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CareHare , in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

I love that they could have done MonIca and ChandlEr But decided that it would’ve been too convenient.

Cysioland , avatar

Ah yes, the Breaking Bad school of acronyms

Godort , in A modern tragedy

Time to read the shampoo bottle

IDontHavePantsOn ,

Dr Bronner’s bottle ftw.

Fiivemacs ,

I like those bottles that the letters start falling off of.

paddirn , in How the mighty have fallen

If any bird still acts like it thinks it’s a dinosaur, it’s those goddamn Canadian Geese.

BruceTwarzen ,

When i was a kid, there was this lady who lived on my way to school. Dhe had a nice, fenced garden and two huge dogs and like 10 geese. I was never scared of the dogs, vut the geese were vicious. Sometimes they were on the lose and my way home turned into a survival horror game. They never stopped chasing. Dometimes i took some bread with me to throw and run away. One day they were chasing me i ran like a motherfucker around a corner and threw my last breaf. there was this young family with two little kids, and i was so relieved, because that was an easy way to lose them and at the same time i hoped that they were good runners. I honestly don't even know what would've happend if they ever caught me and i'm glad i never found out. I really miss these fuckers.

kool_newt ,

Breaf – it’s what’s for dinner

psud ,

Keyboards. Near enough is good enough, right?

Maco1969 , avatar

Geese, ducks and chickens had all already evolved when the dinosaurs went extinct. They are all tough hombre.

psud ,

Have you not been reading this thread? Dinosaurs never went extinct. A sparrow is descended from the great raptors

loaExMachina ,

If they know that the gallinoansera clade had already emerged before the K-T extinction, they most likely also know about birds being dinosaurs. Specifying “non-avian” everytime is a pain and saying “K-T extinction” is not understood by all, no need to correct them for semantics when their wording gets the point across.

HulkSmashBurgers ,

Swans too. Mean fuckers, they are.

pugsly , in Janitors provide a valuable service

If all janitors disappeared, you’d notice the dirty facility.

If all CEOs disappeared you’d get paid better.

baatliwala ,

And the company you work for will no longer function, so soon you won’t get paid at all and cry like a bitch. What a lovely world <3

milicent_bystandr ,

Alas, if all CEOs disappeared, the company would fall into ruin and you’d need another job. CEOs are important people too, even if they’re overpaid and over-respected and overalls (wait, that should be the janitor? Or the Germans?)

repungnant_canary ,

There are actually examples of quite big companies without CEO at all.

But it really depends on what type of company we’re talking about. In small and medium companies usually (not always unfortunately) CEOs do a terrific job and, depending on the company’s financial condition, might even earn less then some of their employees while bearing a huge responsibility (financial and moral).

Even in small companies it is sometimes a case that managers do all the work and the CEO is eating profits - there are stories where employees actually prefer the boss to not show up in the office because they only mess everything up.

Yet if we’re talking about big and huge companies then CEO existence is much harder to defend. If CEO disappeared then by pure inertia the company would work for at least months. Then there’s the Peter Principle and numerous studies how MBAs are actually rather bad boses, in which case if the company keeps existing or even growing then someone else is doing all the management.

And then, you can’t convince me that someone like Musk, who spends days on posting hateful tweets and attending meetings promoting reproduction, does a meaningful job at all.

What companies actually need is some decision making body. And that body doesn’t have to be a rich white asshole, but can be for example board representing (proportionally) all the groups in the company, which then can use deliberative democracy to make decisions. Virtually any other solution is better than old rich white sexists CEO.

dangblingus ,

CEOs aren’t the genius level visionary you’re making them out to be. They’re a legal requirement of having a corporation. Doubly so if the company is publicly traded and has a Board of Directors. Fact is, without a CEO at the helm, there are tons of SVPs and VPs at most companies that know exactly the strategy to increase sales or decrease costs (the root of a CEO’s responsibility). So while executive leadership is important, it’s not thousands of times more important than any given worker at the company. Not by a long shot.

zeppo , in Why is this so difficult? avatar

I’d revise that to “Republicans”

Justas OP , avatar

I wanted to but changed it to “Americans” on the last minute.

KoboldCoterie , avatar

I think the majority of Americans don’t really see a dilemma there.

Justas OP , avatar

I think replacing it with “American Politicians” would work, but accuracy, in my Polandb… meme?

Anticorp ,

It would work. Senator Sanders forced a vote to require the State department to report on Israel’s humanitarian violations or immediately withhold aid, and the Senate quickly voted 72-11 against the proposal. That is probably the most bi-partisan vote we’ve seen in decades. But don’t go thinking that the enormous American political machine actually represents the will of the American people. They represent corporate interests, and hardly even try to hide that anymore.

bartolomeo , avatar

Did anyone call Sanders anti-semitic?

GreyEyedGhost ,

Yes, a number of users on Lemmy have made that claim, and this article shows references of it being done by various media outlets and other political pundits.

Anticorp ,

Sanders is Jewish… I guess that wouldn’t stop people from throwing baseless accusations around.

bartolomeo , avatar

Wait till you get a load of this:…/jewish-protest-israel-gaza-wash…

David Friedman, the conservative former US ambassador to Israel during Donald Trump’s presidency, went further, tweeting before Monday’s protest: “Any American Jew attending this rally is not a Jew – yes I said it!”

Anticorp ,

That’s par for the course for the GOP. Toe the line or you’re not whatever we say you’re not (republican/American/and apparently now Jewish too).

bartolomeo , avatar

It was the Democrat president that bypassed congress twice to send munitions to Israel during it’s active genocidal campaign so no, it’s not Republicans.

zeppo , avatar

Politicians, yes, constituents, no.

explodicle ,

If you vote for Democrats, you de facto are one.

zeppo , avatar

That’s not the point. I was saying that national Democratic politicians are not properly representing what their voters think on the Israel issue.

zeppo , avatar

Also, Republicans want to send weapons and money to Israel and not to Ukraine, while Congressional/Biden admin Democrats want to do both. So with Republicans you get double the genocides.

Lizardking27 , in Have mercy on our souls

Hate to break it to you OP but it’s 100% Jif.

Imgonnatrythis ,

The way Jod intended

Transporter_Room_3 , avatar

Pardon me while I go feed my giant geriatric giraffe, George. He likes generic foods, so long as they are germ free and genetically unmodified.

Afterwards, I’m gonna hit the gym, gently gesticulate while talking to someone about geography, geometry, and genetics, maybe consume some protein gel packs.

As a genuine gesture of gentlemanly genius, my genuine German genie will conjure up some gems to pay for everything.

Get the gist of what I’m saying?

Imgonnatrythis ,

I generally understand.

CileTheSane , avatar

Make sure you thank your genie by buying him a jift.

theUnlikely ,

This morning, I’m off to groom the goats and gather fresh eggs from the geese. The greenhouse needs tending too, with its gourds and guava plants.

After that, I’ll glide on my skateboard along the gritty pavement, feeling the cool gusts. For lunch, perhaps a grilled cheese sandwich with gouda, and a glass of grapefruit juice.

In the afternoon, a game of golf awaits, grueling yet galvanizing. And as dusk falls, I’ll gaze at the glimmering stars, grasping the grandeur of the galaxy.

Then I’ll grab my guitar, gleefully strumming glorious melodies.

Next, I’ll gear up for gaming, getting into go-kart racing and guild quests. Great for unwinding and igniting gusto.

Then, on to grub: guacamole with garlic, garnished with green onions, alongside golden tortilla chips, goulash, gumbo, gazpacho, gravy, granola, gorgonzola, and graham crackers. A gourmet, gratifying snack.

Later, I’ll grab my gardening guide, to gain groundbreaking insights on growing gardenias. Guiding the creation of a grand, lush grove is very gratifying.

Before bed, a glance at tomorrow’s goals: glazing pottery, a new, gripping hobby.

Does this give a good glimpse into my day?

WldFyre ,

Most of your hard g’s have a consonant as the second letter, I don’t think it’s as strong of an argument.

mingistech , avatar


That’s the key. Sorry, you lose.

samus12345 , avatar


Acronyms don’t give a fuck what the original pronunciation of the words used to make them are. Sorry, you lose.

mingistech , avatar

Wrong word dummy. lol.

samus12345 , avatar

If “gif” has to be pronounced with a hard G because it stands for “graphics,” then the P in “jpeg” has to be pronounced like an F because it stands for “photographic.”

pythonoob ,

Said the moron

Nogami , (edited )

It is infact Graphics Interchange format. Not Jirafics Interchange format.

I know the creator pronounces it Jif, but there are lots of people in the world who pronounce things wrong.

I offer up “niche”. It’s actually not nitch no matter how many people say it like that.

Lookit all the nerds I triggered. Popcorn time!

CanadianCarl ,

Just like JPEG is pronounced as a JFEG, cause it stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.

pythonoob ,

Why do people continuously offer this argument like it’s coherent…

Lizardking27 ,

“There are lots of people in the world who pronounce things wrong”

“Its actually not nitch no matter how many people say it like that”

You’re this close to getting it.

stephen01king ,

Scuba is Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Do you pronounce it the acronym with a short U or a long U?

Tristaniopsis ,

Well played.

SpaceNoodle , in Have mercy on our souls

GIF is an acronym for Giraffe Interchange Format.

EmergMemeHologram ,

The more niche a fact you make up on the internet is, the more likely it is to pollute the accuracy of an LLM later

casualhippo OP ,

I’m in shambles, if only I had known! How could I have been so mistaken 😭

Sibbo , in He'll be the death of us all.

Isn’t the point of “conservatives” to tear everything down? Because then they just elected the right man for that.

Facebones ,

This though. People love to harp about the good ole days but leave out that the good ole days were good cause only cishet white men could participate in the economy

mo_lave , (edited )

That’s an accelerationist or a nihilist. If the status quo is pro-immigration and pro-LGBT rights, wanting to keep this status quo will make you a “conservative” because you want to conserve the status quo.

People love to harp about the good ole days

They’re reactionaries.

Anticorp ,

“Conservatives” haven’t wanted to conserve anything in a very long time. They want to prop up the rich with government subsidies, hurt the poor, control the women, and hopefully kill some sick people along the way. That’s a damned far sight from conserving traditional American values.

Senal ,

i’d imagine a part of the problem is that at least some of them do in fact see those things as “traditional american values” so from their perspective they are conserving their version of reality.

Genuine question as i don’t actually know the answer, is conservatism considered to be the conservation specifically of “traditional” values. Like, is there an agreed upon timeframe in which these traditional values were held or is it more of a moving target sort of thing ?

Seasoned_Greetings ,

I’m no expert, but I always thought the American brand “conservative” stood for “fiscal conservative”, as in, to save money by limiting government spending.

That definition lines up well with their actual policies which tend to be cutting government spending, tax cuts, downsizing government jobs, etc.

Not really conserving traditions. Although there’s plenty of that in their cultural identity.

Edit: to be clear, the party has long since moved past being actually conservative. The most accurate description they might have now would be the party of spite.

rusticus ,
thesporkeffect ,

The thing they want to conserve is a hierarchical society defined by wealth and privilege

tormeh ,
YeetPics , avatar

Nah that’s just how they look from a sane individual’s perspective. They think they’re helping, it would be cute if it wasn’t so fucking sad.

Pantherina , in There's some kind of use for this lighter I can't put my finger on...

Fuck Bic and their single use crap.

They literally do only single use Lighters and Pens, nothing else.

Fuck this company.

shrimpazoid ,

Their single use surfboards are THE WORST

RizzRustbolt ,

And don’t get me started on their Home Episiotomy Kits.

retrieval4558 ,

Best to get those secondhand through eBay or craigslist imo

franklin , avatar

And razors that are the worst too

thesporkeffect , in Lemmy about to implode.

I keep noticing an alex jones game selling for 20 bucks on steam and wishing I had a way to deface it or harm him personally in some way

CleoTheWizard , avatar

Came across this game too. I took a peek in the discussions for the game and oh boy was that a trip. I’d suggest making some post in there about his court cases or something. IMO steam probably shouldn’t allow anything about jones on their storefront period.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Choices you can make before you sell a game called “Sex with Hitler.”

grue , (edited )

On the bottom right of the page, next to “Share” and “Embed,” there’s a flag icon. Click it, and you can report the product. I figured “Defamatory” was a likely category…

thesporkeffect ,

Thanks Grue, I reported it for defamation. I wonder if it would be possible to land a DMCA claim against the game on top of the report

Zerush , in Were back baby! avatar

It’s because Monday hangover after the holidays

jlow ,

Awww, server such a cutie!

conorab ,

It’s running KDE, what do you expect? 😛

ILikeBoobies , in I was able to learn React though
thatsTheCatch , in Wrong explanations only

Rub the stick back and forth against the other to generate free wifi for the worms. They can’t repay you in away way but they will be very thankful

LemmyKnowsBest ,

No they can repay you by crawling into your bed at night when you are at your most vulnerable deepest stage of sleep.

thatsTheCatch ,

I love how they feel

ComradePedro , in Recursive authentication avatar

Aegis Authenticator is the best 🏆

burgersc12 ,

Best one out there

onlyfans ,

Thank you, how about for iOS users?

ComradePedro , avatar

Just switch to Android/AOSP lol I’ve heard good things about Raivo Authenticator for Apple devices, although I’ve never used it myself.

theo ,

Unfortunately, Microsoft will often force their own 2FA app when logging in to 365.

LemmyIsFantastic ,

No they don’t. That’s a configuration setting.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

If your admins change the default away from Authenticator only they see bright red “MS 365 insecure” banners.

So… Its a dark pattern that technically allows other options.

dayvid ,

TOTP codes can be phished. Technically FIDO2 keys like Yubikeys are one of the only phishing-resistant authenticators out there now, because they’re tied to the official domain of the real site and won’t authenticate to a fake.

Passkeys are similarly phishing resistant, and Microsoft Authenticator will basically have passkey support added early this year. For now it’s actually not phishing resistant! Though it’s somewhat better than TOTP.

The issue is that phishing resistance is important but it doesn’t stop session stealing (someone getting ahold of the cookie on your computer that confirms you’re signed in and have done MFA). But it does make it harder to steal sessions because phishing resistance means attackers need to get it from your computer instead of intercepting a fake login.

Just a little technical backstory around why admins are needing to lock down auth methods in more ways as attacks become more sneaky and the more sophisticated attacks become automated and easier and thus more frequent.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

I would use a yubikey if Microsoft let me :)

Our admin tried allowing me to but there were errors.

bdonvr ,

Not true, I’ve always used Authy.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

It became true in the past 6 months for me after always using Aegis.

pineapplelover ,

Unless your organization forces specifically microsoft authenticator, then yeah. However, for several schools, that’s never been an issue, there should be an option to use a third party authenticator in small text.

Weslee , in This is the year, guys.

Everyone without a gf now has to take it in turns being gf to each other, sorted!

Kecessa ,

Hence the rainbow colored 2024

Speculater , avatar

I got you bro

Steve ,


Kecessa ,

You want a handy? We’re there for you!

TheDarksteel94 ,

Hey Bro, want a brojob?

Agent641 ,

Its not gay if you do it sarcastically

TheDarksteel94 ,

Just leave your socks on

Gonzako ,

This really reminds me of a vid I watched about the incel to trans pipeline

match , avatar

the way incels talk about women really sounds like jealousy tbh

Draegur ,

It’s surprisingly wholesome hearing people who used to hate women in their earlier lives suddenly illustrating with profound astonishment how much happier and how much more whole they began to feel when they started taking estrogen…

Even if they’re still describing it with internalized self-inflicted contempt and disgust.

And it makes me almost dare to hope, “maybe this gal will realize that she feels good because it’s RIGHT…?”

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