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jimmydoreisalefty , in Heh

edit: fix similarities typo

Awesome to see the similarities between: Newtonian Mechanics and Quantum mechanics

Coulomb’s law was essential to the development of the theory of electromagnetism and maybe even its starting point, as it allowed meaningful discussions of the amount of electric charge in a particle.

Here, ke is a constant, q1 and q2 are the quantit>ies of each charge, and the scalar r is the distance between the charges.

Being an inverse-square law, the law is similar to Isaac Newton’s inverse-square law of universal gravitation, but gravitational forces always make things attract, while electrostatic forces make charges attract or repel. Also, gravitational forces are much weaker than electrostatic forces. Coulomb’s law can be used to derive Gauss’s law, and vice versa. In the case of a single point charge at rest, the two laws are equivalent, expressing the same physical law in different ways. The law has been tested extensively, and observations have upheld the law on the scale from 10−16 m to 108 m.

Claidheamh ,

It’s electromagnetism you mean, not quantum mechanics.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Guess what electromagnetism turned out to be

Claidheamh ,

They’re different things. The OP means electromagnetism, Coulomb’s law has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, it’s classical physics.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Okay but tell me, what theory superceded electromagnetism?

Sure, EM is still useful, I use it in my work, but in the end, it all boils down to QM.

scubbo ,

“X depends on or is built up on Y” does not imply “X is Y”. Concepts, laws, techniques, etc. can depend or be higher-order expressions of QM without being QM. If you started asking a QM scientist about tensile strength or the Mohs scale they would (rightly) be confused.

photonic_sorcerer , avatar

Yes, of course. Coloumb and Maxwell had no idea about QM when they were developing their ideas. Not to mention that these higher-order abstractions are just as valid as QM (up to a point, but so is QM). Depening on the application, you’d want to use a different abstraction. EM is perfect for everyday use, as well as all the way down to the microscale.

My point is that EM is explained by QM, and therefore supercedes it. You could use QM to solve every EM problem, it’d just be waaaaay too difficult to be practical.

SuckMyWang , (edited )

Guys guys, yesterday I ate some hot wings and then shit myself on the way to the toilet 🤣💪💯

Also can you really solve all em equations with qm? I always thought the laws broke down from one to the other? So you’re saying going from em to qm the laws break down but going from qm to em the laws hold up?

scubbo ,

I feel like you’re using “supercede” differently to the rest of us. You’re getting a hostile reaction because it sounded like you’re saying that EM is no longer at all useful because it has been obsoleted (superceded) by QM. Now you’re (correctly) saying that EM is still useful within its domain, but continuing to say that QM supercedes it. To me, at least, that’s a contradiction. QM extends EM, but does not supercede it. If EM were supercedes, there would be no situation in which it was useful.

Claidheamh , (edited )

Quantum mechanics didn’t supersede electromagnetism. Again, they’re different things. Electromagnetism is a fundamental interaction. Whereas quantum mechanics describes the mechanics of quantum particles. Whether those particles are affected by electromagnetic forces or not. It’s a description of how they behave at quantum scales.

Coulomb’s law has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, it’s a description of how macroscopic charged particles interact. What the OP should have said to be correct is:

Awesome to see the similarities between: Newton’s law of gravitation and Coulomb’s law

I don’t know where he got quantum mechanics from.

Natanael ,

Quantum electrodynamics though

mochisuki , in Just fuck me up fam

Speak up, call your government reps. Your apathy is what they are counting on to avoid change

registrert , avatar


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  • DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Have you properly considered joining a radical militia?

    IHaveTwoCows ,

    Waaaah waaaah guns are for meanies waaaah

    EvolvedTurtle ,

    I’m more of a fan of guillotines personality More flare

    hydrospanner ,

    Implying they’d give a damn anyway.

    MartinXYZ ,

    If enough people speak up, they’ll have to.

    hydrospanner ,


    FartsWithAnAccent , avatar

    My reps suck lol

    Facebones ,

    Citizens United baby, we were removed from the equation.

    Diabolo96 , in Work is fulfilling and fun 🙃

    Doing excel for 9 hours straight is far better than breathing toxic gases inside a damp,badly lit coal mines tho. Juste saying…

    alsaaas OP , avatar

    Yes of course and eating trash is better than eating shit

    Diabolo96 ,

    What I mean is that work conditions have vastly improved compared to the last century (thanks to unions). It may be miserable yes but it’s a far cry from the horrible work that our ancestors were forced to endure starting from a young age.

    alsaaas OP , (edited ) avatar

    I get what you mean. Ofc class struggle has brought us many concessions, technology progresses over time and the industrialized countries add more and more abstraction layers to manual work.

    My point would be that we do have to view the working conditions relative to what’s possible at the given time. Given the resources humanity has today, fully automated luxury (queer) space communism is within realistic reach!

    It’s a similar answer as to world hunger: it’s a systematic distribution - not resource - problem. That being artificially created scarcity thanks to a profit and greed driven economic base (capitalism) and inequitable/inefficient allocation of resources (markets)

    Diabolo96 ,

    I can only agree

    electrogamerman ,

    Is it tho?

    Pelicanen ,

    Depends on the trash. Depends on the shit.

    Rentlar ,

    I suppose that is the 3 largest domino.

    UlyssesT ,

    Doing excel for 9 hours straight is far better than breathing toxic gases inside a damp,badly lit coal mines tho. Juste saying…


    Give it time. Those work conditions are getting gradually worse all over again as the internal contradictions intensify.

    hperrin , in Its getting old.

    I created a new email service that prevents spam and organized your email. If it works out and I become successful, I can imagine Google trying to buy it, and if I say no, all of a sudden Gmail starts having issues receiving mail from my service. Gmail and Exchange together share about 70% of the business email market, so they can destroy smaller competitors if they aren’t willing to sell. Yay capitalism!

    mindbleach ,
    257m ,

    Oh I haven’t seen that one yet. Beatie’s talks are always great.

    DarkMessiah , in Halloween gag

    Well, world domination can come after we do, yeah?

    IzzyData , in 'political cartoons ARE NOT MEMES!!!' lmao avatar

    Were photos really called flashlights in 1920?

    HerbalGamer ,


    Tar_alcaran ,

    Yes. Or rather, it was flashlight photography, as opposed to “old fashioned” photography where you had to hold perfectly still for several seconds. Of course, flash powder existed before, but it was messy, dangerous, flammable and left a layer of white ash everywhere. Most people today would only recognise the pan full of magnesium flash powder from cartoons, but you can probably guess it wasn’t popular at parties or with hobbyists.

    In the 1920s, flash bulbs were the awesome new thing, meaning you could take split second photos, and those could be action shots, and not staged and posed portraits. Taking a flashlight was doable quickly and easily, and of course as we all know, most random photos by random people aren’t great.

    The name photograph was already used for the old thing, so “flashlight” became the obvious abbreviation.

    bunnyfc , in Sure Doesn't feel like one. avatar

    I know people who are left leaning democrats and they're for gun control. But gun control doesn't solve the problem entirely.

    The problem is the entire culture around guns and toxic 'me and my gun and my truck' self sufficiency culture in the US and the lack of a social net.

    not_that_guy05 , (edited )

    Yes it is. I was downvoted to shit last time I said we should have the mandatory 10 days waiting period and background checks. Had nothing but what ifs.

    People treating firearms as fuckin toys should be banned. Your firearm was on unattended and your child killed himself or an other person? Straight to jail. Fuckin hate that people have lost the respect of the tool they are using.

    grayman ,

    So what you’re telling me is you and no one you know ever plans for an event more than a week and a half in the future? No wonder you can’t see how dumb this shit is.

    blujan ,

    If that stops even just 1% of murders then that’s actually great.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Well it’ll stop even less than that. Mass shooters plan for months, the law isn’t intended for that. It is meant to stop “crimes of passion” (read: killing your wife), but all that would happen is they prevent this time (or he goes all Chris Benoit), then he picks up his gun 10 days later, and next time he’s in a wife killin’ mood he’s all prepared.

    In fact, statistically, according to the ATF, average “Time to crime” of a firearm (time from purchase to when it ends up involved at a crime scene) is 11 years. That’s a bit longer than 10 days.

    irmoz ,

    10 days is more than 0. Is that maths too hard for you? a 0 day waiting time would stop NOTHING. 10 days would at least stop spur of the moment killings. Is that not worth something?

    What would you prefer:

    • A higher number of killings
    • A lower number of killings

    If your standard is 0 killings, you’ll agree with nothing, because nothing will get it to 0.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    So you don’t care that instead of killing his wife on the first of the month, he kills her on the tenth? Sure solved a lot there. Simply killing someone 9 days later than origionally intended is somehow lowering the number of killings? And no mention of average time to crime being eleven whole years? Again I posit that 11 years is longer than 10 days, there are 410.5 “10 days” stretches in 11yrs, by the time that first gun typically shows up in crime he could have 410 guns and be 5 days from his 411th.

    irmoz ,

    So, you’re in favour of 11 year wait times?

    ArcaneSlime ,

    No I’m in favor of “not doing things that are absolutely pointless.”

    irmoz ,

    Oh, but your argument before was that 10 days isn’t long enough. Was that just a trick?

    Sounds to me like you’re one of those people that says, “I’m not against gun control in principle, it just has to be done right”, then disagrees with every gun control proposal. Because you actually are against gun control.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    No, my argument was that a 10 day wait period was “pointless, because it does fuck all.”

    Oh, and yes, I am against further gun control that has no impact. I, unlike you, don’t just want to pretend I’m helping, I actually want to address the root causes of violence (not just gun violence) themselves. It may be harder but at least it isn’t “completely useless feel good legislation that isn’t even actually designed to actually solve the issue because if they did solve it they couldn’t use it to pressure you for votes.”

    irmoz ,

    Wow, you seem pretty confident you know what my opinion is, even without me telling you! Try my age, next!

    ArcaneSlime ,

    I’m sorry, Mr. High-And-Mighty, but did you or did you not just post this?

    Oh, but your argument before was that 10 days isn’t long enough. Was that just a trick?

    Sounds to me like you’re one of those people that says, “I’m not against gun control in principle, it just has to be done right”, then disagrees with every gun control proposal. Because you actually are against gun control.

    Try harder lol your trolling is not working.

    irmoz ,

    What exactly do you think that proves? Do you think it proves I’m against mental health programs? Do you think it proves I’m for increased police budgets?

    No. You know my inclination on this one subject. Not the totality of my opinion. Did I say this measure alone would help? Fuck no. But who wants to add wait times and do absolutely nothing else? It seems like that’s what you’re implying. But anyone who isn’t an idiot knows these issues aren’t dealt with by doing a single thing on its own.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    No I think it proves you’re the pot calling the kettle black. “OhH I cAn TeLl YoU wHaT yOu MeAn BuT yOu CaN’t TeLl Me WhAt I mEaN!!”

    uis , avatar

    Sounds more like asshole culture

    Anonymousllama , in You have more fun with the FPS counter off

    It’s performance, especially on top of the line hardware (13900k + 4090) is dogshit yeah? Just so we’re under no illusions about the state this game was released in.

    The icing on the cake is colossal orders gaslighting saying that there’s no practical benefit to having anything above 30 FPS, as if there’s not a tangible benefit to playing games at a smooth 60FPS compared to a sloppy 30 FPS

    Dyskolos , in Stock Meme

    I can hardly decipher this blackmetal-bandname. Help?

    agressivelyPassive ,

    The German word “Stock” means branch or stick.

    lugal ,

    It’s more stick than branch. Branch would rather be Zweig or Ast, I’d say.

    Dyskolos ,

    I know, fellow krautlander. It was a joke playing into bm-bands always having names like in this image 😊

    XeroxCool ,


    Dyskolos ,

    Sounds brutal. \m/

    rishabh , in 2 genders

    I read it as “Iron man”.

    lugal ,

    This took a moment

    MartinXYZ ,

    I’m dumb. It took me a lot more than a moment 😕

    lugal ,

    Tbh, it was a long moment for me

    FrickAndMortar , in That is fun!

    Looks fun to me!

    Macaroni_ninja , avatar


    moistclump , in No, por favor.

    I read that as m’exit, or a neck beard greeting an exit.

    sneezymrmilo , in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

    Man is there any popular meme communities on lemmy that ban Political posts? Getting sick of this community.

    Chunk ,

    This meme is dank and if you don’t like politics that’s totally fine but you don’t get to dictate to others what this community is about.

    unoriginalsin ,

    What an incredibly hot take. Like how is asking about a place to go where you’ll find memes that are more enjoyable to you dictating anything?

    Chunk ,

    Hey please don’t reply to my comments. Thanks!

    • Chunk
    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    What about this one?

    • Not Chunk
    cyclohexane ,

    I doubt there’s any. There’s not a good definition of a “political meme” that wouldn’t have many people disagreeing whether certain memes are political or not, hence breeding power trip mods and bias. Most likely, it’ll just be allowing the political memes that agree with mods opinions, or are status quo to the mods, and hence not seemingly “political” even if it is.

    But if you find one, please comment it here. I’d love to see it.

    flashgnash ,

    The question of whether politics should be allowed in meme communities is itsself political

    greenmarty ,

    Not exactly an answer but you can block communities you don’t want to see.

    Spazz ,

    Imagine being this deplorable

    be_excellent_to_each_other , (edited ) in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies. avatar

    Clone Wars did a great job portraying Anakin's gradual slide. There was nuance and plenty of exposure of the good parts of his character. His friendship with Obi-Wan was in evidence. His relationship with Padme was believable.

    The fact that post-pubescent prequel-Anakin was ever trusted by anyone is at best evidence of how the dark side clouds perception.

    In the prequels, from EPII he continuously felt like someone who should clearly be a Sith being shoehorned into being a Jedi. His friendship with Obi-Wan existed in name only, and his "romance" with Padme was in fact not a better romance than Twilight. (And that's saying something.)

    OG fans waited decades to see Vader's backstory, and what we got was about the least rewarding most hamfisted and uninteresting portrayal of that backstory that could have been achieved. Decades of fan appetite regarding that backstory, possibly the only time such a thing has been maintained in the history of cinema, or likely will be again, and Lucas gave us Jar-Jar, cringe dialog, limp acting, and endless CGI.

    D&D royally fucked up with GoT, but using the prequels to shine a light on that reads like something from The Onion.

    Nalivai ,

    The whole point of it is that whatever you described is still somehow better than that disappointing bullshit of a last season

    be_excellent_to_each_other , (edited ) avatar

    The whole point of it is that whatever you described...

    It's only a matter of degree though, at best. The three movies OP refers to were absolute shit in their own way. OP could have done a like to like comparison with Clone Wars and GoT and had a meme that made much more sense.

    Meanwhile, I think there's a credible argument that the prequels (you do know what I'm describing, right?) are not in the slightest better than the last season of GoT, making OP fairly weak, and in an almost Onion-like way.

    be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

    I just realized I may have entirely missed the point of your explanation. Sorry. I'll leave my other comment for posterity.

    Miclux , in Sadly Israel is too powerful right now, but hopefully one day the genocide will stop!

    Remember when memes were fun or satirical? Internet Explorer 5.0 remembers.

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