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demizerone , in Never forget what they took from us...

I got Max Max on steam for $5 a few years ago. Worth it.

joe_cool ,

Steam version has Denuvo. GOG version doesn’t. Other than that they should be the same. I noticed only differences in load times.

It’s a fun game and runs great on a potato. $5 is definitely worth it.

SPRUNT , in I go out of my way to not crap at work.
Dumbkid , in Never forget what they took from us... avatar

Don’t care about achievements play games till like 70% then drop them. If it stops being fun I’m done, finishing a game is never a requirement don’t have time for that

zaphod ,

Yeah, play the story and sidequests but don’t do any of the collectibles that are often necessary for 100%.

lightnsfw ,

I got to like 98% in RDR2 before I realized the gambling ones were going to be a giant pain in the ass. At that point I was in too deep to give up. I watched all 3 Robocop movies in one sitting and still didn’t complete the last blackjack one. Eventually got it but that was a frustrating experience.

Omgpwnies ,

The truly infuriating part is there’s likely lots of people out there that got them on the first try or by accident

lightnsfw ,

Yea I was like looking for a solution online because I was like “there’s no way you’re just supposed to brute force this” and came across so many people that were like “no there’s no trick but I got in like 30 minutes”

grrgyle ,

Yeah unless the story is good I’m rarely going to stick around for the last bit, which is usually just padding. Actually, good difficulty levels / other accessibility options have been a nice development.

Let’s you turn down the volume on the gameplay so you can finish for the story.

jh29a , in Three Wishes

the real reason he didn’t deduct the wish from your total is because that would make him a wish fund manager

NickwithaC , in Three Wishes avatar



samus12345 , avatar

Both words are considered acceptable, although abolition is indeed preferred.

k110111 ,

I also concur that the esteemed poster is indubitably correct.

samus12345 , avatar

‘Course, we also ain’t tryin’ to write all fancy-like here. We’s writin’ colloquially, see?

Aurenkin , in good enough title

We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it - Adhocretes.

eezeebee , avatar

“Do as I say, not as I do” - Hypocrites

perishthethought ,

“I’m itchy and sweaty” – Testicles

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks ,

“Don’t buy a boat” - Tantacles

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks , in good enough title

Merlin warned me against this dude when I was a fish.

disguy_ovahea , in Three Wishes

Second wish is for a version of communism that actually works on a large scale.

Eheran ,

Just have to love that you get downvoted for something so basic. “Nah, the current and past versions were fine!” Like what the fuck?

copd ,

It’s probably the same people who downvoted the meme. Effectively people who don’t want ANY version of communism

10_0 ,

Communism: the best economic system in the world. that no one uses. Capitalism: everyone uses it.

PopOfAfrica ,

The post has 23 upvotes. What are you on about?

Eheran ,

It had 0 when I commented.

I can not see the number of up/down votes, sadly, they copied that flaw from Reddit.

kamenlady , avatar

I can’t see the number of downvotes at a glance, but i can see that it has 152 upvotes and that 82% of people upvoted the post.

I’m far too lazy now, but this should be enough to do the math and get the number of downvotes or do you mean something else?

Eheran ,

152 is the sum of the + and -1 votes 82 % were + So 18% were - So 18% of + were canceled from the - So what we see is the remaining 64% positive, which means that 100 % are 237 votes (42 downvotes, 195 upvotes)

To me, the post has 48 upvotes (net positive).

BubbleMonkey ,

Interesting. My app allows me to have them separate, so I see all the up separate from all the down, and always have. I refused early on to use anything that combines them because I want the full picture of engagement.

If you use an app, check through the settings and see if it’s supported (all the iOS apps I tested have it). Idk about web, might be something to look into tho since the data is all there, so it’s just be a matter of handling.

Eheran , (edited )

Using Connect, I will have a look! Yes, setting exists, nice!

BubbleMonkey ,

Sweet, glad that worked.

Welcome to the better side of Lemmy. 🫡

jaybone ,

Welcome to Lemmy.

yogthos , avatar

Seems like the opposite is the case with a blatantly false statement getting massive upvotes from the radlibs of lemmy.

Sop ,

That’s actually pretty easy once capitalist USA is abolished and thus no longer violently interfering with the internal affairs of socialist countries.

IsoSpandy ,

I am not so knowledgeable so forgive my ignorance, but why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens? Are the concepts of personal privacy with freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Again this is not sarcastic, I genuinely wish to know.

PS I also hate capitalism from the core of my guts.

proceduralnightshade ,

why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens?

Corporations have this knack too. Everybody in power does. It’s just that one privately owned corporation can only reach so far.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

Are the concepts of freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

Not necessarily, and I also disagree with the commenter above that without the USA suddenly the world would be singing kumbaya.

The problem was dictators seizing power in turbulent times. In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union. I think that says a lot.

In Romania (I’m a bit better equipped to talk about this one), things were a bit different.

The original communist government (1945) was essentially a Russian puppet state that drained the wealth of Romania via war reparations. Stalinist purges happened often during this period.

During the 1950s and early 1960s, Romania got a degree of independence and things were actually looking up. Society in general (infant mortality, gender equality, literacy, standard of living, etc) were all improving rapidly without Russia draining us and making decisions for us, and we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later. This was a period marked by political battles between the liberal communists and the Stalinist communists for control, with Stalinists commiting some pretty horrible atrocities (if you want nightmare fuel for some reason, look up the Pitesti experiment).

Then, 1965, Ceacescu took power. During his early years, he actually looked like a liberal (EDIT: Just to be clear: I mean a liberal communist. This means more individual freedom for citizens in a communist economy). He allowed some emigration, some free speech, and even spoke out about the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This, at the start, did not look like a typical authoritarian communist state. Unfortunately, Inspired by the “amazing” society of North Korea in 1971, he started to make changes in the structure of society to be more like it, which included an expanded Securitate. 2 years later, harsh austerity policies to repay foreign loans led to a massive drop in living conditions, which led to riots, which led to crackdowns. Things rapidly spiralled, and the Securitate were given more and more power to keep control.

This then became the police state that everybody thinks of when they think of communism. A combination of too much power in 1 person’s hands, an authoritarian imperialist overlord (Russia), and rising backlash against dropping living conditions.

xilona ,

“we didn’t have a surveilance state of the scale that would come later”

For all of you that preach communism please make an imagination exercise just for a minute and imagine what kind of Authoritarianism you ask for when you will have a neverseen kind of Technological Communism, using current available surveillance technology (in place) like your smartphone for example (which I know a lot of people don’t know what is its real use…)

*Multumesc Tovarasi!

OurToothbrush ,

In Russia, Stalin abolished the soviets (A.K.A worker’s councils, kinda like mega unions) in the Soviet union.

Are you referring to the constitution of 1936, which established 4 layers of representative councils (local, regional, national, union) as Stalin dissolving the Soviets?

  1. why do you think that is worse
  2. why do you blame it on Stalin? Seems like a thing that was written and implemented pretty democratically.
Barbarian , avatar

No, I’m not talking about the 1936 constitution. I meant specifically the disempowerment of local and union soviets.

I’m no expert on Russian history, so I may be misinformed about this, but as far as I understand it he put in place a series of reforms that stripped power from the local level and empowered the central committee.

Cowbee , avatar

This is partially true. Issues arose from trying to marry central planning with localized production, so there were a series of reforms that shifted the balance of control. This didn’t end worker representation, it was a major shift that changed its form as the USSR industrialized and grew beyond where it once was.

Was it perfect and entirely democratic? No. Was it far more democratic than Capitalism? Absolutely, without question.

OurToothbrush ,

Shifted power in the sense of the local branches were federated within the same structure now, but honestly that seems more accountable and democratic?

Sop ,

Because once the dictatorship of the proletariat is installed it needs to defend itself from counter revolutionaries who want to reinstate class inequality. Actually similarly to how the US and other capitalist states are heavily surveilling and infiltrating communist and other anti capitalist groups in- and outside of their own countries.

Cowbee , avatar

It’s less that Communist States have massive intelligence networks on their own populace because they are Communist, and more that states kinda just do that. American privacy violations are horrifying.

The “difference” largely comes from bourgeois media overplaying the bad elements and underplaying the good elements of Communist projects, while downplaying the bad elements and overplaying the good elements of Capitalist projects.

Combine this with the widespread fact that the US intentionally infiltrates and destabilizes states that even flirt with Socialism in the Global South, with hundreds of assassination attempts on figures like Castro, and it starts to seem more reasonable.

xilona ,

Indeed Communists never manipulated the media… Jesus!

Cowbee , avatar

Did I at any point say they didn’t? I was explaining why that happens, lmao.

xilona ,

Knowing the why means that one sane person would not want to do the same mistake again if (s)he learned the lesson in the first place…

hope you get what I’m saying…

Cowbee , avatar

What “same mistakes?” Capitalism? Yes, I agree, we should abolish it and progress towards Socialism.

OurToothbrush ,

Literally everyone uses the media that way, media always has bias and if you’re ignorant to it you should be more wary.

xilona ,

Maybe it is time to start abolishing media and advertising in the first place…

*I bet a lot of those downvoting work in advertising/media… No pun intended.

OurToothbrush ,

Nah, the issue is capitalist control of it.

xilona ,


HuntressHimbo ,

Media nah leave it, advertising I’d absolutely be down for. Advertising and Marketing are essentially the science of tricking our brains, and when that lever is exposed to capital you get enshittification and misery.

xilona ,

Media is advertising 🙂

HuntressHimbo ,

All advertising is media, not all media is advertising 🤷‍♂️

OurToothbrush ,

Basically when you do a socialist revolution your national bourgeoisie and international bourgeoisie are willing to crush it through any means necessary. You unfortunately have to use the machinery of the state to protect from bourgeois subversion, or you get shit like Indonesia, Chile, overthrow of the USSR through executive coup, etc.

IsoSpandy ,

Thank you all for the valuable insight. I can’t reply to everybody individually so I am replying as a collective. From what I can surmise, basically, the state becomes the sort of mega Corp that capitalism inevitably breeds and data mining becomes legal as you are the law and data mining is necessary to hold power and prevent further revolutions.

It makes me wonder, how do new economic models come to be? Does it always have to be Einsteinian, that one man is a genius, or can economics do collective progress like modern science. Obviously economics has more artificial hurdles to overcome, but we should have something better by now when we know that both systems suck. I don’t know, I am just a random guy on the internet

BTW, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the root cause of these problems is one human having enough power to decide life and death of another human. Like maybe due to our origin by subjugation of other species, but people holding power over other people is creating a huge crap fest. Plus there is the worst inequality of all… Inequality of BIRTH.

Honestly,i dont know, most dystopias come about because of some persons dream of utopia.

TrickDacy , avatar

Yeah, right…

moshtradamus666 ,

I think we have enough tech today to make it better

volvoxvsmarla ,

That’s an interesting take, wanna tell me more? (I’m sick right now and my brain cells don’t function well enough to think for myself but that’s unironically an interesting take)

funkless_eck ,

that the means of production are very easily owned by the working class and petit bourgeoisie? throw a dart at a list of SaaS products.

ikidd , avatar



Pick one.

funkless_eck ,

well I meant that most business tools have a free/affordable tier or competitor, there’s little structure holding back a profit-sharing model in terms of infrastructure

ikidd , avatar

Yah, the pervasive surveillance should help immensely and totally not be used against the people.

yogthos , avatar

wait until you find out what this tech is used for under capitalism

yogthos , avatar

Why do people in the west have the need to keep pretending that communism doesn’t work at scale when there’s plenty of evidence that it does?

billgamesh ,

Because, it helps them justify living under an economic system which harms them and the world

yogthos , avatar

yeah, it’s basically capitalist realism

Fogle ,

Yeah lets not look at the large scale capitalism that is definitely working for society

xenoclast ,

Shit, we have examples or socialized markets that run whole economies. We don’t need to go far… Shit enforcing the current rules equally would change the world…

samus12345 , avatar

If you’re wishing anyway, you might as well go to the root of the problem and change human nature.

Cowbee , avatar

What does “Human Nature” have to do with organizational structures?

samus12345 , avatar

Humans are too tribal for communism to work on a large scale. Making them see all humanity as their tribe would be a good start.

Cowbee , avatar

…why? What on Earth are you talking about? Is this mysticism or something?

samus12345 , avatar

Because communism requires everyone to be willing to work for the betterment of society, not money. But unless everyone (or at least almost everyone) does that, it doesn’t work.

Cowbee , avatar

Does it?

samus12345 , avatar

Depending on what definition of communism you choose to use.

Cowbee , avatar

Where did you get yours?

fossilesque , (edited ) in Never forget what they took from us... avatar

Please recommend me your favourite story games. This is me and I’m in need of a good ‘book.’ :)

Edit: I’m going to tell you all to play Night in the Woods. Now, it is set in my home region and felt like a game made for me, but I think it has messages anyone could relate to.

Frozzie , avatar

I have played “The Invincibles” recently. It’s a beautiful walking sim.

Absolute_Axoltl ,

Disco Elysium

fossilesque , avatar

The only run I haven’t done is the fascist run because I cannot be a dick to Kim.

taiyang ,

Favorite point and click adventure: Sam and Max. They recently remastered the first season. Funny/silly game.

CptEnder ,

Star Wars Fallen Order has a great story and really fun gameplay.

Cowbee , avatar

In Stars and Time is especially appropriate for Pride Month!

Disco Elysium is phenomenal as well.

Poop ,

Sea of Stars.

I’m listening to the soundtrack right now and it’s awesome. The story is decent and the graphics and design are top notch. It was so captivating that I pretty much didn’t play anything else while I was working through the game.

KuroiKaze ,

I have to say is this is clearly the closest gaming has come to a sequel to Chrono trigger

BowtiesAreCool ,

Story first games: Tacoma, What Remains of Edith Finch, Life Is Strange, Botany Manor(more puzzle than story), Open Roads, Lake, Deliver Us The Moon, Firewatch, Kona, Day of the Tentacle (The remaster is incredible)

For more standard shoot or action games with good writing/story I love the remedy games, Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Control.

I was never a huge fan of Telltale style story games that much, but I really enjoyed the Back to the Future one that came out years back. Not sure if that’s still available anywhere though.

Sotuanduso ,

Tales of Vesperia. I like the combat system most, but the story’s pretty good, and there’s a lot of optional content.

Sharkwellington ,

Spiritfarer, To the Moon, Gris (no words in this one but still a good story imo), anything SuperGiant has ever made with my favorite being Transistor.

ChewTiger ,

Definitely anything SuperGiant. Bastion, Hades, and Transistor are some of the only games I’ve actually finished, and the sound tracks are incredible.

KuroiKaze ,

Best response

Sarmyth ,

I recently got “Yakuza Like a Dragon” from my Humble Choice bundle and it’s so good it’s made me want to check the rest of the series.

FilthyHookerSpit ,

Yakuza 0 was absolutely fantastic, kiwami 1 was ok and kiwami 2 was also good

KuroiKaze ,

It’s maybe my fav series in gaming. Kiryu is so much better than ichiban

Carlo ,

I picked up “Yakuza 0” on sale not too long ago, and I’m enjoying it so much that I picked up the rest of the remastered series while it was on sale. Based on how long I’m spending mucking around in the first one, It may take me the rest of my life to get through them all. I don’t know how “Like a Dragon” compares to the earlier games, but I really enjoy the narrative, combat, sub-stories, and mini-games in “0”.

As an aside, I really enjoy a well-done pool mini-game. I probably spent more time playing pool in the various space stations in “Rebel Galaxy Outlaw” than doing anything else. Likewise, Kiryu spends a lot of time in the pool hall, as well as hanging around the batting cages, and fine-tuning his pocket racers.

nickwitha_k ,

Don’t know that they’ll all be ported to PC but the Supermassive standalones (Until Dawn, The Quarry) and Dark Pictures Anthology are great, if you like horror movies. I prefer to watch my wife play them. They’re literally like interactive/choose your own adventure films.

FilthyHookerSpit , (edited )

Nier automata, nier replicant, Yakuza like a dragon, FF7R, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Control, star wars fallen order/survivor

quafeinum , avatar

‘Outer wilds’ don’t look it up. The most fun is play ing it for the first time. It doesn’t hold your hand though.

Incandemon ,

Seconding this, and its a great game but only if you do like games where there is a story line, but its up to you to find it.

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

Thirding lol

sunred , avatar

Fourthing, my absolute favourite game.

PolarisFx , avatar

YouTube started recommending Outer Wilds videos, intermixed with my Minecraft: Create mod videos and I was very confused what mod it was

sunshine ,

I’ve read that comment a lot and it makes me feel like there’s something big that I might spoil if I ever Google about it. But like I’m a couple dozen hours in at this point… After how many hours of playtime would you say the “don’t look it up” advice expires?

Fuckfuckmyfuckingass , avatar

I think there are guides that gently point you in the right direction, without too many spoilers.

I definitely got stuck on a few things.

rotopenguin , avatar

The Blackwell series, West of Loathing, Talos Principle II, To The Moon series.

onlooker , avatar

Seconding the Blackwell series, with a caveat. The earlier games can be a little rough around the edges, resulting in a few Guide Dang It! moments. Walkthroughs are your friends.

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Mostly in alphabetical order going down my steam list:

Great stories great games: Tales of Symphonia and Vesperia, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky trilogy, Metal Gear Solid, 2, and 3, Subnautica, Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Hollow Knight, Spec Ops: The Line, A Hat in Time, Hades, Doom, Deus Ex, Eternal Sonata, F.E.A.R., FF6, FF13-2, Nier Replicant & Automata, Sleeping Dogs, Undertale, Valkyria Chronicles (admittedly haven’t beaten it though).

Mindless fun simple stories: Ys (almost any of them), My Time at Portia or Sandrock, Resident Evil games, Rune Factory 4 and 5, Harvest Moon 64 and Friends of Mineral Town, Stray, Amnesia, Armored Core 6, Have a Nice Death, I am Setsuna, Life is Strange, Neon White, Cyberpunk 2077.

If you had to twist my arm I’d give you these variations of top recommendations.

Best typical JRPG: Tales of Symphonia

Best Metroidvania: Hollow Knight

Best where choices matter: Undertale

Best fps: Spec Ops: The Line

Best comfy story: My Time at Portia

Best environmental storytelling: Subnautica

Best simple stories in stories: A Hat in Time

Best story with a bajillion endings and things to keep playing for: Nier Automata (play Replicant too!)

velox_vulnus ,

Have you tried Triangle Strategy?

blanketswithsmallpox ,

Negative. I’ll take a look, thanks.

Atrichum ,

Pillars of Eternity. I’ve owned the game for 8 years but finally sat down recently to learn how to play a classic CRPG. I haven’t been this engrossed in a game since Mass Effect 2 or Skyrim.

i_stole_ur_taco ,

I absolutely adored a low budget game called Firewatch. It’s first person and your only contact with another human is through a radio. You’re running away from your life and work for a summer in a fire watch tower in a national park.

The story is nice and the characters are interesting and flawed and relatable.

Buy it on sale and have a fun evening or two with it.

TheOakTree ,

Bastion will make you feel like you’re reading a book. It’s one of my all-time favorites, by the developers now best known for Hades.

MonkeMischief ,

“Proper story’s s’posed to start at the beginning…”

“Kid just rages for awhile.”

That game is still fantastic.

pumpkinseedoil ,

Witcher 3. The story is insanely good, just remember: your decisions matter (but don’t look anything up).

Some people say it’s hard to get into it and to be fair it is a bit complicated first but you don’t have to use all mechanics, and it’s well worth getting into it.

It just got an official mod creator (yes, that game from… 2015? (graphics from 2022 since there was a huge graphics update) still got a new update in 2024) and the community still is strong so it’ll get even better over the next years.

MonkeMischief ,

Oh sweet nobody’s mentioned it yet! One of my personal favorite “book-feeling games” is an FPS series.

Linear, tightly focused, and feels like a novel because it’s based on one:

Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last Light.(Haven’t played Exodus yet)

You play a young fella named Artyom. Living in formerly-Russia’s metro tunnels with other survivors after a nuclear apocalypse devastates the surface.

Your settlement comes under threat from seemingly psychic creatures called “the Dark Ones”, and you’re sent on a quest to go get help.

Across the way is a bit of a “coming of age” adventure. You run across really interesting and well-acted characters, sneak past hostile factions, contend with scary (and diversely behaviored) mutants, and risk dangerous excursions on the surface. This is a dark world where gasmask filters are precious and bullets are literally currency, but somehow it’s still beautiful and fascinating.

(That intro guitar melody will stay with me forever.)

Like any good hero, Artyom finds himself in one bad situation after another, and along the way if you pick up on the hints, may even come to understand the world around him and the role he plays in it.

There’s a morality system that’s more subtle than “be boyscout or be a villain”, and “ranger difficulty” is an amazing way to play because it makes gunfights feel tense and realistic.

You can only take a few hits in this mode, but unlike in most games, so can your enemies! It makes things feel much less “bullet spongey.”

Everyone begged for an “open world” experience and we got Exodus which is supposed to be awesome, but something will always stay close to me about this post apocalypse story that takes you on a focused, well paced, and at times emotional ride to save a transformed world.

And that’s just the first title mostly.

You won’t be running between towns for hours or making rubber bands and glue into machineguns. You’ll still feel like you’re surviving, but know exactly where you’re supposed to be going.

They go for super cheap on GoG and Steam all the time. Well worth the experience. :)

Gremour ,

Martha is Dead. A tragic and frightening story. Heed to the warnings they give at the start, tho. My wife literally got sick from playing it. No other game or movie has touched me that deep.

supersquirrel ,
BlueMagma ,

“To the moon”, it will take you 4h to finish and the story is awesome, it’s worth playing in a single playthrough. I wish I could forget and play it again.

paultimate14 ,

Just looking through my HLTB at things I’ve done recently:

The Ace Attorney series Sucker for Love Coffee Talk Haven (good for co-op)

If you want a bit more gameplay, but still chill:

Paradise Killer Braid Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

More gameplay focused:

Control Portal Wargroove Cat Quest Knack (I know it’s a meme, but the games are actually pretty fun)

TheBluePillock ,

Steins;Gate. It starts slow, but once it picks up it’s amazing and puts all that slow build up to good use. Not sure if it technically counts though. Visual novels are a weird middle ground that aren’t really book or game, but there are some really good ones. Definitely the way to go if you’re in more of a reading mood but want some art and music to go with it.

Sidyctism2 ,

Disco Elysium. Its an RPG, but most skills have an application both in the world but also in conversations (of which there are a lot, and very well written). Its got a very bitter-sweet vibe to it.

zerofk ,

You got a lot of great recommendations already, but I want to add one more indie game: Lost Words Beyond the Page. Gameplay is simple and it’s not very long, but the writing is excellent.

Hugh_Jeggs , in Guess how my day started

Note for Europeans -

This is a weird US thing. Their toilets are an odd trap design with a floor level outlet, plus the pipework is narrower and more likely to block.

Regarding sinks, for some reason bottle traps like we have scare them, so they can’t just unscrew the trap to clean it

You, however, are very unlikely to ever need a plunger at any point in your life

jubilationtcornpone ,

Yeah, toilets in American homes tend to rely on a siphon to evacuate the bowl so the outlet has to be narrower. Also, Bidets are not very common so most people [insufficiently] clean themselves with toilet paper which is prone to causing clogs.

Personally, I installed a bidet a few years ago and I would never go back to not having one.

FooBarrington ,

I live in Europe, and somehow my toilet gets blocked every couple of months. Might have to just clean it properly with a spiral, but so far the plunger has always worked.

Just don’t be too aggressive. There will be backsplash.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Shitty builders exist everywhere, your toilet is the excrementception to the rule

Lemzlez ,

I’ve been to the US exactly once in my life, and I clogged the toilet at the hotel I stayed at. Never had it at home.

Probably just coincidence, but hey

Hugh_Jeggs ,

You went to a country with incredibly poor-quality, high fibre ultra-processed food, coupled with medieval-level plumbing, then clogged a toilet and said -

Probably just coincidence



instantnudeln , in Three Wishes

Problem as always with these Wishes. You didn’t really clarify what we will have instead of capitalism. Now he changed the world to some entire new system that no one ever thought of before that is even worse. :o You need to state as much detail as possible when wishing

MehBlah , in Big scared

Fear is the primary emotion of any dude who calls or thinks themselves a alpha.

Potatos_are_not_friends , in Never forget what they took from us...

I typically buy all the “best game of the year” games at steep discounts. Some of them really embrace a “live” game service and require hundreds of hours a season, which isn’t my thing.

But my most played game last year was Vampire Survivors, A single player game that looks like it came from the SNES era.

aphlamingphoenix ,

Vampire Survivors is so much better than it has any right to be. It’s a great way to kill time if I have my Steam Deck around.

Cowbee , avatar

Patient Gamers stay winning.

CoolerOpposide , in Get rich quick avatar

All of this to run a program that is essentially typing a question into Google and adding “Reddit” at the end of it.

They spent so much time disconnected from reality and trying to create artificial intelligence that they forgot regular intelligence exists

Assian_Candor ,

Yeah but you have to click a link

Also the results are worse

blanketswithsmallpox , in Big scared

Reminds me of the fight porn video on reddit recently where a sp./port. Andrew Tate elbowed someone out because another guy fell asleep on his shoulder ring the subway and he had to have a closet gay fit of felonies.

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