Kanth ,

Kids exist in the world. Get over it. You’re the adult in the situation.

Nerorero , avatar

You missed the point on purpose, right?

original_ish_name ,

So in other words: putting a sick young child on a plane is a health and safety risk for the child

isVeryLoud ,

I DROVE across Canada rather than dare take a plane with a possibility of screaming and kicking children. Sensory issues are a bitch.

Dr_pepper_spray ,

Sometimes plane travel can’t be helped, and little children can be loud and obnoxious. I feel for those around me, but as a parent we have to endure this far longer than anyone else. It’s not like we like the noise either.

doom_and_gloom , (edited ) avatar


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  • Dr_pepper_spray ,

    “Conflating the two is ableist and insulting.”

    I think the auto-reply should be an audible sigh and a “just shut the fuck up”. But hey, you tell me how you thought this would go?

    Apeman42 , avatar

    “Why won’t anyone think of the paaaaareeeents? Nobody suffers more than me from the problem that I created!”

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    So now I need to conform to some dead-end 20 something because they can’t be bothered to bring headphones on a plane?

    Like I wasn’t an adult without kids at some point who had to fly with crying babies on board.

    archiotterpup ,

    Not our fault you/she got creampied. They’re your responsibility.

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    True, and it’s my right to fly with them. I’m glad we’ve had this chat. I now feel a lot less pressure to please little dead-enders who just want silence. Life is noisy. I’m personally not in any rush for an eternity of silence, but you do you.

    victron , avatar

    Yep, during booking they should only show the back rows available if you’re traveling with children of certain age. It should be simple, I think.

    Holyginz , in As an owner of children, I approve this message

    If you unable or unwilling to take care of your child to keep them from making a scene and bothering people your child has no business being on a plane.

    state_electrician ,

    It is an option to not post anything instead of dumb bullshit like you just did. Maybe keep that in mind in the future.

    Holyginz ,

    Lmao, it was an option to keep your mouth shut and not have people realize your ignorance and lack of self awareness but here you are. I dont care about self absorbed peoples opinion. Educate yourself so next time you have a worthwhile response, then maybe there’s a discussion to be had.

    Sheeprevenge ,

    How don’t you know how children work?

    Holyginz ,

    I know how children work. I also know they are the parents responsibility. I find it amusing how many parent with no control over their kids are trying to come after me like they should be bent over backwards for.

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    Depends on the age really. A child under one who’s wailing uncontrollably might be different than a misbehaving four year old. For instance my six month old couldn’t take a car ride without losing his shit and no amount of consolation would work. So we aren’t taking him anywhere, obviously. I have no idea how he’d take a flight and I’m not willing to test it out. Now if there was suddenly an issue with say, extended family that required us to get across country fast then I’m sorry, you gotta deal homey. It’s no fucking fun for me either.

    The short of all this is you don’t necessarily know where people are at in their lives or why they are traveling and everyone is different. Kids aren’t one size fits all or work the same way for everyone – and a flight isn’t like going to a movie theater.

    Holyginz ,

    In one of my other comments I mentioned no one with intelligence expects a child to be perfectly silent at all times. However if you know your child cannot sit still or remain at least moderately quiet, then it has no business being on a plane. And of course there are nuances to this, but the number of parents who seem to think the world should conform to them for having a child is frankly gross. I am not a fan of kids and i hage no desire to bring any into the world for a numbrt of reasons, first of which is i understand the responsibilu involved in having kids. Drive if your kid isn’t able to handle being on a plane. Simple as that.

    Dr_pepper_spray ,

    I’ve never been on a flight where a child has been the issue. I suspect when most of you say children, and what this meme is referring to is Babies. Children can be mitigated and distracted. By five most can be reasoned with. Babies are a completely different situation. I can tell you from experience, it’s not fun to be the parent of a wailing baby you can’t calm down. I can’t imagine what that’s like on a flight - and you might not know what they’ll do until they get there. - They might just fall asleep! Flying is a unique experience. In those cases all you can hope for is the patience and understanding of those around you.

    mnemonicmonkeys ,

    You sound like an entitled parent.

    It’s fine to want and to have kids. But if they are at an age where they are going to make an awful ruckus and you bring them on an airplane for several hours then you’re being a selfish piece of shit to everyone else.

    And no, it’s not the kid’s fault. It’s the parent’s fault for putting everyone in that situation. Just because your kids are disruptive to you doesn’t mean you have to make everyone else suffer

    Sheeprevenge ,

    I am not a parent. But if somebody is entitled, then it is the person that thinks that every public space should cater to their needs only. It’s a baby, they sometimes cry. You can’t do anything about it. What should the parents do? Never leave the house with the child, because its crying could annoy an adult?

    mnemonicmonkeys ,

    What should the parents do? Never leave the house with the child, because its crying could annoy an adult?

    Depends on where you’re going. The park? Feel free to bring the baby. A movie theater? Doing that makes you an asshole since you can hire a sitter for an evening. Going on vacation to an area close enough to drive? Go ahead and bring the baby. Going on a plane for a weeklong vacation in Hawaii? You’re being an asshole to the others on the plane.

    It’s not that hard to get.

    Sheeprevenge ,

    Yes, it depends on the situation. A Movie Theater needs absolute silence during all of the movie, but a plane don’t. If the child doesn’t cry during the whole flight, I don’t see a problem with bringing them along.

    ArcticLynx ,

    I know how they work: if the parents don’t take it at the plane, it will not annoy other people

    Lafuma300 ,

    Am guessing you don’t have kids…

    Holyginz ,

    Of course not. Because I understand what my responsibilities as a parent would be and neither my partner or I want to deal with that. Those expecting people to automatically love their babies or kids and just be ok with whatever they do are inconsiderate at best. And as someone who has had to fly a decent amount, very few things are more disruptive than a screaming or out of control child. And I can tell the ones who immediately started going after me in the comments are likely parents that see no problem subjecting other passengers to their children. And their responses don’t change anything either.

    vzq ,


    Oh wait you are serious.

    Holyginz ,

    Duh. The number of people who expect to be catered to because they had a child is just pathetic. Grow up and take responsibility for your own kid.

    markpaskal , in Android vs IOS

    You can’t even install DNS66 from the play store because Google bans apps that block ads. This meme is way off the mark and I’m and android fanboy.

    RobotDaniel OP ,

    You can get it off f-droid

    Phantom3805 ,

    The meme didn’t mention the play store, anyone actually concerned with this stuff likely also is savvy enough to install apps without the play store.

    limerod ,

    You can still install it from fdroid or github. And there’s an alternative called PersonalDNSFilter if you really wanted an app from the play store.

    Asudox , avatar

    If you are a android user that thinks the only source of apps is google play store, you aren’t a real android user

    tr11 , avatar

    Lol me who just installed nextDNS from the play store

    portside ,

    Do you know you can just use the private dns option if you are on Android > 9. I use nextdns too.

    tr11 , avatar

    Yeah I know :) NextDNS is great!

    dingus182 , (edited ) in Top or bottom? avatar

    ostriches don’t wear scarfs per se. They wear leg warmer.

    some_guy , in Hey guys, why is it getting warmer? Did y'all leave the stove on?

    All I know is that I keep my oven and stove running with the AC on and the windows open. I’m doing my part by wasting as much energy as possible. Wait… did I miss the point? /s

    Mixel , in Like I get there are several reasons people remain. It just feels kinda weird to listen to a podcaster or youtuber go off on twittter, yet they still use twitter exclusively. avatar

    So true!!

    FollyDolly , in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

    This thread is goddamned train wreck. If you need to fly with young children, buy a big bag of those el cheapo foam ear plugs and pass them out to whomever wants some.

    I don’t have kids, and I have sensory issues that make baby crying noises physically painful, but I get it. Sometimes you need to take your tiny human places, and I just have to deal. It’s a part of life.

    RoquetteQueen ,

    It’s unreasonable to expect parents to buy you earplugs. If you know you have sensory issues, you need to pack earplugs just in case. That is your responsibility.

    FollyDolly , avatar

    Oh I travel with my own earplugs, but sometimes poeple forget. Nothing wrong with looking out for your fellow humans.

    EffortlessEffluvium ,

    The packs of earplugs aren’t that expensive, and if you can’t get the kids to be reasonably well-behaved it’s your responsibility.

    RoquetteQueen ,

    Lol no.

    atomWood ,

    It’s not some random strangers job to take care of you.

    radioactiveradio ,

    Or a big bag to put the kids in and stuff em in the luggage compartment.

    Landrin201 , avatar

    “People should abuse their children so that other passengers are more comfortable.”

    That’s literally your suggestion

    radioactiveradio ,

    No, I’m saying children should count as luggage.

    original_ish_name ,

    Ear plugs always fall out, don’t work properly and feel uncomfortable for me

    Drusas ,

    I had that problem until I switched to smaller earplugs.

    deur ,

    You can also try over-the-ear hearing protection style gear

    InvaderDJ , in As an owner of children, I approve this message

    I imagine it wouldn’t be profitable at all, but I would love services like flights, resturants, movies, etc that were adult only. Would be nice to just not have to deal with it.

    It’s unavoidable and a part of life you just have to deal with though. You roll your eyes, you turn up the noise cancelling on your headphones and you deal with it. But at the same time, parents should do all they can to keep their kids quiet and well behaved and maybe consider whether flights before their child is even a toddler are the best idea.

    GCanuck ,

    Far too reasonable for this thread. You have to pick a side. You either have to believe that parents and children bare no responsibility for their intrusions on strangers lives or you have to believe that all babies should be exiled from public spaces until they are old enough to behave.


    Edit: /s cause this thread is ridiculous enough to need it.

    kabat ,

    My wife and I picked an adult-only hotel for our honeymoon. It’s fucking glorious. One of our fondest memories ever, and we cherish it even more now with third kid on her way to wreck havoc to our ears in a few short months.

    InvaderDJ ,

    I can imagine, especially for a honeymoon.

    Metype , in They say use whatsapp, they say use zoom avatar

    Yeah some of my University classes mandated the use of this “Lockdown Browser” last year. Pretty sure it’s just spyware that, conveniently, can render HTML

    bitwolf ,

    It’s actually a rootkit on Windows which is the worst part.

    ConsciousLochNess , in Lemmy since the reddit collapse avatar

    Love my Hexbears heart-sickle 💋

    z3rOR0ne , in A tale as old as time

    One does not simply “Have just one beer.”

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